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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EET

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you have portioned honey, you must have such ppooshka, it is not enough to send one big package of candies to the breeder. kateryna says it is important that each soldier receives a personal gift, she has already sent more than a thousand, as one of the commanders of the third regiment said, in the midst of this horror, this is such a cool moral support. the arm women now initiative is free. sends to the advanced women's winter military uniform. in the ministry of defense, unfortunately, there is no separate form that was provided for women. now in donbas -7 feels like -15 and we are doing our best to provide our girls, the defenders, who are on the front line. volunteers pack 150 sets of uniforms. the set includes warm winter pants, a warm jacket, we have now ordered thermal clothing and warm sweaters with... a holiday to ukrainian soldiers
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who are spending this winter far from their relatives. lesya bakalets, kateryna lisunova, voice of america, kyiv. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. the news, see informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. and on this we will say goodbye. see also our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18 kyiv time on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live, and we will try to answer them. thank you for trusting the voice of america in ukrainian. good night and good morning, see you soon.
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see you soon! we are looking for a ten-year gift to kharlova from the village of vesele , zaporizhzhia region. this settlement occupied since the beginning of a full-scale war. but the girl disappeared in june 2023. and in fact , nothing is known about... daryna's fate for more than six months, so i really hope that thanks to your concern , the child will be found. please look carefully at the photo and try to remember darinka kharlova's face. if anyone sees the girl, or if anyone knows where she may be now, do not delay and dial the short number of magnolia child tracing service from any mobile operator 11630. calls from any ukrainian.
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operator free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where. it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication. sometimes people who don't can find their own children, they don't even know what to do or where to turn. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 116.30, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who sees me now can already help find the missing children. just a minute
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of your time and go to the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe it's you you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. i also want to remind you that the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny, who disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022, is also ongoing. his mother asked him to help find the boy. imagine, a woman has not seen or heard from her for more than a year. son i appeal to everyone who can see or know any information about my child, my son, cold, artem andriyovych. if anyone has seen or heard any information, can provide it, i am asking you to do so, because the mother's heart is breaking, and the fact is that artem's parents they are coldly divorced and live separately. it so happened that when the war began,... the boy
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was with his father in the city of kupyansk, kharkiv region. on the third day of the full-scale invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later communication was cut off there. almost six months, mrs. olena. did not have any news about her son and only received a short message from him in viber in september 2022, it was september, somewhere between september 10-13 last year on the 22nd. let me remind you that in september of last year, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers, and it was during this period that mrs. elena's son got in touch. of course, the woman tried to call artyom, wrote him more than one message in response. but all attempts turned out to be in vain, the connection with the child mysteriously broke off again and it is not known where artem kholodny is now, so your help is very important. look at the photo again and remember the boy's face. he is a very active boy, fair-haired,
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with such a lithe physique, by now he is already in the 50th grade, light-eyed, gray-blue eyes, active, kind, good boy. if suddenly someone has seen artem kholodny or knows where he might be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report ... any crime against a child, in any city, in any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. a special performance
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by a legendary band. dead. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera, tickets on the website of the organizer big information partners, espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zimaim, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. right now
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and we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yury, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time for that. talk about money during the war oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, please and sports news, review of sports events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters, that many have become familiar. natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on prideshnaya day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. as for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. act, unite, feel the power of responsibility, interact, share stories, become part of history.
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since 2021, the responsibility award recognizes civil society organizations that act responsibly and... change ukraine. winners of past years come back alive. we are building ukraine together. friends of the community of st. egidius showed how responsible actions make a difference. in 2023, we will celebrate stories of responsible partnership. projects are implemented by civil society organizations in cooperation with representatives of other sectors. responsibility is interaction. the award emphasizes the importance of common values ​​around which... we unite. responsibility award 2023. 10 finalists, three nominations, local, all-ukrainian and international level, financial reward, authoritative members of the jury, find out details and fill out the questionnaire by qr code, share
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stories of responsible partnership, become part of history. good evening mez of ukraine. debris was scattered all over feodosia. the large landing ship novocherkask was hit in the port of this city. what he had on board and what remained of this ship itself. valery zaluzhnyi spoke about the mobilization and whether he demanded from the verkhovna rada of ukraine to adopt changes to the law and collect another 500,000 to military. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 43 minutes. this is the great ether program. my name is vasyl zima and we start with an announcement about the collection. so, i remind you that the espresso tv channel and the human and law charitable foundation have announced a new collection. together with you, our viewers, we
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are collecting funds for powerful portable welstrom battery stations with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment is needed systematically charge. the stations can replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in the field. our goal is 220 uah. so far we have collected only 300. that's 70 thousand. join, contribute to victory, you see the details on your screens. well, actually, we will start the conversation with the situation at the front, and in particular we will talk about kharkiv oblast, the kupyan direction, leonid polyakov, a senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, an officer of the legion of freedom. mr. leonid, i congratulate you. greetings, studio, greetings to the company. glad to see and hear. well, let's go we will talk in general about the situation in the kupien district, it has not been easy there for a very, very long time. from what can be said, please describe the efforts of the enemy and countermeasures by the armed forces of ukraine to
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prevent the advance of enemy orts. well, the enemy does not stop trying to enter the outskirts of kupyansk, he is now trying to concentrate his forces in the vicinity of the settlement of synkivka, which is a strategic settlement and is the way out. on the road to kupinsk, there may be from 5 to 20 assaults per day, moreover, a fairly large amount of artillery is concentrated here , and a fairly large number of personnel is also concentrated , especially lately shtorb z has been observed, as well as motorized rifle and airborne divisions, and here for what... a long time ago a prisoner was caught like that, so to speak,
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and he told , that there is talk in their army circles that their goal is to go there until , well, at best, until the new year, in general, before the elections, when putin will be re-elected there, at least to go to the outskirts of kupinsk, well, in general, it is better to capture him, also the enemy ... lately for a week or two, it is not a pity to use cabs, they are used all over the city, it can be 5-10 cabs per day, and they are also used at the positions of the enemy, at the positions of our defenders, so the situation is difficult, but the guys are. .. they are holding on, but it is difficult to hold on, please tell me what is lacking, again, without
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revealing secrets, we know that an order was given by the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, to strengthen, well, in particular , kharkiv oblast was talked about, i don't know where where is it being built, but in general, are there any works on the construction of suitable fortified areas, and again, what is the situation with the supply, well, i don’t know, each direction probably has its own needs, somewhere more... we need shells, somewhere we need more drones, somewhere we need more of something else , so it’s hard for me to judge right now, but from what you need and support mainly, who covers it, volunteers, the state, please, well, look, in principle, needs are everywhere for everyone sections of the front are approximately the same, my comrades from the legion of freedom are not of course, that drones, drones now play a key role, and they... compensate for the lack of artillery ammunition, both for us and, of course, for the enemy,
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and this, again, is the need for fresh units, so it is not for nothing that they are already going today talk about the mobilization of about 400 to 500 thousand people, yes, well, at least there, although valeriy zaluzhny denied that there were such. but i think that a certain number of military personnel who must be mobilized and trained, definitely a certain number and it should be quite a lot, a... well, in principle, in principle, as regards the fortified districts, there is accordingly preparation, i will not say exactly where and how, but such work is being carried out, although, to be honest, it is not as we would like, as, well, for example, and the sorovikin line itself, well, this is actually the second full-fledged winter of the great war, of course,
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the participants of the so-called anti-terrorist operation survived more than one winter in the trenches and in... the combat zone there on the first or second line, but now, of course, it is much larger number of people are experiencing this great war on the battlefield as this winter passes in the plan provision of the most necessary for, as they say, let's say, the rough functioning of the human body of a fighter on the battlefield, this is from the necessary nutrition to the appropriate medicines, again, well, there are these chemical heaters, all that we saw, remember , i think you also saw, you didn't see, you probably experienced it all. last year, when the fingers were frozen, and all, and held those positions there, the guys were missing something somewhere, it looked very unfair, in relation to the fighters who are dependent on the state in ensuring that they can carry out their work on the front lines, like this winter, that's exactly what december has already passed for us, it is possible, i think that especially since the beginning
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of december was very frosty, so it is possible, i think, to knock down certain such intermediate summaries, well... i will say that, in principle , not much has changed since last year, the lion's share of what is needed, of course, is supplied by volunteers, but nevertheless the state also gives in to something, and as for frostbite, i am simply a military medic myself, then i will say that the problem lies exactly in in frosty weather, how much in temperature changes, because there was the same situation in bakhmut, the winter company... year, when the temperature there was from +5 to -20, and this, of course, affects the health of military personnel, and it causes such a phenomenon as trench foot, which reduces the combat effectiveness of the soldier himself and the unit as a whole, and again, i
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already said in one of the broadcasts that i was leading. war, unfortunately, does not have a lot of resources, war is always a resource eater, therefore, of course, what we lack from the state, they get everything volunteers, here i am not revealing any secrets to you, i would also like to ask you to comment on how exactly the person who is fighting in this direction, the statement was from oleg senigubov, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, that they received data from of ukrainian intelligence that the enemy plans to take... kharkiv, from your point of view, i understand that these are certain strategic points that must be considered from many angles, but still from your point of view, now the enemy who stands against you, or is he able to decide on a new attack on kharkiv? well, let's start with the fact that the muscovite empire wants to capture the whole of ukraine in general, to destroy everything living here, and what about kharkov,
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well, first of all, for this, you need to buy huge resources, which you don't care about. to the fact that the army of muscovy is quite large, and we will be honest and we will not, well, let's tell the truth, that it is quite powerful, you should not underestimate the enemy, of course there are such plans , but at the moment, at the moment, well, to leave on kharkiv, it should be concentrated quite a huge human resource, again for their yes. after all, the so-called fire shaft requires a fairly large number of shells, which, although the enemy now has a lot, but nevertheless they are not enough, that is why there are certainly such plans, but at the moment, in the given period of time, it is so unlikely, thank you very much, take care,
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leonid polyakov, a senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, an officer of the freedom legion of military service on... gave us a brief overview of the situation in the kupyan area and regarding the enemy's ability to go again to the multimillion-dollar city, to the millionaire city of kharkiv. well, now we will talk about the political topic, but of course with reference to the military one. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. congratulations, christ is born. let's praise him. the government submitted a draft law on improving mobilization to the verkhovna rada, did you manage to see it? i read so much yesterday that he seemed to have disappeared, somehow appeared. disappeared, have you had time to see the main provisions of this bill and can you comment, what is proposed to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine? of course, i got to know him, there are 72 pages. therefore, it is possible that there are still some details to be familiarized with further, but today i devoted a lot of time to this, because this draft law, well, it is about the fate of people, it is in every
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tape, it is the fate of people, and the general impression is that it cannot be accepted in this form, it needs to be significantly improved, there are very good things in it, finally, for example, i fought for it for a year, demanding demobilization for our ... military and replacement, i submitted a bill to establish the term of service in 18 months, and the authorities did not refuse to talk about it for a long time, in may zelensky, after my petition gained the necessary number of votes on the president’s website, said that he was against demobilization during the war, in principle, and that’s it finally the position has changed and the government has submitted a bill that provides for the establishment of the term of service and demobilization, but not after 18 months, after 3 six months of service, i am very much in favor of the very idea and finally, but 36 is too long, it is too long, unrealistic, so it is necessary
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to reduce this number, i believe it is optimal the figure is 18 months, i will continue to defend it , and i can say that such a big step has been taken in this direction after all, and i believe that this is the right step, but i repeat, the term... is not at all the one that has be, the dismissal of conscripts is also an important topic, the guys are already serving for the fourth year, the fourth, and by the way, just at his briefing, zaluzhnyi said that the conscripts, i am quoting now, the conscripts of the army are no longer needed, and they must be dismissed, and finally this law appeared, in which it is provided for, but you know, that's how it is to each item, there is a good... thing, but, but in every pot of honey there is a spoonful of poison, and sometimes , excuse me, a whole bucket, according to the military personnel, such a spoonful is that the government proposes to spend
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seven months for their release, seven, what? it is not known that when the law will be adopted and will come into force, after that it will be another seven months, why all this can be done much faster, and the correct norm is to give the opportunity to the disabled people of the first and second groups to leave the army. to those who were captured, but why did they forget the disabled of the third group and vice versa, the disabled of the third group want to be recruited into the army, what will they do, what are the disabled people of the third group of the army needed for, i don’t understand, so that’s how it is in this law, so i repeat, it requires very significant revision, it is unacceptable in this form, but a whole range of directions, there finally, well , you know, as they say, that the flight touched down. how would you comment on today's appearance on the air of the united marathon, in general in the information space, of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, who
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said for the first time that this is not their request for 450-500 thousand people to join the army, because in principle the numbers of mobilization should not be announced at all, it is a military secret, he said, well, that they need people in order to complete the sanitary losses, and taking into account the fact that the situation at the front may develop in different ways , people are needed, but when it will be, how many... it will be in what period they will be recruited, this is all an open question, so he slightly refuted what she said before and bezugla, and arahamiya, and certain people, this mr. general's exit was more political, did he still fulfill his duties and explained how it should be, and besides, he said that i did not submit anything to the verkhovna rada, because it was not mine competence, i am not the subject of a legislative initiative. the draft law that we are discussing was signed by prime minister shmyhal, the minister of defense will report on it. umirav, this is directly stated in the submitted... points, what about zaluzhnyi? well, first of all, it was actually zaluzhnyi's first press conference, and i believe that in in principle, there should be more of them, and it is good that
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he went to the press conference, answered the questions, and i already quoted something from him, well, i listened to these 36 minutes of the briefing, it seems to me that they can and should be done regularly , why did he come out today, well, i have such and such an opinion that it was not his... but it was rather an initiative of the political leadership in order to, well, like, go to the military, explain the draft law that we we are discussing with you, caused a stormy reaction in society, a different reaction in society, many people, well, there are outraged by various things, and i understand from the fact that this morning there is that the servants of the people refuse to... for example, i get calls from various organizations and say, oh, you know, you are ready to comment, i say, well, i'm ready to comment, this is an important topic, you say oh, and you know, almost none of your colleagues want
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to comment, that is... it looks like it 's like, you know, such a hot potato, this topic, which instead of approaching her honestly, responsibly, i believe, there should be briching zuluzhny 100%, but there should also be a briefing by humerov, but there should also be a briefing by shmyhal, who is the author of this bill, and zelensky was just at the press conference, but he didn’t talk about it there, and this topic is super important, so i i believe that there should be some honest and open communication here. and so far it seems that this hot potato was passed from hand to hand, and in the end it got to the servant, who actually, as i understand it, was accordingly ordered to go and explain, well, what if he did, well it looks like this and it worries me because well, these are already some political games around, and this is a bill about the fate of people, well, you know, i'm sure you won't name another one.
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draft law, in which every norm affects the fate of sometimes hundreds, sometimes thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people, you just have to understand it, there is every tape, well, excuse me, but it is actually written in blood, that is why it is such a painful, complex topic , but avoiding it, just being silent and not communicating, is the worst thing you can do, you have to go out, speak, answer society's questions, and it's very important... i hope that the government will is open to its refinement and changes, because it, this draft law is in great need of such changes. i understand that information about what actually exists , what we expect, why so many people are needed , the situation is not defined, the enemy also has his own plans, accumulates resources, so we must be ready, but what can be understood , in any case, as i understand it, this draft law must pass and receive
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verification, so from well... or consent or approval from the ministry of finance, because all this requires money, the president said about 500,000 that it is 500 billion hryvnias plus-plus, how many people will be taken away from production, this is minus taxes, again, how many are we, well, it must all be calculated, this, well, here i am, mr. vasyl, the bill was submitted by the government, which means the minister of finance also voted for its adoption, so there is nothing to wait for, the fate of this draft law is as follows, it is in the verkhovna rada, i think it has been decided. to the committee on national security and defense, well, this is a specialized committee, of course, other committees, including the budget committee, can give their conclusions, but specialized the committee will be the committee on national security and defense, then it is determined in relation to the draft law, then it is brought to the session hall, then the first reading, then, in my opinion, the most responsible part is the introduction of amendments, discussion of amendments, and here it must be very seriously refined, in general i want
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to tell you, i consider it a mistake. that went this way, to make one bill of 72 pages, which is about everything, it is about demobilization and terms of service, it is about conscription, its liquidation and the release of conscripts, it is about a completely new innovation in ukraine, basic military training, which has never happened , which is being introduced, he is about the release of some servicemen, about deferment for others, he is about ranks, he is about vacations, he is about everything, this is a colossal bill. i don't understand why it was all in one bucket, it would have been better to submit a package of 10-12 bills, clear, small, and about them normally, i have to put a full stop, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your expert comments, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, the person who read this draft law, my colleague writes incorrectly, that zaluzhny with such a speech absolved himself of political responsibility for this draft law and, in principle , he is not politically irresponsible, he is responsible for the situation in the armed forces, and
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it is up to those people who have taken full political responsibility in the country to provide people and... serhii zgurets , director of the defense express agency, joins the conversation. column military summaries of the day. sergey, congratulations. i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. i am here even, well, i will briefly voice what general valery zaluzhnyi said, and it was issued, that now the city of maryanka no longer exists, says valery zaluzhnyi. how to understand this? how, how is it built? indeed, maryanka was almost completely destroyed, now our troops have withdrawn and are entrenched on other frontiers, and from now on we will expect new stages of hostilities related to destroying the enemy and preventing him from advancing on our territory. and then we will talk about other important things of this day, this is precisely about the destruction of the enemy ship.


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