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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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some kind of legislative initiative that should complicate everything, tax even more, account, control and punish even more, i.e. this is such a fiscal punitive document that is currently being proposed, well, it really looks more like some kind of hybrid internal sabotage in the economic sphere, it really is yes, it cannot be assessed otherwise, because during the war, the state must, must create the conditions to move... everything that can work in the economy works and contribute to it, and not, on the contrary, invent new restrictions, barriers, punitive actions, more new powers for supervisory and punitive bodies, in particular fiscal ones. during the war, all this cannot be done categorically, everything that can work must be allowed to work, because the civilian economy is taxed, from which the army then takes...
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resources for drones and for all types of weapons, and to provide for military personnel, this is all provided by the civilian economy, if it stops, then there is no tax revenue, the budget has no money, there is no army, where to get funding for its own needs, so all this talk about drones instead of paving stones, it's russian ipso, nothing more, because it means we have to stop all the work. all construction, repair, stop everything, and then where will the taxes come from in the budget, from which drones and everything else for the needs of the army are purchased, the fight against corruption, so that it is not at inflated prices, not at inflated payments for works, this is different, completely different topic, it is necessary to fight corruption, but it is not necessary to stop all works, because if we stop the civilian economy, there will be nothing to finance the army, this is a direct connection and... and simply with one
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such linear example, the fact that somewhere there was purchased at inflated prices, whether some work is being done, and according to the first fact , everything cannot be perceived linearly in such a simplified way, because in the economy everything is interconnected , you can't take it out of context, well, it 's simply wrong, everything that moves, everything that works, must work, because taxes are paid from it by individuals and legal entities, and from these taxes finance... including later the army and all its needs, so let's talk about this topic all for the sake of drones, this is russian ipso, if we do it, there will be only one result, stormy, wild applause in the kremlin, mr. andriy, applause that we have undermined our own economy from the inside, actually about the financing of the army, this week the minister of finance serhii marchenko : that the country has exhausted its internal
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potential for financing the military, and therefore the ministry of finance is waiting for a decision from the ministry of defense and the general staff on the optimization of expenditures in order to understand the costs of mobilization, all this is actually against the background of talks about a new law on mobilization, that it is necessary to mobilize up to 500,000 ukrainians, and that it will cost our budget 500 billion hryvnias, how exactly then to explain the fact that we have to support our... army, but the minister of finance says that the army has somehow, i don’t know , to be tight-fisted in my expenses, well, if the finance minister really said that, after such a statement there is only one way, the immediate resignation of such a finance minister, the finance minister functionally has only one thing to do: balance the state budget, revenue and expenditure part, this is his task, and not to indicate during the war, all the more so.
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to the ministry of defense or the general staff, how they should spend budgetary resources on the need for war and the provision of military personnel, this is not at all the function of the minister of finance, the minister of finance must ensure that the budget receives such funds that enable the general staff to enter the war as it should be waged with necessary resources, this is the function of the minister of finance, if he gets into... not in his field, it means that he is helpless in his field, yes, and starts to move the arrows, to look for the guilty in other areas, in which, in which he should not even interfere there at all, therefore, after such statements, well, it is necessary to simply clean, professional, professional, cleaning the cabinet of ministers from non-professional people, if they do not understand their functionality , even in such high positions. as a minister, well, i
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can't even recommend or even discuss anything else here, there is nothing, i repeat again, the internal reserve of the ukrainian economy, where did i start? it exists, but it exists thanks to the work of the civil economy, and in no way cannot be limited by anything, even during the war, it is necessary to allow what was previously restricted in some way, all types of activities, we can emotionally perceive there, for example, that restaurants, bars work, they work like this and pay taxes, people work in them who have income from which they pay taxes, and that's how the economy lives. and from this economy , taxes are paid into the budget, from which the army is financed. this is a direct connection. if you cut off the civilian economy, you cut off the source of funding for the military. and that's why i repeat once again, you can't linearly analyze and
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perceive everything in the economy. we need to do the second, third, and fourth steps of the analysis. and then you will see that everything is interconnected in the economy. it is impossible to stop the domestic economy, and for this we are the komuru. we are doing better, only to our enemy, in which , in which, i repeat, there will be applause in the kremlin because we ukrainians are undermining our own foundations from within, the foundations of the national economy, mr. andriy, thank you for discord, andriy novak, economist, was with us, but we are moving further in our marathon, and now marianna will be in touch with us yeleyko, this is the head of the family foundation. bohdan havrylyshyn. back in the 21st year , the responsibility award was founded by the bohdan gavrylyshyn family foundation, and it was created with the aim of spreading the values ​​of responsibility in ukrainian society, celebrating
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the proactive actions of people and organizations that base their daily activities on the basis of such values. actually, until january 31 of this year, that is, until tomorrow, applications for the award are still being accepted. 2023 and we will ask maryana yeleyko if there is still a chance for someone to make it sit in this last car of the train, do people have time, how can i apply? congratulations, mrs. mariana, good day, congratulations, mrs. maryala, can i start, i wanted to ask, this award was founded in the 21st year, a year before the russian attack and... in fact, in the times when we in ukraine still have a little this flourished, how would it be right to say it, well, for example, our president was elected in the 19th year, he became famous during the election campaign with the phrase: i do not owe you anything, or, for example, with his slogan, what a difference, which in
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principle can be considered certain antithesis to those values, which, as far as i understand, are included in the responsibility award. in your opinion, has ukraine changed enough that there is a sufficient number of contenders, maybe even including president zelensky, during these almost two years of war. thank you for a very valid question, and in this context i would like to start not with the award of responsibility then, but with a small background story that happened in the same 21st year. and the fact that in ukraine at the state level since the 21st year, we have a state day, a day of human responsibility, and ukraine is the first country in the world to have such a day, and in fact, it is very symbolic, because
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we started advocating the topic of establishing a day of human responsibility on the 30th anniversary of ukraine's independence, and this is such a time when growing up. society, it is extremely important, and now every year on october 19, on the birthday of the ukrainian visionary, economist with a world name bohdan havrylyshyn, we have the day of human responsibility, actually it was interesting to see how with the appearance of the human responsibility day award, since then, since that time, which seems to have happened not so far away. and over the time of the full-scale invasion, a lot has changed in society as well, because after all , if we were not upset somewhere, we saw negative manifestations, but if we look at the way society rallied and
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continues to rally, how it acts, then we will see there are a lot of incredible stories, interactions, responsible actions, and when actually every person... manifests his action in a certain way, and a lot of public organizations are created, charitable funds, er, a lot of people and organizations are implemented. those projects that help us all now , well, me in particular, to sit in kyiv at home now and communicate with you, no matter what, that's why, i see, you also included the video, it was our video "exchange life" , because in the 22nd year we didn't do the award, we didn't celebrate the organization separately. and the award was dedicated to all ukrainian men and women who
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defend ukraine in different ways. mrs. mariano, in fact, stories, as in 21 years, and this year, we see a lot of stories from public organizations that embody the anti-initiative, and many applications , as it was, there were more than 70 of them in the... year, now we are still accepting these stories up to and including the end of tomorrow, the 31st of december, so they can be submitted by organizations, or they can be submitted by individuals, they will you have time this day to fill out the application that you should, i don't know , have to do this year so that you can be an applicant for participation? this award is for a civil society organization, that is , there... dedicated to their stories
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of responsible engagement, that is, the story of those projects, initiatives that they implemented in the 23rd year, but in partnership with other organizations from other sectors. why is this important? this year, we want to emphasize that only by uniting, interacting, we are strong and we are together. actually. er, there are a lot of such stories, and civil society can implement them thanks to cooperation, thanks to the fact that we, for example, do some joint projects with business, there are many of them with local authorities, state, with er media, and it is precisely this emphasis in the award that is important this year, and when there will be an award ceremony and what does this, i don't know, award include, it is some kind of statuette, how will a person or an organization
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understand that they have received this award, in addition to the fact that they will probably receive some kind of diploma, huh , and i will conclude by saying that actually you can easily submit an application, you will need to describe your story briefly, as well as fill in some formal information about the organization, so there is time... you can, i think, up to an hour at the most take up the application, and with regard to the designation, namely the celebration will take place on january 22, on the day of the cathedral of ukraine, and it is also a very symbolic day in our country for the presentation of statuettes, in particular to the award winners , 10 finalists of the award will be honored, and i can already see that it will be very difficult to choose all ten, as well. .will be selected from 10 finalists, three laureates, three organizations, as well as three
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stories of responsible partnership, which were implemented at the community level, at the national level and at the international level. it is the laureates who will receive awards in the form of statuettes, as well as money awards, and the finalists will also be honored with certain gifts from us and... thank you ms. mariano for the story, we hope that someone else out there who is watching us decided to jump on this last train, the bohdan gavrylyshyn family foundation organizes the responsibility award, and you can still apply for this award until january 31. mariana yeleyka, head of the bohdan havrylychyna family foundation, was with us. dear friends, now we are going to take a short break, then come back and continue. we will talk to the director and screenwriter of the documentary "beware
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of children", it is about children who suffered as a result of a full-scale invasion. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alya's boots. the style has a universal design and a practical black color, so it will suit both men and women! sizes from 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once: side zippers for you and your husband! will provide perfect fit even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of water- permeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. high-quality, light and warm alaska stayle boots will provide comfort both in the changeable wet autumn, and in the frosty winter, and in
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in the frosty winter, and in the unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color. a favorable price of only 799 hryvnias. call dear friends, we are coming back and continuing our marathon. now we will be in touch with svitlana rudyuk, director, screenwriter of the documentary "beware of children". this tape. about the children who suffered as a result of the full-scale invasion, a presentation has already taken place in kyiv, this film, in fact, is such a kaleidoscope of stories, it is about... the childhood of our children during the full-scale invasion, about their fates and we are adding ms. svetlana to our ether. we welcome you. good day. mrs. svitlana, i
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saw the teaser of this documentary film, and there the boy says that he has already grown gray hair, and you look at the screen, and there is a child. who are these children who became the heroes of your film, what are their fates, where are they from? in general , eight heroes in our film are eight different stories of different children from different regions of ukraine, and all of them faced different challenges of the war, some of them were wounded, some lost relatives, some were deportee, some children, the war changed them not physically, but in their consciousness, and they , for example, changed their lifestyle, started volunteering or... doing some other useful things, that is, this is a story about ukrainian childhood, about what our children are going through now and what they are like now, what
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they dream about, how they live, and actually in the teaser, this is the story of vova karavansky, he came under terrible fire in the first days of the full-scale invasion and received very serious injuries, and it was from his story began filming this tape, it was his story that inspired us to... continue filming and we spent a very long time together with him, with his mother, we watched him go through all these difficult trials, how many operations he had , how he recovered, we watched all of this, and it formed the basis of the film, then we looked for additional characters that supplemented and expanded this kaleidoscope. you know, if you show me, i don't know if there is any person in ukraine who would have to be somehow additionally convinced that... that children during a full-scale invasion suffer from what is happening in the country, and when an adult, he can at least make some decisions, and a child,
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he is dependent on adults, on their decisions, on their reactions to what is happening in ukraine, the tape is currently being shown in ukraine, as i understand it, will you take it with you, or maybe it has already been taken to some festivals abroad, just to remind you once again, because we see that in... the world, it is significantly decreasing , even yesterday's shelling was massed, it is not for everyone countries, on the front pages, not in all the news, not in all the countries number one in the news releases, this is what we thought about when we created this tape, and we understand that the interest in this topic in the world is starting to decline a little, nevertheless we want to continue this informational struggle , including showing these stories. not only in ukraine, but also in the world, because it is very important that these stories are heard and seen, that the voices of these children are heard, and it is very important that in the film we made it so that it was with
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in a very hopeful mood, not like all is lost, no, this movie is about how these kids persevered, they went through darkness, but they still have light, and this movie is about hope and about the future and that the enemy failed to destroy our faith and our future. therefore, we hope that such a non-standard look at childhood, at what they go through and at this idea, it will attract the attention of the world community, including, we will do everything to ensure that the festival distribution is successful and that as much as possible more countries presented our tape. other than the visible injuries that our kids are getting that we ended up seeing on video, so i don't know, the mom, probably this boy, she was feeding him through a tube. eh, but there is something else invisible, which, well, it seems, well, here is a child, here she is walking, for today the veterinarian was our colleague, iryna koval, who took children
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who lost their parents, fathers or mothers in the war, took them abroad, and she talked about the fact that as soon as she took them on vacation to austria, they were locked in themselves, so a little aloof. no , they didn’t want to be photographed, but already when they returned from austria, when they had a little rest there , they distanced themselves from that grief, well , when they distanced themselves for a while, they hugged, smiled, rejoiced, made each other happy, got to know each other, and that’s just it. children of this age from 9 to 14 years old, when you are already starting to approach the transitional period and adolescence. what we don't see is not trauma, these external, what is inside these children, what, what is in their soul? in fact, every child, of course, except
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physical injuries,... also has psychological ones, and none of the children we talked to remained the way they were before, before the military operations, the children talked about the fact that when they heard thunder, they were scared in the first times, they talked about how often, for example, a child who lost a house and saw it burning, it was burning before her eyes, she said that often she had nightmares and dreamed that this house was still there, so of course it everything is also postponed on... the psyche, but the psyche of children is more adaptive than that of adults, so it is easier for some children to leave from all these stresses and horrors than adults, and the older the child is at the time when all this happens to him, the more difficult it is, and in our film there are children who are very young, there are children who are a little older already of such a teenage age, and in fact exactly it is more difficult for teenage children to transition and go through all this, and they need help, and when we
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worked... on the tape, we included a psychologist in the work to help and accompany us, because we did not want to retraumatize the children, because no movie does it is worth it for them to go through some psychological additional tests again, and that is why we conducted all conversations, interviews, recordings in the presence of a psychologist in order to minimize any possible risks for their psycho-emotional state. and to be honest, everything went very well, and when we moved in, there was not a single child. who would laugh and hug us, it was also such a huge reward for us that we as a film crew were able to build such a relationship that allowed them to, perhaps, telling us their stories, to somehow overcome this trauma , so in this regard, i think we succeeded , it can be seen mystically, how they are all open and sincere and continue, that is, the filming of the documentary film was to some extent also therapy for these days.
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please tell me where, where this film will be broadcast, how it will be able to be seen, in kyiv there was already a presentation in other cities, and why actually to the people, to us, who are also all traumatized by this war, yes, because everyone is sitting under these sirens, everyone is worried about their relatives, somewhere, who is fighting at the front, someone somewhere the house may have been damaged, someone has lost a house, why should you watch this tape? we want to take the first steps to do festival distribution so that this tape can be shown at festivals in different countries, including , of course, here in ukraine, and i believe that this is very important, because these children, they are just such an example of strength and an example of how you can go through these difficult trials, and i think they will, with their own stories , even inspire their viewers, and so i think it's important that they see it, see it and ukrainians, and the international community saw
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that... that we do not cry, that we will continue to fight and that we will definitely win, because with what strength, effort, energy, these children continue to live, create, unite , laugh, play, this is exactly what should inspire all of us and not lose optimism and strength for all of us, well, thank you very much for this conversation, we talked about svitlana rudyuk, the director of the scripted documentary film beware of children, about children. who suffered as a result of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into ukraine, our office writes the viewer, maryna nitsovych, about the fact that she is now watching us all day and is shocked that we do not say anything about what is happening on the ukrainian-polish border, and you know, ms. maryna, i want to surprise you, it is nice to surprise you, because actually, we're just going to talk about it now, such a surprise for you, i
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think that... that your criticism of espresso was a little premature, you 'll change your mind now. so, about the russian special operation, in particular, you can also watch in the documentary pro-russian operation on the polish border, the author of this tape is mykola knyazhytskyi, he carefully studied the situation, visited both sides of the border, met with polish government officials, and addressed inquiries to ukrainian ministries. you will find out in the movie. about the real reasons, goals that are declared and hidden, about the influence of the political confrontation inside poland, the reasons for the inaction of the previous government, and why the situation cannot be quickly resolved by the new government, about the organizers of these protests, about the real beneficiaries of this blockade, the tape can be seen on youtube mykola knyazhytskyi and you can also watch it on the spresso tv channel today at 9:30 p.m., actually it's about...


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