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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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greetings, dear viewers, this is news , annayeva melnyk is with you, and this episode begins with the following "a day with fire in feodosia, in occupied crimea, russians are looking for informants, also after hitting the vdvk novocherkassk, muscovites are watching the port more closely and trying to prevent information leakage about the state of his injuries. according to the center of national resistance, after the destruction of the ship, the enemy surrounded the central area of ​​the city and increased the checking of people on the streets.
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at the same time, the representative of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, iskender bariev reported that the illegal authorities there are trying to fight with numerous video materials where the moments of hitting the ship are recorded. they are looking for those who released these videos. officially, there were shaheds on board the great landing ship novocherkask. this is reported by rbc with reference to the center for strategic communications. in addition to the vdk , another russian vessel could have been damaged. information about this is still being checked, said natalya homeniuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the southern defense forces. defense minister of the russian federation shuigu has already reported putin about the attack of the armed forces on the fleet and acknowledged the damage to novocherkassk. the defense forces of southern ukraine posted photos of these damages online, and the photos show that the ship was destroyed. according to the air force, he was attacked. with cruise missiles with the help
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of tactical aviation, partisans from the atesh movement said that at night it was also noisy in dzhankoya in the area of ​​the local airfield, and in sevastopol the armed forces of ukraine also hit a concentration of occupation troops. the fire was burning even at eight o'clock in the morning, as ateshiv residents note, it had not been so loud in the crimea for a long time. from the morning donetsk under massed artognem. the russians killed five people. two more were wounded, the enemy attacked turetsk. there, a 67-year-old woman died in her own yard, and a 74-year-old man died of injuries near the hospital, the regional prosecutor's office reports. in the village of severnye, a local resident became a victim of muscovites, another was injured. an enemy shell hit a private house in avdiivka. a man died, his wife was pulled out from under the rubble and brought to the hospital. doctors assess her condition as serious. in kostyantynivka.
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fragments of the projectile pierced the woman's chest and abdominal cavity, she died. in the afternoon , the occupiers attacked the central district of kherson, and a local resident was injured. also, two people died as a result of shelling in the region. the russians with the artillery were caught on mykilskyi. the projectile hit a private house and killed a 71-year-old man. one person died of fatal injuries in the train, the head of the region oleksandr prokutin informs. artifact for 300,000 uah, the head of the national museum of the history of ukraine saw an advertisement for the sale of a bronze foundry set. it turned out that it was historical artifact. the police of the kharkiv region, where the man turned, established the identity of the seller, searched him and seized other valuables. as reported in the ministry of internal affairs, law enforcement officers are investigating. antiquities, and
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a pre-trial investigation is ongoing in this case. he was born in the city of dnipro, his life was almost a continuous holiday, but 2014 radically changed everything. rustam mustafayev, chief sergeant of anti-aircraft anti-aircraft units of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, has been defending the independence of our country at the front for 7 years. him let's see the story further. in the distant civilian past, rustam mustafayev was an organizer of mass events, and today he is fighting the russian occupiers at the front and defending the life of every ukrainian. during the revolution of dignity, he created a volunteer organization and began helping the military. in 2015, he went into service himself. as a volunteer, at first i traveled like this, helped the boys, got to know the boys, and somehow everything started to spin like that, well, i sat and watched. i have legs, why
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am i not there, why am i here, you can organize all this without me, and i went to the service. rustam serves in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which not only stops the russian offensive, but... counterattacks, liberating ukrainian settlements from occupation, since 2015 he has visited almost all regions where active hostilities are taking place. at first, the counteroffensive brigade was thrown in the direction of zaporizhzhia, after a successful, slow, not as fast as most wanted, but slow successful counteroffensive, the brigade showed itself well, and then during the escalation in the direction of odev, we were thrown in full force. in ovidian direction, now we are holding back the enemy there and fighting for our land. the 47th separate mechanized brigade hits the enemy with kamikaze drones. today, drones not only replace reconnaissance, but are also used by fighters as guided missiles. with the help of
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drones, the military clears the positions of the occupiers before our infantrymen attack them. however , all the copters they have are the help of citizens and volunteers. unfortunately, in general, such a concept... as the kamikaze drone in the armed forces of ukraine is not in service and they are not purchased in the same way as it is from our enemy, our the enemy simply receives them in batches of tens of thousands, they are issued, they are issued simply as shells, simply as a staff need, unfortunately, we do not have this yet. despite the pain, fatigue and losses, the fighters of the 47th brigade still find reasons for joy. we have the best moments in our service when we are either tangential. or our unit is involved, or we personally participate in the destruction of manpower or equipment and or some means of the enemy. this is the best for us. for us , there is no weekend, no concept of day-night, no concept of celebrating somewhere, going somewhere. a full-scale russian invasion
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landed rustam in the hospital. he had reasons to be discharged from the service, but he decided to stay in the army and returned to the front. it is necessary not only to believe in victory, but also to help as much as possible. military, if you cannot fight, you must help those who can fight, well, there is no other way. to the question of how russia's war against ukraine should end, rustam answers briefly: no agreements, only ukraine's victory. i remind you that the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua, is collecting funds on atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. the ukrainian military fights for victory in difficult conditions every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield, with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is 800 00 hryvnias, with your help we collected almost 700
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thousand. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. you can donate using the details you see on the screen now. images on boxes. weapons - a cycle of 11 icons dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the 112th, 114th and 241st brigades of the tro of kyiv and kyiv region became part of the exposition of the sofia kyivska national reserve. the works are written on the boxes from under the weapons that remained after the battles during the defense of the capital in the spring of 2022. from now on, they will complement the paintings of the times of kyivan rus , the images of the iconostasis. of the baroque era in the church, there will be requiem prayers for the heroes who defended their country, the transformation of death into life, uh, death is a box of weapons, life in our tradition is an icon,
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udeis is a prayer and not just a prayer, it is a prayer on the terrible essence of the saints for humanity before christ, in our case it is a prayer for the dead ukrainian soldiers, we inscribed these names in the icons, they are inscribed forever, and these icons place, we placed it in sophia of kyiv, in our central temple of our country, and now there is a church on the territory of the national reserve where priests will pray for the dead, it is very important for us, because we show, we show er to relatives, we show the whole country what our brothers are died for the country is very important. for us and very important for the country as a whole. christmas for the poor was organized in ivano-frankivsk. festive tables and gifts were prepared by volunteers for more than 150 guests of the event. people tasted delicious borscht and other dishes, listened to carols and greetings
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from children. according to the organizers, it is important that no one feels forgotten and abandoned. and the people... with whom we were today are probably the people who most need some kind of warmth, some kind of communication, uh, and i have a family, i have a home, i have... a wife, children, friends, i have a place to go, and today i want to join and share this with those people who don't have it, who don't have a home, who don't have loved ones, some do not have relatives, but they also deserve warmth, it gives us such hope that good always wins, it also really likes to feel needed. that you give something to those people
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who don't expect anything from you, but we don't expect anything from it either, but we get something, such an inner feeling of joy. next issue news at 5 p.m., see you soon. thank you to the news editor, thank you annievilnyk, well, the information day of the tv channel is in the midst of quite a lot of events, in particular, there was an undoubtedly resonant statement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhny. thus, valery zaluzhnyi stated that the data on the mobilization of 400-500 thousand people is not entirely correct, since the general staff and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine did not provide specific... in order to actually mobilize additional human resources to
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participate in the war against russia, and the second moment - it is that valery zeluzhny stated that he does not think that it is appropriate to rely on the disability group after all, valery zeluzhny says that it is still worth passing a military medical board and only after that to understand whether a person is suitable for military service service or unfit, and also zaluzhnyi stated that the question of postponement of mobilization is not within his competence, he obviously means... that the lawmakers should decide who will be granted the right to postpone and who will not, it is important to him that there be a human resource, yes, that can be engaged to military service, these are the main theses that general valery zaluzhnyi stated when he spoke in the telethon, well, he also gave an extremely powerful signal, i am quoting now the head of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, he did not reveal what ukraine knows about the military plans of the state - the aggressor for... next year, but promises an adequate response, the direct speech of the general. absolutely
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correct question about the plans of the russian federation, of course, we will take into account what may happen in the next year, what we see, what will happen, i don't want i would not like to speak out now, because i would be a little reasonable, and then think about how to eliminate the consequences, but we are carefully monitoring, emphasized the head of the zaluzhny, today we have enough intelligence agencies that carry out the relevant work, we can even... .. compare certain data, compare them, compare the data provided by our partners and our intelligence agencies, and we do everything in order to adequately respond to it, while at the same time predicting the situation is quite difficult. well, now we are bringing in an expert. yes, ivan krychevsky, a defense express expert, is in touch with us. and mr. ivan, you have probably already heard valery zaluzhnyi's statement, if you have something to comment on, if you want to comment on this, or if you have something to add, please do so. i think that mr. commander-in-chief has said everything comprehensively here,
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i think that some kind of disconnection in the communication line is clearly visible, especially since mr. commander-in-chief had to make this statement even not only on his own initiative, but what, let's say, people, well, subjects who formed the respective texts initiatives, they should have voted, they decided to transfer all communication to the military, this is not a healthy thing, so here literally... it makes sense to limit ourselves to this and just, you know, let's say this, not to add extra meanings to the words commander-in-chief, precisely so that to preserve at least some remnants , well, no, you can’t, you can’t even say stability here anymore, but let’s say so, the stability of the system of military-political management, clearly and clearly, well, mr. ivan, let’s move on to our immediate topic, the immediate topic means that the russian federation was extremely happy and... a hole in the anti-aircraft defense allowed some of our beautiful missiles, let's ask which ones,
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to hit a large landing ship, so it was a big surprise for the enemy, what was it in your opinion, here as far as i remember, the spokesman of the air force already hinted in direct text on the air of one of my colleagues that these were western aviation rockets, stormshedo or scalp, but here it is true, let's say, such a very original story is coming out. what kind of honey bee brought those rockets, well maybe this bee had the shape of the defense minister of great britain, who knew, they, let's say so, if... contrary to the strikes that took place there, well, something like that should have remained there, so honeyed or imported, but here, to be honest, it arises these are very controversial questions, let's say so, if we still have the ability to
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effectively hit enemy targets, and in depth. systems covering the air defense system on the temporarily occupied peninsula, why was it spent only on a landing ship, and and why, for example, not use this ammunition for, for example, the development of success from the slaughter of russian air defense, russian planes in the air, well, four planes at once, half of the annual output, in just two days, this was a good pogrom for them, if they had also , any such, but british izdalia would fly in and add charm, look, well, the question is key. the key, from which carrier the same stormshadows could fly, if or scalps, it doesn’t matter, well, russian propagandists are already tearing apart, just f16, you see, they are seen at every step, already the minister of defense, the criminal military shoigu began to publicize how much they destroyed in the 16th and so on and so forth, well, the topic is floating in the air, so to speak, and suddenly,
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you know, this is a very interesting paradox, they are already knocking down bundles in the 16th at the moment... when our pilots have not yet finished the basic training course, there is still a training course on the sophisticated delivery of bolovna still ahead, so they have, well, judging by everything, it was the 124m that the russians destroyed on the fifth round or by the sixth, there as you read in them, so in them every day a dozen daggers fly out, and they certainly destroy something, f1624, something else there, but we see, everything is flying, everything is working , especially since let's record that fact once again. the russians actually, from the time of the previous bavovnen, where the headquarters of this in sevastopol covered where they also covered the ships, took some measures to strengthen air defense, dug additional air defense positions, overtook mig-31 bm fighter interceptors, the characteristics of which in theory would allowed to shoot down any of our rockets
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attack, but this did not happen, so mr. ivan, mr. ivan, forgive me, but actually you are moving so smoothly to this... and my next question is precisely what allowed our aviation to take to the sky, to make these launches , because we have seen the successful beating of the droughts, we see today's excellent result of the work in feodosia, does this mean that our air defense in the south has become much stronger, perhaps, i think, here it can be said simply succinctly, the operational skill of our aviators, i think each of our viewers understood what we were talking about. well , the russians, let them continue to stamp pictures about how they destroyed everything with dozens of kenzhals and about patriots on armored trains, this is the only thing they can do now. look , mr. ivan, we would like to ask you about the skin or carcass of the killed bear, yes, the large amphibious assault ship novocherkassky, which was hit, we understand that it is so to speak, from the last batches produced by the soviet,
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i wanted to say, the auto industry, the ship, the ship prom, so minus one, but what is it? as far as it is a serious device in general, let's put it this way, why does it cause a certain whining, because it wasn't even the soviet union that built them, they were built by a shipyard that no longer existed in poland, so the russian federation cannot build new such large amphibious ships, that's why they have such on the one hand, screeching toothily, and on the other hand promises to repair everything in two or three months, although there is almost nothing left of that ship, anyone can take such a ship. sorry, 460 tn of cargo, or 300 landing personnel, there is also a plus of up to 100 crew members, the length of the ship, the length of the hull ship is 112 m, and the water replacement is complete, as far as i remember, 400 tons, well, the moscow cruiser was clearly three times more in terms of water replacement, but not judging by to the declared indicator of 450 tons of carrying capacity, the option that
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the shaheds could have been lying there, it clearly fits , roughly speaking, you know, if you compare it with the volume... of the cargo that exploded there, then this , excuse me, old vessel, is already there even doesn't really play any value anymore, there you can not even measure how much it cost in millions of dollars, because in fact it cost zero, even in this biography of this warship there are even two peculiarities, firstly, everyone already knows that it was almost covered by the berdyansk, they just managed to sew, and the second is that it was somewhere so russian from 1990 to 2007 it was in general conservation, well, that is, it is under the open sea, that is, the ship just ... stood and rusted with them for almost 20 years, and then they returned it to streak, that's how they fought before today, well, to put it roughly, the cargo that was lying there is many times or maybe even a steal more valuable, instead of... the vessel that was sunk, and what could be so explosive there, so it boomed, you understand , well, let's say this, if in various
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sources of official military communication the version of the proshehedin sounds, well, i think that no one would lose the stormtroopers just like that on such a tin , there must have been a very valuable cargo, and the unloading factor of which had to be confirmed, especially in how many resources all of a sudden, satellite photos appeared, showing how this amphibious... ship on december 24 came within sight of a berth with cranes for unloading, the more cranes there, that is, it was not possible to immediately roll something out there with cars, so that it was some boxes with shells , that is, something had to be removed from there carefully, a shachet is basically such a thing, well , a grain, it must be unloaded carefully, so the version that there could be kamikaze drones, they could be loaded there in the mode of a ferry, so to speak, on the territory of russia federation in this ship to bring to the surface no one would spend, they would simply live and die
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their own death, so to speak. mr. ivan , we would like to have time to discuss the f-16 situation with you , we know that the first six ukrainian pilots have already passed basic training and are now starting training on f-16 fighters in denmark, can you let us know how long it will take this is the main one. part of the training and when directly the pilots can already use them on the battlefield? let's put it this way, clearly no one can beat these indicators to predict and there is somehow so very strange that the pro-16 is being announced, but they say that first our pilots will practice some basic tasks there, in general, on the propeller planes of the grave, roughly speaking, i suspect that we are rather observing an element not so much information, like... emotional noise with the fact that this, you know, is not even addressed to us, here is the message, where are our pilots, what training course have they completed, well, the enemy may have their ears in europe, and this is the first turn
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an element of disinformation for the russians, if well it turns out that the russians are declaring that they are already disrupting the f16 there in batches, here they are getting a signal from the other side that oh, you know, we are not so much ready, we are just training there on piston planes, accordingly , now any signals that are going to train our pilots for f16, training. planes directly before deployment in ukraine, they cannot be perceived as information, because this is a clear element of military trickery, which should first of all rally the russians, and not inform us? look, no, we will not inform the enemy, in any case we are preparing for various scenarios, but if we talk, for example, mr. ivan, about the next couple of months, we understand that putin is not going to announce a general mobilization for the process of his self-appointment. the russian president, that is, the dictatorship, the reich , as babchenko said, must crystallize, so to speak, completely, but we understand that we carry out many things taking into account
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the possible plans of the enemy, and returning to what was announced by the head of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery deserving, yes, we take it into account various scenarios, in particular, he hinted at what the enemy might want and what to do, for example, to spread out and additional other sections of the front or. a huge border of fire with the russian horde, and accordingly , in your opinion, are our invaluable overseas and european friends and partners now managing to improve what is called providing us with ammunition, without ammunition, in particular for heavy artillery, heavy mortar systems, well, it is very difficult to fight , no matter how many personnel there are, here you have to talk about everything, in general not only about shells, but also, for example, to remind that they have... the idea was to give us howitzers caliber 155 mm, even if they are old m198 tanks, we need additional ones, we need additional armored vehicles, we need
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everything , we need everything is a mess, from the rubric , even with direct macro-financial assistance, the budget can wait, because we need , first of all, everything that can shoot, not only shells, cartridges in general, we need them , since we are talking about mobilization, where to get automatic weapons, mobilized to hand over, if we even we are very dependent on external supplies for small arms. therefore, roughly speaking , we have to pay for everything, even if we need fuel somewhere, we have to pay for fuel, for cars, specialized, non-specialized, and they are not keeping up with the pace, you see , the christmas holidays have started in them, while well, the threat that putin will start a big war in europe, somewhere else, closer to 2025, having already dealt with us first, is already quite ripe, so it is not necessary to fuss there, it is necessary to grab them literally sleeves and for all items of consumables that go to our military, roughly speaking, we have to pay for it, because the situation is such that we need everything and more. thank you, defense express expert ivan karachevskyi, we are very brief, but very thorough.
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the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information regarding disability, medical. services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together, we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become
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part of our family and na'. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhnyi, says that the next year will be different from the 23rd in terms of the technology of warfare. i quote in full: the 24th year will not just be different, it must be different, because otherwise what i wrote about in the article awaits us. accordingly, we are these problems found and already found about 90% of the solutions to these issues, which will definitely need to be resolved in order to act next year.


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