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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EET

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privatization is important for ukrainians, because it is the creation of something new from the old. look, the state has old property that does not generate income, so it sells it to an entrepreneur who wants to create something new. this is how new businesses, jobs and profits appear. privatization from the state property fund of ukraine. we have, we care, we develop.
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bolochenki, like dew in the sun, i will reign and we are brothers on our side, money is a body, we will lie down. uzlodomo brattsky is a good tradition. during the christmas holidays
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, caroling together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, mediapartner spresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. wow, i went for a walk. water ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving myself. rheo. you are ready, dear. finished. took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. hello, this is the freedom of the morning, information.
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radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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congratulations, the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and russian propaganda is lying, this has been the usual state of affairs for a long time, russian propagandists. in 2023 they lied, as if they had hit military targets, when they destroyed residential buildings in dnipro, kharkiv, kherson, uman or lviv, when they shelled odesa, kyiv, mykolaiv, when they killed visitors to cafes in kramatorsk and pokrovsk, when they killed and injured about 2 thousand children in hospitals and homes throughout ukraine, or when a third of the village was killed at a memorial dinner in the kharkiv region. the russians said that they destroyed abrams and bradley six months before they even appeared in ukraine, for a whole year they said that the poles were fighting instead of the ukrainians, here already even among the propagandists , some doubts began to creep in, because if solid poles are fighting, then how did it happen that there were neither dead nor captured,
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well, this is the usual level of russian delusion, which we don't even pay attention to anymore, but there was such delusion , which even against this background was particularly impressive, and there were such frankly stupid situations in which the russian propagandists themselves got themselves into, and, well, as they like to call them, they and their boss also got there from time to time. so, for your attention, the 10 biggest fellas in russian propaganda for a year according to the version of the espresso editorial office. russian propagandists like to talk about how in the west, now they will die from the cold, then they will die from hunger, then everything... the bear can't live there, then britain, people are literally getting married there, but she surpassed everyone, she said , that the british eat squirrels, who live in parks. once great britain, today it became known that in some
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restaurants they will serve protein, due to the fact that there are many animals in the parks, why not eat them, considering the lack of food, but here decisions and putin on this time how he constantly got into some strange stories with diplomats. it first started when he tried to congratulate the newly appointed ambassadors, so, well, in particular, the ambassador
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of great britain was also there, so he greeted them and somehow so literally expected that they would also congratulate him, and he did not wait. all the best, thank you for your attention, that 's it, that's it, that's it, unfortunately, the ceremony ends here, because the sanitary restrictions are still in effect, we won't be able to talk to you personally, but in the course i am sure of your work, such an opportunity will be presented again and again, i wish you all the best, thank you. all good. all he wanted was to be applauded somehow, and such, well, at least some applause, he did not succeed. in general, well, with some diplomatic stories , putin somehow didn't do very well this year.
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there was no way he could learn the name of his closest ally, the president of kazakhstan, kasym zhomar takayev. he calls him kemal, then zhamartovych, then sanjat.
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the kremlin of her husband simenyanyan, well, there is literally something to threaten the kazakhs there, kazakhs, brothers. look at ukraine carefully, think seriously , and i think that our responsible persons also need to reassess and revise the level of mutual relations, because, my dear, if you think that you can continue to be so cunning and you will get nothing for it... you are mistaken, and you
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cancel the parade? well, it is not surprising that after all this somehow the population of kazakhstan became harsh, they also treated russians badly. and now the russians say that the kazakhs, they were already born russophobes, like the ukrainians, in principles well, the next issue of our program is actually like this... the main event in that episode, when putin constantly tried to prove and putin was tried to prove that ukraine does not exist, and it was a wonderful story when the head of the constitutional court of the russian federation valery zorkin , in order to somehow help, to somehow flatter putin, brought him a map, saying, look, there is a map right there, where finally there is no ukraine, in our constitutional court. a copy of the map from
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the century was found, compiled under louis xiv, that is , it is the middle, even the beginning of the second half of the xvi century, compiled by the french, the french themselves, what he owes, why i brought it, there is no ukraine there, why i still dare to show you, because there are many. speculations about where the origins are, where how and what and how all this was formed, well, here ostap finally suffered, putin began to tell that ukraine was actually created by lenin there, well, we know that these lands were simply part of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, and then asked to be part of the muscovite kingdom, but everything turned out to be part of the muscovite kingdom, and only later posle...
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the next option is exactly what happened globally. here is the event, when ukrainian drones began to regularly visit russia, the propagandists , it must be said, were very impressed. a blow to the kremlin is a symbolic blow, it is something common, by the way, since september 11, 2001, because they, she, within the country , raises questions among the people, and what is happening in us?
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the pilots go to rg, that is, the belgorod region is also under fire, this is all part of the war, which we already have to accept life as it is today, i am simply asking this terrible question, well , as it stands now, it seems that the bander underground, the ukrainian underground, was operating in moscow. until
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february 24 last year, they know how to wait for a long time, very long, the task is to sow fear, the task is to terrorize the population, you will be killed everywhere , you will go to turkey, you will be killed in turkey, you will be killed in egypt , you will be killed in the seychelles, in the maldives, you will be killed everywhere murderers, ukrainian nazis, will come to you and kill you. but the biggest the chairman of the committee on defense of the state duma and his deputy deputies kartopolov and zhuravlov were psychologically affected. reserve colonel-general oleksiy kartapolov, chairman of the state duma committee. of defense at one time was the deputy chief of the general staff of the russian federation, not just anyone, and he is such a professional in his own way, he offered businesses to buy air defense complexes in the military market, practically, to install such a private air defense at their facilities. another propagandist, mardan, commented on this, that
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now he is finally really getting sick of himself i'm so sorry they didn't. this beautiful thing, because just imagine how many russian planes these private russian ppus would shoot down, the size of our country, they are such that there will always be a loophole through which some drone can fly, it is clear that we have the means, there are military means of anti-aircraft defense, they are focused on covering important state military facilities. but we still have a lot of other important facilities, these are oil depots, gas distribution stations, power plants, substations of all bridges, bridges, overpasses, factories, it is possible to list them for a long time, but look, because there are fairly inexpensive means of combating unmanned aerial vehicles, which
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are generally produced and which, in my opinion, every self-respecting corporation can well ... will buy and put on their objects. there are more exotic ways to fight drones. the deputy chairman of the state duma defense committee, aleksey zhuravlyov, the day before suggested using a squadron of specially trained eagles. ornithologists were connected. is it possible to train the eagle to shoot down a drone or not? guys, are you all the same? do you have any brains at all, in what form did your parents conceive you? the next number of our program and its fifth step is how the propagandists decided
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to praise north korea, this is of course an absolutely epic story, because somehow it is... unexpected love was born in everyone at the same time and well, there is no way, there is nowhere to go from it to hide, such love, which is scary, all this love, she rested on two things, on the fact that she really wanted korean shells, and also how it turned out that they really wanted the korean military or at least construction workers , well, the shells seemed to come, or they did not come, or not as much as they wanted, it is not known, in short, but about the construction workers... somehow it did not work out, but in the course of all this, everyone they managed to distinguish themselves there, but they still especially stood out, as always, solovyov and skabiyeva actually, skabiyeva went to north korea in general and in north korea began to tell about the freedom there, the internet and how wonderful everything was in general, how she
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felt wonderful there , look, it's simple look and... enjoy, the minister of defense of a great country is coming , a concert is given in his honor, people in korea sing in russian in honor of the russian delegation, which is headed by the general of the army and the hero of russia, the minister of defense sergey kozhige, and you would see this video brilliant comrade kim, respected senior leader - this is the official title, he is also called the light of the world, smiling widely, meets lavov at the headquarters of the central committee of the labor party of the dprk.
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national costumes, a huge delegation. no one accompanies, moreover, there was none no restrictions were issued for filming, immediately after these words, the outwardly most amiable state security service of the dprk took us
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in a circle and asked us to explain what was happening, huh, and here they are trying to lead a delegation from russia. sergey viktorovych, how are you feeling before signing? look to me, i am right now in the center of pyongyang, comrade major. next to me, it doesn’t seem to be there, if you look around, absolutely normal, ordinary north korean life, at the eighth second a man in a strict suit still appears in the frame and starts move parallel to me, absolutely ordinary, normal people who are not dressed in the same clothes, do not move in the same way, brightly colored clothes, he does not seem to be close, but then he still clarifies in russian almost without an accent that... it was i who spoke and why are we filming, and here he asks not to film north korean people, now wait, wait, please,
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locals are advised not to come into contact with foreigners, in these shots the married couple defiantly turns away, seeing operator, well, what did she want, it's not some europe or the usa, which she is used to, on the other hand, let her get used to it, because soon this will be the case in russia.
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all this was expressed, and after that , of course, these people say that they, they have someone there, some cia agents are stirring up
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inter-national enmity inside russia between nations, but no, no, not someone and not cia agents, although tolstoy may be some cia agent, well, it’s unknown, but you know, it’s not surprising, because this very idea that everyone is rushing around, it... long ago and reliably captured the brains of the russian the population, there were such wonderful reviews in the stream of the people's front, they have such a pseudo volunteer initiative, where it seems like people are just calling, apparently there is a lot of people there, you know, they are already very well prepared for the recordings, and they tell all kinds of nonsense, and here is one of such stories about russians, i saw it on the website.
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well, in general, if the baby was named avanes aivazyan at birth, then who is he, if not armenian, to the fact that he is the brother of the armenian historian and archbishop of the armenian apostolic church, gabriel aivazovsky, was born in the family of the armenian region. moreover, i will tell you, even more, when his family moved from galicia in 1812, they
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were not yet... they were called ivazovskys and they were so, but they did not even consider themselves russians, they were armenians, and when anton pavlovich chekhov came to visit him on a visit, he also said that he went to chess, the kaivazovsky estate 25 layers from feodosia, and maivazovsky himself, cheerful, 75 years old, is a somewhat average good-natured armenian and a greedy bishop, these are the memories, but... there is no that's all, all around russians margarita simenyan succeeded even more than everyone else. well, in the fall, kremlin propagandists launched a whole campaign to normalize nuclear war. they told from all the tv channels and the biggest studios that a nuclear war is not scary, you can win in it, and even after that, you can somehow live. well, it must be said that margarita simenyan surpassed them all. i'm not
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a military expert, i know, you're a fool, what if a thermonuclear explosion, for example, a nuclear explosion, is produced hundreds of kilometers away on our own territory, somewhere over siberia, then nothing will happen on earth, nothing so terrible, i will even be happy, that is, this is an option, it remains, and it is also the most humane, the most, you know, herbivorous option. i don't see any outcome other than approximately this. and this, of course, was completely like that, her statement was not unexpected, because all year russian propagandists discussed how to conduct a nuclear explosion, a training one, some kind of test. in the end, even the beauty
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suspected that they were like that. really want to detonate a nuclear bomb on the territory of russia? where can we throw a nuclear bomb? i think that they have one criminal idea itching in their brains now: if we drop a nuclear bomb on a foreign state, they will attack us with exactly the same ones, of course, they will not attack them, so i am afraid, no matter how infamous they have thoughts
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all this commotion led to the fact that they began to refuse their words, first of all , simonyan herself began to refuse her words. of course, i didn't suggest anything like that, i didn't say it, i couldn't say it, and now i just have to i am suing all the subjects who spread this fake, because it is offensive to me and to those people who heard it, first of all to the citizens of siberia, dear citizens of siberia, i naturally do nothing of the sort. did not suggest or pronounce, well, in fact , all these monologues of semenyan had completely unexpected consequences, because after that the promotion of a nuclear explosion over russia was somehow, well , abruptly stopped, we had to somehow stop talking about it at all. on the eighth step of our, our parade, actually prigozhin's mutiny, and wagner's pkk campaign towards
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moscow. with the admiration of rostov and all that. well , these large-scale actions began on the evening of june 23, 2023 , after the leaders of the wagnerites said that the internal troops of the russian federation and russian russia were trying to kill something or attack the camp of the wagnerites. after that, they went to moscow, they went and went, they didn't go for long, actually. on the evening of june 24 , after the negotiations between alexander lukashenko and ... rebellion, and at first it seemed to me that this is a dream, that this cannot be, what is happening now does not fit in my head, we have a war, it has been going on for a year and a half, our flag is not in moscow, not in st. petersburg.


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