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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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the current military committees, to be honest, i am not yet satisfied with their work, and accordingly, if i were satisfied with it, we would not be discussing the issue of this draft law right now. regarding the possible delivery of electronic subpoenas, zaluzhny notes that this was definitely not a proposal of the general staff and the armed forces, because they do not have the opportunity to assess the probability of delivery of these subpoenas. we, shall we say,... welcome any way to satisfy our need for people, if as a result of electronic subpoena, we will get them, it will be very good. next, i suggest you listen to the response of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , valery zaluzhnyi, to radio liberty's question regarding the terms of the demobilization of the ukrainian military. together with the ministry of defense, we agreed on the figure of 36 months, hoping for two points: firstly, about what will not be for... at the front, this time, and secondly, the most
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important thing is that these people will be who after 36 months to replace, and this is already the government that has undertaken, let's say so, to implement this law, i think that they clearly understand what our state has possibilities, zaluzhny said during a press conference with journalists not only about mobilization, but also about the year 2024, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is convinced that... the next military year will be different from 2023, zaluzhny also called what, as he says, one of his main mistakes, however, he stopped at the year 2024 more contextually. katya, to hear the specifics, for example, from the minister of defense umyerov, where the funds for the newly mobilized will come from, the journalists did not succeed. representatives of umerov's team took the minister from journalists, interrupting communication. i suggest now to see how it was without comments.
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of the project on mobilization, i will remind you that yesterday, tuesday, december 26, valery zaluzhnyi went to his first press conference in order to talk with journalists about this draft law on strengthening mobilization, and then we will discuss all its details, and the political aspect, of course solomiya bobrovska , people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee on security, defense and intelligence of ukraine and reservist of the sso joined our broadcast.
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i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. greeting. glory to heroes. you, despite the fact that the pro-ruling factions have refused to comment on this bill since yesterday. we faced this while preparing this topic yesterday for the morning broadcast. so, according to the information that you have now, such and such a temperature in the chamber, are the deputies in the majority ready to vote for such a document? you know, many dinkas also received from their colleagues from the servants of the people, and at the moment i do not see at least their readiness, there are such. the feeling of such confusion in the russian language and i apologize for this slur and lack of understanding of what is happening with communication, lack of understanding with explanations, why this way and not another way, why such twisting of the nuts, especially when we are talking about administrative violations and criminal offenses, how then what will be the consequences for, for example, not passing the vlk, but for not passing vlk, this is the second subpoena, you can face from three to five years of imprisonment, and actually for the question. in
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the fact that the general staff had the right, as it was distributed on all telegram channels that are subordinate to the vertical of power, that this, this the subject of the submission was the general staff, and in fact, i am more than convinced that yesterday general zaluzhnyi did not explain the draft law, he does not have, it is not his duty to explain and comment on the draft law, he is not the subject of the submission, the subject the submission was submitted by the ministry of defense, under its signature and submitted by shmyhal, as a representative of the cabinet of ministers, and i would be surprised that the military was put on display. happen in advance for this entire history, because why did this happen, what are the reasons not to lose the rating, why did this situation happen, i i consider it exclusively political , the political plane, and it is actually such a game and it is unpleasant and shameful to look at it, because it is not an army that requires half a million people, and whether there is an industrious or a whisperer or a general staff, then no matter how i treat them, it is that demands the front and the needs of the front, and complain about such things or about figures or numbers, but tighten the nuts, in this way do not explain... in general
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to the people the draft law, you see that in a day there is no news on the page of the ministry of defense, in a day not a single news page facebook, on the ministry of defense social media about the bill, not a single comment from my...colleagues from the members of the security and defense committee, and instead of it being one line of comment so that people don't get scared, there's not too much fear, though the fact that i am a supporter of mobilization there and of the widest possible scope, in fact, how is the mobilization of those who serve, who have been at berky for more than six months and already have a well-deserved right to leave , rest and recover, but even this will be rejected for me personally as committee members, as to a person who is constantly in the armed forces in... it was the most shameful and incorrect communication approach, and yesterday, when the president said that it should be decided by deputies with the general staff, it is not like that, there is a supreme commander, and there is the minister of defense, who wants to keep everyone in his perimeter, and there is zero communication, as it should be, and we are being commented on, blamed on
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some backroom staff, then i want to tell you that deputies on christmas night we did not have a final text and waited together with journalists and society on the morning of december 26, to read... this text and then somehow communicate and somehow explain and the whole day yesterday i went to these 80 pages of the talmud from these changes, so that's how i relate it directly to the political things of the transfer of responsibility at a time when such things are unacceptable , when the front is the most active for the whole year, when we are losing, we actually lost, i don't even want to voice it and articulate it maryanka, when we have just brutal battles in avdiivka, when few people explain the cover to us. and the left bank of kherson, what is happening there, how people are being destroyed there, we we get into such quarrels and what do you know, we will simply catch you all, from three o'clock to three o'clock we will determine for each person whether he has a military registration card, whether he has a military card, all these things, theft from the streets, people
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will be legal, well , everyone will continue to fight, we understand it this way, that they are left in this country, we must be ready and women, and is this a decision to communicate in this way? this story so that it was zaluzhnyi who came out and explained what the bill was about? it's a decision in the office of the president, the president directly, or that the decision was made by the top of the faction in the parliament, is it possible that the ministry of defense decided so? i have no idea, neither the speaker, nor the office, nor the ministry of defense, but you showed the latest extreme stories, it was strange that when the minister is at the press conference of the commander-in-chief, he is also taken away by journalists, when it would be logical for the two of them to leave and at least that's how they explained it, together like that. these or those, these or other things, and not just being in the hall, watching the comments there, 30 minutes, we saw that there were not comfortable questions, we saw that even more so they were not entirely pleasant answers for society, but at least adults and honest and, but not all answers could be given questions give answers valery
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zaluzhno, he said this because he is not competent, precisely, he said, his need is obvious, people, weapons, ammunition, speaking of, you have already read this draft law, well, you see how the deputy is on par with everything. as you told journalists and the public only had access to it, you already stated that the project needs a lot of work, can you explain the main points that you think are wrong, but which are also correct and urgent for adoption? well, look, i'll start with the wrong ones, the one that cut the ear, and we can further develop the topic there. the first is the issue of the third group, for example, disability, which falls under mobilization. usually, overnight i received a lot of appeals from people who have this group of disabilities. we understand that it is not the disability group that should determine whether you are fit or not, that is a big task, but we understand the wide field of speculation, manipulation and corruption of the vlk on such to our country, because they are not frank , we are not telling anything new here, and the third group
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often borders the second very, very closely, and even this line is very thin, and i, for example, will make an amendment, in particular about the third group, although i i know that there is no support from the military, they are interested in the resource. but we are interested in the fact that it was a balance, a check and balance, and the army, the public, and the society were satisfied. second, it was strange and wild for me that, for example, there are prosecutors who went to serve they are dismissed from their positions as prosecutors, if we did not treat prosecutors, listen , people volunteered to fight and release them, there are not many of them, but this dismissal is inadmissible there, for us, for me , it was strange that the role was already half-baked now it will be... we will delay the right to detain from three hours to three days a person who does not have a military ticket to clarify the data, that is why i am appealing to the fact that this will begin the legalization of these wild catches, scraping, pulling them out of trucks, drivers from cars, especially western ones ukraine, so in order
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for this mobilization to pass, it does not matter where you are registered, the next thing is the exorbitant fines, which can reach, for example, 200 00 uah, very often people do not have such. even in a year, let's be honest, it's not just like this, well, well, a list, well, they confiscate property, i don't know, they arrest us, where are we going, where are we going to... rolling, in which, in which we the frame is rolled when a person refuses to go to the prison, and he can do it for all three days of detention, and he can be beaten criminally from three to five years, that is, these fuses, they exist, they are, in my opinion, too exaggerated, i understand that we have a huge number of swimmers, i understand that people who have crossed the thousand four times, they and the fifth time they will cross and so on, but with ukrainians it is not possible, there must be some framework of adequacy when we talk, for example, about the fact that people will not have deferments there from... second, third education, when there we limit the right to guardianship of the first
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line for the family, and some adequate and acceptable ones norms, we understand that, but moreover, we do not give the right to demobilization by this law, and once again i understand the head of the general staff who comments that it is difficult for them to calculate, and they calculate 36 months, if there is no aggravation and additional offensives by the russians, and in 36 months for... we talked in the committee, it would be acceptable when people serve in rear positions or in the rear, then you have a much higher chance of survival, and when you sit for six months or several months up to a year, one and a half or two on the front lines with brigades that are not were taken out there for rehabilitation or were taken out only for a minimum time, well, this is just sorry for the psyche of the people, because it is also a question of the survival of these people in civilian and normal conditions, and we talked about the possibility and correct demobilization ahead of time, so these things . they are very painful, and from the military, even this morning, i receive these questions, how do we have to live to those 36 months, if we are in the dsv brigades or
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there in the assault brigades and there is this question, well, there is one more thing, which for example is positive, acceptable for me, it is, for example, not taking away military service , but nevertheless basic military training is being introduced, as on a voluntary basis, it is for younger people, for a younger age, there is mandatory basic military training, but it... . this idea that has not been completely developed, not rolled out , not worked out, how will it all go, because the load will be on the initial training centers or equipment centers at certain operational commands, it is bigger, deeper, but it is right, because we are like that in this way, we are preparing a reserve of younger people and the nation for actual service, that is why there are some positive things, the same, for example, the office, in the cabins will develop the actual scheme, how it all... happens and how it should be implemented in practice, that is why that as a reservist , he should also have his electronic account and
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update his data, summonses should go there , once again i do not believe in, for example, electronic summonses by e-mail, because not the whole country uses either the internet or e-mail, let's consider front-line areas in particular, and in general it is not even commented on, and of course this list, the so-called list of debtors who will not appear there in the tsc. to restore the data , we will block 5.828, well, by ourselves, to sum it up, but very briefly, unfortunately, there is no time, although the topic requires a huge discussion, we do it in our broadcasts, but, if we speak, taking into account all these edits and the points that should be corrected, in your opinion, whether this draft law will be the main one for the deputies to finalize and what may be, well, in the future, the terms adoption is a month's work, and there is political will to adopt it barely in the first reading in... literally in the first decade, in part of january, i am afraid to make predictions now,
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whether this bill will become the main one for revisions, because it is simply as much as possible combined, it is first of all two draft laws , not even one, it is a variable criminal code in shakup, and i am not sure, i think that we will see a number of alternative draft laws, which will also be proposed to the deputies for consideration and finalization, if there is political will in the office president? well, i understand that there is a problem with this bill, which is why it was actually introduced on christmas, so that everyone thought that no one would notice, but it is not done that way, it is a very bolshevik and communist way. i thank you for joining, for discussing this important draft law for society, obviously for the country, on the air solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the security, defense and intelligence committee of ukraine, and we will continue the conversation about this draft law, we , including later on our broadcast. registration of the bill rate rules. this is the beginning of the discussion, this is how president volodymyr
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zelensky reacted to the legislative initiative in his evening address, and according to him, the parliament received a proposal from the military command, the ministry of defense and other involved bodies. it should be correct that such norms are discussed and adopted not in the background, but in such a way that people understand what is the vision of the military command, what are the motives behind certain rules and conditions proposed by the deputy? and how to solve these issues that our soldiers in the defense forces already have. by according to zelenskyi, it will be correct if the military together with the deputies recognize on the basis of the parliamentary committee. as the next year is to be provided for the defense forces at the legislative level, so now everyone is waiting for the final text of the bill. meanwhile , people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, who is a member of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, iryna friz, on the air of our colleagues from svoboda live, said that the development of this bill, which was discussed by the working group in the verkhovna rada, differs from
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the document registered by the cabinet of ministers. freez says that the draft law should have been introduced by zelensky himself. we will talk about the political aspect of this story later. serhii hayda, a political technologist, joined our broadcast. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you and immediately ask you a question, paraphrasing the words of ms. frize, in your opinion, such a bill should really be an open, frank initiative of the president himself. yes, i agree with her, good morning, and it seems to me that the question here is not even in the draft law, the question is in the the approach of our military flight... leadership to the question of what is happening in this war, it seems to me that we are avoiding it, and the formula is simple, as it seems to me, today, civil society, at the beginning of the war in the 22nd year, provided our
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military leadership of almost a million, if the numbers are to be believed, volunteers, and for two years, people sacrificed their lives and their money to ensure the defense of the country. today we hear from our military leadership that there are not enough people. we have great losses. the main question is how what happened and what was wrong with this military-political leadership, that such a large number of people, who even today could provide our defense, was lost, and why lives are needed again. for ordinary citizens, and this is a question , i think, of two points: the first point is security, how to provide our military volunteers mobilized with this security, and why it was not provided, what is not enough for this, and this is a question of justice, okay, public society
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sacrificed itself, citizens donated, volunteers brought. everything necessary for our troops, what was done by our political leadership, why do we still have the largest army of officials in europe who did not go to the front, why are we still increasing the amount of money for the maintenance of our state apparatus, for the 24th year, the maintenance of the police increased by almost three times, the question, what are they guarding? here we have, when we need people at the front, and these are patrol police, these are men of draft age, these are people at arms, they took an oath, they were bought almost 100 recently allocated groschi 100 autos , who are we going to arrest, mr. serhiy, i would just like to point out here, you know, we started this broadcast with news from kherson after the shelling of the train station, where
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a policeman was killed who was helping people to evacuate, so it is obvious that for the functioning of the state... and all the more so in the territories that are close to shelling, and in cities in general, the police are needed in that sense, and i will also note that zaluzhene did not name the numbers and he said that he did not provide any specific figure of 450-500 thousand people and that he is very careful about it so that the enemy did not know and did not understand what was happening, and he also said that the military command continues to perform the functions of protecting its state, for this we need people, we need weapons and we need. well, that is, these things are needed, he formulated it clearly , if we talk about the fact that there are such needs, and when zaluzhny himself says it, it is obvious that they are, the question is how to implement it, in your opinion, why it happens that zaluzhin goes to his first press conference and has to explain it all, or is it because the authorities are not ready to possibly lose their rating by making such, well, unpopular and
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critical decisions for society, let's go one by one, the death of a policeman is a tragedy, but... but this does not invalidate everything i said, we must totally cut back now, and this is a matter of justice , the state apparatus, we have a total decrease in the number of people in the country, we don't need that much, i can just tell you a simple figure, we spent 20 billion dollars on improvements in the 23rd year, for example, the israeli government is reducing the time of 10 ministries, having a completely different... war in the country, and that would give them the opportunity to spend the same 20 billion dollars on military needs that they have now. here is an experience for you to learn from. in what way, i say again. to totally reduce the state apparatus , which has almost a million people, these are the smallest numbers, to be honest, there are much more of them, to reduce the security forces,
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we have much less need for the body than at the front, if they talk about it on the meritorious side, but i did not hear from the meritorious person what kind how security will be ensured, what will be changed in order not to have such losses, the military concept itself, that we waste people, or we still fight with weapons, technologists. and other strategies of approach, not territory, but defense , not, spending people, saturating us with technical capabilities to destroy the enemy in large numbers, this is what i, unfortunately, did not hear, the briefing itself was very simple, it is obvious, unfortunately, the president, who brought up the topic of mobilization, voiced the half-million number, was not convincing, and it was obvious, then, i think, there was a long-standing command to get out of the way. which has a much higher trust rating, but we have not heard important answers from zaluzhnyi those issues that really exist in society, and unfortunately, i saw an interview of another acting
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general marchenko, who said that we will close the mobilization thanks to the local authorities and the policemen, how the policemen and the local authorities will have something to convince people, and when there is no basic answers, i say once again, is there justice in society or not? and how to keep these people safe because you know the chinese madness is to do something with a bad result and keep doing it again. unfortunately, we have for the 23rd year, we must draw conclusions from the lessons that the war has taught us. i do not yet see that our government and military-political leadership have drawn these conclusions, and the law they show turns us back into the soviet union, such a concentration camp, where... every man is such a slave of the state, they said to the front , go to the front. well , i'm sorry, as your previous friend and guest said,
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you can't do that with ukrainians, this, this, this can lead to much worse consequences than what we have now, there must be more open communication, there must be an answer to those the questions, in particular, that you asked, mr. serhiy, yes, i will note once again that since yesterday, since the day before this draft law appeared, we have been trying to... contact many deputies of the parliamentary majority, but as we understand that there is a certain such instruction not to comment on this issue, nevertheless bobrovsky's slum, it was on the air and was commented on, it belongs to such an opposition in the majority of the parliament, so to speak, so of course we are ready for all these questions, i will just say this for the sake of balance , and put to representatives of the authorities, in particular the ministry of defense, we we include these people as soon as they are ready to be included, so it is very important to have such a dialogue in society, to discuss this. important bill for the country. thank you for participating, serhii hayda, a political technologist, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and now to the news from the capital.
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new roadblocks have appeared in kyiv, as reported by the kyiv city military administration, they are temporarily installed for security, security exercises, which continue from december 28, i.e. until tomorrow, and units of the ministry of internal affairs the kyiv village administration and the national police stop drivers at these checkpoints, check documents, inspect cars or. there are no prohibited or dangerous items in the car. according to serhii popko, the head of the kmva, the chiefs of training should improve the organization of public security. new roadblocks against the background of the publication of the text of the draft law on mobilization raised suspicions among the residents of kyiv. social networks began to write that summonses will allegedly be served at these checkpoints in kyiv. in the kyiv city military the administration emphasized that the security training is not related to the mobilization process, although they added that tsc employees can... be at such checkpoints, so what is happening in the capital, what are these checkpoints for? let's ask further: mykhailo shimanov, the spokesman of the kyiv city trolley administration joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. mykhailo, tell me, maybe
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repeat something, but it is important, are these roadblocks for serving summonses, are they really temporary until tomorrow, or is something planned in the capital? this is the military trainings that were planned and are currently being conducted. from december 25 to 28, that is, these are scheduled exercises, so we urge people to behave absolutely normally, to treat military exercises, unfortunately, the war in our country is ongoing, maybe someone forgot or relaxed, in war, there is always an unforeseen scenario, so the armed forces must prepare , to learn, to gain experience, to maintain and increase their fighting capacity, therefore , the grouping of the forces of the means of defense of kyiv in cooperation with the kyiv city military administration, patrol, national the police, together with other structural units, decided to conduct such exercises, that is, it is supposed to deploy temporary ones.
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installation of restrictive signs, elements, engineering barriers, and accordingly , inspection of transport, inspection of documents, checkpoint protection elements, search and countersabotage measures are being worked out. mykhailo, what will happen from december 28, there will be new locations for these temporary roadblocks, they will be constantly moved somewhere, in general , training is announced from december to december 28, accordingly, on december 28, they should end , but the kmva cannot guarantee that summonses will not be served there, as far as i understand, that is, representatives of the tsc may also be there, well, look, we do not know about issuing summonses at temporary checkpoints, employees of the tsc, according to their functional powers do not perform security functions, so for detailed
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information. regarding the places and number of served summonses, possibly served, and please contact the regional territorial collection centers, but according to the current legislation and the legal regime of martial law, representatives of the tsc have the right to carry out their direct activities on the territory of the city of kyiv in the manner permitted by law. summarizing this topic, can you remind and explain the rules of behavior at roadblocks so that people understand citizens, how to behave, where to slow down, what to follow and who has the right to check documents? have the right to check documents, respectively, or the police, or the national guard, and , accordingly, people who are authorized to do this, that is, they have the right to check documents certifying identity and confirming the citizenship of ukraine or the special status of a person, to check documents for cargo, that is , which a person is transporting, well, for example,
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some kind of commercial cargo, and to conduct an inspection of the cargo vehicle for compliance with the document, and also, if there are certain suspicions, to detain persons or vehicles, conduct their inspection and hand them over to law enforcement agencies, in the capital in particular and in ukraine in general there have been tragic cases when motorists, drivers, they whether they simply did not notice the roadblocks, or did not stop in time, and even as a result , there were such things, we know about the deaths of the national guard. for example, what should be the rules here that people should understand, that is, how to navigate in the city, how many meters to such a roadblock, relatively speaking, should there be a sign to stand that one should stay idle? well, as far as i know, all such road signs are standing, the only thing is that these are the problems of drivers, because they do not follow the usual traffic rules and exceed the speed limit, well, you have to look accordingly, or for example, well, those people who constantly
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drive to or from work on their... permanent route, they know where these roadblocks, roadblocks are located, they know where to slow down, turn on the emergency lights, so that people standing at roadblocks, they weren't really nervous either, and accordingly, those people who already drive these same routes every day, they know that there is a speed limit, that is, there are limited signs, and 20 km/h before the checkpoint, there is a sign there. stop where you need to stop, and accordingly, those people who are standing at roadblocks decide to stop, are there reasons to stop you? not every car is repaired, it should be noted, so everyone who passed such a roadblock saw it with their own eyes. i thank you for getting involved and explaining this situation, mykhailo shumanov, the spokesman of the kyiv military district administration, joined our broadcast. i am grateful to all our viewers for being with us, subscribe to radio svoboda, if you
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haven't already done so, and see you at... at 9 o'clock, congratulations here, news time on eterispress. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians again attacked ukraine with shaheds, released 46 drones from two directions, the temporarily occupied crimea and the krasnodar territory. the attack lasted from 7 in the evening until almost 4 in the morning. air defense forces shot down 32 enemy drones. most of the shaheds, which could not be destroyed, hit the front-line territory, including harson.


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