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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 10:30am-11:00am EET

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a criticism for all other russians who cannot afford to pay 10,000 dollars for the entrance to this party, you know that, you look at all this and think, and this sometimes unexpectedly arranged this party through his agency suddenly in order to to mix up russian society among themselves, well , it turned out quite loudly, that is, you know, it is so similar to the hand of budanov, it is quite like this... it is possible that it was inspired by ukrainian military intelligence in order to mix up the russian elites and russian pop music, well, if this is so, then we can say that this was a successful situation, a rather good scandal turned out, and it showed such things that actually happen, but for russia, these losses are for moscow, they are not tangible, because moscow does not feel of what is happening throughout the territory. of the russian
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federation, the most distant regions bear the greatest losses, this was done specifically in order to spread the losses throughout the territory of russia, they were not felt, but in this way, well, every day in muscovy, approximately 600 people, well, if there are a thousand people in addition, then it is smeared over the entire large territory, then it seems to be invisible, but here is the kirkorov mountains... it is visible throughout the territory of the russian federation, so i think that they are paying attention to it , well, after all, i am inclined to the opinion that it was a special operation of ugu, after all, budanov, but well, thank you, mr. mykhailo, and to your expert, who also inserted a few meows during our conversation, mykhailo pertula, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the sbu, an expert in military counterintelligence was with by us, here it is written. i don't know if it's a viewer or a viewer
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, because her name is knitting and not only, i wonder why the presenters are interested in what's going on with the katsaps, isn't there anything else to talk about in the morning, dear friends, we're not interested in what's going on with them there , even if they walk naked, even if they walk on their heads , even if they kill each other, but what is going on in them is a party, which the rest of russia condemns, they say, how can you afford to party when we have here our defenders die en masse, theirs. that is, it can to be a symptom of the fact that russians are no longer so engrossed in all that, in fact, that russian society is also beginning to feel the burden of losses, not that they simply feel the burden of losses, because in reality, well, you understand that in fact 350,000 losses, these are big losses, and this is even taken into account if the large number of the russian population, nevertheless, these are already losses that are tangible and painful, and therefore well... well, it
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is important for us, because as he said zaluzhny again, the general said that we have another way to inflict huge losses on the russians losses, there is no way to stop this war, they will stop sooner or later, and we are monitoring those sentiments, and believe me, putin and his whole gang are also very closely monitoring the sentiments in russian society, moreover, i think that they followed yesterday's briefing of the industrious and dissected it into small parts... what was the mood there, how loud was it, what the residents of the occupied peninsula, among whom there are many occupiers, write about it, we will talk about it after a short pause , let's go back and continue. usual affairs become unreal,
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the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who have become many. like others, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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dear friends, we are already on the air, andriy saichu, lesya vakulyuk, now we will talk about the mood on the occupied peninsula after it flew to their moscow novocherkassk, and how it was dismantled, torn into small pieces and sprinkled with those pieces on feodosia , so now feodosians go and collect with the hope that they can make some extra money, give it to the target. lobrukhty skinder bariyev, head of the crimean tatar resource center and member of the crimean tatar mejlis people should be on our airwaves, we are waiting for his appearance, and in the meantime, i also remind you that we have a collection going on, today he will tell a little,
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well, for the whole day, in total, yesterday we collected 68 00 hryvnias with you, so we set such a record, we have not so much left, 107 less, 106.000 with pennies to collect 106 00, friends, this is quite a trifle compared to everything that we collected with you, we collected 100 00 in just two days, so if these two more days, then already this week we will announce the closing of the collection and about the actual purchase of this battery and its transfer for our military to the frontline and is already with you with us and with you iskender bariev, mr. iskender, we congratulate you, and good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, mr. skender, yesterday it was such a beautiful morning in crimea, i don’t know if it was good for the residents or for all residents, for those who are waiting for the return of the ukrainian government, of course, how joyful, what was the mood there
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after it flew over novocherkassk and after it was torn apart into small pieces, well, first of all i want to say about that when there are such successful... explosions, indeed, on the territory of crimea, those who are a part of the population that actively support the russian federation and support, and are sure that... that the armed forces of the russian federation will protect, they are beginning to think more about what is happening in general, because yesterday was the day of the air defense forces of the russian federation, and the gift given by the defense forces, which just shows that the armed forces of the russian federation are not quite powerful, and the air defense forces of the russian federation cannot fully protect them , but, but, say, them propaganda continues. to work and they started talking about the fact that it was neither a hit nor a blow
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, but that these were the consequences of downed missiles with the help of anti-aircraft defense, and here, just like that, they are still trying to justify the activities of anti-aircraft defense, including that they tried to demonstrate in their mass media that two ukrainian su-24s were shot down, i.e., to compensate for the fact that they disappeared, they were liquidated, novocherkassk and there is also information that a tugboat was located near cherkassk , which was also completely damaged, actually it is interesting that until the last... it was reported that it was just damaged there, but now we know that in fact it sank
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and very little remained of this large landing ship, such this is great news and a great gift from the ukrainian air force, i am here and we can look again, this is a really interesting picture of the find the ship, you see it, but it is actually there, in fact some such... i, i'm sorry, the parts of the ship are just the same scattered along the first line of feodosia , that is, the remains of the remains of the ship, people saw it with their own eyes and began to react, so you are one of the examples and you are giving it now, but despite all that, they began to actively search for all these people , who... provide such information , who filmed these explosions and posted
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them on social networks, they constantly warn that all those who did this, they will be punished in a criminal case, so i worry even about the one for this girl who was talking about this piece of debris that flew by some department store, well, listen, well, less about that. and by the way, they say that up to a hundred sailors went with that ship, are they looking for them somewhere, what is left of them, but first of all, if we rely on the official information of the occupation mass media, they provide that six people were evacuated, four people were injured and went to the hospital, two people were given. for outpatient treatment, and one person died, that is, us
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we see that they are still trying to deny everything, but despite all that, there is a lot of other information, for example, when they start saying that the aivazovsky gallery was saved there, because glass, windows, etc. were damaged there. and despite all that, i want to tell or remind the viewers that since 2014, when the occupation of crimea began, precisely by the aivazovsky gallery, they immediately began to export to the territory of the russian federation what is now in this gallery, well, right here, right here big question, there is no no everything remains as it was before, and as for other objects, there are really a lot of them. on the first line of buildings in which, well
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, let's say , the windows of the windows were completely broken, that is, this indicates that there really was such a powerful explosion, and this is primarily not only because the ship itself was, well, exploded, but there were weapons on this ship after all, the weapons detonated, well, thank you very much, skander bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center and a member of myzhalisk of the crimean tatar people were with us, well, in the meantime, we already have the next one. this is maksym turenko, commercial director of sherif holding. mr. maksym, good day to you. can you hear us good day, good to hear. mr. maxim, please tell me that the holiday season is a time when people leave their homes, but i would say that even the time we have now is a full-scale invasion, very
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often people leave their homes and go abroad . in the hope of finding a calmer life and somehow somewhere to sit through the war, actually, like two such times, and first of all, a full-scale invasions and holidays, do you notice any increase in thieves as they use since that time? well, look, if we talk about the beginning of the war, then the statistics on thefts, especially there... it has not changed, if you take robberies there, they have decreased significantly, but thefts when no one is at home, they are plus or minus the same level, if you look directly there , even by category , grocery stores, kiosks, pawnshops, coffee shops, there in grocery stores suffer first of all
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most often, alcohol is stolen precisely during the holidays, here is a specialized... alcohol stores there account for a fairly high percentage of all thefts, if we talk about apartments or houses, then these crimes, they are more thought out, prepared, in these cases, first of all, information is collected about , that can be taken out there for a price, and criminals are already looking for an opportunity, in this case, it is not necessary to wait for the long-term absence of the owners there, whether they have gone abroad, in an average apartment. can be robbed in 20-30 minutes, because with regard to long-term stays abroad or simply moving to another city, for criminals it simply increases the possibility, yes, regarding the time of breaking into an apartment or own house, if
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we actually talk about... and about protection against thieves yes, that is, in general, how secure are these security systems now, is it a must have, or is it better than just having a good reliable lock or playing on the windows? well, look, safety is like health, it needs to be prevented, yes, contact the sheriff or another security companies not when something happened, but as it often happens nowadays, people only after a neighbor or an acquaintance. or something has happened to them themselves, they start to think, that is why prevention is needed here , it is usual, install a security alarm in advance, install video surveillance, if it is a house, for example, it is also a perimeter alarm system around the entire perimeter of your building, which will be activated first of all, even when someone has crossed the border of your house there,
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that's why all these directions of security devices, they need to be installed in advance and to prevent the safety of yourself and the safety of your home there in advance, so these are all solutions, they simply make it possible to reduce the risks that something bad might happen to you, and how to be in such a moment when, for example, like now recently? there were times when the connection disappeared, when there were problems in kyivstar, yes, after this attack, or when the lights are turned off, but luckily this year it's not like that, i hope there are trees somewhere to knock on, that it won't be like last time year, when we all sat en masse without electricity, but nevertheless, well, it all runs on electricity, and it's all connected to
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mobile traffic and so on, it all requires electricity, that's right, er... see, well in first of all, everything works, yes, we, not only us, the entire industry, yes, in the security direction, she made decisions even before the beginning of the blackout, because even there before the war there were remote objects with poor communication , or there are power issues, and so there were solutions, it's just that they're scaling now, and, for example, if you make a connection, you install not one sm-card, but two, you install pre... communication channels such as the internet and they duplicate each other, if we talk about power supply, similarly there are anti-blackout solutions, such as we've got. it can be called where additional devices are installed that ensure uninterrupted operation, alarms, even when
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the light goes out, so there are such solutions, they just need to be implemented at certain objects that need protection, and one more thing, everyone he's thinking about his pocket how to do it so as not to spend a lot of money, and well, there is such a thing... the idea that security is something rich people can afford? well, actually no, i can even talk about how much it costs today, for an ordinary ukrainian, for a month, yes, security. well, if you take a security alarm, where you install motion sensors, opening sensors, then it's only uah 400-500 per month. there are many today. that additional solutions, such as a panic button in a mobile phone, or our, for example, new service sheriffbase, where you can simply enter the address of your apartment in the mobile application and
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at any moment call a team that will come in seven minutes and see what is happening there near your apartment, if you have, for example, intercoms or a video camera installed, just the neighbors called, such services even cost uah 100-150 per month there, so it is very... affordable today, the only issue is that people should simply prevent security issues and contact security companies in advance, you know, we are already on the beginning of the war were in lviv, 2 minutes, and two minutes left, left, moved earlier, but we had real estate left in buch, i remember how on the first day of the occupation of buch, it literally happened. on the second day of the trade, we got a call from the shiriv security company and a very sad operator said that your discovery worked, unfortunately we will not be able to come,
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i think you understand us, i said, everything is okay, but we still we saw for a long time, we already understood that all the windows were broken, then and then, we did not know then that they were broken, later already we found out when the hut was bought and friends we know, journalists sent photos of our house, it happened not far away when the plane arrived, accordingly... it smashed the windows and that's how we found out that this discovery happened because of it. we are also clients, in fact , one of the security companies, we believe that it is really profitable and correct, if the muscovites do not come, here already, sorry, there is another security company, i call it the armed forces of ukraine. mr. maksym, thank you for the conversation, maksym turenko, commercial director of the sherif holding, was with us, dear friends, you stay with us, we still have one more hour of ours ahead of us. part in the marathon that is going on espresso, stay with us, join the transfer of donations for our army, this is the
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security company that protects our and your peace and our country, so stay with espresso, we will be back soon. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak tv: super warm and very comfortable boots. alaska stay has a perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so it will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once, for yourself and your husband. furnace zippers will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest leg. the insulation perfectly retains heat and removes moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wear-resistant material. bream fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. high-quality, light and warm alaska stayle boots will provide comfort and
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will provide comfort and skill. damp autumn and frosty winter and unpredictable spring, you will always be warm, comfortable and dry! universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call! congratulations chas news on spresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians again attacked ukraine with shaheds. released 46 drones from two directions, temporarily occupied crimea and the krasnodar territory. the attack lasted from 7:00 in the evening until almost four in the morning. air defense forces shot down 32
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enemy drones. most shahedi. which could not be destroyed, hit the...


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