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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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the number of victims of the rocket attack on kyiv has increased to 21 people, and seven people have already died in the dnipro as a result of the massive attack that took place on december 29. my name is kateryna shirokpoyas and this is news time on espresso. three people were injured in kherson. two hours ago, the russians shelled the korabel neighborhood with artillery. - reports the regional prosecutor's office. two men were outside at the time of the attack, and the woman was injured at home. they are all in the hospital. a shop, residential buildings and vehicles were also damaged. in the surrounding houses, the light and water disappeared. repairmen have already started working. air raid alarms sounded in most regions of ukraine at night, ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 21 kamikaze drones. the military from...
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in total, 49 shahed launches were recorded. this is reported by the air force. russia launched shahedy from three directions of the primorsky-akhtar region, cape chaud, which is in the crimea, and the kursk region. the drones flew west and north. the defense forces of the south report that enemy drones were hit in the kherson region as well. there, several private houses were damaged in the tyagnen community. and in odesa, debris from a downed uav caused a fire in the coastal zone. kharkiv region under the attack of the occupiers. three people died in the village of borova. there, at night, the enemy bombarded the private sector with guided aerial bombs. the bodies of a woman and two men were removed from the rubble of the house. this was reported by the head of the military administration of the region, oleg synigubov. and in the regional center, terrorists injured 28 people. in the evening, the enemy hit the middle of the city of kharkiv with iskander missiles at least six times. they hit the 12th floor
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of a five-star hotel. among the victims two teenagers aged 16 and 14, as well as a british journalist. debris from the rockets and the blast wave hit the regional hospital, residential buildings, a kindergarten, administrative buildings and shops, and within a few hours, shaheds also flew into the city. at least four hits were recorded on the central street, administrative and office buildings were destroyed. as a result of a nighttime russian attack in the kyiv region , a fire broke out at one of the critical infrastructure facilities. it was quickly liquidated, the head of the kyiv regional said ruslan kravchenko of the military administration. there are no victims or victims among the civilian population. meanwhile, the number of victims of the rocket attack on kyiv has increased to 21 people. today, in the shevchenkiv district , emergency workers unblocked from below. of the rubble
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of the warehouse, five people were rescued, eight were rescued, in total, firefighters removed more than 100 cubic meters of destroyed building structures. the search and rescue operation has not yet ended. and seven people have already died in the dnipro as a result of the massive attack that took place on the 29th december a 45-year-old man died in the hospital, serhii lysak, the head of the city's military administration, said. according to him , 18 patients remain in hospitals, including a one-and -a-half-year-old boy. two victims are in serious condition. in total, 48 ukrainians died due to the russian attack on december 29. in the temporarily occupied sevastopol, an air raid alarm is sounding, the city's gauleiter mykhailo rozvazhaev reports. and the propaganda media write about the suspension of traffic on the crimean bridge. figures of sanitary losses in russia. kolgorod
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continue to grow, due to the failure of their air defense, the number of victims has increased to 109. 24 people have already died. such figures were announced by the local governor vyacheslav gladkov. he adds that 30 apartment buildings, 344 apartments, three private houses, as well as three educational institutions of the administrative center are allegedly damaged. i will remind you that a series of explosions rang out in the russian city of bielgorod yesterday. defense forces of ukraine in... hit military facilities in response to russian attacks on ukraine on december 29. it was also buzzing in the city this morning air alarm signal. they are no longer allowed to leave the country. the network is actively discussing the situation at the border points. eyewitnesses claim that they began to check the men's documents, which were not previously demanded by the police. this applies to parents with many children, people with disabilities, as well as those who support them.
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our correspondent natalka stare pravo is escorting a doctor to the border crossing point with poland. natalia, congratulations, tell us the details of the current situation at the border. i congratulate kateryna, i congratulate our viewers, this is the situation at the border at the checkpoints has become worse since yesterday, in particular , there were mostly queues of cars and buses at the shagin, long queues were formed, people stood for several hours, they stood for more than a day, waiting for their turn, today we also talked with people who from yesterday they stood at... the checkpoint, which were not missed today, such new changes, which had not been announced before, are related to the pre-holiday, pre-holiday days, with that, even with the registration of a new draft law in the verkhovna rada, and how
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mentioned that the state border service did not announce new changes, that there would be additional reviews of... documents, and the spokesman andriy demchenko also said that everything is happening in accordance with the current legislation, however, previously men conscripted into the military were not forced to present documents from the territorial collection center, however , they are now required, in particular, from certain categories, such as people who accompany people with disabilities, people with disabilities themselves, parents with many children, drivers under the... system way, that is, somewhere on february 29, december 29 , i apologize, in the evening unannounced information appeared, namely, a certain sector meeting was held, where it was emphasized to
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inspect and limit admission to certain categories of people, and only somewhere today the spokesman of the state border service officially emphasized on the fact that such categories of people will be checked so clearly, now vitaly is next to me, who also tried to cross the border, according to the current legislation, he could have done it, but he was not given a permit, mr. vitaly, please tell me what exactly happened, what they told you, why they don't let you in, good afternoon, they don't let you in due to the fact that there is a strengthening of border crossing control, that is, as before... i drove as a father of many children crossed the border, at the moment they don't let them through, they take a document, take a photo of them, send them, it's unknown where, and from there they explained like this, there should be a plus sign that you have been approved to go abroad, in connection with whom they send my personal data, by whom it is confirmed, it
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is, well, not legally, but individually, to one person they can give a plus sign, the second person is not given a plus sign on the same documents, that is , it is a violation of human rights, the law, a violation of the constitution, mr. vitaly, you also emphasized that you traveled and crossed the border several times, and according to new information, the border guards who monitor those who cross the border, in principle, should not have questions about those who repeatedly crossed the border already after a full-scale war, however, you were not allowed, so me, i can even show you a passport with stamps, that's all i have the second... a passport with stamps, they explain by this that there is a war in the country, a new resolution of the cabinet of ministers was issued, although no new resolution of the cabinet of ministers was issued , there are no changes in the 57th resolution of the cabinet of ministers, they explain by this, let's say that
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a call came from kyiv, they said not to let anyone in, not to let anyone in, because it has to be, they have to recruit 500 thousand people and that's it, now people won't run. mr. vitaly, thank you, we see, this is the situation, i must note and remind you that there are no big queues, in principle there are no queues like those for passenger cars, they dispersed, instead these queues moved to other checkpoints, such as krakow and rava ruska, for now this is all the information i have, i pass on the word to the studio. thank you natalya, i will remind our viewers that this was our journalist natalka old right, she is on the border of the doctor's step. what is the situation there now? this is all the news for this hour and for this year. see you in the new one. keep yourselves!
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the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholotny yar is in dire need of a drone asset. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces. the occupier for the approach of victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. which the news will be... the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics
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will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. congratulations, friends, on this new year's eve. on the air, the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaliy portnikov with the results of 2023 and the prospects for 2024 is exactly like this, approximately this is how our today's program will look, we will talk about the results of the 23rd and about the expectations for 2024, of course we will start with the most important for we are from the military situation, it is probably worth starting, you know, with such a joke somewhere, i do not know who exactly is the author of this. joke , but i saw him for the first time, among the residents of kazakhstan, who welcomed the russians at the beginning
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of the 23rd year with the advancing ukrainians, and we must understand that indeed the 23rd year was marked by certain expectations in the military sense, and in our society, and our western partners, our military and political leadership, have little resentment, rather plans, i want to believe, in any case, now we are there, where... we are and several extremely important points, purely in the military picture of this year, also have and deserve attention. mr. vitaly, what do you think was the main counteroffensive, which may not have been crowned with what the majority expected, the understanding that we are pulling the strings for a long time, the sobering up, in particular, of the ukrainians too, or i don't know, to a greater extent open questions, well, it seems to me , 2023 was the year of christina, the year of realism, and this is the most important thing, by
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and large all these trends that we are talking about, and which became evident in 2023, were clear as early as 2022, nothing new from the point of view of our analysis actually happened, it’s just that in 2022 no one wanted to talk about it and think about it, the famous article of generals zaluzhny and zabro... which demonstrated in principle how this war would look like , she just talked about the war at length, about the long-term process, and absolutely did not mean that any single offensive, even a successful one, could end this war. i want to remind you what western politicians said also in 2022, not to take all these comments in 2023, they said: that they supply ukraine with weapons, that they help ukraine so that ukraine
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can liberate as much of its land as possible, and in this strong position enter into negotiations with the russian federation. at that time , it was not about the fact that ukraine can liberate everything. in general, there were discussions about whether you... should liberate crimea in general. the ukrainian political leadership has always said that the issue of the liberation of crimea is our priority. at the event, many of the politicians said that which is which. the threat to crimea can cause an escalation of the conflict, hinting at nuclear attack, and they said that it is enough for crimea to remain under the attack of the ukrainian armed forces, or to be under such a serious attack that it will force the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin , to agree to negotiations, so in any
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case, in the western political and military the circle had this topic all the time. and president biden, and general milli, and european leaders spoke with it, they saw the result of 2023, exactly the negotiations between ukraine and russia, so when we use the word victory, i b would say that it is generally very careless to use the word victory when applied to any reality, and then when you begin to ask what it is for you. and what is victory for you? it turns out that you are driving yourself into a dead end, because many of our compatriots, if you asked him what victory would mean for him in the 22nd year, he would answer that it is the return of ukraine to the territorial borders of the ukrainian ssr, let's say so, before the borders
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of 1991, but again in the west of such there is no victory... for the west, the victory was that the ukrainian army would somehow be able to really advance the russian position and force russia to negotiate the end of the war, which would open up some new opportunities for ukraine that no one knew about: peaceful existence, european euro-atlantic integration, stopping the deaths of people, etc., etc. now it seems to me that realism consists of what we begin to understand. that no military successes of ukraine, whatever they may be, do not lead to any negotiation process, that the president of the russian of the federation, vladimir putin, who first relies on the enormous support of his own countrymen precisely when he is waging this war. 75% of russians want to see him as the president of russia, they are absolutely sure of the correctness of his course, these are triumphant results for a politician who has been in
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the position of president for the 204th year, that is, for... there are no negotiations for him, for him there is war as a necessity, and even more so when we are talking about this pre-election period, the pre-election period in the russian federation itself, when it is necessary to look strong, confident, when the number of ukrainians killed, it only increases your rating, and the presidential election campaign in 2024 in the united states, which also reflects the intentions of the russian leadership to prolong this war, at least until the results of this american election , to see who they will win, and that's why i didn't understand anything about this even in 2022, but when you see the real picture, it's obvious that a military solution does not lead to a political one, to put it simply, and everyone around does not want to notice this, because comfort themselves with some absolutely unfulfilled expectations and desires, and
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now we still, i believe, are in a more or less realistic world, because first of all, we realize that whatever the actions of the ukrainian armed forces, at the end of the year a message appeared , that a new offensive in 2024 is also possible , they will not lead to the end of the war, the ukrainians should generally stop hoping for an end to the war through negotiations, because russia does not want to negotiate with them, and moreover, it is absolutely unclear what russia should negotiate with ukraine, if the ukrainian armed forces are located there. ugh, there is some success in cutting a corridor, russia somehow lived without a corridor along the dry land to crimea, russia lived without crimea until 2014 and nothing happened to it, russia certainly lived without the devastated lands of donbas and southern ukraine, and if we we realize with you that
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nothing will happen on the territory of the russian federation itself, the russian federation has the opportunity to experiment with ukrainian lands and with us, that's all. how much it will be needed for to finally destabilize the situation , if we hope for negotiations , why am i saying this, because we can discuss with you the issue of the ukrainian offensive in the categories of defeat or victory of our favorite categories, yes, although in fact the front actually froze in november 2022 -th year, not the 23rd, from november 2022 we have a completely static one. at the front, from the point of view of strategy, individual settlements change hands, so that our enemies are achieving something, we are achieving something, even achievements are important, like this story. with efforts to gain a foothold on the opposite bank of the dnieper opposite kherson, this is all a fact, as well as russian actions in avdiivka and maryanka, this is also a fact, but still the territory as such
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is completely preserved in a static form, and the only difference was that the russians built there defensive structures in this territory, which they control, and we started to build them, but the question arises , why should we think that if... the results of the offensive were what we wanted to see in the west, and we understand what the results are , going to militopol and bridging the corridor, this would mean some kind of end to the war and the desire of the russians to end it . there is no war, you just have to come to terms with it and think about how to end this war with... without russia. the russians will also look for the possibility of some options, but those that will be completely satisfactory. when they come to the conclusion that they can stop without negotiation. we
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we will understand that. ugh. here, by the way, is a good example, this year. grain deal. it acted with the participation of russia. we were transporting grain. ugh. at some fine moment, russia left this model enough. an interesting model, because russia and ukraine did not agree with each other, they did not conduct negotiations with each other, a model was used in which the un secretary general antonio gutierrez and the president of the republic of turkey recep tayyip erdogan acted as mediators and the agreement was signed with the turkish side with un, respectively the russian side and the ukrainian side, and acted like this until the moment when russia, which in principle i have this impression, wanted to withdraw from this agreement on the very day when the widow signed it, made a decision that... she was leaving, as a result it turned out , that we can transport grain in a limited manner and without russian permission, that the corridor
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works one way or another, albeit not on such a scale, we will see what happens in the spring and summer, but it turns out that russian consent is not needed for this, here the namely, is it possible to end the war without russia, i believe that it is possible, for that a whole complex of political and military-technical is needed. and not only from ukraine, of course, not only from ukraine. ukraine is not at all an obvious subject of this process, it is an object of this process, because ukraine on its own, without the help of the west, i think here, we understand this perfectly, would not have lasted several months against the russian onslaught. we just didn't have the equipment, the military equipment, we just didn't have the money because our economy was destroyed, and the west must realize that if it perceives this struggle of ukraine with russia as a part.
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of the russian federation one way or another increases at the expense of ukrainian regions, well, there is no such gray way out here, you see that we have tried to stay in this gray zone for many decades, and most of our compatriots with you, this gray zone. were absolutely fine, i generally think that this is such an example of suicidal national idiocy that can enter all textbooks of political history, because by and large , as you understand, everyone has always been it is clear that the security situation is the main situation for any country, and many countries that were part of the soviet zone of influence or the union itself realized the fact that it is necessary to look for some guarantees for security, it was clear even in in the 1990s, in
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1997, when poland, the czech republic, hungary, and later slovakia joined nato, these countries had no major problems with russia. i remember the madrid nato summit, i was there when the decision was made on the first enlargement of nato. if. that someone had such there are serious anti-russian tendencies , you are wrong, all this did not exist, in russia itself, if i am not mistaken, then there were no bright anti-national sentiments, at least public of course, well, she was against expansion, against expansion, this was the clear position of president boris yeltsin, i well remember that mr. sirov, the vice-prime minister of the government of the russian federation, who came at the head of the russian delegation to the nato summit at the time, he gathered journalists to talk to them at the telephone booth in the press center, forum,
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because he did not want to enter even the meeting hall. did not want to hold any official events as a sign of protest against the expansion of the alliance, but everything was very calm, then russia signed these fundamental acts with nato, ugh, which created the russia-nato council, and again, i repeat, in poland itself, in the czech republic, hungary had no reason to think about their such... security from our point of view, there were more reasons, say, in slovenia, which wanted to join nato in the first place, which was not accepted then, because were concerned about the general situation in the former yugoslavia, but the peoples of these countries simply remembered what russia was, knew, and that's why this expansion happened, those who made it, they got into nato, they got their
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security system, let's look at... another , to a different situation, but i’m sorry, but we also knew what russia is like, why the same experience is even more short-lived with them than with us, in some places, but the effects are so different, we didn’t know anything, what russia is like, ukrainians 1994 , three years before this fundamental of the russia-nato act to the ukraine-nato charter signed by leonid kuchma in madrid, they voted for kuchma, it was his first term, kuchva came to power with the slogans of restoring relations with the russian federation. one of the most important moments there of his first term as president was the state visit to kyiv by boris yeltsin, who signed this famous big agreement, which did not guarantee us anything, and who set as a condition for his move and for signing this big agreement, as you know, ee on the creation of a stay agreement of the black sea fleet in crimea, so no one knew anything, the majority of our compatriots adhered to absolutely obvious pro-russian views, which
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did not lead to any hope until 2014, and many believed even in 2019 that it was possible to come to an agreement with russia, and in the majority of our population opposed nato. i will tell you more, who do you think the ukrainians supported in the conflict between serbia and croatia? serbia, of course, serbia, of course, who did the ukrainians support in the conflict between moldova and transnistria? transnistria, even politically we supported, who did we vote for? our ukrainian radicals, did not vote, fought in transnistria and the caucasus, and that, well, that is, in the caucasus they already fought, i think, for georgia, but from transnistria they fought for ukraine, for for transnistria, with the people of ukraine, and we had this multi-vector foreign policy, changes began in relation to kuchma, when the national security agency appeared in our national security strategy, which, as it appeared, was later
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removed from it. so what to say that we understood, no, i'm sorry, we inherited it a country of pro-russian citizens, and there is no need to hide it somehow, when latvia, lithuania, estonia and the western lands of ukraine did not vote or voted against the gorbachev referendum on a sovereign union, the vast majority of ukrainians supported this idea, in the summer of 1991 ukraine was the main union republic on which moscow relied in an effort to create... this new union, in fact, when i asked this question, i meant that anyway the majority of ukrainians in one way or another are and have been victims of russia for at least the 20th century and of the soviet union, yes, but nevertheless , to perceive oneself as a victim, one must, as a victim of russia. there was no such feeling, there was no, yes, and this is one point, another point is very important, what i wanted to tell you about the opposite side, this is also an interesting point,
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there is an opposite side to white. who were ready to join the csto, this is also to a certain extent a security sphere, so you ask if i do not consider myself a victim of russia, but lukashenko definitely does not, and nazarbayev did not consider himself a victim of russia, they considered russia there a state with which one should have friendly relations, but at the same time they were ready to enter the russian one. the sphere of security, i am not even talking about the peoples, but about the elites, the belarusian elite, the lukashenko and kazakhstani elites, they believed that they should turn to moscow for this guarantee of security for themselves, by the way, it worked, as you you know, in 2020 for lukashenka, ugh, and in 2022 for the kazakh elite, where tokaev already fought with nazarbayev, but it’s still, you know, the same eggs only in profile,


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