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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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if my chest is high, i am hungry , then i could fit a few kilograms here, so to speak, on my stomach, this one belted out, and i sat for three hours in his office in the lviv office of the kgb with that cargo, with this bomb that i have , so to speak, hid on this, this is what it means, this is what the words of vyacheslav chornovol mean to walk on the edge of a knife. i'm sorry, before we continue, i will quote you that when a criminal case was actually opened against the ukrainian herald, according to the kgb employees, the magazine was a threat the friendship of the soviet peoples, the national policy of the ussr, the state social order, because it could raise doubts about the possibility of building communism, weaken the authority of the soviet country on the international arena, we have now come to a very interesting point. at the moment, how these films, which
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you printed so, so hard , took pictures of, how they got to the west, where they were printed directly in the magazine, well, it was difficult, but it was fixed, to lviv and to kyiv very often, sometimes the chief came several times a month editor of duklja magazine, which was published in slovakia. in bratislava, uh, and pavlo was in contact with the union of writers, as the last name is pavlo, pavlo murashko, pavlo murashko, that is, with the lviv, lviv union, a branch of the union of writers of ukraine and in kyiv, and we met with pavel, he took this microfilm in the car , he drove across the border. i was going to ukraine through chop, and
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hiding this miniature film in the car was not a problem, it was already a report from bratislava through foreign journalists, it was easier to go first to paris, to the society named after shevchenko, to transfer, and from there already in baltimore to osip zinkevich, and there osip was already decoding the tape. and it came out, the herald came out already as a book, and then it went to radio svoboda, then i already spoke, it was translated into several languages, and already the world has an audience of a million, and it was for the union, it was scarier than the atomic bomb, there was a meeting, it was for me evgeny kyrylovych marchuk, when he was with me on the fifth channel in the program, told me when i asked him... about the criminal case under
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the code name blok and how he or does he know about a ukrainian herald, he says, let me explain that yevgeny kyrylovych marchuk is also a ukrainian politician who was, who was also the minister of defense, headed the national security and defense council, but he also worked, was also headed by a general of the kgb in soviet times, the first head of the security service of ukraine, the first head of the service safety, it is very important, and likewise. it is possible to say that this operation of the kgbi block, this is actually, this was the result of this operation, the arrests of 1972, actually this arrested kolyada, with whom we started a conversation, and part of this development the ukrainian herald was also part of the big kgbi operation block, and now i want us to listen to osip zinkevich, since we started talking about the publisher and the later head of the publishing house. osip zinkevich's candlesticks, this is what
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he says about chornovol and the ukrainian herald. if it weren't for chornovil, if it weren't for the heralds later going crazy, i doubt very much who would have proclaimed the independence of ukraine. so already information about events, about arrests, about repressions, about russification, was spread by dozens of copies of gazetteers, but this is already spread to millions of listeners. radio liberty voice of america , other stations also broadcast something, and chornovol had a vision of the future, how to achieve independence , no one in those days, it was the 70s, believed that the most powerful country of all time, the soviet union, would fall apart, that's me i doubt whether at that time, and today, that small group of people who were spreading, there were more and more supporters both in lviv and in kyiv, and it had already begun... this process of fighting with completely different
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means for the independence of the ukrainian state, is it true that the diaspora did not believe at first, in the west people in... did not believe that such a thing could come from ukraine, yes, and that they thought that it might be a development of the kgb, some kind of provocation, absolutely, if it was more time, he is talking about it, osyp zinkevich tells, he says that the reaction of the ukrainian diaspora was strange, but the powerful soviet propaganda worked, this is precisely its lustration, how it worked, how effectively it worked, that even ukrainians believed that ukraine as such was already no, it dissolved in the soviet union, and and everything, about which there is not much to say, they sent, well, people there, such a girl, i remember, he also mentions her, who, well
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, had to meet, she came from the west to you to check, yes, yes, yes , yes, in what year was it, it was, it was somewhere, somewhere, somewhere somewhere... after the disaster appeared somewhere in the 69th-70th year, that is, a person came from the diaspora who learned here that she handed over the photos, proofs, proofs of existence, but the most interesting thing in this story with the ukrainian herald is that even before the arrests , yacheslav somehow felt, understood that this is how we it won't do, gently and easily, he... foresaw that he would be tied up, even if there was evidence or not, they organized the evidence, and they really organized it, there was no evidence, after january 12, they assembled such a team of professors , academicians
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of the university of lviv, who were supposed to conduct an examination of vyacheslav's official texts, because he was published in newspapers, all of the texts that were included in... that's why they drew the conclusion that the texts were placed in an anti-soviet magazine, which everyone gives all epithets to , in that enemy magazine, may belong, may to belong to peru vyacheslav chornovol, and he then mocked and wrote such a review of this publication, already in prison, well, he bombed that pro'. sorry, he did not leave a trace of them, he said, yes, yes, as chornovil knows how, and said that the main proof was that, so to speak, these are my texts in the ukrainian gazette, the main proof was that after the end of each
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there was a period in the sentence, but there is another interesting story that you agreed with chornovol, what... so about the sixth and the last one for that period , so at that time the number of the ukrainian driver was already after his arrest. let's start with the direct speech of vyacheslav chornovol, where he talks about it, and then we will continue. please. it was agreed that if i was imprisoned, i would have to continue publishing the magazine. the magazine was hidden by various good people, maybe some of them are in this hall. it was agreed that it would be necessary for someone to continue, and this particular person from... i agreed that he would continue this work, and now he is a well-known figure and so on, when i was arrested and, but all these things remained somewhere , unfinished, something, he said i'm sorry, there's a family, children, i can't, and just then, athena rushed to mykhailo kosiv, and mykhailo kosiv, who also had a family and
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children, together with athena pashko made the sixth issue of the ukrainian herald, which was published already two or three months after my arrest, he got abroad and... with balamutiv our dear kgb, who will finally release him? mykhailo, show yourself again, i.e. mykhailo kosiv already after the arrest of chornovlai, they did it together with how did chornovila find out about it, who told him? well, first of all, it's, well, really the uniqueness of chornovol, what he predicted exactly. such an option is possible, and what was the kgb to do when he was reprimanded, well , proved, and questioned, and witnesses, all this, when you take the fifth volume of vyacheslav chornovol, there the whole valya wrote out the criminal case of her
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chornovol, and everyone, every interrogation began, what do you know about the ukrainian herald, this was the main topic at all those interrogations that... were conducted with us, but, vyacheslav, one more such idea that was realized, he says, i'll be on, tonality. and interrogations with his investigator, i will feel, because they are such that i see through them and everything, if there is a need , a necessity, so to speak, to stop, i will pass a note through athena, because athena, as a wife communicated with the investigator, passed some products, some notes, of a domestic nature, they really censored these notes and everything, and if... then i feel that somewhere there they have already found some
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kind of some kind of connections, so they established connections , it means from some sign that somewhere there they know her about the ukrainian herald, then i will write through athena, i will also send such a note, warm socks are not for me. do not send warm socks, the ones i have are enough , period, so if such a note is warm socks, it means that everything must be destroyed , any things that would say that there could be evidence, could become evidence, and so on and so on further, and so it happened as agreed in one of the dates. the investigator brings, informs atena that he handed over, and vyacheslav
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handed over the note, which means that she still needs it, but, but don't hand over the warm socks, mykhailo, and mykhailo kossiv then drowned, and mykhailo, we must thank mykhailo, in front of all of ukraine, that he did a unique thing, and vyacheslav and i always joked, when he returned, that slavko... "when are you going to exhibit, we're older than you they shortened it, well, because in fact the kgb did not have direct evidence, so mikhail, mikhail was typing, on his own, he had some kind of smaller typewriter, but he, he only needed this introduction about these arrests and that the arrested and v yacheslav chornovil, and they were really confused, but this machine was there physical evidence, that's why they searched for typewriters, so vyacheslav mykhailo kosiv
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was typing at the house of stanislav lyutkevich, a well-known composer, and as mykhailo himself recounts, there was no time to show mykhailo's memory, mykhailo says that stace called him old man lyutkevich, he says, mr. mykhailo. but whatever it is that will give that piece of paper, that muscovite needs a gun, a gun is a gun, a gun, a gun, and so it is with sofia fedortseva, and of course, that's what mykhailo did i finished this thing, reprinted it, and then it went the same way, and somewhere like mykhailo says, and i, we listened. that snoring radio svoboda, because they silenced it, but i want us to finish this story, that mykhailo kotsiv drowned
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this car in the lake, so the accident happened, when we received a note that i no longer need warm shoes, i will wear out the ones i have, he drowned according to all the laws, and his test, he went, as if he went to the dacha, to the garden, and there was a lake near that garden. an accident found a boat somewhere and drowned this machine in the middle of that lake. listen, we only have 4 minutes left, but i want more, i have two more question. first of all, we are now talking about it as if it were some big adventure. in fact, it was a terribly dangerous thing, and it was a huge risk, and it didn't come easily, and it didn't go away with impunity. i know that pavlo mora was convicted in czechoslovakia. anna kotsyrov and grodtskyi, right? hanna kotserovova studied together with valentina at the university
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, she studied philology, and she passed one copy, one tape, through hana kotsarova, and somewhere the chekists were trying to find valentina, and me, and everyone who had a relationship with this student in slovak, hanna. kotserova, all the same, and unfortunately, unfortunately, they did not withstand those, so to speak, tortures, we were already hardened here, and valentin was categorically so. and they could not stand it, they said , yes, they confessed and were convicted, who in ukraine was punished, that is, directly for the ukrainian herald, for the ukrainian herald in ukraine, directly for the herald, so that there was no accusation of participation in the publication of ukraine, because there was no document, not a single one, no one confessed,
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no one handed it in, but mrs. myrosu, i'm in a hurry, but... have time to say: it is a colossal merit for us to speak today and for ukraine and the world to know about vyacheslav chornovol, er, there is valentina chornovil, his sister, his sister, she did a titanic job, she transcribed the entire criminal case by hand , there somewhere, i don't remember exactly how many volumes were not allowed to be rephotographed. opportunities, she copied by hand, and she arranged 10 volumes in 11 books, and this edition of the works of vyacheslav chornovol came out, and the third volume contains all six issues of the ukrainian herald posted, the fifth volume is dedicated
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to the criminal case of vyacheslav chornovol, all interrogation protocols, all... there is in this fifth volume extremely interesting to feel how dangerous zatia vyacheslava was, which was realized to the end and shook the soviet union with its ukrainian herald, this full-fledged, full-fledged magazine. here is one more thing to conclude, and this is what zinkevich says, and vyacheslav, mykhailo kosiv says that when a piece of paper on a single sheet was published, well, someone wrote on it and so on, and when a magazine is published, it means that the magazine must have a chief editor, a small team, that is, it is an already organized group of people who are united by a single idea, and implement what the whole world has learned about, and it
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is ukrainian merit. and its main, so to speak, executor, editor-in-chief vyacheslav chornovol, is simply unique in the collapse of the soviet union and in the breakthrough of this iron curtain that then existed between the union and the democratic world. mr. yaroslav, thank you also for helping to publish ukrainian gazettes, for your courage, courage, everything you did, and i thank you individually for your colossal video archive that you collected, because everything we see now about the first years of independence, about the student hunger strike of the 90s, even before this national-liberation the movement, these are all the shots that yaroslav kendzyur shot, i just
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keep reminding you with the camera, who recorded everything, right now. we actually have a unique archive of those times, if it were not for these footage, we would actually have a lot of this video transcript, the establishment of the ukrainian state yes, how many hours do you have, how many hours, well, it's hard to count, because there are 754 vhs format tapes, they are three hours, two, two hours, 120 minutes, well, in a word, these are colossal, colossal things, thousands of hours of video footage , a video chronicle, which is the title. but it is important not only for us, but also for our children and grandchildren, those who will come, i thank you very much for this conversation, thank you for inviting and taking up this topic, because it is very important for me and i understood it that is a part of my life. thank you for this conversation, thank you that in these holidays you devoted time to this topic,
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please remember the price of free speech. it was given to many generations of people before us, and we remember what we are fighting for and what we are fighting against today, be with the espresso tv channel, stay with us, these were our own names, yaroslav kendzyur, public figure, politician, was our guest today , thank you and i thank you. there has been an accident, nina galamask, your mother. are there other relatives? it looks like you have a grandfather.
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carpathians. ada's sink is behind the house. and the toilet is downstairs. where is he? and if there are no cigarettes , then what will you smoke, he says, well, if there are no cigarettes, then he will smoke village council, how long do you need , you need 10 days, this is what you should do, i did not come here to watch on old farts who collect pine cones in the forest, what will be your vakatsoroman, vakants, vakants novels. i ask you to pray
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to god, i ask you to drink, and tomorrow fly to your sunny italy, mykola, don't spill blood on your wedding night, mykola! where to go, come on, chris,
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vasyl zima's big air, this is the big air, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please have a word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the pig. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events from yevhen shepherd two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of her arrival, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine.
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events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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we are looking for ten-year-old darinka kharlova from the village of vesele, zaporizhzhia region. this settlement has been occupied since the beginning of a full-scale war, but the girl disappeared in june 2023, and in fact, the fate of daryna is already over. nothing is known for six months, so i really hope that, thanks to your care, the child will be found. please look carefully at the photo and try to remember darinka kharlova's face. if suddenly someone sees the girl or someone knows where she might be now, do not delay and dial the short number of the magnolia child search service from any mobile operator 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in total, since the beginning
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of the war, we have... received almost 3,000 requests for help in tracing. fortunately, the vast majority of the children have already been found, but still fate many remain unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication. sometimes people who cannot find their own children do not even know what to do or where to turn. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call. to the short number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who me now sees, can already help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them.
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i also want to remind you that the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny, who disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022, is also ongoing , his mother asked for help in finding the boy. imagine that a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than a year. i appeal to everyone who can to see or know any information about my child, my son, cold, artem andreyovych. if anyone has seen or heard any information. can provide, i am asking you very much to do this, because the mother's heart is breaking and the fact is that artem kholodny's parents are divorced and live separately, so it happened that when the war started, the boy was with his father in the city of kupyansk, kharkiv oblast, on the third on the day of the full-scale invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later the communication was cut off there, for almost six months ms. elena did not
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have any news about her... son and only in september 2022, i received a short message from him in viber. it was september, around september 10-13 last year, the 22nd. let me remind you that last september the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers , and it was during this period that the son of mrs. olena got in touch. of course, the woman tried to call artem, wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts... turned out to be in vain, the connection with the child was mysteriously lost again, and it is still unknown where artem kholodny is now, so your help is very important, look again at photo and remember the boy's face, he is a very active boy, fair-haired, with such a lean physique, he is already in the 50th grade, light-eyed, gray-blue eyes, active, kind, good boy, if
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suddenly someone saw artem... cold, or knows where he may be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the service's chatbot search for children in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against. of a child anywhere, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
7:00 am
greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. following moscow, in the port of occupied feodosia, our defenders destroyed the large amphibious ship novocherkask, he said. air force commander mykola olyschuk. he thanked to the pilots of the armed forces of ukraine for their meticulous work and posted a video of the fire in the port. around 3 o'clock in the morning , powerful explosions rang out in feodosia. according to some residents , the windows in their apartments were blown out by the shock wave. the air force did not suspect that the ship could bring iranian martyrs. new.


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