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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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dear dad, thank you, thank you, my brother, thank you, sergeant aunt valya, thank you very, very much, thank you for protecting me, mother, and our dog, our home, our country, and i ask you, very, very much, protect the saint nicholas he brought presents for me and all the children. thank you for isa, that ukraine can celebrate holidays. i'm afraid of the dark, but, but i'm not as afraid as before. be there when i'm scared. do you hear what this is about? free
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psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. warm rules countries. bathroom. thank you for going through the night at low temperatures with the maximum load on the drum. let's beat the winter together. chevrons approaching victory. starts from the first circle.
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choice. this is a symphony, it is created by railway workers to lead you to a dream, dear passengers, let's wake up, ukrzaliznytsia works every day so that all holidays come on schedule, we wish you a merry christmas and a new year, oh, i didn't kill myself, they will install generators on the balcony here. put on the generator
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emits carbon monoxide, so only in the yard at 6 stay away from windows and doors, follow safety rules, they save lives. the marathon continues, my name is dmytro chistyakov, we will spend one more hour together. russia hid the true number of victims from the detonation of the kakhovskaya ges in the occupied territories. they died only in oleshki. at least hundreds of people, according to an investigation by the associated press. their journalists, investigators refer to the stories of medical workers, volunteers, rescuers, people who fled from the occupied territory, informants who passed on data from there to the ukrainian special services, and according to general information it is known that the russian occupation authorities have taken control of the issuance of death certificates, you are a komnysh. removed
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bodies that were not claimed by relatives, and threatened local medical workers and volunteers to take care of the dead. let me remind you that the russian military blew up the kakhovskaya hes dam on june 6. after that, part of the territories of kherson, mykolaiv, dnipropetrovsk and zaporizhia regions were flooded. according to the kyiv school of economics, the amount of direct losses caused by russian detonation of the kakhovskaya hpp is at least 2 billion dollars. since the beginning of the full-scale war, 513 children have died in ukraine as a result of russian aggression. more than 1,100 were injured. this is reported by the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine. the most affected children are in donetsk region, kharkiv region and kherson region. the prosecutor general's office emphasizes that these data are not final. as hostilities continue,
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information is still being received and verified from some frontline areas. in addition, there are no accurate data from the occupied territories in general. the destruction of russian novocherkassk is a powerful blow to russian military logistics, the british ministry of defense writes about it. they note that the ship was most likely carrying an explosive cargo when it was hit, and this is what caused the strong secondary explosion. thus, since the beginning of the invasion, russia has lost three amphibious ships. last year in march , ukrainian defense forces sank saratovo, minsk was destroyed during repairs in dry dock. displacement of the russian fleet in the eastern part of the black sea became one of the the greatest achievements of ukraine this year. and the destruction of the large landing ship novocherkask will significantly increase the pressure on
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the aggressor country. this was stated by the head of the intelligence center of the estonian defense forces, antz- kiviselh. speaking about the attack on novocherkassk, he recalled that in... ukrainian troops had previously carried out successful attacks in crimea. certainly, this attack will once again increase the pressure on russia to move its units as far away from the crimean peninsula as possible. they also cannot use ports in crimea that are suitable and efficient from their point of view reception capacity, which work quickly. now they are forced to transfer units further, for example, to the port of novorossiysk, which is located on the territory of the russian federation. and not in the occupied territories. we will remind you that on the night of december 26, the ukrainian air force destroyed the russian amphibious assault ship novocherkask with a well-aimed strike. later, it turned out that kamikaze drones were on board the ship at the time of the impact.
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novocherkassk was among twenty russian ships that the ukrainian defenders managed to destroy or defeat. there will be a war in ukraine position and exhausting, it can last until one of the parties dies, lithuanian president gitanas nauseda said in a comment to the delphi publication. at the same time , he believes that russia will try to seize the initiative, and ukraine will resist it as much as possible. however, in the event of a breakthrough by the russians, ukraine will not lose the war, the lithuanian leader is convinced. now we will return to... quo, the war will again become positional, exhausting, then they will count the losses of both sides and finally wait until one of the countries will reach a point where it can no longer continue the war. russia, of course, can mobilize resources without taking into account the opinion of its own people, both to mobilize people and
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to direct everything for military purposes. the possibilities of other states are more limited, simply because they are democratic societies. but i repeat once again, it is not about the defeat of ukraine, it is about a war scenario that is not beneficial for ukraine. it is worth noting that the baltic countries, in particular lithuania , have been quite supportive of ukraine since the first days of the full-scale war. the baltic countries provided and continue to provide further military, financial and humanitarian aid. they also sheltered tens of thousands of refugees from ukraine. and lithuania, let me remind you, purchased two launchers for the armed forces. nasam air defense systems. and we can say that our country received the most help from america. this year alone, ukraine received 34 packages of military support from the us, and their total value exceeded 24 billion dollars. volodymyr zelenskyy wrote about this in the
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x social network, formerly twitter. patriot abrams, armored vehicles, atakams, air defense, missiles, artillery shells, demining means and... other critical equipment was listed by the president for assistance from the united states. a historic decision was made to provide ukraine with vf-16 fighters. we will always be grateful for all this support, in order to protect freedom and security not only in ukraine and europe, but also in the united states, we must continue to oppose russian aggression as strongly and decisively as possible. us leadership in a coalition of more than 50 countries that provide ukraine with military aid. is of crucial importance for countering terror and aggression not only in ukraine, but throughout the world. by what will be the 24th year on the front line, are the occupiers preparing counterattacks, what trump cards do the ukrainians have, how do they see the next year of war, western military analysts, forecasts
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were collected by our international columnist svitlana chernetska. these two years of war proved that forecasting is a thankless business. ukrainians are not the same. once managed to surprise military analysts, it was the repulse of the invaders in the kyiv region, and the offensive in the kherson region, and the successes in the black sea, but during these two years of the war, observers learned more about the possibilities. of both armies, so the forecasts are made more accurate the first thing that analysts are interested in is whether one of the parties will be able to launch a powerful offensive. according to my estimates, the russians do not have sufficient potential for a breakthrough, because there are no three or four tank divisions waiting anywhere to break through the front line, and they could quickly advance on kyiv or kharkiv or some other large cities, they do not have such a thing. so, what are they trying to do, create the impression that the russian victory. inevitable, and they hope that the west will stop providing the aid ukraine needs.
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neither ukraine nor russia have enough for a strategic offensive next year and will not be ready until 2025. ukrainians may be able to get something during 2024, if the west is ready to provide the appropriate supply. but if not , then the ukrainians will simply endure 2024, while the russians on... this potential, it will be such a year of stagnation, no doubt there will be a few surprises, the ukrainians have planned surprises, i think you have a good opportunity to isolate crimea and cause real strategic problems for putin in crimea, it will not win the war, but it will be a significant strategic bonus. most likely , ukraine will remain on the defensive for most of the next year, primarily due to the lack of ammunition, they already have to save, neither ukraine nor russia so far ... cannot meet their needs through domestic production, so they have to rely on the help of partners, and moscow
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turned out to be smarter in this respect. while we in europe promise 1 million nato 155 mm ammunition, we have delivered only 300,000. meanwhile, the russians received a million ammunition, 150 two-millimeter caliber in 3 months from north korea, and they also receive them from iran. as well as many thousands of drones, shaheds. ukrainians can surpass russians on any front. man to man, machine to machine, but they cannot beat them in artillery unless they have ammunition. this is the biggest problem at the moment. especially since part of the american ammunition, which was intended for ukraine, is now going to israel. and another important question next year is the human question resource russia throws soldiers into the meat grinder of war, so... sooner or later, the kremlin will have to announce a new wave of mobilization.
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analysts warn that kiev will also acutely feel the lack of soldiers in 2024. ukraine has enough people, men and women , of military age who can fight, but it does not have a good system to make the most of the available human resource. now putin does not want to announce mobilization, because it will not be well received by the russians. but as soon as the elections are over, nothing prevents putin from announcing a new one in the spring wave, and he can't mobilize half a million, as ukraine is going to, one and a half, when it comes to the game, russia will always win with the number of soldiers it will throw like cannon fodder. this winter, experts do not expect any major changes to the front line on the ground, the main focus will be on the sky. russia will continue missile terror and hope to destroy energy. structure in the coldest period, however, kyiv is much better prepared for this, because
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with the help of partners it has built several layers of air defense protection. next year can be a turning point in this war, analysts agree. and the determining factor will be not so much the events on the front line, but the international arena. ukraine recaptured half of the territory that russia had seized, but could not get the decisive effect needed to win. this conflict, and this is not the failure of ukraine, it is the failure of the west, that it did not provide ukraine with the opportunities that would help win the war, and i think that the next year will be decisive. the future of the war will be determined next year and will depend on what happens in washington, in moscow, in beijing, in tehran, in brussels, in london, and not from what will happen in tokmok, kramatorsk, svatovo, kriminium. i'm not saying that you shouldn't fight on the front lines. worth it, but the strategic direction of the war depends on whether the west is willing to back up its
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words of the past two years with action, that we lack the funds, courage and vision to do what is in our interests, and that is exactly what the ttankster dictators are hoping for, that they only talk big but never act. and no matter what the tactical situation is the front russia has definitely already lost from a strategic point of view - analysts assure. achieved none of its initial goals. let's go back to what russia wanted to achieve with this invasion. putin wanted to stop the expansion of nato. actually. the invasion of ukraine led to the expansion of nato. he wanted to glorify russia again economically, but due to sanctions , the economy went down. a million men left the country because they are afraid of mobilization. they have a leak of cities. there will be 200,000 people without limbs in russia who need to be helped. at the same time, we need to rebuild, and thirdly,
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the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for putin. he can't go anywhere. this is not a sign at all. greatness on the international stage. the chance that the war will end in 2024 remains, analysts say, because too many factors have an impact on this situation, but it is most likely that the ukrainians will have another year of struggle. svitlana chernetska, yuriy romanyuk, details, british bureau of the inter tv channel, marathon only news. infantry eyes and weapons. in recent years, drones have radically changed the way of fighting. by according to the fighters, their own and others' birds are constantly hanging over their heads. my colleagues from military television visited the drone pilots on the front line, the guys shared impressive footage of the destruction of the russians and their equipment. they showed how they modify drones for
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dropping grenades and how they arranged their life at the positions. today we... are visiting the attack uavs of the 204th battalion of the glorious 241st separate territorial defense brigade, ot. reset of our own production, we make it ourselves, independently developed according to our own to the women who...
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i drop one 300 in front of them, the other pulls back that 300, the second drops 200, and that is, two vogs stop the enemy assault in front
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of our infantry. that is, one can feel the efficiency and some kind of combat power, the defeat, although not always , he is a professional, there is, the idea of ​​the dugout was inspired by trips on our railways, that is our everything, here is the same as in your head in a bunk at ground level, really ,
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which appeared during these two years of the war, such a routine that... it's just for you , you perform some kind of work, like a machine, there are no more emotions, there is no longer such an adrenaline tremor in your hands when you fly, you are shaking, you are afraid of the drone, you are afraid that something will be messed up there, but now you just fix the drone with a smile , well, not that with a smile, it is always for us, as if loss of such, well, i won't say. kindred , but quite an expensive loss, and the bc is on fire, ugh , you say, yes, and you hit, and something caught fire, not quite hit, but it ignited, and so did theirs. entrance to the dugout, and here they had a beka lying, it was all on fire, a small tank was covered up, and we tried to burn this tank, and
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a russian serviceman tried to take his belongings from this guy there, but we are just bombing him to burn him down, let's say so, and my first vog clearly went under his feet, that is, there... as he says, according to the book, everything was worked out quite a bit , why can there be more , that there is a reb, a lot of reb, reb, it is on this side and on the other side, you somehow get used to maneuvering between it, but sometimes it is not possible to outmaneuver, so we have what we have, you remember the times , when you flew at all without reb, it's nice, when you fly, you stabilize, no, i was just working as a freelancer at that time. when everyone tried, and i was a reb, and you, you were with a squirt, yes with a wife, planted drones, yes, and they said to you drones, for example, you
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planted our drone, they say that the mattress was 3 million , he says, there is something else, i say, in a fig, time, we saw, now, everything turned on, gun, everything turned off, there it is written in the chat, goodbye. the question of george in the air reconnaissance as a punishment, he put all the drones on them, and they said there is nothing to fly, go, go fly, we will put you on a mission, figure it out, go work, without own anyway , nothing will work out, that is, such units as aeroreconnaissance , they must be, even include
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personnel who are initiators, yes, who are passionate about this and want results, and what gives you motivation, where do you find motivation already for such a long time, because you are a loaded shoe, as long as we don't see, as long as i don't come. these are my children, my son has now returned to me from germany, i made the decision to live not with my mother in germany, but with me in ukraine, it motivates, it inspires, we are for them, for them it is we do, now is probably the most pleasant part of the work. during the process, the guys have worked out their shift and are reviewing the results of their work on video in good quality, enjoying themselves, summing up, it
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’s nice when you are a great guy, you did a good job, brought a lot of benefit and a lot of harm to the russians, and now you are also being replaced, and you you just sit and see your exploits already here. bang, and that's it, he sat down. he defends ukraine. defending the native land can be done even if one has lost a limb, but everyone should not lose the will, the marine believes kirill my colleagues from the tv studio of the ministry of defense will tell the story of his combat missions, injuries and rehabilitation. can you speak ukrainian? may. english can. currently, he is a clerk in the medical company of one of the marine brigades, which kyrylo first became a commander of in 2020. people very close to me began to die, so in the 20th year i finally
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decided that i had to go, i got into the brigade, well , thanks to my very, very, let's say, old acquaintances, who at that time were already in military service in other units. the first appointment, after appropriate training the man was assigned to an airborne assault company. we moved to... the shelf of the village of vodyanyi , which is near mariupol, we held an ingenious , daring position, i would say legendary, the contacts were dense, constant, there was a 24-by-7 shooting range, then we had such an unpleasant thing, as we stepped on an anti-personnel mine, and so after which he remained a little silent, let's let's lay down. it was after the duty, we worked on the position of mars, as far as i remember, with a body compass, already deceased by now, so we went to the... point and after
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that we dragged the engineering guys there constructions that would allow us to freely move through the trenches, because of constant pod fire. there turned out to be a zone where it was mined, where, well, in principle 90% of that land was mined, so it happened that i stumbled and got on pmn2, it's scary. scary, scary, then, of course, cyril was not laughing: come on, come on, brother, come on, brother, i was very lucky that there were, in principle, a lot of people near me, just at the moment of the explosion, and they helped me in basically all the guys who were around, but in first of all, it was dima, who, unfortunately , is currently in captivity, already a very, very long, long, long term, it was dima
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who put the tourniquets on me, this... because already when i read my card already in kyiv hospital, but then the loss was already about 800 l 850 liters of blood, that is, i was already so good. murpig received the main treatment in a hospital in kyiv, after which kirill had to undergo a long period of rehabilitation, getting used to the prosthesis and to his new self. floated, i’ll tell you honestly, when i was already injured, i first came to dnipro, to my hometown and saw how people around me reacted to me, then it became a little sad, i’ll tell you this, because people don’t want to to understand that the consequences of the war are...
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what are the consequences, unfortunately , there are a lot of them, but now after the full scale, there will be even more people like me, and this is the problem of our society, what they don't want to see this, they don't want to see it at all, but then somehow it became unconcerned, it became went, stood, passed on a beret, from home to unknown guys, well done, spirited, machine gun in hand, here... kirill made the decision to return to the army before february 24, but he did not get to his native brigade right away. considering my situation and disability, at that moment, unfortunately,
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there was no place in the brigade. well, everything changed after the 24th. at first, i served for a very short time in the central chechel military headquarters in the dnipro at the guard gate. after that, he engaged in such light hooliganism, went there all kinds of, let's say yes, warm places, first as a volunteer , delivering, well, very necessary things for... our military there, for those people i knew, and after that there, when i already sent my wife and child to poland, wife, i'm sorry , a bit of a hooligan, in short, being , let’s say, a free person, but there came such a wonderful moment of realizing that even if i die, no one will remember me, so the caller called viktor sanovych and asked for his return to the brigade, to
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which he said, of course, come. thank you for this, more was wanted than just serving in the position defined for him. kirill wanted to prove to himself that he was able to withstand the load, as before, and this desire was supported by the commander. it was, let's say, my desire, but to be honest, i was very worried, well, about this matter, that it is not necessary, where i will be able to push it on that leg, but again, viktor sanych sikoza said stope aberet. obstacles, haigon, potobych, says nearby, faithful comrades, there are many of us on weekdays , a holiday from evil will invade, a military serviceman recalls, it was one of the most difficult and at the same time the most emotional moments of his service. the strip was very interesting for us, because we were in the last group, here is our last group, and with me, without a leg.


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