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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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had somewhere, let's say, to spend the night, but everything was destroyed in them, was there any direct temporary help, a temporary shelter for people who, well, they simply have nowhere to go at night, and perhaps have no relatives or relatives or friends, people who apply with any help, they are listened to and given, including temporary housing, please tell me how it can affect, again, without keeping any secrets, secrets, if they are or information that does not have a purpose. of course many people will come to lviv, some have already arrived, some will still come for the new year holidays, as well as for the christmas holidays, they always come to lviv, this is already a tradition, but we understand that crowds of people, big events, they can become an enemy again either by accident or with a deliberate goal, because the year has not ended, and we remember the rocket attack on kyiv, let's say on december 31 last year, where there were both dead, unfortunately, and wounded as well, or will any corrections or additional security measures be made for that , so that in case of anything, just be quick'. people were to be secured and there was no place for them
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to ensure, once again, please, you know, from your side , to deploy a punter of indomitability not only in lviv, but in the entire region, because we understand that many people come for christmas and the new year to spend the christmas and new year holidays. in addition, if we talk about the possibilities of acceptance, we are always ready to accept both internally displaced persons and persons who need it, in the expanded service of psychological assistance and coordination centers for provision are working. assistance of any kind, which is necessary in in the region as a whole, well, i would also like to ask, as the year is already ending, are there any problems today, let's say with some kind of underfunding or other things, socially important issues, infrastructural facilities, which, let's say, are underrepaired or incomplete somewhere , because there was no certain funding, again specifically for the lviv region, does the year end more or less stable in this matter, and the next year, no matter how difficult it may be. you can also
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look with more or less optimism. the main one the problem is the condition of bomb shelters. of course, we strive for them to be better, we constantly appeal to local self-government bodies, because mostly those bomb shelters are in their possession, either in basements, houses, condominiums, schools, and so on. therefore, we constantly pay attention to this, so that funds are not invested in cobblestones. in the bomb shelter for people, thank you very much for your work, first of all, thank you for your comments, for taking the time to join, maksym kozytskyi, the head of the lviv regional military administration was with us on communications, let me remind you, dozens of rockets flew over lviv today, more than a dozen rockets, unfortunately, one person died, this is a famous basketball player, by the way, also today, well, he died in lviv, eight people in zaporizhzhia, eight people in kyiv , six people in the dnipro, well... there are also
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victims in sumy oblast, cherkasy oblast, and odesa as well, these are the tragic consequences of today's enemy attack on the territory of our state, for us, first of all, you know, they say, on the territory of the state, but putin does not want to dig up fields with rockets, he does attacks us, and our bodies, but also our minds and souls, how to resist this, what happened today, let's talk, serhiy zgurets, with us, director of the defenseexpress agency, military experts , military summaries of the day, serhiy. today we're really going to try to sort out this enemy missile barrage, and we're also going to talk about what 's happening on the front line, because this week has been difficult on the front line as well, more on that in a moment, so let's get started, i think i, like serhiy, like millions of ukrainians throughout ukraine today woke up from rocket explosions, someone had an explosion closer to the house, someone had something close to... someone,
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excuse me, had an explosion, unfortunately, together with the house, and such a massive attack, this is the largest in the entire history of a full-scale invasion at one time, how many 110 rockets in my opinion it was, well, when we talk about this attack, it really was a combined, massed one, it was the biggest this year, because last year somewhere in november, in december the enemy used a significant number of cruise missiles, there was also 90 and 80, that is the indicators of the number of rockets placed then were even higher, especially if we... we start a large-scale invasion, then in general 160 rockets were used in the first days there almost, so this is not the largest during the entire period of hostilities, but it is the largest during this year and the most complex in terms of the use of various means is the impression that the enemy used in this particular attack, in general, we know that 158 ​​missiles and drones were used, of which the stocher... was shot down,
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that is, 72%, which speaks of a high, well an indicator of the performance of our air defense, and here we can really talk about what was difficult. these attacks are for our air defense, because first of all, in almost all regions there were targets in the air that moved at different speeds and there was a significant number of missiles of various purposes, a significant number of kha-101 missiles, i.e. there were 90 missiles and at the same time , that they were launched from 18 bombers, which is a little bit, because relatively speaking, usually the enemy, if we have 90... missiles there, divide by these 18 bombers, it turns out that there are five missiles for each missile, for each bomber, despite the fact that earlier tu-95 ms were used to launch one or two or at most three missiles, now the situation has changed somewhat,
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also a significant number of shahed 36, and even then, if you look at the hierarchy of the used means of impression, there were 14 missiles up to s 400, 300. iskander m eight missiles up to x20 to x-22 missiles 23 which are fast and which we cannot shoot down. there were five daggers, it's the same, well, after a considerable pause, the enemy didn't have them used, is now using, so in any case it can be said that the enemy's operation was complex, aimed at striking critical infrastructure, industrial facilities, military facilities, civilian facilities ects, but when we talk about hasto missiles. one, it is by far the most expensive element of the russian military arsenal, and most importantly, as i understand it, they tried to direct them for strikes on military or industrial facilities, in particular, the strike on kyiv there in the lukyanivska metro area, then
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eyewitnesses, i spoke with one person , she says that she actually saw a rocket and, relatively speaking, it was as if a machine gun was firing at it, and then... she imagines that in fact it was not a machine gun, but this rocket that was flying towards the luk zone yanivka, she fired these heat traps with this one with great intensity, and these heat traps, by the way, appeared in these missiles only this year, that is, they are actually new improved missiles x101, and these heat traps are used in order not to our military couldn't help but shoot them down there are either manpads or complexes with thermal homing heads. so, in any case, we can say that the attack was really such a massive combined, air defense of ukraine fulfilled the task in terms of countering this threat, because we see the number of destroyed targets, which surprised me that there were not these
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missiles- caliber, these are stolen sea -based missiles, but in the evening there we received information that it is possible that at least two objects there were from... fragments of the remains of the caliber missiles, which are not yet on the list, were found of those missiles that were destroyed, so we will still look for this information, if they were calibers, it means that enemy sea platforms were also used to strike our territory, but i repeat, this was not a surprise for our anti-aircraft system defense, which is currently being strengthened due to the air defense systems that it supplies and those developments that are being created together with foreign partners, i will only... finishing the topic of missile fire for the time being, i will say that this one missile fire cost russia 1 billion 250 million dollars, this is half the budget of the rostov region and it is more than the budget of the kursk region, annual, in a year, in a day to shoot an annual object, the annual budget of the region of the russian
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federation, this is how putin fights with ukraine, the main thing is that it remains there, forgive me, shit tears, but at the same time we are destroying ukraine, that is the secret. muskay soul was written by dostoevsky, that's what it is. putin tweaked this secret a little. now we will talk about ours, now about ours, about our power , what we spend budget money on, so the minister ukrbernprom reported to him on issues of the strategic branch of industry, they reported how they produced this year, what plans they have for the coming year. how do you rate this report in short? well, in fact, it was indeed the report of the minister of strategic industries. and just before that, on the 27th , the president awarded the best enterprises in the ukrainian defense sphere, and in general , the dynamics are so positive, but so positive that we can say that we are really moving forward quickly. is
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positive things are related to the fact that new directions are being created, missile weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles are being created, but now we can learn more about this in the material that i prepared. the correspondent who was at this event on mr. komyshin's report. in ukraine , the production of mortar rounds increased 42 times and almost tripled the production of art. they began to produce 125 mm tank ammunition and mastered the production of 73 mm, while the nativskyi 155 caliber is currently under development. serial production of this ammunition will begin next year. on unfortunately, in this caliber we depend on our partners, we depend on the supply of scarce powders, because such powders have never been produced by ukraine, if we are talking about monobasic and bibasic powders, then at least we once had them... it was there a long time ago , and if we are talking specifically about nato
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standards, nato powders, we have never produced them, so we hope for the support of our partners in the matter of powders and are ready to start crude production. ukraine is already developing its air defense systems, the so-called hybrid air defense systems have already been shown your results this winter. frankynem is a joint development with american partners. such an air defense system combines soviet launchers and western technologies, and it is already working at the front. this is our productive cooperation with our american partners, in which we took our soviet systems, integrated them together with our western partners, together with western missiles, together with western launchers and got a new hybrid air defense system at the finish line. millions of hamik drones. will be next year - he noted kamyshchyn but the situation with medium-
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range and long-range uavs is not so optimistic. 10,000 medium- range drones per year and 1,000 long-range ones. 200 enterprises are working on the production of drones. we have only one factory that produced 45,000, this is only one production, only one site. thirdly, we are constantly increasing our capabilities. when we talk about long-range drones, this is a... unfortunately, a painful story, because the state has had this development for a thousand plus kilometers since 2016, for some reason it was not mass-produced, we they began to mass-produce them in august, but the long-range missiles are under wraps secretly, the minister refuses to comment on the production of these weapons, it is the most secret, most important program in ukraine, i will never talk about it, probably, and... you can remember that the president said in september that we have our own long-range domestic
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weapons, so i think that this will be enough for you. there are currently 3,000 people and 500 enterprises in the defense industry of ukraine. it was possible to increase the production of our own equipment this year, six units of sao bogddan na month. 3.5 times more than last year they produced armored vehicles of the sba. in addition, state-owned factories increased production by five. of bats, and in general the defense industry tripled its production in 2023, next year this indicator is planned to be doubled. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. well, in principle, positive news from the minister. positive, but conditionally speaking, when you do not know the previous data, how much was produced last year, and now to say that it has increased by 5 or 10 times, but this is conditionally speaking, i understand it is necessary... to know the previous figures, but in any case there is a certain positive, but i repeat that some things should have been done
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much earlier, now even in certain directions, now due to bureaucratic problems and the like, everything is just a delay, we hope , that there will be less of it, well , mr. kamyshen said that these long-range drones, well, this is a complex technique, it is not just to launch the aircraft, but since the 16th year the program, but for some reason, well, hinting at the predecessors was not done , well, listen, it was still the 19th, 20th, so the question is also why not did, but i just say for example that the development of nephtuns began in 2010, they were tested for the first time in 2019, that is, it is not so easy to do, we just need to speed up, now it is obvious , and he interestingly told the thing very briefly about that the missile program is classified, that is, it also works, well, we hope that it works, because the predecessor, the head of ukrovomprom, was removed for the slow pace of advancing the missile program, but in addition to the missile program, there is an ammunition program, a gunpowder program. and these programs are began to be realized much earlier than the war began. we should have already had
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a factory for the production of ammunition, and a factory for the production of gunpowder and so on. so i think that it is necessary to catch up now and look for options to increase the number of self-produced weapons, if it is difficult , but not impossible. and now we will come to avdiyivka, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy today visited the city, which the enemy is trying to take with a flail, well... he somehow takes it, but he does not manage to do it, let's now listen to the president, supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, then we will discuss the situation. avdiivka - our positions, our boys. ukraine defends its own here and defends all our people, as it does on the entire line on the front line. donetsk region, kharkiv region, zaporizhzhia, kherson region, left bank. it's hard, it's pain, it's loss. and these are the people who hold the life of ukraine. life is chosen here. we are grateful to all fighters,
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every soldier, sailor, sergeant, every officer who bear this war on themselves. well me i'll give you my word, come on, in any case , we understand that the president has now arrived near avdiyivka, we understand that hostilities near avdiyivka are already underway, well, if we do not take the previous period of hostilities , the enemy has been actively attacking since october 9, but we understand that this urgent nature and the presence of the president are all good, but in any case, planned measures for preparing for defense, for implementation. fortification measures, all this had to be done in due time, now we really have a significant number of units there, which do not allow the possibility the enemy is there to ensure the descent of these ticks there from the north from the south there under the steppe, our 47th brigade has a lot of good videos, including the video where
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this russian armored personnel carrier 82 is being destroyed, that is, actually now despite everything. the enemy's forces are thrown into this area, the enemy's advance along the entire perimeter is minimal, precisely due to the fact that units, artillery, and so on have recently appeared there. this direction is a priority for the enemy, we remember with what hysteria to go there, they talked about the fact that they entered destroyed maryanka, but avdiyivka is now extremely important for the enemy both in the political and military sense, and... he does not spare the technique of the forces that are deployed in order to carry out attacks precisely on the steppes there, and on kohsokhim, and on promka, and to the north in these areas, the attacks continue, but there have been no such special changes there in the last 3-4 days, yesterday we had a conversation with fighters from this direction, they say that it is extremely difficult, but there are all
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the necessary means to destroy the enemy, now the president has appeared there, of course na na against the background of these... political tasks, which now , well, conditionally speaking, symbolizes the appearance of the president, this will mean that there will be an additional increase in the strength of means, so in any case , i think that even before the new year and later , the enemy, well of course, avdiivka will not be captured, although general zaluzhnyk said that if the situation is such that there will be nowhere to defend, then we will not put the protection of the territories higher than the lives of our soldiers. i saw a video yesterday, just from the steppe, where the ukrainian heroic t-62 tank was just... dismantling enemy positions for spare parts, and this he managed to do it very effectively, but of course there is this one, well, it was such a video, and the maneuvers are cool, because it was at high speed, he made his way to the area where the enemy was sitting in defense and used fire at a fast pace from the gun, then he returned to the previous positions, it's really
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impressive, it's just the courage of the tankers, experience, and skill. to unexpectedly go to those areas where the enemy is not actually waiting, and this is how, by the way, the bradley infantry fighting vehicles of the 47th brigade, which destroyed three or four the enemy's bmp, now there are many such cool videos that show the skill of our brigades operating in this area, but i repeat, behind this courage there are still extremely difficult situations, the enemy's advantage in manpower, the presence of enemy artillery, the use of aviation there, so well, we understand that... how difficult it is for our soldiers, but we understand how bravely they carry out their tasks, well, and again here is the importance of these kamikaze drones with a sufficient amount of explosives, today i read again the material about the same as for 40 in seconds, i think there were five or so units of the enemy's armored vehicles from different directions, and it's just that in 40 seconds there were five armored vehicles, i just don't know if it's avdiivka, i won't lie, i
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i remember this video, i can’t remember it now, either , but it says that this is really a new direction in creating a company... drones, an increase in the number of fpv drones, it affects combat, by the way, here is yura botutsov, who repeatedly categorically said that more drones are needed near avdiivka, he said a couple of days ago that indeed a little more drones have already been transferred near avdiivka and maybe just on the eve of the president's visit and the situation with this has improved, because now fpv drones are such a good addition to the artillery from the point of view of destroying both the enemy's equipment and manpower . then let's talk about maryinka, the enemy ran to report to putin that maryinka is theirs, but not everything is so clear-cut in this story, well, the enemy went to... maryinka's family - that's right, there is a video where you can see what maryinka is, now, in fact, she is not differs from another city or village
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, where the enemy advances everywhere, that is , the buildings are completely destroyed, and actually to hold the defense there, well, it was extremely difficult, and now the enemy is trying to use the situation in order to fulfill his main idea, if in the military sense. speaking, the actual situation with maryanka is aimed at, relatively speaking, displacing our units, which are located there from maryanka to ugledar to the west to the east of the road between maryanka and ugledar, there and victory and further to to the observer, and there right now the main direction of efforts is in... the enemy is trying to press both on victory and on novomykhaivka from various directions, and is also trying to move from maryanka to the west there in the direction
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of yegorhivka, that is, in fact, in all these directions, he is trying to press on on ours to press our defense in order to ensure , first of all, the prerequisites for or exit to ughledar from various directions, and... the exit to ughledar is important for the enemy because he actually, well, wants to secure the transport route that goes from volnovy and further there on to the west all the way to melitopol, that is, in fact, all these actions make sense for the enemy from the point of view of military logic, but the question of the strength of the means that the enemy is now trying to use for these purposes... and the same situation in maryanka and around mar yanks are such that the enemy is really trying to expand the zone of influence there, and our
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forces, units, well, using artillery , are trying to restrain this advance. well, the enemy tried in a professional way, but he managed to advance a little there and win back what, well, how not to win back, because it is not his, but to take back what we managed to take away, to win back to us during the counteroffensive. indeed, the operational situation is such that we are wedged into the enemy's defense line, there is this bridgehead of ours, so to speak, 10 by 10 km, and general tornavskyi, who is responsible for this direction, literally said the day before yesterday that the enemy is now trying to replay the results of the hostilities and return what was lost, and in practice this is done by the fact that now at the expense of these... airborne assault regiments of two of the enemy's airborne assault divisions and from the west and from the east with attacks there and on the robot and from
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the recruiting unit is trying to create threats to our brigades, which are receiving defense there , there are certain advances of the enemy in certain areas, in particular, there is a run-in of the robotic unit and from the recruiting unit, indeed there is an advance there within the limits... they really are, and we understand that the enemy will continue to try to continue to press in order to ensure these flank attacks on the area where our military is located, the situation, i will repeat, is a difficult one and difficult, but we also understand that what will be important will be what forces and means will be used, well, the command. this direction, in order to prevent the enemy from moving even closer there to the robot moving from novoprokopivka and so on. well, i will ask you at the end, we
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literally have a minute and a half, should we now predict repeated enemy attacks, missile, shahe, of this scale, or will the enemy not be able to make several such attacks in a row? well, i think that he won't be able to in a row, because actually, if we say that he used 90 missiles there. 101 at the rate of production, relatively speaking, 40 missiles per month, then he used the two-month norm of these missiles, despite the fact that the flight task for each missile there is prepared within two weeks, so i think that the enemy will evaluate the results of his actions, then will change again and will look for such more insidious options for attacking our cities and towns, so i think that our anti-aircraft... defense, of course, is also preparing for this, well, we should also be ready in the same way, understanding that there is an enemy insidious, and its main goal is the actual destruction of ukraine as a state as a whole, and
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of us as citizens. i will say at the end that great britain has promised to transfer hundreds of missiles for air defense, air defense systems, and in general, the leaders of our partner countries said that ukraine needs funding now, it is for the army and not only for the army, the world leaders said, i think that this missile attack, although it brought death to ukraine, may refresh our partners a little, well, this is an absolutely correct conclusion, and the minister minister of foreign affairs koleva was just saying about this that everyone should see, hear what is happening with... during these missile attacks, this should really be an impetus for speeding up aid and unblocking any supplies that european politicians are still thinking about, or to supply or not to supply to ukraine, so thank you very much sergey, serhiy zgurets was with us, these were the military results of the week. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, hopefully next week will be a bit easier in terms of protecting our defense levels. well, now we have a plot for yours
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of attention: a deputy in the lviv city council, working in the largest ukrainian bank and raising two children before a full-scale war, tetyana shevchenko had time to deal with all this. the woman has been serving as a military medic for 22 months. how guardian angels save the lives of soldiers on the front line, we see in our story. kobzar, tatyana shevchenko received such a lawsuit on the front line. even before february 24, the woman enrolled at lvivska. teroboron, and on the first day of the full-scale invasion went to the location of the brigade to defend ukraine. i remembered that one of my professions is a medic, so i decided that i can be useful, all military things, i will learn just being in the reserve, leaving for training. in the past , mrs. tetiana worked as a nurse in the lviv hospital, so she was hired as a sanitary instructor in the 103rd separate brigade.
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of territorial defense, well , but an instructor, that means a medical instructor, my task is to save, er, help, treat, not only, let's say, not only physically, but also morally, and just to be a spiritual support for the team, for the personnel. in in june 2023 , a medical company was created at the base of the 103rd brigade, the command decided to appoint tatyana as the head nurse. near the front line , a medical reception room, a 25-bed inpatient unit and an evacuation department were set up in the basement. and here the evacuation department is engaged in evacuation, interception leaves, works with more wounded and medical department, in which they are treated like
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our boys who do not need it. hospital with somatic diseases, and we accept from all brigades, we have such a concept as acuborotrams, working against the background of artillery shelling, sometimes 12 or even 20 soldiers have to be received at the stabilization point at once, such moments feel like hell, ms. tetyana admits. i'm glad when we don't have work, if we don't have work, then there are no wounded guys. well, our evacuation teams are silent that they are not transporting anyone, there is no need to leave for any interceptions, no help is needed, which means there are no wounded, our chat is silent about the fact that there are two hundred, an hour after the overlap a tourniquet, a wounded soldier must be taken to the hospital, but in the conditions of hostilities this is not always realistic. evacuation continues, 3-4 hours is great. 6-8
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hours, unfortunately, sometimes longer. and everything depends on the medic of the battalion, first of all, everything depends on the soldier himself and on his comrades. ms. tetiana calls medical colleagues her second family. i went to war because i believe that someone in the family must go to war. it's either dad, or mom, or children, god forbid. that's why it happened with us that i went to war. after the victory of sergeant tatiana. plans to return to work in the lviv city council, because she knows that she can be useful to her community. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now the news is timely. the second hour of the great ether, a lot of interesting things ahead, the world about ukraine, money during the war. sports news from yevhen pastukhov, of course, what will the weather be like this weekend? natal cadiden?


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