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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, espresso news time. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. following moscow, in the port of occupied feodosia, our defenders destroyed a large landing craft. the ship novocherkask, the commander of the air force mykola oleschuk said. he thanked the pilots of the armed forces of ukraine for their meticulous work and posted a video of the fire in the port. around 3 o'clock in the morning , powerful explosions rang out in feodosia, according to some residents , the windows in their apartments were blown out by the shock wave. the air force hinted that the ship could lead iranian shaheds. the draft law on mobilization
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is already in the verkhovna rada, it was submitted to the committees for consideration by the cabinet of ministers, the representative of the government in the parliament taras melnychuk said. in particular, the document envisages a change in the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, offers to give servicemen who were captured a 90-day leave with salary, and also the authors initiate and plan to give police powers. to issue summonses, and to introduce basic military training at all educational institutions. the document mentioned the limitation of rights for evaders, and for those who serve on the front line, rotation is mandatory no later than six months after the beginning of the combat mission. the information spread on social networks about the alleged 108 dead in one of the brigades in the avdiyiv direction is a fake.
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this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and once again urges ukrainians to observe information hygiene and check information before making it public. notifications about the deaths of children, allegedly during the journey home, were distributed on social networks on the eve of christmas. it was continued in donetsk region mandatory evacuation of the population. recently, the enemy has significantly increased the shelling of civilians. the residents, the military administration of the region informs, are being targeted with all types of weapons, primarily aimed at energy facilities. at the same time , the policemen said that the day before , they took out a severely wounded man from krasnohorivka under fire. a 60-year-old local man was walking to the store when the occupiers covered the residential quarters with dense fire, shells hit the store and exploded next to him, now the victim is in the hospital. was a local resident
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wounded, penetrating wound of the cranial cavity, with a kidney injury, the people who were nearby, they put him on the parapet behind the store and waited for our arrival, i don't know where he is, behind the store here. hide in the barn next to this neighbor and there near the barn. the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu , named three conditions that must be met for the end of the war in the gaza strip. it is about the destruction of hamas militants, the demilitarization of gaza and the deradicalization of palestinian society - writes wall street journal. also, according to the prime minister, in order to
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prevent new attacks, it will be necessary to establish a temporary security zone around the perimeter of the enclave and an inspection mechanism on the border with egypt. at the same time , israeli publications write that after a meeting with the tzahal soldiers, the head of the government said that in the coming days their army will increase combat operations and the war against hamas will last a long time. the czech republic called on all european states. help, so that ukraine can withstand the fight against the russian invasion. kyiv's support is not only armed, but also humanitarian, political, moral and finances is beneficial to european security, because it will allow to keep the aggressor country russia as far as possible from the borders of the eu, - stated the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lipavsky. he also criticized politicians who claim that they are tired of the war in
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ukraine. according to him, if the eu countries get tired, they will lose their freedom and sovereignty. thoughts that fell on paper: the first collection of documentary stories by the writer myroslava ukrainian, a kind of revision of life in the unoccupied luhansk region and the story of a long way to ukraine during the great war. the book was published in kremenchuk. it was in this place that the author found temporary shelter, work, and creative inspiration. the topic of iryna skrypachova will be continued. myroslava ukranian is a pseudonym, as oksana grennychenko admits, this is the real name of our heroine, she was forced to take it because of her parents, who still live in the occupied luhansk region. sorokyne is her hometown, where she had a home and an interesting job, which she had to
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leave in 2022 and flee across five borders, covering thousands of kilometers on the way to free ukraine. it was quite, quite a difficult road, but when we arrived. crossed the ukrainian border, finally, the first thing i did was get out of the car, kneel down, and i had such a quiet hysteria, and then i couldn't hold back tears and sobbed out loud, i was happy because we did it that we were able to come across all borders, that we are finally at home in our country, from this risky journey and the long journey to... home begins. the first story among 112 pages of stories in the documentary genre prose everything is written in hot tracks. both about herself and others, plunging into everyone's pain, the author admits. oksana says that she was inspired to publish the collection by members of the creative union of journalists in kremenchuchyna. it is here that
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our heroine lives, works and creates history today. she gave me the materials. i edited them, made them up. and... then we started thinking about how to name it, and then she says, you know, i really want my son's material to be here, i say, let it be, and nothing, i'm in the authors only, i say, it's okay , there it will already be written who he is, and here at the end there are also his reflections, all the stories that are collected in the stories are real, real, and this is their value, lesya lazorenko, editor-in-chief of the publication where she currently works as a journalist... yaroslava the ukrainian admits that she likes the author's style. she works with topics where it is necessary to write the life story of a certain person. and this is very impressive to me, because today, this is probably the most precious thing that we have, not
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information drives, but the history of life, interesting people, interesting personalities, so if it is currently here, she... has really blended into our team, and we appreciate her very much. myroslava ukrainian's book will be presented in a new exposition about the russian-ukrainian war, which is currently being prepared at the national museum of the history of ukraine in the second world war. iryna skrypachova, mykyta litskevich, oleksandr popenko, from kremenchuk for espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded. and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine kholodny yar. in extreme conditions ukrainian military forces win every day, leaving no wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving
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the wounded are greater. in general, our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 700,000. we have a little bit left to... close this collection, you can see all the necessary details on your screens now, so take out your phones, scan and deliver. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information at on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. my colleagues lesya vakolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. we will see each other less. than in an hour, wait, don't switch and stay with espresso.
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good morning to everyone watching the espresso tv channel. we are starting our informational marathon, which actually never stops, but we only have a break for one night slot in order to pass the baton to our colleagues as well. at least sometimes to colleagues from the information marathon "edyni news". today we count 671 days of the russian large-scale invasion , that is, we are approaching the two-year mark of a full-scale war with the russian federation . bridge. the so-called has resumed its work, the occupying authorities of crimea report this,
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however , access to the port of feodosia is still completely closed, it is written, in particular, the so-called head of crimea aksyonov , what is happening next, i want to inform you that the fire is contained, that is all that is known for now, we know of course that there is information that it is the destroyed enemy ship novocherkassk, lieutenant general mykola oleschuk reported this , commander of the air force of ukraine. what do these mean? this is already the work of the f16s, which may or may not already be in ukraine, we will also talk about all this today, well , roman vlasenko, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration mr. roman, good morning. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. what is the actual situation you have heard from severo-donetsk? well, in a military sense,
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the whole line is hot, the last few days very intense combat operations from bilogorivka, serebryansky forestry to above there makeivka, senkivka, the occupying forces have become very active, they are pulling up reserves, trying to storm, use. aviation, there are plus or minus no real successes there, but nevertheless activity is high. if it is about the severodonetsk district, in general about locals, then here again, the situation is critical, one might say, in terms of heating, the majority of the local population has never received heating, it is very telling that they are trying to carry out repairs there in severodonets. vysochansk, but the percentage of houses
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with heating remains at a low level, there is a lot of information about the arrival of repair crews in rubizhne-lysichansk, some local residents are happy, but a large part of lysichan and rubejansk understand that the situation in north donetsk will be repeated, when the houses will become simply... to open and take out everything that is there, and all this does not please the people, so globally, the tension is increasing, unemployment, there is no medicine, there is information that, in general, due to the occupation of luhansk region, the incidence of influenza, cold sores has increased greatly, schools are being closed, in such sense and situation, i say , especially not... yesterday, ukraine celebrated christmas for the first time with most of the world, and for
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the occupied luhansk region, it is obvious that there is no chance to even celebrate it yesterday, but nevertheless, do you think there are any a branch of, i don't know, the orthodox church ukrainians or greek-catholics or roman-catholics who, one way or another... could somehow celebrate christmas together with ukraine yesterday? well, to be honest, even before the full-scale aggression in these areas, it was not very good in our country, basically 99% of it was the moscow patriarchate, but i think that still people who consider themselves ukrainians, who follow what what is happening here are those who are waiting for the return of ukraine, they... even to show that they are ukrainians, if only for themselves, celebrate christmas, again and again
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calendar, and adhere to those traditions that are global in ukraine, but this is again indicative, the christmas eve holidays have already started there, santa clauses are walking around schools, in kindergartens, and there too... such a new year's eve stage of papedobesia begins minister of defense of the russian federation shuigu announced the release of mari yesterday. that's how it sounded, in fact, it was refuted by the ukrainian general staff, who state that marinka is still not captured by the russian federation to the end, and on the other hand, i understand that marinka as a populated the point simply does not exist anymore, that is, we saw the last video report, if we can show it
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again, it, it is literally completely, completely, completely destroyed. not a city, nothing is left of it, it’s like bakhmut, like a shepherd, i think that such news is now needed in the context of putin’s election campaign, we understand that all this was, of course , made to show the picture and show that there are some success in the russian army, shoigu reports to putin, so i think that i say, there is money in this news, especially, i say, no no... some kind of tactical there is no victory here, of course there are ruins and again an outright lie, well, mr. roman, thank you very much for this conversation, roman vlasenko was with us, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration, we talked about what is happening now in luhansk oblast, almost entirely, which is under temporary
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russian occupation, in particular in severo-donetsk, which was actually the center of luhansk. oblast after luhansk itself was occupied by the russian federation in the 14th year and a russian puppet regime and the so-called proclaimed the luhansk people's republic. well, in the meantime, we continue our ether. i'll tell you a little more news, i wanted to show what's happening in marinka, well, of course, it 's simple, it's scary, yes, it's scary that the... destroyed city, here, nevertheless, there is a refutation, here you see, see, see , look, look, good people , this is the former, this is marinaka, that is, people lived there, children went to school, people sat and drank coffee somewhere in the evening, and i don’t know,
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look, there was some kind of life, there was some kind of cult , there were some plans, they were being built. people got married, gave birth to children, walked with them, and all this was simply destroyed, and this is what yesterday shoigu called the liberation of the city, liberation from life, from civilization, this is the russian world in all its glory, even the orthodox church, from which only such a skeleton remained, fallen apart with that orthodox christ, well, that's how it looks, what's the most interesting? people from maryinka, they complain that they cannot receive compensation for housing, because legally their housing is, well, but de facto it is not, but in order to to declare this dwelling unsuitable for living, it is necessary for the commission to come there, but the commission cannot come there, because it is dangerous there, so these people still remain in
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a state of limbo, and that's actually it. it is very difficult and sad, because now the program has already started and many people, displaced persons use this program, receive funds, somehow somehow try to find a new home, buy it and start life again, here people cannot do this, because they deure considered to be residents of maryinka and de yura everything is fine in mariintka. dear friends, we are going to take a short break, then we will be back again. our roll call , kherson oblast and zaporizhia oblast are next in line , stay with us, turn on good, it’s when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the world of cinema, then on the good, oh,
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7:21 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson, live streaming. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. a story. the most important thing for him on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. is the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in the new in the two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day! on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. 93
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separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approach of victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests. studio events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso, i'm afraid of the dark, but, but i'm not anymore
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i'm as afraid as before, be there when i'm scared, you hear what it's about, free psychological help for children during the war in the children's voices charity fund. call 0800 210 106 , dear friends, we are returning to the air and continuing our roll call, now we will ask how serhiy from the kherson region survived this night. khlain, a deputy of the kherson regional council is in touch with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, congratulations, kherson region is ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, tell us what the night is like, what is this morning, night,
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like every night in kherson, there were explosions in the city, er, again the occupiers launched shahedy over the kherson region over the city of kherson, there was an alarm about ballistics, but... thank god, it passed in the city of kherson, the ballistics did not explode, but another sleepless night, another alarm, another explosions, and this happens constantly, every night, and you already know, such a nervous state of the people of kherson, and i contacted, once again, already now with kherson, in kherson, you know, already in the morning people are just ... falling over with impotence, because it's right there there are still small breaks when you can fall asleep and rest, when
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the nerves actually give out and weakness sets in, then there are a few hours to get some sleep at least a little, the day before the russians actually destroyed the humanitarian hub of the red society. of the red cross in ukraine, how big was this warehouse, what was there, and how much aid was collected by the red cross, ukrainian, its organization, for the people of the kherson region, it was necessary, by the way, this is the first hub, this is already the third hub, which was destroyed by the occupiers in kherson, eh, these are exactly the humanitarian hubs that provided assistance to the people of kherson, well, the humanitarian hub, the red cross is a humanitarian hub that has certain bases there, just a little provided, and provides for those people who need this
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help, then... that is, people who can't feed themselves, can't, don't have any wealth, those are the people who are in the base of the red cross, and they apply for this help and receive this help, this hub is quite a big, powerful hub was, and a direct hit absolutely everything was destroyed in this warehouse, the humanitarian aid warehouse, and the fire is still burning. there was absolutely everything that was possible, well, a direct hit, a direct hit into the composition, speaks for itself, there is absolutely nothing left, we understand the situation in which the people of kherson are now, under constant fire, when there is absolutely no way to work, eh , when people are simply surviving, and when they need this help, the occupiers, as we see, purposefully destroy... and
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the centers for providing this help, and, by the way, once again, recently there was a hit in one of the medical facilities again, again another hit in a medical facility, consecutively, the occupiers are hitting medical facilities, that is , those places where people can receive any help, medical, humanitarian , well , including that, the occupiers are also hitting... utility companies, critical infrastructure nodes, in order to actually make it impossible for the people of kherson to live normally in the city of kherson and in the settlements along the dnieper coast. but the fact that they hit humanitarian hubs or hospitals, it is obvious that someone is directing all the russian artillery or russian drones, that is
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, they know where they are hitting. do they specifically destroy these objects? yes, of course, of course, of course, of course, that these floodwaters work, work in the city of kherson, we understand that after the occupiers withdrew to the left bank from the city of kherson and from the right-bank part of the kherson region, they also left sleeping agents like that and left agents who are there, moreover, as i find... these when the security service of ukraine finds out that they are enough little money, but they continue to point to the centers of humanitarian aid, well, medical institutions, it is clear where they are, because the occupiers were there for a long time, after all, in the city of kherson for almost seven months, they understand where these hospitals are, and that is why now accepted, hospitals are already being set up, let's
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say, in underground premises. where you can constantly provide assistance to people and not worry about arrivals, but including the occupiers and find places where the police will hear, where the emergency services workers will hear, where the dsns equipment is located, and the occupiers are purposefully striking there, by the way , the balance is also declared. i don't know, the so-called governor of the kherson region reported that on the 23rd there was a rocket attack by the armed forces, apparently on a civilian object in the village, now i'll tell you what it's called, maksi, maks, maksym gorky's village, i don't know , there is actually such a word, in the kalanchava district, this is a small village,
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maksym makolko, there is such a village. in the kolonchar district, well, i don't know, sal does heal periodically, if a missile strike was, then it was exclusively due to the location of the russian military, and they, you know, always say that there were missile strikes, everything was shot down, then drones were flying, everyone was shot down, they always shoot down everything, that's why sometimes these statements are made. aldo they are directed, not sometimes, but always, they are directed absolutely in the direction of propaganda. i understand what happened, there were some barracks of the russian military there, it is obvious that some administrative buildings were destroyed, well, less than that, there is still a balance, by the way, i found out, such a valuable correspondent, so to speak, found out that kyrylo strymousovo is the son of a son.


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