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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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based on the paintings of kazimir malevich , this year we have another one, we also have two series of the lightning series in collaboration with the lviv artist and tattoo artist sashko lutyshyn, as well as with kazimir malevich, maybe not physically. destroyed his art, but metaphorically took it from us for a very long time, appropriating it for themselves. the russians said he was theirs. these christmas tree ornaments have spread to all continents of the world, they are ordered by both ukrainians and foreign fans of ukrainian art. the academician's polar station is no exception vernadsky in the antarctic. ukrainians abroad often order a top in the form of a trident. foreigners are more... interested
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in christmas tree decorations, this is also asia, for example, singapore, er, japan, also in america, in the united states, in canada, where there are large communities of ukrainians in europe. in the future , pavlo and yulia plan to expand the assortment, they dream of creating not only christmas decorations, but also decorative and useful products, so that the whole world can see that ukrainian things can be made. good, high-quality and necessary. natalya stareprava, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. my name is andrew. i am 33 years old, i come from kherson. in september of this year, i went to the army, and i immediately said that if there is an opportunity, if there is a posting somewhere, then i am ready to go. immediately before
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mobilization, he was a computer tomography regenologist, before that he was an infectious disease doctor, and even before that he was an ambulance paramedic. during her registration of documents here at the kmb, i was asked the question of who i want to be and a list of military specialties, and in addition to everything else, i was the specialty is a combat medic, well, of course , i chose it for my specialty, like many people have a personal life and... and some fears , it is a war there, you can die here, it happens, and get captured, but i have decided all my affairs, and at some point i just think that it is necessary to prepare, for three or four months, i adjusted my physical training a little, and i read, watched special videos, and now...
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i decided, as i decided in september, so i came in september. everyone is afraid, because everyone understands that this is a war, they die in a war, but that's how it is the situation has happened, and the war will continue until this fear is overcome, not that it is overcome, but until each person learns to fight this fear, because it remains, it is always there. even at the exercises, there are special appropriate training exercises in order to get used to and learn to fight their fear, and when the desire to end the war is just for us, for ukraine, our victory and the de-occupation of our entire territory, then this is surely the only goal and the only way to end it fair this war we talked when we first arrived, some... people, really, just as there are
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, they came themselves, many of them by summons, and there were a lot of conversations about the fact that i was taken away, i have a family there, i have seven "i, why do i need it, i can't, i don't know, i'm disabled , there's something else, but for sure communication with sergeants, communication with each other, and learning, and understanding that... you can learn, even , i've never held a machine gun before, it's possible, you can learn it, and you understand how it's done, and now we were talking to each other, and i remember people who were with the boys, who were saying, why am i here, i don't want to be here, now they themselves start talking about what we, we will soon win, will do anything to win. dear friends, we continue our
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airwaves, we continue it from the shelter, because the air alert continues in ukraine, it has been announced, please be careful, do not neglect safety, and in the meantime, we are adding to our conversation oleg penzyn, economist, member of the economic discussion club, we say good morning to him, and i also say good morning to you i say good morning, actually, sir, mr. oleg, we wanted to ask you to continue our previous conversation with you to a certain extent, remember, we stopped, so to speak, on the issues of mobilization, and we have a little fresh. information, in particular , there was already such an important press conference of president zelensky after that, where he in particular expressed his ideas about mobilization, we know that the armed forces want to mobilize about half a million more men and women, and you and i
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said even then, you named the figure, what do you think somewhere around one and a half 1.7 million, this is the mobilization reserve that ukraine can generally afford. are you still sticking to this thesis and is half a million something that is realistic, how will the economy affect it? well , look, mr. president, at the press conference , he named the numbers that correspond to our previous conversations with you, i will name the two numbers that he named, number one, behind his back. each mobilized must have six taxpayers in order for the economy to be small, so we have a little disconnect in order to be able to provide
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actual godliness, so that the economy has the ability to maintain, so that the economy has the ability to maintain. actually mobilized , behind each mobilized person there must be six taxpayers, er, simply put, look, er , six taxpayers, er, in the economy that exists today in ukraine, well, you and i understand that there is no light without shadows and shadows without light, you go outside, the sun is shining, a shadow appears behind you, do you want it or not? what don't you want, right? yes, for six payers of taxes, three men are in the shadow, that is, the shadow economy of ukraine is somewhere at the level of 35-36%, on average, maybe more now during wartime, but count everything, that is , six taxpayers, count at least
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three men in the shadow and how at least one person who is unemployed, well , that is the number i mentioned, which is approximately uh... one mobilized person must have behind him 10 people who are in the national economy, from the working population, the number corresponds to those regions , which about which said the president, this is one time, secondly, something interrupts us again, something is happening, ugh, what, so look further, yes... look further, when we are talking about, when we are talking about the physical number of people that are needed will be in order to provide those, yes gentlemen, we have
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to redial, for sure, let's, let's try to redial, let's try to restore contact with you now, maybe the second attempt will be better than the first, because we hear through word of mouth. or an excellent connection, or, or some, or some such friezes come to us, slows down, conversation, now we will try to retype, we are talking about the economic side of mobilization, and also, if we have time, we will touch on the same concept in principle as economic mobilization, as such, that is, since this is what we are talking about now with mr. oleg, the same thing is also about how to get taxpayers to the wall as much as possible, since these taxes are very important, and how to... reduce to zero, if it is possible in principle, the number of unemployed, because it seems to me that currently mobilization measures on the contrary, they rather drive into the shadows, or or increase the number of unemployed people, due to the fact that people who are trying to somehow avoid mobilization, accordingly, it is difficult to attract them
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to the economy, in other words, some decisive methods are needed, it is already coming back with us, i want to say about what is going on in our country. bir and quite confidently we are moving towards our goal. for today, you and i have already collected more than 36,00 uah, despite the fact that i said that we should... at least in the afternoon of six days to collect 30 thousand uah each with a small tail, as you can see, we are ahead of these pace this is very nice dear friends we only have 153 left to reach our goal and join us as we talk to get closer to this goal of ours and 1.22000 was already in our account for these battery stations i like it says in particular, valery pekar, you know what... the more efficiently the state and state institutions work, the more efficiently
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civil institutions should work, and here are such initiatives, for example, to raise funds, that is , if something is not working well in our country, relatively speaking, the state, people work better then to the state to duplicate some of those things, well, unfortunately, mr. oleg penzyn has already returned to us, mr. oleg, let's continue, and i apologize for the string, here such things do not depend on me, so look, one more figure ... which was named by the president, er , in order to mobilize 450,00 people, you need to have 3 million taxpayers, actually for this number of mobilized, er, now it is easier for you and i to understand, at the moment we have you and i in the people's the economy works legally and pays taxes somewhere about 9.5 million people, of which 3 million people ? persons, persons, persons, persons, yes, of them, 3 million
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are civil servants, and about 6.5 million are in business, that is, actually, the real taxpayers are 6.5 million people who are working today in business and pay taxes, so that the total amount. labor potential in ukraine according to various estimates after all departures, well, we count somewhere at the level of 14 million, but in reality it is less. the kyiv school of economics says about 12.5, certain experts they say 13, well, let's agree on 13.5 million, this is the number of people who today can be involved in the real sector of the economy, well, in services, that is, to ensure the activity of the economy in... the country, that is, we have six and a half in business and there are three in
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the civil service, eh, that is, one must understand that another 3 million taxpayers must be found somewhere, but it is not easy to find them, that is, one must understand that jobs must be created for that number of people, that is, business must invest in economy and created jobs, or the state really invested in money and created jobs, it’s not just that, a person walks today, but tomorrow he’s already a taxpayer, no, he needs to create conditions for him to create added value, that is, the economy says the following: in order for you to get an additional 3 million taxpayers, you should create at least 3-3 and a half to 4 million jobs, of which three will work in the legal sector, objectively in the shadows there will be a certain number of people who work in the shadows. people working in the shadow economy, and the president announced another figure, in
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order to mobilize 450-500 thousand people, it is necessary to find somewhere half a trillion hryvnias, 500 billion, that is, this is a correct figure, in your opinion, this is a correct figure, absolutely, that is, the figures that he mentioned i understand, it was given to him by his economic bloc and they are absolutely correct, so at the moment they are common. that today are mobilized and are in the defense security forces, 1.7 trillion, if you want to increase this number by 450 thousand, you need to find half a trillion hryvnias, is it today the possibility... to find those half a trillion , a completely rhetorical question, well, in fact, i
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don't know where to find that money in ukraine, because , well, we have 1.7 in the budget with you, and these are all the taxes and fees that ukraine collects today, all absolutely, there is one remark, a replica literally, but it is possible in connection with losses, in connection with who someone is in treatment and so on and so on and so on in our country... in fact , there is already one there and 1.1 million of the army itself as people who can fight, maybe these are actually numbers to replenish losses, i apologize. "let me make some there are remarks in order for us to understand that a person who is er is injured, a person who has received a disability, this does not mean that he loses his right to financial maintenance, this is one thing, and secondly, i want to remind you , that in
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accordance with ukrainian legislation , each deceased. a soldier has the right, his relatives have the right to compensation of 15 million hryvnias, you know about this, yes for sure, that is, even those people have already received compensation, of course, yes, those people, even those who died as heroes in the war, their relatives receive 15 million , that is, those the budget must provide money in any case , that is, when we talk to you... people, regardless of whether they are active, they are active soldiers, whether they are receiving treatment, or they have died, they require expenses from the state budget , uh, that is, they require
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the existence of a certain number of taxpayers who will provide those benefits. and one more point that you should also be aware of: not a penny of macro-financial assistance can go to war, that is, the 40 billion dollars that we received this year, they removed a certain burden from the budget, but they were used for social expenses and financing of civil service salaries. that are in the civilian sector, to finance teachers, doctors , to finance funds for social support and transfer part of pensions, but with that money you cannot finance the war, that is, if you are talking about 450 thousand people that you
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need to mobilize, you really need find where... half a trillion money, well that is, where it will be found, it is extremely difficult for me to say, well, in spite of everything, because today the economy of ukraine does not generate this money, firstly, and secondly, the economy of ukraine does not have such a number of additional tax payers, that is, additional jobs, additional, well, count, additional working population, well, that is, this is an emergency issue. serious, which is why the president actually raised this question, that is , theoretically, it is possible, and there is a request from the general staff, but let us remember the famous saying of napoleon that war is money, money and money again, so despite everything this question is still open and on
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mobilize? there are not many, but these people must be kept, if it is necessary for someone to pay taxes, yes, i, if for those people who do not pay taxes, that is, people who, on the contrary, rather sit down in our state now, those people, or people, who work without paying taxes, who are in the shadows, come in and so on , that is, maybe there is a mobilization resource there, at least, if not for the armed forces, then a mobilization resource for the economy, is it possible somehow look, look, look, i will explain, here ... unfortunately, we all the time think, oh well any event has negative and positive sides, the truth is, let 's take away the negative ones so that only the positive sides remain in the event, well, i'll repeat it once again, i gave an example, you go outside, and the sun is shining, there is a shadow behind you it does appear, but tell me,
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please, can you remove that shadow so that you go out into the sun and there is no shadow, well, that doesn't happen. these are objective moments of the existence of any economy, i.e. in today's ukrainian economy, 60% of the legal sector exists, you objectively have 30% illegal, well, that is, you cannot reduce the illegal sector, by reducing the illegal sector, you will objectively reduce uh, well, the sector where there are taxpayers, well , that is, well, look, these are two parts of one... one component, well it does not exist in any other way, and one more thing must be understood, that the illegal sector that we are talking about, it still pays taxes, even in envelopes, it still pays wages, even in envelopes. that is, he gives the opportunity to those people to exist, those people then leave with that money to stores, they buy food products from which taxes are paid, well, that is, in
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any case, a certain cash flow is generated there, a certain financial flow, which, in spite of everything, equally benefits the economy, well, that is , in order to reduce the shadow sector, it is necessary to extremely a great effort, extremely , we need to change the tax system, we need to... approach the formation of social production in a different way, there are a lot of extremely complicated things, it is definitely impossible to do in the economic conditions, so let's just take it for granted that on every six taxpayers, you will have exactly three non-payers, well, in spite of everything, of course i would like them to somehow, well , somehow, pay something there, somehow, or go there in a mobile so with... we lost contact, well, but let's try to connect now, we don't really have much time left, and some main points have been discussed, and well, we see that
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we have yes, my memory has returned, yes, we can continue, yes, therefore, in my opinion, the situation next, probably, this law on mobilization will be adopted, which is now in the mobilization age of the verkhovna rada will probably be reduced. probably, and we heard about this from the president, the mobilization process will probably begin, which should increase the total number of people who are fighting today, probably, well, by 40 billion will it be increased, that there is a task from the international monetary fund to increase the income to the state budget for 40 billion, you probably saw this item in the memorandum, but... it won't help in the general situation, well, i'm saying, half a trillion is needed, where will the money be found? well, the only way is to decrease
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public consumption, is it about what marchenko said at the press conference? the way it should look, the way it should look, well, i think it is unlikely that anyone will freeze social standards now, but... import control will definitely be introduced, definitely so that, as marchenko said, that money does not go for the purchase of iphones and cars, i just gave you an example, yes, of the negative balance of the trade balance that you and i have today, is this money, well, this money will not go, for example for the apple corporation, but will they go to the state budget in this case, or not... look, look, look, look, look, what is needed, what is needed, so that the money is spent on the ukrainian producer, in this way they remain in
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the economy and increase the state budget, that is, in this way they generate an additional financial flow that ends up in the state budget, and from which the war can then be financed, that is, in the foreign trade balance, i will remind you of the numbers again, we have a situation of 50 %. 1 billion dollars, we bought products, well, imported goods and exported 29 billion dollars. we have a negative balance of 22-23 billion dollars, a negative balance, that is, what was given to us for macro-financial assistance, returned back to the secrets that gave us that money, if so, this is very, this is a big loss of money , therefore, that money should be stimulated so that it remains in the economy of ukraine. the big challenges are actually mobilization. not only the armed forces of ukraine, but also the economy are rising in front of us now, we tried to draw them, outline them like this with oleg penzeny, economist, member
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of the economic discussion club, thank you for this conversation, thank you to our viewers for being with us, andriy saichuk and i wish you well, see you tomorrow at 7:10, and you stay with espresso, because our marathon continues, so does our fundraiser, you and i managed to collect 4000 this morning, thank you for that, we still have ... 150,000 less to close the fundraiser at the battery station, thank you for that , pa-pa, attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak, super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots, perfect fit, water-repellent material and feel warm even in 30 degree frost, alaska stayle boots have a versatile design and practical black. color, so will fit both men and women, sizes 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband, side zippers ensure a perfect fit even on
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