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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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which richard pipes himself actually understood, that authoritarian systems, and aggressive systems, imperialist systems do not change in one day or in one week, they change, but it is a very long process that can take decades, and this is the kind of strategy that must be developed in ukraine, regardless of who is in the kremlin today and whether this policy is... actually genocidal in relation to ukraine, whether a new yeltsin or navalny suddenly appears on a white horse, that is, we are dealing with a historical empire, with certain codes behavior and cultural codes, and all of them, all of them, these codes are aggressive and threatening, threatening to neighbors, this is the history of centuries.
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we, of course, hope that one way or another we will become part of the event , become part of nato, become members of the european union, and there are certain obvious developments about this, because negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union may begin next year, many hopes for the nato washington summit, along with that we heard this year from the president of the united states, joseph biden, when he met with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, that the condition for ukraine's accession to nato is victory. of ukraine over russia, and this is an important point that suggests that ukraine can remain between the west and russia for quite some time. this is dangerous for us, but the question arises, how should we behave in a situation when the continuation of russian aggression in one way or another affects ukraine for indefinite periods, in a gray zone, what should we do in this gray zone? well, definitely. that
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ukraine's accession to nato, i am convinced, will take place, i also cannot imagine the situation in which this entry will take place in the conditions of a war with russia, well, that is, these are realities, i also do not really understand high hopes and then disappointment, promise us this or promise us something else, because well, this promise is a fool’s errand not a joy, that is, presidents change , politicians change, we had promises with the budapest protocol and the summit , that is, i do not understand why we should build real politics, or at least informational politics, on this, we are joining nato, we will not formally join nato until this war is over , so when we don't know when this war will end, and the model.
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the model should be, well, conditionally speaking, the model of israel, that is, very, very serious, er, or the same taiwan, that is, the continuation and deepening of relations with our allies, and er, what was interesting last year was that europe , which in the 22nd year was somewhere behind the united states of america. suddenly acquired its own subjectivity and specifically pro-ukrainian subjectivity, so that europe became an even bigger factor than it was in the 22nd year, this is ours, this is a strategy, which exists today, which must be developed, which must be deepened, and again, this year we saw the harmfulness, the harmfulness of unjustified expectations, and how much they hit the... the moral status
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of society, how harmful they can be in war, and in this sense , realism, realism is our salvation, realism in relation to ideas, perspectives, including when it comes to nato. and tell me, you mentioned the israeli model, but 2023 was just the year, i said for many, in short. because by and large everyone is have always believed that the state of israel is a state that can definitely guarantee the safety of its citizens, if it comes to conflicts with terrorist organizations that control the lands of the palestinian authority, and what of this, which may someday appear, or maybe there will never be a palestinian state, there is some serious danger for the state of israel, well, rocket attacks, yes. there are some threats
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from terrorists, yes, there are some captures of military personnel, but the fact is that the bandit organization hamas not only transformed, but also the ability to carry out such... on the territory of israel, and besides, enjoys obvious sympathy in wide intellectual and public circles of the civilized world, where it is as if you remembered your nazi past, no one could even suspect that at the end of 22- th year in war, as in war, the allies do not cancel the status of the war as such and the dangers of the risks that come with it and... israel is just another one more visual proof of this, but it is said that none of the allies of the allies of israel have backed down from israel we in ukraine began to talk about the fact that we are now standing in line for the same
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military equipment, weapons and so on, for the united states of america, which are needed in the middle east for israel, and here... this is exactly the strength of these alliances , this is what i meant, neighbors, no alliances can cancel neighbors, and aggressive alliances, aggressive neighbors, terrorist neighbors and so on, that is, it remains, it remains in the long term, it is said, it is said about about international support between. and no support only moral, that is, it is morally there in different places, as you said, but very practically, military, economic, this is what israel can achieve without nato, and i think that this model is an intermediate for us
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until when we let's join nato. you know, the war in the middle east unexpectedly revealed trends that the war in ukraine did not. this is, on the one hand, the bankruptcy of certain intellectuals... in the west, and this is not the first time it has happened, but it has now happened with all the obviousness in those american universities, which you know so well, now there is an obvious crisis of morality, and on the other hand there is the so-called right march, the strengthening of right-wing tendencies, in western countries, primarily in europe, just as well for many people who are now ready to vote for right-wing parties, the seventh october was the day when, as they themselves say, their eyes were opened, and obviously not only to... the actions of terrorists from hamas, but also to how right-wing parties perceived migration in europe, and these seem to me to be two very dangerous trends , which are still unknown, what will end and for help for ukraine and in general for stability on the european continent, and maybe in the united states as well, well, there are several,
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several factors that are really changing the world, one of them is - so from the conventionally third world to the first world, the migration of refugees has become extremely important a factor that changes the political, the political situation in europe, it also changes the political situation in the united states of america, and a large number, a large number of these refugees are just from the middle east, are just potentially those who can be, are not, but can. be or supporters of hamas, or or, that means, to be enemies not only of israel, but simply to have, to have against, anti-western, anti-western sentiments, this is one of the main topics in politics, world politics of the first world, during
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the last, probably 10-15 years, and we now see, that is, very concrete consequences in concrete conditions. political crisis, another factor, we like to talk about it, but as a metaphor, about the information revolution, but the information revolution, just like the industrial revolution, it comes with social changes, with political changes, with the emergence of new parties and new ideologies. the information revolution is access, absolutely unlimited access to resources. to the same twitter, to to, that is, no, disappeared, authorities disappeared, well, except for vitaly, to tiktok, mr. sergey, to tiktok, twitter is already some kind of classic book from the past, yes, well,
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as a historian, i am a little behind, but this the world in which we are, the world in which he mobilizes, defines himself, and in fact the traditional elites. who were there, controlled the discourse in one way or another throughout the centuries, today found themselves in a situation where they can no longer do this, that is, the old... the world has not collapsed, but it has very serious challenges, at least on er, on these two levels, which are new factors of the last 10-15 years, like how to learn how to live in this world, we don’t know yet, we have to learn, and then at the end i will ask you, what year is the 24th, won’t it happen that at the end of the 23rd we will be talking like this, i will tell you, sir serhii, and we talked about this all at the end of 2023, you know, it is difficult to predict,
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especially when it is necessary to predict the future, but what i can say is that we are approaching some new, if not turning point, then a defining stage of this war, there were actually two such... what stages, the first was the end in february, early march, when ukraine and the ukrainians decided that they would fight, no one expected this, not even from a historical point of view, traditionally everyone was afraid of a large russian soviet army, from the czechs to the poles, who were planning. .. to leave behind the saddle and so on and so on, i.e. historically ukraine broke the pattern, this was the first
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defining moment, the second came in april, when the americans, our western allies , decided that, okay, maybe this is serious, that is, this country should be supported and supported not at the level of guerrilla warfare and struggle, and now we have reached the end of the 23rd and 24th year, and this is the time. in the 24th year, when, in english, this commitment, that is, when, the decision of the ukrainians to fight and the decision of the west, to continue this support and support at a completely different level, must, must take place again, rethink this and must be given answer, and depending on what answer we get from the... country, what answer we get from the west, will decide
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the future of the war and possibly the end of the war as well, so the 24th year, even if the line moves, does it move and where does it move, in terms of decisions, it, it, it can be a decisive year, and this, this, this is what will rather happen and is happening in our heads, in the heads of our allies, and only with time can then transform into a situation at the front. thank you, mr. sergey, i want to wish you not only a decisive, but also a victorious year. good luck. thank you. there are discounts on citramon. in pharmacies , you can buy plantain sparingly. turn on well - it's when everything is as
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watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. resumption of the investigation into the attack on the espresso journalist in ternopil. he fought with me over my phone. such an unworthy judge has already been weeded out by the supreme court of appeals. i don't know if i'm present in this hall, generally sinless. someone from us. congratulations. i, tetyana shustrova, and the judicial control are on the air. reorganization and reformatting bodies of the judicial system. after receiving the status of a candidate for joining the european union, judicial reform is one of the main requirements for continuing our path to the eu. the higher qualification commission evaluates current judges for their suitability for positions. the servants of themis continue to amaze with wealth, which cannot be explained by income to professional
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incompetence. today we will tell you about those who have already been weeded out by vkks. but first before... news of a development in the criminal investigation of the attack on our colleague in ternopil. the court satisfied the complaint of the journalist maria ivanovska, who was attacked in may of this year by the tenant of the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, lyudmila kropyvna. complaint of mariia stepanivna ivanovska, written by the investigative department of the st. ternopil police group of the gnp in the ternopil region of nazarkevych dated may 26, 2023, about the closure of criminal proceedings number 120-232-164. 40557 dated may 8, 2023 on the grounds of criminal offenses provided for by the first part of article 171 and the fourth part of article 136 of the criminal code of ukraine satisfy thus, the judge canceled the decision of the investigator, who closed the case regarding the attack on the journalist. that is, the investigation of the criminal proceedings will be continued. resolution of the investigative investigative department of st.
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ternopil of the gon petrovsky police group of the nazarkevych region dated may 26, 2023 on the closure of criminal proceedings number 120-20. 2 164 400 557 dated may 8, 2023 for flagrant violations of the provisions of the first part of article 171 and the fourth part of article 136 of the criminal code of ukraine cancel. we will remind you that the attack on a journalist who was filming a story about the fortune of judge pachs took place in may this year. then, the lodger of the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, lyudmila kropyvna, forcibly grabbed the phone from the journalist, hid with it in his home and threatened with violence. please pick up the phone. what are you doing, yes , yes, phone, please, give me the phone , what are you doing, give me everything, give me a call, get out of here, because now i'm going to dig you up, then the investigative department. of the national police in the ternopil region, two were opened criminal proceedings on the facts of obstructing the legitimate professional activity of a journalist and robbery in wartime conditions. they were allegedly investigated, the journalist was called in for
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questioning, and the espresso tv channel had video discs removed. but at the end of november , it became known that investigator nazarkevich closed the case in the summer, allegedly due to the lack of evidence of criminal violations. and he didn't even inform our editors or the injured journalist about it. resolution on closure of cases. the investigator sent it only after a week of calls and requests, he sent it on december 4 i received this decision in a telegram, neither at my address, nor at the location of our tv channel, also in lviv. when the journalist received the full text of the resolution of the national police investigator on closing the case, she saw a large number of false data in it. in particular, it was said that the attacker did not try to drag maria ivanovska into the apartment, but invited her so that the cat would not run out. also, the attacker indicated that he allegedly did not know that the girl was a journalist, but on the video taken during the attack, you can see and hear that threats of massacre came from him after
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mariya ivanovska introduced herself as a journalist. there it is clearly clear that after i said that i was a journalist, after that he said: if you come here again, i will kick you, and he fought with me for my phone. so maria ivanovska filed a complaint against the decision to close the case, and the ternopil court accepted her. and therefore the criminal proceedings have been resumed, we will follow this case and in the next programs we will talk about the progress of the investigation of the attack on our colleague by the judge's lodger lyudmila kropyvna of the northern commercial court of appeal. the higher qualification commission of judges continues to weed out unworthy servants of themis, and recently this process has gained momentum. many unscrupulous representatives were already one step away from dismissal. oksana myroshnychenko, the judge of the holosiiv district court of kyiv, was declared unfit for office by the supreme court of appeals. for half a year, she revoked the driving rights of five participants
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of the auto-maidan, who allegedly did not stop at the request of dai's inspectors on the day of the trip to mezhyhirya in december 2013. chevchenko below the resolution, by which in the 14th year , the participants of the auto-maidan were brought to justice. the only evidence in these cases were the protocols drawn up by the inspectors. the judge to... imposed a red tape, which involved repeated violations of the term of bringing to administrative responsibility. in her declaration of integrity, the judge hid this fact. nevertheless, i indicated that i did not make a decision, but, well, it would be strange not to admit that this decision falls within the scope. during the interview, members of the highest quality commission of judges drew attention to many more violations and errors on the part of judge myroshnychenko. in particular, it often violates. deadlines for entering decisions into the register, some were not entered for more than three months, some for more than six months. it is also known that the judge did not prosecute at least
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21 drivers for driving under the influence of alcohol, closing the cases due to the expiration of the time limits. quite long delays, there are 174 days, there somewhere you had 101, 156, 223, how does that explain? i don't know if there are people present in this hall at all. sinless, one of us who has not sinned mistakes, and it is not enough to make a mistake, you need to have, ah, maybe courage, maybe wisdom to admit it and draw conclusions for the future. despite the recognition of mistakes by oksana moroshnychenko, the higher qualification commission, based on the results of the interview, recognized the judge as not corresponding to the position held. likewise... the vkk dismissed iryna yedamenko, a judge of the pokrovsky district court of the dnipropetrovsk region. her judicial career contains fewer procedural errors,
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but the amount of property is impressive. of course, everything is not hers. judge yedamenko's son at the age of two became the owner of more than 15 acres of land and a house of 230 m2, which his father gave him. later, the property was sold to denta group, but this did not prevent the judge from continuing to live in this house. this. this offense was committed with only one purpose, so that the child would not have additional stress, we, well , in a good way, so that there would be no stress, there should have been clarified, there should have been a preliminary agreement , which would have been would be notarized, then the amount, if you did not want the stress, in which the amount would be fully reflected by establishing the order of calculations, separate contractual use of property, chose a non-standard way, which is not easy in connection with that. that we have this very time when my ex-husband and i did not have enough, well, understanding, as a decent mother,
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i provided. er gave her consent to arrange such an arrangement in order for my child to be able to stay there for some time after the divorce from her husband. it seems to me that the way it is all organized, it has some signs that there could not have been any transfer of funds in fact, that it was just a fictitious agreement, that i don't know, somehow reissue in 2021 , the judge's son owned an apartment with an area of ​​more than 100 km in the center. the apartment allegedly cost a little more than 60 thousand dollars, now the price is more than 200 thousand. it is unlikely that such growth can be explained by inflation. during the full-scale war, the judge's mother became the owner of an apartment in an elite residential complex in kyiv, worth about 150 thousand dollars. according to the judge, her mother was able to make such purchases because she sold a plot of land and a complex of buildings, which in 2014
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was given to her by her son-in-law. he feeds his son and mother-in-law, and iryna yedamenko's mother has two apartments in dnipro, one in the region, a range rover and a bmw x5. all members of my family, they are honest, decent people, parents in general, we don't discuss it with them in particular, only after my father's death, i realized that i need to dive a little into the financial situation. in order to have more information. according to the public organization avtomaidan, the ex-husband of the judge also has a good character, he succeeded buy a mercedes ts500 for only 149 00 hryvnias, and a bmw of the sixth series of 2008 for 14300 hryvnias. the price of such even used cars starts from half a million hryvnias. we separated after 15 years of marriage three years
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ago. there are some points that even he did not inform me, and this, of course, did not add vigor to our relationship. and finally, ukrainian judge iryna yedamenko traveled to the russian federation several times already after the beginning of the occupation of crimea and the war in donbas. in 2014, twice in 2015, 2016 and 2018. the last departure was in the 18th year, i accompanied her husband, we , we crossed the border by car, i will explain why i did that, probably every woman in my place did the same, we all know that if we go across the crimea to moscow, i explained that we were going there they went, not to another, to some other place, to the border in 5
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hours for... as if after the border another 14, as a wife, as a woman, i am worried about the safety of my husband, to let my husband go alone to moscow, well, they decided to go with him, knowing that he exposes himself to danger, especially in the 18th year we already have a two-year-old, the two-month-old child was what danger he was exposing himself to, what danger he was exposing himself to by being behind the wheel for almost a day, the arguments and excuses of iryna yedamenko, neither... the council of integrity nor the members of the higher qualification commission found them convincing enough. to recognize the judge of the pokrovsky district court of the dnipropetrovsk region , iryna vitalivna menko, as unfit for the position she holds. now the final decision on the judge's dismissal from office must be made by the supreme council of justice. that's all i have for today i, tatyana shostrova, also had judicial control. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial
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system, or exit. want to talk about an unscrupulous judge, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail whose address you see on your screens, we will meet in exactly a week, everything is fine, there are discounts on avaamaris 15% in pharmacies plantain for you... and save. there are 20% discounts on bronchi pred in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema. and then - switch on the go. oh, what is needed. megagogo. turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on lactiale. 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam, and saver.


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