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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EET

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services, they still conduct services in russian, but they hung a flag near their church, the only thing is, how are they now similar to ukrainian churches, in fact, yes, ms. oksano, thank you very much for the conversation, a member of the kherson city council, was oksana polemii is with us, and we wish the kherson region a peaceful day, this is an almost unfulfilled wish, but nevertheless, we are still rooting for this day to pass peacefully, and now kateryna shirokopois, which means that yes.. news release, what happened there in ukraine and world in the last hour, kateryna will tell us. greetings, colleague, in a moment i will tell you about the nightly powerful explosions in crimea and when ukraine plans to start serial production of 155-caliber projectiles.
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at night, the russians again attacked ukraine with shaheds, launching eight drones from the region of russian primorsky akhtarsk. our defenders failed to shoot down only one target, the air force reports. air defense operated in the dnipropetrovsk, kirovohrad and zaporizhzhia regions, the attack was carried out by fighter aircraft, units anti-aircraft missile forces and mobile groups. the russians shelled kherson seven times with guided aerial bombs, attacked the coastal infrastructure, trying to stop supplies to the ukrainian military on the left bank, the head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south nataliya homeniuk reported. the enemy also shelled stanislav twice and the village of tyaginka once. two people are injured. at least
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five powerful explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol at night, local media reported. according to information the so-called governor of the city mykhailo rozvazhaev, the air defense system was activated over the sea. the occupiers claim to have destroyed one drone. there is allegedly no infrastructure damage. it is also known that the kerch bridge was blocked at night. a multi-storey building, nine private houses and a gas pipeline. due to russian attacks on nikopol in dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy was firing with artillery and kamikaze drones - reported the head of the region , serhiy lysak. fortunately, there were no casualties, so the occupiers shelled myrivska and marganetska communities. unknown assailant shot a car on the dnipro-reshetilivka highway. the 49-year-old driver died on the spot, the dnipropetrovsk police reported. according to information... the
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shooter was in a balaclava, he jumped out onto the road and fired several shots at the car, first from a machine gun with a silencer. a special police operation was launched to search for the attacker. the police are asking for witnesses to come forward. 56 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. our defenders launched three attacks in the marine direction. the russians continue to storm yavdeev 32 firefights took place in this direction, the general staff reports. on the other hand, on the left bank of the kherson region , the defense forces continue to expand the bridgehead, and the occupiers unsuccessfully stormed our positions 13 times. ukrainian aviation and missile forces hit 15 enemy concentration areas, two control points, the same number of anti-aircraft missile systems, six ammunition depots and two enemy artillery pieces.
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ukraine plans to start serial production of 155-caliber projectiles next year. in the ministry of strategic industries industry stated that some of the elements have already been mastered and tested, but the support of western partners is necessary, because the threshold for these projectiles was not produced in our country before. also, according to the ministry, ukraine and the united states have developed five projects that will strengthen ukrainian air defense. it is about the modernization of old soviet complexes, of which there are many in service with the armed forces, with elements of new western weapons. for next year, we have absolutely clear goals for artillery, for drones, for missiles, and for armored vehicles. one of one of our biggest political results this year is an agreement with partners, including the united states, regarding our joint production of weapons. the creation of new
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production facilities, localization in ukraine, expansion of the repair base, all this adds to ukraine's defense and economic strength. substantial gdp growth and good jobs. shells, ammunition and missiles. the united states of america has provided ukraine with a new package of military aid worth 250 million dollars, state secretary anthony blinken said. in particular, the ukrainian military will receive additional ammunition for sams air defense systems, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, ammunition for hymars, artillery shells of 155 and 105 mm caliber. anti-tank systems. javelin and more than 15 million cartridges for small arms. the assistance provides the most urgent needs of ukraine to protect its sovereignty, the pentagon noted. this is already the 54th package of military support from the united states. new development of volunteers.
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the border guards of the kramatorsk detachment, who perform combat tasks in the bakhmut direction, received electronic carriers for evacuation injured, reports the state procuratorate. tone service ground drones cover difficult terrain and ice and are capable of carrying up to 200 kg. in addition, you can attach a stork-type night to the drone and evacuate one more person. according to statistics, during a medical evacuation, the number of casualties can double. it's a very simple thing to manage, it's even better than what tesla turns on. here is such a stick, you control it forward and backward and the wheels turn right and left 200 kg they pull military journalists, it is thanks to them
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we learn operational information from the front line, this is how taras gren works at the front, how he sees the war, let's look further. taras gren, officer of the armed forces of ukraine, military journalist and photographer. since 1994, correspondent of the newspaper of the western operational command of the army of ukraine. he served in military service in various positions in military press units, and later joined the armed forces in 2014. when the maidan began, even earlier, i was one of such a military journalist team that predicted the invasion of russia even before that. which we have seen simply from information leaks, from information work, that russia is very strongly pursuing an aggressive policy and washing the cities of its citizens. today, the profession of a military journalist is extremely important, because thanks to
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its representatives, we learn quickly and verified information from the front. i have been serving in the army since the very beginning of the creation of the ukrainian state. and here it is better to say that to me. not to leave the army, because ukrainian society, frankly speaking, wiped out until 2014, simply wiped out its army legs, no one paid attention to the problems of the army. taras hryn brought unique artifacts collected by his colleagues at various points of hostilities. the journalist accumulated them in order to transfer them to a museum or a scientific library so that future historians could study the history of the war based on these documents. now, with my new place of service in the military medical and clinical center, i see guys who, with their health, themselves, in fact, closed us from this russian scourge, you know, i have no moral right to stop in front of them, i i have to show and explain to people that war
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is not so far away from us. according to the military journalist, during the great war, the structure of weapons and the strength of the armed forces of ukraine changed significantly. and this is exactly what will allow the ukrainian army to defend the country, they were able to switch to the training of both non-commissioned officers and to open many more such faculties where retraining and knowledge improvement were carried out, which allowed them to quickly switch to new types of weapons, this is what the russians did not could understand in the 22nd year, how ukrainians can so quickly master the samples of weapons that come to them. taras hryn believes that our victory is possible thanks to grouping. military, civilians and authorities. we have to get used to the fact that we are members of a great, beautiful , strong, ukrainian nation, and our state is our state, not someone else's state, that we rule here, we dispose of our taxes, which we paid, and that money ,
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which we earn, and with our freedom, where we will live, we have to understand this. tv channels. together with the public organization baza ua collects funds for atvs for evacuating the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in kholodny yar, in difficult conditions , the ukrainian military fights for victory every day without leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield, with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded larger, our goal is 800 uah. with your help we have already collected more than uah 740,000. your donation is a thank you to all those who protect us on the battlefield, so support, do not remain indifferent, all necessary details you now see on your screens. for now, i have all the information for this hour,
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to find out more, update the information on our website, as well as on our social networks. next, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch. so, dear friends, we are back and continuing our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you in this studio for the next four hours, you will spend in our company while you spend in our company, we urge you to donate to our collection, which is ongoing, and to us with you, it remains to collect a little bit of some 78 thousand out of the 1,220 thousand required, dear friends, we have almost done it. there is already such a last leap left, and considering how you and i have been collecting for
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the last few days, how this collection is moving at such a speed, i think that we will succeed, for yesterday we collected uah 43, although i said , that on average we will need somewhere around 25 to close by the end of the week, but at this rate i see that we will announce this fee very quickly, let's say stop, well, join in, well, in the meantime, we will join the head of the united in our conversation. south of ukraine to natalia colonel nataliya khomenyuk. ms. natalya, good morning. glory to ukraine. glory to you. mrs. natalya, there were some explosions again in crimea, although the occupiers are not saying anything, can you tell us something, what exploded there, where did it come from? well, first of all, they don't stop training their air defense system, they don't stop training it, we don't stop it. strain and work continues, work powerful, the work is focused and absolutely
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legal, because we are working on the destruction of military targets on our peninsula, which enemy is temporarily, and that they have recovered after that flight over novocherkassk, how they are doing there, what is happening, we had no plans to give they need to get used to it, so we continue to keep them on track. what are the consequences now, yesterday the russians tried to inform that novocherkassk is subject to restoration, what are your assessments, in particular, whether it is subject to restoration, in the phrase subject to restoration, they, as usual, were a little silly the restoration of the word is superfluous, but it is simply subject to and subject to closer and closer to the bottom, from feodosia, as far as i understand, the russians took their warships and not only that. the military, that is, feodosia is now, so to speak, a demilitarized port, you can say, according to the looting principle, they
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gathered everything as usual, everything they could pull in and quickly got out of there, realizing that the threat was real, they felt the threat, now they are trying to keep part of it in the open sea, because they don't know where to put it, but most of it is... distributed among the bays of novorossiysk, so far there is a little in sevastopol, but it is obvious that they are gathering things, and in general there are many russian warships left in crimea, there is no fixed number, they continue to maneuver, in particular one of the large landing ships, obviously waiting for the completion of its fate, continues to run between sevastopol and novorossiysk, transporting property, it is... it is clear that they are taking out everything they can take out, because despite
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their statements, the infrastructure, ports - this is also a legitimate target for destruction, as it provides equipment for the same warships . what is the current situation from what can be said on the left bank of the kherson region, what is happening under the hood, the situation remains with... that someone disturbed mrs. natalya with a phone call and it disconnected ours. the connection, well, let's return it, ms. natalya, to our ether, and, please extend it, the situation remains tense on the left bank, and in fact, it is very difficult for us to hold our positions, but nevertheless, all the assaults that the enemy uses, and that mainly larger assaults using infantry, almost without the support of armored
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vehicles, because they are burned in very dense ranks, standing. such an e-e necklace around this boundary and shows the enemy what will happen to him when he advances a little further. we managed to repulse 13 attacks over the past day, the enemy suffered losses and retreated back to the positions from which they came. mostly this is done by meat assaults of fighters of the zaz company type, which are thrown from time to time in our direction, because the equipment is more needed in the east. direction in the avdiiv direction and the enemy obviously redirects her there. the blow that hit the kherson railway station. local residents, who are basically used to shelling, say that it was still very scary. and is it possible to avoid such cynical, insidious attacks by the russians, because we understand that
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they will arrange them, moreover, people say that on the eve of the new year they are afraid that such things may increase. it is obvious that the enemy will continue his terrorist attacks, because as long as he can reach our territories with his weapons, he will use them. and they are pulling up really different types of weapons and the fact that they have increased the number of rocket systems in our direction eloquently indicates that we are rejecting them from a distance, which means that it is more difficult for them to reach ... to hit the right bank with fire, that is, mortars calculations almost do not get, so they remain there equipped with tanks, rocket systems of salvo fire, large-caliber artillery, but we also work on them quite accurately, and in our reports the destruction of this enemy appears daily equipment, the blow that was inflicted
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on kherson the day before, including on the railway station, it was so much. that ballistic missiles, and strike drones, shahed-type drones, and fpv drones , and artillery fire, and tanks were involved, that is, it was such an attack that was very dense both in time and in internal saturation, which is why it looked extremely slow . i would also like to ask, in your opinion, whether on... next year ukrainian troops can continue offensive operations if we receive resources needed from our partners, what resources does the south need to defeat the enemy? but i still believe that next year we will be able to continue offensive operations, because our plans
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still include the liberation of ukraine and the exit to the borders of 1991, what they will be in terms of intensity and... effectiveness, that will be decided higher command, but the very fact that we have sufficiently proved, including to our partners, that we are capable of conducting combat operations even in extremely difficult conditions, and we simply need the support of the appropriate forces, rather, we have the appropriate means and forces, so let's hope that we will have more long-range artillery, shells for it as well, and ensure this. so, well, at least initial success, that's for sure, then we will pull everything up. said yuriy ignat , the spokesman of the air force, that after the downing of these five, in fact, within a week , russian planes almost came to nothing in these attacks by kabami positions, in particular in the kherson region, what is the situation now, has the russian aviation
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resumed its attacks again? unfortunately, they returned to this for the sake of terror and in are obviously searching for new launch points, because we watched somewhat hysterical flights of tactical aviation in search of a launch point, we saw that they bypassed those points where they had already collapsed, where they had already been destroyed, they were looking for new means and defenses for themselves, for example we see a change in tactics, that now the cabiska... one plane, the other covers it with anti-radar, including using g-31 missiles on standby, and we see that the number of guided a... bombs has significantly decreased over the past day the enemy dropped seven guided aerial bombs in our area of ​​responsibility, if previously they could afford from 20 to 80 bombs per day,
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this is a significant decrease, but nevertheless, each bomb is from 250 to 1.5 tons of warhead equivalent, this is extremely destructive power, and each hav carries significant damage to the settlement over which it flies. well, they also ask, newsweek suggests with reference to its sources that ukraine has already received the first batch of f-16s, and this may actually be related to the success of the attacks, in particular on feodosia, whether this could be true, if we can talk everything. i will join mr. yuriy ikhnat, he already spoke about this yesterday when they try to impose certain informational pretexts on us without having reliable sources, and by the way, news1 has already apologized and apologized for misinterpreting the words of the source ,
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from whom we received this information, are in fact ready to be sent to us, in fact, soon, perhaps a presence with us, that is, we continue to believe that this will happen as soon as possible and that the enemy will feel it. on itself that effect of presence, when it is real will happen, that is, when they appear on the 16th, we will see it, the main thing is that our enemies see it, absolutely, thank you very much for this conversation, we were accompanied by natalie gumenyuk, colonel, head of the joint coordination re-center of the forces of the defense of the south of ukraine. well, we are going for a short break and will be back, volodymyr fityoprets, an officer of the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine, will be with us. a... pause, and once again we will show you the card number and qr code so that while we are on a break and you are on a break, you will occupy this break with an important, necessary thing,
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and transferred hryvnias to our collection, it doesn't matter whether it will be a large amount or a small amount, the main thing is that it is there, and this way our collection will move, 53 75 41 12 08 37 20 60. 5 card number and also a qr code for for your convenience , we are collecting for such battery stations, which help our military in the field to recharge their equipment, they work on solar panels, we need to collect 1,220 00 and already less than 706, about 76 thousand we need to collect in total, so we are going on a break, and you at this time this pause take advantage, so to speak, sorry. for taftology, stay with espresso. turn on well, that's when everything is as you
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on
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and turn on! the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia throws millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into malorossiv ukraine will become russia. countering russia's information attacks. in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga len. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. act, unite, feel the power of responsibility, interact, share stories, become part of history. since 2021, the award recognizes
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civil society organizations. that act responsibly and change ukraine. laureates of past years come back alive, let's build ukraine together. friends of the community of st. egidius showed how responsible actions make a difference. in 2023, we will celebrate stories of responsible partnership. projects are implemented by civil society organizations in cooperation with representatives of other sectors. responsibility is interaction. the award emphasizes. this is the importance of shared values ​​around which we unite. responsibility award 2023. 10 finalists, three nominations, local, all-ukrainian and international level. financial grapevine. authoritative members of the jury. find out the details and fill out the questionnaire using the qr code. share stories of responsible partnerships. stand up part of history. dear friends, here we
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are back and continuing our marathon. now we will speak with volodymyr fit, press officer of the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine. good morning, mr. volodymyr. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, tell us about the current operational situation in the area of ​​kupyansk, maryinka and avdiyivka, what is happening there? well, i will be able to tell you only about the direction of the operational-strategic grouping of troops. in which i am, it is precisely kupinsky, lymansky, bakhmutsky direction. the past day, if you can call it that, was more or less calm in the bakhmet direction, our servicemen repelled two enemy attacks, these are bohdanivka and klishcheivka, but here a large number of kamikaze drones were used by the russians precisely at our positions, they launched 41 kamikaze drones at us and it was a very active day. in artillery shelling
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, 505 shells of ukrainian artillery positions were fired from artillery of various calibers and mortars. 27 russians were destroyed in this direction and one warehouse ammunition compared to the previous day, if you can call it that, the enemy has calmed down in this direction, but in general it is regrouping and, accordingly, from... its directions to advance towards the temporal ravine, it does not give up, but with regard to the kupinsky and leman directions, combat operations have intensified there , 12 enemy attacks, this is the settlement of synkivka, ivanivka, serebryansk forestry, ah , the enemy is attacking serebryanske forestry with its aircraft, using it, yesterday there were six air strikes, these are k-52 fire support helicopters, this is...
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e-e mi-24 and su-25. we see that now, after the events in the south, when the enemy's aircraft fleet decreased by several planes at once. the use of explosive aerial bombs, so to speak, has been put on hold in this direction, well, at least for yesterday. here. 29 kamikaze drones were fired at our positions, 639 artillery shells. and... 56 occupiers managed to liquidate and destroy three units of military equipment, including one tank. in general, we see that the situation continues to be active, respectively the enemy does not give up his intentions, but only begins, as they say, to pull up where, where he pulls up his reserves, where he regroups and actively.


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