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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EET

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and even before february 24, the woman signed up for the lviv teroborona, and on the first day of the full-scale invasion , they went to the location of the brigade to defend ukraine. i remembered that one of my professions is a medic, so i decided that i could be useful, i would learn all the military things while i was in the reserve, leaving for training. in the past , ms. tetyana worked as a nurse in the lviv hospital, so she was hired to... not only let's say that, not only physically, but also morally, and simply to be a spiritual support for the team, for the staff. in june... 2023,
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a medical company was created at the base of the 103rd brigade. the command decided to appoint tatyana as the head nurse. near the front line , a medical reception, a 25-bed hospital and an evacuation department were set up in the basement. and the evacuation department deals with evacuation, interception, leaves, works with more wounded and medical department in which. both our boys who do not need hospital with somatic diseases are treated, and we accept from all brigades, we have such a concept as acuborotraumas, working against the background of artillery shelling, sometimes the stabilization point has to receive 12 or even 20 soldiers at once, such moments feel like hell, ms. tetyana admits: i am happy when we do not have work, if we do not have... work
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, so there are no wounded guys, well, our evacuation teams are silent that they are not transporting anyone , there is no need to leave for any interception, no help is needed, so there are no wounded, our chat is silent about the fact that there are two hundred, an hour after applying the tourniquet to the wounded the military needs to be taken to the hospital, but in the conditions of hostilities, this is not always realistic, the evacuation continues for 3-4 hours, which is great. 6-8 hours, unfortunately, sometimes longer, and everything depends on the medic of the battalion, first of all, everything depends on the military man himself and his comrades. mrs. tatyana calls her medical colleagues a second family, i went to war because i believe that someone in the family must go to war, it is either dad, or mom, or children, god forbid, so in it so happened that... after the victory of the sergeant
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tetyana shevchenko plans to return to work in the lviv city council, because she knows that she can be useful to her community. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, dear friends, listen, i see that people simply do not stop, there are 1,239,102 hryvnias 83 kopecks, we needed 1,220 thousand, that is, we have already almost covered by 20 00, we are actually stopping the collection because... well, the levy for our military, i think they will know what to do with the plus 19 thousand that came in over the amount needed, but we are stopping the collection, thank you for your feedback, i will now tell you how much we have collected this morning, so math, math 1.239 sya minus 1 1770.
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er 2 thousand 67 00 for this morning, this is actually a record , i will tell you, for this week, because somewhere on tuesday alone we collected 68 00 for the whole day together, thank you for your, for your generosity and for your sensitivity, someone else, while i was talking, someone else took and finished, still 100 hryvnias, thank you for that, but that's it, stop collecting, we collected the required amount, so the battery stations, which are equipped with solar. panels will already go to our military from the 108th, as it is correctly called, of the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine and they will effectively destroy the enemy, will recharge their military equipment in field conditions. gentlemen, a massive missile attack on ukraine by the russian federation continues, there are explosions recorded in lviv, in kharkiv in... in
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the sumy region, in the dnipro, fires in kyiv, now it's simple, at least we can also talk about na... but we can talk about rockets hitting lviv just now, but we are keeping calm, we are waiting for official confirmation, we also know that there are explosions, well, just now to us a guest joins from the front, this is valery prozapas, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. captain, good morning to you, well, if he is good, i wish him health, well, we greet him like this, because it is accepted, it is clear that he is not good, because the whole map... i think it's a good morning anyway, because the enemy is where you are, and there where, and not where he could be, and where he would not, where he really wants to be, so that it is a good morning for all of us, thanks to the armed forces of ukraine. thank you
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for your service, mr. valery, what is your situation now in your, in your area, in your area of ​​the front? i will not hesitate, again, we all rely on the official reports of the official spokesmen of the armed forces and the general staff and other relevant state bodies, there are 24-hour permanent combat operations right in our area, again the locations and some details i of course, i can’t say, it’s only been a few... months, the only thing is that, after the russians lost several of their planes in one day, it can be said that they have reduced their intelligence, but still their air reconnaissance works, and counter- battery battery, combat work on their part
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is monitored, well, and accordingly work, accordingly work of theirs. units as well, but without any breakthrough actions, mr. valery, i will also ask about about, i don’t know, about the events of this week, this week they had a powerful briefing by the commander of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, and after that, i don’t know if you or you somehow got acquainted with his theses, in particular, the commander said that he turned out to be absolutely ... but right with his predictions, when he was skeptical about the plans that were announced officially, and today we understand that many, let's say, strategic plans that were planned at
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the beginning of the year, they did not coincide with the realistic assessments of the military command, instead we see now a whole wave again... attacks on both zaluzhny himself and on the armed forces of ukraine performance of the same maryana zaluzhnya, for example, an odious deputy from the servants of the people, this is how you react to it, how your fellow citizens react to this and that and that and that, such informational noise around the armed forces and valery zaluzhnyi, zaluzhnyi, first of all, here at the front in the armed forces there is simply no physical possibility to be...
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2022, imagine, in which they clearly described the events of 2023, which they called an intermediate year in the war of attrition, they predicted that the russians would strengthen, they predicted that war will take a protracted character, they predicted that hostilities will continue in 2024, all this, as you can see, happened, but at the same time. we, including official officials , were told that we do not need reserves, we are doing well, although we do not have two or three sundays, but most likely the war will end by the end of 2023, we will be in crimea drinking coffee in , eh, that is, now general zaluzhnyi is forced
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to go into the public circle and, like children, again, as in a vow, chew out ukrainian tv viewers. actually happens like you see that not everyone likes it, because the hate from the side, including the official representatives, including the parliament, is endless. continues, and today all ukrainians saw with their own eyes that the war is going on, and again their map picture of the world, it does not match what is shown at the single marathon and what some military experts tell in quotation marks, accordingly , the search for the extremes begins, who who did it again during the terrible war of attrition, when it seemed to everyone that everything was clear, once again attacked the ukrainians... in these rose-colored glasses and of course try
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to blame it on the military. again, i cannot go into detail and express myself as i want, since i am an active military serviceman, but i really hope that these terrible events and the actions of putin and his occupation army will still sober up ukrainians, and they will learn to see and hear professionals and appreciate people affairs and not people in beautiful clothes, who only do what they do, take pictures and spin on our common misfortune, what am i, in your opinion, if we talk about, you know, about pessimistic and optimistic scenario in the next year, what will the first depend on, what will the second depend on? first of all, look, here again, ukrainians are very prone
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to emotional reactions, and here are the difficulties that come with the realization that the war has dragged on, i see that lead to some kind of moment, history, we are already losing, everything, we didn't succeed, and at the same time it succeeds... going back to your thesis that the russians actually wanted to be far from where they are behind... so things are not as good as we we would like to, but not so, mr. valery, unfortunately
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, something is happening with the connection, we hardly hear you, we will try to talk another time, thank you for connecting to our air, valery prozapas, captain of the armed forces of ukraine was with us , but, but in general, i want to say that the conversation was successful, we literally only had connection problems at the end, and thank you very much. during this conversation, it seems to me that very important theses were voiced, and very actually, how should i say, important remarks about the fact that russia, putin, they are using this the moment when ukrainians are in such a mode of cold shower, when many were lulled by various advisers, the office and our editor says that the connection has been restored again, there is no, there is no, there is no connection and... accordingly, accordingly, and and now they are in such a difficult condition, but one must always remember, you know, that beautiful
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phrase that i think botophone bismarck said, if i am not mistaken, that the russians are never as weak as we would like them to be, but they are never as strong as they want to be it seems that the russians are now trying to convince the world that everything is going better for them, but in reality everything is not going well for them... very well, they are suffering huge losses, which are very serious for them, their economy is also in a very difficult situation, they are now seriously, for example, thinking about freezing all investments in the banks of the russian population, that is, in fact, this is a war with which, which is very difficult for russia, and it is not easy for us either, of course, but no panic there should be no moods, because well nothing serious, well i'm actually, i'm actually relieved in the sense that finally... people are starting to look soberly at what's going on. there is a difficult war going on, which will not end tomorrow, but which
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will end and end with our victory. our victory may not be an exit to the borders in 1991, next year, or even in 10 years, but this exit will happen only if we understand that our goal is to save people, this is to save statehood, and this is to save this democratic state and be in nato. if we understand this, then, in principle, we know what to do, everyone does their own thing, doesn't worry, keeps calm and recharges, that's what it's called. dear friends, let's take a short break, come back and talk to the military. stay with us expert serhii zgurts. there are discounts on tsvetromondarna, that is 10% in pharmacies, plantain , bam, etc. the traveler knows what helps. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad , about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to
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22 for espresso. new year's eve with the broadcast of your favorite tv channel. let's sum up the year with top espresso presenters. top journalists will talk to top ukrainians. and top ukrainian performers live. let's meet the new year together. happy holidays a possible new year, well, gentlemen , we continue our telethon, just now there is a massive missile attack on the territory of ukraine, in particular, there is a hit near the lukyanivska metro in kyiv, now the station, which works as a shelter, is closed for a stop, trains
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are moving without stopping at the lukyanivska metro station, also at light bulbs, and there are also hits in... in lviv , a fire broke out in a residential building and a lyceum, a high-rise building caught fire in odesa and a shopping center in dnipro, there are also known victims in kharkiv, one man died and eight, and eight wounded well, serhii sgurets, military analyst and director of defense express, is already with us . mr. sergey, good morning. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. sergey, can you somehow analyze this. this today's attack, it started at night and is still going on, is it similar to any previous massive attacks, or does it have something new, any? did the russians come up with the principle? well, we are really talking about the fact that after a long time the enemy is carrying out such a complex attack on ukraine, she
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it started at night around 11 o'clock, when the first launches of the shaheds were recorded, they advanced in various regions, including to... western ukraine, including to lviv, and then around 4 o'clock it was already reported that they would be launched into the air strategic bombers, i looked there, there was a report that the tu-95s, which are carriers of the kha-101 cruise missiles, as well as the tu-22s, which can use the kh22 missiles, were also raised. and actually, if we are talking about the fact that, er, there was a launch of cruise missiles kha-101, it really was carried out, and these are launches after
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a fairly significant pause, because the last, if i'm not mistaken, rockets, the enemy used on the 21st of september, and since then there has been such a significant pause, where the enemy, as we understand, has been stockpiling these cruise missiles, has now carried out starting. the total number of missiles is now being clarified, according to various information , about 30 guided missiles were launched, and this is actually less than in the most such mass periods, when it seems to be in november last year, there and in december, the enemy then used in one of the launches up to 90 cruise missiles, of which 70 were shot down at that time, and in addition to this, there was also the rise of ... mig 31k aircraft with daggers, there are also reports in the public about the possibility of using daggers, that is, a ballistic
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missile, and in fact now we have such a first a complex attack on ukraine after a certain pause using various means of impression with shaheds, hastopershim and daggers, if the information on daggers is confirmed, there is indeed... training on civilian objects, on individual objects of critical infrastructure, there is information on the hit to the lukyanivsko metro station in kyiv, which you mentioned, so now we see that such a complex duel is taking place between the means of attack of the enemy and our air defense, this is the first mass attack of this winter, the last winter actually passed all under the sign such attacks and we knew that the enemy's main goal was to make us cold. actually turn off the heating and lighting on our streets, that is, it was primarily an attack on infrastructure facilities, power plants in the first place and, accordingly
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, infrastructure, transformer lines, etc. further, today, in your opinion, what is the goal of our enemy, i am talking about this frankly, because, in fact, we understand that our enemy, he knew where to launch the missiles, or we can say, that is, i, well, i understand. today the list is so random, there is a high-rise building , there is a lyceum, there is a metro station , this is psychological terror, these are infrastructure objects, again, is it possible that some military objects are also attacked, or all in a row, i think that the approach was complex, because i think it was about both critical infrastructure facilities and the military objects, if we consider there an attempt to attack the sycamores, old horses. tantiniv, where there are, of course, military facilities, one way or another , and the dnipro, where there are also military facilities. the question is how capable our
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aggressors are of really hitting military facilities, what are the consequences for civilian houses, we see that the main thing now is hitting civilian houses, as usual, where civilians live, but in any case, of course , that... the enemy's approach is complex and does not even exclude that it is part of these, primarily ballistic missiles, again, probably, it is trying to strike at the air defense systems themselves, then this is the most priority target for the enemy, because by destroying those means that can fight the enemy's anti-aircraft means, in particular the same sampti, patrio complexes, then this will significantly complicate ukraine conducting air defense, so i can unequivocally state that... the enemy carried out attacks on both critical infrastructure facilities and military facilities, and partly, of course , on those places where there could be such a... larger
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terrorist resonance when it hits the houses where peaceful citizens live. mr. serhiy, you say that the break was quite long since september, or during this time, in addition to today's attack, the russians have a few more days until the new year, do you think, could there be another such attack before january 1? well, usually it is difficult to predict, but anyway... we really understand that the enemy has been stockpiling cruise missiles since september, but we will see about the effectiveness of our anti-aircraft defense, because usually cruise missiles with modern anti-aircraft systems fail enough effectively, and here the question is to what extent this strategy of the enemy attrition with the use of a significant number of missiles in the previous periods affected the stockpiles of our
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missile systems to air defense systems, of course, we understand that the main burden of the fight against missiles is not carried by air defense systems , but when there is a threat to critical objects, then, of course, modern rocket complexes are also used. the enemy will try, i think, to continue to carry out such strikes, to the extent that they will be massed, combined, we will be able to determine can only be determined in perspective, but we understand that the enemy has a stockpile of the same kha-101 cruise missiles, if we are talking about the average production rate of 40 kha-101 missiles per month, then starting from september, when the previous such massive attacks, during this time, well, the enemy has slightly undermined these missiles, which can be used for launches from tu-95 bombers, but all
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these risks are understandable... both our side and our partners, so we know what a significant number or certain number of powerful air defense complexes and missiles to them were transferred, at least during the last three months there, including other air defense systems that were created in cooperation with the united states, so i think that the air defense potential has increased during this time, and now, well, we are entering such a a new stage. a duel with the russian federation, which will use its means of influence both for energy terror and for attempts to strike our military facilities. we literally have minutes left before a moment of silence, but i will ask very briefly, these statements seem to be putin's assurances from sydzinpin that russia is ready to fight for another 5 years, is this putin's bluff, or is this really the reality? in fact, the introduction of war for five years, about which
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speaks. putin, this is a hint that he is also ready to wage war for a long time, but the question is how much will be enough, because the latest economic indicators of the russian federation against the background of claims that there is economic growth are not really true , the impression is that economic factors can be well, for two years, critical for russia from the point of view of the economic ability to provide military operations. mr. sergey, thank you. to you, serhiy zgorets, military expert, director of the defense express company , was with us, dear friends, we are approaching 9 o'clock in the morning, when we throughout the country commemorate the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russian aggression and still continue to take, it is known about one dead man in kharkiv, but the rocket attack is still going on, so we are watching it. let's honor
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the memory of the ukrainian military with a moment of silence peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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