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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EET

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continues its work on the air of the all-national marathon only news. our team works for you around the clock to keep you up to date with all the main events in ukraine and the world. my name is svitlana usenko. greetings to everyone who has already woken up and is watching us at this time. the amulet is launched. an electronic register of conscripts has been launched in ukraine. according to the spokesman of the ground forces volodymyr fityo, only the ministry of defense, the general staff and others have access to this service. recruitment centers, conscripts will not be able to check their data on their own. it will be necessary to apply to the tcc. earlier , the minister of defense rustem umyerov stated that the main task of the program is the complete digitization of processes. currently, the database is filled based on the action service. after the adoption of the relevant bill, all information is synchronized with the data of the ministry of health and the ministry of internal affairs. and when everything works, the territorial centers of assembly. will have
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complete information about people of military age. the united states announced a new package of military aid to ukraine in the amount of 250 million dollars. this was announced by the us secretary of state anthony blinken. the package includes additional air defense equipment, artillery ammunition, anti-tank equipment and other equipment that will help ukraine resist russian aggression. plan b for 20 billion euros for ukraine is being prepared by the eu. brussels will use it if hungary blocks the main plan for 50 billion, - writes the financial times. the newspaper notes that before the december summit in brussels, eu member states will issue guarantees to the european commission so that it can borrow this money on the capital markets. a similar scheme was already used during the pandemic coronavirus the participation of all participating countries is not required. if among the key donors
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there are countries with the highest credit ratings, the process will be launched, if after the additional eu summit in february budapest applies the veto, then plan b should be agreed quickly enough so that ukraine receives money already in march, - the publication notes. more than 300,000 people already work in the defense complex. this was stated by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. he says that now the domestic defense-industrial... complex is not just being restored, it is becoming productive for modern technological warfare. many private initiatives are already at work, four out of five companies in our defense industry are private businesses, many state-owned enterprises that have not worked for decades have now launched their production, including new types of weapons. trenches are being dug, dugouts and barricades are being built. along the border line
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, support points are being set up. our journalists visited one of these. sofia kutsenko will tell what she saw. freshly dug trenches are just a few meters from the track. tunnel system with a length of almost one and a half km. this is the first of five lines of defense along the border with the russian federation in the kharkiv region. the enemy here is 20 km away. they have turns every 10-15 m so that, if the projectile falls in one point, the wave does not spread over the entire pit, but only on this stretch. between the tunnels , the construction of dugouts is being completed, they are reliably insulated and can withstand a direct mine hit. five turnstones are installed, the thickness of 30 cm of concrete, they are welded together, and the gaps are plastered with tps, then, then everything processed, tightened.
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waterproofing with roofing material, everything is filled with earth, then rolled with logs, then fire positions are already arranged, the second line of defense, dugouts are dug nearby, tetraids, reinforced concrete structures in the form of pyramids are installed literally half a kilometer away with a crane, they are fastened together with cables, and there is such a special yagoza , later they can mine them, i cover the boys' work. mobile fire groups, they monitor the sky and quickly shoot down enemy targets on the fly, on the tablet you can see the target, the reticle, which is located, and here is a running cross, which is automatically detected, if you miss it, then it will be established, simply , then we aim, we lower the front sight along the barrels, and then we work, the establishment of such reference points is extremely important for our army, this is an effective way to deter the enemy, we have to...
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create such a defense line that it is fully occupied by troops at maximum capacity, so we do that. such fortifications are planned to be built along this demarcation line. sofia kutsenko, pavlo bondarenko, rada tv channel, national marathon, edinny news. more than 12,000 wounded defenders underwent rehabilitation and rehabilitation during the two years of existence of special rehabilitation centers for military personnel. kateryna kosmarova saw the work of one of them. military serviceman with the call sign avtodor, a volunteer from the chernihiv region. he received a concussion in the direction of kupyansk. was in positions. an unpleasant kamikaze flew in and was sent, well, then he recovered, we need to help, because after that we really need such a rehabilitation center, and it is desirable for everyone to visit here, the wife of an army man came to support during rehabilitation, well, he
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called, said that there will be rehabilitation and maybe he will find out what is possible with his wife, i have already packed my bags, i was waiting, i think.. .. you can't, but i'm already leaving. a military serviceman with the call sign beard returned from avdiivka a few days ago. he says that he is trying to cope with combat stress for the sake of his family. they tell us how to get out after the war, normal people, i have children, i have a family. that they live better, even better than me. 70% psychological. assistance, trainings, individual classes and unloading. the question of restoration, physical and psychological restoration of the quality of combat servicemen and rest in general is of extremely important importance. rehabilitation, depending on the injury,
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usually lasts at least two weeks. military personnel with spinal cord injuries undergo therapy in this pool. water reduces the weight, and therefore reduces the pressure on the joints, which allows more freedom. to move, helps to relax. this is an aromatherapy room, everyone once a new fragrance, so as not to get used to one. the healing power is that the soothing aromas of the oil enter the body through the lungs and skin and improve the nervous system. medical and psychological assistance, it is divided into two parts, it is medical assistance and psychological assistance. it is very important that psychological help is the main part of... rehabilitation, medical help complements the psychological, that is, the treatment of chronic diseases. experts say that the enemy's system of psychological pressure should not be underestimated. negatively used as an sms message, used as leaflets, as loudspeakers, used prohibited types of weapons,
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such as chemical weapons. all this is used by the russians, all this in order to bring about a moral and psychological state that is difficult. our psychologists took it as a basis. nato. of course, we are familiar with their system of psychological support, and with the system of psychological support of the leading nato countries. therefore, when we were building, when hostilities began in 2014, we rebuilt our ukrainian system. volunteers are more exposed to combat stress than military personnel already had experience in the anti-terrorist operation zone. however, everyone has their own psychological potential. this society in general should come to the point that we will be near us, there will be former military personnel, and then veterans, with whom we will definitely have to work, and employment, and psychological help,
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psychological support. kateryna kusmarova, dmytro poznyakov, tv channel rada, national marathon, united news. the tariff for... electricity for the population will remain unchanged, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal announced this. such there is a government decision. therefore, for household consumers, the price of electricity will continue to be 2.64 kopecks per hour. the decision of the cabinet remains until april next year. people 60+ are again in lecture halls, because in... it's never too late, the university of the third age is recruiting students for the sixth year in a row, and the demand for education does not decrease, which motivates people to study at an older age, anna ruzhin learned. this is how classes are held at
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the university of the third age, which was started 6 years ago on the base. poltava university of economics and trade the social project is designed for a wide range of people of any age, education or occupation. the number of our listeners is increasing when we started our project in... in the 18th year, we had 322 listeners, before the war in the 21st year, when we conducted students, listeners of the third age on the holiday, we had 721 trainees and we worked, studied in 29 groups, now we have 16 groups and we have 508 trainees, mrs. kiri 84, a woman has worked all her life on... difference, has two higher educations, but decided that she wants to continue studies, so attends english and
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dance courses. it seems to me that it is impossible without english verbs now, and even in our language, for example, a device, what is a device, i know, for example, because i study that it is a device, a place or an event. physical education lessons , dancing, yoga, nordic walking, there are enough people willing to participate in these classes, my permanent direction is english, the second is physical education, and the third curatorial hour, three or three couples, what success does it have, well, i studied at school and at the institute the german language, here he started english from scratch, and i can already read fluently. the principle of lifelong learning, so this is where students
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are the 60+ category, who can attend many courses for free, starting with languages ​​and ending with choreography, choose someone who is as close as possible, taught by both teachers and students. they taught us computer literacy, it's very nice that we are already old people, it's hard to get used to all these new things, to new technology, and gratitude. listeners are already so motivated to study, ms. tatyana 80 wants to be an example for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, i lead an active lifestyle, i never stop at what i have achieved, i always want to improve myself, because i... believe that a person is on the move, a person who learns more does not become dull. after the start of
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the full-scale invasion, the university accepted many displaced students, they learn to support their psychological state on their own. ms. yevgenia came from kupyansk. i like to work at the computer, a lot, i have an education, for one year i studied to become a computer operator. recruitment, but now there is a need, some time has passed, there is the need to move on, to develop further, and this helps to distract from events. classes are held every saturday, students have three pairs, next year they plan to expand the number of courses by adding new ones, for which there are requests, and in their free time, university students of the third age are engaged in volunteering and weaving flowers. anna ruzhin, maksym gumirov, tv channel rada, for... final marathon, only news. that's all, i say goodbye
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to you until my next information shift, however, rada tv channel continues its work until 6 in the morning, so stay with us. lowering the conscription age to 25 years, summonses in electronic form and the obligation to carry a military id. these are the norms of the bill on improving mobilization. of military registration and military service, which was submitted to the verkhovna rada by the cabinet of ministers. the purpose of the document is to clarify the rules of conscription, the course of basic and contract military service, the criteria for exemption from mobilization, etc. it also significantly increases responsibility for ignoring mobilization measures. in particular, evaders will lose the right to deal with property, drive a vehicle, receive benefits and loans, etc. violators of defense legislation will be detained for a period of up to three days, and for refusing medical treatment. examination will result in criminal liability, mandatory three-month
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military training for students will be introduced, and active servicemen will have the right to rotation and 2 months of rest after six months of combat. we are joined by oleg leontiv, a military lawyer legislation. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. good day. therefore, i would like to discuss with you these innovations that may be introduced. tell me, please, what is especially important here, what should be paid attention to in the new draft law? you know what you 'll pay attention to, well, first of all, i 'm begging controversially. this draft law is extremely necessary, it basically covers and polishes all the shortcomings that are in the current draft law, it has been in force for a long time, the current draft law needs already it's been a long time, a long time since some kind of polishing and bringing it to those norms,
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to those realities that we have. well, first of all, what we should know and have. we need, we must take into account the following, that the defense and protection of the state is a constitutional duty of citizens, and we need to move away from this. the fact is that the defense and protection of the state is not the business of some, some part of the population of ukraine, but it is the business of the entire people. it is also necessary to take into account the following about what to defend, to protect the state, all all citizens of ukraine have, all citizens of ukraine have, and independence, i think so, and independence from gender, age, and health, of course, health must be taken into account, since service, to serve in such extreme conditions as
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servicemen in a combat zone , you need to have appropriate health and... you need to take into account the following, the fact that the age of our conscripts is from 18 to 60 years old, er, well, and that physical condition that military obligations have, who are 25 years old and who are 60 years old, well, 59, let's say this, these are still two big differences, and if you send a worn-out uncle, i'm sorry, more or less fit for the state of health, to carry out... the task of going on an assault, he may not climb over even through a fence with a height of 1 m, well, he can cause some trouble for those, for his brothers, well, this is related to age, oh, it is related to age and health, eh, some points that i would like to, that is, rather, i remarked , when i got acquainted with that project,
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uh, what will be, well, the rules of the draft will be clearer, clearer. a lot, i'm sorry i would like to draw attention to the fact that a lot of questions have arisen and are still arising around summonses, who has the right to serve them, who has the right to serve them, and how, you see , it seems to me that people are simply too fixated on the moment and procedure of serving the summons, and a subpoena is nothing more than a notice, it is not a decision of an authority. authority, and this is an ordinary notice or reminder, and there is a decision of the supreme court about this, the legal position on this matter, that this is not an act, an administrative action of an authority powers, and this is an ordinary message, well, as an announcement, i would also like
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to note the following, it is necessary to take into account that... the war, as we understand it, and we have already been informed that it is not for two or three weeks and not for two or three years, unfortunately, respectively, the military, armed forces, defense bodies must have and know the resource they possess, on which they can count when conducting hostilities and defense or offensive, in order to have and know this resource, it is clearly necessary to... build territorial centers of procurement and social support, one should not forget the following, during yanukovych's time in 14-15 until the 14th year, the entire mobilization resource, the entire information base, it was contained in the then military bases, it was actually destroyed, and when the first period of the war began,
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in 14-15 years, in fact, all this had to be updated. and restore from scratch, in order for the system in the state to draft conscripts and keep records to function properly, it is necessary that the territorial recruitment centers have access, full access to resources that provide, well, that provide complete information about availability and quantity. conscription, then first of all there must be access to the voter register, there must be access to access to the demographic register, you see, the following comes out: uh, what i recently came across, the pension fund, it has access to the demographic register, and they they operate very quickly in
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the sense that when people of retirement age die, the pension fund knows about it very quickly and stops paying the pension, unfortunately, territorial recruitment centers, they do not have access to full access to the demographic registers, do not have full access to the voter register. and, accordingly , they have to fill all these data from scratch, where they have to take them, they have to somehow invite them, including by such rude actions, well, catch conscripts and bring them to territorial recruitment centers so that they they passed the military medical commission, the medical examination of the military medical commission and were registered, well, defense or rather any. and any action is positive it will be when it is known what is being worked with, what the resource is, and how much
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the state can mobilize, the territorial center of equipping for the protection and defense of the state, they must be, you, mr. olezhe, you mentioned the subpoenas, as if that is enough. sensitive topic, how do you feel about this initiative to serve summonses by e-mail, how effective is it, in your opinion, you know, i believe that it may not be effective, but here the question should be expanded, i think so, expand in what way, well, first of all no citizen has an obligation to check his e-mail, no... citizen has no obligation to have his, to have an e-mail, so that's it, that is, that is, such messages, well , if a citizen wants to receive such
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messages, he will receive them, if he does not want to, he will not receive them, let's return to the following, what is a subpoena, a subpoena is not an order, well, an order to a subject of authority, it is just a message, well, how can there be an announcement on the door, and let's say the entrance, that so-and-so, so there is... they owed money for utility bills. so are summonses. i believe that , first of all, there should be responsibility, clear responsibility and the establishment of order and order in the accounting of conscripts. every military conscript should know that at a certain moment he is obliged to appear at the territorial recruitment center and there, therefore, to bring his data to. actualize them, let's say, in this way, but why is everything happening so chaotically now, again with those summonses with all that, you you see, it seems to me that we are being led
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in the wrong direction, there are various arguments about whether the head of the village has the right to sign the summons, does he have the right, meaning the head of the district or , you understand, to me... it seems that it would be more correct the following: no, do not focus on who has the right to sign the summons and distribute them, you still need to get used to and instill a legal culture in citizens, that there is a need, there is an obligation, citizens must appear, declare about themselves and report all changes in the military registration status, which took place in them, and in this way... to be on the record, speaking of culture, you mentioned, it’s just that there is also such a, let’s say, philosophical moment, like the culture of mobilization,
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the attitude towards it, how to bring it to another level, when it will not be some kind of scarecrow, as, for example , we heard about the recent scandal in odessa, where the wife, so to speak, mobilized her husband in order to intimidate him into divorce, but in your opinion, as such cases, they affect the image of mobilization, which ... in fact , it is necessary to change people's attitude towards this process? without a doubt, they have a great influence and influence in a negative way, but the fact is that what makes our society different from other societies, well, i think it is something very inherent in our society and all people, a heightened sense of justice, then our people will happily fulfill their ... duties , including updating data when e-e updating
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data with their ... account data military officers, if they will know that everyone does the same, not only them, but also other citizens everyone has this duty the same, the law is the same for everyone, and in some way, it is impossible to get around it, otherwise it turns out that, unfortunately, very often employees of territorial picking centers, they are allowed. to various tricks, deceptions, well, unfortunately, this is from practice, i just see a lot of people, they take and fraudulently drag conscripts to themselves, those who do not want to serve and have the right not to serve, for example, if in they have three or more children, they are forced to sign some documents, there are often people who, in view of their own state, well, educational, they do not understand what they
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have signed. it turns out that they signed, later it turns out that they signed a voluntary consent to mobilization at a time when they do not want to be mobilized, i recently encountered such a case, the peasant is simple, so he has three children, he does not want to serve, because chatted, why? he says: well, god forbid, something will happen to me, i know that no one will take care of my children, no one will support them, and... it will be very difficult, because more, er, with such, with such an attitude, unfortunately, people of military service, they see how the same military personnel, mobilized or released from the reserve, have to achieve all those social benefits, payments that belong to them a priori, but nevertheless , they are obliged to seek,
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sue, appeal for them. to challenge, although all this should be, well, a priori, as it goes without saying, and because of such injustice, because of such social uncertainty and, uncertainty and not, inequality, people are conscripted, they are not very willing to perform this duty voluntarily. mr. oleg, i want to ask you. about another interesting precedent created by estonia, it expressed its readiness to help ukraine in the mobilization of citizens, that is, estonia offers to conclude an agreement that will allow ukraine to extradite ukrainian men, as stated by the country's foreign minister. in your opinion, does this not violate the norms of international law, and in principle, what kind of precedent can it create
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history if it becomes reality. you know, i think this is a very correct approach, but, well, as far as i remember, the government of estonia, they clarified this point, they said that for those who want to voluntarily from ukrainian citizens to appear before of ukraine, they will facilitate all the possibilities for them to come here there, well, bus routes or in some other way, take into account, for example, germany, in germany i lived... there are almost 200,000 men of military age, it is actually 20 full divisions, motorized rifle divisions of the soviet model, and if you take brigades, then three times more, they have the same as those of our citizens who live there, they have a constitutional duty to protect the state, but nevertheless they do not want it perform, do not
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perform and in some way... well, they are outside the field of mobilization and this war, which, unfortunately, has been going on for more than a year and will continue. obviously, if they voluntarily, as the estonian government wants to help those who will appear voluntarily, to come to ukraine, if those other conscripts do not want to come to ukraine voluntarily, obviously they need to be pawned in some way, and how ? can be pledged, again , based on the point of view of the constitution, the duty of citizens to defend the state is enshrined in the constitution, which, how it can be implemented, can be implemented as follows: to give time to those conscripts to arrive, or arrived in ukraine, or arrived at consulates, diplomatic institutions located outside the border of ukraine, and voluntarily entered
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accounting. and volunteered that they and


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