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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EET

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singer tsn 1+1 marathon only news. i am a russian warship, i propose to lay down the weapons and get rid of them. now for the ukrainians, and no glory, grief will come to us, yes, fate will smile, our soldiers will die.
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treat hemorrhoids without any pain. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. need understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. in our military units , they say that we need more and more drones and unmanned aerial vehicles, because every incorporeal complex of our soldiers is the eyes of intelligence, a tool. to adjust artillery fire
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or a means of destroying enemies. after this, officials from the minister of defense to the minister of strategic industries and industry announced this week that drones are already being produced in the hundreds, thousands, and from next year they will be in the millions, depending on the type and purpose. but behind loud statements about the number, it is worth knowing and understanding how the companies and manufacturers themselves live and develop. domestic drones, so we will talk about the specifics of the development of these enterprises that create and manufacture unmanned aviation complexes in the next issue of our military program, and what depends on the final result from the statements of officials, or rather from the energy and persistence of the collectives of the manufacturing companies themselves. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which now... with the espresso channel
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, seeks to highlight the most relevant trends in the development of our defense-industrial complex. and now we are joined by artem vyunnyk, he is the director of the athlon avia research and production enterprise. mr. artem, i welcome you to the express channel, i am glad to see and hear you. i congratulate sergey. i welcome the audience to the studio. i wanted i would like to start our conversation with the fact that the products of the atlon avia company are well known to the military, but i would still like you to tell our viewers in a little more detail what complexes your company is currently manufacturing and what it is currently supplying to the security and defense forces. well, first of all , our company is known for its complex of artillery reconnaissance and adjustment of artillery fire - fury, which has been performing its assigned tasks in the combat zone for almost 10 years. and of course, with the start of a full-scale invasion, the number of ours of products... has grown substantially, and they are working
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across the front line, doing their jobs, i hope, let's say, with the greatest efficiency possible. and do you now have an understanding of the orders for next year, do the company's capacities now correspond to what our main users of your equipment have potentially ordered or will order, let's say, for today already, thank god, the understanding of the 24th year there are contracts concluded for the 24th year and, in principle, the capacities that the company has today, they are, let's say, are more or less closed, again it must be said that the process of concluding some contracts, which contracts will already
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be concluded next year, is still going on, but i think that the issue of capabilities and compliance of contracts with capabilities, it is enough these... coffee, because the capacities can be scaled easily enough, but for this you just need to think a little ahead and forecast the need not for, let's say, not in december of next year and that's it, but at least for two or three years, but better and more because well production is such a complex thing, and it is somewhat inert, considering the logistics that we have today, when in fact for... ensuring production with components and raw materials, it is about 5-6 months, unless there are some forces majors such as strikes on the border with poland or some other nuances, it is still necessary to go through all these
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preliminary planning and procurement procedures a little faster in order to receive the equipment on time. i will now ask our directors to find a video called atlon avia, so that our... viewers will be clear understanding that we are talking about the furia complex from the company atlon, and so that there is an understanding of exactly what this complex looks like, so as not to create a perception of other samples, and i would like to ask you further, you said that you have a potential orders, but in percentages, is it possible to talk about how much the loading of the enterprise will increase compared to those orders, what with the volume of orders that you had before the war, and in the first year and the second year of hostilities? well, let's say so, the increase in times is not yet it is assumed, solely because the need is not formulated, let's say this, i can't
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say that it is not there, but it is precisely it that is not formulated, why it is not formulated , the question is probably not for us, i know that complexes are needed, i know that they are working with... i know that, let's say, the increase in personnel in the structure of the armed forces, it requires additional products, and we will really work in the 24th year on this, but let's say, in percentage terms, it is possible there an increase of what is meant is needs, not capacities, this is an increase by a few, maybe there by 10-20% from the previous year, but, as i already said, the capacities are not... fully loaded, even those that are available today, and scaling, let's say, is already the process that we have been through almost two years of a full-scale war, and we understand that if there is an existing need and if we plan in time, we can increase production,
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let's say, well, for example, we can double the volume of production in 5-6 months, well then that's it - i will ask again, that is , in fact, despite what is announced, well theoretically. the urgent need for a significant number of complexes, there are certain nuances that do not allow putting these needs on the formal side and ensuring a clear understanding that the enterprise can do more and should do more, if not an unarticulated need, then it speaks, or between the general staff and the ministry of defense there are nuances that currently do not allow, relatively speaking, to give a real push to ensure that the potential of your company is used to 100%. well, in a sense. perhaps you can say so, but honestly, the procedure the formulation of the procurement plan, it is quite complicated, there is a feeling of a certain lack of communication between departments, but it seems to me that there is no need to look for betrayal here, and the answer to this question rather lies in the
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structure that actually exists today of both the general staff and the ministry of defense, well, a certain kind of inconsistency, let's say. actions and desynchronization of these actions, but i see that there is a trend that has already emerged in order to organize, at least in the field of unmanned aviation, a central administration has already been created. unmanned systems, which i hope will begin to deal with this issue as soon as possible, because in fact from the 19th year until the full-scale invasion , unmanned aviation was left to its own devices, there was no unit or structure in the general staff that would deal with, for example, monitoring the operation, studying which samples actually work effectively, which ones are not effective, why are they ineffective, that is... it was almost impossible to get any kind of feedback centrally from the general staff,
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so we collected some separate individual proposals, comments or, let's say, complaints from the troops, they somehow summarized themselves, that is, they actually worked directly with the operators and commanders of the units that actually operate the products, and let's say this, the entire structure of the general staff, it was actually not in favor of the actions. today, a large and powerful administration has already been created, we are already working with this administration, we are already communicating with specialists, they are aware of things, and i hope that this will really strengthen it significantly, strengthen this industry and, well, let's say, eliminate these gaps. which are currently in planning, everything should become faster, clearer and more transparent, well that's positive news, but then i'll ask about another video. as far as i know, for at least six months you tried to conclude a contract for the purchase
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of your complexes with the ministry of digital transformation, because it actually had a colossal budget for the purchase of drones for various purposes, did you manage to sign such contracts with the ministry of digital or with the state special forces? well, let's say, with the change in the leadership of the state special communications, communication has resumed and i think that we will succeed after all. conclude this contract because the need from the units of the defense forces, it is already available, it has been formalized, it has already been submitted to derspetszvyazuk, and we are actually working on the contract, i hope that in january, at the beginning of january, the contract will be concluded, and this is also good news , because those subdivisions. mainly not the armed forces of ukraine, but there it is the national guard and other
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power structures, they will receive our products that will strengthen their capabilities. and when it comes to such, well, optimistic expectations of an increase in the scale of orders, then then the question arises, what, relatively speaking, will be the main needs of your enterprise, in order to scale as much as possible, what will you need, what will you lack of industrial capacity, funds? components, experienced staff, what is the main thing you will lack, or will everything be enough? eh, well, i would add to these two components another very important one, which i already talked about a little earlier, this is long-term planning. actually, any conversations about the development of the domestic military industry with contracts that are concluded in december only on one year, already in june we need to start purchasing for... next year, and there is no contract, it's all just profanation and, let's put
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it this way, we won't change the situation qualitatively, so the first thing we need to do is think about it and put it as the most important task is long-term planning, at least medium-term, i.e. 3 years, what is actually formally fixed in our country, that we once had a state defense order, today it is defense procurement and the plan of these procurements. pivl is three-year, but without budgetary allocations for three years, it's actually simple chatter and it has nothing to do with reality, i.e. contracts are signed there for one year, because even if the contract is a little transitional, or for example, it is signed for two years, then some volumes are written there for separate to. .. for years, this is the first, secondly, this is a question rather not for the ministry
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of defense, perhaps it could conclude such contracts, but the question is that the need should be formed three years ahead, as of today day, as far as i know, at least according to our complexes, there is a need was provided only for 23-24 years, well, of course, by concluding a contract in december , it is no longer possible to meet the needs of the 23rd year, so it is factual. about the 24th year, but again, in 5-6 months , the issue of concluding a contract for the 25th year will be acute, and i would very much like to... that we once again decide this issue in advance, and not drag it to at the end of the year, lost time, and then found ourselves in a situation where we can no longer afford monthly deliveries of products that are so necessary in the armed forces, this is the first, the second, of course, is production capacity, but
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the question is not about the creation of the capacities themselves, but about their location, we understand that the location and development of production on... the surface or within the borders of ukraine is actually, well, an absolutely hopeless story, because today we saw what happened at night, and to develop production, to organize it in order to then receive a missile strike and lose everything, well, this does not make sense, so the question actually stands this way, or is it some sort of protected underground, i think... the only option for security, sure security, underground some kind of power that, in principle, ukraine has , but for some reason, well, for example, i have been asking this question for almost two years, and i have never received a concrete answer from anyone, what , for example, is there, there and there, please , go, look, evaluate, ready, not ready,
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and so on, well, of course, there is no question of any help there, even today, although i hope that the ministry of strategy and industry. in principle, in fact , it is the ministry that should be thinking about this and should offer manufacturers such opportunities, because otherwise our production will be abroad, and this is a very uninteresting story, it seems to me, both for ukraine and for enterprises, because locating production abroad, it actually means that we create jobs... places, for example, in poland or romania, bulgaria, anywhere , but not in ukraine, this suggests that some part of the added value remains in another country, and in fact we finance the economy of another country at the expense of the ukrainian budget, so it seems to me that we should set ourselves such a task to ensure opportunities for businesses, though
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not to leave the borders of ukraine, this is the second component, well, the third component... these are, of course , the people you asked about, the issue is really very serious, very complex, and we are now observing, well, in fact, probably already a catastrophic situation in this industry , because many people are fighting, many people have left, and the engineering potential that we have today in the form of university students is also being lost, because many people, many... students have left the country because, well, how me, there are some very strange rules regarding, for example, the ban on traveling abroad to children who have turned 18, and despite the fact that even after the adoption of the expected law on mobilization from 25, these people, having seven
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years, which they could actually be here, work, help do something, but they are not allowed to leave, in fact, education in many universities takes place online, that is, there is no education, the children have no life, in fact, they are not yet ready to work at enterprises, they lose time, they do not study, they do not live in a more or less understandable life, but to them it is forbidden to even go to europe for a week or two to study or attend some courses or something. it seems to me that this, well, this, this situation must be corrected, because it will lead, well, in a year, two or three to such a catastrophic situation in fact, when we simply will not be able to find people who would want to work, or who would be ready for it , because studying online, you understand what it's like to study as an engineer sitting at home on
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the sofa, with a phone or with a computer, it's a completely ineffective story, and ... it should also pay attention, well, this is an extremely important component, because after a certain time, as i understand it, we will not have people who will be the basis for construction, for the development of new systems and weapons, and then all these production capacities that we are talking about now , what needs to be created, they will actually be devalued due to the fact that there is no human potential, around which all these machines, capacities and so on should crystallize, and then the question arises, what is this... the most important component, you say correctly , serhiy, because we can buy everything, anything, we can build premises, dig them underground, we can equip them. all this, but if there are no creative, creative and educated people who understand how it works, what to do, people who are ready to be here and work at
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our enterprises, unfortunately, unfortunately, this is again a profanation about the development of military industry, i.e. , the development of military industry, it consists not only in conversations or in some orders for one year, it consists in all these aspects that we are talking about, the long-term planning, and for by. the security of premises and the support of enterprises is so global at the level of state policy in the field of engineering education with the aim that, after all, the engineering potential, the one that was ravaged in the first years of the war, so that it is somehow compensated at the expense of education, at the expense of those people , who are currently studying in universities, it is very important, it is simply catastrophically important. for the future and we will feel that if nothing changes and it looks like today, i am afraid that in three to five years we will face a very
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an unpleasant situation, we literally have about 3-4 minutes before the end of our conversation, i would like to ask about how your company is looking for its own ways to ensure quality capacity, both engineering and production capacity, how do you retain people, where are you? are you looking for how to integrate into your plans? well, of course, we work with those people who are there, in our company even before the war , a fairly powerful engineering potential was created, and it is not lost, it is increasing, to a certain extent, it has grown during these, this period, we have a lot we pay attention to training people. we understand that it is quite difficult to find ready specialists, so we take people, let's say, with the desire and potential to learn,
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invest money in this, invest time in this, invest our knowledge in these people and thus provide support for the restoration and expansion of our engineering potential, of course, let's say so, if we talk about some workers. specialty, it is a little easier with this, if we talk about designers, engineers, the situation here is already quite difficult, but i think that the the potential that exists today, it can, let's say, work for a certain time and provide solutions to the problems that are necessary, but its restoration and replenishment is the issue we talked about a little earlier, this should also be done at the state level , and then... literally a minute and a half about whether the reservation issue was resolved, because there are, if there are employees, that there are engineers who are actually related to the
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products that the company is currently producing, do you have confidence that they and will continue to work at the enterprise precisely because of the right one booking procedure, not all issues have been resolved yet, but we know that work is underway on changes to resolution 76, which should, after all, save us from problems with some wrong wasps, which these problems create insanely today, well, that is, it creates insane problems for the enterprise, because people who have been working for many years, who actually form the basis of our engineering company, they discover from time to time. that, for example, someone has the wrong truck, and even with an existing reservation, for some reason tsc allow themselves, v violation, in violation of the law, to recognize
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the order of the ministry of economy as invalid, to take away people, we are constantly faced with such stories, and we constantly release our employees from tsc, moreover. as for the reserved boys and girls, well girls, i mean, they are not, they are not called up, but i mean you, who also work at the enterprise, they also face certain problems, and we have some specialists who, who simply went to the tsc to clarify the specialty, being booked, and they actually, in fact, found themselves in a situation where they... tried to take them to the army, took away their military tickets, there are, for example, specialists who turned 27 years old, that is,
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they came to the tcc. in order to get a military id, and they were told come after the 27th, and when they came after the 27th, they were given summonses, and they said, okay, now you will serve in the army, and any letters from the company that we give that confirming that a person works, that he has been working for more than a year, that he is a specialist, that we really need him, they are not accepted at all, so i hope that will be entered. and certainly, without any wasps, all specialists of companies working for defense will be booked without any questions. mr. artem, thank you very much for the inclusion, for these explanations, i hope that your company will have more orders next year than this year. and i will remind our viewers that it was artem v'unnyk, the director of nvplon avia, which manufactures unmanned reconnaissance and fire adjustment systems for our artillery tanks
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. mechanized brigades, then we will talk about the development of strike drones on example of another well-known company, but about it after the advertising and information block. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now about that. what happened in the world will be told in more detail by yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to be up to date with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests
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of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy. he was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who? will be a guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. we continue our program on war and weapons, where we talk about unmanned systems and their production. today, the armed forces operate 70 different modifications of unmanned systems and more than 20 types of ammunition for strike drones. but what
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should be done to make more of them and what problems for this should be solved and are being solved by our main private companies, because out of five companies that produce, four are private companies that manufacture weapons of any purpose, and now to us the chairman of the board of the alliance new energy of ukraine, the commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, valery borovyk, joins. mr. valery, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate each other on the holidays, you too on the holidays, but i will start by saying that according to the minister of strategic industries oleksandr kamyshin, ukraine has or will produce there more than a million fpv drones, 10 00 medium-range attack drones, 1000 long-range unmanned systems per year, starting from next year. where in this list are your unmanned complexes for...
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what directions is your company currently taking in the creation of unmanned prototypes? well, look, we are actually covering such and such directions, so these are attack drones, which are kamikaze, from 10 km to there, 40 and 800, so that is why we can call them one. fpv, because at the final stage of bringing to the target , they can be controlled both by the pilot and follow the coordinates, depending on the situation, which is with suppression from the side of the enemy, so here are a million fpv drones, here they are shown, for example, of this type, yes, those are the ones drones that are cheaper, kamikazes that…


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