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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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to prove and say that someone from the younger generation is necessarily better, from the older generation is worse, cases are always individual, and they depend on physical condition, health, and so on and so on, but of course, a decrease, let's say, by two years, this is the age from which mobilization can come, this is also justified and what the military asked for, as far as i know, with the aim of rejuvenating the personnel, and giving the opportunity directly to the command. take for yourself, let's say so, and have the opportunity to somewhat rejuvenate your composition, but in general, you see, everything that's going on right now around this question of mobilization reminds me a little of something like panic, because i get the impression that, well, i understand the military, i understand the command, they're playing it safe, they're calling numbers, they're talking about 500,000, they say that they need more, because suddenly something happens, and you need to insure yourself and be ready for different things.
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the development of events, especially not all of these 500 00, even if they take them, they will take 500 00, even if such a number is mobilized, not everyone will end up in combat positions or in combat units, this must also be understood, because there are many functions in the army that also need to be performed, well , and the next point, i see these now some initiatives, you know, legislative ones, then one of the deputies says that we will return from abroad, now there will be restrictions there. against these people, we will impose some more, then a mass, let's say so , of initiatives that somewhat remind me of a certain panic, the reasons for which, personally, i do not see today, but as for the argumentation of the one that the president spoke about of ukraine at the press conference, what is it worth , well, in fact, to provide objective data and arguments about why such a number of people are needed, for what tasks, who will be assigned... functional and so on, i think this is
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a fundamental basic question, which will be discussed, in particular at more than one level of the supreme commander-in-chief, and there will be passionate discussions even in the parliament, but in general, you know, i will say briefly that we still cannot afford to compete with russia in terms of mobilization resources, there are more, unfortunately, but what we can definitely do to compete, it is in innovativeness, technological. and creativity of decisions made at the front. look, after all, even russia, despite the fact that they have more people, and they have more assault companies, which they use without sparing losses, but for some reason they adopt the tactics of using drones en masse from ukraine, they accept them. look, we are working now to be able to actually use robotic unmanned systems not only in the sky, on the ground and at sea, and there are already projects that with less...
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the need to use a human resource, this is very important, it seems to me that this is a strategic, global and fundamental key to understanding the situation in that this technological breakthrough, which was also written about by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi in the article zaeconomist, is the key to understanding that , how can we still have and in what way do we have an advantage over the russian troops, mr. alexander, yes, that is, the number here is obviously not taken into account... or the number that is in the russian federation, and if we talk about approaches, for example , one of the points that is in this bill, about the fact that instead of conscription, there should be such a service for men aged 18 to 25 for three months, as a matter of course, and if we talk about the quality of training, now, if a person is mobilized, a man is mobilized, he is given a month for training there, what can be improved in the quality of this training, so that it is... really such that it will allow
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a serviceman to survive and be effective in the conditions on the front in which he will find himself, because there is a lot about this and about surviving the war now people's experiences, that is, we don't see a queue of volunteers at the tsc, as it was at the beginning, but people have a lot of questions, how fair or unfair is it that they will be sent to the front right away or not, they are without training and may be without means , that is , people objectively have a lot of questions , how can this process be improved and what is needed for this? first, there is no need for changes to the legislation, it is necessary to implement the existing laws. we have the law on national resistance and a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, which stipulates that in each oblast, headquarters should be created in each district, where any person who actually wants to be involved in the national resistance in one way or another, in the armed forces, in other formations, can come and have the opportunity to undergo basic training. many people
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actually forget about this, they don't talk about it, but we simply have, if i'm not mistaken, only in three regions and in the end such centers were created, and this should be done, how to staff them? there is a key to this as well, there are quite a lot of military personnel who are recognized or unfit for service, or for the time being limited fit, due to wounds or injuries received directly on the front line, but a large number of these men would like to continue in the rear areas, actually performing other tasks, why should they not be given the opportunity to actually share their combat experience in the rear and explain to the men , women and everyone who wants to know what needs to be done, what skills to have, how combat takes place, and how to conduct theoretical and practical classes on this, in the same way, at these centers, you can actually create management schools drones, which so far we only have volunteer projects, practically state ones, they
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also do not exist, and many other things. the next point that should be made is the rating during recruiting, i would actually allow direct recruitment into the brigades and units of those formations. and which people have heard about, which they know about, and which will demonstrate, say, the conditions of training, provision, and which will demonstrate how effectively they take care of preserving the life and health of personnel, and this, by the way, would demonstrate by ratings, where are we command and where the situation in the brigades is better, and where it is somewhat worse, and perhaps we need to make personnel organizational conclusions, that is, at least these two tools would already give us more opportunities from the point of view of training. and at least the motivation of people for further service, the more there are brigades with positive experience in this sense, i thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining our broadcast, we talked with you about those important aspects that are really important this morning and are of interest to our viewers, oleksandr mosienko, manager
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of the center for military and legal studies, was a guest of freedom morning. the information about the supposed death of 108 soldiers in one of the brigades in the avdiyiv direction is not true. this was reported in the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. the department called for information hygiene and verification of information before its publication. the day before , information was spread on social networks that apparently more than a hundred soldiers were supposed to go on vacation, and they were supposed to receive a week of vacation by accident. after the draw, those who won rest went home by bus and apparently died. such a story was spread by the political scientist vitaly bala. no confirmations written by the man. did not provide, i would like to remind you that you are watching freedom of the morning, we are talking about the current and important events of this morning, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and further in this stream we will talk about the following topics: protests broke out in serbia after the elections, to supporters
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of the pro-european opposition in student groups joined the anti-government rallies, people blocked the streets near the government buildings in belgrade, and the police have already used tear gas, and the country's president called the protest: "i will try to overthrow the government" and announced new arrests. what is known about the events in the country and why is there a foreign footprint? russian forces have already destroyed the third humanitarian aid base of the red cross in kherson. the russian army has intensified its shelling of the city with ballistic missiles, and their targets are civil infrastructure objects, according to the commander of the regional rapid response unit of the red cross society in the region. what is the situation in kherson and the region? let's discuss further. important events, statements, exclusive comments, all this is on our morning broadcast, join us on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. on tv channels, as well as on the radio svoboda channel. during the day, as a result of russian shelling, one person was injured in kherson region, oleksandr
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prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, reported about this, 32 shells were fired at their own center, and in total the russian army fired 74 shells. as a result of shelling , the third base of humanitarian aid of the red cross society was destroyed in the city ukraine. mykola terenenko, the commander of the organization's rapid response unit, announced this on the air of the public radio. and so every day, according to him, the occupying army from the left bank inflicts more than 30 blows on the city of kherson. the day before, the shelling of the city lasted for more than an hour, the local authorities urged people not to leave their shelters, on christmas night, that is, on the night of december 24, as a result of the artillery shelling of the central part of the city. four people died, nine more people were injured, kherson reported regional prosecutor's office. we will talk further about the situation in kherson region. oleksandr tolokonikov, spokesman of the kherson regional military administration, joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr. good morning. what is the situation in kherson, both in recent
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days and during this night, what are you observing, what can you say and can it be stated here that the activity of strikes by the russian federation has recently increased? over the past day, as you already said, 74 times and 391 shells that flew over the territory of the liberated kherson region, the line was damaged power transmission in tominnaya balka for... now our energy workers are working there for restoration, they were also working in kherson, fortunately there were no casualties and the victim you mentioned in bilozevka, a 64-year-old woman was injured, was in the house when the plane flew into the house projectile, and she received, thank god, minor injuries, and she was given help on the spot, doctors came, examined her, and refused hospitalization on an outpatient basis. a woman who recently, in a different way, if you can say so, when
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there on christmas night, really there before on christmas eve they also hit with rockets, from the next day they also covered chornobayivka very heavily, a woman died there, more than 40 houses were damaged, a dispensary was damaged, since the previous day more... less, well, there were enough shells, but fortunately, without a large the number of victims and without a large amount of destruction, we will see what happens next, i can say for sure that the cabs have decreased, or rather, disappeared from our territory, so far we understand that this is due to the accuracy and success of the work of our air forces, which shot down a trisa in our direction. now the russians, i think, are building a new launch and operation strategy, but so far, thank god, since
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that time, more than one warhead has not flown into the territory of the kherson region, if we talk about what targets the russian troops choose, because there are statements from the representative of the ukrainian red cross about the fact that the civil infrastructure is being chosen, and also this story about the fact that the third humanitarian aid base of the red cross has already been destroyed, why are they targeting exactly... which places? well, this is not the first, probably, unfortunately, and not the last time when they hit the humanitarian headquarters, there were also hits of martyrs, in the organization, in the warehouses and the center of humanitarian aid, probably three months ago, they constantly hit the centers of humanitarian aid, also about hitting this big warehouse where they were. er, the warehouses of the organization are so generous , the red cross, it is clear that many organizations
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work here, and most organizations work, as they say, from door to door, they come, immediately bring the goods, well, not the goods, i guess the aid will be called give out immediately and go again to and store them there in kryvyi rih there in... of course it is dangerous to store aid here, because we understand that it can fly, will fly to any point in kherson and even to the suburbs, if one is far from the coast , but again, i think that logistics will also be reworked by the organizations in order to ensure the kind of assistance they provide to the people of kherson. if we talk about... whether it is from the occupied left bank of kherson region, then to what extent there
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is targeted, aimed shooting at the de-occupied part of kherson region, and which again, by what means, maybe you said about cabs, but what else is there, and what could it be connected with, relatively speaking , with what the ukrainian forces on the left bank might be doing, or simply, as they usually say with the terror of the civilian population, well, first of all, we really want to thank... our guys who work on the left bank, who with their backs, with their, probably with their courage , protect us and the children here, and the elderly, grandmothers and grandfathers from the fire, because they are the majority, of course, now the shells, they take it upon themselves, and this, well, bow to them again praise, but again, what depends , of course, depends on what our armed forces are successfully working not only in the kherson region, in principle in ukraine,
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including in the crimea, and as soon as, of course , some, well, some are impressed the target is so important, because the personnel, of course, increases shelling, shelling first of all on civilian infrastructure, on crowds of people, because we understand that 700 shells can be fired there. and it will be closer to military operations there, and it is possible to release 200 shells, which they release aimed at residential quarters where there are supermarkets, hospitals, and due to this, there will be a greater number of, well, victims among the civilian population, and we understand that they resort to this terror very often, and when they start messing around in a residential area where people live, then of course there is one- two projectiles can take the lives of four
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people there and seriously injure four or five people, as was the case recently, here and there in the aftermath. what do they also have an effect on the shelling, is the weather, if it is cloudy there, ah, and it is raining there, then of course it is more difficult for them to calculate targets and carry out aerial reconnaissance, therefore the number of shelling decreases, or they start chaotically, when it is clearer, then of course they purposefully start hitting some objects that they have planted there. mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining and informing the all-ukrainian audience about what is happening in kherson and the kherson region. oleksandr tolokonnikov, spokesman of the kherson regional military administration, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and then to international events. in the capital of serbia, belgrade , protests flared up after parliamentary and local protests elections in ukraine. and the day before, they
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even turned into clashes with the police. the serbian police said that at least 38 people who took part in... the protest were detained. the day before, thousands of people gathered outside the state election commission building in central belgrade, before heading to the city's police headquarters, where they believe detained opposition supporters are being held. students also joined the opposition protest. they blocked the streets near the buildings of the ministries. in order to disperse the participants of the protest, the police used tear gas. this is already the seventh protest against the results of the parliamentary elections in serbia, the protesters declare that they do not recognize the results of the elections and call for their annulment and re-holding of free and fair elections. when there are no institutions, which
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are now dead, the only way is to go to the streets, to peaceful protests and collect. as many people as possible, i hope for help from outside, because it seems that we cannot fight by ourselves, this time the state is against us, the state is against its own people, and i do not know how we can handle this on our own and i hope someone will help us, i expect the government to hold new elections, that's all, cancel those votes that are really completely stolen and that are completely illegitimate and illegal. serbian president aleksandar vučić met with the russian ambassador amid protests in the serbian capital, and according to vučić, he informed the ambassador about the unrest and added that they discussed the situation in the region, bilateral relations between russia and serbia, and current geopolitical events. the spokesman also commented on the protests in serbia president of russia dmytro piskov. he noted that the protests in belgrade were provoked, they could have
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been provoked, i quote, by third forces, including from abroad, but he did not specify which ones. there is internal legislation, electoral bodies, and there are also observers who did not record any violations that could cast doubt on the legitimacy of the elections that took place. in addition, the obvious processes and attempts of third forces, including from abroad, to provoke similar riots in belgrade, this is what we are observing. according to the official results in the elections held on december 17, the pro-russian serbian party won. the progressive party, whose leader before the election to the post of president in may was oleksandr vucic, but as reported by the reuters agency, international observers recognized the election as unfair, and the ruling party received an unfair advantage due to the bias of snakes, the influence of the country's president and violations during voting, such as for example, as bribery of voters. the president of serbia declares that
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the elections were fair and denies any violations, according to the associated press. some opposition politicians... even went on hunger strike. we will talk about the situation in serbia and probably the russian one later. kateryna shymkevich, candidate of historical sciences and head of the analytical center for balkan studies joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, katerina. good day. tell us about the background of these protests and whether their nature is really similar to the ukrainian maidans of the 4th-14th years of 14th, because the word maidan, about such phenomena, also sounds there. the opposition, as we understand, see, pro-european, and she accuses the government of falsifications, the police disperse the protesters , and even more people come out of it, students joined in, which is similar to... ukrainian history, so to speak, and why did these protests take place? the protests didn't start immediately after the election, the protests started back in
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serbia at the end of spring this year, when there was a mass shooting there, and teenagers died in a school in belgrade, and people died near belgrade, and that led representatives... the position to the first you, to the first such demonstrations and to the first roadblocks in the big cities of serbia, and these protests lasted right up to the elections themselves, and the protests already after the holding of extraordinary elections, are a logical continuation of those movements that began in the spring, and then and now people are trying to reach the authorities, to convey its point of view and... to force this government to dialogue with it, the escalation of violence that took place on sunday, it says that president vučić has already
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accepted his victory, he recognized it, he received congratulations from orban, from lukashenko, putin, the president of the republika srpska , jahorad dodik, that is, the student is already determined to continue working, people don't like it, and... international monitoring missions don't like it, other european international observers didn't like it, well, of course, the serbs themselves, who are very difficult, don't like it to call such, you know how ukrainians were too pro-european in 2013, but the serbs were fed up with the fact that the government openly neglects them, openly uh... allows itself such manipulations and openly lies to them about the fact that there were no falsifications, parallels between the ukrainian maidan can
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only be drawn very roughly, and this will refer to the orange revolution that took place in ukraine in 2004-2005, because it was then that we can see that these were protests, well, although more less those that are similar to the political color and... and political demands to review the election results, to compare with the european maidan that was in ukraine in 2013-14, it is wrong, because then, many ukrainians took to the streets, with the desire to fundamentally change the entire autocratic the system that yanukovych was building, and these were appeals without political slogans. now we clearly see that these are political slogans, the need to review the elections, and then... while the ukrainians clearly, for example, demonstrated the position that we want to join europe, now only hints are heard from the serbs, and precisely statements that let's
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review the election results in bolgrad, let's review all the voter lists for what the students are demanding now, and you know, such and such an analogy with the ukrainian maidan, they are not just rude, they are probably even imaginative taking into account the fact that serbia is not a democratic country, and the ukrainians at that time twice demonstrated to the whole world their desire and not just to fight for democracy, to fight for european values, they proved with their own lives that they were ready to stand, the serbs , on the contrary, they dispersed them on sunday, and this is not the first time, four years ago, i repeat, there were similar protests, which were dispersed with the help of the police, and the serbs left, that is, these protests. from time to time in serbia provoked by such abuses of power, but the serbs are not ready to stand by until the end, and if we talk about the russian trail, is there one, because, for example, when we see
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the information there that amid the night protests on december 25, the president of serbia met with the russian ambassador and informed him that the authorities in the country is doing everything to preserve the safety of the citizens of serbia there, we see piskov's statement, what is russia's role here in serbia and what interests can there be? well, serbia is a pro-russian country, and the government in serbia absolutely supports relations openly with the russian federation, what lucic said yesterday the first visit he made after the dispersal of the demonstrators was to the ambassador, this is a very telling sign, because he is not doing this for the first time, if there are riots in kosovo, then the president of serbia is also where. went to botson kharchenko and holds various consultations with him, this indicates that russia is strengthening its influence in the balkans and is doing so.
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through pro-russian serbia, which, let me remind you, is not included in the european union sanctions against russia, although this country is a candidate for joining the european union, and you can probably look for russian traces in radicalization these protests that took place, although there are different opinions, i will not claim that this was exactly the russian trail, but... the russian trail here is simply, well, it is direct, it is a direct political influence, and the fact that vucic held consultations, about which he does not tell in detail, kharchenko's perversion of zakharova's sand statement proves the opinion that russia is strengthening its control over vučić, because lately oleksandr vučić has allowed himself quite such pro-european flirtations with...
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brussels, he even tried to convince them, what are ready to allow kosovo to join a number of international organizations, i.e. this game of serbia joining the european union, apparently the kremlin has already grown tired of it, and they have decided to strengthen their influence in serbia. uncovered serbia, unstable serbia, is very beneficial to russia in terms of spreading hybrid influences on neighboring countries, ah, which are quite unstable. in the balkans, it is declared kosovo, it is montenegro, where we are currently witnessing a political crisis, it is bosnia and herzegovina, where separatist tendencies to outright secession may intensify again. katerina, thank you joined, kateryna shymkevich, candidate of historical sciences and head of the analytical center for balkan studies, we talked about the situation in serbia and why destabilization there is beneficial to russia. the spokesman of the air force of ukraine
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, yuriy egnat, told our broadcast at the beginning of the details of the attack on the russian amphibious assault ship novocherkassk. he says: we see how powerful the explosion was, what the detonation was, after that it is extremely difficult for the ship to survive. he said, we will find out exactly what shahedis or ammunition were on that ship later, and the spokesman of the air force did not confirm the destruction during the attack of two ukrainian su-24s, which was previously reported by the ministry of defense. as for what novocherkassk was hit with, he answered as follows: we have stormshadow, there is a scalpel in service, well, clearly more than one missile is launched for such an attack, - said mr. egnat on our broadcast. meanwhile , in occupied crimea , oleg kryuchkov, an adviser to the russian-appointed head of crimea, said that all the videos posted with footage of strikes on crimea have already been installed, and special services are working. he emphasized that the arrivals and getting hit is no reason to jump on your balconies.
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in underwear and shoot a video and put it on the network, this is a quote. kryuchkov noted that even criminal punishment is possible for such videos. obviously, we are talking about this video. in the sense of not extinguishing now. it was a ship, for sure. if you missed it and connected to this broadcast just now, you are on youtube on the radio liberty channel, you can find it and watch all the details, the details of the strikes by ukrainian forces on feodosia on the russian amphibious ship, this is morning freedom, my name is katya nakrecha, we with you every weekday from 9:00, see you
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tomorrow. have a nice day. greetings, it's news time on espresso. he works in the studio. on broadband at the moment , an air alert continues in several regions of ukraine. the military was informed about the threat of using ballistic weapons for the north, east and center. the alarm was announced in kyiv, chernihiv, cherkasy and poltava regions. if there were also air warning signals in your area, we urge you to stay in shelters. well, after the cruiser moskva, at the ministry of defense erefiya and.
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recognized damage to the large.


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