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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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of the country, unfortunately, mr. oleg, we have to end our conversation with you today, oleg penzyn, economist, executive director of the economic discussion club, was in touch with us . well , soon you will know more news from anna eva melnyk, who, together with the news editor , has already analyzed and selected the most relevant and important information, so we will pass the floor to anya. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, news team. works further, and this one i will start the issue with the situation in the capital, where muscovites killed four people, and i want to say right away that an air alert has been declared for almost the entire territory of ukraine. there is a missile danger except for the western
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regions, so protect yourself and your loved ones. and about the situation in the capital, four people died as a result of the russian attack, this was reported in the kyiv city military administration, and another 28 people were injured. according to the mayor of the city vitalii klychko, four people were released from the rubble of the warehouse in the shevchenkiv district. there too a residential building, the premises of the metro station were damaged. lukyanivska - one high-rise building and a private house in nivochyna in darnytskyi district, and in sviatoshynsky , cars and a high-rise building caught fire due to falling debris. previously, air defense forces hit more than 30 air targets over kyiv. one person died and 15 were injured due to the russian attack on lviv. volunteer points for the victims were deployed near the site of the rocket attack. our
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correspondent kateryna oliynyk is there, katya, my congratulations and tell me what kind of help they provide in these centers to people. greetings to annoyeva , greetings to all the viewers of the tv channel, we can truly say that lviv is recovering from that difficult night, there were rockets, missile strikes, as well as shaheed strikes in lviv, and in general , many utility workers and workers are now working on the spot, and volunteer points have also really been deployed. in particular, several of them are right behind my back, this is such an item from the rokad charitable fund, as well as from the lviv branch of the red cross. in particular, about what kind of help is provided there, and the queue, i want to note, is quite long, i suggest you listen further. we provide help, shelter, psychological help, you can have coffee. plus we have basic
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hygiene products, towels, blankets and mattresses and solar lamps, more than 200 people have already asked for help and you can see that the queue is not decreasing, the queue is only getting longer, we have deployed a heating station, where our rapid response unit helps people to arrange their housing, there are colleagues from the direction of psychosocial support and hot meals, drinks, support for those who... to us. so, a waste of time missile strike is dominated by such an uplifted spirit. all the people are cleaning up the aftermath of the missile strikes, a lot of help, a lot of volunteer help too, that's right. i would like to note that about 18 apartment buildings, as well as three educational institutions and another kindergarten, were affected today. and it is known that andriy sadovy. announced that
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uah 35 million will be allocated to compensate for all the losses suffered by the city. so, this is the situation at the moment, lviv is slowly recovering, all relevant services are working on the spot. i pass word to you thanks for the information, thanks for the work. espresso correspondent kateryna oliynyk. volunteer centers for people are working to eliminate the consequences of the russian attack in lviv. russian missiles killed six people in the dnipro. another 28 were injured, including a one and a half year old child. the occupiers targeted the maternity hospital and the shopping center. as a result of the hit, a fire started there - reported the head of the region, serhii lysak. shots were also recorded in novomoskovsk, where two people were injured. there are 13 houses in nivachyna. high-rise buildings and private houses were also destroyed in the regional center. rescue operations are currently underway, tuesday. there may be people under the rubble.
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at the moment, forces and means were sent first of all to the maternity hospital, then they allocated their force means to those uh... to the point where we received information about the damage, i am standing on the balcony, and i hear such a thu- tuk-tuk, like a stopwatch, and such an explosion, and the biggest one, and i flew away from the window, because the window was just like that, it’s just a blessing that they were open, the number increased to six victims in zaporizhzhia, another 12 people were injured, - informed the head of the region yuriy malashko. the occupiers massively hit the city with rockets. one of the local businesses was damaged, a private house was destroyed , windows were broken in 19 high-rise buildings, also in two educational institutions and a hospital, and rocket debris destroyed about 20 garages, a gas station and a hotel building. 12
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injured, some are in our hospital, some were injured, in total, the enemy inflicted about ten of us somewhere. missile strikes, one missile was shot down, previously it was also daggers. russian invaders, the invaders struck from a drone on beroslav in the kherson region, a 70-year-old civilian who was riding a scooter was injured, he had an explosive injury and a wounded leg, the regional military administration reported, and a 63-year-old man, who was injured the day before, also sought medical help under fire in the village of "mayak". he was diagnosed with an explosive injury, concussion and head injuries. in kherson itself, the occupiers struck the residential quarters of the ship district at noon. two townspeople were injured, 44 and 72 years old. both were hospitalized. here is the second
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arrival, everything is falling. but i was a little further away, i was taking out the trash. and they were here, a splinter in his leg. and he falls and breaks his leg. the chorus was seen, everyone quickly moved, the first flight and everything went black at once, then the second immediately, i didn’t even have time to recover, ugh, and already when i was with them, there was a third somewhere, at least 18 dead and 132 wounded, such are the consequences of the missile attack attacks by muscovites on ukrainian cities, this is reported by the national police as of 1 p.m. russians is still ongoing. therefore, the numbers may not be final. in total, 47 private houses, four dozen cars, a hospital and sanatorium, nine high-rise buildings and two administrative buildings were damaged. there are also economic buildings, a service station, a garage cooperative, a gas station, ponivachyny, warehouses, a school, a church, a shopping center and
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a maternity hospital, law enforcement officers inform. in the kyiv region, due to enemy shelling, several communities remained. light repairers have already started to restore power, reported the detek company. in odessa, energy workers are forced were to disconnect 340 consumers to safely eliminate the consequences of the attack. as soon as the rescuers give permission, the light will immediately return to the homes of odessa residents, the company adds. it flew to our neighbors. polish president andrzej duda called an emergency meeting due to the violation. airspace of poland. an unknown object entered the territory of the country during the last massive attack of the russian federation. poland's air defense forces have been put on high alert. currently relevant services set the location of this object. witnesses saw him near the territory
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of pshevodov, where a rocket exploded a year ago. ice and anger for the russian attacks. can be converted into donations. espresso tv channel opens a new collection to help the military. artillerymen, who will later go to defend our country in the east, need a pickup truck to quickly and efficiently perform combat tasks. unfortunately, at the front, these cars often turn into scrap and are a kind of waste. therefore, we ask you not to be indifferent and join the gathering. our goal is one pickup for 250 00 hryvnias. there are already 90,000 in the account. remember that every hryvnia of yours is important, let's make a joint contribution to victory, you can see all the details on the screen. that's all i have for a moment, i'll see you at 4 p.m., my colleagues marta olyarnyk and
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antin borkovskii will continue to work for you. well, it’s a difficult day, there are a lot of losses, you can list the situation in individual regions of ukraine, well , statistics have already arrived from... from the national police of ukraine, 18 civilians died, 132 were injured as a result of the russian attack in the dnipro five people died, among them a child, let them feel the kingdom of heaven with god, three people died in the kharkiv region, 13 people were injured in zaporizhzhia as a result of rocket attacks by russian interventionists , many quarters of a high- rise building were damaged, four people died, 12 people were injured, in odesa region died. two people, one person died in lviv region, 24 were injured, three people died in kyiv,
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22 were injured, one person died in kyiv region, one person was injured in kyiv region. let's add to the conversation valery rybykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. congratulations, mr. valery, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. it is very pleasing to hear your such, you know, confident voice. because despite the fact that ukrainians did not sleep last night and experienced a very terrible morning, we are still determined to fight, and despite everything we are working and thank you that you are also working. mr. valery, i would like to clarify with you, the spokesman of the air force, yuriy ignat, stated that the russians were playing with almost everyone tonight, in addition to calibers, and we also know that the russians are trying to modernize these kh101 missiles, and i have even seen them in certain chats, military chats, tell me. yes, we discussed the fact that this kh101 missile is so modernized that
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it has so-called thermal traps that allow the russians to deceive our air defense, i would like to clarify with you, perhaps you have information from your channels, do you know whether such missiles are really in service in russians and whether such missiles were really launched today, and in principle, what can you say with about this attack, how unusual it was, different, the most massive, we know everything, please, what do you think is necessary to report? well, today, we survived the most large-scale attack, and with various means used by the enemy, these are cruise missiles, these are unmanned aerial vehicles, these are missiles, as well as an aeroballistic dagger, these are s300 missiles. s-400, which the enemy also used in separate directions, well, in addition
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, h-31 missiles were also used, according to evidence of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, four missiles and x59 as well, the fact that no calibers were used, this may also indicate certain signs, and so we can say that the enemy is currently holding these missiles, it was known earlier that such missiles as caliber the enemy does not have many, and after such a large-scale use, a lot of them were released in previous times, and so the enemy climbed into his strategic stockpile of these missiles, and at the moment it is very difficult for him to restore them from... although we saw that the same naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine
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reported that three caliber carriers with a total salvo of 20 missiles, they also went to sea, however, most likely all this was in order to stretch our anti-aircraft defense, well, in addition, also, judging by the reports that were, the enemy in parallel, he also used the so- called blows. electronic, when it launched also some false or false targets, and all this was aimed at overwhelming our air defense system, and thus the mission was planned for each of these assets, so that as much air as possible objects were in the airspace of ukraine, and in order to prevent our air force from responding in time, however
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, it should be noted that the air force performed excellently in terms of the main types of missiles and other types, and here it is necessary to say that out of 158 air targets were destroyed 104. 14 missiles and drones, this is a percentage of 72%, this is a very good indicator, taking into account that the strike was not only on those areas'. which were previously, we know, very well covered by anti-aircraft, including anti-missile defense, and so the blow was literally delivered across the entire territory of the country, of these 114 air forces that were destroyed, 87 missiles and 27 unmanned aerial vehicles are known to have been destroyed
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. taking out as many as 18 tu-95 strategic bombers to strike, as well as ha bombers, tu-22 m3 bombers, with which he launched kh2232 cruise missiles, and here it is also unprecedented, because every such take-off for the occupier is basically like that. .. ticket for dump, because the resource of these strategic bombers, which were developed by the soviet union to counter, say , nuclear systems at the time, is currently being used by the russian federation to carry out terrorist attacks on peaceful infrastructure, and in principle, their time has already
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been calculated there, and each such sortie approximates the number with more. the number of aviation disasters and trifles, it should be noted that the russian federation does not manufacture such means, in relation to the same missiles that you mentioned x-101, which the enemy is modernizing, yes, the enemy is trying, there is evidence that the enemy is allegedly installing additional guidance systems on these missiles, and already in addition to the same one. social system and gps guidance system, there is also evidence that the enemy can install such a sighting system whenever he can, look, i have such a simple question, you have approached the matter quite carefully, well , we understand, the enemy has struck an almost record-breaking
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blow, but can they increase in the case of their criminal desire... the number of carriers issued in ukraine, in particular it is said about cruise missiles, maybe about ballistics, we are talking about shaheds, this is one point, well, there is another point, so we understand that the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov has just stated, i quote: the direct speech of the minister, it is obvious that with such stockpiles of missiles that the aggressor state has, they can and will continue such attacks, that is, as far as we understand, they have accumulated, they have accumulated quite a lot. yes, quite a lot, and it should be noted that, well, for example, about 90 of the same missiles, such as x101x50055 or 555, were launched, and a number more missiles of various types, which are accounted for in the general, let's say,
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accounting for monthly output, which is in the main administration. after all, the ministry of defense of ukraine reported somewhere about the pace of 120-130 missiles per month, then we can say that this monthly effort, which they produced there, they released in one day, well, they also have an almost unlimited resource of the same s300 missiles and s-400 to the s-300 s-400 complexes, but it should be noted that, although they say that there are thousands of these missiles, however... it should be noted that these missiles are primarily first of all, they are not intended for terrorist attacks on a neighboring state, but for blocking its own airspace, and precisely in the conditions when ukraine will have more and more means for striking the territory of the russian federation, this category of missiles, well, can it become
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acute very quickly scarce in the russian federation, so in principle, given the fact that... the main intelligence agency reported in december about the accumulation of more than 850 missiles of those types that are counted together, then we can talk about what is in the enemy let's say, more missiles for several hits, but it should not be said that they can use all 800 of these missiles, so in principle these are possible. the enemy has them , after all, they are limited, although, of course, we must take into account that the enemy, we all looked at the situation without rose-colored glasses, you know, at one time we had our fill of... mountains of experts who told us that everything was in the hands of the enemy at once , or there by two times, there lies their industry and so on. i used to argue with them back then, but it was hard to argue
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against, you know, people who have been fooled by experts. well, unfortunately, we have to move on. valery ryabykh was in touch with us, a military expert, intelligence director of the information and consulting company defense express, and it can be assumed that he seriously warned us, dear tv viewers, so we should pay attention to air alarms, the enemy. can, so to speak, deliver another, extremely dangerous, criminal blow. yes, in a few minutes we will have coverage from the site of the impact in lviv. what is the current situation on the ground, how are people recovering, we will find out from our correspondent, but now we will take a short break, a few minutes and come back. wow, i went for a walk. water ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving reo: you're ready, honey, ready, took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. attention, an incredible novelty from
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of your favorite tv channel. let's sum up the year with top espresso presenters. top journalists will talk to top. top ukrainians, and top ukrainian performers live, let's welcome the new year together, happy holiday, victorious new year. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully, no no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased.
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you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, but the enemy has launched a massive attack on our country, and now there
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is an air raid on half of our territory. the enemy struck alarm in both cherkasy and sumy regions. oleg senyutko, people's deputy of ukraine, is in our studio. glory to ukraine, mr. oleg. christ is born. we praise christ. but we have our correspondent kateryna oliynyk in touch now, who is currently at the scene of today's shelling in lviv. katya we don't say good morning to you and we don't say good afternoon to you. we're just saying congratulations. take care and please share with us what's going on now. happening on the spot, we know that you have been there since the morning, i saw how the rescue operation took place, in a word, everything that is known, as of now, please share, yes, congratulations, studio, congratulations to all viewers of the tv channel, indeed today at in the morning of 55, the first explosions rang out in lviv, in general lviv was hit by both rockets and cruise missiles, regarding the situation
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in the city itself, unfortunately, there is one person who died, this is a man, it is also known about 15 injured people, a total of 13 of them went to the hospitals of the first medical association of lviv, where they were even provided with qualified assistance, one person, unfortunately, has a fracture, the others have minor injuries. so, also, among the damages there are about 18 apartment buildings, also three schools, one kindergarten and a lot of cars on... literally behind my back it is noticeable, but i suggest now to listen to the story of those people whose apartments were damaged today , heard an explosion, heard an explosion, and then the sickles flew, all that's left of me is sitting in the corridor with two walls, my windows are on the fourth floor, everything flew out, what can i say here, am i waiting for someone to register me or not, well...
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the apartment is whole, because i have access to the other side windows, you can imagine the force of the impact that on the opposite, three-room apartment on the opposite side, the door fell out of the balcony block, just the window was closed, the balcony block, and the door was in the opposite direction. so, even now in lviv they are working on eliminating the consequences of rocket attacks, in particular , you can see utility workers everywhere, people they take out the glass, reglue the windows, do everything possible to put their apartments in order, and i also want to note that there are many volunteers working on the spot, in particular from the red cross, as well as from the rokada charity fund, what kind of help do they provide to the residents of the affected houses , i suggest you listen
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further. we provide psychological help to the client, you can relax with a coffee, plus we have basic hygiene products, towels, blankets and mattresses, and lamps on solar batteries, well, more than 200 people have already turned to us for help, and you see, the queue is not is decreasing, the queue is just coming up, we have deployed a warming center where our rapid response team helps people to set up. housing, there are colleagues from the direction of psychosocial support and hot meals, drinks, support for those who contact us, 5 million uah to compensate for all the losses they suffered, i pass on my word to you, thank you, kateryna, kateryna oliynyk, our correspondent, who is now is in sykhov, so it is already public information that the russians targeted a residential quarter where there were schools, where there was
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a lyceum, where there was a kindergarten, where there was... residential houses, as we can see, a lot of houses have been damaged, many have no windows, unfortunately, but we will discuss with you and mr. olezh, including the situation with compensations, so we understand that people found themselves in winter, in difficult conditions, without proper, let's say, conditions for living, well, at least for now, until they install windows, until they install doors, and the city commission on technogenic and ecological safety. and emergency situations agreed today to allocate about uah 35 million from the reserve of the city budget fund to help the residents of the affected buildings, this is the situation , in general, how do you assess, how do you assess the fact that we have such and such a problem in the city, we have shelling, we need to help people who have suffered, but we understand that some bureaucratic moments may delay this whole process a little.


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