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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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the settlement has two or three hectares of land there, which can be established without any problems , the community, and the community must understand the relevance of these issues, then of course it is necessary to move in this direction, the community must be shown that it is profitable, that is, there should be not only enthusiasm on the ground, so to speak, but also some state ones, alematism of the general mass, which represents the community, we are closing energy for now, and then we talk globally about the economy, i also want to talk about grain and... about the situation directly on the border, now numbers: the economy will recover despite the obstacle. the cabinet of ministers has updated the forecast macro-indicators of economic and social development. ukraine for the 24th-26th years. the government expects the country's economy to grow by 4.6% next year. in the 25th to 6.8%, and in the 26th to 6.6%. the average salary of ukrainians will be uah 21,809 per next year, on the 25th,
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uah 25,732, on the 26th, over uah 30,000. inflation is likely to slow down. consumer prices are forecast to rise by almost 10% over the next year, by eight in 25 and by seven. we are talking about the fact that life is now whimsical and unpredictable, but not for those people who directly care about macro indicators, because they have to count on three and five years. and in what way? to see how this situation will develop further, i recently compared how the living wage will grow, and tell me, you as an analyst, is it appropriate to compare it with the figure of keeping russian prisoners on the territory of ukraine, because they cost us three times more, than, say, our living wage in ukraine, or right... to do so, but
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society does it directly, and let's discuss this topic with you a little, we are obliged to do it, if there were not there, there are certain norms of international law, including regarding the maintenance of prisoners, regarding expenses for prisoners, of course, it would be better to exchange them, that is, to liberate them, make an exchange and get rid of this issue of feeding, maintaining people who... something here to kill us, but, here, as it were, this is a separate, separate complex topic, as everyone is in no hurry to change them, in any case, well, i don't think that we can somehow save on them by putting them there, let's say, on the minimum living wage, there is another tenth of the minimum living wage , simply because it does not comply with the norms, international humanitarian norms related to receiving military prisoners. now we have read the forecasts, but... i
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will periodically repeat the question on our broadcast about the 25th year, when we will have payments on foreign debts, and there is a figure in the trillions, that is, we should already think about what will happen in 25 -mu, or in spite of what we are talking about economy, we should think now only about victory and think about how many drones the country produces, and not about how much we will pay in debt? i think that the problem of debt obligations, postponement of debt obligations before the defense'. creditors will be resolved positively, that is, their debts will be postponed, i do not see any reluctance on the part of those who gave us these funds to resolve this issue, they understand our situation, as to whether it is worth thinking about the year 2025, of course, it is worth thinking, to say what will happen then, well, it's difficult, no one cannot say, no one can predict, but you know, i was surprised, positively surprised... by the remarks
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of the managing director of the international monetary fund , georgiyeva, who came to kyiv, and who simply praised our economy, i never thought that in everything will turn out so well for you that you will have such indicators in ee , you are well done, that is, well, that is just some kind of praise, i do not think that a person who holds such a position would be engaged in what we were worried about for no reason, again , remembering... sub approaches of the international monetary fund to ukraine, and to other countries with which they cooperate, there, as a rule, the people are tough , make demands, and are not inclined to praise us without reason just for the sake of praising us, that is, certain indicators optimistic, they really are, and these indicators show that despite the fact that we have a war on... large-scale, despite the fact that we
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have whole industries, it is very bad, well, we have found ourselves in a very bad situation, that we have problems with exports, that we have problems with labor resources, because... many millions of people have gone abroad, we are holding up quite well, maybe even better than countries where there is no war, but where , say, inflation is tens of percent there, like in turkey. regarding energy, you said, or we can take argentina , there are general trends in energy, you said, and there are trends in the economy, and recently serhii marchenko, the minister of finance, said, fortunately, we are not directly discussing a fall. and thanks to which this is happening now, if you take that one global trend, and again, despite the fact that we have a war, we are also in this global trend, and it would seem that when you look only like this, what is in
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your borders, you do not understand how it works , by the way, it is so, the trend of economic growth, two obvious factors that influenced the fact that... that the economy is growing, the first is the end of the covid period, that is, approximately the 21st year, the post-epidemic weakening has begun, now we can say that in fact there are no restrictions in 2023, the economy is starting to recover, this can be seen, for example, in such industries as the automotive industry, where there was a crisis of microcircuits, there was a defy seemingly penny chip that costs 3 cents there, but it is not there because of the theme. the car cannot be released, or you have to sell the car, and then this chip, this board, for example, with some additional functionality, you come to the service and they install it back to you, there were even such completely bizarre situations, the first moment, the second moment , falling energy prices,
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when russia began a full-scale invasion, it hoped that the world would be afraid that it would suddenly block the gas pipeline, shut off electricity, limit oil supply, the world energy prices would simply soar to the ceiling and everyone would run to negotiate with moscow. to some extent it happened, i.e. gas prices really skyrocketed, a thousand cubic meters of gas cost more than $300, oil increased in price by more than $100, it's not the same for oil, it 's dramatic, it's worse for gas, because gas, the european market, well, if you consume. 50 billion cubic meters of russian gas in one year, in the next year there is no gas, and accordingly the price is here, but these shocks have passed, if we now look at the prices at the european ttf hub, they are in order, well, roughly yes, if roughly calculated, around $ 350 per
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thousand cubic meters, this is the peak of winter, that is, december is a month 10 times lower than they were at the peak of prices, when russia started its energy blackmail, no one... by the way, just not everyone, not everyone knows this, against russian gas introduced, all of them crossed all the pipes they shut it down on their own, do you remember this company with the maintenance of siemens gas turbines, you have already forgotten about it, here are the videos about the fact that the winter will be long, which they spread all over the internet, but now in fact the only pipeline export is pipeline export, which takes place gas to europe, it is exported through the territory of ukraine. this is our execution of export contracts in several countries, where, let's say, it is slovakia, hungary, that is, our pipeline no longer works, there is nothing there, yamal europe, they blocked it themselves, three threads, of the northern streams have been blown up, the fourth thread has never worked and probably will never work again, and there is a gas pipeline to turkey, that
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’s all they have except for china, china for that except for china, well, we won’t do that project there , we should probably talk about it now, because it is not a fact that the project will be given... what kind of an outcome is given, now i will once again speak globally about the economy and mention the topic of our european integration, the beginning of the movement towards the eu, in fact , we can call the case of ukraine unique, because even compared to poland, we are not the stage of early transformation is coming out, but we are already integrating, that is , we have duty-free exports there, we have a project in customs, progress in customs visa-free, visa-free cars, that is, we are looking for and reorienting our trade flows. for now, that is, analysts like you say that there are many formalities left, that is, the implementation of various laws, meanwhile, a large part of the steps have already been taken, and what you quoted gergieva, i
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think that this is also possible in these european integration processes, despite the fact that it is also omitted by the imf, right or wrong, we understand, right , yes, it's true, we have a unique situation in the sense that we initially received certain preferences, certain tolerances, that is, we went to the meeting before how how how it could be a form'. called within the framework of a full-fledged eu membership agreement. it is clear that, if, here too , not everything is so clear-cut, let's say, we were offered a lot, well, let's get closer, we will give you this, this, this and this, but you will not have a full membership, you will be deepened, this is, by the way, what this the topic is regularly promoted by our great friend orban, who says that we need some kind of special cooperation with ukraine, but in no case... for a valuable member of the european union, it is clear that this is not beneficial for us, that is, yes, to a certain extent we have received certain
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components that are already working, uh, sometimes our friends, neighbors do not like it, they start to make some not very friendly moves towards us, i mean now blocking or blocking the transit of ukrainian grain, which it was past that summer, or the blocking of road transport, which is happening now and still... the issue has been resolved a little, but it is still ongoing, so on the one hand it is good, we use it, we say, we are not here, if it wasn't for the poor relatives who came over, we claim these things, and we hope that this will all be the norm, this is not the exception, but this will be the norm for us, uh, now we have a little more than 10 minutes left, i want to talk about food and what is happening at the border. directly about ours exports, but again in a cut with our grain, interruptions in the world supply
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of food, rising prices and increasing the risk of lack of food security in the poorest countries of the middle east and north africa, the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine led to this, according to the report of the american intelligence, promulgated by the us congress. the future level of world food prices will partly depend on the fate of the grain agreement with which russia left in july and the area of ​​land that ukraine will be able to cultivate. during the war, square of land that ukraine can cultivate, it entails a seed fund, it entails the possibility of selling, it entails a whole bunch of processes, we can also talk here about the fertilizers that farmers need, but please explain the trends regarding the direct supply of food, it is clear that we rejoice at every machine of grain that leaves our borders, and rejoice that we can do the impossible, despite the fact that russia has left. from the agreement, meanwhile, the blocking of certain
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points with poland at the moment, it slightly hindered our progress, and if you summarize this year, say please, sergey, regarding grain , do you understand how these processes will develop further, have those countries to whom russia promised supposedly free grain understood that in fact they will pay much more, due to the fact that ukraine's grain does not reach world markets, well, i i would have practiced a little... perhaps i would have practiced the reports of american analysts, why are they a little if they are in outdated positions now, well, this sometimes happens with good analytical services, they are usually conservative, they do not, they stick to the trends that they steel, they were obvious, now there are no signs of a food shortage in the world, if we look at the dynamics of grain prices, let's say, grain is falling, if we look at the level of the harvested harvest... in the traditional exporting countries, the yield level has increased, that is,
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the world the grain market is now in a situation when there was a threat of a deficit, as it was last year, there is no, this is what concerns the grain resource, what concerns the grain agreement, i think this grain agreement between ukraine and the un on the one hand and russia and the un on the other on the other hand, well and turkey, which was the guarantor of this agreement, because it controls the channels through which this grain came out, and i think that you can put a cross on it, there is no sense in it, this agreement was successfully closed by the ukrainian armed forces, which made it so that russia cannot threaten the movement of ships that depart from the ports of great odesa, that is odessa, chornomorsk, that is, this region, that depart from the ports of great odesa and along the coast, then enter territorial waters. to neighboring countries and export our products, not only
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grain, now power, by the way, if you pay attention, the corridor works, but the details of how it works are few, and this is actually correct, there is no need to give too much information to the enemy about how he can harm us, but there are general data, somewhere around 5 million tons per month we we can export, it's both grain and metal, you say the enemy can damage it, but some information. were about the fact that the ships, despite the fact that they are the flags of third countries, they were fired upon, although again, these are risks that ukraine will pay directly, these are risks that... ukraine will pay in it makes sense that the volume of ships that are ready to take such risks will decrease , insurance rates will increase, but here, too, one should not forget that those five planes are actually a little more, it is possible that there were russian planes that were shot down, that were shot down and no more will fly there, one of the combat tasks that were set before them, for example, is
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the mining of this corridor, possible tasks, that is, they flew something over that... over that area, they dropped something there along the way, there was a suspicion, there was a suspicion that this is mining well, it was also possible that the movement of our grain was hindered, so it was a threat, it was a threat of airstrikes, now the threat has become a little less, but i don’t want to be a rosy optimist and say that this corridor is working, but when we say there, analysts say, well, after all, there is a potential for the fact that where there was 5 million tons per month next year, there will be 7 million tons. per month, it can be seen that, well, as the first risk-takers tested it, it worked, and the ports are working, cargo is being shipped, the level of security, i.e. the cover-up, the military cover -up is increasing, this is also important, everyone in this story of the extremely complex movement of our grain plays their role , and in particular i wanted to quote the head of the committee
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of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on finance, tax and customs policy, danylo hetmantseve, who... said that, we have half of the grain exported, no, taxes are not accrued from it, and he said that each grain must have a history, that is , only a vat payer can export, the vat payer must have a vat input for this grain, and so on to the first producer, the entire chain should be vat-free, and we don't have it now, which means that customs and law enforcement agencies are imperfect. and this is how he explained this draft law to combat black grain, conditionally we will call it this, please tell me, super complicated conditions, this is still no reason for the state not to care about taxes, but if we look at what society wants, society wants more salaries for military personnel, more funds for the army, more drones, more
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shells and so on, where do these funds come from to take, and if we... for years there was a scheme according to which it was possible to export grain and not pay any taxes for it, it is clear that no one likes to pay taxes, there is not a person on this planet who would say: oh, i i love paying taxes so much, take it from me, please, let me fill out all these tax documents, there are no such people, there are no such companies, but you need to understand that this is not a situation where we can turn a blind eye to it, this a very problematic bill, there were many reservations about it. this is the law legal norms, but there were companies that said: yes, it is really necessary to do so, why? because they belong to the other half , which works for the 50%, which exports grain to the white market, which is absolutely not interested in competing with people who will buy the same grain from the same lines, on the same ships it is transported or on the same cars, but
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for some reason they are able not to pay taxes, here it is necessary... this issue needs to be resolved, i think it will be resolved, i think that before that there will be many disputes, there will be many conflicts and discussions, but there is no other way, but this discussion and this dialogue must be conducted, and also - closing the topic of grain harvest, information for reminder, more than 80 million tons of harvest was harvested by ukraine this year, which means that the harvest of the 23rd year turned out to be even better than... a record for almost all crops, it was reported in the ukrainian star association, the high yield compensated for the loss of 6 million hectares of land under occupation and on the front line, however, a record harvest in our realities does not mean obtaining a record profit. the sea export of agricultural products is insufficient in terms of volume and unprofitable for producers, the blockade
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of the land border with poland adds more problems both directly to agrarians and processors. company, but the situation on the borders with poland is gradually being agreed upon, yes , that is, the last details are being agreed there, the points are being unblocked directly, and we can talk about the fact that these blockades, that is , the last one we have there stopped the protest by the blockers at the chagini checkpoint doctor, we can say that, again, very simple wording, a lot of bad things for our grain have been done by this blockage, or? no, i would like to start, here was the phrase records, it is true, we really have record indicators, but in terms of yield, not in terms of volumes, not in terms of gross collection, but in terms of ee... well, relatively speaking, center center per hectare, we had a record harvest in 2021, it was, if we talk about grain crops, more than 100 million tons, now it is somewhere around 80, then there were
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only 80 grains, what we have now is high harvests, this is of course very good, if only god helped with the weather, and the farmers worked very well, and not only in terms of the intensity of work there, but in terms of... how with limited resources, with mined fields, with shortages money for plant protection products, for fertilizers, how to make it possible to use these resources effectively. now with regard to exports, we now have three export channels that are working, the first is the black sea, this is the new new ukrainian, the new ukrainian way, that’s what you can call it, not alternative, not i like this word, because apparently it is the main one, and not an alternative one, it is gaining strength, the second one is along the danube, that is, the danube one, again, by the way , the kazaval’s investments amounted to 100, yes, about
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100 million, and plus the old one was unlocked the dispute between romania and ukraine regarding the deepening, regarding the deepening of the estuary, the romanians did not really want us to deepen it, we wanted to deepen it, in the end when they went through this corridor... volumes of cargo, if, the problem, it was somehow eliminated, and the third is road transport , well, we have to be frank, traditionally, most of ukraine's grain export went by sea, and it did not go to europe, that is , there was no need even to take this grain there, because our main export markets were china, it was africa, you don't need to take grain to europe, if you need to take it to asia, well, that is, there is a sea route, now the situation is... it is blocked, it affects more, probably, not so much on the export of grain, as on just for the traffic situation in general, for the transportation of all goods and for the work of ukrainian motor transport companies
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, which, thanks to this car visa-free program, began to work actively on the european market, which caused dissatisfaction in some neighboring countries, and with regard to grain, with regard to those things , the situation has eased, again, which does it make sense to block ukrainian grain, so how did it happen? last spring, last summer, why block ukrainian exports at the western borders, if it is grain, it does not go there, but it is calmly exported in larger quantities part of the export by sea increased. it is clear that other, very interesting directions are developing, the so-called land ports, when such a logistics facility is being built on the territory of western ukraine, i wanted to ask you exactly about this, so that you could explain it more for our viewers, because such a dry port is first of all a new term, and secondly, that is, it will be... grain will be transshipped by the european track, and specifically in volyn, they announced this, as it looks like, that is, ukraine has not faced this before, so earlier, if we were transporting,
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for example, with a grain wagon, it was necessary to rearrange it on the cortona with a narrow one, i.e. change the wheels of the wagon and rearrange it to a narrow gauge and go, here is another idea that increases the efficiency of this type of transportation, i.e. the wagon arrives on... a track higher than the european one of this dry port or land port, it is loaded there, grain was brought there, for example, by trucks, it is not necessary that other wagons arrived there, they could also be wagons, as it is convenient, here it is loaded and leaves on the same the bullet departs, and again well, we are not changing the wheels, but we are simply changing the term pereformage, and plus , once again, there is infrastructure, there may be some means for storing this grain there for a certain period, there is... infrastructure for its transshipment, filling, unloading and so on, that is, it can even be said that this is a certain future for these terminals, this is a certain future for ukraine, and someone will
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also reach certain heights in congestion, the market will put everything in its place, maybe there, well, i don’t know, in six months, say russia will collapse, and we will have normal exports through the black sea, and then, then the market will determine what is more profitable to transport from... from such and such, but dry ports will already be built and these terminals will be built , again, the more, the more different options for the development of industries, the better, we , we have proven this, we depended on sea transportation, we built a very powerful infrastructure in greater odessa, elevator and port infrastructure, and how it ended, that when we struck on this on this the region was blocked, well , there were no other ways for a certain time. grain, we used to say distributed generation in the energy industry, and here the generation must be distributed, the storage works like this, again for many reasons it is clear from an economic point of view
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it is possible... it is more profitable to have such concentrated , some large giant elevators, but then a cruise missile will fly over them and you have tens of thousands of tons there, and you are not able to do it, in my opinion, according to the government, we have about 100 port infrastructure facilities during the russian strikes, it was destroyed, well, i mean exactly those that were responsible for export, for shipment and storage. grain here and well, this is this , this is reality, and well, it is necessary to somehow find ways out of this. i will also remind our viewers that the movement of trucks has been restored, this has also been said, polish transporters have stopped blocking sheghini checkpoints, reports the state border service of ukraine. registration and border crossing of trucks for entry into ukraine takes place as usual, and border guards note that the service is making every effort to let as
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many trucks as possible pass, again this maximum. how can you put in the maximum, miss more, that is, it doesn’t matter until the queue is full, plus or minus the time allocated to a certain machine, then you will not speed up these processes in any way, how much you can speed up with a pen, if a little, if you speed up the procedures, put more people, who do it, technically, well , it can work up to a certain limit, here, in general, history is instructive in the sense that we did not expect from poland has this kind of history, why it, why it happened in poland, of course, there were elections in poland in... in poland , law and justice won the most votes, but they lost power because the coalition is opposition, the opposition assembled a coalition and appointed it its of prime minister donald tusk, but while all this was happening, it seems that the previous government decided, well, let the new government get, get on top of as many problems as possible, and let them dig them out and let them explain
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to our farmers, why here suddenly... ukrainian trucks are supposed to go, but we will block them , and we will turn a blind eye to it, let there be stories that there were reports about what the police actually did in the blocking, and somewhere there in this tent there were a dozen of these protesters sitting there, who were not even standing there, that is, they were not blocking anything, but they came, they said, we are blocking, they are blocking, and it was actually the polish police who were blocking, but i cannot guarantee the authenticity of these stories, but i i had to read more than one and not two. now let's see, once again there is no such reason for behaving like this in poland in the polish government, there is no polish government, i don't want to say that the poles will decide all this tomorrow, after all, there are forces and they must be reckoned with, again after all, these are the interests of their citizens, there is no need to say that it is simply some russian agency there, there are people who are who. there are
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people who proceed from their own selfish interests, for whom their own pocket is worth more, unfortunately, than there life and economic, economic survival of ukraine, they say let it be better, let it be better, a ukrainian does not drive his truck here, or 10 or 100 there, but i will drive as i say, the codes are simpler, without delving into the geopolitical processes and the processes of today, serhii lukanchuk, an analyst was in our studio, sergey, thank you for this conversation. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join the border guards. congratulations, ukrainians, with you marathon, single news. the rada tv channel team works for you. we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you. together, we are a force. the only news, in the center of events. on the fourth morning in ukraine, the tv channel rada
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continues its work in... our team works for you around the clock to keep you informed of all the main events in ukraine and the world. my name is svitlana osenko, i congratulate everyone who is with us at this time. the amulet has been launched, an electronic register of conscripts has been launched in ukraine. according to the spokesman of the ground forces, volodymyr fityo, only the ministry of defense, the general staff and territorial recruitment centers have access to this service. military service. they will not be able to check their data on their own, they will need to contact the tcc. earlier , the minister of defense rustem umyerov stated that the main task of the program is the complete digitization of processes. currently, the database is filled on the basis of the action service, after the adoption of the relevant bill, all information is synchronized with the data of the ministry of health and the ministry of internal affairs. and when everything works, territorial recruiting centers will have complete information about
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people of draft age.


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