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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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che to prepare a package so that ukraine withdraws from the treaties with the russian federation within the framework of the cis. thank you for attention. dear colleagues, we have completed the discussion of these three issues and are proceeding to voting. i ask the people's deputies to take their seats. these are important international ratifications and accessions. so please, i am asking. oleksandr serhiyevich, please, yes, colleagues, while we are meeting, i would like to add just one more minute about the importance, especially of the ratification of the treaty regarding southeast asia, we were there by the parliamentary delegation, and this is really one of the platforms where ukraine can be not only represented, but also quite successful, we have very serious trade and commercial relations.
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with these countries, with vietnam, and with thailand , a lot of useful things are happening with indonesia, and of course, many of us know about singapore as a model of how to reform the country, and by the way, representatives of singapore are ready to share this generously experience and at the level of inter-parliamentary activity as well, so i urge everyone to support this ratification and join our inter-parliamentary. relations with the countries of south-east asia, with the countries of asean , friendship groups are being created, not with all countries they exist yet, that is, there is still potential to create friendship groups and really join the work with this very interesting, distant, but interesting for ukraine and important the region where the future geopolitical fate of the world will be decided. thank you, thank you, thank you, i see that the group has not performed yet, the voice faction, please, zheriznyak alone. a minute, since you have not
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signed up, and after that we go to voting, dear colleagues, five seconds is enough, i just heard about the importance of thailand, i see that our colleague tyshchenko does not have time for the vote, please invite him separately so that there is full support for this resolution, thank you, be quiet, dear colleagues, please please take your seats, dear colleagues, i am putting in turn, in turn, i am putting a proposal... on the basis of the whole , taking into account the proposals of the committee and with the necessary technical and legal amendments , the draft law on the accession of ukraine to the treaty of friendship and cooperation in southeast asia registration number 0214, i ask people's deputies to vote.
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for 270, the decision was made to adopt the law as a whole. i propose to adopt the draft law on the ratification of the agreement between the government of ukraine and the international development law organization on the establishment of a representative office of the international development law organization in ukraine, as a whole, with the necessary technical and legal amendments. registration number 02 30. i am asking people's deputies. to vote, for 271, the decision was made, the law was adopted in as a whole, show by fractions, i propose to adopt the draft law on the ratification of the agreement between the government of ukraine and the government of the republic of korea as a whole with the necessary technical and legal amendments.
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regarding loans from the economic development and cooperation fund, registration number 0235, i ask the people's deputies to vote for 275, the decision has been made, dear colleagues, then the next two draft laws. we agreed without discussion, so i immediately put forward a proposal: first, to include in the agenda of the session the draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the priority areas of development of science and technology, without discussion, arthur, we agreed, yes, i put the inclusion on the agenda, if possible, fine, if they object, i put the proposal, include it on the agenda of the session, the draft the law on amendments to certain laws. of ukraine regarding
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the priority areas of development of science and technology and innovative activity, registration number 1037. i ask the people's deputies to vote. 10,307, please vote, for 257 decisions have been made, then what about the discussion, dear colleagues, i put the proposal to be considered in a shortened procedure, i ask for a vote. for 223 decisions have been made, two for, two against, please sign up, dear colleagues, those factions who wish to speak, only i am asking, dear colleagues.
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the floor is given to oksana anatolyna grynchuk, a faction of the servant of the people political party. i would like to give the floor to sergey babak. serhiy babak, please, serhiy vitaliyovych. good afternoon, dear colleagues, this is a very important draft law we all need it, the country needs it, scientists need it, because if... it is not adopted, the priority areas of science and technology will cease to operate in our country, which means that from january 1, any state funding of scientific developments will cease, this is very an important draft of the law, we have a consensus with all factions, the only thing that we add a very important priority to the priorities approved by the verkhovna rada is the sector
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of national security and defense, so colleagues, i am asking you to support this very important law. thank you! thank you, please speak given to the people's deputy of nikarak iryna petrivna, faction of the european political party. i would like to give the floor to oleksiy goncharenko. please, oleksiy goncharenko. oleksiy honcharenko - european solidarity. the law is very important, everyone is encouraged to vote. of course, we need to define priority directions, develop science, innovations, and of course, the main direction for ukraine today is what? our army means our defense complex, which means the security and defense sector. but i have a question: it is very good that we insert in priority areas, we declare, this is all very good, very good, now i hear once again the year 2024, we will definitely liberate crimea, lord, god forbid, i pray like all of ukraine every day, but we already heard this in the 23rd year, but maybe
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you and i will start taking concrete steps, why so far, the biggest innovation on the battlefield today, fpv drones, we don't have... there is still no position in the army of fpv drone operators, our enemy has one, we don't, and again, teams find loopholes somewhere, well, how long will it last, well, is it difficult, i i appeal to the ministry of defense of ukraine to urgently make a decision to introduce a full-time position, fpv drone operator, to teach people, he tells us. president, a million drones, but you can’t make a million drones in garages , we need industrial production of a million drones, really real innovations, yes, it’s very good that today the ministry of volunteers of ukraine is working , fpv drones are being collected in the mountains,
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parts are being printed on 3d printers in goncharenko centers, they are teaching where drone operators can, everyone can, and we in goncharenko centers too, but this is not a civil work. society, this the state must do, and i call for it to be done immediately, because this is the way to our victory. please, the floor is given to people's deputy voronko, oleg yevhenovich, deputy group of restoration of ukraine. mr. chairman, i would like to give the floor to burmich, anatoly petrovych. anatoly petrovych, burmich, please. dear chairman, dear colleagues, of course, this law is very simple. and it is very necessary, of course, that today there is a war of innovation, science, we see engineers, highly technical personnel, officers, of course, in no other way, but in i have two questions for him about all of this, why now and not earlier, didn't we
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see at the beginning of the war, at what pace and with what methods the war is going, of course it should have been done earlier, but at least it's good now. and the second question, why during the war, and what, after the war we will not need innovations and science, we will not need seeders, weeders, harvesters, tractors. agricultural aircraft, ships should not transport us products and so on, and therefore i believe that before the second reading it will be necessary to give an amendment to reject the issue for the time of martial law, this is a priority of science and innovation, it must be applied for the entire time, for the entire time of the development of the existence of our state, thank you, the recovery group of ukraine will support this. bill, thank you, please, kerylenko, ivan hryhorovych, faction for
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the future, after that koltunovych, oleksandr serhiyovych and we vote for this bill. please, first kirylenko, ivan hryhorovych. thank you, dear mr. chairman, dear colleagues, on one of the well-known internet resources there is a material of a famous person blogger, politician, soldier, writer, our colleague, deputy of one of the previous convocations of igor lutsenko. with the telling title: cry of the soul. i advise everyone to read it: there the valuable thoughts of a person are condensed from the events from the front line. i will give only the final words, verbatim: i am calling the universe like a siren, help, help with the development of new technologies and samples and the further scaling of production. there are no ready-made technologies in the world that will save us. only those designed by us or for us will save us. this is about such blatant things
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there should be this law, but it is only partially so. only the government, according to the current legislation, must annually submit to the supreme council the priority directions for the development of science and technology and innovative activities. a belligerent country that has no such proposals for the fifth year in a row. and today the government box is also empty. for whom did we decide , contrary to the current legislation , to submit a bill from the deputies with only one goal, as the chairman of the committee said, to save the numerous teams of scientific institutions, which may formally remain from the new year without funding, therefore saving the scientific, scientific and technical activities of these institutions today, we call again and again, a warring country. from the front line, people are shouting: help with the latest developments
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, dear government, we are waiting for real proposals , and not for saving the situation, which comes from the parliament, from the people's deputies, thank you, thank you, please, koltunovych, oleksandr sergeyevich, one minute, after this pipa, nina romanivna one minute, and after that we will vote on this bill, then another bill without discussion right away, thank you dear mr. chairman, dear colleagues, well, actually in the legislation. we add only one rule about the priority directions of innovative activity, it concerns technological renewal and development of the sphere of national security of defense, the other six, or rather seven , remain past priorities, but i want to tell you that these priorities were developed many years ago, in my opinion point of view, today these priorities need significant modernization, they must be changed, we have challenges that are economic, technologists'. of a technical nature , taking into account artificial intelligence and so on, they are completely different, therefore
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, supporting this document, we need the government to submit a fundamentally, fundamentally different document of innovative and technological development, it should be the technological doctrine of ukraine, the post-war or post-war reconstruction of ukraine, therefore, supporting this document, we are still waiting for a new real list from the government, thank you, thank you, please, pipanina and... we are voting for this, i ask the people's deputies to take their seats. expensive ukrainians, dear colleagues , the voice fraction will support this bill, but i very much agree with what was said by the previous speakers, that we finally included security and defense in the priority field of science, because really, from january 1, otherwise science would not be funded in ukraine in general. it is clear that we did not do it quickly enough, it should have been done even earlier, and... so we will have to consider the priority areas of science and technology, and we will then need to be
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united before the next vote in the hall with you colleagues, so that not everyone shoves their little things in there, but so that there really are those things that will be able to raise the economy of ukraine, and i appeal to the scientists who continue to work and have not left this country, but work for it, we are very much looking forward to your developments, especially in the field safety and security, thank you. thank you, dear colleagues, we have completed the discussion of this important draft law, i ask the people's deputies to take their seats, please, dear people's deputies, take your seats, we are going to vote. i know, and in general, i will put it as a basis and in general. please take your seats, dear colleagues. i propose to adopt as a basis the draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine, regarding the priority areas of development of science and technology and innovative activities. registration number 10,307. dear colleagues, i ask you to vote.
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for 270, dear colleagues, i can put in general, i put the proposal to accept in general, taking into account the proposals of the committee and with the necessary technical and legal amendments , the draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding priority areas development of science and technology and innovation. i ask the people's deputies to vote , for 275, the decision has been made, the law has been adopted as a whole, congratulations, dear colleagues, the following without
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discussion with us, dear colleagues, i... put forward a proposal to adopt as a whole with the necessary technical and legal amendments the draft resolution on the formation of a temporary of the special commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on protection of property and non-property rights of internally displaced persons and other persons affected by the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. registration number 10213. i ask the people's deputies to vote to accept the decision as a whole with the necessary technical and legal amendments. please vote. for 273 decisions made from the vyatrovych procedure, please, dear colleagues, for many years, 10 years, the verkhovna rada adopts
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at the end of the year for the following year a resolution with jubilee dates, such as this one. our committee on humanitarian information policy worked out the resolution, it was on the agenda 10291, please include it in the agenda for the day and still consider it, in fact it has been worked out great work, about more than a thousand dates that will be celebrated at the state level, please include the agenda again without discussion, dear colleagues, look, only on the condition that everyone confirms that it will be without discussion, without discussion, yes 10 thousand. 291 bill to give, now a second, dear colleagues, please don't mind, you are from the procedure too, mikisha is from the procedure, what are the questions? roslav oleksiiovych,
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i am asking for an urgent draft law 9559d, which is necessary so that local self-government can help mothers... to the armed forces of ukraine, please bring it up, put it on the agenda, vote , if so, and then raise it in the queue, yes , let's take it one by one, by dates, i understand that this is a conflict-free draft resolution, we will discuss it after we go a little further, dear colleagues, we have a tax, we don't have one, dear colleagues, i put the proposal, which was made by people's deputy vyatrovych, to include now in the agenda... of this meeting the draft resolution on, and not , i'm sorry, him first of all, it should be included in the agenda of the session, i put a proposal to include in the agenda of the session the draft resolution on commemoration of commemorative dates and anniversaries in 2024-2025, registration number 10,291, please vote.
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for 246 decisions have been made, i can put the proposal to be included in today's agenda and accept immediately on the basis of the whole, can i? therefore, i propose to include in the agenda of today's meeting, as well as to adopt as a basis and in general the draft resolution on commemorating commemorative jubilee dates in 2024-2025. i ask people's deputies to vote. for 253, the decision was made. thank you. dear
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colleagues, let's move on to the next question. in accordance, dear colleagues, in accordance with clause 16 of the first part of article 85 of the constitution of ukraine. the powers of the verkhovna rada of ukraine include the appointment of the chairman and other members of the accounting chamber. at its meeting, the budget committee considered the application for the appointment of olga stanislavivna pishchanska to the position of the head of the accounting chamber submitted in accordance with the requirements of the seventh part of article 208 with the icon two of the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, part three of article 200 of the law of ukraine on the chamber of accounts. dear colleagues, is there a need for discussion? now we will present a shortened procedure, first, please, from the procedure, eh, who will it be, iryna volodymyrna gerashchenko, please. dear colleagues. as you all saw, we did not have a break in the session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. during the meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, committees cannot meet, and even the chairman of the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine cannot break such schedules there with his decisions. that's why we can't to understand how, during the voting of such important draft laws , the budget committee could meet so promptly and consider the candidacy of ms. pishchanska. we believe that this violates the regulation, this is the first. second. critically depends today on the help of our partners, the ambassadors of the g7 countries very clearly stated that they appeal to the authorities to refrain from any new appointments to the chamber of accounts until the reform of this body, and we cannot understand how after a week, after a historic summit for ukraine european councils in brussels, when we are fighting so hard now for the provision of financial assistance to us by the european union and the usa, we have such quick-witted decisions. thank you. iryna volodymyrivna. i don't know where you were during what happened in the hall. vote number 48 today, which took place at 1:24 p.m.,
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by a vote of 237, ordered the committee to meet during the meeting and hold its meeting. they fulfilled this decision of the verkhovna rada and returned to the hall and are already in the hall and ready to move on. thank you, dear colleagues. that's why i'm voting proposal to discuss this issue too soon. because most of the committee members were in the hall and voted, and i want to hear it on the transcript, if you don't mind, the second question, i would still like
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to understand that a candidate for this position has just now appeared, to hear her and about her previous work and regarding her relations with representatives of the authorities, including unofficial ones, so if possible according to the full procedure in order to understand... the position and why she goes there, well, and i repeat once again, i have time is up, and again i repeat that j7 and all the ambassadors absolutely publicly, non-diplomatically expressed that such issues cannot be discussed within the walls of the verkhovna rada before the adoption of another law, a new law on the chamber of accounts. thank you, thank you, i will start first, dmytro oleksandrovych, the first question was whether there is a meeting, whether there was a committee meeting, i have a decision of the committee. which i read, it is also already in seda, you can familiarize yourself with it, regarding which procedure, i want to remind you, just before this, a shortened procedure was voted
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other procedures, the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as the law that regulates our activities, do not provide, that is why we are moving in this order, and you will have the opportunity to listen to all our colleagues, therefore , dear colleagues, for a joint report, the chairman of the committee is invited for the report, the chairman is invited. roksalana andriivna pidlas of the budget committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. please, roksalana andriivna. dear colleagues, during, on behalf of the verkhovna rada, the budget committee held a committee meeting and recommended to the verkhovna rada of ukraine to appoint olga pishchanska as the head of the accounting chamber, a member of the accounting chamber. thank you, dear colleagues, i ask the representatives of the parliamentary factions of the groups to sign up for speeches, two for, two against , please write them down, dear colleagues, please
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do not disagree, after that we will be the voice... please, the floor is given to fris iryna vasylivna, european solidarity faction. i would like to give the floor to oleksiy honcharenko. please, honcharenko, oleksiy oleksiyovych. oleksiy honcharenko. well, friends, the end of the era of nepotism has come. greetings to all of you. look, if it so happened in life that you are neighbors of the zelenskyi family, then everything will be fine with you later in life. now they ask me why pishchanska, why her, i will tell you, well, for sure, maybe you would become the president, you would appoint your neighbors, and volodymyr oleksandrovich became, he appoints his own. by the way, olga pishchanska is with us today, maybe she will explain in her speech, it is very interesting, look, her sister, svitlana
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pishchanska, is the director of the company. on which it is issued villa of the zelenskyi family in italy? well, i understand everything, well, you were already the head of the antimonopoly committee, now the head of the accounting chamber, well, an irreplaceable person, well , you can still search among other neighbors , well, you can’t rely on one neighbor, on one family, it somehow seems to me, even and it is not clear, other neighbors may be offended, after all, they also lived somewhere nearby, and you somehow bypass them, friends. it is necessary to stop this fool, this fool, this is the accounting chamber of ukraine, this is the chamber that should count our money, your money, those who now they are looking at the money of these people, this piece of paper, with the flag of the european union, with the flag of the united states of america, they want to know how the money will be counted , we have a person, please, we have a person, she
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has worked in the anti-monopoly department. now he will count your money, everything is fine , it should not be like this, no one in the world will understand this , i understand that the president is speaking at the press conference, i have four or five managers, so we now understand, these are four or five neighbors, or four or five friends, and they will play chess today one, tomorrow another, maybe they are in the lottery, where they move from position to position, friends, this must be stopped, please, podlasalana andriivna, the faction is the servant of the people. dear colleagues, please support this decision and do not disagree. thank you, please, zheliznyak, yaroslav ivanovych, the voice faction.
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dear colleagues, i... everyone about the consequences of this decision, olga stanislavivna, i looked very carefully at your interview or how it was selected, by the way, i thank the committee, it was really transparent, i'm sorry, by law you do not meet this positions, we do not know the english language, which was quite clear in this interview, but i know you as a sufficiently wise and professional person, your... now the appointment will cost the country dearly, very dearly, so if you really love the country, it is probably best, what you can do now is to recuse yourself , anything else will have very big consequences, thank you, dear colleagues, the floor is given to people's deputy badenko taras ivanovych, i ask you to take your seats, please, hammer, yes, please. dear colleagues, i had to
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conducting interviews as a chairperson, i can say that olha stanislavivna pishchanska knows english as well as she should, and quite, quite frankly answered all the questions we asked, and our group will vote for and support her in the future. dear colleagues, please take your seats. dear colleagues, please take your seats. i, using the right of the chairman, guided by article 28 of the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ask now to hold a signal vote on the final one.
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article 28 of the rule. dear colleagues, please take yours


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