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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EET

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gifts of fire support for the k-52 are mi-24 and su-25. we see that now, after the events of the semi-no, when the enemy’s aviation fleet has decreased by several planes at once, the use of phasic aerial bombs, so to speak , has been put on pause in this direction, well, at least for yesterday, here, 29 kamikaze drones were launched on our positions, 630. nine artillery shells, and 56 occupiers managed to eliminate and destroy three units of military equipment, including one tank. in general, we see that the situation continues to be active, accordingly, the enemy does not give up his intentions, but only begins, as they say, to pull up, where he pulls up his reserves, where he regroups and actively. no
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, he continues to conduct hostilities, continues to take numbers, in principle, some tactics of the enemy , they are the same, are there any new ones of theirs, i don’t know, moves, plans, eh, well, we, i always emphasize that we are fighting with well with an equipped army, with an army trained, and everything that we do well against them, they immediately take for themselves. weapons, extremely fast learn, learn on the battlefield and ignore their losses, including in manpower. now they have changed their tactics a bit, they still emphasize more, the technicians add, because the distances between the positions are different, and accordingly , where the distances are shorter, there is usually more emphasis on the assault actions of the infantry, where the distances are longer, there, accordingly , armored forces are used. equipment with
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the support of tanks to organize those assaults again, well, at the moment there are no successes, the front is active, the front is moving, and it has some goals currently, the russians have not achieved it, and they will not achieve it. writes bloomberg about the fact that the russians received huge batches of new shells from north korea, it is also felt at the front that the enemy has no problems with bo. you know what, what, but they definitely don’t have problems with ammunition, like a stupid candy cane, first of all , they have a military-industrial complex working in them, in three shifts, there are large stocks of ammunition in warehouses, a large amount of equipment is still located in storage, respectively, if we destroy in a day, for example, 5-10 guns, then they need two or three days to restore this, this effort, so that they pull up their... which they have and
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continue to shell our positions with artillery, in principle, as well as in people, destroyed the position there, for example, there 10-12-20 people, and accordingly, immediately on the next day, they resume their losses in people, without thinking about the consequences, they do not take even two hundred of their own there, i am not talking about the opponents there and so on, in fact, it is quite an abnormally warm winter definitely. and also the fact that, i don't know, the russians don't clean up there even their corpses, their soldiers, led to a huge number of rats at the front and about this, not only russian soldiers, but basically the fact that we could not harvest and the rodents have nothing to gnaw on, i mean, what is written about it even western intelligence that this has become a certain problem, is it really such a serious challenge and how to deal with it, you know? and, the invasion of masha,
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it was not some kind of discovery, it was in principle always present during the anti-terrorist operation and during the osu, when the winter period came, well, rodents they are looking for warmer conditions, everything is ready here, there is something to eat, there is something to nibble on, this is the big trouble, our defenders are an additional headache, which must be solved in order to be accordingly. the entire wiring of the starlinks and all the other things that are in the dugouts. i came across such a photo on the internet, i don’t know if it ’s true, if the rat that was fed by moscow, er, soldiers can really be of such sizes, is it some kind of photoshop, is it an obvious photoshop, how is this possible mr. volodymyr will tell you that it is not photoshop, maybe you know, now with photoshop you can do anything you want, of course.
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it would be good if they fed on them like that, and became so big, they also ran to their villages, well, you can dream about different things, our job now is to inflict maximum losses on the enemy in order to still not let them free... go further and free in the future, our country about the need for rotations, which are being talked about more and more often, and this is also already in the government bill that is under consideration by the verkhovna rada, in your opinion, is it really possible zaluzhnyi said that 36 months for the rotation is theoretically possible, but that is, if the situation at the front does not deteriorate, i am asking. do you think so, this is a project, well , a draft law that will still be finalized in the verkhovna rada, and for now there is simply no point in commenting on what has not yet been implemented, but when we implement it, that is, we will have a law, it will be written in the law, of course we will
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perform, for now, let the lawmakers deal with it, i wonder if there was an interesting column in the guardian, where one of the leading experts of the actual royal union. of the security institute, jack walting writes that ukraine has the opportunity to defeat russia next year, and for this at least two conditions must be met: the first is to fulfill the commitments regarding the supply of weapons, which were taken already this year, and secondly , to change the approach to the training of the mobilized, he reminds that even during the second world war, during the huge mobilization in britain, the minimum period of... training of servicemen before they ended up at the front was 22 weeks, and the british expert writes that in ukraine, if good luck, the ukrainian soldiers have five weeks for this, and i believe that this is one of the reasons why the offensive this summer was not successful,
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is there a need for more training of the newly mobilized, which you have, look, i'm to you, i'm to you i'll just say how it is now and how it works, now... after he received the second summons, he goes to the training center, the training center undergoes basic military training, which involves mastering the simplest profession in the armed forces of ukraine, the profession shooter, and he acquires this profession for a month of time, i.e. there is complex training in takmed, on the conduct of combat operations, there assault operations and so on, i.e. he is a shooter, if the profession is more difficult, then... he, accordingly, the term of his training is extended according to the program, it can be two months, and 3 months, you see, it all depends on the profession that the mobilized person learns, ah, and besides all that , there is coordination with the unit for another two weeks, that is, at least, at least
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, it’s a month plus two weeks, it’s sama-sama a simple profession, ah, everything else basically shows that this time is enough, people are studying and... and giving some evaluations in this article in principle is not within my competence, but i told you how it is happening now. thank you for this story, thank you for taking the time for us. volodymyr fityo, the press officer of the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us. we are going to take a break, come back and continue, we will talk with lieutenant general igor romanenko about what is happening at the front, as well as what is happening in the rear, but as far as the front is concerned, particularly about these mobilization bills, stay with us. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, who is visiting every day, it's the ships. kherson district live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on... 24/7 with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade poltnoy yar is in dire need of fp drones. for effective hitting the enemy and... to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. dear friends, we are returning to ether. lieutenant general ihor romanenko, founder
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of the charity fund za crimea nebo ukrainy and deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010, is with us at zyaz kupane. igor, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. well, let's talk about what's in store for us next year. a very interesting publication appeared, you may have seen it, on... in the british guardian, actually jack walting - this is one of the employees of the royal institute, the united institute of security, wrote a very interesting column, a lot of people are writing about it now, reacting, and it starts with the fact that this way ukraine can still win, beat russia next year, but for this it needs much more support from europe, and walting himself writes about, begins his article, that this... this gap between the promises of the western allies and reality is
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already in the fact that in march he reminds that the european, the european union solemnly promised to deliver 1 million projectiles to ukraine by the end of the year, however , only 300,00 did not arrive. in parallel, i read that bloomberg writes that another half a million projectiles have now arrived in the russian federation from north korea, and in general, he writes about this in his publications and jack walting, next year the russians will probably be able to shoot 5 million shells of 152nd and other calibers on the ukrainian fronts, that is, this is a huge problem, and in principle i am surprised how it happens that north korea, a country where people are starving in literally, maybe to supply half a million shells, and the entire european union, or the collective economy, i will probably count... hundreds of koreas together with russia, dozens, it is not possible, we managed to give 300
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thousand shells, will this situation be corrected next year, this example, which you cited north korea and the eu, and the ability of the first to help the aggressor country, and the second of the european union as a whole tells us that at the beginning of the war, almost two years ago, neither the united states. neither europe were ready to wage war, a conventional war, that is excluding nuclear weapons, and we provided. two years for change to take place and they are allowing themselves to make these changes very slowly, north korea is effectively a state of supremacy at war, it is as authoritarian, perhaps even more so, than the russian federation, if neither counts life, the state of life of its citizens,
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aimed at waging war, and in north korea, in addition to the fact that... there are relevant enterprises that produce ammunition, but they have accumulated a very large number of them on the line between south korea, there are thousands artillery systems, and for this , there have been ammunition and this stockpile since ancient times, and this is a lot of talk, but in my opinion, it is... suitable for discussing what will happen next year. europeans, together with the americans, still understand the importance and consequences of this war for the overall security system in the country and the state of affairs in their countries, although they are stressed about everything about the state of affairs and the impact of the war on ukraine in themselves, they do not
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work, many what, different, but specific on... how russian propaganda does it with its citizens, putin already the third dozen of them came out accordingly , there is no such thing, and that is why we currently have consequences with financial support and armed equipment in america, well, it is also delayed in europe, but there is a shift, because strategically everyone understands that the consequences will be if ukraine does not stand up . these wars will be catastrophic for world security, they are slowly but moving forward in relation to the fact that now it is necessary, after critically assessing the situation, to reformat and focus on the assistance of another high-quality and rapid level of assistance, this is exactly what was lacking in
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campaign this year, that is, from our allies, quickly at least put what was planned, and that's why this process is happening, especially in the race in the united states, biden needs an achievement, and it would be a good achievement if there were, well our indicators on the front are much better, europe is also waking up, the british and germans are leading here, although macron also supports in his own way. and from the village you can see optimism for us for the difficult further military and diplomatic work in order to fulfill the tasks of our of a strategic defense operation at the current time, this means stopping the enemy from advancing even at the tactical level, destroying most of the manpower equipment and gaining
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time for what we have discussed comprehensively. in the wide range of supplies , modern weapons and equipment are emphasized in order to carry out de-occupational counter-offensive operations for the next year. one more point from jack walting's post, i want to point out, the second, second, second condition for the victory of ukraine, which he calls, which he considers it no less important, and by the way, it is called one of the reasons for the not very successful ukrainian counteroffensive. this summer , it is that, in his opinion, mobilized people who do not yet have combat experience are not trained enough in ukraine, he gives the example that during the second world war in britain , the minimum training for a mobilized person was 22 weeks, while he says that ukrainian mobilized people, if they are lucky, are allocated
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about five weeks for this, well, in general, we just talked about this with volodymyr fityom, a press officer of the shoplot troops, he says, has been there for about six months. for the minimum for the rifle specially six six weeks, but nevertheless, it is certainly not 22 weeks, should this period of training really be increased, is it critically really important, and do we finally have the opportunity to train the mobilized for so long, of course this is our internal task in actions in this war for the future, that is, we discussed with you the issue of assistance to the armed forces in technology, as well as... general zaluzhnyi said about this that by 10 we can train brigades abroad, but in order to train our servicemen, they must be in the defense forces. country , and there are not enough of them now in the brigades that are conducting combat operations on the front line, not to mention that it is necessary to form brigades that will carry out occupation operations in
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the next year, and also to keep in mind that there will be war and war losses, already now and in the future, too, and this also requires military personnel, taking into account this circumstance, and therefore the need for 20,000 per month as... by the leadership of the armed forces of the defense forces of ukraine, as well as 500 for the future action of thousands, half a million, these are real numbers, who is admitted to the appropriate level of secrets can , that is, communicate, if there is such a need, and well , foreign experts, they make their calculations and absolutely objectively confirm, they confirm that... the need is exactly the same, and therefore , taking into account the fact that you and i have analyzed some terms of preparation here, the implementation of mobilization, that is, the need, the goal
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of the mobilization system, whatever you want to call it, is for the military to appear now, and we were able to complete 80-90%, those who are fighting and began to form... new brigades, which means forming, arming, equipping, in addition, training, training in difficult conditions on the territory of ukraine, where they are shelling, they conduct reconnaissance and find out where this is happening, striking, respectively, at one time, i came under such a missile, let's say , an attack on training centers in the west of our country and... connected with once again, and further, such work on their part, detection, continues, because they understand what it is means formation reserves for us, therefore
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the issue of mobilization is urgent, it is necessary to recruit these 25, it is as an experiment and immediately, in general, they implement the principle of justice, i.e. at least all male citizens from 18 to 60 are registered to be raised. opportunities there themselves ask for 65, many are fighting and have such an opportunity and perform tasks not only on call, which as a matter of course is our internal task, and specialists, by the way, abroad are always asking, why do you do this, what do you have there with the year-end and older people, and young people are watching from the sidelines. this is unacceptable in a state of war, in the state in which it is now, and the issue must be resolved immediately.
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mr. igor, let's assume that the right number of men will be mobilized, also women, also those who will voluntarily become armed, with the support we have now, if we do not receive help from the united states, for example, china says that europe does not can compensate for everything that the united states has helped us, whether we will have it, or how to clothe and arm this army? we will have opportunities for this, because there is a constant adjustment of all our financial affairs, the issue of funding from the americans, europeans is 60 billion, there is a little more and even 50 billion, but for four years. it will be resolved later, but it will be resolved, and the europeans have reacted, while the issue of 7.50
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billion will be resolved there through orban, but it is for 4 years, now to resolve the issue regarding 20 million of such urgent issues, an american works for seven through the appropriate international bank, that is, everything exactly the support is such that they are currently in the stage reformatting, but it will be our choice one way or another, whether we will reformat, organize and defend, or whether the question is about the existence of our state as such, we must start with an idea of ​​what is happening, and after that organize ourselves and all structures , and state structures. society, not how one should behave in order to support the defense forces of ukraine and continue to fight. we still
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don't really know what the outcome will be. the law on mobilization, it is clear that it will affect a lot of things in the lives of ukrainians, but the question of what, who, who, who deals with this, actually, because i was a little surprised by the recent statement of the minister of finance of ukraine, serhiy marchenko, who said that let commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi explain to him where he should get the money for mobilization of civil society. for the ukrainians, and with your permission, i will do it for general zuluzhny, well, let's say, i was not the chief of staff and the chief of staff, but i belong to the leadership of the armed forces, moreover, in the general staff i was engaged in, let's say, financial support of the armed forces, and it is necessary to distinguish between the ministry of defense, there is funding, and there is the armed forces, and we had a rather serious struggle for
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the funds... to act more effectively, precisely in the armed forces, unfortunately, there are such relationships, on at that time and now, not everything has been resolved between the ministry of defense and the general staff and the central committee, as we see it, and therefore i want to say that this function and appeal should be to the minister of finance to our prime minister, and first of all to the president as the supreme commander. the question of the military, that is, the central committee, which headed by general zaluzhny and the general staff, this is a function, let marchenko figure it out, take a broader look at it, he knows not only his functions, but he does not understand them well, if he were to interpret them, if he asks this kind of question, but before raising it into a discussion on country, a country at war, and this is a very big political responsibility.
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military-political with such a statement, he takes it upon himself, and therefore he will see that the military leadership is responsible for the use of armed forces, that is, if the president, as the supreme commander, has set the task of next year, which we are spending, we will conduct de-occupation operations, then the task of the chief of staff of the general staff is to prepare well-founded plans. in order to fulfill this military-political task, the issue of security is a function of the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers. and this should be clearly understood, and therefore, in the statements made by the recent military and political leaders, it is necessary not to make it public, but to understand it internally, it will be rational and correct from the point of view
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of the situation in the country. and then deal with what if have set such a task, then there are absolutely clear calculations of how much and what is needed to carry out such counteroffensive deoccupation tasks of preparation and conduct of this kind of operations, and if it is presented, then it must be carried out by the military and their responsibility, for this the president, by the way. for this, he said that according to the state of affairs at the front, the military is responsible for this, of course, but it can be in the case that these military forces are given the opportunities, they have the appropriate capabilities, actually the impression is that simply the minister lives in some other country, where there is probably no war, thank you very much for this conversation, general ihor romanenko was with us, mr. general, thank you, well, we will finish with this, we will finish our block with this, we will return to the air at 10 :10, well, at
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9:00 in the morning. which is about to take place, i remind you that we honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression and we honor them with a moment of silence, so let's remember, we honor with a moment of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in war that her unleashed by russia. yep.


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