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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 10:30pm-10:59pm EET

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from the point of view of the advance of russian troops, and these are facts, these are maps and this is an analysis of what is happening. the year 2002 and the beginning of 2023 will actually go down as, say, the battle of bakhmut, because the enemy managed to achieve superiority and tactical success there and really enter bakhmud, and 2023 will end and 2024 will begin, this is... avdiivka, this is what is possible today day to say from the point of view of the enemy advance what they are and if we have sufficient help and support from our partners to destroy the combat potential of the combat capability of the russian troops in 2024, i think that by 2025 their potential will decrease even more, and it is important for us to simply be in the defense thoughtfully, thoughtfully and competently so that... using the weapons of our partners,
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we can effectively destroy the enemy, in addition to what is possible to say what the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, said at the briefing that took place yesterday, he said that an analysis had already been conducted, in particular of the hostilities in 2023 and of all battles, in fact, which were, let’s say, decisive in the other direction, or shall we say for catch us whether they are successful for the enemy in one way or another, an analysis was carried out and 90% was taken into account , what was possibly wrong somewhere, what needs to be changed and how to proceed, and in this sense, this is also a very important aspect, in fact, that is, our forces are also correcting constantly its actions, and so i think that now it is possible to predict realistically in 2024, what the fighting might be, because even in 2025...
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it is really difficult to predict today, because there are a number of reasons that will affect for 2025, but still needed to pass 2024, and about 2026 personally , it is difficult for me to make a forecast today , there may be plans, i do not deny that there are such plans in russia, but the implementation and the possibility of achieving it, that is a questionable question, well, actually, in the publication bilt predicts. says , more precisely, referring to intelligence data, that the kremlin aims to completely capture donetsk and luhansk regions in the 24th year, you just mentioned valery zaluzhny, yesterday during the press conference, he said that if the forces are not enough, then in the context of avdiivka, if the forces are not enough, then it is better to save people's lives and only then to win them back, and i will ask you again whether or not i understood correctly that in one way or another he does not...
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does not deny and does not deny and does not confirm at the same time the fact that for some critical conditions will have to leave avdiivka, and maybe this will happen next year? i think that certainly does not disprove it, but i think it is very short-sighted, you know, to talk about the fact that we will act exclusively, let's say, in terms of tactics, not a step back, but it was in soviet times in the second. world war this is how the military system worked in the red army, but there was a huge resource and the approaches to preserving human life were radically different, the opposite of what they are now, and therefore it is understandable, and in general, i am the same personally, when i give certain comments or assessments, analysis of the situation, i always anticipate that events may develop in places of active hostilities. and this is for
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today's avdiivka, in such a way that they can leave somewhere from the point of view of maintaining the settlement not in our favor, and then we will have to make a decision to leave, but well, look what happens if it turns out, if you evaluate the situation by the criterion of the fact that we will have to withdraw to some boundaries, well, it can really be painful, it is unpleasant and certainly not entirely positive, but from the point of view. that at the same time, the grouping of troops , which is currently conducting combat operations in avdiivka, destroys the enormous potential of the enemy, deprives it of its fighting capacity on this part of the front, so that the occupiers do not move too quickly and fail to develop their tactical success, turn it into an operational-strategic one, avdiivka performs a colossal role and task and there are already many in which its defense achieves certain successes, at least according to three criteria: the first is...
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the destruction of a large number of enemy troops, the second is, let's say, breaking the plans of the enemy, because the enemy wanted to advance immediately along a wide front line from kupinsk to avdiyivka , from the south... the night point of kupinsk to south avdiivka in the east, and the third is that the russian occupiers did not manage to fully break our plans for the south. after all, the ukrainian forces keep the plastdarm in the wells, so from this point of view it is a success, that's all will show combat actions, only how they will develop, the actions of our defense forces will depend on this. and why is russia now so triumphantly reporting on the capture of maryinka, when in fact they have already had her for a long time? control why this kind of information campaign was launched right now, you know, i'm in it , let's just say, it's actually a good thing, because it shows a certain exhaustion of their resources and that they are unlikely to expect any bigger, more serious results, i mean
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in the near future sometimes, maybe before the elections, yes the so-called elections in russia for the re-election of putin there, so from this performance, that is, it seems to me that... that this testifies to the fact that, well , in general, the plans were different calculations, they wanted and thought that they would already report and about avdiivka, and about maryanka, and maybe even about the fact that they went to oskil, and the battles are going on in the suburbs of sloviansk and kramatorsk, i think that this was the enemy's calculation, they did not succeed, that's why they adjust their plans and now report at least about something, because there are also different ones of theirs in the public, in the networks, the so-called warmongers are far away... not everything was good, you see, they started criticizing there, already talking about the fact that there is no result, losses are being incurred and so on, well, it was necessary to knock down this background, obviously negative, and it was necessary to present at least some kind of victory, but now this victory is being presented as a great achievement of the russian troops
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and so on, they will of course actively discuss it there now and until the new year and after, let them discuss it, this is exclusively propaganda for the domestic consumer, they you have to go... you have this so-called patriotic hangover, so of course they report, but this does not mean that this report of the sheikh to putin somehow changes the situation at the front and in the vicinity of the same mariyanka, the mobilization of the top topic of the week or maybe even the year, have you analyzed the bill, well at least in the form in which it is currently known, and what can you say about it? first i'll say that what i 've seen in the last few weeks, i don't know, i see, you know, around this topic, so much negativity, i don't know who's allowing that, that knowingly or unknowingly, to sow a certain panic, in that in this issue that is happening, but
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when i see different there, now i will talk about this draft law, but about other initiatives that were there or proposals that must somehow be returned abroad for border. among ukrainians, there are fines, there can be a general mobilization of women, etc., etc., etc. , listen, first of all, it is necessary, this, it will not be thrown away, i will simply say that the first proposal was made by the minister of defense rustem umyerov, although it is true , he then said that his words were not interpreted that way about the mobilization for the border, and about the second proposal , the deputy from the servant of the people, maryana bezugla, constantly writes, that is, it is not some throwing in some, excuse me, foreigners, it is not... well, this is what the president spoke about personally at the press conference, he was asked this the question, that is, this is what is being discussed, why, why am i talking about this, because that's all, imagine that as the enemy analyzes this, the enemy perceives it from the point of view of what he looks and thinks, so they start to panic , that everything
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is so bad for them that they have already talked about mobilizing women, expanding the list, they are talking about the fact that people with disabilities need to be taken into separate groups, and so on and so forth, so... it seems to me that the first thing, i support, by the way, here is the position of the minister of defense lumerov, he is in an interview said that it is necessary to ensure that mobilization is not perceived as a punishment, i wholeheartedly support it, because it is a very important moment, because in some places it is like this in our information, if you analyze it, it seems that way, but it should not be should, from this it seems to me that these discussions, which are now actively ongoing and plus the introduced draft law, in many respects, on the one hand, social public discourse, it is necessary, but sometimes it is even harmful in some issue, and certain legislative initiatives are harmful, so it seems to me that analyzing this draft law and looking at everything that is happening around it , i think
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that much of it will actually be, well , let's say, removed during the discussion in the parliament and not only because the president of ukraine said that there should be a broad discussion in society. this is true, and certain norms, they simply will not reach, perhaps even before the first reading, well, because , for example, there are such points, you know, that need to be specified, because there are such... such sensitive things as restrictions on the rights of citizens, which can be allowed, but they can be allowed, for example, such as non-payment of alimony there, well, for example, because it is similar to going abroad or deprivation of some property rights, it is indeed allowed, but it is done according to the court's decision, and it should be the same here, the management of the tsc cannot only enter some restrictions into the register there , because here there will be questions from the point of view of this, that is, there are points that need to be... improved, polished, i think, because in the form in which this law is, i do not think that it
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can be adopted, at the same time in this the law has things that are already known, for example, the places of service of summonses are specified, they are served at the place of work, residence or simply on the street, somewhere or in public places, this is possible, and it can be, there are things, which are related to recruitment, in kherson as a result of shelling there was also damaged shopping center, apartment buildings. and also the train station the night before, so we will now show you what the station itself actually looks like. kherson railway station was fired upon by russian troops just when an evacuation train was to depart from there, and a police lieutenant from kirovohrad oblast was killed during the attack on the station. we will show you the consequences of the attack on kherson later. here is the place where it flew between the tracks and broke into pieces. the entire platform, the railway station, not a single
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window survived, rescuers, utility workers are patching it up windows, they clean the glass, the flight was on its fourth trip there and that's all, what a mess there. the train hasn't left yet in the evening cue, i heard it in kameshany, it's a distance of about 10 km, and i heard it, i heard how it broke on tavricheskoy. a gas pipe and a torch was such that zariva was standing in kamyshan, we saw it all, i believe that this is revenge, this is just
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revenge, nothing, we will also take revenge on them, for the past day, this is probably the largest number of shells that were released on the territory of the kherson region, probably for the whole year, ago that they fired 800 53 shells, it was 161 shellings, including on kherson. 90, including aviation shahedis, from drone landings, the railway station was also hit at 6:30 p.m. right before the departure of the train, this is what the square near the station looks like, overdue shops, windows are broken, people are hammering,
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everything is also broken, and this the shopping center , the windows are already being boarded up, in the morning everything here was completely gutted, the city is littered with such glass, glass, glass, glass, glass, house, residential building, apartments, everything is destroyed, it's a hole, right? one shahhead flew in, and the other from the roof flew in, there the engine was found inside from
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shahed, and the second engine was found on the roof, i think so, this is revenge for feodosia and for the downed planes, which gave nightmares and dropped control of air bombs on kherson region, which were shot down by our politicians. the european union is developing a plan to allocate up to 20 billion euros of aid to ukraine, for which hungary's consent will not be required. this was reported by the financial publication. times. according to the publication's sources, the eu authorities are currently considering two possible financing options for ukraine. the first assumes that european countries will take on itself financial guarantees before the general budget, which will enable the european commission to borrow up to 20 billion euros on the capital markets to help kyiv. this type of financing does not require guarantees from all eu countries, but they must be provided by states with
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the highest credit rating. as the publication reminds, a similar mechanism was already used during of the coronavirus to provide financial assistance to eu countries. another option involves providing ukraine with cheap short-term loans. according to this scheme , in 2023, ukraine has already received 18 billion euros - writes the publication. interlocutors of the financial times point out that the best option is still the agreement of long-term aid in the amount of 50 billion euros. and the eu countries will resort to plan b if hungary again uses its right of veto. sources of the publication also added that the eu leadership promised to provide assistance to ukraine in one form or another no later than march 2024. let me remind you that on december 15 , hungarian prime minister viktor orban vetoed the decision of the european union to grant ukraine economic aid of 50 billion euros. the head of the european council, charles michel, said at the time that
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only hungary opposed the aid. meanwhile, the kremlin commented on the financial times report. the fact that the european union is developing a plan to allocate up to 20 billion euros to ukraine without the consent of budapest, in particular , kremlin spokesman dmytro piskov said that this money, they say, will not affect the course of the special operation, which is how russia officially calls its invasion of ukraine. change the course of events on a special military operation, this money will not be able to, this money is allocated to the detriment of the economies of the countries of the european union, which is already going through difficult times. this money is allocated to... the detriment of the industry of the eu countries and to the detriment of the future of the eu countries. we continue the special military operation. for us, the main thing is to achieve the goals that are in front of us. hanna gobko, head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, has already joined our broadcast. good evening. good evening. hanna, well, look, in the kremlin, for some reason, they are very sure that the money that
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europe will allocate to ukraine will not be able to change the course of the war and hinder russia's goals. does it have is there any reason for peskov or the kremlin to say so? well, in fact , the russian federation has a resource advantage now and not only the potential for mobilization, but also north korea, iran and china, which provide both military and financial assistance. we have seen the budget of the russian federation for the next three years, so obviously russia has prepared to continue. aggression, and de facto genocide against the ukrainian people, so the question for ukraine is what is our plan for that, first, in january we will see in the congress the political will, determination and bipartisan unity for voting, allocation of funds to us, and also the european union, because even that money in total from the united
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states of america is 61 billion, plus let's, if we look optimistically 50% scenario. from the european union, they will not be enough, taking into account the resource advantage of russia, therefore, on the one hand, it is very important that the eu have a plan in case of continued blocking of hungary, and those options were also discussed the minister, the representative of finland, spoke, the former european commissioner, spoke about the european stabilization mechanism, children... it is possible to help ukraine to borrow, as it was before, when there were problems, or countries with problems in the eurozone, so i think that the european union will be able to find a solution , although now, what i know from conversations with various european representatives is that they are still leaning towards the fact that it will be possible to convince orban, but we will see in february, when
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the summit will be held, so for ukraine, we must already have an understanding, considering that high... hold people of ukraine and the vision of victory as a complete restoration of territorial integrity and sovereignty, that is, we also need to understand for the next 24-25 years where our plan b and plan c are, in case of a decline in american aid, because what we hear from our friends even from washington, who actively spent the whole of december in congress and communicated with both republicans and democrats, that there are still risks. at the level of 30% there, which may not vote in january, because there will be an issue of shutdown, there will be an issue of the primaries and the domestic political agenda, as then they say, again... it may get in the way that they cannot agree, and then the postponement to february, so obviously, taking into account the monthly needs of ukraine both for the front and for the armed forces, for
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social payments, then obviously we will have to apply again to norway, which has now supported us, 1 billion 800 million euros, or to japan, or to look for other loans, and therefore it is very important that ukraine is ready. to such different scenarios, and not then the sad statements of the minister of finance and so on, it is necessary to prepare society for this, and one more an important topic that we continue to deal with, we are currently preparing a visit to italy in rome, since the g7 presidency will begin, is the confiscation of russian assets, we really want there to be political will at last, and the us congress to vote on the repo act or the asset confiscation act, well, the g7 on... finally passed this decision on the confiscation of assets, you saw the reaction of the kremlin, well, the kremlin promised that there would be some legal consequences, as i understand it, in return they promise
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to confiscate the assets of western businesses in russia, if their assets are confiscated in western countries? well, actually, it's not the first time they've said this, but we can see how sensitive this topic is for the russian federation, because with each new... statement or the white house or the greater willingness in the congress to pass this issue, the more radical they are statements, because now we really see how even compared to the last four months there are more various movements regarding the confiscation of assets, so we really hope that the italian presidency, in particular prime minister maloney will be able to convince the other partners from the group of seven in order to... the political will for this, because in fact, the money of oligarchs or privately confiscated is not enough, and even if you look at the experience there, i don't know britain , but i
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just returned from london, in london , even abramovich's money, to be honest, was not transferred to ukraine, so despite the fact that canada has experience in confiscating private assets, there must be a political solution. either bilaterally or multilaterally, i.e. at the g7 level regarding the confiscation of sovereign assets, it is more than 300 billion dollars, and this is what russia is actually afraid of, that the money of the central bank will not just be frozen, but actually confiscated and transferred to ukraine. well, at least, at least joe biden has already said that he is ready to start work in this direction. i will only add here that it was actually a statement from the ministry of economy, the minister of economy. country and she said that money is very much needed, whether it was about american aid or european aid, that money from partners is needed until march, because you mentioned that there is a risk
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of underfunding the army and welfare, the minister said directly that there is a risk of underfunding pensions and salaries. hanna, but you said that you returned from london, i just mentioned that there has been no ukrainian ambassador in london for six months, does this somehow affect the support, help, in principle, mentions of ukraine? this is extraordinary, i would say, deimagining like this harms our bilateral relations, at every meeting everyone told us that if you want to uh, strengthen bilateral relations, then appoint at least an ambassador, and this is an absolutely unacceptable practice in the times of the russian genocide against ukraine, and you understand, even not only in britain. there is no ambassador in norway either, there is no ambassador in the czech republic, although the czechs help us a lot with the purchase of weapons and with repairs, and the czech republic
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plays an important role in the countries of central and eastern europe, and i hope that, before the summit in washington, nato will also show leadership against the backdrop of, in particular, some of the difficulties we currently have in our bilateral relations with the poles, so i wonder why... still not the ambassador in britain, in norway, from which we took money at this moment, why are there no military attachés in the czech republic, why are there no military attachés in such countries that are key, such as, for example, south korea, you know how proactive south korea is, through poland it helps also to ukraine, and i am generally surprised by this position, when there are a lot of favorable reviews on the day of the diplomat, and such dry ones... issues such as the appointment of ambassadors, well, to the top countries on which our support depends, because the potential of britain to influence the course of the war is still not fully used, but
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do not have. is there an ambassador, i even spoke recently with the deputy minister of justice, we talked about the asset confiscation campaign for next year and talked about how important it is to go and hold a hearing, we talked about it in the british parliament, but they say there is no ambassador there, so that someone can organize even these meetings, do you know who is the deputy ambassador, the deputy ambassador? tell me quickly, you will ask who is currently performing the duties of the ambassador, that is, the son of a person who is suspected of being russian is performing the duties. and the agent, wow loud accusation, we will inquire, thank you very much, hanna gobko , the chairman of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, was on radio svoboda, we have everything, thank you very much, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow, there was an accident, nina galamasyuk, your mother , mother, there are other relatives, no, but it seems that
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you have a grandfather, welcome to the tsuva carpathians. the sink is behind the house, and the toilet is downstairs, where is it? and if there are no cigarettes, then what will you smoke, he says, well, if there are no cigarettes, then the village council will smoke, as much as you need time, it takes 10 days, 10 days, that's what you have to do, i didn't come here to look at old farts collecting pine cones in the forest, what will be your vaka novel,
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vakance, vakance, novels. i ask you to pray to god, i ask you to drink, and tomorrow you are flown by your sunny italy, never, never spill blood on your wedding night,
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on december 17, during a routine inspection of the premises in one of the locations of deployment of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhny , elements were discovered. equipment for removing information. eavesdropping devices were installed in the offices intended for the work of the commander-in-chief and the employees of his support apparatus. this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in order to establish the circumstances of the specified event, its consequences and the persons involved in it , the security service of ukraine was notified. the sbu opened criminal proceedings.


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