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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good morning and happy new year, to those who have just joined etero espresso, we are collecting for... new year's eve, information from everyone everywhere
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was just with us, as they say, horlivka is in touch, now let's talk about what is happening on bakhmutskyi direction, it's midnight, we're moving along the front line, we're in touch oleg kalashnikov, press officer of the 26th brigade named after general khrunzhovo roman dashkevich. mr. olezh, we congratulate you on the new year and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations, today is the first day of the new 24th year. and how was the night? artillery duels from two sides or whatever, as in your direction, the nights at the front look as usual, somewhere it was quiet, somewhere not so, but the arta really, the orta is constantly working, no matter what, there is no comfort in the orta, yes just like the enemy, maybe he was celebrating somewhere at his place, but still tried to disturb us, well, we didn't give him peace, huh, but was it possible to feel that it was noticeable that somewhere they
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were celebrating a little, worked less, or maybe somehow it's harder for them to work now? well, if we can look at this, the summary of the general staff, in recent days we can see that not so many of his counterattacks are recorded, nevertheless, somewhere he always pauses, somewhere it is connected with the weather, somewhere with the rotations of his units, somewhere he is still preparing for new such more active actions, i... so on in my opinion, after all, in our direction of bakhmut, they have the intention of electing their president putin, they have faith that he will be putin, they still want to show him the achievements in our direction. mr. olezh, here we have to support the muscovites, they correctly believe that putin will be their president, and judging by the number of different... crafts and artificial
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intelligence, he can be their president until the year 4500, so this is the only thing here a place where they are not mistaken, they just have one intermediate goal now - the abyss of time, which in the principle is on the high ground, will we be able to keep the times, or will it not be expedient to keep it, if they come up with their whole armada and will thrash? we have to keep it, and it is expedient, because at the time it was like this... a kind of boundary to the urban conglomeration, it is kramatorsk, sloviansk, the same konstantinivka, that is, it will be on their way, no matter what, and looking at how hard it is for them in our cities, ukrainian ones, before any of their elections there, they will never give up, they are still breaking their teeth here, and oh bahmud, they are still breaking theirs. any
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cannot take it completely, on the contrary , we saw that last year they gained their territories, but sometimes this is really such an important goal for them. tell me, please, because there is still a short distance to the temporal ravine, and we can see along the very front line, bohdanivka, and on the maps, on the deepstate maps, there are three arrows from different directions at once, which indicates. what is happening there now in bohdanivka, so we can observe constant military operations, battles, that is, at one time, in the spring, we began to move precisely in in this direction, to liberate our territories, then there was a pause, and the enemy realized that he was taking this direction for himself... in autumn and
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the beginning of winter , units constantly counterattacked, we had seen the 200th motorized rifle before that. at one time, they were reinforced last year in the fall of the 98th and 106th airborne divisions, although in the direction of bordanivka we could observe a separate unit of the 98th division all the time, it is like the 331st, 217th parachute regiments, and they really have bohdanivka today is a priority target, they attack from different directions, and constantly these counterattacks permanent, they strengthened their units. technical armaments, they do not spare either people or equipment here, besides, they really took their time, this can already be said last year, they brought up reserves here, but the positions here change from hand to hand, and so it is , when they
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take some of our strongholds, but we take others, that is , it is a very dynamic situation, and there are such and such... a time when it is not even known who is currently in this position, so it happens that everything is very changeable in this case, and they really have bohdanivka as a priority, they are trying to break through our defenses and get to our tactical rear in the area between bohdanivka and khromova, that is, they are now focusing more on bohdanivka, and not on the southern klishchiivka, andriivka , they left that part alone. yes? uh, they didn’t leave that part alone either, i.e. , the klichchevka, these heights that we took and thanks to which we control a certain part of the railway, the bahmud neck, it’s very painful for them, they constantly try to counterattack the klichchevka,
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in addition, we see that they are very active from the direction of bakhmut, they are there all the time, and on some days they can counter-tap even... four sides tried, but here we must also not forget such a settlement , like ivanivskoe, which is located between duboktanivka and kleschivka there, that’s right, and it is in the direction of ivanivsk that they have now completely thrown, the very road to bakhmut, i’m just clarifying for our viewers, that’s how you can say that the gate to bakhmut, here they will already throw in this direction. when literally somewhere on december 15, they threw the 11th assault division from ulan ud, which at one time they had left there for rotation, was reformatted, before that, near ivanivskyi we advanced the enemy, it was there that they had the 102nd motorized rifle regiment and the 150th
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motorized rifle division working there , we moved them there from some positions, but i understand that it is precisely for their 11th dshb. the task is exactly what we started with you, before putin's election, so that they took ivanovski after all, and that's why , i think, for a long, long time , we will watch how exactly this division here will be us to counterattack and storm, this, i understand, is the main goal for them today, and it also shows that they do not feel sorry for their men, i understand that they are ready to leave this division here. to litter our ukrainian land with the dead, but only to show their putin that they can give him such bloody gifts before his very elections. i wanted to ask you, what do you think of the weather conditions now, to what extent do they hinder or help, push them with heavy equipment, or
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attack from the air, in our country, let's say, in plus temperature in the rear, like in your area of ​​the front? just like you, here we could also observe the minus a little bit, we could observe the snow a little bit, then it spread, mud, mud on the positions, if you even look at it, we recently had journalists from our ukrainian channels working here, they will have come out stories, you can watch, they filmed exactly how our saa krab works in which goddess, that is, you can get an idea for yourself. what is happening right now at our positions, that's why heavy equipment works, but it works when and where it can work, that is why today we do not observe such
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mechanized fists during enemy counterattacks, so bmp, there are armored personnel carriers, they still take out personnel directly, drop them in the field, they attack , they return. with the new personnel, it happens that the tanks really work out, but still, the terrain of donbass does not allow it to be used sufficiently. active, if we take the aviation component, these are currently unmanned aerial vehicles, then if it is cloudy, then they really are work less actively, since they have to descend lower to the ground, then they are easier to detect and of course easier to destroy, but these fipi drones are on the first line of short range, they are very active, these drones, kamikazes, they are really constantly, even when it is bad ... the weather, after all, somewhere they manifest themselves, reveal themselves, and we
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observe them constantly in the air. we understand that the weather has the same effect on both sides, but what about their shells, weapons, are they ready to continue to attack like this often, on a large scale and intensively? well, if we take what you say weapons, by personnel, by projectile. yes, they are ready, according to the moral and psychological qualities of the servicemen, i would not say that they are ready, but they will be, because their system is very cruel and bloody in this case, they already last year somewhere, in november, their units received some weapons, both artillery and directly tanks, armored fighting vehicles, that is, they were replenished. if we take the shells, then korea really helped them,
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north korea helped, after all, that million came, according to the last ones, it i look at the news, korea is again supplying russia with about 400,000 shells, that is , they still have shells, although not the amount, far from the amount needed for active offensive actions, after all, artillery is the first word when anyway... attack or counter attack however they work out, indeed they have the number of shots for them today if more or less enough. mr. olezh, we have the last minute, just in the morning a video appeared from the temporarily occupied donetsk, so i ask you, donbass pelas is such a hotel, there was a good forshet for collaborators and russians, this is your job, brothers. behind at all, did they help with a rocket, well, there is an answer and they say that
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even four 200, 13,300, well, this is the work of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, but i can tell you one thing that these are not our crabs, because this is not our goal, far from our goal, but the work of the defenders of ukraine, of course, yes, and the main thing is that... the direction is right, the result is also there, thank you, mr. oleg, thank you for your service, oleg kalashnikov, press officer of the 26th brigade named after general khorundzhy roman dashkevich was in contact with us, let's clarify, the day before in kharkiv with shouts we destroyed a hotel in which there were mercenaries and spies from western countries, this is what the russian propaganda said, but in fact there was a small number of people there, in particular there were ... criminal acts of the russians and there were also
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ukrainian fixers there, well, but what, well , you have the answer, here it is already a little different, here, judging even from that banquet hall, every common or common and their moscow bosses had to make themselves drunk - a party, but the drunken revelry somehow stopped six flights in, good, very, very good, as we... announced and promised, in a moment we will ask about odesa, about what is happening there, let us remind you, this night the russians released 90 shaheeds on the territory of ukraine , most flew from the south. now we will ask natalya gumenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, about the details. good day, i hope, ms. natalya. happy new year, congratulations. despite everything, life goes on and... we still have a lot of combat work, that's why we hold on and continue to do it.
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natalya, somehow it looked like that since yesterday there were alarms all day, there were attacks all day, and when the evening batch of the shaheds had already flown, it was as if they said that the repulses had begun, and then there was information that yes, stop, launches had taken place from the south, in particular from the crimea, how many shaheds actually flew from the south, and how they scattered across the country. in our area of ​​responsibility, this is what went from crimea, from chauda, ​​from and from primorsk ktarsk from the eastern coast of the sea of ​​azov, we tracked by... 60 drones, we destroyed 51 , and unfortunately, drones are such weapons that even when they are shot down, they continue to carry a threat and be a serious means of defeat, and that is why, that is why we emphasize every time that that it is necessary to observe
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safety measures, and even if you really believe in air defense, go to shelter, at least use the rules of two walls, unfortunately, those who did not use it pay a very heavy price for it, in particular in odessa there is a deceased person, and he is a teenager, 15 years old, who, as a result of certain, certain security, received such an injury is incompatible with life. mrs. natalya, but i have a double question, the first concerns the attacks on odesa, but according to... your analysis, they specifically choose some objects, aim at them, or did she fly there, how will it turn out? we can note that the emphasis was on the near-port zone, this is one hundred percent, because very powerful waves of strikes occurred from the sea, drones came in to attack from the sea, looking for
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an opportunity to hit the near-port infrastructure and the coastal infrastructure in general. the infrastructure of odesa, in particular, contains there are many objects of interest to the enemy, that is why hits are actually taking place, including residential buildings located in this territory, because the downed drones continue a certain flight path and can damage residential buildings, we also saw and observed very densely packed bedrooms residential areas. blocks were filled with groups of drones, that is, the enemy deliberately directed drones among high-rise buildings at 23-40 in the city of a million people, even with the operation of air defense, this is extremely it is dangerous and can lead to hits even
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of a downed drone, as it actually happened, ms. natalya, but can you do one more thing now? the question is catching up, it concerns exactly, well, the drone, if it left even the temporarily occupied crimea and flew to lviv, it’s just a huge distance, it is pre -programmed with an accuracy of a meter to get into a small house, the museum of general shukhevych, did anyone have one , someone to guide, guide, adjust from the ground, no, it is known in advance that they are high-precision weapons. which is coordinated and programmed by blow, respectively, from the start, so their routes are laid out, and all their maneuvers are already laid out from the moment of the start, they conduct, pass this distance, pass the appropriate directions taking into account previous attacks, taking into account where and what means of defeat could
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reach them, that is why the enemy releases whole groups. in order for there to be both a distracting missile and one that goes to a specific target, that is, this can be explained when they take off, for example, when they reach some area of ​​the central suddenly turn to kyiv, then turn again somewhere, i.e. this is already programmed in advance, it is very important that you clarify it for us, because we have always been interested in how they confuse the map all the time, every time a different pattern of flights comes out, dear lady, we still want to talk about the south, about kherson region, we know that our... artillery is working well there, their hubs, transport, warehouses and all this accumulation are firing as much as they can, but the russians, for their part, are constantly trying to knock out the armed forces of ukraine from the left bank, how difficult the situation is now there and how intense
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fights? the situation remains really difficult, because both in difficult weather conditions and... in difficult logistical conditions, taking into account that it is really difficult to cross the dnipro river, under quite dense fire, and recently our units demonstrated the conditions under which it is necessary to cross the river, and it is very exhausting work, including ferrying from coast to coast, we counted 13 assault attempts from... the enemy for the past combat day, they tried to feel again the strength of our positions, suffered losses and were forced to return to their weekend positions such intensity of assault actions in them remains quite constant, in fact, we record from 10 to 13 such attempts for that, and this is mainly characterized
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by a larger order, they continue to save equipment, because they understand that as they approach our positions, the loss of equipment will more likely, the probability increases many times, because our aerial reconnaissance units are working and aiming artillery. and directly drones with cheap ammunition, and our fivisniks are working, they feel our pressure, but also they themselves do not graze the rear, they began to use various types of drugs very powerfully, you say that there is less equipment, but what about people, are they increasing the presence of personnel there, i am talking about the left bank, and we have seen the last few days, kherson is already constantly under fire , kherson oblast, and the last few days are generally some kind of... lust, the impression is that there is constant anxiety in kherson, is this also somehow connected with the actions on the left bank? it is unlikely to be related to the actions on
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the left bank, simply that the troops from the occupiers have a specific task, as much as possible destroy the logistics of our troops, which receive support from the right bank. therefore, the shelling of the right bank is a priority task for them, destroying the infrastructure. to destroy the lives of the civilian population, in order to put pressure on the advancing troops, in order to feel sorry for the civilian population and curtail this operation, it has become the practice of terrorists to try to influence the outbreak of hostilities through pressure on the civilian population. mrs. natalya, i wanted to ask you, on the eve of the new year, they actually drove the russian military ... fleet there on the intermediate base of novorossiysk, and now we see that they got out again, before that there was a storm , now it’s probably gone, since they
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sailed out in such a large number, and in general , on the last attack, they used all the missiles that were possible, except exactly sea- based, in addition to calibers, what is known now, where they float and whether there is a threat of a strike? about this missile. unfortunately, there are missile carriers on combat duty, and these are three surface ones, which means that this is a 24-caliber equipment, this is a fairly high level of missile danger, it has really increased over the past two days, because the enemy continues to have a presence in the naval group of precisely the missile carriers that are on standby. however, in the past several ... they have held three missile carriers, two submarines and one surface, in the black sea, during that massive missile attack, during which the calibers were expected to be used,
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but did not happen, maybe it was a diversionary maneuver, they returned the missile carriers to their base points and changed their format to grouped ones, i.e. now only surface ones, stormy weather is really a bit subsided and the sea is quite calm. therefore, it allows the russians to keep their surface-to-air missiles ready, but for us it is an unequivocal signal that caliber missiles can be used, let me remind you that they are high-precision weapons with a fairly far- reaching radius of 25 km, this is a threat to all of ukraine. ms. natalya, thank you for the conversation, for the information, natalya homenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the southern defense forces, was with us. of ukraine talked about the consequences of today's night attack and the fact that the black sea remains a threat to ukraine and ukrainians. well, our viewers
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in kirovohradsk, kherson region can at least temporarily breathe out the alarm that there is a threat of a missile strike, well , such operational information. staying with espresso, then ether will continue the news. attention, incredible. material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once for you and your husband. side zippers will ensure a perfect fit. even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and from. conducts moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very
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