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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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oleksandr, natalya gemanyuk just said on our broadcast that the kaba attacks have resumed, where exactly were they recorded today? yes, we also recorded whether they were flying towards the coast of the kherson region, so far the guided air bombs, i will clarify, because i said abbreviated. yes, yes, yes, these are guided aerial bombs, and tomorrow they will be in ours, in our compound, we know where exactly, but for now let's report the destruction there. there are no casualties. ugh. mr. oleksandr, thank you for the information. oleksandr telokonnikov, head of the press office of khersonska regional military administration. well, mr. denis, let me remind you that denis popovych, a military observer, editor-in-chief of the apostrophe publication, is in touch with us. look, in the south in recent days, four su planes were shot down, and this night a landing ship was destroyed. nevertheless, this is the situation in kherson, such situations continue, have been restored. telecabami, do you think this is
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a kind of act of revenge, or are they going back to the tactics they used before, you see what is happening, we are destroying the military point by point facilities, large amphibious ships with military cargo, and the russian federation is striking civilian moderate objects, striking train stations where civilians are located, in my opinion, this is revenge, in my opinion, this is revenge, which is just
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was in the direction of bakhmut, the situation is almost unchanged, the last few days the enemy has almost not attacked due to primarily large losses on his part, serious artillery shelling is currently continuing, and also today the enemy carried out an air strike on ivanovsky, north of the city, as far as i know more south of the city.
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the enemy's assaults continue, and the units are constantly fighting quite complex battles, what do you see as the goal of the occupier, what, what do they want to achieve now, first of all, in the direction of bakhmut? first of all, they are interested in, in our opinion, the highway, the kostyantynivka highway and the settlement of chasiv, of course, it is quite operational. plans, taking into account the enemy's advance of hundreds of meters over the last month, of course, we cannot be talking about such global successes of the enemy, but i am sure that above the command sets exactly such tasks before the enemy, and why this particular highway and why the time, well , of course, the enemy is interested in the agglomeration of kostyantynivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, globally. the highway is the key that
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opens the way to these cities, ah, in time, the only large population center in this area, which , at least approximately, the enemy can plan as his goal, where are the rear points of the battalions in this direction, the headquarters and so on, so, let's say, it can really be for the enemy. ugh, mr. oleksiy, thank you for the information and thank you for protection. oleksiy tarasenko, deputy battalion commander of the fifth separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, about the situation in the bakhmut region. we return to the conversation with the military columnist, editor-in-chief of the apostrov publication denys denys popovych. mr. denys, we want you to comment, hear and further talk about the main events in other areas of the front. here, alexei. said that the strategic goal of the enemy
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now is to go to kostyantynivka, drushkivka, kramatorsk, that's what interests them there, do you agree with this thesis? yes absolutely their offensive actions, attempts at offensive actions, primarily to bypass bakhmut from the north, from the northern direction, they basically point to this, that is, there they have a sight under the sight of khromov and chasiv, and chasiv just has the road from there to these settlements, about which the soldier just spoke, about other areas of the front, tell me what the main events are: maryinka, avdiyivka, kupyansk. well, regarding maryanki today, valery zaluzhny depicted the situation, that is, in fact, the city is unfortunately completely destroyed, and there is nothing to add what, well, in principle, it was said before , that marinka was killed by rubble, and on these grounds it is very, very difficult to hold something there,
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in relation to avdiyivka, the situation there is steadily difficult, the enemy is trying to advance, his goal is to encircle the city, for now he did not reach it. by the way, valery fyodorovych zaluzhny also mentioned the stosovdians today , saying that in principle the enemy can also completely destroy this city, and then a situation may arise in which it will be possible to withdraw from it, about that too it is indicated by the head, but for now, for now , the city is holding there, and for now, our guys who are defending avdiivka, they are not giving the enemy the opportunity to carry out their plans, to fulfill their goals, as they say. but these tactical advances, which the enemy succeeds in both from the north and from the south, they are dangerous, because they can be aimed at buying up the only road that connects avdiivka and, let's say, the big land, and on it everything goes logistics and all supplies for our fighters, who are now a defense city,
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the kupany direction, the russians want to see through the synkivka, but it is not possible, there are riots going on there , to be very brief, yes, i want to discuss with you one more, one more issue, the government... brought to the council a draft law on mobilization. it, in particular, talks about changing the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, as well as improving the military registration procedure. provision is also made for restricting the rights of citizens who evade military registration and military service. the verkhovna rada plans to consider a draft law on new ones mobilization rules on january 10. about this to my colleagues. from the lba publication, sources in the parliamentary committee on national security and defense reported. i would not like to go into details , to discuss with you the details of this bill, but i will ask you one moment, you wrote in your facebook post that
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there is a great tool to increase motivation, it is called propaganda , please justify whether propaganda is capable of ... to provide us next year with 450,500,000 mobilized, well, propaganda, i was talking about propaganda as informational ensuring this process as about communication with society, that is, the question of whether or not it is capable, in my opinion, it does not fully correspond, let's say it should help ensure the necessary amount that will be included in the mobilization plans, which is meant, that is, it is necessary... justification to the population, that the war continues, and the war continues, and there is no need to live there in such , you know, an information bubble, that everything is very good, the enemy is trying to attack the enemy with a significant mobilization potential, and in order to further liberate their territories people are needed, and it is necessary to explain to these people
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that the war continues, and without mobilization it will be impossible to create reserves, it will be impossible to rotate those fighters who are already there. on the font, a long term , for a long time, and the thing is clear , it will not be possible to conduct it at all, that is, it is not only information provision, it is only, this includes motivation, motivation can also be financial, that is, people there have to to say what exactly they can get if they join alzsu, and from a financial, from a social point of view, i was talking about a broad information company, and i wanted to clarify, for example, how broad should it be? we already had such an information company, i remember when we were recruiting the offensive guard, how would you rate that company, will it be something similar, or should it be different in your opinion? i'll just say a little bit that i wanted to say, i just get the impression, maybe it's mine, that those to whom it was necessary to explain, they
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already understood it a long time ago, so it's better to explain, rather than not explaining anything at all, in fact, that is, in my opinion... it's just that many people decided that, well, there is a war going on somewhere in the east, the armed forces of ukraine are able to contain the situation, and that's why, in principle, it is possible to return to a peaceful life, this... in principle, it is a quite natural reaction of people, that is, a person cannot live constantly in a state of stress, cannot live constantly in the state that somewhere there is a war and there it can fly by, he must plan for the future, but there will be no future, if, unfortunately, ukraine will fall, fall and suffer defeat, so people need to be told about it, in fact, that everything is not so good and that it is necessary to carry out mobilization as the only way. in order to create reserves for further warfare. of course, we can count on drones,
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we can count on airplanes, we can count on the help of partners, but a city is considered liberated when an infantryman set foot there and the flag of ukraine was placed there for these infantrymen, the infantrymen have to be taken somewhere, as well as and drone operators, pilots and so on, and everyone else, thank you very much, mr. denis, denis popovych, military columnist, editor-in-chief of the apostrophe publication, i will discuss... the situation at the front and the issue of mobilization. a short pause and we return to the discussion of other topics. well, oksana, she is sitting with her taxes, figuring out where those taxes are going, huh? mom, are you starting again? and what are taxes? why does the grandmother not know where they are going. you are here, dad is calling. hello. well, how are you, my dears, everything is fine, i am going to tell ostap to his grandmother where
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the taxes go, tell me that there are enemies with me to destroy, our taxes are our protection, all taxes paid by citizens and businesses go to equip the army and its needs in the fight against the enemy. thanks, can i have a fiscal check so i know the taxes went to my dad. rules of a warm country, healthy care. it is cool in the house, but not cold. thank you, that in... your deer, it is easier to warm one person than to heat a whole apartment, we will beat the winter together. the only news marathon continues, then we have a conversation on the topics of international politics. putin is secretly sending signals to the west that he is ready to stop fire the american newspaper the new york times writes about this with reference to anonymous sources. according to them, putin wants to stop it. on the current lines of demarcation and allegedly not to continue the war. putin's signals
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of readiness to stop the war are sent to prevent military aid to kiev. this is written by the american institute for the study of war. according to military analysts, putin is not interested in ending the war, except for a complete victory for russia. so, will the west peck at these signals? let's talk about it in our ete. with stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, what is your assessment, actually, what are the intentions behind these signals, and why is the western press so willing to rebroadcast them? good evening, well, in general, such signals have been coming from volodymyr putin for quite a long time, well, or directly from him, but most likely through his trusted people, and it happens on different... well, here it is worth understanding that there are several reasons for this, well, in particular, it is worth noting about
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tactical intentions, this is primarily in order to in fact, russia had the opportunity to reboot, restart its military mechanism and once again carry out its military expansion in ukraine, secondly, it should be understood that russia will soon hold presidential elections , which are scheduled for spring... in order to successfully win on them, he wants exactly such a result, so that he is not accused of any falsifications, he wants to show allegedly some territorial gains, and of course, he wants to get the support of those families, and also those soldiers who are at the front, so that they have the opportunity to return and vote, and we must understand that there is rampant propaganda in the armed forces of the russian federation. winding up against the ukrainians, well, of course, so that they go to war
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, and accordingly we can predict who exactly they will vote for in these elections, if we take the tactical component, and if we take the strategic component, then it is clear that vladimir putin has absolutely no intentions to stop the aggression, if there is even such a stop place, then, accordingly, it will last a very short time, even less than... uh, some miss it, some, well, many western experts, and domestic, as well as politicians, say that it can be there in 5 years, in 10 , but it can be a much faster period, because russia very well... understands that ukraine can most likely rearm itself during this time, it can also form a more established military coalition around itself, and of course this will make it too difficult for the russian federation to carry out this expansion itself, so let's say so, on in the medium term it is possible, but
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not more than that, and it seems to me that there are not so much signals for the western world. because we must understand that in the democratic free world they understand well the threat posed by the russian federation, and in particular that if ukraine is not helped, we can see that of course there are a lot of debates and discourses about this, in particular this is connected with the elections in the usa, and we also see a difficult situation in the european union, and there are those states that actually create obstacles, but in general their painting. matches ours, and they'd rather beat the russian federation, so i don't think that would affect aid. mr. stanislav, you have already talked about the signals, but we want one more, we want to discuss one point: russia has delivered all planned nuclear weapons to belarus, oleksandr lukashenko said at the eurasian economic union summit in st. petersburg. according to him, the last deliveries took place at
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the beginning of october this year, and the military of russia and belarus regularly conduct joint military exercises, says lukashenko. here. here moment, how this question was asked , it was russian propagandists, they asked lukashenko's question, it seems that it is not news, it would be the beginning of october, but why was this question asked, why, for whom and what was this signal and this answer for your opinion, well, in general, i want to note first of all that vladimir putin announced back in the summer that russia was finishing the construction of a special storage specifically for... tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, and even then he stated that it had handed over to the belarusian army a missile the iskander complex, which can carry nuclear weapons, and actually then different time frames were set for when this could happen, well, accordingly , it is already the end of the year, and most likely it really did happen, well, i would like to note here
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that there may be several reasons , well, in general, for... it is very important to show that there are still nuclear weapons on his territory, on the territory of his country, and that he is allegedly in the nuclear club, which also seems to raise his status, well, we must to understand that in reality it is not so that in fact, to open the tail of the peacock in fact, hiding the point, but yes, but but i would like to mention here another suggestion. and why did she do it, well, we have to understand that vladimir putin didn't do it just like that, and not in order to actually intimidate the west, so of course there is an element of this, for example, to place nuclear weapons near the borders with poland, and this a member state of the alliance, nato, as well as the essence of the baltic states, well, we have seen that threats were repeatedly made towards warsaw and other countries, we can
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look at it from this angle, but we must understand that first of all , nuclear weapons are placed there for the sake of controlling... the belarusian regime itself, and in fact, if nuclear weapons are present there, the russian military will be present there already in the long term, accordingly, the lukashenko regime , in fact, it finds itself in complete dependence on volodymyr putin, that is, in fact , the tail that you just mentioned is only for some internal consumer or for some other possibly interested persons, he did it, but in fact it is nothing more than that, and for putin it is important that actually this territory could be fully incorporated and annexed to the russian federation, and in this way put an end to it. by the way, i must correct myself not pavlin, peacock. yes, that's right, peacock. mr. stanislav, you said that this is not to scare the west, obviously, because putin
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may have another horror for the west. russia and china are on the verge of creating a military alliance. the american online publication "business insider" writes about this with reference to western analysts. according to their data, such an alliance would represent the greatest threat to the united states in history, even greater than the warsaw bloc led by the ussr, - writes business insider. so, how realistic is the creation of such a union and why it would pose such a threat to the united states, as he writes here. well, in general, russia and china are becoming more aggressive and threaten the positions of the united states of america and the entire free world, and this trend. has been going on for quite a long time, and we see how recently both countries have intensified ties between themselves, and it is possible that this
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the alliance can indeed be stronger than the countries of the warsaw pact, because these are two large nuclear powers, and therefore they can create this powerful alliance that can challenge the civilized community, and accordingly it can have... consequences of an unforeseen nature, but in my opinion , there may be several reasons here, and in principle i am inclined to the fact that they are going for this alliance, although it is certainly not a fact that it will be able to be cemented and have exactly the appearance that they see, well, of course, first of all all they are united by opposition to the western world and it is worth understanding, that is, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, this ancient principle is valid in this case. it is also worth understanding that the ties between the countries have greatly improved in the context of support in the same way, for example, china supplies russia with dual
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-use goods or even weapons, and russia in return receives various resources and the like, well, actually this is a mutual benefit. it is also necessary to understand that each of these countries considers such conflicts as in ukraine and... potential in taiwan as its internal affairs, that is, that it is actually their sphere of influence, and this also unites them, that they are actually opposed to the western world, anti-vilified, well, right here, of course, we should not forget about the arctic alliance, because recently there is a lot of talk that both ukraine, china, and russia aim to actually control the north pole. and this is also worth understanding, especially since russia wants to deliver various kinds of goods to asia through a route that we can provide for 40%,
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what channels, thank you very much, stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, thank you for your analysis , we have a few more minutes to talk about how ancient ukrainian traditions can sound in modern times. artem tkachenko, karmanych of the prybas hardy group joins our conversation. artem, good evening, glory to ukraine. you, good evening, you must say good evening. yes, good evening, you are from ukraine. this is just one of the authors of this hitap. the second one, this song that we're going to talk about now, it's actually a re-sung song, oops sivayka, together with tina karol in ta, i listened, it's a really super modern sound, in my opinion... how did you even come up with this idea? well, you know, the main story now is to make music that will be recognized in the world, but that it comes from
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our first source, and that's very important, because we have a very rich culture and a lot of, you know, music that the world should hear, and so we teamed up with stina karel, and it was very nice to cooperate, very professionally. was done and very quickly, to be honest, but i'm very satisfied with the result, and this , you know, it can be said that this is new ukrainian music, so artem, you're afraid that i'll beat anya, but if you decide to do a remix, invite anya too, she also performed this song, it's me i know for sure, but it was a long time ago, but there was no fear that they might not accept me, as i remember this generosity, it even seemed so melancholic to me. in some sense, well, that was my impression, here she is really rocking, excuse me for such a word, but she really rocks me, and you know, it’s like a phrase
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good evening from ukraine, it is not very correct to say so, but still it seems to me that in the 23rd year the language should change, acquire some new forms, new words should appear, and everything should move on like this, with music like this itself, it must change, it must recruit new ones. elements, some nomadic or non-nomadic stories, the main thing is for it to move on and be , you know, with the world next to it, well behind the world stage, i mean and so on, so i think that it is possible, it is even necessary to do, because we are so about, you know, giving new life to old songs, mr. artemy, thank you, you, i personally urge the audience to listen to this move, to see, well, to me, to me, i say, my impression, but i got it. chevorony
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approaching victory, dear dad, thank you, thank you, my brother, thank you, sergeant aunt valya, thank you very, very much , thank you for protecting me, my mother and our dog, our home, our country, and i am asking you, very much. protect saint nicholas so that he brings gifts to me and all the children. thank you for jesus, that ukraine can celebrate holidays. if i had plans before, then now i don't even know, i can't even build some of my dreams. help me
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see the future again. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. warm country rules. bathroom. thank you for passing through the night at low temperatures, loading the drum as much as possible. we will win. together, over the steppe shines, over the steppe shines the star of christ, and carols, and our whole earth carols, christ was born, dinner was fulfilled, our messiah came, and
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was filled with excitement. he will destroy the shackles, the red tyrant, and bring us out of captivity , this was printed in the carol book, ivan 40 put all the carols, the cozanes, i know the carols, because my mother was so literate at that time, and we had golden ones colossi, messengers, missionaries , women, women's destiny, you know, they came... and we have these books, my mother walled those books up in the wall, otherwise there was nothing to cover them with, so that they would have been killed in the oilcloth, we are already after that the place was moved, then all that remained were books, magazines and calendars, of which 89-year-old maria boychuk studied ukrainian carols, which were not preserved due to the soviet government, but the woman still remembers all the christmas carols, she says she loves patriotic carols in
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ukraine the most. the bells are ringing, the silver tones are pouring across the steppe, our flags are waving in the army, the yellow dawns are shining, the army is coming, the army is coming, the army is coming. maria buichuk says that she took over some carols about ukraine from her brother, who fought in the upa. we were all like that, my mother said that we were ukrainians. everything, because i already went to this soviet school, then it was not allowed for us to go caroling , or to carol the way people put it, that’s all , that was it, my god, what a trouble, we caroled in our houses, we caroled ourselves, and the children were not allowed to go caroling, but we walked on the edges, as we walked with a lathe, then we were gathered as angels in white and with wings, and you
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are a native ba... father, have fun with us, we will be your faithful sons, so that everyone has fun, everyone in their own way we say, pray in ukrainian, and start singing like that, jesus nasin, give happiness to the country. this is part of the christmas carol, which for more than 100 years, says utropi resident hanna boychuk, she says new words to the melody of an old christmas song, written by her grandmother at the beginning of the first world war. my grandmother told me that she was longing for her husband, who had left, she had not yet had a child, and it was very difficult for her, and it was from her mouth, from the forest in this corner, that this carol came out, this carol spread, they said, which spread to
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almost all villages. oh there!


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