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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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will be dismantled, and 406 will undergo major repairs, and this building was named the arch of friendship of peoples, so that everyone would remember what the brotherly love of russians looks like, today it is being demolished, the russians dropped an aerial bomb on it, killing three people, already... six apartment buildings have been completely demolished, one apartment building is still under demolition, and two more apartment buildings will be partially dismantled. a significant part of the infrastructure facilities is being rebuilt with the efforts of european donors, others - on funds of the central government. 97 objects in the kyiv region are being rebuilt with funds from the liqui fund.
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of the consequences of armed aggression, this is the station street in the city of bucha, it is one of the most famous, and here is why. this photo went around the world, it was taken on this very street, one of the first completely destroyed columns of the russian army. for resistance to the occupation , the invaders terrorized civilians and destroyed their homes, such as this building. this is a five-story building. which was hit by a projectile between the second and third floors, and led to significant destruction, so it had to be completely dismantled even now we are engaged in recovery. now in buch, the buildings look like new two years ago, many local residents rebuilt their homes on their own, others waited for help from the state, restored everything, installed windows.
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all the balconies are glazed, everything is so good, only that, of course, looking at this is all we remember. the situation with reconstruction in irpen is worse. the occupiers destroyed 3/4 of all infrastructure facilities in the city. the damage was estimated at 750 million dollars. this district in the city was perhaps the most affected by russian aggression. residential complexes here were shot by hail and aviation estimates for reconstruction were approved only in 2023. two years ago there were high-rise buildings here, now it is a continuous field. banksy's graffiti is all that remains of the phosphorus-burned high-rise. meanwhile, the country's authorities made buchansky district alive. proof of russian atrocities,
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foreign delegations are constantly brought here to open the eyes of the world to the true face of the russian federation. we are here to hear the ukrainian people, and then return to indonesia and tell our society what happened here. because russian propaganda powerful, even in the media of indonesia, so we will make efforts to show at home what is really happening here, and how we can. help. artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. monday, tuesday, thursday. at
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17:15 on espresso tv channel. verdict from serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict from serhiy rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how the international community evaluates our successes, and what moscow is lying about. from the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out. the world is closely watching whether there will be
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weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important events. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. good morning, thank you for watching happy new year. we are working as a shelter for you, since the takeoff of the mig 31k has been recorded, that is, a plane that can carry rockets, daggers, and accordingly, there is still a threat of ballistic weapons for the eastern regions, warns the air force of ukraine.
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we hope that you are also in the shelter right now and watching our airwaves, actually from the shelter, because that's really all the training flights. the training and intimidation flights that we are talking about, each of them can become a real combat sortie, and then there will be really very, very little time to go to shelter somewhere, so it is better not to neglect the danger. now we will continue our conversation and add iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, as well as fedor venislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, to the airwaves. welcome, gentlemen, people's deputies to our airwaves. good morning, happy new year, good morning, happy new year, mr. fedor, congratulations , good morning, glory to ukraine and everyone, happy new year, i think, with the year of our victory, well , at least we will do everything to bring it closer by joint efforts, i want start from difficult, because in fact, for several weeks
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in a row, the ukrainian population behind the front line was under a powerful informational and psychological... attack, it was called: let's create maximum hysteria around the document called changes to the law on mobilization. as a result of hysterical actions , we received a statement under the christmas tree from the president's office that this law will not be voted on in this form. then a logical question arises: what was the point of mocking ukrainians and carrying out an informational and psychological attack for so long and so massive which of you will start? and i, i can start, by and large, this is a natural reaction of the office of the president to the signals from our committee on national security, defense and intelligence, because we carefully studied the bill that we received from the government, it was carried out in fact,
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let's say, online survey of all committee members and exact votes among committee members to vote and submit to parliament. there is definitely no such bill in this version, so i think it will be finalized in the coming days, and the position of the committee will be voiced for the general public, but i emphasize once again that the novels that we saw in this text, which were not previously discussed in the committee, will definitely not pass either through the committee or through the parliament. mrs. iryna, yes, i will only add that the draft law introduced by the government contains anti-constitutional norms, contains... corruption risks, and therefore really in this form, even without a statement from the president's office, it would hardly have a chance of passing. i really like the position of the committee today, because they are clearly aligned to revise, or let's say,
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finalize even in the first reading the option we have, and i hope that the question of mobilization will finally stop using. as bait in order to scare ukrainians, and we will jointly take responsibility for making the necessary changes, and not subverting them, regarding the need for mobilization. here is another new story that broke out at the borders, yes, already on saturday, it seems, in the evening there were reports that there were huge queues of buses at the borders, very passengers are carefully checked, bugs are not missed. many men who in principle have the right to cross the border, we are talking about men with many children, about people with the third group of disabilities, about people who accompany other people with disabilities, and there was a brief explanation only from the border guards that, in principle, the rights
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remain old people, as they were before, but in principle they have the right to ask for some more documents, nevertheless, people have documents, they present them. and they are either not allowed through, or detained, like this to understand whether some changes have really taken place now that have not been announced yet, if not, why have they not announced it? and if there were no changes, then what is the story and who gave such an order, ms. iryna, no changes, yes, no changes took place, this is illegal, as far as i know, a verbal order in general, which actually framed the executors, because now there will be many complaints and statements made to the courts regarding the illegality of the actions of the state border service, so i believe that the leadership. which one in this way framed the performers and brought
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it to the point of absurdity, actually did not contribute to the issue of mobilization finally starting to, you know, calm down or, let's say, at least starting to take some kind of rational perspective, rather than what really turns into a chaotic, you know, how are you right, mr. roman, they said, inside our state about... our state, and along which chain did this verbal order go down to the executors, who is on top of that chain? well i think we all understand who is on top but given that this is a verbal order, now it will be extremely difficult to prove it, conditionally speaking, in a court of law, but the boys and girls who performed these illegal actions will be held responsible according to the current legislation, including responding to complaints. according to statements in the courts, mr. fedor , what is your position in this story, and if
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, for example, there is no law, there is no written official instruction, then how can people who have encountered this situation at the border already, because they learn about it on the border directly, how should act, like this to record everything in order to later prove myself right, look, i have a slightly different position than my colleague ms. iryna, because it must be reminded that according to the law on the legal regime of martial law, the freedom of movement of citizens, including the freedom of travel outside ukraine is limited, and by our decision, which we approved the presidential decree, i mean, the decision of the parliament, the law on the introduction of the legal regime of martial law, we limited the freedom of movement, this is the first, that is, legal grounds for denying persons freedom of departure outside of ukraine, we also provided the relevant ones. these details are already determined under legal regulations , unfortunately, including your colleagues, often
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ask that there is abuse, there are manipulations with those rules for crossing the state border, i mean entering inaccurate information into the system, providing the opportunity those persons who, let's say, also abuse their status, or, on the contrary, received an exit permit. status, without having legal grounds for it, and therefore subordinate legal acts, they regulate the activities, including the state border service, which has the right to check to what extent the documents provided by citizens of ukraine to travel outside of ukraine meet the requirements of the law, do not have signs that these are, let's say, some kind of abuse or forged documents or baseless documents and so on, so here i think that i am not, i have no information that took place. some kind of verbal instruction about strengthening the rules for men crossing the state border, i think it is
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within the framework of current legal acts, the state border service takes the actions that it has to take in order to still comply with the requirements of the law, for which we have given them such authority in principle, i have a question that arose after the former deputy secretary of the national security and defense council and the deputy commander of the forces of special operations, major general kryvonos, in the comments of f.m. halychyna said that, in fact, at the end of the year, data was made public on who and which contracts received orders from the state defense for the production of various ammunition, missiles, and so on, which he believes was completely open for the enemy, the information was merged, deliberate actions so that he knew which enterprises and others to strike from. considers such publication of data as deliberate actions to undermine the defense capability, and we know that this is an article
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about high treason, uh, what does the committee know and what is the position of the committee, mr. feder, yes, i am, yes, i am waiting, who are you referring to, see , as for the information about the weapons manufacturers, unfortunately, it is not for the enemy that which is not... known, because there are also inside, many inside the country those who leaked this information, and we see strikes enemy means of impression, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, as a rule... as a rule, they try to destroy those enterprises, institutions that are involved in the implementation of the state defense order, so i do not think that there are any words about the number of types of weapons that we can produce , help the enemy or direct the enemy, he does it to his great regret, systematically from the first days of the war and the first shelling, including on february 24
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last year, the year before last, they also hit the objects of the military-industrial complex complex, because the enemy understands. of ukraine , and understands that this potential will be used in order to carry out legal strikes against legitimate military targets, including on the territory of the russian federation, but if , according to mr. kryvonos, there is any information that could be considered as disclosure of information that constitutes a state secret, i think that the assessment should be provided by the relevant law enforcement agencies, and if there are grounds to register criminal proceedings in the committee. well, at least i did not participate in the discussion of such information, so it is difficult now to talk about the position of the committee, i think that at the next meetings, if we receive sufficient information that some actions have taken place that could harm the interests of national security, we will consider it in closed mode, i would also like to return to maybe ms. iryna she knows something about
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this, i want to add that we are indeed in a situation where the enemy has led enough ... received a lot of information even before the beginning of the large-scale invasion, and is directly receiving it now from those who, including or pointing to residential houses, on maternity leave houses, including the objects of the military-industrial complex, were directly hit by the enemy, i also want to emphasize that if mr. krivanos has additional information that may fall under the article of high treason, then it is worth contacting the law enforcement agencies that have... . to open a relevant case and investigate it on the merits , as far as the committee is concerned, indeed, in the coming days there will be several meetings in a row, because we will carefully consider this law on mobilization, refine it, try to make it adequate in order to pass in the hall, and i do not rule out that the issue of our military industrial complex enterprises, which currently and continue to be
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the enemy's number one target, will also be raised, i would like to personally return that... to the draft law on mobilization, that's how we talk about it have been talking for the past few weeks, and there were quite such acute moments, roman already mentioned, and they agreed that this draft law has now been submitted to the parliament by the cabinet of ministers, it will be considered by all who have it, including the general staff, the ministry of finance, and specialized committees, everyone should consider and contribute some of these changes, additions, you probably already have some information about where the main accents will be. and what will be changed and how can this draft law, which will become a law, look like in the final result? very briefly, very briefly exactly what concerns violations of the constitution, what contains corruption risks, it concerns the expansion of the powers of representatives of the tsc, it concerns the single entry of people who
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evade mobilization into the single register of debtors by the tsc, as well as for... removal of a representative of the tsc from this single register of debtors, these are the corruption risks inherent in the issue of reservation, in particular for civil servants of categories b and b, as well as other issues that we will justify, because the law is very, very large, that is, there are more than 200 pages, it is very difficult to work accordingly, sir fedor, well, look, first of all, as i already said, the committee... has several options, and the very meetings that ms. iryna spoke about will be devoted to a deep systemic analysis and listening to the position of the initiators of this bill, that is, the representatives the ministry of defense, the armed forces, who worked together on the final version of this bill, and based on the results, we have, as i said, several options, we can return to the subject the right of legislative
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initiative for revision, if the committee is convinced that even in the first reading such a text in... for consideration by the parliament is impractical or unpromising, so i would recommend that when we hold these meetings in the coming days and listen to all those involved in the development of this draft law, then give an assessment and say what we will have in to the final text that will be considered in the verkhovna rada, are there possible changes in the mobilization age, or will this age be lowered to 25, do you think? well, look, in the bill, in general, please, ms. irina, then, mr. fedor, you were the first to start, yes, look, well, in the bill, in general, a norm is laid that abolishes the penal service. and at the same time it is suggested that everyone from 18 to 25 years of age undergo mandatory military training, but the mechanisms of how this will be carried out, how this training will be
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carried out in conditions of large-scale invasion, when we are in the last week, almost every day there is an air alert throughout ukraine and more than once a day, the initiators or authors of the bill did not provide these mechanisms, from my point of view it is now. quite a controversial proposal, and it is desirable to consider it already after our victory, that is , to abolish conscription, replacing it with mandatory military training for those aged 18 to 25, it would be desirable to do it after the victory, and not now, therefore that we would rather create chaos in this matter, than we will make some real legislative norms that will regulate, because... there are no mechanisms for their implementation yet, they will be worked out for at least six months, that is, it is a waste of time that may be vitally necessary for us, for our security and
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defense sector and for our state mr. fedor, please, did you also begin to answer this question? i would just like to add that when we consider this complex large bill, which was submitted to parliament as a subject of legislative initiative by the government, we would divide two key components of this. of the draft law, one really concerns the issues of improving mobilization, mobilization training , implementation of mobilization measures of subjects who are supposed to participate in these measures, and the second component, which ms. iryna just spoke about, it concerns a more global, i would say, issue, namely , ensuring the readiness of ukraine in the future for any challenges that you and i received on february 24, 2022, that is, we have, you know, to prepare, for sure, the entire population of ukraine. to the ability to resist such a vile terrorist enemy, which is the russian federation, and here i, as the head of the working group that worked out the draft law on
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the foundations of national resistance, want to remind you that even then, even before the start of the war in 19-21, when we worked out this draft law , were accepted, the idea was laid there that all citizens of ukraine should actually have training and the ability to resist aggressive forces with weapons in their hands. the terrorist war that russia unleashed in the 22nd year, and therefore these issues that the cabinet is now trying to ministers, the ministry of defense, the armed forces should be decided in one draft law, they really need to be significantly improved, but we have a model of the readiness of the entire population to resist, to repel an attack by any such unforeseen country, which, unfortunately, is unlikely to go anywhere from our borders be ready, thank you, unfortunately, we will say goodbye, because this is the timing of our broadcast. iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, and fedir venislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine were
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on our air. anxiety continues throughout the country. the sounds of explosions are reported from temporarily occupied donetsk. in advance, they say that baovna, although they also report that the air defense is working, and there is m... unpleasant news from khmelnytskyi, during the actual work of the air defense in starokostyantinov, a bullet ricocheted and injured a 17-year-old girl, we are on this information goodbye, we wish you a peaceful and safe day, stay with espresso, then ether will continue the news, attention, incredible new unwrapped, super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots, perfect fit, waterproof. material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes - from 36
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12:00 pm
there is a large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working from shelter and we urge you to stay in safe places, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio of espresso news. a new year's miracle, a drone helped save a captive. soldiers of the 95th assault brigade of the armed forces managed to withdraw our military from the enemy's position. having completely defeated the enemy in this area, the pilots from the drone spotted the occupiers of our soldier in the trench. his hands were tied. the drone operator was able to signal to the captive and indicated the way out.
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that there were many wounded among them


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