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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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continues to produce drones , i am not saying that the fact that he is there, he maintains a certain stability in the country itself, despite the constant protests of the population, he participates in wars as an equal player, he has a quasi-army in the palestinian authority and in lebanon, it produces drones, it has missile technology , why did they give such sanctions then, they were calculated so that iran would give up its aggressive policy, go to negotiations with the civilized world, if iran... can exist in such a situation for decades situation, how long will the russian federation last? this is an excellent question. moreover , it turns out that the market allows the delivery of products in some other direction. ugh, what if you decide that you have a lot of nothing and start, and just decide that you will sell oil and gas to china, india, then you can live with the poor population to infinity. you will have enough resources for many years. and then the question arises, maybe there is? some other, other tools to
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stop aggression, if these don't work, well , i think that in the first half of our in my conversations with you, i have already talked about such tools that it is necessary to be able to end wars without russia, and without the consent of that side, so to speak, well, the war in korea would have ended by and large without both koreas, the civil war in china has ended. without china , ugh, you see, the existence of the republic of china in taiwan is not because someone negotiated with china, no one ever negotiated with him, he was simply told, this is taiwan, it is under the protection of the united states, there is a legitimate chinese government , you, of course, civil war won, but usurped the power, you can sit on this mainland as long as you like, but we do not consider you the legitimate government of china, and this is the situation.
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continued until the 70s, until henry kissinger brought richard nixon to beijing, i won’t do it now, that too, by the way, the result of the 23rd year kissinger left, well, once he has, once it had to happen, this is a big political and diplomatic punishment er, but one way or another, well , he went, he met with volodymyr zelensky before that, just think about him, his the career was from brezhnev to zelensky, think about who else had such opportunities, a colossal path. oh, but i'm just saying that this is also a good example, and by the way, if we already mentioned kissenger, kissenger as an absolutely realistic-thinking person, no, what did he say, this year, on the eve of his death, that we are not wanted to take ukraine into nato, because they didn't want a war, and the war has already started, everything that we were afraid of happened, why don't they take them into nato, that's also the correct answer, what i'm telling you the nato anniversary summit will take place in the 24th year, or kissinger a little. created
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the right mood for at least some steps in this direction, oh, you know, kissenger is too realistic for the people who rule the world today, even kissenger, to be honest, there are certain fears, uh, fears, and we feel it , i'm always a supporter of... what many ukrainians don't like, and many in the west don't like, and that's basically what former nato secretary general andres falk rasmus said just this year. ugh, and i also talked about it this year, and i know that they talked about it in 2022, by the way, i am very surprised by the story, we recently met there with the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine pavlo klimkin, i tell him, please explain , i told about the option that... the country receives
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security guarantees for the controlled territory, and joins nato or receives these security guarantees before joining, i told this in the middle of 2023, and everyone says that i put forward such idea, but i didn't put it forward, you did i was told this on the air, not in some kind of private conversation, on the air of the espresso tv channel, in the first months of the russian ... studio, and mr. pavlo was on the phone and he said that such options are being actively discussed in western political circles, how to bring ukraine closer to nato, it is possible to give, invite it to nato in all its territorial integrity, yes, but extend security guarantees only to territory controlled by ukrainian by the government, and it was sometime in march 22nd, vienna... are floating in the air, and i, as
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a journalist, can voice an idea, but exactly such an idea. i just don't think i should invent it, because it's simple, i think i'm capable of inventing something more complicated than this law of requimedes, you know, i lay down in the bath and here it is, the water somehow squeezed out, squeezed out, you squeezed out water, well, i'm not saying that this idea is optimal, but what rasmussen has already said about it out loud, well, and many of the active western politicians are saying means certain security options are being discussed, you know, security. the end of this war without russia, if you will, because what does that mean? if we get an invitation to nato at the washington summit, let's say, and
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the united states and great britain give us security guarantees, there against a nuclear attack, some security guarantees that finland, sweden, remember when they got an invitation to nato . from my point of view , this means that... no more missiles will come to us, yes, yes, ugh, it's out of our hands binds, this is a question of our agreements with nato, what will the agreement look like, on what territory, what can we do, it does not tie our hands even now, when you are told that they give us western weapons, but you cannot to shoot on the territory of russia, does it tie our hands or not, we have other tools, well, that's what i'm saying, in any case, we have this one. well, from the western point of view, from the point of view of, say, president biden, it looks completely different, whether we will be invited to nato, or we will be given guarantees
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security, tomorrow russia will launch a missile attack on kyiv, and what should we do, we gave guarantees, we admitted to nato, this is an attack on nato. ugh, and here, and here it is, two schools of thought if you will, i can't say that my point of view is perfect for one simple reason: i'm not the president of the united states, unfortunately, if i were the president, i would imagine sitting in the oval office and having to make a decision that could cost my own country a war, i don't know how i would act, it's easy to say such things when you don't have that responsibility , and when you do, when... you have a nuclear suitcase with you, you behave differently, you understand, you start to perceive and weigh all these risks in a completely different way, and that's why, that's why i think that the search for these mechanisms will continue
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, that's all, you see , i understand, let's talk a little about what internally, maybe it should be done, or what... should happen in view of what has already been done and not done in 2023, there are some points moments in our internal solutions, what are you for themselves at the end of the 23rd would be marked, and maybe they are able to get some traction, i don't know, the struggle with the russian orthodox church, i.e. the agent of the russian federation, under the guise of religious organizations, maybe these are some separate moments in the information department. politics, what was most important to you, were we so focused purely on the military component and international politics that we forgot to work on such internal stability and at least some comfort of our people's existence. you know, i was confused
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just all these conversations about some problems between the political and military leadership of ukraine. i believe that the very fact of the appearance of such conversations is wrong. ugh. from the point of view that if there really are any disagreements, they should be internal conflicts, let's say, which should not be made public and definitely should not be made public in social networks by deputies from the ruling party, and definitely the statements of deputies from the party should be refuted by representatives of the political leadership, all this did not happen, but we talked many times, well, you think, deputy maryana bezugala speaks there with demands for resignation. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, this is her position, i also believe that it is her position, i never understood those who said, but she has no right to say it, but she does, she is a member of the verkhovna rada, she says what she wants, but if she is a deputy from the servant of the people party, which is the ruling party that has the majority, then it is obvious that this party or parliamentary faction
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must express itself, uh, say, you know, this is the personal position of mrs. marjana bezoglo and our political force does not consider it need at all asking questions about... the position of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is the competence of the president of ukraine, and that 's the end of these conversations. but that didn't happen, did it? well, why did the representatives of the president's office say that this is her private opinion. i died, i died. on this the conflict was actually resolved, but by and large many expected a statement from the president of ukraine himself, but it was not made, and i can name many such moments, this is the story of yet another non-release abroad of the former president of ukraine, the leader of the european petro poroshenko's solidarity, well, it looks comical, but it is a problem. for how ukrainian politics is observed in another world, where it is customary that communication with
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the leaders of various political forces is the norm of a democratic state, and that it is not the border guard who decides whether the leader of some political force can visit there, let's say the same mike johnson or cannot, and it is certainly not an issue that is within the competence of the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine or his deputy, especially when they represent another political party. an example of civilized professional politics after the hamas attack on israel, uh, what i think we were shown this year was done by prime minister bethanyahu, he immediately offered to the leaders. forces to enter the military cabinet, although these people not only did not accept him there, as, say, many
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of the representatives of the patriotic national-democratic forces did not accept the populist forces that came to power as a result of the events of 2019 in ukraine, they fought for his resignation , took people to demonstrations, came to his house, they said not very nice things about his wife, remember, this is exactly what president volodymyr did not experience. zelensky, because the discussion with him has always been a discussion about the ratio of patriotic and economic, professionalism and non-professionalism, about whether a state that is facing the risk of a major war can risk the creation of unprofessional leadership at almost all levels, now we know the answer to this is a question, but it is a huge problem that most of our compatriots never answer this question will hear, but this is a completely different conversation, this is a flight... a fight, in israel it was moving to personalities, ugh, nevertheless, it
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didn't change anything, netanyahu offered to enter the cabinet of the opposition leader binya ganz, the opposition leader tony lapido, tomi lapido, it's interesting that jeira lapido, i'm sorry, it's interesting that lapid did not join this government, his ratings began to fall, and ganz joined and his rating is now much higher. netanyahu's rating, but the united project itself did not excite much, as you see, because at that moment he was worried about the survival of the country, its security, that's what i said in 2022, that a military cabinet should be created, that all political forces represented by patriotic parties should enter this army. .. to the cabinet or the government of national unity, that it is necessary to delegate authority, that
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in a situation where a war has started, the mandate of trust issued by specific political forces is nullified, because it is necessary to make only unpopular decisions and not think about elections, especially when a war is taking place for such a long time, when the term has already expired for the parliament and for the president, and they just continue to work, because there is no possibility, and we will not have such a possibility, to hold elections, the only answer to this... the question is the government of national unity, and someone could ask me, what would have happened if petro poroshenko in such a government had a higher rating than volodymyr zelensky, or not petro poroshenko, some conditional deputy from the party, a vote from yaroslav yurchyshyn, it could be it can be, of course, the next one the president of ukraine would be petro poroshenko or yaroslav yurchychyn, what does it matter, what difference does it make to us who will be the next president. after the war, why should we think about preserving the power of the current head of state
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or about the representatives of his entourage keeping their positions in the office, when it comes to whether this state will exist at all, because if ukraine does not exist, then it does not matter , which of these persons will lead the ukrainian government in exile, will he even survive until the end of the war, because one or two successful missile attacks can lead to the replenishment of the ukrainian political elite, because its representatives will die. this is also a war, and it is absolutely obvious to me that vladimir putin will do everything possible to destroy volodymyr zelenskyi. this is also clear. we are not talking about that, but about the state. we should always think not about personnel, not about political forces, moreover, they appear in us just in a few minutes, when someone needs it, and disappear immediately, so naturally, and we perfectly understand that the party, the servant of the people, will disappear, she will not be in the next one political cadence, let's say, other political parties can also be reformatted and
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disappear, we understand that perfectly well, what are we even thinking about, what is the significance of the name that will be in the election? ballots after the end of the war, especially since you and i do not know at all in which year, in which decade the war will end, decade, not what year, therefore, of course, the government of national unity is the only possibility for survival , it's not too late to create one, it's never too late to create one, the president has a beautiful one the opportunity to turn to the leaders of the political forces, which he himself considers patriotic and capable of joint leadership of the state, and eventually get out of the ... isolation in which he is, because in fact what we see when there is no such government, there is no such consultations, there is no meeting with the leaders of political factions, it is called very simply: political isolation, and a person in political isolation lives in a completely distorted reality, and can make wrong decisions, and this is very dangerous, because the president must be strong, must be
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effective, should be realistic, and should not be those texts that appeared this year about being completely alone. isolation of the president, why this isolation occurs, because the president communicates exclusively with representatives of his closest circle, who are afraid to say some unpleasant things to him, so as not to lose their functions. besides, it's just management, if you surround yourself with close friends, they 're used to it, they want to keep you in your comfort zone, they're your friends, they don't want to be bothered, you need yourself not friends to be led by enemies, relatively speaking political ones, because these enemies will definitely tell you how benny the ghanaian speaks absolutely harshly to benjamin netanyahu even at... conferences, but benjamin netanyahu is a professional experienced politician, he is forced to tolerate it, and what should we do with with certain reservations regarding our own not-so-old experience, during the presidency of viktor yushchenko, respectively, the coalition in the verkhovna rada, which fell apart, and we eventually got viktor yanukovych as the prime minister, who later became the president, but now we are not talking about a coalition, it is not
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a coalition, the servant of the people party has a majority in the parliament, it does not need any coalition, it needs it. division of responsibility, and such a majority in the servant of the people party will be until the next parliamentary elections, i say once again, we are, this is a completely different story altogether, the coalition fell apart in the parliament , some new political configurations could be created there, it was in a peaceful country, in in which elections were held, etc., and now we are talking exclusively about responsibility, well, excuse me, but there is already a little bit of a subconscious fear that suddenly everyone will start to... fold the blanket over themselves, we will waste time, we will continue to have discussions, but they will not have, solutions will not be born, is it not more profitable to have you know, this is a turbo printer or what they called there, turbo mode, it doesn’t work like that now, it doesn’t work, that’s it, because again, i repeat, turbo printers, turbo mode could work because
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only popular decisions were adopted, which were supposed to increase rating this is lumpenization politicians, it's called, and when you have to make unpopular decisions, your printer doesn't work, because every unpopular decision is minus 10% to your rating, you stick out at the bottom, huh, and that's why you make these unpopular decisions that during wars and you have to make them, because there are no popular decisions during a war, you simply postpone them until the moment when it is already too late to make them, that is what we are talking about, and how to do it so that you are not afraid to share responsibility, well , it has always been the same. winston churchill hosted during world war ii, it seems the idol of volodymyr zelenskyi and boris johnson, boris johnson even wrote a book, could tell him. a whole range of unpopular solutions. but how did winston churchill become prime minister of great britain because the conservatives, who had a majority in parliament, said: you know, if war breaks out, we need a government of national unity, we invite you labor, you
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have no votes, to enter of this government, and labor said, we will go in, but... please, here is your party leader, neville chamberlain, who has brought about this situation, sit down the bench of deputies, he cannot be the prime minister in the government of national unity, because he made mistakes, and then they asked, what should we do, let us give this winston churchill, let him lead the government, he means absolutely nothing special to us, for us, for you , it doesn't mean anything special, just a compromising figure, and that's how chertel became the prime minister of great britain. and not because he was a great national leader, but because he was not taken seriously by both political parties of the country, as a leader, well, he became one, but at the time when he was elected, he was not, but cherchenko... shared his political responsibility with the leader of the labor party kliment metl, who became his deputy, and this was the essence that he could not be afraid to make political decisions, first, because he did not think about the rating of the conservatives, he
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was not their leader, their leader was a small ber, well, for a long time, not a long time, but he was, well, and then, when chertsi himself became a conservative leader, he in any if he knew that he shares this responsibility with clement attlee, and when he was going somewhere abroad. klimentko took his seat as leader of the government at a time when his party did not have a majority, and they held a general election after the war, in which attlee beat churchill, because it turned out that, for most britons, a wartime leader could not be a leader of the time peace, it turned out, no one even knew that, but it matters, it doesn't matter, i don't think there is, the main thing is that great britain won, yes, and churchill there once returned to office, could at all not to return, there was simply already a monument. i think the opportunity to become a monument is much more important than the opportunity to become president again, that's all, and it should come from that, and finally, let's go back
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to where we started, only we were summing up the previous year , and we 'll talk a little bit about the prospects for the 23rd 24th 24th, so thank you, purely theoretical for now, if we get the necessary supply of weapons to carry out the planned, maybe right now? almost in these minutes ours military leadership, if we finally see the results of the elections in the united states, and not only the presidential elections, by the way, and these results tell us that we can hope for a certain stability, and the durability of our support from the united states, will it force combination of all these conditions, it is possible for russia to revise its plans, at least for the 25th year. i think that russia will think about its plans for 2025 after the presidential elections in the united states, that is, after realizing how much of the ukrainian territory it controls
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in the middle, let's say, for november 24th , it's two, after she understands how destabilized the situation in ukraine is for november 24th, it's three, just imagine that on the day when the results will be known election of the president of the united states, the security council will meet in closed session. and all these factors lie on the table. the territory, the number of those mobilized on the russian front, from the russian side on the russian-ukrainian front. destabilization of ukraine, internal political. and from this they will decide what to do. that is, i am not i think that they will generally discuss the possibility of ending the war. i don't think they care at all. but they can discuss the possibility. transition of the war from an intensive to a non-intensive phase, and what political measures they can take for this, but again, taking into account the figure of the new american president, until this
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moment they will simply drag this situation, this is one option for the development of events, another option for the development of events, which the americans themselves will try to agree on something with them, huh, but i don't think that these arrangements will be pleasant for us. because again, imagine the agreements between the united states and russia in 2024, in any case, we perfectly understand with you that in 2024, 20% of the ukrainian territory cannot be freed from the russian occupiers, there are no prerequisites for this, maybe there may be an offensive, there may be some results of this offensive, it is true, because we have preserved 95% of the equipment supplied to us by the allies, we are not without weapons. we are, but we need shells, this is not enough, let's see how it will be, we need military help, we need air force, we need air power, these things have to come so that
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we can understand this situation, but you know, war is such a thing that it is very difficult to make predictions, i always say that when people ask always, when the war will end, and that this is not a topic for forecasts now, because then i should bring you a deck of cards, sit down with you... and this forecast would be much more accurate than the forecast that we can give you given the situation, because war is not a predictable thing, in a war like us we know that some event that you definitely do not plan can change everything dramatically, here i can give you examples, this is the destruction of the malaysian boeing by the russians in 2014, and butch in 2020. in the second, these were events that changed the attitude towards war, uh, from the side of the civilized world, and the russians certainly did not
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plan. if not these events themselves, then their consequences, when there were all these atrocities in the butch, they did not think that they would leave here so quickly, that they would not be able to clean up all this, clean up and so on and so on, they were in a completely different world, and these are serious things , and on the other hand, there may be events of the opposite nature, which also change the course of the war, let's say the liberation of kharkiv oblast, because if there was no liberation of kharkiv oblast, it would be obvious that... to statements about the annexation of kharkiv region by the russians, and this would also be a different, let's say, political, not military, but a different political situation, so it is very difficult to predict here, it is simply clear that vladimir putin is ready to continue fighting, which we already understand that it is a long -range war that we have to adapt to war for the long haul, not telling people fairy tales is a very important thing, because a lot of what happens with the mood of the society,
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it's not because we didn't do something... right and so on, but because the expectations were too high, inflated expectations are the biggest enemy of any war, war is all about realism, when people say oh it's so good that we were reassured, no, if you were reassured for a few weeks and then everything that you expected was not happened, you inevitably fall into depression, and if you they say that it is a complex process , you reformat yourself to this complex process , and then something better happens, then you... on the contrary, perceive it, and now many people perceive the situation in black tones precisely because he completely inadequately evaluated the development of events, and it also needs to be said, and realism is a friend of a normal , healthy psyche, you know, when you go to bed and realize that there might be an air raid, then you calmly wake up, go to the bomb shelter or go into the corridor,
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or do nothing, but you are too early having prepared a place there. everything, of course, and , but you don't have a feeling of panic, and when you go to bed and think that nothing can happen, and then once in a while, you naturally sink into despair, and i just think that people are realistic , they just remain with stronger nerves, because strong nerves are the main guarantee of survival in war, it is easier for us to talk about it, because we are engaged in journalism, journalism is generally work in a crisis. and we understand that we are more adaptive with you here because we are watching news forever, and people began to follow them, most of us simply do not have a nervous system anymore, yes, of course, but people began to follow them, who watch us, in general, not even in the 14th year, but mostly in the 22nd, and i understand very well what it means for a person who is not adaptive to the news flow to be in all this all the time, but...
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believe me, if you accept the facts, keep them realistic, and limit their number, you have a much better chance of surviving this difficult era and be useful to the state in this difficult time than those who live with either rose-colored glasses or black glasses, just take off the glasses, basically, basically, basically, look at the world, it's not about... simple, but it creates perspectives, so what, we'll say goodbye , we say goodbye, we thank our defenders, thanks to whom we could hold these broadcasts all this year, we remind you that we must help our armed forces in the next year as well, our armed forces remain the guarantor of our future with you, and this is the most important thing that needs to be said in these new year's days. thank you,
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christina you with the holidays, very mutual, vitaliy portnikov and khrystyna yatski were with you throughout the year and will be with you in the future, well, i... the worst shelling of ukraine in the past year, the bill on mobilization, which caused criticism and controversy in society, about the great loss of the russian fleet. about this and much more in today's issue. they beat almost everything they have in their arsenal. the most massive russian attack from the air, inhumans, killed and wounded peaceful ukrainians in their homes.


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