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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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and then it will be necessary to fight directly with russia. what is the problem here? again we return to financial opportunities. russia has earned $550 billion since february 24 due to the sale of oil and gas. and just yesterday i saw a message that russia itself is declaring that because of the fact that opec succeeded in building communication between saudi arabia and other countries, russia. rubles, that is, they say it themselves, that is, the russians themselves brag about what they manage to do, despite the fact that there are sanctions, and it seems that everyone understands the aggressive criminals, the criminal essence of the kremlin regime , they manage to continue to earn huge, simply fantastic money, these are financial resources that allow them to implement all the directions that are necessary in order to wage war, this and...
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and the production of weapons, ordering weapons and ammunition , for example, in iran and in north korea, this is the possibility of recruiting your mercenaries, your soldiers, to whom you can pay money and recruit them to infinity, then, if they run out, you can recruit the same koreans or in other regions in africa and so on, that is, the problem is that russia, unfortunately, has enough financial resources to fight, including with the nto, thank you very much. for the fact that you explained to our viewers these important nuances that concern the actions of the russian federation and our actions, i will remind our viewers that it was mykhailo samus, the head of the analytical organization new geopolitics research network, stay on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you to sergiuets, thank you to his guests, it was a shout. the results of the day, then the second hour
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of the big ether, ahead of you is waiting for you, the world is waiting during the war, money with oleksandr morchivko and also culture news with lina chechenina and weather with natalka didenko, and now we start it with the most important thing. and by the way, natalka didenko, i understand that you are already ready to tell us what the weather will be like for the new year, but for now there are still a few days until the new year and what happened now is for your attention. unfortunately, a 23-year-old boy died in nikopol and a 70-year-old woman was injured. such are the consequences of russian... terror in dnipropetrovsk region under enemy strikes rytsentr and pokrovska hromada ended up. the occupiers directed drones and artillery there, reported oleksiy lysak, head of the regional military administration. 17 private houses and several high-rise buildings were damaged by the blows, one farm building was destroyed and five more gutted, 40 solar panels, cars, gas stoves and power lines were damaged, the administration building was also affected. over
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the course of a day , 38 combat clashes took place on the hot tavria direction, where our soldiers eliminated 488 invaders, and another 20 russians decided to surrender. reported it the commander of tavria's troop group oleksandr ternavskyi. according to him, the armed forces turned 105 units of military equipment into scrap. in particular, 18 tanks, 28 armored combat vehicles, 13 artillery systems and 23 drones also targeted and destroyed one enemy ammunition depot. evaders attack, border guards found a violator near the border with romania, during an attempt to detain, the man attacked military personnel and sprayed with pepper spray, one of the border guards was hospitalized with chemical eye burns. the perpetrator was apprehended. the ex-mayor of sviatohirsk will be tried in absentia in ukraine.
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dovets is accused of treason and collaborationism, the donetsk regional prosecutor's office said. according to the version of the investigation , the suspect began to cooperate with the russians after the occupation of the city, in particular, he accepted vatashko's offer of the so-called dnr to take over the post of head of the administration. the traitor also began to accuse the current ukrainian authorities of crimes against the population. instead, he supported and thanked the russian invaders in his video messages. now ex-chairman sviatohirska is in turmoil. they helped the russians to escape from lehman. the court threw two enemy henchmen to play. according to the investigation, one of the men is a collaborator in the hunting industry in the lyman region. after the occupation, he supported the russians and helped them settle in the private houses of the townspeople. in addition, the attacker tricked the enemy of the location of the participants of the opera movement, another traitor collected information about the location of the armed forces of ukraine, which guard the southern. ukrainian nuclear
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power plant. and here are the consequences of the war in ukraine recorded the lowest birth rate in europe this year, according to the study. there are seven newborns for every 10 women, that is , only one female is born out of three couples, which is three times less than the population reproduction rate. according to the ukrainian institute of demographic and social studies, the birth rate fell sharply after the full-scale invasion of the russian federation. well, in our country before the war, i remember conversations with specialists and demographers. we have , before the war, the reproducibility of the population, as it were they say was not at the level, but now, unfortunately, even more so. law enforcement officers exposed the director of one of the branches of the state enterprise forests of ukraine for bribery and theft of wood. therefore, the official demanded money from subordinate employees, in return he promised to help in case of detection of violations in their forestry, and also
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ordered to artificially reduce the volumes of extracted forest products in order to later sell them for cash, as unaccounted for, as they say, on the left. according to law enforcement officials, the state's losses reach tens of millions of hryvnias, documented several episodes during which the director received an illegal benefit in the total amount of about 11 thousand us dollars. he further distributed the money among the officials of the central forest office. while receiving part of the bribe in the amount of 4 thousand us dollars, the official was arrested red-handed. he has already been informed of the suspicion of obtaining an illegal benefit. victims of moscow serials , law enforcement officers exposed juvenile robbers who worked on the streets of the capital of ukraine. acquaintances were involved in the criminal scheme
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girls who were supposed to meet young men on the internet and invite them on a date, but on the way to a date they were met by so -called boys. the law enforcement officers managed to record one of these cases on the hem. intruders attacked a 16-year -old boy and robbed him, the police detained the offenders, and they admitted that they were simply imitating a russian tv series, now they face up to 10 years in prison, and here, by the way , the only question is why this tv series has not been blocked on the territory of ukraine. i found it, let's say, on youtube, it's just not i watched, i wasn't interested, but the teenagers found it interesting, they decided to imitate, this is memesis, this technique of imitating what you saw, there is memesis, there is catharsis, this is such a memesis, so it is quite understandable. volunteers from kremenchug, preparing new year's cargo for the front, gathered for a master class on making buffs, an accessory that serves as a hat and a scarf at the same time and reliably protects against the cold. and our correspondent iryna skrypacheva joined the process. let's
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see what she has to say. i want today we will teach you how to weave snoods, buffs, everyone calls them differently, but to our boys. it was at least somehow warmer, and they did not miss so much to warm them at least a little. 16-year-old oksana, together with her friend anna and goddaughter olga, have been making everything for the military that warms and heals the body and soul for a year. crafts, drawings, charms, icons and such buffs. the transmissions are not vital, but the boys are waiting, say the volunteers. it's little things like these that remind them why they are the way they are. and what are they for, the souvenir angels, new year's, are ready to be sent wreaths and icons from volunteer olga budovska, this is our cover, mother of god, may she cover and protect our defenders with her cover, it is just a family cover, as for
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warmth, for the protection of the family, but our soldiers are all there now a large family, then let it protect us from our merciless enemies, i read the prayer psalm for them... 90 is a very great protection and our eyes when i embroider, and psalm 90, it is from all enemies. what buffs is seasonal clothing, and today it is exactly what is urgently needed on the front lines for our boys. from ten skeins of such thick yarn it turns out 15 buffs, they weave with their hands, they say, it ’s not difficult and fast, half an hour and the product is ready, the only thing missing is donations , the volunteers complain, the funds collected are only enough for these...
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it warms and protects from the cold wind, so it closes the face, he thereby protects the face from frostbite, from snow, everyone today. women knit for a relative who is at the front, a father, brother, son or nephew, and dedicate their own poems to them. for me, like you, on this earth, it is one, the only ukraine, and should not be trampled on. she is a military woman, now her closest relatives and olga dudnychenko, the mother of three children, in the past were the most dear people, the volunteer’s car is almost full to the point of failure, in two days she will go to the avdiiv direction, and today the woman will receive... thanks from our defenders, such a flag from with words of thanks for her volunteer contribution to the victory, touching and to the point of tears, and
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this is a bow to the earth for the guys, i thank them very much for the fact that we are waking up, and when our people understand this, i do not know how to reach our people, that everyone has a war not only for our boys, now the best gifts for the military are everything that can warm and give energy, we have a war, when all people will understand it, well, at least it should be conveyed to the people, because when it is better to convey it with words than it will be conveyed on enemy troops at the point of their bayonets, yury fizar is with us, the world about ukraine, yury, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular, in my column about such things, putin. it must be stopped, they say moldovans kim jong-un ordered his army
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to prepare for a possible war with the imperialists. well, for lukashenka, potatoes are more important than space programs, after all, who would doubt that and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this: countries, members of the group of seven, which we are used to. more commonly known as the big seven, began to work out real mechanisms for the confiscation of russian assets, frozen russian assets, namely 300 billion dollars and their transfer to ukraine. this was reported by the financial times newspaper with a link on own sources. they received specific proposals on this issue, meaning the g7 leaders from the united states of america. at the same time sources. the publication emphasized that they want to determine the mechanism for transferring this money to ukraine in the g7 by february 24, that is,
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by the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. according to washington's proposals , three working groups will consider legal issues, methods of using the confiscation mechanism and options for how best to redirect frozen russian assets to ukraine. well and we see that even in spite of the fact that somehow they slow down. allocation of money to ukraine in the american congress, joe biden and his administration are making every effort not to leave ukraine without money, and have already intensified this at the level of the big seven, and in particular in the issue of sequestration, not even sequestration, but the use of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. i really, really, really hope that joe biden and his administration do get it done by february 24th, and it's going to be... well, very good for us, bad for putin, surprise until february 24,
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and two more words about it: european countries should match washington in terms of financing ukraine. do you know who said that? yes, very unfortunately, this is being said by the man who may become the next, new president of the united states of america, this is about donald trump, and he said it. in an interview with the tv channel just the news, it is a pity that he began to promote this topic so actively, he once said that the united states of america, well, should not be in nato, if nato will be the way it is, now he is saying that the united states of america should not fund ukraine, if europe does not fund ukraine the way the united states of america does, that is very bad. everyone should understand that putin will not stop, the president is about it. of moldova, maya sandu, said in an interview with the romanian publication veridica. at the same time
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, she added that for this putin must be stopped, giving ukraine all the necessary help for this, because if this is not done, the whole civilized world will suffer greatly. and below is a small quote from the president of moldova, maia sandu, from her interview. it is in the interests of everyone, not only ukraine and the republic of moldova, that ukraine wins this war, that... ukraine be given help. i also rely on and believe in the unity of the democratic world and hope that ukraine will continue to receive all the necessary support and assistance, and a little more about moldova, information also appeared today that the country's government has joined the list of harm to ukraine created by the council of europe caused by criminal acts military actions of the russian federation.
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such a decision was adopted by the parliament of the republic of moldova in two readings at once, and this was reported on the page of the press service of the higher legislative body of our neighbor. you know, i will tell you one more thing, that those countries that are closer to russia, or at least to the russian enclave, like transnistria in moldova, they understand more clearly, for example, there is a russian representative in european structures there who said that in the event of tension or escalation between russia and nato, the finns will be the first to suffer, and therefore the finns will everything to help ukraine, well, let's say, well , it's more difficult to understand somewhere in bulgarian... well , obviously, well, but look, hungary is not so far away, and viktor orban argued last week that whatever he would never want in his life, this to have a border with russia, but nevertheless it blocks any aid and support to ukraine, but russia is far from hungary, well, okay, far, we need ukraine, we need to drive 100 km of ukraine, but it is not far, well, agree, no no no , has some guarantees of his own,
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if he believes in putin's guarantees, then these are his the problem is actually, well, by the way, and... about hungary: the european union should refrain from accepting ukraine into its membership, because this step will completely change the financial system of financing the community and provoke extremely negative consequences for the european union. this opinion was expressed by the leader of the christian-democratic people's party faction in the parliament of hungary, istván szymichko, in an interview with the newspaper magyar nemcet. that is, it was already said in the second party. of the ruling coalition, according to him, the ukrainian economy is in a catastrophic state, our septo-ukrainian a huge territory and terrible corruption, that's according to him, well, here's a quote from the party leader: we would completely register and restructure the existing financing system of the european union. vasyl, one more thing: what are they afraid of,
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they are afraid of this, because they know that they will not get those 30 billion later. which are offered to them, they are still crying a lot and are afraid that they will not be given, well, but they are blackmailing, blackmailing, well, in continuation of the hungarian topic, the country will not change its position regarding the attitude to russian aggressive war on the territory of ukraine, minister of foreign affairs peter siyarto said during a telephone conversation with the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak. at the same time, they also agreed to meet and talk more about it in january, i don't know what they will talk about, only one thing worries me, it doesn't even bother me, it freaks me out, why the minister of foreign affairs of hungary discussed such things in a phone conversation with andrii jarmak, and i this, i would
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answer you like this, but i don't know, it's simple horror, it's simple. who is andrii yermak to discuss such things with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, well, he has his own office, well, let him deal with this office. garast, let's move on. unfortunately, preparing for a huge, possible war with the imperialists. during the plenum of the central committee of the ruling workers' party of north korea, such a task was given to the country's military by its invariable leader, kim chin-in. according to him , the threat of weapons. of the conflict, because of confrontational actions by the us and its allies, says kim, has intensified. at the same time, he also instructed to modernize the north korean army in general and its missile forces in particular. well, here's a short quote from marshal kim in his own style, we need to expand and develop relations of strategic cooperation with
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anti-imperialist and independent countries. did not list exactly which anti-imperialist countries these are, but probably we can all guess which ones russia is, first of all, first of all, refuse to respond to provocations and any other military actions by the dprk, and only then report on them. with such president of south korea, yunsokyol, appealed to the military, he said this during a visit to one of... military units stationed on the border with the aggressive northern neighbor. according to him, pyongyang can resort to provocations at any moment in view of its own political goals, followed by a short quote: the south korean leader. we must suppress the enemy's desire to stage provocations on the spot. and that's exactly how it should be.
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well, why should we first see what the south and north koreans will do, they will shoot something, and they will arrange a provocation, report to, then the south koreans will report to their president, ask, what should we do? time is lost, perhaps very important. at the time the president of south korea clearly said not to allow it, only later to say how it was not allowed. bravo. putin is expected in brazil at the group of 20 summit, i.e. at the g20 summit . in november next year. and at the same time, they are not only waiting, but will not take any initiative to arrest the president of the aggressor country on a warrant international criminal court. this was stated by the minister for... national affairs of the country maru viera in an interview with bbc news brazil, the regional branch of the bbc language corporation. at the same time, he also noted that
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brazil is not obliged to fulfill the warrant of the international criminal court for the arrest of the russian leader. this is what yuriy wants to say, i just looked at the map of north and south korea, well, the first korea has twice the population, if we are talking about the war, but the whole of south korea. interwoven like a web of roads, in north korea there are three roads on the whole country, it compares the development of these countries, of course, and you probably, like our viewers, have repeatedly seen photos from satellites, which at night make the north, the korensky peninsula, like a black hole in the north, and the sun can be said to shine all the way in the south, but but they are all imperialists who just need to be fought, because they want to seize such a country. blessed land, a black hole like north korea. by the way, a little more about brazil, that is, putin's interesting invitation to this summit,
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on the one hand they say that we will not to take the initiative, that is, we will not do it ourselves, let it pass. on the other hand, we are under no obligation to comply with the judgment of the international criminal court in the hague, so again we are, no, no, but no word on what we will do in the event that... if putin comes and there is some , well, i don’t know, some order from the international criminal court, what to do then, well , i just looked at the statement of the brazilian authorities in march of 2023, brazil declared its readiness to arrest putin, it is a signatory country of the rome statute, but now they are not ready, but they are spinning, they are not saying that they are not ready, they are trying, probably in front of putin, to say yes no, no no no, we, we are good, we are beautiful, we are this, and with the other... who knows, and what will happen, that's why i'm sure that putin will not come, you can get lost in the favelas somewhere in the riviera, in principle, no one can get out of there, well, this is an option and a very good
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option, i would say , that's a joke, a speech, about putin, let's move on, i'm sure that espresso viewers know very well that putin's election in russia, which is scheduled for mid in march of next year , putin will definitely win with 100% certainty, because this... country has been ruled by collective putin for a long time, and the 30 or so candidates who registered in the russian cec are simply to show the appearance of a democratic choice in this dictatorial country. earlier, in the second largest number of seats in the state duma, the just russia party declared that they would not nominate their candidate for the elections, because they fully support putin. but listen to what the candidate from russia said the day before.
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i'm not dreaming, we have completely different tasks, i'm just going to make it appear that democratic elections are taking place in russia, that is, so that you understand, this collective putin, whoever is there, even though whoever is there , putin will be there, but no matter what they do around there, putin will still do it, and by the way, about collective putin, the deputy chairman of the chairman of the security council of russia, dmitry medvedev, said that military operations in... on the territory of ukraine, he called them, of course, another word, a special military operation, will continue in 2023, and their goal does not
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change, to disarm. denazify the army blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, and the quote: the sov of the ruling bander regime. and medvedev also said that there is no question of any negotiations in 2024 between the president of ukraine volodymyr putin and er, i'm sorry, volodymyr zelenskyi and putin. now we are going to belarus: lukashenko confessed, admitted that he will continue to help. putin to kidnap ukrainian children and then take them to the territory of belarus with pseudo-humanistic intentions. this is what the self-proclaimed president of our northern neighbor said during a speech at a charity new year's event for our children. that is, so that you understand, he does not say that he will convince putin to stop the war so that there are no such children at all, no, he says that the war will continue, and ukrainian children will continue to be kidnapped together with putin. we hear
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lukashenka, there should not be children, there should not be children running away from war, we must pick up these children in time, bring them home, warm them and make their childhood happier. i have said many times, i will repeat, что to belarus. the construction of potato warehouses, apparently on
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lukashenka's orders. thought in belarus and decided to direct the implementation of an innovative project on the construction of potato warehouses from part of the funds intended for the program for the creation of a national space system for remote sensing of the earth. the government resolution was published on the national legal internet portal of the republic, at the beginning of april the belarusian cabinet of ministers decided , due to the reduction of expenditures on the program, again the space program, to also increase financing of archaeological excavations of an ancient settlement on the menka river near minsk, well, but archaeological excavations are something else, you know, something normal, but to take money from the space program and transfer it to the construction of potato maps, i can’t even wash them, potato vaults, it’s very original in general, if this money was enough only for the construction of potato warehouses, i imagine what kind of space program it was, well, that
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's all i have. today in the column world about ukraine, everything is only for today, because tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our future ether, do not switch. there are 10% discounts on dog leashes at travel pharmacies and savings. the traveler knows what helps. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine is in dire need of fp drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier to bring the victory closer to which the whole of ukraine is waiting . glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. the war created
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