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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine - enable me ukraine. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, let's discuss. the draft law has been submitted to the verkhovna rada, which concerns mobilization, demobilization and the introduction of additional enhanced fines. therefore, the government of ukraine proposes to the parliamentarians to impose a number of restrictions on those citizens who have not pierced. did not fulfill their obligations regarding mobilization training and mobilization for violators of the rules of military registration and legislation on defense, to increase fines, and for refusal to undergo a medical examination, to deprive of liberty in the same way as for evasion of mobilization, draft laws numbered 10378 and 10379 were submitted by the cabinet of ministers to the verkhovna rada. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on social policy and rights protection, talks about this and other things.
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lieutenant general of the militia, glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo, christ is coming. glory to the heroes, heroes, i congratulate you and praise christ, i congratulate everyone on the holidays. well, the cabinet of ministers had time of ukraine, submitted the corresponding draft laws , but we can see a lot of emotions, because , as far as we understand, the draft laws are a little raw, to put it mildly, and accordingly , the work in... committees should give them the appropriate consistency, yes, because , well , legislation, legislation on mobilization , demobilization and fines - this is a very serious story, your opinion, your assessment, so previously, if you looked at the draft laws, well, it's actually very interesting, who are the authors anyway, who he wrote it because the working group is made up of people's deputies.
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which includes representatives of all factions of the groups of the verkhovna rada, as well as representatives of the ministry of defense and other security forces, did not discuss such an option in the working groups, because of this we are still waiting for an explanation, i doubt that this is the version of the draft law that has a chance to be voted, definitely in... it needs to be worked out and there are a lot of things that need to be explained, primarily the military, why exactly, because especially the things that you said when it comes to imposing a restriction on a person not appeared in the picking center , then she is subject to restrictions on traveling abroad, although, by the way
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, this restriction currently exists, persons of conscription age cannot leave the country, but other things, this is the seizure of bank accounts, that is, the bank account may be affected immediately system, the following is the suspension of the payment of social benefits, which is also a violation of the constitution and many laws, and other things that a person has no right to alienate. property, purchase property, these norms will be subject to a thorough discussion and explanation by the authors, i emphasize once again that it is very important that those people who prepared such proposals could give answers. next , there is an embedded corruption component and the risk that the head of the territorial procurement center will have the right, as they say,
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to exclude this or that person from the list of debtors or those on whom such burdens have been imposed, also, excuse me, on what basis, he wanted , did not want to, there are enough reasons, there are questions, we are also concerned that the people's deputies made a proposal in the working group, and this norm was apparently supported. on all and including by representatives of the defense forces regarding persons of the third group of disabilities, the first and second groups were preserved in the draft law, i.e. persons who are currently serving and are disabled of the first and second groups, they are subject to release, and also a postponement of mobilization, we proposed for the disabled of the third group , for some reason the cabinet of ministers did not take into account, the same applies to... persons who have the right to
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care, and they determine who are the caregivers from among the mobilized, the third group of disabilities also fell out. is this fair, but probably not need to be analyzed, and on the other hand, we are interested in the opinion of the military, how a person with a disability can be used in the armed forces or other defense forces, that is , the draft law is raw, the draft law is very debatable, it needs to be finalized, and it is very unfortunate that the cabinet of ministers does not agree with such an idea turned to the working group, and just... took it like that and registered it, although some of the representatives and the cabinet of ministers already say in advance that they understand that there will be a discussion and are ready to make some concessions, i think that they have already done their job, now people's deputies, first of all the committee
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on national security and defense, if a meeting of the working group is convened, we will also demand that the authors and those... who are representatives of the defense forces clearly explain each of these positions, because the people's deputies should vote for the people's deputies to explain , and it is important for us to know how necessary it is today for the security and defense forces to draft such a bill, there is no doubt that the mobilization system has long been in need of improvement. but we need to consider what is going on decentralization and entrusting, as i do, excessive powers to local authorities regarding the delivery of summonses, calls to the territorial recruitment center, i also have great doubts as to whether there will not be
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a corruption component there, and as for summonses via e-mail, well, forgive me, it is something like that , in my opinion, it is not very pro... elaborated and it also causes, in my opinion, a lot of doubts, how then to consider whether the summons was served, whether it was sent, whether it was delivered and many, many other things, how to be with those who have, who do not use, for example, by e-mail, because of the discussions here, it seems to me, only ahead, but we have to go out. to go back to the fact that those military personnel who are in the armed forces and other formation forces that serve today, they need replacement or rotation, they need rest, for this there must be a quality replacement composition,
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will this law solve this problem, in my so far many questions arise. mr. mykhailo, you very successfully pointed out that the dep... there will have to adopt it, respectively, put your opinions for, against, or abstained, and here it is important that there is proper communication from the lawmakers to the society, and today there was information, sources in the servant of the people faction told ukrainian pravda that the servants were allegedly forbidden or given such a recommendation not to communicate secretly in any way about this draft law , and this should be done by the military in their opinion, that is, it turns out that we have... quite a lot of such discussion points in this draft law, so we understand that it is raw, that it will be refined, but the fact that there is such an order on the part of the leadership of the faction, on the part of the servants of the people, this is probably, well , not quite a correct position, if they
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want the military, the military to somehow comment on it, what is your general opinion on this matter and do you think that deputies should still communicate with society about all these innovations that should... be introduced? well, i cannot be responsible for the representatives, for my colleagues of the people's deputies from the monomajority, in our faction of the motherland there are no restrictions, every people's deputy is a subject legislative initiative, he represents the voters, and we, as far as possible, frankly convey our position, and by the way, we thank your tv channel, which for ... the public, everything else, i understand that some discussions should continue behind closed doors, behind closed doors, because there is information that constitutes a state secret,
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and i am sure that such discussions are held in working groups and committees, especially the national security and defense committee will continue on in general, we can already come out with a consolidated, more or less prepared decision, which is very important, we are actually going to a meeting with the leadership of the armed forces. of ukraine in order to provide them with the opportunity to perform their military duty today. this is clear. but, in my opinion, every decision should be justified. if it concerns additional numbers, then the ministry of finance must clearly and economically say where to get the funds. and on the other hand, if we are talking about any additional powers or restrictions on human rights, we must. understanding a general trick, but it is realistic
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to realize that the constitution clearly sets limits, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, we, as a state, must realize that in order for the defense forces, the armed forces of ukraine to perform their work qualitatively, the economy must work, and indeed today those people who work, they finance the armed forces. forces and of course those who pay taxes, and in order for the front to work qualitatively, the rear must ensure qualitative work, this must be taken into account, including during the adoption of such bills, which were proposed by cabinet of ministers, we are waiting for a discussion and an explanation from their side, well, in any case, mr. mykhailo, we understand that the draft law arrived, so to speak, without discussion, have you confirmed it? this is one serious point, the second point, let's read it, in the text of article 23 on the preparation and
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mobilization of draft law 10378 there is the following paragraph: the persons specified in the second, ninth, and third paragraphs of this article in the specified period may be called up for military service according to their consent, and at the same time the following: a decision to grant conscripts specified in paragraphs 3, 17, 19 of the first part and the second, ninth part of the third of this article of deferment from conscription for military service from during mobilization. adopted by local executive bodies in accordance with the procedure established by the cabinet of ministers , these parts, well, on the face of it, they contradict each other, how will the city government decide which, for example, teacher there should be granted a reprieve, and which not, by the way, paragraph 16 of the first part - these are pregnant women, they also need to ask the city council about postponement and so on, that is, it is necessary that someone with olyvchik, because people, you know, multiply hysteria in our society, that's how they read all... telegram channels, in which either provocateurs or crazy paranoids write, on the other hand, well, there should be a very
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clear, normal approach that would outline, because when ordinary people read the draft laws, you know, there is the second, third paragraph of the fifth previous point, well, people are confused, when people are confused, accordingly , a certain level of psychopathization of society increases , and we don't need this, and in general what prospects do you think will listen? to the general logic of the bill, well, because changes need to be implemented, everything needs to be made tougher , it is also necessary to help people to fulfill their obligations, but on the other hand, when it all turns into a kind of boundless format, you know, people are worried, and accordingly , well, i am sure that the draft law that raises these issues of mobilization and... others, something, including those raised in these drafts registered by
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the cabinet of ministers, it will definitely be approved, at least in the first reading, then there will be difficult work in the national security and defense committee, perhaps in the working group that i mentioned, in order to improve it before the second reading, there is another option that this bill can be returned at all on... the work of the cabinet of ministers, but we, as a country, have little time, these issues that are raised, they must be settled, the law on mobilization is long out of date, but it will be very important from the position of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine and the general staff. it seems to me that someone from the first persons of these structures, named by me, will definitely be... not only at the meeting of the committee on national security and defense, but also in the session hall. i do not rule out that this may be
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a closed meeting, where certain figures will be named, which constitute a state secret. because of that, the fate and time of passage of this draft law also depends on it. in general, in my opinion, we worked in the working group in such a way that it could be approved both in the first reading and in the second and as a basis, so as not to delay... the president as the supreme commander, now in this situation it is impossible, because in fact he is raw, he was discharged unprofessionally, he needs to be improved in... regarding laws, rule-making, law-making, and the scientific and expert legal department of the verkhovna rada, where there are specialists, they will definitely help to do this, according to their functional duties. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy
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of the first ukraine, deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights, as well as the lieutenant general of the police. was in touch with us and we discussed a fairly crude draft law on mobilization, let 's hope that the people's elected officials will study this law, the draft law in detail and will actually draw the right conclusions and adopt such popular decisions, but such are necessary during martial law . now we will go on a short break and after that we will have a switch-on, so please wait, the espresso information marathon continues, we continue our work, we will be back in a few minutes. turn on good - it's when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the world of cinema, then, oh, what you need, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports, there are discounts on valerian bulgarsky, 15% in pharmacies
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2:48 pm
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help me see the future again, you hear what it's all about... free psychological help for children during war in the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. the channel's information day is ongoing. christ is born, the second day of the holiday, the christmas of christ, can be celebrated, well, in general, it should be celebrated every day throughout the year, but, well , we understand that there is a lot of different news. and we will keep you informed, dear viewers, accordingly we will bring in informed experts on that. kateryna shymkevich, candidate of historical sciences,
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expert of the analytical center for balkan studies, is already in touch with us. we welcome you to eteriso, ms. katerina, and please let us know what is happening in serbia now, we know that there are protestors sentiments, protesters are taking to the streets, but whether it will develop into something, you know, big, large-scale, it's difficult for us now. tell me, what are your thoughts on this now ? well, as of today , the situation is still quite calm, and even the number of local media reports has decreased, which indicates that a certain degree of tension is beginning to subside, it is possible that in the evening there will be demonstrations again with calls to review the election results, today a whole day media serbian print. analytical reviews of various politicians, and pro-opposition and pro-opposition, and there was even one piece of news on the serbian resource h1
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that re-elections will be held in some, in some small towns, 15,000 voters should come to the polling stations, but this news, well, can only be confirmed on the evening of the big if spread. did not receive, and i very much doubt that muchic will allow re-election, because he declared that his party won, and everything will go to the formation of the government. look, i wanted to ask you about the so-called russian trail, whether it is a pseudo-russian trail, we understand that in moscow, well, any of its kind, so to speak , a pocket, if not a dictator, then just a sympathizer, they always intimidate. the threat of color revolutions, so at one time we remember how they drove, in particular and not without the help of the kremlin, the same lukashenko,
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in order for him to moor closer to the russian federation, well, even now there is a feeling, yes, that includes the so-called reflexive management in order to slightly correct the behavior of serbian president vučić, on the other hand, we understand that vučić is national populism, a lot of serbs, of course, they don't want the return, so to speak, of pro-european policy to some rational pro-russian side. so, the russian trail in this matter? well, regarding the large number of pro-european serbs, it is a little bit wrong, because the party, the politicians who want greater rapprochement with russia, just won the elections. there are several parties there, for example, we are the voice of the people, this is a purely pro-russian party, absolutely, there are several smaller ones that generally say that the european integration of serbia
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should be suspended, the opposition parties are determined forces, they are so in favor of the european union, but it is unlikely that they are in favor of severing ties with moscow for good, none of these opposition parties have said so. that they are ready to change serbia's policy in a different direction and, for example, condemn russia's war against ukraine, or introduce sanctions, that is, there is no such thing, the russian trail, well, as you correctly noted, this is russia's attempt not to correct vučić's behavior, it is more to establish a bigger control over what vucic does, because vucic plays a lot skillfully e with europe, with the european union, beijing and russia for its goals of reforms and maintaining popularity there, and russia
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also wants to push certain political forces, so that they still constitute a certain, well , certain competition to the ruling party, which already has a large number of serbs are not satisfied, and as we can see from the statements of high-ranking officials. and the same uncle, who made his first visit after sunday, after such large demonstrations and the beating of the flags of the city hall to the russian ambassador, just says that luchysh after all remains in the orbit of russian politics, and he continues rapprochement with the kremlin, but in principle he never rejected it, that they have close ties with russia, that they want to further maintain these ties. the only thing that used to be rather loud statements of the prime minister, the minister of defense, that thanks to the activities of the special services of russia, it was possible to warn
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a lot. mass demonstrations, to prevent an attempted revolution, which vučić, according to his statements, is not going to allow in serbia. mrs. kateryna, considering the fact that, after all, we see that and russian intelligence, as it were, provides information to the serbian government about a possible maidan, let's say, don't you have the thought that this somehow resembles the events. a year ago in ukraine, when a minority of ukrainians who wanted a european future went to the maidan to declare their visions, values, and so on, and here the government and the president, not supporting this, also enlisting the support of moscow, tried to suppress these protests, or do you have such a parallel in your head, because for some reason i am such a parallel i can draw, if you draw parallels, then
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clearly not... with the events of the revolution of dignity and the european maidan, because then ukrainians came out for not just declaring, but fighting for european european values ​​and against the yanukovych regime. the current situation in serbia is more reminiscent of the events of 2004-5, when ukrainians began en masse to oppose electoral fraud in the presidential elections of yanukovych and yushchenko, but from such parallels. well, it is necessary to move away, because this is the imposition of russian rhetoric, which is trying to push this thesis about maidan technologies through the pro-russian media, and serbian journalists and experts, and russians alike, attach a very negative connotation to it with the aspect that it is, after all, an attempt at...
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a coup d'état by force, as far as we can remember, there was no attempt to stage a coup in ukraine, neither in 2004 nor in 2013-14, but it is under such a sauce that russia serves the so-called maidan technology, and zakharova, spokeswoman for the russian foreign ministry, spoke about this yesterday. teskov talked about it, and that's it vucic and his ministers of his government tried to talk about it there. well, that's it, thank you. ms. kateryna, comprehensive answer, kateryna shymkevich, candidate of historical sciences, expert of the analytical center for balkan studies, well, belgrade, so to speak , is shaking a little inside itself, well, let's see if the russian federation or president buchic will take advantage of it, yes, let's go for it consider everything, of course, and invite experts who are now very knowledgeable in this topic to our broadcasts, we will remind you just of yours,
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to our viewers, to you... our viewers that right now there is a protest mood in serbia due to the elections that took place there recently, and actually, well, ms. kateryna stated that she is more inclined to consider this a repetition , well , i won't repeat the word, maybe it's incorrect, but at least this is how we remember it, 2004, yanukovych, yushchenko, and correspondingly different views, different maidans, but does serbia have its own yushchenko? you understand, that is, vuchich said, there are pro-russian forces, there are pro-european forces, i wanted to say pro-ukrainian, well, in the end, it’s the same thing, yes, well, but the question is whether there is a powerful figure, look, as we speak, the minister of defense of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, grand sheps, well, patted our fighters, commenting on the defeat of the russian large landing ship novocherkask in feodosia, i quote
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the minister of defense. great britain, they failed to notice that 20% of the russian black sea fleet had been destroyed in the last four months. russia's dominance in the black sea is now in doubt, and a new coalition of naval capabilities under the leadership of great britain and norway, promotes and helps ukraine to win at sea. that's right. and more news and everything you need to know will soon be available to us from anna eva melnyk, who, together with the news editor, has already prepared fresh, up-to-date information. therefore, we pass it on to anna. a word: congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, we will tell about the most relevant events, in particular, in this issue, about other destroyed targets, besides the landing ship novocherkask. be with us.


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