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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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from the state, for the first time in almost two years, how did the displaced people sheltered by odessa learn not to postpone life for later, and what plans are they making for 2024? volunteering instead of children's entertainment, how small ukrainians were not afraid of the great war at first, on the contrary, they showed their determination and how they are bringing our victory closer. the rise in popularity of far-right parties in europe this year, predicts the financial times. as an example, he cites the netherlands and slovakia, where the right-wing and populist parties won parliamentary elections in the autumn. why is the political landscape on the continent changing and what can ukraine expect? we analyzed everything, all forecasts. see far-right parties are gaining popularity in europe due to increased migration, europeans' complaints about a loss of identity and a sense of threat from outside. in the liberal left, so
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next year the political landscape on the continent may change, according to a study by analyst matteo lardo for the american intelligence and analytical company stratfor. the expert expects the center-right to retain power in the majority countries of europe, and as for the far-right, after winning the elections they usually soften their positions, but it is still a variable. avoid europe is still poised to see major political changes in areas such as climate, migration and eu enlargement, as moderate parties struggle to compete with the far-right parties that are gaining momentum, drawing them into coalition governments and incorporating their proposals into their own platforms. the further development of the political situation in europe is determined by many factors, in particular the growth of migration, economic crisis, in social networks, as well as
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russian aggression against ukraine and the conflict in the middle east. the bigger problem now is not just the extreme right, it is rather populist movements, anti-migrant rhetoric, anti-migrant statements, proposals, yes, this brings them closer to the extreme right, in the socio-economic plane they can put forward various left-wing ideas, the russian-ukrainian war and the conflict in... the middle east exacerbated some issues, first of all, it is a migration issue , and now the issue of migration, the issue refocusing sometimes more attention on domestic political problems, it just adds support to the rights, or right-wing political forces. several key elections will be held in europe this year. in june , 27 eu member states will elect their representatives to the european parliament. according to stratfor in the legislative. a quarter of the seats can
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be won by the far-right, which means that they will be able to block most of the decisions of the parliament and have a significant influence on its legislative activity. it will also resonate more at the level of european politics and politics expansion and policy related to budgeting there. after these elections, there will be a renewal of the leadership of the european union, that is, maybe, they can appear, although it has not been decided yet, because it can. to have a second term of office, but may change the head of the european commission. political scientists miss the possibility of a second term for the head of the european council, charles michel, and the head of eu diplomacy, josep borel. therefore, changes in the structure of the european parliament are unlikely to take place. i do not expect any drastic changes, and the support of ukraine in the european union, v in general and in most european countries will be preserved. but hungary has a problem.
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now there is the problem of slovakia, the camp that now controls the executive power in slovakia, they can win the presidential elections. the president will be elected next year not only by slovaks, but also by finns, lithuanians and romanians. parliamentary elections will also be held in a number of eu countries. according to opinion polls, the majority of voters sympathize with the right in germany, austria, belgium and other countries, but this will not be a problem for ukraine. the main the problem now is a challenge from the side of hungary to support the fice government in slovakia, the challenge is connected with the fact that hungary is actually blocking and even trying to destroy the policy of european solidarity, in particular in relation to ukraine. in addition, orbán is trying to destroy the agreement on the eu enlargement policy. although great britain is not a member of the eu, it is a member of the nato group. 7 and g20.
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the term of office of the current parliament will expire next year. by december 17, 2024, the prime minister must call new elections, but... the question of helping ukraine will not be key for the british. currently, the ruling conservative party is losing popularity, and in the event of a labor victory, aid to kyiv will remain, but its level will depend on the financing of internal problems. labor can more actively promote such a peace-making agenda, a peace-making agenda, and propose holding negotiations there. presidential elections will be held in moldova next year. there is still a threat of pro-russian revenge. russia will try, as it has always done, especially in moldova, to influence under, so to speak, to strengthen their agents of influence in the political context of moldova. moscow's influence on the electorate in moldova still persists,
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and uncontrolled transnistria adds to the problems. despite the fact that official chisinau restricts pro-russian forces for reasons of national security, they actually won the local elections, but... the result of the presidential elections may have a different effect: a significant part of moldovans work abroad, there used to be many in europe, many were in russia, now the majority of moldovans working abroad they work in the european union, plus their families, and here are the moldovans who are abroad, they actively participate in the elections, and their votes are decisive in support of the european forces. in moldova. the further political situation in moldova depends on two factors, says the political scientist. this is the development of the war in ukraine and the movement of moldova to the european union. already this year, moldova, like ukraine, will begin negotiations on joining the eu. this is a long-term process. but this is already a new page in relations
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between brussels, chisinau and kyiv. sergey shepel, tv channel rada. general national marathon, single news. at least 19,500. 46 ukrainian children cannot share the joy of holidays and gifts, they were kidnapped by russia, the head of the office of the president of ukraine , andriy yarmak, stated this figure. all children kidnapped by the russians dream only of the warmth of their native home. about the 13-year-old kira girl, who was the first to be officially returned from the invaders to her native family. ivan siretsky will tell. ira, hello. how are you, good. april 22, the capital hospital okhmatdyt was just brought here 12-year-old kira obedynska from mariupol, who was released from captivity by the occupiers. apart from her grandfather , kyra had no one left, she lost her mother when she was still a baby, and the father of the ex-captain
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of the ukrainian water polo team, yevhen obedynskyi, was killed by the russians in mariupol in front of the child. this is the phone left, which she would have. at that time, grandfather was in the territory controlled by ukraine, and kira tried to get out of the destroyed city on foot after the death of her father. a mine exploded not far from her, the girl's face and body were cut by shrapnel. a wounded child were taken away by the occupiers and taken to one of the hospitals in donetsk. i was already afraid, i had already been told a lot in the hospital, that they could take me to some house in the heart of russia, to a boarding school or to a foster family. i just asked the doctor.
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well, if you just touch it, you can feel it, but here you can’t see anything on the face anymore, she grew up, she changed there, well , she made a lot of friends, well, she changed in general , work with a psychologist and art therapy helped, the girl says, and also new hobby - dancing. dancing is a kind of dance therapy, here she is looking for some kind of harmony between her body and her state of mind. what i see now is that she has progress. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ukraine has been able to return 522 deported children. according to official data, the russians are still holding nearly 20,000 young ukrainians in captivity. according to the unofficial, it is ten times more,
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the children's shoemaker suggests. to date, we continue to suspect that the russians could have kidnapped about 200-300 thousand ukrainian children. the russians have at least six scenarios to expose. ukrainian children, and according to these scenarios , a little bit happens with the children, various actions are taken towards the children. children of ukraine are usually taken to so-called rest camps, and instead of rehabilitation they receive them. a dose of enemy propaganda, look, your parents are not coming to pick you up, we can't take you away, and they don't want to take you away, they don't need you, a russian family is waiting for you , they are trying to convey the idea that ukraine never existed, that ukrainian as an ethnic group never existed, that you are children, you are ethnic russians, your native language is russian, you should rejoice, we have children who testify that they were beaten with sticks for saying glory to ukraine to other children, for washing themselves. to sing the russian anthem, they were deprived of food, locked up in isolation cells.
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there is currently no single mechanism for the release of ukrainian children, and every successful case is like a special operation, says the ombudsman. unfortunately, i cannot tell you how the return process works, because the details must be disclosed. the only thing i can say publicly is that the last two returns in we took place with the help of qatar, the republic of qatar and the children's fund. in order to get his granddaughter back, says oleksandr obedynskyi, he knocked on the doors of all possible authorities, from the president's office to the red cross and the vatican, and tells everything for her future in a free country. i don't know, i would n't want to go back to mariupol directly, but i would like to go there and see what's going on there after the war. the most important thing is to fight and not lose hope. ivan siretskyi, vadym zarytskyi, tv channel rada,
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national marathon, single news. compensation for destroyed housing, a new, third stage begins, there is restoration. starting today, ukrainians who rebuilt damaged homes with their own funds will be able to receive compensation. sonia grigorchuk will tell about the conditions and algorithm of actions. so, go outside on the spot, someone supported. our door is broken in this way and that way, broken doors and windows, damaged appliances and a mess in the apartment, this is all that olga found upon returning to her native village after the deoccupation of kyiv region. on the first night of the war, there was a battle here, and the hit was close, the denouement was close the heating system was broken, and we were flooded, but we were... drank hot water, no one accepted this water, that's how the war began. furniture, wallpaper and flooring went to
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the landfill. the apartment actually turned into a concrete box. the house was thoroughly dried for several months. it all turned into garbage, it was all rotten, rotten, green, moldy, wet. the walls were sheathed with plasterboard and pasted wallpaper. the floor was laid with tiles and linoleum. the lighting and water supply systems were replaced. i understand that the funds that our relatives helped us with, we have to return them. now olga can turn to the state for compensation, since a new stage of recovery has begun. calculation procedures for the amount of compensation are applied here, the same as were calculated for compensation for damage to housing. applications for... compensation are submitted due to the action, it is important that the extent of damage is recorded by the commission before the start of repairs.
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technicians go to the area, make photo-video recording, make a checklist, draw up a damage report, after which these documents are reviewed commission, in our act it is written that the destroyed doors, windows, and well, that is, all the walls, wiring, well, it's drowning, in short , as they say at home. then, according to the items in the list, the commission calculates the amount of damages. the decision of the cabinet of ministers established the unit cost of restoration of one category of damage in order to avoid manipulations, and accordingly, the local self-government body can easily calculate the amount of such compensation. when the local authority approves the amount of the compensation, it will be put into effect to be charged to the card. it must be a separate account, that is, it cannot be your current account that you operate. the special account, so called , is the recovery, it is very similar to the account
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that we received when, when we opened for help, for example, during the pandemic, is there help, is there support, it was called, unlike the previous stages , there is a recovery, there will be no restrictions on what to spend these funds on, olga says, she will give the loan to relatives, and donate part of the remaining money to the armed forces. sonya hryhorchuk, ihor kovalchuk, volodymyr. tv channel rada, nationwide marathon, single news. they are still children, but they are no longer interested in toys. instead, they choose military aid, raising money for... drones and ammunition. why did you become a volunteer at such an early age? the children told karina podlynko what they think about the war and the help of the armed forces. we recorded the interview with 11-year-old mark in the summer of that year. the boy has ukrainian roots on his mother's side, but he has never been to ukraine. after the start of the great war, he started
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volunteering. the little cook was cooking and sold sweets. parents collected money at charity concerts. in half nothing has changed for the boy and his family, they continue to help ukraine. i did three master classes for little children in switzerland in ukrainian schools. the master classes were called invincible dumplings, and there i made dumplings with my friend sonya, sonya landa. we made dumplings together. i made shevchenko dumplings, these are buckwheat dumplings with cheese, and my friend sonya, she made dumplings called kreiplah, these are jewish dumplings, and she did that with berries, something new always happens, our life is quite so stormy,
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i would say, and of course mark is growing and he has new ideas. and new interests, they are also still connected with cooking, but it's just that he's almost a teenager and of course he 's coming out of such a childish cocoon and trying to be more adult, that's why ideas naturally grow in scale. now the guy has launched his third charity marathon, thanks to which he plans to raise funds for the armed forces of ukraine. the war continues, the news reports about. tion shelling in people and children die in ukraine every day, no one is safe from death, including my grandfather, my aunt and her family, my teachers and friends, i want them to live safely, the guy says, it takes a lot of effort and time to organize a marathon , it
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's generally quite difficult, because first i have to think through the whole idea, then... my mother has to help me plan it, so it's quite difficult, so it's about 14 days. mark's mother , anna savytska, says that the meetings are going hard now, but they are not giving up and continue their work. it is not desirable to openly collect money for armed forces, because there are many opponents of precisely such assemblies that are connected with the army. with weapons, with, with some such things, that is, it is best if it is just a charity concert to help ukraine, or to collect humanitarian aid, or so -called concerts for peace, but again, we are happy with any kind of support, of course, but i would like more help from the court. during the entire time
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of volunteering, the family managed to collect more than 200,000 dollars. i stopped counting, i just tried to keep it regular help, because the war has been going on for a long time, and there are many other problems in the world and people's attention is scattered, but now the family has already outlined goals for the new year. the year 2024 is the anniversary of our duet with my husband, we will be on stage for 20 years, and... and of course we are planning several large charity concerts, we will play personally and connect our friends, musicians, so this is from the creative plans for now , and we also plan to do smaller concerts, where mark wants to help us with baking, and this is 11-year-old tatiana portyanko, at the beginning of the full-scale
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invasion, the girl left kyiv with her parents for zvyagel, and already in the summer of the same year, she started playing with passers-by. in checkers to raise money for the needs of the armed forces. the coach called us and told us this idea, and we thought at first, like, well, it’s really possible to get sharkiri from sssu, at first we weren’t ready for it, but then in the summer in june we decided to try, and so we went to the park near the cafe and sat down to play checkers , many people approached us, the mayor of zvya supported us. so in a few days we collected 600, i know her level, how it plays, so i wasn't worried about how the game would turn out, i was just worried if people would get involved, if people would react, if people would support it, and basically when i saw that a few people had already
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played, i already calmed down, and in this way tanyusha is already calm, on her own wave, she has already continued this whole initiative of her volunteering. then the girl transferred the collected funds to a charity fund, later she returned to kyiv and continued volunteering. we started being invited to various events where i collected money for the armed forces, as a result, i collected 140,000 hryvnias for our army, anyusha has grown up a lot in these one and a half years, she has missed many people through her soul, through her heart, because she does not just play, she tries to attract the player, somehow entertain him, tell him. about teaching the game, she even says, well, if they answer her that i'm sorry, i don't know how to play, she says: sit down, i'll give you a master class, i'll teach you now. 11-year-old
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tatyana also participated in the purchase of cars for the military, two cars were handed over, one for snipers and the other for press officers of the soda industry, and at that time tanyusha had some small funds of her own, about uah 20,000. she contributed such an amount to these meetings, the girl collected funds and provided for the needs of military families, now she plans to continue collecting for drones for the army, karina podlynko, andriy sokurenko, rada tv channel for the national marathon only news. the war took away their home and forced them to leave their hometowns. now the settlers are building a new life in other settlements. in particular, in odessa, with its changes and plans. for this year, they shared with our correspondent svitlana dovzhuk. for the first time during the great war, master taxi instructor inna mykutska decorated the house with new year's
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lights. this is the second time a woman is celebrating the new year in odesa, and after the occupation of the kherson region and for a long time, she could not feel the approach of the holiday. the first year we just left the occupation and you were so tense. on the one hand, there was a feeling of celebration that you were free. ah... but you haven't adapted to another city yet, there are a lot of odessans with me who help me in to everything, and really different feelings already, you already have your own here. during the war, inna says it is difficult to plan life, but recently she realized that it is also difficult without a whole, so she began to realize her plans, this year the woman plans to enter the university and visit the country of her dreams. i am studying guides in odesa, i plan to finish them. somewhere in march, to receive certificates, to already lead tours of the city as a certified specialist. this year will be my anniversary, and i want, they can say,
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some strange woman, war like in the country, she is planning, i want to go to italy, it is my dream country, and i would really like to visit it this year. mrs. natalya came to odesa only three months ago, before that she saw the occupation and liberation of kherson, but due to massive... shelling, she decided to start a new life with her daughter already in odesa. and i have a job here. i would, of course, i say, if i hadn't stayed, i would have stayed here. the woman in kherson was engaged in fitness for seven years and plans to return to sports already in odessa. i want to do exactly that, i want to, because i am i say, i... i started to feel much better when i was doing sports. some of the displaced people say that although odesa accepted him, gave them a new job, friends, and
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now they feel more or less safe, but their heart calls to return home. they hope that the new 24th year will be able to realize their dream. alla with her two children also came to odesa from kherson. the whole life remained there, which the family misses very much. the main desire of a woman is to celebrate the victory in her native home. i don't have long-term plans here for odessa, i believe that i will go to my place home, everything is mine there, as they say, everything is mine , everything is dear, well, everything will be there, here i feel good about myself, that i am a guest here, the little one probably wants to go home more, but he wants to go home, he has everything here, but he wants to go home, his friends are there, his friends have also moved to different cities, well, he wants to go home, but despite the longing for home, the family made a holiday with their own hands, that's what happened to us. dad, look, the children decorated the apparition, independently, they made snowflakes independently, yes, the immigrants this year have one wish for everyone, rather see
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their homes free and... safe, they say that they will celebrate at home all the holidays that they had to miss because of the war. we will celebrate the victory, then we will have everything together, and the new year, and the victory, and everything, everything, and spring, and summer, and winter and autumn, when the war ends. svitlana dovzhuk, oleksiy beranovskyi, tv channel rada, all- national marathon, single news. volunteers from kharkiv are already giving holiday miracles to children from front-line villages and towns. year in a row this year, the kharkiv team of saint deer mykolaya received more than 200 letters from children and continues to fulfill their wishes. what do children dream about? kateryna kosmarova will tell. twelve-year-old yehor writes a letter to saint nicholas. the main new year's wish is not a toy, but a drone for the armed forces, the boy came up with the inscription. at first i wanted it to be just
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a brother-in-law. and we were going with my father, uh, when we were going to kharkiv, and he said that it was possible for brothers and sisters, he thought that it was possible for another country, we were given such stickers, on them you had to write what you dream of you they brought a deer, just in time, i thought for a long time, and then i thought that i didn't need anything and ordered a drone from the armed forces. yegor himself lived in the occupation for more than six months, he says, he grew up very early, the boy decided to hand over the drone to a fellow villager, a 21-year-old volunteer, he did not immediately agree, he said that what you are doing, he must have childhood, let him order a toy for himself , no, i say, son, it was his wish, he communicated with you, he knows you, the volunteers received yegor's letter
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and fulfilled it... his new year's wish, we were contacted by volunteers who collected funds, found, bought a drone, and handed it over to the assault brigade, purely from us personally, our deer chevron, thank you, and then i'll show you the drone itself. the elena st. nicholas project is an initiative of kharkiv volunteers that has been operating since 2016. with the beginning of the invasion, the volunteers did not stop giving the children a holiday. collect letters, then through social networks find people from all over the world who buy desired gifts and send them to volunteers. sometimes it comes directly to a whole company, there is some firm that there, he distributes lists to his employees, they choose a child, make gifts, then do a master class on packaging, pack it all together beautifully, send it to us, and sometimes
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military personnel become magicians. gifts are sent to us from the front or from the service, and we noticed that this year there were significantly more entries, we are very grateful to them, then volunteers bring gifts to the children, this year the priority is the de-occupied kharkiv region, they also hold a holiday program, mykolaiv, mykolaiv , you don't recognize me, i've never seen dragons, the childhood of these children is spent with... now in the terrible conditions of the war, but this does not mean that they have been forgotten. the children of the izyum district, who were under occupation for almost seven months, finally waited for st. nicholas, because he passes even when it is dangerous, and his deer are not afraid of the sounds of gunshots, because they bring gifts. volunteers say that children most often ask for toys, sometimes live animals, brothers and sisters. i drew figures from anime, i love watching it. i
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was given knitting yarn because i knit. toys with a hook, received, owed i was going to get one doll , and i got a second one, this is a bear, they are asking for peace, victory and the return of their relatives, a real miracle is waiting for my mother, who is defending her country , to return from captivity as soon as possible, and these are the dreams that, of course, the saint it is difficult for mykola to realize, but we have merits and we have our ukraine and we hope that it will all come true, but for now we have to support them and do them. these are some miracles anyway. volunteers admit that the war and special occupation have greatly changed the behavior of these children. they are used to explosions, gunshots , it's just normal and usual for them when the world around them is dangerous, they just know how it goes, you don't need to walk, that's all, and they teach, by the way, we were taught, well, don't go to the second floor there , snipers work there, and you are not familiar, they can kill you. on a deer.


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