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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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and everyone knew when and which ground point he should arrive at, even before the start of the war, but in the case of an announcement, it has not been done in our country so far, so there is no need to hesitate, let's see how it was done in other countries, once, twice , what is extremely important for us, uh, while people, even today, being in the rear of ukraine, must be engaged in training, and not only under the leadership of general zaluzhnyi directly there, local authorities in certain regions have already organized the training of people, and there are a certain number of people who go there with with satisfaction, realizing that sooner or later they will have to deal with this, so in each region, in each district there must be such training centers that would provide initial military training, and this is precisely the task of the civil administration to organize, because the trained resource is theirs task.
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forgive me for calling people a resource, but that is exactly how it is, but for every trained ukrainian, there is first our ability to win in this war, and for this ukrainian to survive in this war and fulfill his official task, because in war the level your fantasies always come down to the level of your training, you want to win, you want to fight successfully, you have to put more effort into yourself to become better. because more sweat on the training ground, less sweat, less blood on the battlefield. well, you mean the society for the promotion of the defense of ukraine, right, once in the soviet union and not only it, because it doesn't work in our country at all, it's dead, it doesn't do it. we have a huge number of those people who know how to teach, and no matter how old they are for initial military training, they that's enough, you just have to deal with it directly, we are at war with the country. and
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from the point of view of the report, the president's speeches, we are fighting purely with the military, and the president is fulfilling the whims of only the military, no, it's a little wrong, the whole country is at war, and it depends on whether we win this war or not , we want to win, every ukrainian must give part of his time, part of his health, part of his resources to victory, mr. general, minister of defense rustam umyerov, rustem umyerov says that no i am satisfied that mobilization in ukraine is being demonized. let's listen to umerov. first of all , you need to understand what mobilization is, because unfortunately, we have demonized these processes for ourselves. in our country, unfortunately, it is perceived that serving one's homeland is a punishment. and for me it is to serve my own. to your country
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is an honor, and these are worldview things that need to be changed in general, the main message is how you can enter the perimeter to serve your nation, the country, what will happen when you enter this military perimeter, how will we treat you to train, how you will go to reconciliation, how it will be, which... and when you have it, how you will finish serving your country and get out of this perimeter while the war is going on. mr. general, i remember how in 2019 you talked about the fact that in ukraine it would be possible to form private military companies, and there were a lot of military men, former military men, at that time who could create these companies so that these companies then developed in... ukraine, is this idea
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of ​​returning to the idea of ​​private military companies, well, and creating, well, parallel recruiting, that is, not just mobilization, to create private military companies that could work, because there are such private military companies all over the world, russia does not admit that they legally have them, but ukraine could take such a step or not , of course she could and sooner or later she will go for it, but even at this stage it is possible. from private military companies, it is necessary to direct, first of all, what we talked about with you, it is precisely for the training of people, because their quality of training, their ability to teach training is much better than what we have in the training centers, and it is a very good example, but unfortunately, for some reason, certain leaders are not interested in having private military companies train people for them, even in the united states. er, it is actively used,
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it allows to save huge state resources, er, in the absence of additional funding for the maintenance of a certain amount. training military units, when private military companies can do it on their training grounds, it must be done, it must be done, and we have time fix this work, and why, why, mr. general, this is not happening? i know your story, how you were the deputy secretary of the national security council and insisted on the adoption of a bill on the creation of territorial... defense, and it was about bill 4504, i just don't want to forget this number, i know that in 2019 they made this draft law, then there was some misunderstanding on the part of the new government that
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it should be done, really during these five years, because it will be five years already, there was no understanding of how to build. the defense of a modern state, especially next to such an aggressive state as russia? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, this is precisely the biggest problem that those who buried our draft law and did not even want to consider it, delayed their time, then pushed the presidential law and adopted alternatives, but in our draft law we were building a strong country and directly building a territorial . defense of ukraine, and what was adopted in accordance with the submission of the president of ukraine zelenskyi, it is simply about the creation of an additional type of armed forces. everything, no more, no less, these are completely different things. and, if we tried to lay out all
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the bricks, the relations between the civil and military branches, who is responsible for what, in what way, then the law that was adopted directly by... the authorities, it's just that it concerns, i said then that it as for the preparation of reinforcements for the front, not creating a training system, not creating a national security system, it was so simply used and forgotten. mr. general, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, spoke at a briefing about plans of the armed forces of ukraine for the 24th year. let's hear what he said. the 24th year will not just be different, it must be different, the 24th year from the 23rd year, because otherwise we will face what i wrote about in the article, accordingly, we found these problems and found probably 90% somewhere already solutions to these
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issues, which must be solved in order to act more effectively in the next year and most importantly to save. people, we are working on it, our partners, who are also interested in this issue, completely agreed with us, and i can assure you that next year it will be different, mr. general, since we are already at the end of the 23rd year, a few words about what to expect in the 24th year, what will this year be, we do not have to wait, we directly have to work, and next year depends precisely on the capacity of the government, right. processes, ensure the training of the population, ensure the organization of the creation of a powerful economic system that would meet the needs of the armed forces, provide powerful fortification equipment of the area, then we can
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talk about success, then we can talk about maintaining our territories and liberating our territories, everything depends only on us, currently every ukrainian. if he does not agree with any problems that exist in the state, he has the right to speak about it, because this is a democratic society, the word is not the time to criticize, well, excuse me, for two, two years they did not criticize what we have, we have what that the 23rd year can be called the year of lost opportunities, we had great potential, but due to those prs carried out by our politicians, and they did not understand how to ensure the training of the armed forces. and to provide the armed forces themselves, we have what we have, we have huge problems, and this is not a dead end situation, but we need to change a lot ourselves, first of all within our country, because we hope purely only for the help of our western partners, this everything
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is great, but at certain moments it becomes such a cold rain of disappointment that at the end of the year, the last two months we have, and at certain times we give up. do not give up, we have time, we have the capabilities, we have the potential, we just need to push the authorities to fulfill functional their duties, which they occupy, qualitatively. and at certain moments they simply don't know what to do, so they just have to be prompted and forced to fulfill their duties. thank you, mr. general, this was general of the armed forces of ukraine serhiy kryvonos. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on those platforms, please like this video and subscribe on those platforms, and remember that we always host every night. survey, today we we ask you about this, does ukraine need a single telethon, yes no, please, if
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you watch us on youtube, everything is very simple, you can vote with two buttons, yes, no, or write your option in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, you can pick up the phone and vote if you think that ukraine needs a single telethon 0800-211381, no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, we will sum up this at the end of the program voting. next, we have an executive in touch director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start with the mobilization of 2024, because this topic, for the last two days, has simply been at the top of discussions among
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ukrainians, among the military, and among politicians. how do you feel about the legislative initiatives of the government, because it is presented exactly as legislative initiatives of the government, well, i think , that this is such, you know, a complex question, reminiscent of a cake napoleon, who won... in principle the cream of our national interests, national interests in victory. we are in the 23rd year, in fact, saying goodbye to illusions about the end of the war in two or three weeks, or even in two or three months. this should be understood and realized. therefore, various efforts will be required from us, including next year. it will not be only. mobilization, it will be a transition of the economy to military rails, it will be a sequestration of the budget,
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judging by everything, but returning to your question, i will say that the responsibility for mobilization lies largely with the president, in any case, the legislation provides that he signs the relevant decision, what has happened in our country in recent weeks is reminiscent of... such information manipulation, on the one hand, a well-known parliamentarian with the last name b, for example, threw a thesis into the information space that women will be mobilized is not true, it was not even discussed, as far as i know, then the president denied it, although in fact the topic of women's mobilization was actively picked up by russian propaganda, and why was it twisted? i i did not understand this at all, now the government has introduced
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a bill on mobilization, but from the comments we are hearing today, it is clear that it is not known where to get money, it is not known where to get resources, well, somehow, you know, this does not encourage our fellow citizens very much, this does not mean that people will refuse, no, but... the law on mobilization, its adoption, is the direct responsibility of the verkhovna rada, and i would like to remind you that since 2019 there has been a parliamentary majority in the verkhovna rada created by the servant of the people party, that is, the ruling party itself in in principle, if necessary, can make the necessary decision. and why, and why do you think the supreme commander distances himself, this is an uncomfortable question. it can affect the rating, it can cause dissatisfaction among the people, and the commander-in-chief does not
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want to take responsibility, although according to the law he really forms all the documents that are necessary for mobilization, including signing them, i think that volodymyr zelenskyi does too and his entourage are thinking about the next election, and it would be much better if we all and... our leaders thought first of all about victory, because there will be no elections before victory, and that should be mentioned. i'll just remember. a few months ago , senator lynzey graham came to visit us, he said that ukraine should hold elections, as everyone ran around it and started saying, yes, elections, of course we have to hold elections, how can we have elections without elections, there will be nothing without elections maybe, in fact maybe, and in 10 years after the revolution of dignity, the ukrainian authorities should have
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learned to respond even to our partners and sponsors in certain matters dignity. and to remind that holding elections in conditions when 20% of the territory has been lost, millions of people have gone abroad and it is not a fact that they will return quickly, electoral registers do not exist in all regions, safe voting may not be everywhere, well, factors for holding there are few elections, and the factors for mobilization are obvious, because without... replenishment and, well, if you like, without fresh blood for the defense forces, it will be more difficult for our defenders, so this is a normal process, that is, this is a confirmation of the words of those people who said to fight one way or another everyone will have to, and this is a confirmation of what
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should be inside society, not just a discussion about who and how to mobilize, but should be a powerful source of information. campaign , motivational videos about enlisting in the armed forces, recruiting, in principle, it would be good if the training system actually changed to a certain extent, because we can see that during the 23rd year, the ukrainian armed forces received a lot of information about how to fight against the russians, fight without... well, i would say massive successes, but to say that the ukrainian defense forces have failed, i i think we have no reason, because the war simply moved into another phase, when in the first half of the 23rd year the counteroffensive lived its own separate informational life, the russians at that
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time were preparing for defense, strengthening their positions. and we got, unfortunately, what we got. i think that there should be mobilization through informational accompaniment with various stories of people who stood up for the defense of ukraine. if there is andrii khlyvnyuk, who started fighting for ukraine from the first days, if there is taras topolya, if there are other stars or well-known people. why not to broadcast their experience, why not to show the experience of people who stood up for the defense of oboro, for the defense of ukraine and are doing it as effectively as possible, this is the only right thing, for today, because, as i understand it, we do not have the opportunity to materially
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stimulate mobilization, mr. yevgeny, you are talking about... the information component of the mobilization, we have all been watching what has been happening over the last two days in the information space and in social networks, and it is obvious, it is obvious that on december 25 this was announced and shown the draft law obviously shows that, well , this is simply a communication failure, because submitting this draft bill and telling people: well, listen, go, look at this draft bill there without... without any explanations, without any extra preparation, without any there are comments about that, listen , well, there is a part about people who are now living abroad, because some people fled, some people live because they have family circumstances, why they ended up there with children,
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there with disabled people, with family members, all in principle, everyone is threatened. the fact that the cards will be blocked there , it will not be possible to get a new passport, as a result , people went to stand in queues at checkpoints abroad in order to quickly change their passports, why do you think that the government, which in principle understands such information very well technologies and how it should be presented, why did she not take this component into account , especially with such a large... resource as an informational telethon, a huge telethon, so that people perceive it as a part of life, not as a threat to themselves , his close ones and wealth, including their families. i think the problem is that the government, in a broad sense, does not have
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a clear vision, a clear understanding of how to act for victory. that is, the war has now entered a protracted phase, and i say that there is a farewell to illusions. and it is no longer possible to act purely reactively, it is necessary to act proactively, it is necessary to create a certain coordinate system in which ukrainian society will live. but you understand that this is already in the early days of a large-scale invasion, he said the phrase that no matter how difficult it may be for us, we will not be ashamed. zelensky cannot repeat this phrase. but i don’t understand why zelenskyi can’t act as a united front or a duet, if you like, with valery zaluzhnyi
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, to say: we fight to victory, we cooperate, we provide everything for ukraine to win, these informational needs actually lie on the surface , and when i saw a poll today... deminitiative, where the armed forces are trusted twice as much as the president by the citizens of ukraine, this is a communication disaster for office of the president and for the office of the presidential republic that he built there. at the moment, there is simply an urgent need to form a government of national unity, which will also work on mobilization issues. and to ensure it, to create a responsible government and to remind the whole world that we have a parliamentary-presidential, not
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an office-presidential republic, this is the only possible way out of the current situation, in my opinion, because keeping silent about this problem will be negative for all of us , all without exception, and see how it actively works russia in this situation. as the russians are actively, i would say, using the contradictions that currently exist, we must fight back, fight back, we must all work for the victory of ukraine, clearly, each in the field in which he is engaged, and with what the more there will be... correctly stitched and correctly presented messages from the mouth of the president, from members of his team, the better it will be for all of us, now
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is not the time for elections, now is not the time for ratings. now is the time to fight for ukraine. 22 months of large-scale invasion showed that ukraine has withstood the russian attack, but the war is not over for us yet. and the enemy remains strong and powerful enough, this is unfortunately a fact, we, you know, this is neither good nor bad, this is a fact, and we, accordingly, have to look for opportunities to convince the west of the need to increase our assistance, to do this is possible only due to internal transformations, any other cavalry charges. overseas, as experience shows, they do not work, you mentioned the results of the survey conducted by the social service center
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razumkov and the democratic initiatives foundation, i will give our tv viewers the facts from this survey, 94% of ukrainians surveyed now trust the armed forces, the majority of ukrainian citizens do not trust the political parties of the state apparatus. 89% trust the judicial system in general, that is, the volunteer battalion , 83% trust the state emergency service, 82% the national guard , 73% the ministry of defense , 72% the state border guard service, 71% the security service of ukraine, 58% the national police, and according to the data poll 68% trust ukrainian president zelensky. surveyed, ukrainians also trust public and volunteer organizations 63% , 86%, respectively, and the church 63%, well, if
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you look at these figures, it is clear that zelensky, as the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, should take take more initiative and responsibility, as in this case with the bill on mobilization, then obviously the rating would be equal, although even now there is no talk about the rating, but the rating of trust, would it be equal to the armed forces of ukraine or not, you as a political scientist, how is this explained? phenomenon, because the president is the commander-in-chief, zaluzhny is the head of the armed forces of ukraine, and the trust rating of the commander is higher than that of the commander-in-chief, well, this is a paradox, and this paradox, in principle, makes the presidential team noticeably nervous. by the way, i don’t quite understand what the volunteer battalions are doing in the rating, which have been absent for several years, but there is trust in them, that is, they are already
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enough... they have long been integrated into the ranks of the armed forces of the national guard of the ministry of internal affairs, etc. but i will say that at the moment the citizens of ukraine are demonstrating to the world and the ukrainian authorities that they understand well enough who is responsible where and for what, and therefore any game around valery zaluzhny, in this case it is counterproductive, it is me i think the bankers understand well enough, but they must also understand that our joint victory is a priority, you understand, and the parameters of this victory need to be voiced, perhaps not in absolute numbers, facts and dates, but to work on it and show that we are moving towards something, we are going towards something,
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the time when it was possible to make exclusively bravura statements has passed, unfortunately, passed. if we recall today the statement of the first vice prime minister mrs. sveredenko about the possibility of delays in payments to pensioners and civil servants, then this is bad news. it is debatable why she made this statement, but the news is bad for a warring country because we must use all resources to... win and inside the state, if you will, in the rear, there should be no doubt about this victory, it is serious matter, and we must work on it as actively as possible, and not engage in various speculations, because it is not a secret that we are actually financed by our allies, it is not a big secret, the secret is why even after the arrest for bribery. president of the supreme
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court, the fight against corruption in ukraine has not acquired the character of irreversibility and has not lost the signs of campaigning. thank you, mr. yevhen, we have to finish our program, unfortunately, thank you for participating in the program, yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, in the course of our program we conducted a survey, we asked you whether ukraine needs a single telethon. so what are the results. in our survey, which we conducted for tv viewers, 10% yes, it is needed, 90 is not needed, on youtube, the results of the survey are 8% yes, 92% - no, these are the results of the survey of today's program , the verdict is on this, friends, i put a full stop , i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, see you tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye.
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how russia's war against ukraine is changing, what will be the next year of full-scale war, about we are saying this on bbc news ukraine live from london, i am evgenia shedlovska. despite significant expectations of a counteroffensive, in 2023 there were no major changes at the front. what's next for ukraine? year of the strategist. national defense, as some observers believe, well, brigadier general oleksandr ternavskyi says that next year may be more difficult, and that's why, war is development, it should not remain in place, i will say frankly, but the russians learn very well from our mistakes, on their mistakes, but what the russians take, the russians take their own in number, in their masses, in human masses, this is what they do very well.


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