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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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the people of ukraine, but also, therefore, the environment, the issue, therefore, of the threats that are connected with the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the blackmail that russia, you know, is doing, that means, with the help, that means, of this power plant, in fact, which are held hostage by this criminal, not to mention the ecological damage to the black sea, and... many other types of wounds to the environment, which go beyond the borders of only ukrainian territory, thus this peace formula, which is offered by our state to the world, naturally, this is not a formula only, it is 10 disasters brought to our land by the occupier, 10 tragedies, each of which needs its own solution. this is something that today is very
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concretely on the part of the apostolic capital , and we felt an absolute understanding here. the huge world humanitarian solidarity with ukraine is important. indeed, while participating in the papal synod, i had the opportunity to speak with leaders and delegates of the catholic church from almost all countries of the world. you know, huge. sympathy, huge support, i did not meet any pro-moscow delegation, i will not talk about my conversations with catholics from russia, from belarus, this is a separate separate story, or as you would like, a separate story, here, but really, here is the very fact that we are in the world network of the cathoric church. and
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today we have this network on our side, well, this is a unique way to not only convey the truth about ukraine, but also to receive the support we need. we don't have much time left, and i don't have the right to delay you longer than we agreed, but this is a little question: the year 2023, unfortunately, ends with not only conflict and war in ukraine. is on the front pages, we see what is happening in the middle east, we understand with a sinking heart how the situation can develop in latin america, for example, yes, but it is more about politics, i would like to pay attention to what the good our friend and analyst karl volog says, sometimes i look at ukraine and it seems to me that we have remained an island of hell. aquatity in the world in
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the sense that the near east, and we see the protests of the muslim world, very often of such a destructive nature, so we see some agitation of anti-semitic movements around the world at times, and we continue to be witnesses and, unfortunately, sometimes victims of what the russian orthodox church does, their rhetoric, their propaganda and so on, we manage to... keep, you know, a cool head and a heart warm to everyone in the world. i don't know, it's strange, on the one hand, because we are in the midst of all these events, and on the other hand, it gives us great hope that it is ukraine, the ukrainian people, that may set the trend in the world, you know, no being too sharp where it can be avoided. our indigenous people profess
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islam, and these are our crimean tatars for example, we also have representatives of other religions, and this is not a problem, do you think that this is really a miracle for the modern world, you know, the whole world today understands that ukraine is the epicenter global world changes, by the way, the head of... diplomacy of one of the european countries, i won't say which one, told me the following phrase: whoever was not in kyiv today becomes an outsider in world politics and diplomacy, therefore the whole world wants it or not, today goes to ukraine, tries to understand those tectonic changes that are happening right here in our country, because it depends on how events will proceed. the history not only
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of europe, but of the whole world, eh, and here ukraine sets many trends today, here, for example, eh,... a few months ago , the all-ukrainian council of churches visited the united states, eh, at the peak of these polarizations, even society in the usa , where the muslim environment on the one hand, and the jewish environment on the other, er, well, they tried to reach out and intercept as many of their supporters as possible, and here comes the all-ukrainian council. where a jewish rabbi and a muslim mufti sit together at the same table , orthodox and catholics of various traditions, as well as protestants, that is, the all-ukrainian council of churches
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was already some kind of new trend just by its appearance, there is nothing like it in any other country in the world, but in all those, i i would say... i told you, our church, the ukrainian greek catholic church, has its own special mission and its place, we are perhaps the only church in ukraine that has a global network of presence, you could see it, you know, from those shots, surprise our president zelensky, when he was visiting argentina, he met the ukrainian-greek-catholic... bishop bonosaires, who welcomed him there in latin america and told him about the centenary of the ukrainian community and our church there, that is, it shows that the global network of the presence of our church, and in the ukrainian diaspora is the heart of that
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ukrainian world, that global ukrainianness, about which our president often thinks and speaks today, even in the last days, i think, at his... conferences, he talked about 60 million ukrainians, half of whom lives abroad, and this half mostly gathers in the network of the religious structure of the ukrainian greek catholic church. in fact, when the war in the holy land started with those terrorist attacks by hamas, i was at the papal synod just then. and you could see how ukraine began to disappear from the front pages, that is, from international news publications, daily reports, that is, our war began to recede a little into the background, and this could not help but
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worry us, and then our church began powerful advocacy activities, trying everything to make the world not... forget about ukraine, but you know that it has become obvious to everyone that russia is exporting war to the whole world in order to divert attention from its own crimes on ukrainian soil, but our church in cooperation with the world ukrainian community will not allow this to be done, and therefore we will continue to act at the international level. using all our means that we have, the last characteristic, i had the opportunity precisely in the context of all those moments of the export of war by russia, to have a meeting with the heads of various states of europe, somehow the lord god everything
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so i concluded that at the time of the good news from the european commission from brussels, i was physically present in the premises of the european parliament. there are many good , interesting, positive notes and many such rays of light, but we must see that light, not think that the world has forgotten about us and turned away, let's not look for enemies where there are none, whether in europe or in washington or the vatican, let's be creative, look for our side. to persuade those who really wish us well, uh, maybe win friends where so far we today, we still do not have them, and here the ukrainian greek-catholic church feels its special mission, which it will confidently, methodically
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and successfully fulfill. thank you for this talk on the eve of christmas, i hope our viewers had as much fun as i did, and many more... for the whole next year. his beatitude svyatoslav shevchuk, father and head of the ukrainian greek catholic church for the espresso tv channel and together with the espresso tv channel, and us. we wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year. joint problems restrict movement, it unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with doolgit joints. these are collagen and vitamin c sachets for regeneration. articular cartilage has a positive effect on the functioning of the joints and the length of the joints contributes
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operationally meaningful advance unless russian forces improve their ability to rapidly mechanized advance, which they do not currently demonstrate, the current review says american institute for the study of war. look, we are now going to show you what maryenka looks like, here it is, and according to analysts, russian forces probably control most, if not all , of maryenka, despite the fact that there is visual confirmation... of the complete capture of maryenka by the russians by the troops as of december 26, it is not observed, the report of the institute says. at a press conference , the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, valery zaluzhnyi, said the day before that the town of marinka no longer exists, and ukrainian troops have retreated from the town and dug in on the outskirts. more located in the north, in its northern part, our troops have prepared. defensive line outside this settlement, but i can say that this settlement no longer exists, the method is absolutely the same as
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it was in bakhmut, street by street, block by block, our fighters are buried, and after that we have the , what we have, so , well, it’s war again, and the fact that we have now moved to the outskirts of maryanka, in some places we have already equipped positions for marines, well , it seems to me that there is nothing in this that can to cause some kind of public outcry there, let's say war, unfortunately, it is like that. well , zaluzhnyi also commented the day before on the situation in avdiivka, which the russian troops are also trying to capture, he said, quoting verbatim: if the forces are not enough, then it is better to save the people. zaluzhnyi suggested that the military could withdraw from the city if it would help save people's lives, while he noted that the armed forces of ukraine will defend avdiivka as long as they have enough strength. joins our broadcast. oleksandr shtupun, spokesman for the united of the press center of the defense forces of the tavri direction. good evening. good evening.
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tell us how the situation in avdiivka and in the avdiiv region, in general, has changed during this week. in general, after the loss of four fighters, su-34 bombers, for two days in a row the enemy in donetsk region, in the operational zone of osutavria, has been using them only for airstrikes. su-25 bombers and k-52 attack helicopters, that is , the number of airstrikes has decreased sharply, if earlier there were 15-17 to 20 per day, then... so far there were three airstrikes the day before yesterday, seven yesterday, the enemy continues to focus its main efforts on the avdiiv direction, continues active infantry attacks with the support of armored vehicles, today, for example, in the morning in two directions, it launched several dozens of armored vehicles up to 40 units into the offensive, lost
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more than half and retreated. please tell me, what valery zaluzhnyi said the other day about the fact that we may have to leave to save people, does this mean that the head is simply in this way starting to prepare society for the fact that we will have to leave avdiyivka, with avdiivki, only he can comment on what the head can say or how he will act, currently our soldiers are firmly holding the defense, 300. 400 invaders per day around avdiivki, total losses in manpower, several dozen units of armored vehicles, we are now we are doing our work and for now, i see that it is quite successful, you think it is successful, i am sure of it, well, then about
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maryinka, i want to ask you, what is the importance of zaho for the russian army? because there is still a building further on, but there is another tactical breakthrough somewhere, so that they can quickly village, georgiyivka, further on, so there won’t be any advance, the more positions are prepared, let’s say, and in the rear and the second line and so on, so... there won’t be any big operational exit to the operational space there, that’s purely, i would called it more political, because as you can see, after significant losses, in order to give us something, let's say, to give us christmas, well, they announced this, well, not the first
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time, huh, but going back to the audio, just recently... a military journalist, columnist, yuriy butusov, reported that, according to his data, they started in the avdiyiv direction to receive the necessary drones from the state, or is that true? we will not, let's say, talk about our trump cards, huh, but is it true that the main source of supplying drones to the front remains either local self-government or volunteers, and not the state? this is also not my competence, the main one. what drones do we have, do you have enough drones? no, we always do not have enough drones and ammunition, every military man wants to have as much stock as possible in order to win the fastest. you ask any military man, he will say that it doesn't matter he lacks something. well, we ukrainians are like that. well, apparently, the point is not that ukrainians,
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i understand, drones are such consumables, which the military repeatedly talk about, maybe it is related to this, and not to the fact that they are ukrainians. of course, now, there is some, let's say, well, for example, there is a certain shortage of soviet-style ammunition, 122-152 mm, and somehow these drones replace this shortage. oleksandr, such a question is a topic, the topic of the week, one might say, if not the topic of the year, i, as the military adopted the new law, bill, so far on mobilization, do they welcome it, well, at least in the form in which it is. now, the military will welcome or not welcome when the law is passed, the bill is not yet a law, it is only a bill, it is true, but this document is already registered, it provides for the possibility of voluntary discharge after 36 months of continuous service, there, however, there is a clarification, the day before they sounded that provided that there is no
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acute phase of the war there, whether the military at the front are satisfied with such conditions. in each serviceman is a living person , i have my own personal opinion, i think i cannot be responsible for the entire army and for each serviceman, but you know, the mood, the average temperature in the ward, what is called, well, you communicate with the military, who are at the front, what's your mood 36.6 everything is fine with us, thank you very much, oleksandr shtopun, spokesman of the united press center of the defense forces of the tavri region, we talked about the situation in the avdiiv region, for the most part, and discussed us in detail. military regarding the law on mobilization, while what about the draft law, thank you very much, and we are moving on, it is unlikely that russia will end the war in 2000... in the 25th year, as the head of the gur kyrylo budanov recently stated. this was said in an interview with radio liberty by julian ryobky, a military columnist for the german publication "bilt", who, i will remind you, was the first
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to warn about russia's plans to carry out a full-scale invasion of ukraine in december 21. a map with specific directions of potential attacks, which was published by a journalist in ukraine at the time, was mostly not taken seriously, but recently ryobky published a new map, here we are now showing it, and it is among other things. demonstrates the kremlin's plans to capture three more ukrainian cities by 2026 - kharkiv, dnipro and zaporizhzhia. ryobka says that the ukrainian leadership cannot be uninformed about these plans of putin, since western intelligence agencies share such information with kyiv. listen to a fragment of this conversation. let's start with your recent article about russia's plans to seize kharkiv, dnipro and zaporizhzhia. until 2026. your article provoked a wide discussion in ukrainian society and commentators they mentioned the map you published before
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the russian invasion in 2022, which pretty accurately described the plans for the invasion, but at the time that map was mostly not taken seriously in ukraine. however , now chairman gurbu danov has publicly stated that russia does not plan to wage war in 2025 . doesn't it go to super? how do you explain this discrepancy? first, i do not agree at all that russia does not want to wage war in 2025. what does this mean? they will stop fighting, withdraw their troops, plan to surrender. if so, i'd like to know more about it because i i don't see any military or political circumstances under which russia can say they no longer want to fight in 2025. i'll just add for context that chairman hoor has explained that russia will certainly lack the resources to fight a war in 2025, and some have accepted that as
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if the war will end in 2025. from my point of view, i would very much like mr. budanov to be right, and russia really has run out of resources. both human and military such as tanks, ammunition and so on to continue the war. and i would like to see it already in 2024 year, or in 2025, but i doubt it very much. also, if you've read my article, you'll have seen that i cite intelligence sources, but i don't specify which ones. but as you can guess, these sources that i quoted are in coordination with ukraine, the ukrainian authorities, as well as with the sbu. i was very surprised to see the denial
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of this article, because during my research and speaking to sources for the article, there was agreement between western and eastern european intelligence that this is a real threat, and this is what european politicians want to avoid, they want to see some kind of... freezing of the front line. the people i talked to, who are actively in contact with the ukrainian authorities and intelligence, clearly told me: in reality, we know from their correspondence plans that they want to take over donbas completely next year. and again, this is just a plan. i did not make any predictions, this russian is very ambitious. plan to capture most of the zaporizhia, dnipropetrovsk, and kharkiv regions by the end of 2026, provided that during these two years there will be no american
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and the majority of european support for ukraine. i also have to ask you about the accusations that are often made against you, that you spread false information about the events at the front, and only in recent weeks you falsely stated that the russian army had captured maryinka, and also wrote: that the troops the russian federation seized the harvest and old may crops in the donetsk region. later you admitted that you were wrong, but given this pattern, don't you think that in this way you can really help russian propaganda? yes, you 're right, i've made a few mistakes, me i make mistakes quite often, unfortunately, if you noticed, i make mistakes on x quite often. formerly known as twitter, and i think it 's human, but if you read my articles, if you look at my daily reports on youtube, it's a lot
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less common there, and yet, if you're talking about specific... events that you pointed out, i think that marienko was captured by the russians, you can see it on the map that i posted, that there is maybe 5% of the city under ukrainian control, they are very far from the center, far from residential buildings, this in the far northwest of the city, there are certain places where there are still ukrainian soldiers, i noted that at the very western end of the city, south of the lakes, in a residential building, the russians put up their flag, they... put it up several times over several weeks, they also posted similar videos with soldiers, so no one can seriously think that there is a presence of ukrainian forces there, which is worth mentioning, but yes, they can control 3.5% of the city. as for the other case, you are right: i mistakenly stated, that the harvest and the old major were captured, but you saw what happened that day. the russians claimed that they had advanced there.
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the ukrainians released a video of... what they claim is the ssu repulsing russian forces, but right after i wrote, "oh, interesting, you're repulsing them, but they're so far inside the city." then they only specified that this video was five months old and did not initially mention that it was an archival video. and let me remind you, this video appeared immediately after the russian announcements about the promotion. so you can say i am did something wrong i must have done something wrong, but i came to my conclusions before... the ukrainians changed the narrative, changed the tone in the telegram and said that the video they posted after russia's claims of capturing two cities was actually old. well , you can watch the full interview with julian ryobka on radio liberty's youtube channel. the military observer, among other things, argues why putin did not give up his plans to take over ukraine completely. if you
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watch us. on youtube, like this broadcast, your lines, comments, you can leave comments in the chat under the broadcast, well, in the comments, or rather , oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military and legal studies, joins our broadcast, oleksandr, good evening, good evening, here we, our colleagues, spoke with the german columnist julian röbke, and he confirmed in an interview that these maps, which he published about putin's plans to seize three large ukrainian cities by the 26th year, are real, they are real. plans of the kremlin, and he does not understand why ukrainian intelligence says that putin does not intend to fight in the 25th year, but indeed, where do such discrepancies in the data come from, if kyiv also receives data from western intelligence? i think there should be nothing surprising here, the point is that you understand, there are global plans that russia can plan for themselves and about which they can think, and there are, let's say, opportunities to achieve certain
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ee... desirable for themselves consequences, i think that there are such plans, and to continue hostilities with the aim of continuing the seizure of the territory of ukraine and the destruction of ukrainian statehood, the enemy has these plans, but from the point of view of the possibilities of achieving these results directly in 2026 there is a question, i will explain why, because firstly, by 2026, what must be done on the 24th and 25th. with what resources the enemy will enter, how our partners will support us until those years, it is really difficult for us to say today, because we believe and hope that our partners will be with us, and the weapons will come, and in principle i am such a restrained optimist here in this sense, i also believe in this, on the other hand, will there be potential and what will russia be left with until 2026 from the point of view of continuing hostilities against ukraine, if
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we will look... at the statistics for today from the point of view of the advance of russian troops, and these are facts, these are maps and this is an analysis of what is happening. the year 2022 and the beginning of 2023 will actually go down as, let's say , bahma, because the rabble managed to achieve superiority and tactical success there and really enter bahmud, and 2023 will end and begin 2 24th - this is maryinka avdiivka, this is what is possible to date, to say from the point of view of the enemy's advance, what they are, and in the event that we have sufficient help and support from of our partners with the aim of destroying the combat potential of the combat capability of the russian troops in 2024, i think that by 2025 their potential will decrease even more, and it is important for us
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to simply be on the defensive, to think... but thought out and competently enough to...


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