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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] to appoint not only four members of the accounting chamber, but also the chairman of the accounting chamber without a transparent competition and without reform? well, regarding the head of the accounting chamber in general , well, i don’t see anything about the requirements for transparent tenders, but maybe it’s not in prose, no, he’s not there , it’s a collegial body, anyway, he’s not there if it’s strong, well, it’s not a minister, it’s a little different story, what is it? as if he has more powers than a member of the government, but he does not manage the member, i am talking about this, i will simply repeat once again that between, that the budget of ukraine for more than half consists of international aid, and as experts told me , the accounting chamber in the view of the partners is such a body to which they can really trust their money, if it is independent, and
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they want to be sure. that there are not some appointees at some opaque competitions, but that there are really professional people, probably preferably with english, and oleksandr, you have a lot of experience, i do not believe that you did not realize this, you definitely realized how important it is for international partners, and you all voted equally on the contrary, there are definitely among these four people professional people with english with international experience, maybe not all of them have an english intermediate, but for sure there eh... well, according to these criteria, they fit, eh, the majority in the calculation will be among people chosen according to others approaches there on a transparent competition, although this one was also not closed and so on, i don’t see any problem here, the issue of accounting e-e actually arose very recently, before that, if you pay attention, two years ago, it didn’t bother anyone much was not interested, and aid still came to ukraine, yes,
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i.e. here... well, you have to understand that these issues will gradually be added, there we used to be interested in anti-corruption issues, we fulfilled them all, then we fulfilled more additional ones, then more additional ones, and in principle, everything that we voted on, in particular there questions about money laundering, the so-called topic about peps, yes, we have already shown more than once that we vote in principle on everything that is agreed with a partner, there will probably be more here... we will move forward, this is not the end of this case and we will see , like me , and the last question on this case is whether i understand correctly that you are still do you still have hope to appoint the head of the accounting chamber under the old conditions, i will say yes, not expecting a reform, well, we will have a vote, but how the hall will decide, i do not know, you have not changed your point of view, you will support, well , we will see when the vote will be , or maybe
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it has already been changed, i would not think about it yet. the next meeting is in mid-january. before you came to us, we notified our audience about this in social networks and asked them to ask you questions, and a lot of questions related to petro poroshenko and his non-release abroad. do you have a specific audience, forgive me, which one is there, yes, we value it very much, respect it, and in fact, this is a very important issue that has become interested even outside of ukraine, right? so, on december 1 , poroshenko was unable to go abroad... initially he had permission from the speaker of the parliament, ruslan stefanchuk, already at the crossing it turned out that you canceled stefanchuk's order, and according to your signature there, starting from that moment, it is no longer true, because for the day before we got acquainted with his faction and the committee where he works with mine by the order to cancel stefanchuk's order. drove to the border, knowing that he would not be released. yeah, that's how it was, but still
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. he stated that he is filing a lawsuit against you, against you and the service, the border service, and as far as i understand, the court ordered that you and the border service submit all the evidence and documents that became the basis for not releasing poroshenko abroad, have you already done it, well , i'm in the procedural process, if, well, i'm not sure that i need to comment on it, everything that will be required will be according to the process, we will do, and everything that will not be... prohibit the law, because some documents, well , they are not my property, i can't, i don't have administrative functions regarding them, so this issue should, for sure, well if to decide, in some other categories, in this whole story , i am only personally, well, if a little worried that the defendant is the borders of the detachments, and
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there is a sufficiently large finance there. demands and how during the war to demand from the border guards to pay the same amount as to demand to pay from the first vice-speaker, and what about the balance of the amount is it about is this compensation or how yes yes this is compensation a million hryvnias that petro oleksiyovych allegedly spent, we do not know yet , on tickets for himself and his team, for some reason it is also about the team, and he directed this demand in two parts to me and to the border guards , well, okay, regarding my income, he can understand them from the declaration, for example, the last one. or i will submit some relevant ones soon, but to charge 500 00 hryvnias from the border guards, which people there also use for the same mavics and so on, well, it’s a bit much for me
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it sounds strange, but you are absolutely sure of yourself, but when you appear before the court, if the case comes, you did the right thing, you did what you should have done, i acted within the limits of the law, so what? says, look, you said that you received some official official use letter, you cannot divulge it, comment on it, but it was this letter from the sbu, as far as i understood, that forced you to cancel poroshenko's business trip, that is, did you have any choice, could you, for example, not cancel, but simply to instruct pyotr oleksiyovych, because , well, the sbu, as they said, is allegedly preparing some kind of provocation and pso in the international arena on the part of the russian special services, where they can involve a people's deputy and... you know, it looks like this, we were just worried about pyotr oleksiyovych, and for for his own safety , we didn't let him go abroad, that is , we could have instructed him, petro oleksivych, this, that, and that awaits you, remember this, maybe next time we will try
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to instruct him, no, wait, from you the sbu demanded to be literally canceled, or i can just notify you and comment here, that will already be the content of the letter, i will now break the law just in your record. ugh, but you know how the partners perceived it, no, no, not partners, i apologize, publicly, at least the hungarian government commented on it, not quite partners, i will say so, but neighbors, they said that the hungarian government is partners of petr oleksiiovych , that's why they commented like that, you know, well, oleksandr, ukraine has very bad relations with hungary, that's not true, with viktor orban, beautiful, they are neighbors, yes... there is a constant constructive conversation with them, yesterday there was a conversation between andriy yermak and sijarto with the minister, they are now preparing a meeting, a visit, well, visits are not being prepared when relations are bad, the truth is, we are all members of the european family, we
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we are entering, they are part of the country, i meet with hungarian deputies constantly, with the government, with the opposition , with everyone, with everyone, we are in contact, but then in hungary they said that this is an internal political struggle of zelenskyi, and this is just... testimony that ukraine is not ready for eu membership, that ukraine is not release the acting deputies, well, this is their position, one of their positions, no, i don’t agree, and don’t you think that when you didn’t release poroshenko, you just really demonstrated to the whole world that ukraine, that ukraine is dominated by political strife, that in in ukraine, they are trying to somehow suppress the political opposition, and it was very bad. an illustration of these theses and narratives, i think when, representatives of this faction on the same day two are released, released, i apologize abroad, on the same day i signed an order to two representatives of the faction
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european solidarity, and then we had a very interesting discussion with the chairman of the verkhovna rada from the european solidarity faction on facebook, where he gave statistics for which. it turned out that the opposition and the european solidarity faction travel the most in our country, i think that here, well, if the question is where does politics end, where does some practice begin, statistics and so on, and we have a lot of business trips, a lot of hundreds, and i think that more than half is not a monomajority, a monomajority there are not so many people who go on business trips, because there is a large faction, and delegations between... national and business trips are not so many, but from all other factions, which are all opposition, several representatives from each faction, that is, from several factions there are people in the same delegation, well, for example, the composition of the nato delegation,
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the nato parliamentary assembly, there are usually three, four, five representatives of the monomajority and seven, six, seven representatives of the opposition, here are the statistics that the opposition already leaves more , because it's there... but poroshenko, poroshenko, according to him, we don't know, but he says that he was supposed to meet, and after hungary, he was supposed to fly to the united states, to meet with mike johnson, the speaker of the congress. and in fact, there is nothing wrong with it, well, it looks like this. ukraine needs, the more contacts there with the republicans, the better. yes, i don't mind. here, but don't you think that by your act you possibly, indeed, harmed some additional positive contact for ukraine? maybe i hurt to someone, to some activity of pyotr oleksiiovych, by his act, but not to ukraine. i think it is not necessary to say that i am equal to ukraine. nobody, but poroshenko, when i say, he
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means ukraine, this is your interpretation, well , you said, you say, i think, i should not say, referring to ukraine, who are you talking about now? this is my opinion in my voice, regarding modern ukrainian politicians, and volodymyr zelenskyi also says, am i thinking about ukraine? i would not say that the president and our team arrange things like this. as some opposition politicians, understood, in the question of direct associations with certain ee big ideologemes, parts of the constitution and so on, because well, i don't want us to spend a lot of time there on my ee long and deep studies of ee m... and ideological work of the european solidarity party, but
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believe me, i have something to say on an emotional level, and on a meaningful level, and on other levels as well. for almost two years, ukrainian society has been deprived of the opportunity to observe how the verkhovna rada works, what is happening there, and this is not only about law-making activity, it is about including in which cars deputies come to work, whether their cars are declared, the opportunity to ask additional questions. about their fortunes, their work, somehow and other things that they do there, being deputies. tell me, please, on the basis of which document access to the verkhovna rada was closed to journalists? as far as i remember, there are changes in the admission order related to the military for the period of martial law, and they are in effect there, they have been adjusted and changed several times. it is not impossible for us for a long time even ee was admitted. some of the people
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associated with the apparatus, such as advisers , freelance advisers of the committees, even they were not given permission, and well, as for the buildings, as for the perimeter, this is not our issue, unfortunately, the perimeter is guarded by, probably, some interagency group, it includes representatives of the board. state security and the national guard and as far as i know the military command, that is, the perimeter is not our issue at all, so that , for example, the same international guests can bring someone into the council, and we already apply for them, that is, it's not even the council, it's already there the commandant's office of the government quarter, our colleagues from the scheme program, serhiy andrushko, in particular , the journalist did an investigation, and he found out that the apparatus, he turned to the verkh' apparatus. council and the staff of the verkhovna rada, at their request, did not provide the document on the basis of which
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journalists were restricted from entering the parliament and covering the work of people's deputies, and when the council explained to him that such a document did not exist, it had not been created, later the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk asked there more time to clarify this issue. in short, the journalists came to the conclusion that such a document does not seem to exist, and at the same time, yes, it does not exist, i think, it may not exist separately, in relation to journalists, that is true, but relative. in general, everything is precisely regulated in the admission regime, but don’t you think that it’s time to open the verkhovna rada to journalists, because we work there precisely in order to show people and society what is happening there, and you are depriving people of this opportunity, well not 100%, because there is a broadcast, she goes on a recording in the evening, she goes great on tiktok, for example, oleksiy honcharenko and other deputies, i do not comment. the personal life of the deputies is not the private life of the deputies, they show what is happening in
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the verkhovna rada, and the journalists do not film the show, it is his personal choice whether to film or not, although they violate the resolution for which they themselves voted, almost from in the first days after the full-scale invasion , there was a broadcast on youtube, for sure since april, maybe since march, it was recorded, but it was taught almost a few hours later, broadcasts are presented without bills, that is , you can see all these things about which you say, who is there who approaches whom, who behaves like that, now there is also a single marathon in slots. the rada channel broadcasts this broadcast with a delay of several days, sometimes on the same day , when the slot of the rada channel falls, that is, i would not say that it is completely absent, well, if it is some kind of black box, then regarding the work
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of journalists, we already had several waves and attempts to regulate it, a press center was created, there is still... if only from the perimeter and from various services, in particular the intelligence services there, the information that the verkhovna rada continues to be an object of threat there, and we cannot put more people at risk there, for example, besides myself, i have one last question, you mentioned the marathon, do you like marathon television marathon, i don't watch it often, sometimes i watch it, and it's not interesting, huh? no, i just haven't watched tv at all in a very long time, i think it should be, because there should be a place where at some point, when there is some kind of aggravation, problem, trouble, in one city there will be verified, verified information that will be quickly delivered to people, we have all
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forgotten how it was in march 22, it can come at any moment, no one denies that it was important then, but it can come . at any moment, and the media, do you think, have not adapted during this time, we write interviews in hiding, and so many media have adapted, this is not a criticism of other media or you in any way, it is about which should be the only one agreed upon during the war, agreed between the key if media structures, the only voice, and besides, i'm not sure that in the current regime... of media groups, they will all be able to exist, well, if there was a free market, the advertising market has fallen sharply, that's exactly what i see as a consumer, as i look there for boards and so on, and they will definitely be able to exist with the money of ukrainian taxpayers,
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well, money is a state product, so it is financed from the state budget, but in our country public affairs will always be financed, for now, well, i don't... but for a very long time , simply to the fact that the precedent is that when the payers taxes finance something, we must denationalize the state media, we have such a promise, the issue is not closed yet, because there are a number of state media, but i think that while the marathon continues to perform its function, there is a survey, to things that are said there that confidence falls in the marathon, confidence falls in the marathon, but there are 15% who say that it... should exist after the war, that is , even those, you are part of this 15%, well i no, i think that, well, let's win faster and the marathon will cease to exist, the ninth convocation of the verkhovna rada, preferably , yes, what, i'm sorry, we've already overstayed a bit, yes, and we'll return to
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normal life, to recovery, to politics, we'll do it already without ee... without these pauses and review, well, without looking back at the fact that , well, i would, honestly, i would rather spend every morning in discussions with the agents of pyotr oleksiyovych on facebook, there with the courts, with lawyers, but i would rather do this than what this morning it was, i think you will support me in this, thank you very much for talking. a special performance by the legendary band the dead rooster with the orchestra at the lviv opera with the christmas and selected program. early lyrical songs, new christmas compositions and
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favorite super hits. tickets for the stage of the lviv opera on january 8 are available on the website of the big show ua organizer. espresso and radio are information partners. fm halychyna. live sound. new year's eve with the broadcast of your favorite tv channel. let's sum up the year with top espresso presenters. top journalists will talk to top ukrainians. and top ukrainian performers live. let's meet the new year together, a happy holiday, a victorious new year, the previously lost armored fleet, at the same time , our soldiers eliminated almost twice as many as... tanners, bringing the total number to 350 thousand destroyed, at least as many wounded russians.
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there are no official statistics on the losses of the armed forces, however, representatives of the general staff have repeatedly stated that they are 5-7 times smaller than the enemy. the real safari this year was opened by the defense forces to artillery and anti-aircraft defense, the rate of destruction of which tripled to 6 and 390 units, respectively. we also knocked down 4300 tactical drones. which is twice as much as the previous year. these numbers give a real picture of the nature of the fighting in the 23rd year of less armored vehicles, more drones and shells. change of the front line and the biggest battles of 2023. two significant changes took place on the front line: the russians managed to occupy bahmud and the territory east of the city, i.e. almost 530 km. instead, the zso punched two large holes in the defense of the rashists on the southern front. with a total area of ​​almost 270 km, and another 43 km were recaptured during the counteroffensive
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near bakhmut. russia lost the battle on luhansk region throughout 2023, the russians tried to launch a large-scale offensive in luhansk oblast to push back the armed forces of ukraine across the oskil river from outside the luhansk oblast, as well as to return the city of leman, which was strategically important for the battle for donetsk oblast. the fighting was going on. on the entire hundred-kilometer front line with the greatest emphasis on the direction of kupyansk, borova and leman. each of these cities is located at a distance of more than 10 km from the front line, but the russians managed to advance one km in separate and very limited areas in a year. in addition, the zso counterattacking, returned part of the lost positions, as it happened in the summer in the area of ​​the villages of novoyehorivka and nadiya, and also now occurs regularly near the may day and berry festival. a landmark event. in the luhansk region , the azov brigade returned to the front, which took up positions in the serebryan forest in the kreminsk direction.
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the historical battle for bahmud. the complete occupation of donetsk remains russia's priority goal. a new stage in the implementation of this plan began with the attack on bahmud. the battle began on august 22 and continues to this day, but the most dramatic events took place in january-may 2023. first, we lost several villages near soledar, and two weeks later , soledar itself, which... became a threat not only to bakhmut, but also to our bridgehead near sibersk, however, the zso managed to eliminate the threat of a russian offensive north of bakhmut, the enemy was fighting in the streets by the total destruction of urban buildings, in addition to solodar and bakhmut, the rashists occupied 24 more villages in the winter. as part of the summer counteroffensive campaign, the ukrainian armed forces returned klishchivka and andrivka to the south of bakhmut, and also came close to yagidny and berkhivka north of the city. however, during in december , with a new massive offensive, the occupiers managed to push our heroes back to the outskirts of bohdanivka and ivanivskyi. a large-scale offensive
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along the entire front of donetsk region and the battle for ughledar. the ugledar bridgehead is very troubling to the russians, because it threatens the operation of the mariupol-volnovakha-donetsk railway. at the beginning of the 23rd , the rashists launched a second powerful assault on the city and were able to approach it at a distance of 2 km. however, on the way to su, they broke up in three weeks. they own half of all over 200 armored vehicles units since then, the russians have made no serious attempt to attack gledar again, until in december they launched a broad-front offensive across donetsk region. as a result of this offensive, they managed to complete the occupation of maryinka, as well as come close to the outskirts of sil pobida and novomykhaivka, where the deepest breakthrough of the front since the battle of bakhmut took place, about 5 km. if these trends continue, the enemy will once again be the next in line. battle for avdiivka. in just two months, the russians lost 1,300 soldiers and more than 210 units in it
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armored vehicles at the same time, the enemies are making their way hundreds of meters a week to the village of stepove. the invaders have been storming for almost 80 days, and have only reached the middle of it. their advance on the foothills near novokalynovy novobakhmutivka, which is north of the city and near the northern and pervomaisky half-day, is even more modest, although to cut logistics to half-round. the invaders have less than 10 km left to break through, but the armed forces of ukraine are building the second and third lines of defense here, and at this rate the rashists can break through and lose their offensive potential in 1-2 months. the year 2023 began with the battle for bakhmut and ends with the battle for avdiivka. both will go down in history as the bloodiest, but during this time the armed forces managed to increase their firepower . if on average 740 russians were killed during the day in january-february, then in november-december. 950, on the other hand, russia, which at the beginning of the war could advance along the entire front, now has the potential only in separate
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sections of several kilometers. counteroffensive of the armed forces in the south. at the front began on june 4-6 at the same time in the meritopol, tokmat and berdyansk directions. in the first months offensive, overcoming minefields and defense lines, our military managed to capture three bridgeheads, the largest in the velika novosilka area, where they passed more than 10 km in depth, 25 km in width and liberated seven villages. on the tokmat direction, the defense forces liberated 100 km around the village of robotyne, on the melitopol region, they managed to break through 2.5 km deep and liberated. three villages. then the offensive slowed down and in the end did not fulfill the initial goals of reaching the sea of ​​azov. however, he prepared a good foundation for a counteroffensive in 2024. in particular, he managed to save prepared skeleton of new brigades, as well as more than 80% of armored vehicles. on the left bank of the kherson region, the armed forces of ukraine managed to gain a foothold, at least on two bridgeheads near the antoniv bridge
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and the village of krynki. they also develop other promising areas near the head. piers and oleshok. a thousand of our heroes keep the 65,000-strong enemy army at bay. ukrainian victories in the air and on the black sea. in 2023 , the defense forces were constantly increasing their range. our drones began to fly to moscow and not only, having struck more than 20 strikes, probably damaged more russian planes on airfields than in the air. in addition, ukraine won this round of the battle for the black sea, not only by forcing the russian ships to retreat from sevastopol. in novorossiysk, returning the so-called boyka towers under their control. this made it possible to control part of the water area to such an extent that gur made two raids on the western coast of crimea. missile strikes on the docks in sevastopol, the destruction of the submarine and the repair docks in kirch only completed the defeat of the black sea fleet of the russian federation.
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the crimean bridge is waiting for its turn in 2024. my guest is viktor kivelyuk, a military expert of the center for defense strategies, a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, and we actually met with him at the end of 2022, there were several interesting insiders from him, now we will talk about it. greetings, mr. viktor. good afternoon, ms. ulgo. well, you said then that the russians were carrying out some kind of local, limited offensive operation, and this was actually near bakhmut, we saw it. then you told us that the forces are concentrating in the valuyok area, they have somewhere to go from there to advance and really advanced on krimina, advanced on liman, well , we saw all this, you and i did not talk much about the south at the time, but you mentioned that very serious fortifications were being built in the south, so we also attribute this to the fact that in
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principle, we somehow saw it at that time, so now from yours. something so interesting, well, but first let's talk about, well, somehow so concentrated about why it was actually not possible to carry out a large-scale counteroffensive, because there are a lot of conversations around this, some say that it should have been only somewhere in one place, but the efforts were dispersed, or it was necessary somehow differently, what do you say, that is, what was necessary or not necessary ? it is necessary or not, there is no need to hesitate here, the answer is on the surface, not only is it necessary, but we are also obliged, because this is ukrainian land, and it is the duty of all those who have now joined the defense forces to return what was taken by the enemy, i also want to note , that it is a mistake to call the events in the azov
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area a counteroffensive, or is it... an offensive operation, absolutely bookish, right here on


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