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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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let's see for now, you see, fathers , this is lavov's tone, he says so, it seems that they have the novocherkassky missile defense system still in service, and the moscow missile cruiser is still in service, that is, they, in general, this is one of the elements of such a kremlin, well, let's say so , such a kremlin feature, even when podolsk near moscow burns, they will still be there. to pretend that nothing is happening, there is a lot happening on the ground, and we see the situation on the front line, well, the fact that they are leaving behind scorched earth, we understand that, but also it's scary when you see marinka or avdiivka, but it's still far from the stated goals, so in fact lavrov just continues to broadcast... the position of the same
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medvedev, the same putin, the same russian propaganda, it's in different words, but the essence is the same: there should be no ukraine, well , you see, we have a different view on this, we believe that ukraine was, is and will be, and what ’s more, we believe so, not only us, but the whole world, because the united states the americans are already talking with the representatives of the big seven about the need to explore ways of confiscation. assets, of russian assets that are in the west to be handed over to ukraine by the second anniversary of the start of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, the ft writes today, and three working groups proposed by washington will study legal issues related to confiscation, methods application of such policies and mitigating risks, as well as options on how best to direct support to ukraine, she wrote.
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financial times edition, how many resources does russia have according to you, roman, in order to maintain and support its army, because well it seems 300 billion, this is a huge amount in these assets, it is clear that they are now earning through india, through other countries, selling oil and gas, they have already found loopholes in these two years, but how destructive will this 300 billion be for russia , which will obviously still be transferred to ukraine, because it is unlikely that unverified information will be published just like that. well, this is probably not the case with these 300 billion, because everyone understands that they will not return to russia, and in general, what does the transfer of this money to ukraine mean? this does not mean
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that they will be brought in suitcases and deposited in the national bank, it will not be like that, all this money, or most of it, will remain in the west for the creation and purchase of weapons, or the creation of joint enterprises on the territory of ukraine, this is understandable, because during the war this is the main expenditure item , apparently, if we are talking about the financial condition of russia, well, you see, the faucet is working, they are selling oil. but i am interested, for example, in the following, how the same measure will work, first of all the united states, in order to screw up this faucet with oil, they have already started to introduce sanctions against the ports that receive these so-called black tankers, the companies that serve all this, that is... it is a pity, and the question
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is precisely this, and if someone thinks that sanctions do not apply to them, well, it can only it seems, the story with the eggs says just that, but it seems to me that they are now based primarily on what they earned in previous years, these saturated oil years, primarily at the expense of the european market. because the russian federation earned trillions of euros and dollars for this one time, you have to understand , there are no such revenues now, that is, once again i am far from thinking that they will be poured there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but it is all being twisted, and it is precisely on this that my conclusion about uncertainty is based, it is the year 2024, roman will be... the year
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of putin's next election, that is, not the presidential election, putin's next election, and there is this leonid slutsky, who is a candidate from the russian... or from the liberals, and he is talking about his participation in the elections, that's it, let's listen, we dream of winning a special military operation, and will defeat putin, no, i dream, why, why, putin is the most influential politician on the planet, so we have other tasks, i could say that in the galaxy, in principle, in ours. what is happening now, you are watching what is happening in russia, with how the field is being cleared, about how philip kirkorov, lelita milyavskaya are recording penitent videos there, well, this is complete trash, just that , what is happening,
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but this is obviously a consequence, a logical consequence of those who were putin's duopoly there all the time, and just now they have been handed out, and kolya baska tomorrow. to get handed out, how do you feel the atmosphere in russia, what is going on there in general, because judging by what, what we see, well, it is complete trash, in general, well, it is such a classic supercult, personalities, in fact, the father has a word about that , that i don't want to defeat putin in the elections , we are taking the elections in quotation marks, it's not only sludsky who said it, it's all the candidates who will make up this... mask, they said about it that we do not claim to win in any way , there is no need to destroy us, imprison us or anything else, we are a mass, we confirm, and you see, when this cult of personality is formed, well, historical experience shows
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that it is usually on the rise, just as we see this person for a thousand years in this person, then there is still death, well, i don’t know if it will be in the next year or later, and it can't last that long, again, this is how history is written, so when i talk about this uncertainty, we hold on, then history will tell, they, you understand, they don't look like that and they are not like that , as it does not hurt, this is a very important moment, if there is now facebook. there are anti-extremism centers, they pretend it's like, you know, a cemetery, everyone's silent, but that doesn't mean they're not hurting, and it, it, it's going to break through somewhere, not now, a little later, well i see it this way,
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but the election, you know, the one who bets on boris nadezhdin on the lottery, and nadezhdin will win. he will become richer than elon musk, who is recognized as the richest person, because this is just anrial. well, that is, it is definitely putin's election, and that says it all. yes yes. not even an election, i'll put it this way legitimization once again, or illegitimization, it would be more correct to say, falsification of the presidential elections once again. although, apparently, most russians want this. well, roman, let 's put an end to this, i congratulate you on the upcoming holidays, to our viewers, i would like to remind you that this was roman tsymbalyuk, a journalist, subscribe to his youtube channel, he is a millionaire journalist, he has a million subscribers on youtube , so join
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his youtube channel. friends, during the program, we conducted surveys, asked you about whether putin's death will stop russia's war against ukraine. so let's look at the results of this survey 43. yes, 57% no. here are the results of the youtube tv audience survey. 34% - yes, 66% - no. next, what i have to tell you, dear friends, the kremlin's special operation on the polish border, almost 600 km of the border that connects ukraine with europe, blocked fifty people. but behind them is an extensive network of agents of influence, which is actually happening in polish. borders and how to unlock the corridor of life for ukraine, answers to these questions in a new documentary. the author of the tape, mykola knyazhytskyi, visited both sides of the border, met with polish government officials and addressed questions to ukrainian ministries. in the film about
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the real reasons for the blockade and its goals. you can watch a movie on youtube using the qr code, now you will see the qr code on the screen. by following this qr code, you can see this movie, just point your smartphone's mother at it, and the camera, the smartphone's camera itself. the tape can be seen on the air of the tv channel this saturday, december 30 8:30 p.m., that's the end of it, i wish everyone a good evening and good news, goodbye, and you've already bought a thermal underwear, tender hugs from unpack tv, then hurry up, because we 're announcing a sale! light, warm and incredibly pleasant to the touch thermal underwear for only uah 299. yes, yes,
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1:14 pm
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congratulations, friends, with you is vitaly portnikov and our interlocutor, a well-known ukrainian historian, professor of harvard university, serhii plohii, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you and the audience, you know, talk about the year 2023. with a historian, this is probably quite a difficult task, because if we look carefully at the disposition of what happened in 2023 , not from the point of view of, let's say, ours. from the point of view of the people who lived through the year 2023, and from the point of view, precisely historical, we can see that this year is simply capable of falling out of history, at least ukrainian, at least history of the russian-ukrainian war, since the end of 2022 the line of defense of the ukrainian troops has not changed, the line of confrontation between the russian and ukrainian troops in 2023 remained
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practically the same as it was in 2022, the hopes for an offensive in... 2023 turned out to be as follows , which did not come true, and now many politicians and ordinary citizens have almost the same expectations for 2024 as for 2023, so the conversation we have is as if it could be at the end of 2022, at the beginning of 2023, we expect offensive, we expect some special changes in the russian-ukrainian confrontation, however... a year has passed and nothing can be done about it, indeed, despite extremely great efforts, sacrifices, the front line did not move, that is, there were changes, of course, on the conditional front line in for the black sea, which is extremely important, but not on land, the 23rd year
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began with apprehension. and hopes, fears were about the russian winter russian offensive, which was already taking place in january of the 23rd year, and hopes were for the ukrainian counteroffensive, in the spring, from the positives the fact that the russian offensive did not lead to anything, that is, in the end it stopped. the failure of this offensive was due to the pryhozhad rebellion, but the negative, of course, consequences of the year are related to the fact that the ukrainian counteroffensive did not achieve the goals that we all wanted it to achieve, and in this sense, our conversation today, it seems to me , is not on such
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an optimistic note as it would have been a year ago, because the 22nd year of... all with several ukrainian miracles or miracles from, well, miracle, miracle, probably the right term, from the kharkiv operation, the battle for kyiv, and at the end of the liberation of kherson. today, we are in a completely different, different context, and most observers and commentators actually do not have such optimistic, optimistic prospects for the 24th. the 24th seems to be looming like a creak, where it is necessary to hold the line that was held during the 23rd year and prepare for a qualitatively new war. you know, you talk about 2022 as a year of miracles, but to be honest, i never
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hope for a miracle in politics, it seemed to me that in 2022 the ukrainian armed forces used an opportunity. which, shall we say, are given only once in a war, and this applies to the political leadership of the country as well. the first of these possibilities is the russian federation's misunderstanding of the nature, i would say, of national statements between ukrainians and russians. and this lack of understanding still continues. we saw him in the speeches of russian president vladimir putin on a direct line at the collegium of the ministry of defense of russia, where he basically repeated the same thoughts about ukraine that he expressed in his articles and speeches. even before the start of the war and also the effect of surprise, the unpreparedness of the russian federation for a massive attack on the entire ukrainian territory using a large number of troops allowed the ukrainian troops to defend the north and prevent kyiv from capturing other cities in the north of our country, and the effect of surprise allowed
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the ukrainian troops to liberate the kharkiv region in 2022, but then it already began a real, i would say, war with the use of the necessary mobilization and military-technical resources, and you need to have them for this, and you need to be aware of how the enemy will act, because in 2023 the ability of the russians to build effective defensive fortifications on the lines that they occupy on ukrainian territory turned out to be somewhat of a surprise for many, and also an important political moment, that is, that the political leadership of ukraine, which in 2022 could hope for... i would say, the unconditional support of the western world, faced a situation when it is necessary to insist on this support both in the political and diplomatic sense of the word, to fight for it, and before that i can also say, many have discovered. absolutely not ready for it, in fact, in the 22nd year, it was
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possible to win in what putin called a special military operation, and in the 23rd year, the situation, the situation changed, in fact , putin began to prepare for a long war even in the 22nd year, in the middle of the 22nd year, when the relevant tasks were given... by the ministry, that is, the economy of the country was being restructured on a military basis, on military rails, and at that time i remember, i and probably many other people who received this information actually thought that is planning for the future from the point of view of russia, which will not happen, that is, we all believed that it would appear in one form or another... the prigozhin phenomenon, associated with large russian losses, associated with disappointment, and it appeared, but the regime survived it, and
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today we really, really are in a completely different situation, it is said that the methods we used both inside the country and outside its borders have actually exhausted themselves today, and a change in the idea of horizons with... changing the way of thinking, the way of discourse as well, that is, in the west, and that where i understand the situation more, so to speak, the argument that was extremely important in the 22nd year about the support of democracy, about the victim of aggression and so on and so on, begins to be less and less effective when, therefore, money, which go to the united states of america, exceed 100, 100. that is, here a completely different argument and a completely different idea should appear, this is a question about the future
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of the event, actually it is that on monday a special issue of the wall street journal appeared about the past year and the following year, there was my article on this very topic, what i tried to convey to the american readers and those who... have a solution, and of course, a change is needed, a change of approach in ukraine, but here i leave this topic rather to you, that is, i visit ukraine, but more, more i understand, of course what is happening in the west, well, by the way, i would like to dwell with you on this beautiful thing, because really i have, by and large, met with a situation when... , and in ukraine the same surprise i always had when i met with the evaluations of the so-called
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sovietologists. absolute understanding of the political situation in russia. it was absolutely obvious to me that everything that is happening with prigozhany, around prigozhany, are deliberate actions that strengthen the authority and power of the president of russia, vladimir putin. and that even the so-called prigozhin hairpin is a carefully designed special operation. with the aim of strengthening the russian regime, no matter how it ended, because it must be remembered that the entire pro-gorsh special operation was directed not against putin, but against putin's closest entourage, putin was simply being offered, so to speak that is, with the help of this march to moscow, which never took place, and maybe never should have taken place, to choose a more understandable environment that will more effectively fight against ukraine. well, it helped to destroy the very institution of private military companies, that is, to finally bring russia to rank. a totalitarian state in which there can be no alternative military groups, by and large , this has always been the case in the history of russia, remember, the history with peter the first and the riflemen, by
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and large the russia we have, as a strong, cruel empire ready to fight for foreign territories was formed just after the rifle rebellion, and there are historical works and paintings about this, which we all saw in childhood, not in museums, but in textbooks, and when it is exactly the same political situation , mr. sergey, all historians were paralyzed, as if they had not read and did not know anything, both specialists and analysts, i was surprised, i will tell you honestly, eh, well, i apply history a little differently in relation to of prigozhin's rebellion, for me it is a classic repetition of the situation with... in august 91, when one of the slaves or slaves revolts in order to attract or return attention, the attention of the master.
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that is, the same kryuchkov and others first came to bow to gorbachev and actually tried to stop the signing of the treaty on the renewed union then, because the renewed union meant that they all had to resign, and the coup ended with the fact that they serfs returned to gorbachev again. to ask him so that he forgives them, that is, the rebellion was about... the situation and maintaining one's positions inside, inside the top, and that, this is the same thing that i saw in prigozhin, because the deprivation of prigozhin's army meant, it also meant a physical threat to him and his life, and the fact that he was rebelling, he was not rebelling against the tsar, he was rebelling in the name of the tsar , since
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it happened quite often in russian history. the fact that what became clear in 23 and what was not in 91 is what did not appear in, say, yeltsin, that is, conditional yeltsin, navalny or someone else was completely outside, outside the boundaries of the political fields beyond possibility to mobilize the same muscovites or someone else, in support of prigozhin or in defense of putin, than to get rid of putin, that is, this moment is unique, and the fact that in russia they stand not against the tsar, but for the benefit of the tsar, well , this, this, so, from, the story is quite, quite long and quite ancient. well, it seems to me that what you said is very important, because it means that the russian political leadership has come to some good conclusions since 1991. yeltsin
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was a man for a reason, the gkchcp resisted, he represented an alternative center power, was the universally elected, popularly elected president of the russian federation, who, moreover, could rely on the popularly elected people's deputies of the russian federation. by the way, if we recall the rifle riot with you, then there was also an interesting story there, because peter i, who fought against the riflemen, somehow knew that his opponents could rely on the authority of a more legitimate monarch, the eldest son of the tsar, ivan. sofia, who was then the queen in the moscow kingdom, she could also appear as a representative of the interests of the legitimate monarch, because by and large account, if we are honest, peter i was a usurper of power, he took it from the hands of the legitimate monarch, who had the legal right of succession, and the russian political elite must give it its due. it is clear that there are no alternative centers of power and even centers
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of opposition in that. that is being built by putin , who, according to his opinion, should return to the borders of the soviet union in 1991, and maybe even further , it should not be, this was not realized by alexei navalny, who returned to russia without realizing that he was signing a de facto death sentence for himself and that his political the influence of these future russia will be reduced to zero, but were we supposed to understand that? i think you have raised several topics here, one of which seems more important to me. than others, this is the ability of the russian authorities to learn from experience and from mistakes as well, that is, in addition to the conclusions regarding yeltsin from 1991, other conclusions were related to the fact that now national autonomies do not have some special rights compared to other subjects of the russian federation, i.e.
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repetition. the collapse of the soviet union and it is constitutionally impossible within the same framework in the russian federation, well , the russians have been learning for the last few years, that is, we hear about it on the battlefield, we hear about it from our military, from commanders, and in this sense, to underestimate the enemy, it is absolutely absolutely true. say the biggest mistake that we can assume today. it seems to me that it is important not only not to overestimate, but also to understand correctly. and i have a rather serious conclusion that it is in ukraine that russia is not understood more than even in those countries that have never been part of it together with russia. a single state body. this confuses me because the way the russians don't...


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