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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 8:30am-9:00am EET

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then we will not understand how the people we mobilized, how we will provide them with the same food, the same weapons, the same fraud and everything else, a very difficult situation, i believe that we are not on the right path, we need motivation for people, we need provision for people and we need rotation for people who have been fighting for two years. practically, they are hostages of the situation, they came voluntarily and they are hostages of the situation, they are not released, but we cannot constantly give from the economy people, constantly give, give, give , and no one comes to replace them, everything, uh, we will just stop and the situation will be catastrophic, a catastrophic situation, we should at least start discussing it, but i already understand that the deputies will now be put before so to speak... a choice that cannot
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be refused and they will simply press the green buttons, especially since they are not personally in danger, thank you mr. alexander, alexander was with us before we go on a short break, here the viewer wrote about the fact that i nailed her a little, because she said that it is necessary to decide who you are, with those who celebrate ris2 or with those who celebrate the new year, that is, if i am a polytheist, i do not have the right to celebrate the new year, dear friends, i'm not saying that you don't have the right to celebrate the new year, but... but the question is what kind of new year do we celebrate, whether it's the one that the soviet union invented for us, or the new year that, for example, now, when the calendar finally took its place, and now we will not have any old new year, but a normal new year year, then according to the ukrainian tradition, in the new year , ukrainians brought a goat, chimalanka and vasyl, dressed up, for example, and set a table similar to the dishes that were set for christmas, except that they had to be not only after.
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them, but it was possible to eat meat, and on january 14, as mr. oleksandr said, when in soviet times teachers or someone else at school checked children's pockets to see if there was sometimes wheat, if they did not suddenly walk in the morning despite ban on sowing, i.e. now this 14th number is moved to january 1st, 1st in january, you will go to sow, your children will go to sow, will you preserve ukrainian or soviet traditions? look at what is happening: berdyansk, mariupol, kherson region, hennichensk and so on, st. petersburg sends whole teams of santa clauses to carry christmas trees. petersburg, they are installed there,
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that is, it is the main element of russian propaganda and the russian world, santa claus and snigurenko. that's all, now we're going to take a very short break. and also, if you remember our ether for the 25th, sorry, for december 25, then in in the comments, muscovites write so much, they are just drooling, they are angry that we are celebrating christmas now with the whole normal civilized world. now let's take a break, that's all. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want, click and you're in the world of washes, click and around the universe of cinema, then, oh, what's needed! megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. it is a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the website. media partner of spresso tv.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2nd hour of air time, 2 hours of your time, two hours. to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, big broadcast vasyl zyma, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for communication of persons with disabilities. here you are. get any information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together
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we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. connect. to us, become part of our enable me ukraine family with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. well gentlemen, we are returning to our airwaves. andrii our father, the crew commander of uav kara nebesna of the fourth brigade of operational frontiers of the national guard of ukraine joins us, mr. andriy, good morning. good morning studio, good morning viewers, tell me. please, what is your situation, what news from your area of ​​the front? the operational situation is complicated by the fact that the enemy brings more and more reserves and at the same time conducts local assault operations, that is, he brings reserves to the entire front line of the donetsk direction and
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looking for holes where he can advance and where he can carry out successful assault actions. at the moment , they are not doing as well as they want with the number of two hundred that are now lying on ukrainian soil after theirs. but nevertheless, there are areas where they still managed to capture several plantations, which is quite logical, due to the fact that with such a number with which our enemy attacks, with such a number of personnel, it is very difficult to cope with our situation, and this is how he sneaks in very powerful reserves and every day they are more and more, this must be understood. actually, what is the role of uavs in order to stop these attacks? that's right, the saw would be used very well in fact, but nevertheless it is now winter and in donbas it changes very quickly from some kind of minus to a plus, accordingly there are foggy periods and at the same time very strong winds that prevent uavs from performing their tasks at
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100 %. and this has a huge impact on our work, especially with regard to fog, because in fog we absolutely cannot work at all, because we can't see anything at all. and there are so thick fogs that it happens that you go out to set up a copter, or there, relatively speaking, to do another combat task, and you simply do not see your hands in front of you, and the distance there is 50-30 cm, i don’t know, mr. andriyush, i rely on uavs, president zelenskyi mentioned at his press conference that there are 26,000 uavs in warehouses, have they somehow already started arriving, what is your current situation, how many uavs do you have. is from the ministry of defense, to what extent and in what ratio from volunteer organizations and volunteers? i can't know how much we have provided in the plan from the ministry of defense, but the border brigade, in which i participate , is provided well enough with copters, and of course the question of good enough
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provision, it is enough - comprehensive, why, because the copters are lost, they need to be replaced constantly, so i believe that volunteer work in this... sphere plays an extraordinary role, as it is extremely difficult for me to constantly manage to provide all the needs of all units in the direction of uavs . therefore, of course, we cover the interest at the expense of volunteer money, at the expense of donated by every citizen of ukraine who helps us and our unit, including. and now with donat, we are now in such a festive period, people are starting to think about how to set the table, and a little bit, what i hear is actually all good, of course, it is not the same donat and not the amount of donat that was at the beginning of the war, here, but meetings for... are closed, it is harder to close, people do not have enough finances to close
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absolutely all meetings, but nevertheless we try, we come up with tambourine dances there in order to be able to cooperate more with the civilian population and to encourage them to donate more and little by little we are trying to cover all our needs, but again and unequivocally this is not the period when there was a year and a half ago, as soon as there was a call, we could close the collection and. just a few days later, now it needs to be done much longer, because the fees are not decreasing, and the finances of our citizens, unfortunately, are not increasing. you, that is, it's a kind of conditional internal competition between units, it's a good competition, it 's not a bad one, because you figure out how to get the civilian population to help your unit. and so that you can do your work much better.
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many, i know, complain about the fact that there is a lot of paperwork in connection with the write-off of drones, which, as you know, are absolutely expendable, nevertheless , you have to write several papers for each one, and so on, there is really a problem with it, is it worth it simplify? eh, well, we have the rubizh brigade, it was created according to a new standard, so we don't particularly have such problems, in the extreme case, i, as a crew commander , didn't particularly encounter it. that is, if any copter is lost, i write the basic conditionally basic information about this copter and that is the end of my work with paper work, that is, i will not say that this is an absolutely stressful thing right now exactly in my brigade, exactly in my unit, that is, about the brigade i can say that such problems were not noticed, well, in this case, it is the experience of the border brigade it is definitely worth taking on arms and other subordinates, because everywhere in fact. now there are uav units, but i do, but maybe just a lot, i apologize, such
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a bureaucratic hemorrhoid falls there, for example, on the company commander, or there is a problem somewhere, well, mr. andriy, i have one last question, now ukraine will experience increased mobilization , an almost adopted law, a law, a draft law has already been sent to the verkhovna rada, what do you think about it, on the other hand, we already have problems with what kharkiv cannot find. drivers on trolleybus routes because men are afraid to go and be registered, well, people's fear is a problem of people, according to me, well, that is, to be afraid to go to work because you can be mobilized, it's funny considering the fact that you have to be afraid of a missile that can fly into your house and destroy your entire family, you also need to understand that your main duty as a citizen is to protect your state, your state is your family, that is, you need to understand the very fact that ukraine is me, ukraine is my mother, there, my
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wife, my children, my relatives, friends, relatives and so on, this is exactly what ukraine is made of, and therefore being afraid to defend one's land is incomprehensible to me, and i find it very funny to hear when someone is afraid to go to work there as a bus driver, because he is afraid of receiving a summons, it is also necessary and i highly recommend to everyone to... listen to zaluzhnyi's press conference, he explained everything very clearly and qualitatively, and he explained everything in such a way that, in my opinion, you should not be afraid of this mobilization and understand why it is needed. and i really hope that the recruiting company tsk will improve in the future in order for ukrainians to directly understand what they are fighting for. it is necessary to understand that russia invests millions, millions. in order to create an ipso about the fact that we have treason all around us, everything is bad, mobilization is bad and so
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on and so on, but the mobilization in our country is quite adequate, unfortunately, there are not enough people, and this must be understood, it must be understood, that the war has been going on for more than 20 months, and it is simply impossible without mobilization, because those units that were provided with personnel for the last one and a half years, two years, they lose personnel and need to replenish it. and also to look for ways and methods to carry out demobilization for soldiers who have already served these 20 months, that is, everything is quite adequate, everything is quite understandable. and the only thing that remains is simply to argue to ukrainians why it is worth going to defend the country, because there were no such questions a year and a half ago. thank you for this conversation, andrii ochinash, the crew commander of kara nebesna, the crew of the fourth ceremony of operational assignment. thank you, brave, calm day or a successful hunt, if it is about
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your work too. well, we go for a very short break and then serhiy zorets, the company's military expert. this big ship stood moored , there are already pictures of the place where the novocherkassk amphibious landing was once there, some of it still remains, but according to russian soldiers and positive bloggers, the military will leave the panic. it didn't even sink, let's see if it really is, stay with us, attention, incredible novelty from rozpak tv, super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots - perfect fit, water-repellent material and feel warm even in 30 degree frost,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. and experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. when we come to sleep,
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to lie down, i'm scared. and i, well, do not sleep. i need your attention. do you hear what this is about? free psychological help for children under during the war in the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. we are back on the air and serhiy zgrets, military expert, director of the dfn company, is already with us. express, actually, mr. serhiy, good morning to you, we want, we want to analyze valery zaluzhny's sudden briefing with you, but first, first,
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first, let's sum up yesterday's successful attack by the ukrainian air forces, in particular, the russian one of this large landing ship, many yesterday went such a short way from the fact that nothing happened to that he was attacked, but there he received minor damage. positive russian bloggers are already writing about the fact that repairing something like this will take six months, a maximum of an hour , change the superstructure, in general, everything, not even the heating system, stop being nervous about bullshit, but today there are already pictures that show very it's hard to make out what 's left of this big landing ship, you can see it, for example, because i can't see it, that is, near these screens, somewhere down there, there is some. superstructure, which is a little bit there floats above the surface of the water, and we can understand that in fact nothing was left of this landing ship, because the wreckage flew all the way to feodosia, a ferric
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explosion, there are about the wreckage, even we have videos from feodosia, by the way, we have to agree with those by russian positive bloggers, the ship did not sink, because it did not go to the bottom, it rather came out on land, but in parts, let 's see, i thought that it became a submarine, no, it became both surface and even land. and you saw a man approach there and so he is trying some kind of metal, he probably thinks, now i will sell it for scrap metal, how much they will earn is interesting
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100%, but they say, by the way, that the ship was an amphibious assault ship, it demonstrated its qualities and ability to stay not only on water, but also in the air, this is clear, but by the way, this is already the fourth bdk that was destroyed by the ukrainian air forces and drones and... this actually indicates that asymmetric approaches are quite effective in the fight against the russian fleet, and by the way, it is interesting that this operation was carried out by the air forces at the limit of technical capabilities are stormshadow missiles, if we assume that it was stormshadow, because there is a range of 250 km, and we see that it is a long way compared to previous attacks, when these uh... cruise missiles of british production were used, we can assume that the operation was enough planned in detail, because its air defenses of russia have once again demonstrated their
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inability to protect important objects, or probably the operation was prepared in such a way that both anti-radiation missiles and decoy missiles were used, which usually accompany the strikes of our cruise missiles, which we can see that they are achieving their goals with such a well... extremely effective result, the destruction of the bdk, why is this important, because the enemy has attracted 11 bdk, he tried to use them, and will plan to use them, as such pontoon crossings or pontoons for dragging goods from the crimea to there to the coast of the same sea, when the kerch bridge will not work, and this is precisely the destruction of this component, an extremely important component for weakening. logistical capabilities of the enemy, and by the way, they say that somewhere from 80 to 100 russians, sailors, at they most likely died, literally a second later, usually this is the crew of this
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bdc, we do not know the exact data, but i think we will find out soon, because in the obituaries on the russian side we will be able to imagine the real picture of russian losses. they went to study the bottom of the black sea. mr. serhiy, we have 5 minutes left to analyze valery zaluzhny's briefing yesterday. which was quite so unexpected, what would you pay attention to that you personally noticed during this briefing? well, really, it was the first 38 minutes of general zaluzhnye, in two years of communication with ukrainian citizens, i think that in fact zaluzhnye should come out more often and say direct, understandable things in order to ensure... understanding of the situation that is happening in the armed forces , that is happening on the front line, because the last sometimes this communication about where the enemy is advancing, where what the enemy's actions are, it
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is a little... beginning to get lost in the sometimes vague statements of the spokesmen, and even the situation regarding the same avdiivka-maryanka only after these touches and approaches became it is more or less clear why the spokespeople there , conditionally speaking, well, they did not give an exact assessment of the situation, but this is only part of zaluzhnyi's press conference, the main issue , of course, is mobilization, the attitude to mobilization, and this press conference should be still to be perceived in... in conjunction with the previous statements of the president and the evening address of the president, because the president says that we have started a discussion related to the fact that the law should not be adopted in a formal way, so that the military can express its vision. the position of the military is actually there what zaluzhny said is quite unambiguous: i need people, weapons and ammunition, the relevant authorities must provide this, the authorities are the ministry of defense, the government and other
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structures. and the impression is that this is such a nuance of certain behind-the-scenes investigations that the general staff of the ministry of defense should do, it was still a little present when evaluating the speeches and deservedly so, and then the address of the evening president, but the main problem in because the delay in the adoption of the law, which is supported, will be supported, actually has a significant impact on... the front, because when we talk about with our fighters, with the commanders, they talk about the fact that, well , in particular, the fifth separate assault brigade, which is currently defending the klyshchiivka there and says there the commander of the assault battalion, says : i lack the military, young, trained, i have a critical lack of fighters who will ensure the maintenance of the defense line, so relatively speaking, i am afraid that we should not get too carried away with the discussions around this law, not
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drag it out too much, but still manage to do it quickly, but taking into account all those eh wishes and important things that should appear in the format of the discussion in the parliament, i am very afraid that we will not delay with this, well, well and eh, of course and here they agree with the fact that zaluzhnyi was very, very powerful, it seems to me that the briefing, and many people, by the way, pay attention to the fact that zaluzhnyi actually had to comment on... the bill, in fact, which he is not the initiator of, but the person involved seems to me to have already clearly explained about the fact that the military here act more like recipients or customers, but not here also said that there was a certain, certain possible attempt to shift political responsibility, this also went hand in hand with the fact that, for example, we learned that the servants of the people were advised not to comment on this bill at all and to refer to the fact that it was an initiative of the military , the bill itself,
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of course. we will not discuss it during the day and beyond, because it contains many different difficult points and will touch literally all aspects of life here in one way or another, and unfortunately, it was not discussed before being in the verkhovna rada, well, but that's already second story, but this does not negate the fact that there is an urgent need for fresh forces at the front. mr. serhiy, thank you for the quick analysis. of what happened yesterday at valery zaluzhny's briefing, as well as what we talked about the ship novocherkask, which has now become a lot of souvenirs, so to speak, i am selling the bdk cherkas novocherkask in good condition, not broken, underwater storage, self-delivery , we are now, dear friends, going, going. for a moment of silence at 9:00, we
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remember all those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, then we will return into the air let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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