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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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we will have to survive and in order to win we need to unite, fight corruption, come to a constructive discussion and change the approach to international cooperation. i urge you to take care of your own safety and not to ignore air alarms. and also, like every ukrainian, i wish one thing: victory for us in the new year, and heartfelt thanks to our soldiers. it was the last one. programs news summaries of the week in 2023, tomorrow the world welcomes the new 2024. our editors have prepared a lot of quality content for you on new year's eve. vasyl zimi's team will present his view on the key events of the year. you will also see special projects with vitaly portnikov, serhii rudenko, olga len, roman chaika and antin borkovsky. a special... the prize for you will be
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an exclusive interview with les poderevyanskyi and multi-ukrainian music, presented by maria burmaka and lesya vakulyuk. so, meet the new 2024 with the espresso tv channel.
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extinguished with a fire extinguisher dzhegosh brown, at the same time he injured a woman who wanted to stop him. dzhegoš braun is one of the leaders of the protests on the polish-ukrainian border and one of the initiators of these protests. everything that this pro-russian party does, it does at the hands of moscow. why did they try to create a scandal here in the diet on that day, because on that day the new tusk government came to power. why do they block ukrainian military goods and ukrainian economic goods at the border, because it is in the interests of russia to quarrel between our two peoples. about this... this special operation began on november 6, 2023, it has not ended yet, at one point the movement of several thousand ukrainian trucks was blocked on the polish-ukrainian border. in almost two years of the war, the border with poland turned into a corridor of life through which ukraine received humanitarian aid. weapons in addition, in
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conditions of closed sky and sea, it was the only route for our goods, and therefore a source of currency. after february 24, 2022, country. nato and the european union have become ukraine's global rear. during this time humanitarian, military, and economic aid was provided in various ways, totaling about 300 billion dollars. she could get to ukraine only by land, rail and road. precisely in order to dramatically increase transportation and save ukraine from the blockade, the european commission canceled permits for ukrainian carriers since 2002. 32, like their colleagues from the eu, do not need to obtain a license for transportation to the european union. in march 2023, this norm was extended until june 30, 2024. this agreement is called transport visa-free. i myself
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have used this phrase very often, although in reality it is not entirely accurate. the european union was just beginning with the free movement of people and goods between borders. ukrainians have been visa-free for a long time, they have been driving european ones for a long time. goods now began to travel through the union, but the reason in this case was not economic, the reason was to create a real corridor of solidarity. and so the polish carriers received permission to strike, to put it simply, they were allowed to attack the corridors of solidarity. who did it? the government of the law and justice party, which had already lost the elections, but still remained in power. therefore, the strikers were carefully guarded by the police. the blockers put forward the following demands: by... the first demand of the blockers is to return the old permit system, but on november 15, the european commission threatened poland with a punitive procedure if the border is not unblocked. and on december 4, the relevant european commissioner adina velyan confirmed the position of the eu. licenses for
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ukrainians will not be returned, corridors of solidarity will not be closed. the second requirement is prohibit the registration of companies with capital from outside the eu in poland. in this way, the strikers want to throw ukrainian companies out of the polish market. the third requirement. poles should get access to the ukrainian system shlyah. this would enable the poles to hire ukrainian drivers for less money than the polish ones. currently, ukrainians with polish license plates, having entered ukraine, cannot leave back, as this is prohibited by the martial law regime. the fourth requirement. queues for cars from the european union there is a queue in the base. poles believe that this the system gives advantages to ukrainians, because they can calmly wait at home for their turn. instead, poles have to be at the border, which increases time and reduces the number of their flights.
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the fifth requirement is to allocate separate queues for empty cars, that is, ukraine, which is interested in exporting its agricultural products by road transport, since there is no alternative to it. should have taken away the lines for the departure of loaded trucks and given them to empty polish cars. it is impossible to fulfill the demands of this group of poles, the european commission openly stated this, because they are actually blocking military cargo, spare parts for drones, medicine. the state border service, the western media, and the drivers themselves speak openly about this. aviation was taken away from us because of the war, ports were taken away because of the war. and now we really only have land transport that can transport goods. on the eastern border. we have tanks that are blocking, well, in fact , we have the whole east, starting with uzbekistan, kazakhstan and all the other countries that we went there before, here in the west are their tractors, what are they for us, in fact, we equate them to tanks, i spent six days drove 40 km, six maidens,
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the guys go for two sundays, the tour has passed, for example, we drove half a kilometer there at such a pace, today we drove half a kilometer there all night... in my opinion, this situation, with this protest, is artificially provoked. first, you come to the police, they let you pass every hour , that's one thing, that one car, after standing for 11 days, i have no words, it's just that our government has forgotten about us, the government, get a hold of yourself, volodymyr oleksandrovich, have your ministers, let them work . in the first days of the attack on the corridors of solidarity, the three largest points were blocked pass, these are korchova krakowiec, grebenna ravaruska in lviv oblast and dorogusk yagodyn in volyn. from three to five thousand cars stopped at once. two drivers died in queues at the border. provocateurs even crushed our
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drivers with cars. the police watched silently. but what did this blocking look like in practice. maybe the tracks were blocked with concrete blocks, or hundreds of trucks stopped ahead. roads, no, half a thousand kilometers of the ukrainian-polish border were blocked by fifty people, behind which there is an extensive network of russian agents influence, they were gathered under its roof by the confederacy party. who are these people? rafal mclar - the owner of the transport company rafal mclar transport, which was engaged in transportation to russia and belarus, the leader of the far-right confederation of freedom and independence in the lublin voivodeship, repeatedly made anti-ukrainian statements even after the invasion, such as ternopil or lviv with their cult of murderers, this is a shameful situation , which must be dealt with. he blamed the ukrainian army. in that it receives fuel on preferential terms and then sells it carriers that go to poland and displace
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local companies. rafal mekler's company is not the first to hold protests in the interests of the kremlin. previously, they opposed anti-russian sanctions. other companies were involved in their activities: kamtrans, jatta trans, bortom, glt polska, kms logistics and peotrans. the leader of the confederation at the... polish level until 2022 was janusz korwin mikke, who in 2022 declared that russia was not involved in the tragedies in buch and called for admiration for the determination of russian soldiers. another party leader the confederation of grzegorz brown stated: ukraine is a fiction, a very dangerous fiction, the fiction of an independent state, a civilized partner, and a fiction of a sovereign people with whom it is possible to establish long-term relations. neighborly relations, it was grzegorz braun, the only one in the polish parliament,
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who voted against condemning the actions of the russian federation for crimes in ukraine already after the atrocities in buch. grzegorz braun personally participates in all political actions of all polish youth affiliated with the confederation, and also maintains direct relations with the paramilitary right-wing radical grouping for a friendly circle. this polish structure in turn is tight. works with the neo-nazi group rusich from russia. rusiche militants fight directly in ukraine, as part of the occupying units of the russian army and private military companies of the aggressor country, in particular in the wagner pmc. moscow worked carefully and for a long time on its network of collaborators in poland, because ukraine's support there is very high. therefore , this support must be undermined in any way. however , the final target of the attack is not only ukraine. dmitry made public the plan to destroy poland itself medvedev in his article literally two days
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before the attack on the border. in dmitry medvidev's article, poland, megalomania, inferiority complex and phantom pains of an empire that never happened, poland appears as an expansionist imperial and irresponsible state, whose role in international politics is compared to the role of the third reich on the eve of world war ii. at the end of the article, there are five threats that allegedly come from poland, although. in fact, these are five strategic directions that russia is trying to push poland with the help of pro-russian forces, its agents and useful idiots. do you know what was the first mistake of the ukrainian authorities? the authorities approached this issue exclusively as an economic one and handed it over to the clerks in the ministries. we tried to explain that this is actually a political issue and a matter of national security. but then the authorities decided to wait. i think we need to be and have a lot. a balanced policy, to have an action plan, and to follow it, and we have this plan,
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the prime minister, as well as deputy prime minister stefanyshyn, also work at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs, and also at the level of the ministry, the ministry of infrastructure, all this is there, i'm sure we can do all this, i think we need to give a little time to our neighbors, it's getting warmer. instead, i insisted literally from the first days of the conflict that this was a russian special operation, and that the authorities would not succeed in persecuting this special operation. in fact, we were hit in the back, a second front was opened, now the western one, what is the point of appealing to terrorists in driver's vests, we had to appeal to the newly created council ukraine-nato, because this is an attack not just on ukraine, but on the entire free world, which has opened its corridors of solidarity to us. they used to do this for great britain and... west berlin. in 1940, the usa handed over
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fifty destroyers to great britain, but it was more of a symbolic gesture. only in 1942, having changed public opinion in the usa in favor of military aid to great britain and overcoming the political resistance of the isolationists, president roosevelt signed the lend-lease act, or literally the act on lease and debt. britain received equipment and weapons worth... 31 billion dollars, at current prices it is 510 billion dollars. from june 23, 1948 to may 12 , 1949, the united states and great britain supplied west berlin with coal, food, construction materials, and medicine by air. the land connection of the western zone of berlin with the american, british and french sectors was blocked by order of stalin. during the blockade , 248,000 humanitarian flights were carried out, which amounted to 2,300,000
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tons of cargo. and great britain, west berlin would not have survived without support free world that is why closing the border effectively destroys the corridor of life that helps us win. the humanist is walking, he has not been lowered, he is standing, waiting in the cross. can not. that's all, that's all solidarity. all i wanted to say. taras chmut, the head of the charity fund return to life, reported that dozens of night vision systems and hundreds of drones were blocked at the border. the pickup trucks all come from overseas... the night vision kits all come from overseas, the fpv drones all come from overseas, and this protest slows down our work. we are trying to agree with the polish authorities on the unhindered passage of aid, since ukraine has no choice but to import. i often get phone calls from the military asking for help transferring parts
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for drones, the same thing happens with parts for anti-drone systems. very often. transportation of parts for machines that produce ukrainian weapons, this blockade is causing huge losses, only our gross domestic product has fallen by 1%, this is a lot, what exactly are these polish carriers, because if all their demands are fulfilled, we will have a complete economic disaster. one day of downtime of a truck at the border results in €300-350 in losses. losses reached 400 million euros in just one month of blocking. indirect we will count the losses already in 2025, these are fines and penalties, refusals to enter into contracts with ukrainian companies. the federation of employers and the association of international motor carriers already estimate them at several billion dollars. the export of ukrainian products decreased by 40%, and the state treasury for in the month of blocking, it did not receive uah 9.3 billion
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in customs payments. according to the chamber of commerce and industry. every day, ukraine does not receive paid goods in the amount of 22.5 million dollars, of which 13.4 million are polish. also, ukraine does not deliver goods worth more than $7 million to contractors every day. according to the results of the year, due to the strike at the border , ukraine will lose 1% of gdp, and its growth will be 2.5%, instead of the projected 3.5%. in fact, our budget is formed from two sources of income. one of them is ukrainians who pay taxes. this is our customs, this is ours economy. and when the border is blocked, in fact, these funds are not earned and do not enter the budget. and it is precisely these funds that we have the right to spend on obtaining our army and our troops. and we spend the second part of the money on social needs. so these funds are given
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directly to the budget by our western partners and international institutions. and one more part - military weapons. that is why it is so important to us. for the democrats and republicans to come to an agreement in the parliament of the united states of america, and here in such difficult conditions, when there is no other way it is impossible to export ukrainian goods except through europe, we also cannot bring goods into ukraine, the blocking of this border begins. the entire logistics chain is broken, and even such a desperate method of transporting blocked trucks by rail will not help fundamentally. there will not be enough tracks and platforms. the first such train transported 13 trucks, at the border at the same time... it can stand from 3x to 5 00. it is difficult to imagine that in a democratic and strong state , a handful of people could block a strategic object, and roads are strategic objects, because they lead to border points where you can't even shoot. when was the last time we had this? i remember the 13th, and especially the 14th year, when the russian-ukrainian war began, and the russians financed the separatists in
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donbas, and then they took out people who allegedly blocked the roads, took away ukrainian armored vehicles, well on... our the state was weak then, we could not bring order there, but later we did. and why is the polish state inactive now? imagine that these so-called protesters will come and block the runway at the airport in rzeszów, where all our military aid is arriving from western partners. the government believes that it is not the addressee of the demands of the protesting carriers. the reasons for the protests lie either on the ukrainian side or on the eu side. the government adheres to democratic principles. according to which everyone can protest, but the authorities should not prevent it. it is strange that the polish blockers do not turn to their government, but to the ukrainian one, so that our government has already turned to... the commission, which, on our initiative, should, from their point of view, block our corridor of life. it is full absurdity. and the polish minister also criticizes
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the european commission for the existence of this corridor of life, which should exist until the summer of 2024. it is strange that when this decision was made in the european commission, the polish government had its representatives there, but remained silent and then supported it. i was informed about this in our ministry of foreign affairs. answer of the ministry of foreign affairs. the ukrainian side did not receive formal, official objections from poland and slovakia regarding the extension of the agreement in the spring of 2023. and what happened between the spring of 2022 , when it was adopted by the european commission the decision that ukrainian goods can move unimpeded on the roads of the european union and in the fall of 23, when polish blockaders began to block the roads. there are still elections. the polish party of law and justice has lost power and is trying to solve its problems in this way... after the parliamentary elections in the autumn of this year, peace tried in every way to delay the coming to power of the leader of the civic platform, the former prime minister of poland and the president of the european council,
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donald tusk, and to complicate the start of his work it was this influential politician, known for his pro-ukrainian and euro-atlantic views, who was to form a coalition and become prime minister. president vidpis andrzej duda could give donald tusk the right to form a new government back in november. but he used the formal reason that peace took the first place in the elections, and therefore entrusted it to the acting prime minister mateusz morovecki. it was a temporary government for two weeks, and it was obvious that on december 11 the newly elected parliament would not give morovetsky a vote of confidence, because peace although she won first place, she lacked the mandates to form a majority. the far-right confederation, with which they hoped to form a coalition, won far fewer votes than pollsters had predicted. when peace lost the election,. then he began to act according to the principle "if the house is burnt, let the house burn". they directly supported the terrorists on the border, prime minister morawiecki said this at the time, although the poles themselves
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suffered from such an irresponsible policy. according to the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine, poland imported from of ukraine by land transport of goods with a total value of more than 3.1 billion dollars, at least 3/4 of which went to other countries with a large margin for polish ones. entrepreneurs such inaction cannot be excused, because in this way we endanger polish-ukrainian relations and do not care about polish interests. this government is putting us all in a very difficult situation. the peace party, moravetskyi and kaczynskii played the ukrainian card fatally, very unprofessionally, unprofessionally and, moreover, cynically. donald tusk, november 29, 2023. but the poles are already on their own. they will find out who is to blame for the dramatic situation at the border. we should be concerned about why our government is just as inactive. at the end of december, president zelenskyi repeated the same thing he had already said in
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november. he hopes for the new polish government. he did not have any plans or proposals for this month. zelensky did not even convene the national security and defense council, as if nothing had happened. i will trust that the new government will unlock this one. the entire blockade is artificial. what should volodymyr zelenskyi have done? first of all, to turn to his counterpart andrzej dude and offer to convene a meeting of the national security council of the two countries. this could be done directly at the border. if this did not give any result, then he could turn to the ukraine-nato council and convene it. the ukraine-nato council was just formed at the last vilnius summit to establish cooperation between ukraine and nato structures. after all, what is happening on the border directly harms the national security of both ukraine and poland, as well as nato itself, because the eastern borders of nato
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some unknown people control all military cargo, if earlier, when i was driving, for example, from warsaw to kyiv, i saw a huge number of cars, and convoys with military equipment were lost among these cars , now, when the cars are blocked, to determine what exactly is moving military equipment is not a problem at all, but our... the president never addressed either nato or andrzej duda. previously, zelensky was very proud of his special relationship with the president of poland. even the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada staged a political provocation against they demanded that the newly elected seimas deal with the border problem. although at that time the government of law and justice was still finalizing its mandate. think about what we do. we appeal to the newly elected senate and diet, which does not have its own prime minister. prime minister muravetskyi, president duda. they run the government, they are responsible for blocking the roads, they do nothing to unblock it, and we put the responsibility on the newly elected sejm. and
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the senate, the future prime minister will be tusk, and obviously, this will be perceived as our unfriendly step towards poland. poland still remembers the visit of mr. stefanchuk and the vice-president. we communicated only with the authorities, the opposition came to power, wants to help us, and we want to turn them into enemies with our own hands. i watched with pity how the ukrainian authorities, with their passivity , actually lost any chance to resolve the conflict. because the conflict had to be resolved as soon as it started. then, back in november, i appealed to the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry infrastructure. i understood that there was no point in delaying. this is the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine. and this is my appeal, which i sent to minister of infrastructure kubrakov and minister of foreign affairs koleba. this appeal concerns the blocking of the ukrainian-polish and ukrainian-slovak border. i asked
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the honorable ministers, what is the ukrainian doing? authorities in order for the border to be unblocked. how many protesters are blocking the movement of ukrainian transport, which associations are they, and what are the reasons for the blocking? ministry of foreign affairs responded quickly and comprehensively, but the ministry of infrastructure decided that instead of the five days they needed to respond, they needed as many as 30. they had nothing to say, a strange situation, i decided not to wait and the very next day i went to the border with the correspondents. to see for yourself what is happening there. we came here to ravorusk to the ukrainian-polish border, you see, there are almost no trucks, because all ukrainian trucks, that is, trucks, are on that side, they are blocked by unworthy polish politicians and polish carriers, they absolutely do not care that at this time ukrainian companies are going bankrupt, ukrainians are not getting fuel, ukrainians are not getting products, where will these businesses that go bankrupt, where will these people go, they will be another refugee and will go to
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the same poland and the same europe, but in polish... it was november 19, there was a queue for 40 km, people did not have food and water, since then davyd was at various points, he came to dorogusk for the third time. i have been here for the third time, it was my first trip here. when there was a second promotion, already four cars have arrived, one even went to the ukrainian side. the main needs do not change, food,
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hygiene products, water. twice a day , volunteers bring us, the first thing we have here is bread, water , cans of beans in the british style, toilet paper, we have wet wipes here, which men use instead of showers, 8 days today, 8 days, some stand for 18, there are closer to the border, severe frosts hit in december, down to -15 at night, volunteers began to take people to the border against colds. ukrainians living in warsaw joined the poles: here we mainly have painkillers , anti-inflammatory drugs, we also have topical steroids, a nasal spray for a runny nose, drivers complain about the constant deterioration of their health, two people died, the police do not respond to requests for help, and people's blood pressure is also rising.
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and today... i saw it with my own eyes, he comes up , shows him the breather, which says, i have already run out of insulin tablets, he says, man, let me pass, yesterday a man was driving with a woman, i don't know what, somewhere he some kind of operation was performed, and she drives him the whole way when, when, when, well, periodically , i understand, he was operated on for something , i don’t know, and he wasn’t let in yesterday , no... drivers who managed to leave for ukraine say that it’s like from hell broke out 9 days, everything in the car is over, somewhere there is fuel, food, absolutely everything, yesterday was the woman's birthday, the man was breathing in the cab, and life has come, meanwhile...


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