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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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reality will show how it will be. we thank you. serhiy zgorets, military expert, director of the defense express company was with us. well, we remind you that at nine o'clock we honor a moment of silence for all ukrainians, whether her life was cut short by russian aggression. let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was... connected by russia.
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greetings to all viewers, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning stream we talk about the following topics: in the occupied crimea destroyed a large... russian amphibious ship novocherkask, which probably brought iranian ammunition. the commander of the air force of ukraine mykola oleschuk reported on the destruction of the ship in telegram. he thanked the pilots and everyone involved for their meticulous work. we will discuss all the details of the attack on feodos below. the cabinet of ministers submitted to the verkhovna rada a bill on changes in mobilization, they propose to cancel conscription, the status of limited fit and may introduce restrictions on the use of one's own property, if... the reservists did not show up for the unit.
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the summons can now be served, including in electronic form. we will talk about new rules and restrictions, about rotation and recruiting later on the air. protests broke out in serbia after the elections , and student groups joined supporters of the pro-european opposition in anti-government rallies. people blocked the streets near government buildings in belgrade. the police have already used tear gas, and the president of the country called the protest an attempt to overthrow the government and announced new arrests, what is known about the events in the country and why they see a foreign trail there. if you watch us on youtube, on the radio liberty channel, then you can ask questions about this broadcast and the speakers of this morning stream just below this video, and also do not forget that each of your likes and subscriptions to the radio liberty channel is important for the promotion of these videos. tonight, the ukrainian military struck the russian amphibious ship novocherkask, located in the port
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of feodosia in the occupied crimea, said the commander of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine mykola oleschuk. in the sense of not extinguishing now. it was definitely a ship. as soon as we saw the video from the russian astra telegram channel, with which olyschuk illustrated his post about the alleged destruction of novocherkassk, the post appeared on his telegram channel around four in the morning. this time, the flagship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, cruiser moscow, is being followed by the large landing ship novocherkassk. thanks to the air pilots. forces and all
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those involved for the filigree work, put on your pants and leave our crimea in a homely manner before it's too late. the air force also listed novocherkassk as destroyed goals this night next to the 13 shaheds. the report says that tactical aviation of the air force attacked with cruise missiles the large amphibious ship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation novocherkask in the feodosia area at approximately 2:30 am. the ministry of defense of russia confirms the damage to the new ship. cherkassk there also say that during the repulse of the attack, two ukrainian su-34 planes were shot down. the russian astra telegram channel and the ukrainian crimean veter reported that after the first explosions on the ship, something happened fire, and at approximately 1:4 a.m. there was another explosion, which blew out the windows in the houses of the locals, as crimean veter writes, and the detonation of ammunition began. crimean wind also reports that the affected ship novocherkask brought iranian ammunition and shahedis to crimea. according to information. his
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telegram channel with reference to local residents in the port of feodosia, dozens of dead and wounded, and ambulances go back and forth. but the occupying head of crimea serhiy aksyonov said. that the territory of the port surrounded, and the detonation stopped, the fire, they say, is contained. in addition, six residents were evacuated to temporary accommodation. aksyonov also reported that one person was killed and two were wounded. i would like to add that in march 22, the ukrainian general staff already reported the damage to the ship novocherkask during an attack in the port of occupied ukrainian berdyansk. yurii egnat, spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, joined our broadcast. mr. yuri, i welcome you to our broadcast. good morning, congratulations, thank you for joining me, sir olyschuk already mentioned in the telegram channel, obviously, about the participation of the armed forces and air forces in this, what are the consequences, whether you can, do you know them, whether you can voice them , how much the ship is affected, whether it is destroyed, whether it is currently there to be used
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by russian forces, is there no such question, well, probably not, because we saw the explosion, well... of course, we use what is available, yes, what appears most quickly, it is their russian publics, yes, it is possible , well, citizens are filming there and so on, so we can see how powerful it is there was an explosion , what was a detonation, well, it is extremely difficult for a ship to survive after such a thing, because it is not rockets anymore, it is already the equipment, what exactly was there, whether it was shaheda or ammunition, well, we will also find out later, so what our specialists might say. services, whether it is the gur or the security service of ukraine, it is clear that the operation was planned really, well, meticulously, successfully, as the air force commander noted, he thanked the pilots of the tactical aviation brigade, as well as all those involved, as he noted in his story, because it is clear that both the armed forces
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as a whole and other special services are also involved, probably in such and such an operation, which is not so easy to conduct, and it is not the first time. is being carried out, we can see that in the wake of the flagship of the russian fleet, cruiser moscow, more than one ship was sent in the right direction, as they say, in this way there is also a submarine and several other vessels, well, in principle, that is all the information, which we can now make public at the moment, maybe you will have some questions, questions of course will be, and what the answers will be , what you can tell , this is already... one more moment, mr. yuri, but can it be asserted here that the ship, it was in the port, or was it near feodosia itself, that is, how many locations it was there and is it known for what purposes it was used, well, is it really, for example, there could be iranian ammunition and shaheds there, you said that
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it will become known later, but if there was a detonation, there must have been some ammunition, well, definitely such, such an explosion is not simply caused by detonating something insignificant there, this is detonation. ammunition, a large amphibious ship is used to transport both weapons and personnel, that is why it is called amphibious, in order to load its transport compartments and move faster from one shore to another, these are such ships, after all, of this class, probably what we have was in our warehouse konstantinsky, this ship could actually be used to transport cargo to the ports of the occupied territories, in particular in zaporizhzhia direction, including, could also be transporting to the same feodosia or to other ports, transporting ammunition, including shaheds,
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so far there is no such information, but in the end we will hope that as many of these means as possible exploded that night, because you see the enemy is constantly attacking with shaheds and... the destruction of a large party, i wish it was a large one, well, could give us some kind of carte blanche, like, too, how difficult the operation is, i understand that these are all extremely difficult operations, but given that the ship was exactly in the port, and not there on the open sea, for example, how long can an amphibious ship usually stay at one location, well, it all depends on the decision of the military leadership, if they make such decisions... not only in relation to ships, we also see their aviation, yes, which they drop actually close to the front line, and when they were given the task of dropping guided aerial bombs , three su-34s were lost in the kherson region, and
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in fact, well, the pilots are drawing conclusions , should we take such a risk now, or should we fly up like this and so on, i think certain sabotage in the ranks of russian pilots... will be present, well, we also see how a russian ship has been destroyed again, i think there will also be questions for the russian leadership, and how did this happen, questions about how this... happened, i now i will tell you more about air defense in particular, but the ministry of defense of russia reports that they destroyed a ukrainian su-34, how can you comment on this, well, if we had them, and if we had su-34s, we already had russian pilots, who overtook them, well su-24, you mean, so su-24 is it a front-line bomber, su-24m with a marking, these are the planes of the tactical aviation brigade, in the well-known starokontinov, the main... location of the planes is already there, well , it is clear that now the aviation is not sitting at home, now the aviation at the operational airfields
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is performing those combat tasks, which you see , in particular even today, well, of course, russia will somehow try to put some facts about the destruction of ukrainian aviation to a naive population that does not want to think in their heads, well , there they destroy five of our planes in official reports, even the ministry of defense , not that some snakes. are there any telegrams, no, these are their official summaries, fake ones, so the entire combat team of aviation goes out every month, they destroy every month, so believe it, well, despite that, they have already started to regularly destroy f-16s at ukrainian airfields, so believe russian statements about some planes destroyed there, well, it's not worth it, that is, you currently do not confirm the statement of the ministry of defense that during this attack on novocherkassky, russian forces destroyed a ukrainian su-24. well , of course, that doesn't confirm, well, it's them every day, i say, they destroy five of our planes in their formations, so
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there is no need to believe in any options here. what can this attack indicate in terms of the protection of russia's air defenses, in particular in the occupied crimea, especially at such important facilities? they definitely have protection, one should not be naive and think that they do not have air defense, there is a very serious air defense, it must be overcome, overcome air defense with help. certain tactical techniques used by the air force are also possible thanks to good western weapons, we have already seen this more than once, well, the same cruiser moskva, we all remember it, the flagship of the fleet, it was not easy to sink it like that, a brilliant special operation was carried out, strikes were carried out, and actually outwitted the russians in that case and we continue to do it now, that is why western weapons plus... well-planned tactical techniques, operations lead to results.
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air force commander mr. olyschuk said and wrote in a telegram and thanked specifically the pilots and everyone involved, can you hint, if not say directly, but can i can say directly, by what means, by what missiles, this russian amphibious ship was targeted, of course, by winged ones. and answered and did not specify at the same time, so what is there to specify? we don't have many of these weapons at our disposal, which were given to us by our partners, it's just that journalists from these countries will now ask, which one is ours or the partner's, well, every manufacturer wants to see the result of their work, in fact , this is the result, as, of course, advertising of its weapons, that is, perhaps it is stormshadow. maybe it's atacoms here, but you don't want atacoms - it's not an aircraft missile, atacoms is
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a ballistic one, but you don't want to specifically, but tell me, partners, maybe not in open information, but in closed information , they will know from ukraine which ones the results, if yes, i think, they have known for a long time, what they don’t know, we have stormshadow, there is a scalp for arms, which are handed over to us by a partner, of course we would also like to have a german missile called taurus, that too stolen missile and something with increased range, can fly more. than those two previous ones, but so far we have such missiles in service. mr. yuri, how many missiles could it be to hit such an object, well , approximately, how should it be in number? well, clearly more than one is launched, so that we understand that the enemy can destroy dwarf missiles, they can shoot them down, this target is subsonic, it flies at a speed, well, about there , well, like russian cruise missiles, there caliber, let's say, 650 flies like that 500 is the range in this speed range, so russian
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anti-aircraft defenses can destroy them and even destroyed them, we will not to say that this was not the case, but still they are not destroyed, thanks to the tactical techniques that i told you about, most of the missiles reach their targets, you have seen more than once it is a submarine, the headquarters of the black sea fleet, there is a very protruding missile, even you can record it on a freeze frame, that's how, thank you, mr. yuriy for... all the details that you were able to tell our viewers, yuriy ignat, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, and we were talking about the defeat of the russian amphibious assault ship novocherkassk, feodosia. this is the freedom of the mornings, in in the comments under this video, you can ask your questions, exchange opinions about what you have heard, then we will talk about the situation at the front, the battles for marinka continue, and it is incorrect to talk about the complete capture of the city, said the spokesman of the defense forces of the tavria direction oleksandr shtupun, commenting on the statements of the russian ministry of defense about the alleged complete capture of the city.
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battles for maryinka continue, currently our servicemen are in the administrative zones of maryinka, but the city is completely destroyed, but talk about the complete the capture of maryinka is incorrect, the threat is always an encirclement, a breakthrough, but we are raising reserves, reforming, inflicting losses on the enemy, every day he loses 300-400 men there dead and wounded and a lot of military equipment. i would like to note that the day before , russian defense minister sergei shoigu, during a meeting with vladimir putin, reported on the alleged complete capture of maryinka. footage of this report has been published. russian state media. in response, putin stated that he would reject the so-called liberation of the settlement ukrainian forces from donetsk and will help to enter a wider operational space. i would like to note that in december, russian pro-war telegram channels already reported several times about the capture of marinka, but it was the official statement of the russian ministry of defense that appeared for the first time, and in parallel with the shoigu's statement, russian telegram channels published footage
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of the completely destroyed city. oleksandr musienko, head of the center, joins our broadcast. of military legal studies, welcome, mr. alexander, thank you for joining, welcome, i want to ask you a question, and about the conformity or inconsistency of those statements that come from the russian side even at such a level, when the minister of defense reports to the president about such things, this means that this settlement is probably strategically important for the russian federation, what is the importance of marinka for russia today ? hard to say. in fact, about the strategic weight of this settlement, because these are all battles of local local significance, in fact, which can only have tactical weight and no more for the enemy, that is , to say that in this way they can it is not necessary to develop any strategic or operational success at all, as well as in general to say that, let's say, well, you see,
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that is, taking into account the way russian propaganda sells it all to and sells it to the domestic audience. as of today, there is no longer any talk that they want to seize the left bank of ukraine or to go somewhere else, for them the task is to go to the outskirts of the settlement of marnyanka within a few months, which they themselves destroyed with their artillery, they have been fighting since march 2022 year, are extremely active for this settlement, so it can be said, i would say this, that this indicates the exhaustion and exhaustion of, let's say, the russian offensive... potential, in fact, when they present propaganda, these are the results, well, what can be said 22- and they entered the year with propaganda for them, let's say, actively at the end of the year, it was bakhmut and the beginning of 2023, the end of 2023 the propagandist ones are maryinka and avdiyivka, 2024 - these will be some completely
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unknown settlements and village where it has been for a long time and people don't live in reality. therefore, this indicates the exhaustion of the medium offensive potential of the russian troops, in fact. if we talk, and it is impossible not to talk about the operation that took place at night in the occupied crimea, i am talking about the destruction of the russian amphibious assault ship novocherkask by air defense forces. it should be noted here that we just had yuriy ignat on our air, who told what he can tell, but there was mr. oloschuk, the commander of the air forces, who immediately thanked him. there he said about cruise missiles, this is already information, if to talk about means for such strikes on russian occupations on occupied territories, what resource is there in ukraine, you are talking about the russian potential, which is how the ukrainian potential decreases in this sense, how many such means are needed for one such, for example, operation? well, you see that we
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currently have not such a large number of aircraft actually involved in the implementation. such tasks, and not such a large number of weapons in fact, that is, practice shows that having several dozen aircraft in total, and equipment for them is necessary weapons, here it is extremely important to have weapons in the required quantity , to have missiles, you can, well, let's say, create very serious problems for the enemy in the occupied territories, it is already becoming obvious, plus i understand that during each attack you can say that. .. complex work is being applied, i.e. there is intelligence, assessment of the situation, before that a little-known fact happened in the same way in crimea, two reb means of radio-electronic warfare were hit, which were used by the russian troops for two purposes: the first is to create obstacles for the work of surface drones, and the second is the creation of obstacles to the work of missiles, that is
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, in order to disorient them and actually try to create problems with the targeting systems, so that they do not reach the goals they are flying at. it is obvious that , as last time, when radars and air defense equipment, anti-aircraft missile systems were hit, this time , too, was carried out. work, and we saw the result. i think that if we had more means, that is, missiles, and plus we really had german taurus missiles, and we would be, and plus we need ballistics, of course, not winged ones, but ballistics, atakams, which would make it possible to carry out combined attacks with the aim of disorienting the enemy's anti-aircraft defense, and the results would be more and even better and more effective, but consistently we can say and state that ... work on the demilitarization of the russian military presence in crimea is underway, its effectiveness and speed will depend, in particular, on the weapons
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that we will be able to accumulate and use, it is equally obvious that decisive, let's say, from the point of view of increasing our capabilities and reducing the enemy's resources, it is the use of anti-aircraft missile systems and the destruction of enemy aircraft over the occupied territories. it can already be stated that during the week the number of actual sorties by russian military aircraft for the purpose of striking precisely for the purpose of striking, last monday was more than 70, two days ago there were 46 such sorties, and in the past day there were 19, that is, the fact has already been established, which is decreasing in the same way. mr. oleksandr, and which one the landing ship novocherkassky, built in poland in 1987, played a role for the forces of the russian federation in this war. that i managed to see before the broadcast, but also how many such amphibious ships are there in russia, that is, how strong is this really a blow to the russian forces? the fact is that russia could not
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use amphibious ships as intended, well , what is the purpose of amphibious ships? somewhere around 10 such ships, and the goal was in them, in fact... to land on the odesa coast at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, at the end of february, march, at the beginning of march 2022. since our forces failed to do this, i.e. the defense of odessa, odesa region, then the fact that our partners gave us cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles that make it possible to hit enemy ships, and then the fact that even at the beginning, it was march-april, when in in berdyansk in... amphibious ships of the russian troops, in principle, their role from the point of view of transportation the landing force was leveled, but they play an important role in the black sea
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fleet of russia, because they were reequipped for the transportation of cargo, that is, for the transportation of weapons, for the transportation of ammunition, for the redeployment of armored vehicles there, and so on, which they also moved directly to the occupied crimea , specifically in novocherkassk there are... facts that confirm that he could have been involved in the supply chain of shaheeds, which, in particular, then went to crimea and were launched directly on the territory of ukraine, and i think that here, say yes, the situation with its destruction, it is advantageous also because russia is deprived of the possibility of a transport board, which provided them with certain needs, in particular, in the direct supply of these kamikaze drones. mr. alexander. there is another moment, but the fact that the hit was in the port of feodosia, that is, when the ship was there, and not in the open sea, does it simplify or complicate such an operation?
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ah, it, let's say, simplifies from the point of view that, well, let's say, it's easier to aim and hit this target, but it 's done deliberately, because you understand, great, one way or another the port infrastructure is also damaged, it cannot fail to be completely damaged. i understand, now the occupiers will say that everything is fine with them , nothing like that happened there, no serious consequences, but look, today, if you look at the sevastopol plant, it is not working at full capacity, it does not carry out repairs dry dock, and when there was an attack, when an amphibious assault ship was destroyed there, and by the way, a submarine too , how much time has passed, they still do not fulfill their purpose, why, that that the infrastructure is also damaged, it must be removed... and i think that this is a complex operation, which is exactly what it aims to do, and the desk is deliberately being hit, why? because first, when it's in port, it arrives, it can output.
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loading and unloading of a certain , let's say so, that is, it can be actually loaded, and secondly, this is deliberately in order to damage the infrastructure of the port, so that the enemy could not use it for a certain time, at least on purpose, at least for some time. oleksandr mosienko, manager center for military and legal studies, i will ask you to stay in touch, we discussed this situation in the occupied crimea, and now i want to talk about... changes, obviously, which are planned before the mobilization in ukraine. the fact is that the cabinet of ministers of ukraine submitted to the parliament a draft law on changes in mobilization, with which they plan to improve the process of enlistment in the army and military registration. the draft law proposes radical changes, one of which, for example, is the abolition of fixed-term military service and a basic military training for a period of three months, men between the ages of 18 and 25 must undergo it
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. the conscription age has been reduced from 27 to 25 years, by the way, the law on lowering the age has already been passed, but not signed by the president. all military conscripts who currently cannot be demobilized are proposed to be released into the reserve. also, the draft law proposes rotations for military personnel who continuously participate in repelling armed aggression no later than after six months of such aggression. rehabilitation must continue two months, for military prisoners released from captivity, it is proposed to provide an additional leave of 90 days. the process of serving summonses is changing, the first time they will be able to be sent through the conscript's office or to the official e-mail. the data will need to be updated or provided to tck employees. paper summonses can be served at your place of residence at work and in public places. it is possible not to appear at the military commissariat only for reasons of illness, natural disaster or death of a close relative. the mobilization process is suggested to be more active involve local authorities.
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according to the draft law, you must have military registration documents. with you and provide them at the request of a tsc employee or a police officer. the draft law also abolishes the concept of limited suitability. instead , fitness and unfitness for military service remain. the future law provides for temporary restrictions on those who have been sent to a military unit, they will be entered into a single register of debtors and may be prohibited from even managing property, selling or buying it, blocking accounts, forbid traveling abroad and receiving loans or credits. for evasion. sanctions are also provided for military registration. it should be noted that this is currently a draft law, and changes may still be made to it. the verkhovna rada may start considering it in january. the authors of the draft law expect that, in case of its adoption, the process of staffing the armed forces of ukraine will improve. i will also note that this morning, in preparation for this broadcast, we invited people's deputies related to the profile committee for now, we are working on this issue
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so that it is obligatory... to ask the legislators for their opinion regarding such a law, a draft law, and oleksandr mosienko, the head of the center for military legal research, returns to us on the air, mr. oleksandr, with you and the military expert, it is even more interesting to discuss this aspect, how effective are these changes proposed in this draft law, if we talk about specific points, for example, about lowering the conscription age from 27 years to 25 years, and this should rejuvenate the mobilizations. potential as it can work positively for the armed forces of ukraine? i think so, so you understand that we are talking about the fact that, in principle, rejuvenation is what the command is asking for, that is , it is what the military itself is asking for, because, let's say, over the age of 45, that when there are already 45 and older, well, of course, these are all subjective circumstances, because it depends on many reasons, and it is difficult, you know, to draw a general line and say that someone from
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the younger... generation is necessarily better, from the older worse, cases are always individual, and they depend on the physical condition, health , and so on and so forth, but of course, the reduction, let's say, by two years of the age from which mobilization can begin, this is also justified and what the military asked for, as far as i know, with the aim of rejuvenating the personnel, and giving the opportunity directly to the command to choose for themselves, let's say, and to have the opportunity to... somewhat rejuvenate their staff, but in general, you understand, everything that is happening now around this question of mobilization, reminds me a bit of something like panic, because i get the impression that, well, i understand the military, i understand the command, they are insuring themselves, they call the numbers, they say about 500,000, they say that they need more, because suddenly what, and you need to insure yourself and be ready for different.


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