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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] i'll make a comic, i say, wait, you're going to make a comic, yes, and you understand, yes, i've already made it, it'll be fine, it's very funny, we'll make it funny, i say, okay, let's go, and we started, but quarantines, shmini, and i thought i would do it quickly in six months, but it turned out in about two years, we made this book, and right before the war we presented the book and presented it, you will lose time, too, it was not my idea, they called me. and i say, i even signed up, when the book comes out, i will take it and rewrite it, why did i
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immediately put it in the word file, and they... worked, because you know that it was necessary, well, what i will tell you technically, braille, and you have to translate and see that it is in ukrainian, and you have to get the signs, for three months they made the braille text, and then they well, in about a month it was printed, done, we got 120 books, because everything didn't fit into one, four, we got four books, 30 copies of four books, because... 30, because in ukraine before the war there were six boarding schools and 20, yes 24 schools for the blind and partially sighted, that's why we had to to distribute all this, moreover, we even have drawings there, that is, they asked to make drawings, children who cannot see, they say, i want to look, i want to see, i want to read, they never say, touch, never they say, viktor
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, we can look at you... come up and he touches you completely with his hands to see how you look, and we made these drawings, me and i speared: why are we making drawings then, come on, no, no, no, are visually impaired, they want to see, they can't see well, but they have to draw pictures, unlike us for the sighted, a little they have to do it differently, this is the second technology, so you can't imagine, on february 24 , 2022, i had to... give one copy to the braille house, which is in kharkov, and give the other to a boarding school, and in connection with that , that ruslan asenka broke his leg, i didn't have time, we were able to go and, well, i would have been in kharkiv on february 24, that is, and when we presented this book in kyiv, children came who read it and who journalists were told that they liked it, that i won't
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say it again, blind children read it. book and told what they liked and what they didn't i like the film, and here's the next stage, which i now proposed, i can't make it there with the ukf, it didn't work out, well , somehow i'll make it, i want to do it too, they requested me to make an audio performance like this, no i can tell an audiobook, not monophonic, multi-vocal, like the soundtrack of a film, that it has many tracks, there are voices, music, we are all music. wrote for this for the film and let it be there, and when we did all this, we submitted everything, we can’t launch it now, but i think everything let's start it, everything will be fine, but i said that why this audio performance will be interesting, because it will be interesting not only to blind, partially sighted children, but also to children, well, that is, to everyone else, but when i speak in particular, let them sit in the bomb shelter, let them listen
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to the book. how anxious do you know everyone goes down to the school there, they sit or run near the storehouse and they sit there, they don’t know how to fool around, they don’t know what to do there, you know, did you take a movie , or did you show this audiobook, for example, that would be good the last idea that i'm thinking about, listen, viktor , what do you say to me, wait, wait, maybe i 'll say it right away, kolinka, i'll say it right away, let's go quickly, i have a question to ask. from time to time, and what you say, i can answer your question, okay, come on, continue, continue, continue, quickly, now due to the fact that the war, i can't shoot a movie, i have to cheren nalysia no shoot a movie, and the movie is an animated film, then there will be both a movie and animation, i answered everything, i’m sorry, you damn well, asked me a question, we wasted so much time, nothing, nothing, everything was interesting to everyone, believe me , you talk like that, you really are an orchestra person and
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you do both... audio, and video, and such, and braille, and for the visually impaired, and for such, for such, and you i was never attracted to any administrative position, because you know so much, you know so much, you should be... minister of youth or minister, i don't know the cult of youth culture or children's culture , something like that, because you know there and you know here and you can make money here and there to make an agreement, i'm just looking, well, you radiate such energy if we had such energy at the state level, then we would have broken through everything tomorrow and would have defeated the katsapivmy, we don't need kolya, everyone should. mind your own business, you understand , i say once again that i will not make copies , take vakarchuk, the deputy ran, dropped everything, went to do concerts, and you already understand twice, that is, that is why i do not want to follow his
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path, everyone has , understand, any minister or whatever, it's a manager, a manager, he has to, you know, the director of the bathhouse has to see that the taps work, he doesn't have to wash, he... has to see to it that the crane works , but you understand, there are people who are, well, maybe they have a knack for it, he can, not only that, there is, not everyone steals, my knee, i know, mykola, i’m sorry, friend , sorry, that’s the same, everyone, not everyone steals, i know many people who do something for children, for example, this same oksana pimtka, she was the first to do it, i’ll say the wrong thing now, well, but to have an audio transcription for each children's movie, which... was made in ukraine, that is, she did the audio transcription herself in her studio, they gathered there, took an actor, a good guy, and they did exactly this, you understand, that is, a person has a knack for doing it, he helps many children,
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but let such people be in charge of it, what will i be, i understood, tell me, and where did you get such wisdom, because you just said a phrase that is... very rare, very few people, because a person who gets into it becomes popular, famous, you just called fame, it's just not his fault, such an atmosphere is created around him that oh , why aren't you a deputy, oh, why aren't you a party leader, come on, and everyone is pushing him there, he he gets there, gets lost, turns back, you didn't even step on the threshold, you immediately said, where did this wisdom come from, is it your parents, or where did you learn it? such and such an attitude to life, understanding in advance that everyone should do their own thing, and not jump, if you write books well, then you immediately become the head of the union of writers of the ussr, if you publish
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a book. look, the thing is, well, first of all , there was a great cartoon, when it doesn't say that you are strong, you will meet stronger, it doesn't say that the wise will meet the wiser, first of all, this is childhood, let's say , then, everyone has to... do their own thing, you know, and secondly, i have just when i was still studying at school or at the institute, i don't remember anymore, i'm alone i liked the article, there was a soviet journalist who wanted to get something out of a beat american, so that there would be something for the newspaper, it’s true, there was something, he still doesn’t succeed, he doesn’t succeed, he asks him a question, and who are you, i’m an electrician, yes, yes, yes 40 years of electricity, after that i will have a business or open a small shop. there's money there, plus i'll take it to the banks, okay, ah if you were the director of this plant, he was so scared, he said, i'm a very good electrician, i'm very good, i'm 40 years old, older, i worked, i'm very good, well, simply, if
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you were an electrician, the director of electric of this plant, whatever you do, i don't no no, he couldn't break it in any way, he couldn't understand, then he asked him a brilliant question, and how do you relate to the bodgata, he said if... the inheritance is there that's happiness, and if i earned it, well done, that's psychology, that's the same with me, i'd rather do it, you understand, and go there, you understand, it's not mine, i'm more than that, when i remember, in germany they asked the question, if you were the president, what would the law say, i would want the artists not to go, not the artists, not musicians, nobody,
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nobody, creative people should not be. when i started acting, some, some teacher was important to you, who noticed it, i just remember, once i was told about ada mykolaivna rogovtseva, i say, and you... how did you feel that you could be an actress , he says: i read poems, i saw that at school i read from the stage, and everyone, everyone they were silent and looked at me, and i realized that i can hold an audience, but with you, how did you decide that you are the way you are now, that you are there, it was at school, i found it, mykola, of course, thank you, i found a place for my unworldly energy, maybe... i can put it somewhere , you know, when you come to the theater
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institute, for example, you have such chaos, a person-chaos, whether i, andrienko or vasya band are chaos, and then all the teachers help you for four years, all the chaos somehow takes a form so that you know how to, how to, how to you can somehow control your chaos, and when i joined the drama club for 10 years, then after that i... had to play the main role, and one day i played the main role in the play, and the next day i played episodes, episodic role, secondary role role, that's why i had to work for 14 days straight away, when you remember that in the soviet union, when it was new year, there was a christmas tree for 14 days at some factory, at a factory or in a district, when necessary, children were brought there and ... played these performances themselves together with adult santa clauses, and
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we played this play, i liked it, you know, i realized that it was mine, and i even had a conflict situation when i was sitting with my father at the parents' meeting, and when they asked me whether i was in the sixth grade or the seventh, i already i don't remember, then they asked me what i wanted to be, i said an artist, as everyone started to laugh, not an astronaut, not a communist, i don't know, i don't know, the captain of the gunpowder. let's not break this dream for him, and this is what my father said, this has already happened to me, you know, this has also affected me, if you have a dream, you you are going to the goal, why do you turn around and go all the way there director of the theater, well, that's why the temptation of the director of the theater is a car, an office. no , no, no, no, no, this, this, this is a joke, this is a joke, i
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'm telling you, i was offered to be, the americans offered, they all gave money for me to become the director of the animation studio, i refused, i refused, said, no problem, but come on, i can do something else, i will hire a person who knows how to count money, who knows how to be a manager, you know, all the officials, who, it is the managers who have to be to be, you understand, if a person, okay there... if he has experience working there at the factory , he worked, for example, behind this workshop, then he rose and so on, then he knows what he produces, knows how to manage thousands of people, you understand how they manage, and how some teacher i remember , the young girl was gorgeous, and she taught the first classes, and when they talked to her, she said: "you know, viktor, how i it's difficult, because..." because i have 20 children,
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each of them has their own character, this is necessary a little bit almost to shout, on the contrary to say: come on, come on alone, alone, alone, that is, i am watching, a young girl who understands how to work with children, you understand, for me it was just an opening, by the way, i want to ask you, tell me, please, you remembered, and i understood that we are celebrating the new year here, you, well... you communicate with your colleagues, this year, last year, during the war there were these are the so-called christmas trees, there was an invitation to the actors, do n’t you know, it’s just interesting, well, they didn’t invite me, it’s changed now, there’s grandpa moroz stepped forward to a great future, but st. nicholas is still not used to it somehow, all they know, what they did, is that they managed to shoot
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the film st. nicholas. that's what i mean by the movies, but just understand, our man will celebrate st. nicholas, and the old new year, and the new new year, and orthodox christmas, and catholic christmas, well , it will be what i called, i say, let's go, when i can come, i have to come there exactly, distribute books, talk with the children there. after the 13th, before the 13th, i will not gather my parents, that is, you understand, and now the chaos is such, everyone doesn't know when to go to the gulbarit, they 're in the middle of... everyone celebrates the new year there , celebrates something there, well, if you take vasyl bendas, for example, take the carpathian villages, then they go there clearly, they know when they go to church christmas , when everything is one story, and in the city people live in a bit of chaos, they don’t know how we
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came from the village, should we do it like a city girl, or should we do it in a different way, a little people, well, everyone has a christmas tree . will the 24th year be happier than the 22nd and 23rd? what do you think? let's go, it all depends on people, if people think that everything will be fine, that we will win, that everything will be light, that everything will be fine, then people will think about it, then it will be so, and if you
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think that it is bad, then it will be what you ask for, don't ask, because it will be given, and what you will do with it, you understand, so it is better to ask for good, and with good you will always find. what to do with him, if it's not just a bag of dollars on your head, but there will be people smiling, there will be some positive, you understand, and i'm going now, well, i'm going to germany now, they asked for my support, i have to collect for the medical on this medical aid car for the guys there on the front, plus i will make presentations there, then here are my such and such maidans there, well, in german. we will hold a protest, well , there is no maidan, that is against the government, but we will just rejoice, they are already held there in the ukrainian house, there in wetford, in frankfurt, they hold such fairs, you know, and for example, there they donate my book, give some donations , we will present you with a book by viktor andrienko, you understand, that is, i
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was in estonia just now, it’s still a festive mood it exists, at least you will understand, but you think, people went to europe, oh , it’s great there... they didn’t move in, you know, it’s not very good for children there, because if they’re small, they ’ve been rebuilt, and you know, it’s very difficult here, in who have two worlds in their heads, you see, they want to return to ukraine, but don't believe me, i 'm telling you, there are many children who are already wounded from the war, psychologically wounded, you see, i won't tell the details, who still hear the scooter and let's hide and yes. and no, it's not a rocket, no, no, no, i know, i do i know, i know, that is, there are such people, and there are those who cannot even say their name, but i once talked with them, right there, and i thought that i also thought like that, well, the children are already fine, they abroad, that's what we think, but it's not so good for them, and it's even more difficult for adults, and you know how
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our ukrainians differ from those who come there, they come and first of all they want to find a job, yes, they give an allowance, but they don't want to find a job. you understand that they want some kind of work, and they don't even understand, if you start working, then you start taxpayer, that means you immediately lose this help, and they don't understand, well, you have to work somewhere, not sit at home, you have to do something , you see, this is ukrainian luck , that's what is in us, that we, remember chekhov, chekhov had some kind of story, i don't remember if it was in his letters, that he came somewhere deep in siberia, he came. these houses are so squinting , such men are standing there, they are walking all over, and one house is painted a bit and that some flowers have been planted, then something like that has been planted, he says, and what is that, and это хохол пасадил, yes, yes, it's true, it's true, i would have seen it myself and i was born with the same answer, i was
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once riding a taxi from moscow along the golden ring, and there was a muscovite, and such houses , there are no fences, the houses are like that and then... i look at a good house, like this, not like a toilet, you know, in summer cottages, we have houses there, like toilets in summer cottages, i say, i say, and this what is it, is that the first secretarial committee, yes, no, the khaholnen built, so everything, everything is clear, everything, we reached the end of our program viktor andrienko, i will be with you, i congratulate everyone, let's celebrate the holidays, i just want to congratulate you on the new year and christmas. nikolay, whatever you want, let it happen, someone has a birthday, god grant that everything be positive, light, good, balance, harmony, let it be. hope, let there be hope, there will be hope and there will be faith, but there will be no faith, there will be balance and there will be love and there will be peace. thank you, viktor andrienko, all the best,
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ladies and gentlemen, happy new year, bye-bye, goodbye, everything, thank you very much, thank you very much. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. complex dolgit anti-neuralgia helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. anti-neuralgia capsules - help for your nervous system. wow, i went for a walk. water this is ordinary water for... water for special
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dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. see this week in the collaborators program. how do the rashists turn the children of donbas into merciless killers? hey guys. according to the forecast , there will be hail, but who is praying for the russian soldiers in the city of happiness? we believe in our victory,
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that you will return alive and well. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborante program about traitors who went to serve the rashi occupiers at the behest of their hearts and wallets. spring 2014 , the russian federation unleashed undeclared war in donbas. sloviansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka - the first captured ukrainian cities. saboteurs on the ground armed collaborators and accepted them into their ranks. later, these small assault units took control of other cities of donetsk region and luhansk region. after that, the occupiers created fake republics there. on february 21 , 2022, putin signed decrees on the recognition of the dpr and lpr, as well as agreements on friendship , cooperation and assistance with them. the decrees stipulate that the russian armed forces will have to ensure the maintenance of peace on this occupied. territory part of donbass has been under occupation for more than nine years. the policy of propaganda in these regions is so strong that children are taught
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to hate ukraine, to support russia in every possible way, and to fight to remain part of the russian federation. under such a watchful eye of putin , real fanatics grow up there. and here is one of the creatures of russian education - 20-year-old anastasia bartenova from yenakivo-donetsk region. in 2014, when the russians occupied. city, the girl was only 11 years old. my name is nastya, i am 20 years old and i am a military correspondent. years before anastasia's release, russia, through the education system, made her an obedient russian slave. after finishing school , nastya decided to become a soldier. i wanted to go to moscow, but it didn't work out, the family, in short, called me, i decided that i would go in february, the full-scale training began. to work as a military correspondent. when 24 the correspondent started her own telegram channel nastyushka on vaynushki, where she publishes publications about how she hates ukrainians and
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ukraine, how she rejoices at the death of our soldiers, she smiles. when he knows what will happen now massive shelling of ukraine. dubak, but we will fix the weather now. there will be hail in the forecast today in khokhlov. she became the perfect creation of the rashists, who is ready to die for her dictator. so, with the beginning of the great war , the girl joined the army of the russian federation. just the other day, i entered the service in the ussr, now i am officially a military officer of the communications department , and the thought that i want to take revenge entered my head. for these dead people, for the past six months i have done everything to help the army and at the same time to get into ranks of the armed forces. colleagues in the workshop gave the girl a name bow for her bright image, long nails, eyelash extensions and hair styling. the beauty brought, but the brain did not add. nastya's blind obedience and devotion to russia is hard to fake, from her social networks it is clear
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that ukraine is her enemy number one, which needs to be destroyed. persuasive, because the kakhlovs have a distinctive feature of shelling, they shell the same place twice, and with a periodicity somewhere in time, half an hour, so that at this place the journalists managed to get up quickly. nastya can often be seen in propaganda videos on kremlin tv channels , films are made about her, they say, look, a ukrainian child who grew up, became a patriot of russia, and bantik herself is happy to actively conduct information and propaganda activities in social networks. unfortunately, russia continues to actively use its dirty propaganda, involving minors. it is hard to imagine how many people like anastasia the rashists have already raised and continue to do so. hundreds of our people are exposed every day at the behest of the kremlin children who are illegally taken to the territory of russia in order to artificially
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instill in them love for the soviet union through propaganda and ... she is a star and the bunker grandfather will fully pay for their crimes. collaborators in places of happiness had to change their shoes several times. for the control of this city nine years ago , fierce battles were fought between our defenders and the terrorists of the so-called luhansk people's republic, until in the fall of the same year, happiness finally came under the control of ukraine. despite constant shelling from the self-proclaimed lpr, the city did not surrender continued to live. this was the case until february 24 , 2022, when it was not captured again by the russian army. depending on who controls the city, that's why local traitors sing their praises. for example, antonina anatoliivna shchaholkova, the duplicitous headmistress of school number 56 in the city of happiness. in the 14th year, she told the ukrainian media about what it was like to teach a lesson under shelling 5 km from luhansk. and now , woe to the russian propagandists about the years
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of ukrainian nationalism. the teacher will be suspended tomorrow. shtogolkova gave an interview to the ukrainian mass media, told how important it is not to remove ukrainian symbols and to involve children in learning ukrainian, love for ukraine, as it turned out, is bad for two, and when in february 2022 the city came under fire from the russian army, and later occupied, the headmistress of the school did not... hide, she quickly forgot her native ukrainian language, changed her shoes, and already on russian television she is pouring about how the school staff tried to protect the children from ukrainian nationalism. it was not easy for us not just the last 8 years, but i want to say that we have withstood everything, our pedagogues, in our city, in the city of happiness there are two secondary schools, the pedagogues
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have protected our students from nationalism in every way. now the city is being restored, the schools were damaged at the time when the ukrainian army was withdrawing. what definitely hurt shagulkova is her head. now it accepts humanitarian aid from the russian federation. we thank stroya for restoring the infrastructure and telling the students of the school a completely different story of the heroic city of happiness. led other collaborators lit up director stocholkova. our next salesperson works in the same school number 56. this is korshik lyubov. ivanovna, born in 1959, until february 24 , she was a teacher of junior classes at school number 56, but she had no pro-ukrainian views. according to local people, she was a supporter of the russian peace since the age of 14, so after the occupation of happiness , she stopped hiding her true views, started thanking the russian soldiers and asked them to return alive from
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the so-called svo. soldiers, we are so worried about the events that are happening now.


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