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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EET

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from copter e fpv drones and even wings used by the enemy, these are halls, lancets, well you are of this type, and shock type, and scouts, and these e tools, they cost about 5 00 there alone, and we plan to buy them, when we purchase these means, and there are about... 300 of them there, then we will be able to completely close some operational area where several military units are located, and this means can be located at every position, in interaction with the means that i have before said the senior boss, then you are great rep, with a small means of radio -electronic development and our trench rebs, these are anti-drone guns and... blocks that
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are purchased and installed by military units, plus volunteers, also by foundations and companies that provide assistance, then in the complex it is not will enable the enemy, firstly, to be in the area of ​​the mission performance, i mean the unmanned system, and secondly, secondly, it will give our units the opportunity to prepare for the shootdown in time. yes, with small arms, anti-drone guns, trench guns rebom, and transfer information to the senior commander for inclusion on certain already defined frequency ranges, including our rep, tobish, because their devices work there with variable frequencies, tobish, this is a very important tool that is not in the staff of military units, it changes, they will...
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pass, but the means are already needed, and therefore freelance means, they are very important, and that is why we want to purchase these means and give them to military units to fight the enemy. so let's summarize everything you said, because it's good that you explained, that's why that the audience sometimes notices, but does not understand how it works, you spread everything on the shelves, 2 million hryvnias, a large collection, which was announced together with serhiy jadan, a ukrainian writer. and tactical group adam, we will leave all the details below under this video, and i want to remind the viewers that there are no small donations, every hryvnia, it matters, and the more these hryvnias there are, the faster we will close this collection. mr. yevgeny, i was very pleased to talk with you, i want to wish you that first of all this collection is closed and that personally you and your comrades definitely won and survived, it is very important, and that we celebrate together afterwards. there is no victory without you
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, i thank you very much, thank you, thank you, the only important thing on the air is the we ukraine channel, oleg panyuta is with you in the studio, good evening, and here are the events we are ready to tell you about today, the victims, the wounded, damaged, destroyed. residential buildings, rescue operations and debris removal, how to overcome the consequences of the most massive missile attack in december. another winter at the front: ukrainian soldiers defend the country despite snow, dirt and cold, both on weekdays and holidays, as well as the mood at the front on the eve of the new year, sea and air drones, long-range rifles and all these weapons made in ukraine, exclusively about the unique developments of ukrainian special forces. how they get it where
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the enemy is not even expecting it. six explosions rang out in kharkiv an hour ago. the regional military administration reported that a residential building in the center of the city had been hit. at least eight people are injured at the moment. we expect to hear details from the head of the regional military administration oleg sidnigubov. in direct inclusion, we expect to contact him as soon as he is ready for this, so please stay tuned. on the air, well, the russians killed a resident of kherson, fired artillery in the shipping area, a house caught fire there, another man died during the shelling in the suburbs of the regional center in antonivka, the previous night, as a result of the shahedam attack in kherson, the administrative building was completely destroyed, the surrounding houses were cut with debris , the consequences of the attack were seen by our correspondents, the child had a birth amulet, friends gave it to him. his ten-year-old's toy
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does not let his son yan out of his hands. mykhailo was playing with a teddy bear when an explosion rang out and glass fell into the apartment. yana herself was at work. it rings, i have never heard it. mykhailo survived, but potroschyna's apartment. in total , three high-rise buildings were damaged by the attack of the shaheds, and by morning their residents were carrying out the gutted furniture and raking out the broken glass. it was lying on the floor, it must be something i don't know where? one of the strike drones hit the administration building, just the roof, even the basement floor was destroyed, there was a women's fitness center there yesterday, it is the only one. worked for kherson during the occupation and after. in the middle of the night, the owner called me and said that she was coming back from sumy, as they had gone to celebrate the new year in sumy as a family. she is returning from sumy in order to, well, bring here, let's say, lad. i'm still talking, it's
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the middle of the night. zhenya, what are you doing, because of the broken windows , you will come back with sadness? but when i arrived, my jaw just fell off. because of the daily shelling in the kherson region. the military administration introduces a number of restrictions, in particular, they will strengthen security measures at the kherson railway station, which the day before, the occupiers attacked with rockets, and there will be no new year's celebrations in the open air, in order to save people's lives, because the shells will reach the front-line city in a matter of minutes. from kherson, valery zabirko, tetiana savulyamo, ukraine marathon, edina news. in the south, the russians killed a resident of stepnohirsk in zaporizhzhia, today the deceased turned 43 years old. artillery hit the residential quarters of the city, another person was killed in chernihiv region, the russian army attacked the front-line semenivka, at least 30 houses were damaged. the day and night turned out to be loud dnipropetrovsk region. an elderly woman was injured in the nikopol district. a five-story building
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with 20 private houses and several businesses was destroyed. as a result of shelling , 1,300 families were left without electricity. in the evening, during the air raid, explosions rang out in kharkiv and. odesa, before that the enemy attacked ukraine with missiles, iskander of zaporizhzhya, kh-59 flew to the dnipro. both are mutilated. debris fell in the fields, so there were no casualties or destruction. the night before, our anti-aircraft defense destroyed five out of ten shaheds over the country. 39 dead. the number of victims increased as a result of the massive attack by the russians on ukraine on the night of friday, december 20, 9, 159 injured, almost 120 cities and villages, hundreds of civilian objects were affected. a day of mourning has been announced today in odesa, zaporizhia and dnipropetrovsk regions. in kyiv, it will be on january 1. the russians ran across the entire territory of ukraine with daggers,
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ballistics, cruise missiles, drones, about the consequences and obsession of the russians with terror before the holidays. vlada tsymbalenko. morning of december 29. more than 30 were shot down in the sky over kyiv alone air targets are twisted in the military administration, debris falls in three districts. the police were attacked by dozens of rockets of various types, as a result of such a massive rocket attack in the capital there is destruction, victims and dead, as well as destroyed warehouses, the unfinished business center of the station was gutted by an explosive wave. metro and apartment buildings. we were in the subway and felt the explosions right from being deep underground. the floor was shaking, everything around was shaking. there are dead and injured. the blockages have been sorted out for a day or so will stop working at least until sunday.
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people are rescued from the rubble in zaporizhzhia as well. the rocket destroyed the house to the foundation. we ran into the house, started looking for who it was. a woman responded that we have. and here too, the dead and wounded, several hospitalized in serious condition, in addition to private buildings, industrial facilities were ransacked, a hospital was damaged, the russians attacked odesa on friday with drones at night, rockets flew in the morning, hitting high-rise buildings and private houses. rescuers are helping victoria in these shots go down from the third floor, the apartment itself is there. the family became the epicenter of the destruction, i woke up from this, when i was standing, there was fire under my feet, and we were stuck here, the exit was closed, we would not get out, the fire was already in the room, it was reaching, the ceiling was collapsing into the corridors, i understood, that there is nothing to breathe anymore, the blast wave gutted the windows and doors in the residential complex, three people died,
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two rockets hit a private house and a three-story house, the attic in the latter was completely demolished, another woman died there, on the same day under... mass shelling kharkiv, the city withstood more than two dozen strikes, mainly by ballistics, which damaged a hospital, school, residential buildings and a production enterprise of the city. let's. let's stay with you, i'm slowly, they also attacked one of the largest sleeping areas of lviv. debris of the rocket fell between residential buildings, a family home and schools. the computer classroom was completely damaged, everything was destroyed, almost all the windows were broken. a dozen cars were destroyed, windows in almost 20 high-rise buildings were literally blown out by the blast wave. the state emergency service says there was an attack real terror. the situation was absolutely critical. in all the regions, as i mentioned, these are dnipro, kharkiv, kyiv, odesa, especially kharkiv
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and dnipro, because there our rescuers had to work under constant fire. on december 29, the russians fired more than 158 aerial targets, including 90 kha-101, kh555 and kh-55 cruise missiles, 8 kh22 and kh-32 missiles, 14 iskander s-300 and s-400 ballistic missiles and five supersonic daggers. before that , 36 strike drones were also launched. our air defense forces destroyed 114 air targets. they tried to hit certain military targets, critical targets our infrastructure, because attacks were also carried out for these purposes. but i think this was a secondary goal. the first goal was terror after all, because kh-55 and kh22 missiles were launched - these are inaccurate missiles. this
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was the first time the enemy used such a quantity of enemy ironclads at once, and it was not the first time the terror of civilians on the eve of the holidays. last year, on december 29 , the enemy fired 69 rockets. the nomenclature of weapons was similar winged, ballistic and drones. now, they have only slightly changed their tactics, because last year's energy terror was started in the fall and massive strikes were carried out every week. this year, the emphasis is on ballistics. gore now more often uses missiles from the s-300 air defense system, the iskanders that they have, or the same s-400s that can fly further. on ballistic territory. according to rough estimates , the russians spent more than $1 billion on friday's mass attack just to kill ukrainians. but this is exactly their goal - said the minister of defense of ukraine. for many months, the russians have been stockpiling missiles just for this. blows to brothels, shopping centers, hospitals, peaceful ukrainian cities. it is obvious that with such
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stockpiles of missiles that the aggressor state has, they can and will continue such attacks. this massive attack was not revenge for the destroyed planes or ships, which experts remind us, because the preparation of such an attack requires a lot of time. it is more about the psychological pressure before the new year holidays. it is a holiday in the world, a day of mourning in ukrainian cities. qualifying russian... as revenge, well , this is such a literary, literary approach, they have their own program, they have their own plans, all in order to submit to their at least some kind of victory for the people, and to demoralize the ukrainian people. in general, during the full-scale invasion, the enemy has already launched more than 7,500 missiles, and about 4,000 more drones, and ukraine, despite waiting for the enemy, does not surrender. vlad tsymbalenko, vladyslav velychko, we of ukraine. in dnipro , today is a day of mourning in memory of six
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people killed by russian missiles. on december 29 , the russian army hit the city with several missiles, damaging residential buildings, a maternity hospital , and a shopping and entertainment center. how to overcome the consequences of the attack, let's ask ours now correspondent, sofia moskalenko, she is in direct contact with the studio. sofia, good evening, has it been possible to sort out the rubble and what about the victims? it was reported that they are in... greetings oleg, we are now near the site that was hit by a russian rocket yesterday, the demolition of the rubble has now been completed and the utility workers have even managed to remove the construction debris, but there is no talk of opening the complex now, because the whole thing has been destroyed the central part, and miraculously the employees of the complex were saved, because they managed to go underground in time parking lot, this is what saved their lives. the street has already been opened, public transport is running here , but this is not the only local attack,
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a rocket hit the maternity hospital a few blocks away, and if the mothers and babies managed to get to the shelter, the residents of the neighboring houses were terrified, glass flew at them, doors were broken, cracks went through the house. so far , about 250 apartment owners have reported damaged housing. uva also reported that... that they had already restored the heat supply to most of the houses and utility workers were also trying to help during yesterday until curfew and from today at 5 am i am closing them. windows with film and as a result almost everything was done, about 10% remained. we cover the windows with film where usb is needed, we understand according to preliminary estimates that it will take another week and a half to install these windows, now here are the measurements. as a result of the russian attack
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, six people died under the rubble and from injuries, near this place, near the shopping center, two passers-by, in them... they also died from a missile strike, they were a man and a woman, who were just going about their business, another 30 people received various injuries, and as of this morning , 16 people are in the city hospital, and all of them are in a mostly moderate condition, say the doctors, and we also have comforting news, today reported that one man is already being prepared for graduation. this is all the information i have, oleg, i give you my word. thank you we thank sofia moskalenko for eliminating the consequences of a missile attack on the dnipro. we will remind, during the attack , six people died there and 30 people were injured. due to the mass attack of russia, ukraine together with 30 countries initiated the convening of the security council. un. united nations secretary general antonio
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guterres condemned the attacks on the civilian population and critical infrastructure facilities. prime minister of great britain rishi sunak said that the kremlin's intentions to destroy our country have not changed, but... and the shelling shows that putin will not stop. the ministry of foreign affairs of france noted that the kremlin continues its strategy of terror, so western countries once again call on the world not to delay in supporting ukraine. about this, in particular, was stated by the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, bridget brink. she even shared a screenshot of the notifications she received yesterday along with other ukrainians. polish police. found no traces of a russian missile falling in the border zone with ukraine. the search operation is over there. earlier , the general staff of this country stated that one of the russian missiles that attacked ukraine yesterday morning flew into the territory of poland. the command of the country's armed forces announced full readiness. allegedly, the missile violated polish airspace on 3 minutes, flew about 40 km deep into
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the country, and then returned to ukraine again, where it was shot down. our air defense. the ministry of foreign affairs of poland demands from russia an explanation of the incident with the violation of its airspace. it was an anxious afternoon in russian belgorod. explosions rang out in the center of the city and debris from rockets flew. the russian ministry of emergency situations reports about dozens of dead and more than a hundred injured. in social networks, they wrote about the arrivals near the shopping center and the fire, and the wreckage shot down... scattered around the city after the unsuccessful operation of air defense, this was recognized by the russian ministry of defense, people were called to go down to shelters and hide, it seems that there is nowhere for them, because they were closed,
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at night they did not fly to moscow, the same belgorod, tula and tver drones in bryansk, the target of the attack was believed to be the kremniy el plant, which is one of the largest manufacturers of electronics for russian military equipment, in particular for long -range missiles and panzer air defense systems. well, ukrainian weapons have been destroying the occupiers since the beginning of the full-scale war of the russian invasion, our military, in particular the security service of ukraine, they were forced... to look for technological solutions and ideas in order to give a tough rebuff to the enemy. well , now naval drones repeatedly attack russian ships. fpv drones destroy thousands of units of russian ironclads, and even a record range shot was fired from a ukrainian-made sniper rifle.
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vladyslav polyvoda will now tell about the important details of developments and components of the success of our weapons. damage to equipment, personnel, enemy ships, they get it where the enemy doesn't even expect it, the filigree work of sbu special forces, they hit not only with weapons from partners, but also with our own, this is a multi-purpose sniper rifle developed by the security service of ukraine, which has already proven itself well in this war, its name is the owner i took the cobra. in service since the beginning of the full-scale, the length of this rifle is almost 2 m, the weight is about 17 kg, and its main advantage is the speed of the bullet and the accuracy of pos. vyacheslav sniper shoots this rifle on the line of contact and enthusiastically convinces, it the best in the world in its segment. this rifle has such tactical and technical
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characteristics that no other rifle in the world has, and the caliber here is one that cannot be found anywhere else. thanks to these properties, there is the ability to shoot at distances that were previously unattainable. and these are not just words. per sbu set a world record when it hit a russian soldier from a distance of 3.8 km, the wind was very difficult, vyacheslav tells the details of the damage, so before that they fired a control shot to the side at the same distance from us so that the enemy would not hear it. we did it to him shot, we saw that the wind that we thought was seven meters there, it was much higher, it was about 13 meters there, uh, and my number two. calculated, we have a tube with markings that we can somehow see the difference between the hit and where the bullet went,
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he said my corrections, i made them and with the second shot we already hit the enemy. with this rifle, the fighter repeatedly hit the invaders from a distance of a little more than 3 km, and with it , you can try armored vehicles with a shot from 2 km away, all thanks to this. sniper and bullets, which, by the way, are also developed in ukraine by the security service, this is a 14 cartridge, but it is re-chambered to 50 caliber, nato cartridges used in sniper rifles, the maximum caliber is called 50 bmg, here the caliber is also 50 bmg, but here there is much more powder, and therefore the speed and... and here is another ukrainian-made weapon: the sbu sibebi sea drone, which keeps the black sea fleet at bay. he repeatedly attacked
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russian ships. and this is the ukrainian drone mamai. both he and si baby forced the floaters to leave the crimea. this year, the sbu was hit by two enemy drones with these types of drones missile carriers: tanker, tug, reconnaissance and amphibious ships. on which the russian army helped in the war against ukraine, and now they went after a famous russian ship. both of these drones, they are not just some experimental or pilot versions, but they are absolutely effective weapons. if we talk about the see baby drone, then it is a multi-purpose platform, it is not just a naval drone that is used to attack warships, it can perform many other tasks as well. it has exceptional technical characteristics. in particular , it can carry a warhead for a charge of more than 800 kg explosives and cover a distance of more than 800 km. on july 23, it was the sea drone see babyby
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that hit the illegally built kerch bridge. here is the exclusive footage of this attack, provided by the ukrainian security service. we also actively use aerial drones, mostly on the contact line. so-called fpv drones from the beginning. full-scale became almost the main weapon of attacks on the russians. the special forces of the security service were among the first to use civilian drones not only for reconnaissance, but also for combat missions. if we speak about the combat work of the security service, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion we managed to destroy enemy equipment with a total cost of more than 1 billion dollars. from the beginning , the full-scale sbu has been developing its own weapons, studying and using modern ones in its manufacture. technologies, analyze today's needs at the front, this is precisely the creative approach of the security service of ukraine and all those who are interested in it, only
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our forces and means are used and we created this product, together with our partners, they are simply they are surprised, admired and frankly say that they are learning, and these are our top colleagues in western education, and in 2024 the surprises for the occupiers will increase, announced the head of the sbu. silmalyuk, of course, does not disclose details, but hints. the security service is intensifying its work behind enemy lines to bring the war even closer to the kremlin. ships, military bases and logistics routes are still in sight, but all this will be a surprise for the enemy. vladyslav palivoda, kostyantyn tsarenok. we are ukraine, marathon, single news. this year, the defense forces of ukraine were shot down 45 enemy planes - reported in the strategic communications department of the general staff. most. in january and december, they destroyed five aircraft out of six in three days, caused considerable damage to the armed forces and the russian fleet, damaged the submarine rostovne don,
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and small missile corvettes were also hit... mum and skolt hit the large landing ships alenigorsky harnyak, minsk and novocherkassk. this year, the ukrainian military also destroyed two s-400 anti-aircraft missile complexes, which the russians were so proud of, one on the cape tarkhankut, and the other in yevpatoria. 74 russian sailors were killed and another 27 were wounded on the hull of the novocherkask landing ship, which was attacked by our missiles at the beginning of the week. so. information was published by the crimean media, but later these publications were deleted. they said that the head of the russian navy proposed to declare a two-day mourning period in the city of novocherkask due to the death of the sailors. ukrainian hackers intercepted correspondence thanks to control of the mailbox of one of the propagandists. this was reported in the national center resistance in cold dugouts and damp
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trenches. knee-deep in mud, in frost, rain and snow, our soldiers bravely defend ukraine at the front, despite all the challenges, be it enemy artillery attacks or russian infantry assaults, how our soldiers maintain fighting spirit and what mood prevails at the front before the coming new year . daryna dobrovolska will continue. rains and bad weather have turned the ground into a front line in bagniuk. flooded and crooked trenches. i heard something from a friend and cold dugouts, these are not shots from a movie, such are the realities of war today, in guests are welcome, welcome, come in, these videos were sent to us by the guys from the 204th separate battalion of tro
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everything is done for... for children for ours. this is their second winter at the front. they replaced warm houses with dugouts. drone operator zatiynik shows his place of work. it is a home and a kitchen, all in one. teapot, gas burner, everything as needed. there is food in this box. the guy does not complain about the conditions, he says he knows what he came to fight for. we, ukrainians, are such a people that we don't care under what conditions we fight. because... we know what we stand for here, i hope that it will really end, and it will be next year, well that, and i want to go home as soon as possible. today, their joy is simple, to hear the voices of their relatives and see their children, if only for a moment via video link. morale, let's say who called , we raise ourselves, we walk from here with the vanguard,
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then we call, panekish, and i will still pass, it's fine, you, when you live, you smile, no it 's blowing, it's not cold, it's not cold, you can wind up, you can be safe, you see, the roller blinds, bunkers, logs, earth, everything, everything is carefully hidden from the shrapnel, and these are soldiers from the border brigade, they are fighting in donetsk region, we are not falling spirit, uncle vitya, it smiles, sometimes... in a good humor, although the enemy here is also not far from them. we send, so to speak, gifts back for our capital, for our cities. you can listen to the result of all this in principle, despite all the challenges, they destroy those who encroach on the second winter in a row
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our ukraine. in the break between shellings, or even during them, they continue to live. we bring happiness, orcs to the dugout, let them celebrate well, we want to cheer them up, in return they congratulate us on the coming holidays and ask one to believe in the zsu. we are now in the bakhmut direction and we would like to wish all of us good health, inspiration, patience and victory in the new year from the bottom of our hearts. glory to ukraine. i want to wish you a peaceful sky, health, and that all your dreams come true. believe in us and we will win. glory to ukraine. these shots and words of our soldiers at the height of the war from the hottest points of the front. the motivation for you and me is here in tyla. do not give in to the enemy.


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