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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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the country will make it so that all this production is stimulated and helps the country, a lot of these volunteer centers, these production basements, so to speak, they all do it by artisanal methods, and so in this amount we lose, that must be the reason for our loss in this, you know , you you are saying what many people who are joining today are saying, are they able to help us win, organize, mobilize people, well, i say it conditionally, they mobilize people for this work, students and technicians, there are former employees various research institutes, they are trying to do it, but again, for the second year we are talking about it and for the second year there are certain problems with it, i wanted to ask now whether it was approved, because i did not track it, but now i thought about it and and i want to ask whether the budget of odesa oblast has already been approved for 2024 by 200...
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well, again, these were all changes according to the personal income tax, the budget resolution is not fully drawn up, it varies a lot, it also varies, so ultimately it is not concluded, of course, there is one more, one more point, i wanted to agree on of these uh... aircraft or aid, the first reason for this, of course, is the law on mobilization, but the reason for not using the full capabilities of our country in relation to the production of this is corruption, well, we understand that corruption in the most important bodies, and if we adopt the law on mobilization, which has its shortcomings, and what do we say about the punishment for
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corruption in certain ministries, why are we silent about it, this issue confuses everyone who cares about the country, about victory and who even thinks about certain options, but tell me please, i read andrii sadovoy today, for example, who reported on the adoption of the budget. a billion hryvnias was allocated to lviv for the armed forces of ukraine, before that a similar amount was allocated by kyiv, well, not even a little, there, in my opinion, one billion and different cities also provide for certain amounts of indirect funding there, but there is a condition there, you as if you are financing at the request of military units, you cannot directly finance the army, but is certain money provided for in odesa as well, i know that odesa has provided for the payment of certain amounts to mobiles.
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one-time payments, perhaps some more stipulated amounts now, and as far as possible, we understand that odessa must defend itself from the air, plus restore, rebuild what is there, plus there are, as i understand it, many other needs that today also have to be covered, yes , 2000 uah will be allocated to every person mobilized from january 1, and this has already been accepted by the city budget, and indeed driving around odesa. we have already spoken to many communities that this story about the requests of military units and the allocation of funds and further further the use of these funds is entirely at the discretion of the military unit itself, and there are many communities in odesa and towns, they still try to somehow help it... the armed forces of ukraine and, in principle
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, the military units that are in odesa, er, in which pp, ppdd, yes , is on permanent deployment in our territory, but there is also a point that all this makes it possible to take money here, but we still give the personal income tax to kyiv, this is a very big problem, for which. so far we do not see any very powerful exit and positive prospects next year. i thank you very much for your work, first of all, for your volunteering and for your comments. fevzim mamutov , a deputy of the odesa regional council, made very correct points regarding the collection of drones and , in general, aid to corruption, this is all important, we have been talking about it for two years, well, we need to do something about it radically, again. the third year
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of the war will obviously not forgive what the second year of the war forgave in one way or another, well, with certain consequences, we can see these consequences now, there was supposedly an apology, but it always has to be pay, the war does not leave. debts for everything have to be paid, unfortunately, but very often it is not those who create these problems who pay, but those who later pay for it with their blood, unfortunately, this should not be the case. in fact, we will talk about the war, serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations. vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. i will tell you such a strange story, and you will comment on why the enemy does this. andrii seprienko, our second colleague and our mutual colleague, a military correspondent, said that the russians sent it to his phone, and not only him, he is so interested in the military, he is coming now. a mass mailing , where they say that they are going to the third maidan, overthrow the government, we will walk together in kyiv, so you are itching, well, these usurpers, i mean from zelensky, i would write them an answer that let's start overthrowing putin, and we will tighten up, but why is the enemy doing this now, what does he want
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to achieve with such an information attack, well, in fact, such attacks are regular, they also include intimidation our soldiers, when the semesters of such come, well, let's go. if we find you there, we will punish you there and so on, up to the options you are talking about now. in fact, this is nothing new, our military is ready for this and is aware of it, i think that this will not have any effect on the fact that this next russian ipso will have any result. and later in our war program, we will talk about the situation in certain areas of the front, in the assessments of the generals and in conversation with our soldiers, and about whether it is possible to invent this new powder of technology. which zaluzhnyi says at the level of individual combat brigades, about that in a moment. it so happened that today two generals, the commander of
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the khortytsia operational-strategic grouping of troops, oleksandr syrskyi , and the commander of osuvria, oleksandr ternavskyi , presented a vision of the situation in the areas of the front for which they are responsible. in continuation of theses, which were delivered on tuesday by the commander of the armed forces, valery zaluzhny. so, general syrskyi reported in his telegram channel that the enemy continues to suffer losses intensive offensive actions in all key directions. in the direction of kupyansk, the enemy is trying at any cost to capture sinkivka and create conditions for blocking kupyansk. also, the enemy is preparing assault units from the number. airborne units for the development of the offensive in the direction of siversk, this is interesting and important information, in the direction of bakhmud , it is trying to capture bohdanivka, to restore the lost position in the areas of klishchiivka, kurdyumivka, and andriivka. and in turn , the commander of the wasp in tavria, brigadier general
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oleksandr tarnavskyi in an interview with the bbc today emphasized that russian troops have become more active along the entire front line and in his area of ​​responsibility. according to the general, the russian aggressors are determined to at least ensure the capture of the settlement of avdiivka, despite the fact that, as ternavskyi says, they do not really want to enter avdiivka, they want to bypass avdiivka in order to avoid fighting there, because this will further complicate the problems of the enemies, as it was in bakhmut, the general believes. the problems are, of course, the colossal losses of the enemy around avdiivka. maryanka, according to ternavskyi, is an enemy. actually wiped off the ground, as zulazhnyi said yesterday, and the russians are trying to regain the positions lost by the enemy during our offensive in the zaporozhye direction, explained ternavskyi. at the same time, the commanding owl tavria predicts that the 24th year may be more difficult in conducting
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hostilities than the 23rd. and here i will remind you that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi said about a month ago that the situation... at the front may reach a dead end, because in fact both sides, the armies of ukraine and russia , operate weapons and technologies of the same level with certain advantages in certain segments, this is such a dynamic balance, so changes require new technologies, new tactics, and yesterday, just during his first briefing , valery zaluzhnyi said that the next the year for the defense forces should differ from the 23rd year on... primarily technologically, because 90% of solutions have already been found in the areas he outlined as priorities. let me remind you that it was about ensuring dominance in the air through scaling up the use of drones, about expanding the potential of radio-electronic
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warfare systems, about improving counter-battery measures and means, about new demining technologies, about training forces and reserves and increasing efficiency. military management , all these directions are extremely important in order to change the situation on the battlefield, and as zaluzhny said yesterday, all this is necessary and will have to be achieved. to act more effectively next year and most importantly - to save people - said zaluzhny. so, these are directions are extremely important, and right now we're going to call our guest to explain some of the aspects of building technological superiority at the brigade level, because we know that one of our most prominent brigades right now is the third separate assault brigade now retired for recovery, and in the process of this recovery
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, it should ensure the transition to equipping with innovative models of equipment and weapons, and as the leaders of this brigade emphasized, this should strengthen the third assault brigade and bring it to the first place in terms of technology, exactly how it's going to happen, how it's going to happen, we're just going to... we're going to talk to our guest now, who's going to join us on the air. and in general, if we talk about the situation around bakhmut, it really does not look easy, because the enemy is now trying to conduct offensives in several directions, first of all, it is trying to ensure an advance from the north above bohdanivka, to ensure an advance to khromovo, and also... to beat the fighting actions around klishchiivka and andriivka, actually
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there are battles over klishchiivka, which are connected with control over the dominant heights. the enemy has repeatedly reported that , relatively speaking, he managed to get to these, to the support point at an altitude of 215.7, but in fact this information is completely untrue, although, as in... say military personnel from other brigades, in particular from of the fifth separate assault brigade, which now controls precisely the area near klishchiivka with an exit to ivanovske, the enemy is trying to rotate reserves, accumulate forces, still trying to break through to the positions that the ukrainian military receives, and here the strengthening of our units and brigades is important, because, in particular , the teams. of one of the battalions of this brigade said that the replenishment that is coming
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to their brigade, we are not talking about the third or the fifth air assault brigade, it actually does not meet the needs that are needed on the line in terms of age and capabilities front, because , of course, the main burden is now borne by the assault brigades, assault battalions, which are forced to fight with the enemy's manpower, the enemy is trying... to use this assault tactic , which he actually laid as the basis of his combat operations , as the basis of his advance, because, relatively speaking, having an advantage in manpower, this tactic is connected with the use of units, which is precisely the basis of what the enemy is trying to do to advance in all areas, but we are encountering steady resistance from our fighters with the support of technical means that... destroy the enemy, now we are trying to establish contact with an officer from
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the third assault brigade, we see that we do not succeed in establishing this, then we will to continue our program, and then we will talk about other aspects related to the conduct of hostilities, we can talk about the fact that it is not only a matter of having an advantage on the battlefield in weapons, but also... not it is less important where the front line lies in our heads, in the heads of our partners, and actually in the heads of the enemies, because it is about the information front, which is relevant to the events in the trenches and to the use of conventional weapons, by the way, let me remind you that this year in one of the nominations, which related to the assessment of the information situation field, in particular in... in the context of ivan franko prize winners
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in the field of information activity, for the best scientific work in the information field, it was such that two people received this nomination, valery korol and hryhoriy lyubovets, and they wrote a monograph called the context of negativity , how to protect yourself and the country in conditions of total information. standing and i am pleased that now one of these nominees is a retired colonel of the armed forces of ukraine valery korol and the chairman of the board of the center of communication and content security down to our broadcast, mr. valery, i welcome you, i am glad to see and hear, good evening, i would like it to happen in our program so that the military evaluates the combat operations, and especially the situation related to the draft of the new law on mobilization, i would like to hear from the military first, but now in view of
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the communication problems, i will still forward this question to you, because it is precisely the law on mobilization. tion, it is now extremely important, both from the point of view of its essence, and now from the point of view of the information field that is formed around of this law, because on the one hand, this law will determine, conditionally speaking, the reality of ukrainian society for the next year, and on the other hand, for some reason, it becomes the basis of such a strange confrontation, when politicians try to transfer to the military... all these negative things that related to the implementation of this law, because in any case, the law is not easy, it requires decisions that will depend on the future of our country. i would like you to assess, in fact, what is happening in the information field around this law and whether it is possible
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to transform this law in this way in order to quickly make a decision and make this law come into force. such a basis for the consolidation of society, if at all possible, regarding such complex laws? well, actually, it is worth saying that there is no law as such yet, there is only a draft, but we will emphasize that the law on mobilization is not a matter for the military, it is a state matter, therefore, based on this, we need to understand what is wrongly chosen . on the official information policy can lead to unforeseen consequences, in our opinion, such an irregularity was laid in the order even before the start of a large-scale war, and precisely because real
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threats were ignored in the vigilance space, and the corresponding changes set the ukrainians up to the fact that everything will not just be fine, everything will be great. unfortunately, the beginning of a large-scale war changed only the form of communication with society, but not the optimistic tone that was present before that and remained a trend. if presenting unbalanced information, say only positive progress reports military events, especially now, like last year's two or three weeks before the victory, you remember this trend, then i can seriously negative. the consequences in the future, in fact, the adjustment of the population to a quick victory, the underestimation of the potential of the aggressor, is already happening in the reduction of the molation resource, ignoring summonses, evasion of mobilization, and so on. society deserves to be talked to as a partner of the state, to talk about the difficulties
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of the problem, to consult on the ways out of the onion corner, i do not mean here... and purely military aspects, that is, how to wage a war , how to conduct hostilities, how to provide other aspects that have a vulture there and so on, of course, this all does not apply to these aspects, but we are talking about the need to more clearly articulate the problems that the state faces , the army, the defense forces, that is, it is the quick adoption of the necessary laws, it is the provision of the defense forces, it is the support of enterprises, in particular. business people, who are now making every effort to provide our defenders with everything they need, and of course, this about the formation of consciousness regarding the protection of the homeland, that is, it is a complex task, and it cannot be solved in some fractions, let's say in a week or a month, here the state cannot do without the help of society and
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vice versa, mr. valery, you are a little bit like that, i am melting you, and how to fix this thing? between the government, society, to talk about complex things, what these platforms should be, where we should move, because we understand the trend, and i see the mechanisms for implementing this trend, which we can't to understand, well, the mechanisms actually depend on the construction policy, because it is necessary to realize that the national information space is not a bazaar on a day off, it is a clearly structured, moreover , segmented space within which certain discussions are formed there. discourses must be long, we cannot say one thing today, tomorrow the opposite, the day after tomorrow something that contradicts these two positions before that, here the role is extremely large, because this is the task of the state. that is, we must look at all problems from one point of view, and the state, that is, the government, and society , that is, the citizens, we must understand what these problems
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are, what they consist of, how to overcome them, that is, we must speak the same language , that is the consolidation of efforts, and this depends absolutely on the government, that is what we will get then powerful communication and content background for neutralization. and enemy aggression, and if there will only be hyped information campaigns , especially against some persons there or some events there and so on, then we will get just the enemy's complicity, so when we are now talking about the bill on mobilization, then we believe that it will be adopted quite quickly, and i want to point out that back in may of 2023, in fact, a law was already adopted by the verkhovna rada, which lowered the age limit from 27 to 25 years, but it was not then signed by the president, but then or not,
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now we are also provided for in this law for 25 years, and isn’t there a risk that the president will say: i didn’t sign it then and i won’t sign it now, it can be such a difficult situation, no, we now we consider it from a completely different position, then it was not the time, but then there were others. hope, then we led offensive and obviously not quite correct assessments, perspectives and so on. now we see that we already have, unfortunately, this issue is not just urgent, it is already a flashing red light, you know, that is all, the last chance, that is, if this decision came into force back in may, we would not now had many problems, we would now have a completely... different attitude to this law, of course, that then there was a demand from the president to make it more complex, and it was made that way, but this in no way
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removes the relevance of the may law, we lost a certain amount of time, and one must understand that mobilization is not only about the need for a citizen to come to the tsk, it is about his readiness to kill enemies, remember 2014, how in the first days of russia's aggression, agents of the russian special services... agitated the local population on donetsk, and what they did at that time was blocking the path of our soldiers, our soldiers, taking away even their weapons, and there was another effect, the effect of the psychological unpreparedness of our servicemen, then in 14 year to shoot at the russians who entered our territory, shoot at the enemies , it all came to us through blood and death, i recall another episode, 91st 92nd year will pass. century, when a mass of officers arrived on the territory of ukraine to continue their service in the armed forces of ukraine, and then there was such a special commission in
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the main social and social department, the social and psychological department, this commission was headed by general volodymyr mulyava, who was the head of this department, and he asked one question for these people who came to ukraine, are you ready to fight with russia? well, then on his head for this question and a lot of crap poured out for his position, but life proved that he was right, that's why mobilization is not only a law, the law is one of the starting points of communication, which at the moment should already be many, but are these points, you correctly asked the question, what should these squares be? are quite different, but they must be built primarily by the state, that is, the government , since it has these opportunities, and must implement them, and now we are faced with
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the fact that we are now starting to form these platforms, that is, wasted time, regarding this formation of appropriate communication, we have already partially said and answered this question, that is, this time, this most productive time, is lost, but this does not mean. that we should put our hands together, re-fortification of the information policy with an emphasis on awareness of the attitude of citizens to the protection of the motherland can give results if all components are clearly defined and will work 24 hours a day and will work from top to bottom, this is very important, this line of discourse, it has to be long for years, not for a week, not for a month, not for half a year, while there for... the law is adopted , implemented and so on, this is for years, and in the end, i believe that such a task is now being set by the authorities, albeit
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belatedly, and the fact that this process was included in .. the supreme commander -in-chief, in principle, this inspires hope, but i emphasize once again, we need to change approaches, and the fact that before the adoption of the law, you drew attention to this, we saw in the implementation of a certain part of the policy ping-pong with the ball being served to military field, raises doubts about the effectiveness of the implementation of this law, we understand that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, general zaluzhn, cannot hold a briefing every week and set up points of hope, that's understandable. that is , information structures should be included in this action, which are quite sufficient, let's say, in the state, but sometimes it gives the impression that the problems of war, the problems of the defense forces are secondary, instead, we see certain competitions for ratings, there for more something so political there and so on, it's sad, it's even more dangerous because it threatens the national
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safety ot. mr. valery, then i would like to ask you something that is also tangential to this issue. if we are talking about zaluzhnyi, zaluzhnyi said , among other things, yesterday at the briefing that they respond that he is sometimes brought to him by the foreign press, where they write about the situation in ukraine, he says that very few experts in the west are the kind that you can to pay attention to, but in general there is such a powerful information...con in the foreign mass media, where it is said that there is a lack of ammunition, yes, that is, that it is probably necessary to enter into negotiations with of the russian federation, that is, those topics that we actually start to discuss later in our own information space, the question arises whether we can somehow impose our content on our partners, whether such opportunities are limited, and how to respond to the fact that we are actually then
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secondary to it. in the process related to the discussion of what is happening on the front line? the question of the subnational space, unfortunately, is rather long-winded, it has actually been going on for 30 years, the whole time the world has been looking at ukraine through the prism of moscow, and we looked at the world again through the focus of moscow, this is nonsense, it has already been corrected to a large extent, but unfortunately... it still remains relevant, because the expert environment in the west, it is quite heterogeneous, there are experts who give a fairly clear, correct, objective assessment of the course of the war, events, the potential of ukraine and russia, our needs, and so on, and we must address this, if these materials appear in the information space of the west, then we
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must, accordingly understand. their essence and their perspective, and how we should also perceive it, and we perceive it in such a way that it is we who should talk about the problems, to a large extent the export environment is represented by certain sympathizers or bought agents of russia, and this is also a big problem, because they present most of the materials in a twisted way light, and then... western society perceives it through the prism of precisely these russian hidden narratives, and it is probably no coincidence that general zaluzhnyi twice last year, together with general zabrodtsky, was an article that received little attention in ukraine unfortunately, recently in the edition of economist , it was he who gave an expert assessment of the situation in russia-ukraine.
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war, it's pretty powerful stuff that, well, i understand that was a cold shower, and even for our partners who actually know about our problems, or should know more and so on. therefore, the question here is that the expert environment in the west should be formed by the ukrainian state, the ukrainian authorities. don't be afraid to talk about it. mr. valery, thank you very much for your time and for these professional comments. think we'll go back to of these topics and later, i will remind our viewers that valery korol, the chairman of the board of the center for communication and content security, was on the air of clans presso. these were the main results of our military column today, which were more informative than military. so stay tuned to the espresso channel for more international and economic news. good evening, we are with


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