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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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therefore, we must seriously analyze the discussions that are taking place in the united states, we must draw conclusions, and we must know the reality of what is possible and what is not. if we talk about the cooperation of european countries within the framework of nato, within the framework of the european union, and these are the institutions that mutually complement each other, there is no doubt that the role of cooperation should be strengthened. undoubtedly, despite the situation in the united states and the signals coming from there that europe should take more of the responsibility for security on its territory, we believe that this is a very valid idea, and we will work on this vector of strengthening european cooperation, if it is about security, it is clear to us, poland fulfills this role. and the results of the recent
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elections, i hope, will only increase the effectiveness of our actions. and this position is the position of the previous government, the current government, and the entire polish people. we want an increase in european security guarantees, and we want our european partners to do the same. so, summing up, i consider it necessary to increase the european responsibility for safety it is necessary to work in this direction. we also understand and hear what is happening in the united states, but we believe that despite the declarations that are being made, the united states will not retreat or reduce its interest in the situation that is happening in europe, because that would mean that it is becoming a country, which closes in its borders and loses its influence. in
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world politics, and trump probably does not have such a desire, so let's do our part, keep working , keep calm and support those americans who understand the responsibility of a great power in the whole world and what the united states is, but do not panic, because there is no reason for this at the moment. thank you very much, dear mr. zalewski, for this extremely interesting and candid without... on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our viewers that pawel zalewski, the state secretary of the polish ministry of defense, was currently working for them on espresso. if possible, because the new year is coming soon, so i want to wish ukrainians peace, peace and love so that you can i wish you to enjoy it in peace. wow,
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i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo. i'm saving myself, reo. you are ready, dear, ready, took reo. water for special medical purposes. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click, and you are in the world of cartoons. click and around the universe of cinema. and further. oh. what is needed! mego. turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. naoby, filfrey, the real you. and every touch will be gentle. when the world will open up to you. loving yourself is now very simple. feel free. pamper yourself every day. now bay feel free - the real you. it is a good tradition
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during the christmas holidays to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, media parrtnder espresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar has an urgent need for the singing of drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring closer the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for.
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glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. big ether vasyl zyma. two hours of broadcast time , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters that many became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from live event locations. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully.
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there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly. and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. the village of borodyanka is a living testimony of the crimes of the russian federation, like this monument to taras shevchenko, it is all covered with scars.
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this is the main street of the village, the central one. in 2022 , at the beginning of march, the russians continuously dropped aerial bombs on it for two days in a row. what about your apartment. completely burnt completely, it was possible to save, none, nothing, in general, when we went up as firefighters and policemen, there was nothing there, not a single thing that we could save, not a single one. lyudmila ivanivna lived in one of the high-rise buildings on the central street, this is how her apartment looks today. my father, for example, regrets most that he has a photo, he is already 80 years old, that the photographers burned. where his late mother was in his youth, where he was in his youth. nearly fifty civilians died under the rubble of buildings. the russians did not allow dismantling the rubble and put out fires and when the rashists were already here, and we asked, the man said, it is possible, there
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might still be some people there, to save, collect the boys, they said 50 m from your house, we will shoot and that's all. and these are the remains of the house. mrs. lily. while the authorities , together with donors, are looking for opportunities to rebuild it, the woman lives in a modular town. the rooms themselves were fully equipped. now i have everything done in my own way. i love mine. come in each room was equipped with such cabinets. there were bunk beds. in this town about three hundred people live there. arranged mrs. lilya shares temporary accommodation as best she can. it was our girl's birthday, we celebrated. well, here the children are playing, you see, a little. the woman does not complain about the conditions in the modular town and
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cannot wait to be able to live as before. you can live. i can't say it's bad here. but this is not home. i understand you. and what do they tell you, what they promise, what about housing? oh, i know that the tender was passed, i know that it is written that from february our house will start from, well the reconstruction of our house will begin, mrs. lily, like thousands of other residents of boryandka will have to suffer, new housing is promised and not soon, today design works are being carried out to replace the destroyed houses, in the first days of the invasion, more than 900 houses were damaged, 400 two, 402 the buildings are completely subject to demolition, that is, they will be dismantled, and 406 will undergo major repairs, and this
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building will be named the arch of friendship of peoples, so that everyone remembers what brotherly love looks like. russians, today they are demolishing him, on him the rashists dropped an aerial bomb, killing three people. six apartment buildings have already been completely demolished, one apartment building is still under demolition, and two more apartment buildings will be partially dismantled. a significant part of the infrastructure facilities is being rebuilt with the efforts of european donors, others with the funds of the central government. 97 objects in kyiv region are being rebuilt with funds. fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression. this is vokzalna street in the city of bucha. she is one of the most
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famous. and here's why. this photo went viral the whole world. it was made exactly on this street. one of the first completely destroyed columns of the russian army. for resistance to the occupation , the invaders terrorized civilians and destroyed their homes, such as this building. this is the fifth floor, which was hit by a projectile between the second and third floors, and caused significant destruction, so we had to do a complete dismantling and now we are engaged in restoration. now in bucha ponivyshtina two years ago, the buildings look like new, many local residents rebuilt their homes by themselves, others were waiting for the help of the state. restored everything. installed windows, everything the balconies are glazed, everything is so good, only
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that, of course, look at all this, we remember. the situation with reconstruction in irpen is worse. the occupiers destroyed 3/4 of all infrastructure facilities in the city. the damage was estimated at 750 million dollars. this district in the city was perhaps the most affected by russian aggression. residential complexes here were shot by hail and... approved for reconstruction only in 2023. two years ago, there were many apartments here, now it is a solid field. banksy's graffiti is all that remains of the phosphorus-burned high-rise. meanwhile, the country's government made buchansky. a living proof of russian atrocities, foreign
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delegations are constantly brought here to open the eyes of the world to the true face of the russian federation. we are here to hear the ukrainian people, and then return to indonesia and tell our society what happened here. because russian propaganda is powerful, even in the media of indonesia, that is why we will make an effort to show at home what is really happening here, and how we... artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. my name is andriy, i am 33 years old, i come from kherson. in in september of this year, i went to the army, and i immediately said that if there is an opportunity, if there is a posting somewhere, then i am ready to go. immediately before the mobilization, the doctor was a regenologist. on computer tomography, even before that, an infectious disease doctor, and even before that
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, an ambulance paramedic, when filing documents here at the kmb, i was asked what i wanted to be and a list of military specialties, and in addition to everything else, there was a specialty of combat medic, well, of course i chose her as a major, just like many people have personal lives, there are some fear, there... that's why it's a war, you can die here, it happens, and you can be captured, but i've decided all my affairs, and at some point i just think that i need to prepare, there for three or four months, well, a little physical i prepared myself and read, watched special videos, and so i decided, as i decided in september, i came in september. everyone is afraid, because everyone understands that it is a war, in war they die, but this is the situation, this is what happened, and
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the war will continue until this fear is overcome, well, not that stubborn, and until each person learns to fight this fear, because it remains, it is always here, even in training, and there are special corresponding ones. training exercises in order to get used to and learn to fight their fear, and when the desire to end the war is just for us, for ukraine. our victory and the deoccupation of our entire territory, this is surely the only goal and the only way to end this war justly, but we talked when we first arrived, several people really, as well as myself they came, and many were on summons, and there was a lot of talk about the fact that they took me away,
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i have a family there, i have a family, why do i need it. i can't, i don't know, i'm disabled , there's something else, uh, but for sure, communication with sergeants, communication with each other, and learning, and understanding that this can be learned, even, i've never before i didn't hold a machine gun in my hands, it's possible, you can learn it, and you understand how it's done, and now we were talking to each other, and i remember people who were with boys, who they said, why am i here? i don't want to be here, now they themselves are starting conversations about what and we, we will win soon, we will do everything to win.
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stepan barna, currently a sergeant of the 10th separate edelweiss mountain assault brigade, and until 2023, ukrainians knew him as a people's deputy, ex-head of the ternopil regional state administration, philanthropist, entrepreneur and scientist. now, instead of a high position, he holds the title of defender of ukraine. recalling the past, stepan says that being a politician is not a choice, a vocation, but now it is a duty calls service in the army. i was aware that there would be a war. all the time i was convinced that this war with russia would be full-scale, i did not believe that russia would calmly put up with the existence of a ukrainian state. 10 years ago,
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when the first shots rang out in eastern ukraine, stepan barna was involved in politics. at the same time actively helping the front. he says that he always understood that the priority for the development of ukraine is a strong army. it was then, in the 14th year , that my brother oleg barna volunteered to fight. instead, stepan became a reservist. it was during the formation of the brigade itself, so that, while still in the status of the head of the regional state administration, i tried to popularize the service in the reserve. and after he left the post of chairman, he went to a meeting of reservists. and there he signed the contract of the operational reserve of the first line with the edelweiss brigade. and accordingly, when the war began, a full-scale attack, there was a presidential decree on the mobilization of reservists, well, he was mobilized in his unit. he remembers that he was most worried about how he would have to fight
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in the winter, because he does not like the cold, being out positions in the middle of winter for the military. in the first days, our brigade was transferred to the border with belarus, and then already in march, at the beginning of march we were in the area of ​​zhytomyr and kyiv regions, that is , i met the war already in zhytomyr region, and from may 2022 the brigade was transferred to donbas , the fighter says. his main motivation is to ensure peace and finally separate from russia, and if this does not happen, then there is a possibility that this is not the extreme generation that fights with the aggressor, worst - dies. stepan's own brother, oleg barna already gave his life fighting the aggressor. a well-known politician and an ardent defender of everything ukrainian, he was always distinguished by his patriotism and categorical
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attitude towards russia. in the future , stepan barna sees ukraine as a full-fledged member of the european union in the unified nato collective security system, with the preservation of national traditions and the development of new ones. so that children have the opportunity to develop, learn, and get an education here. get housing, create a business, work in a field that will be comfortable and interesting for them, and for the country to be livable, they expect from the new year a peaceful sky and ukraine's victory over the enemy , a peaceful sky, believed in the great future of ukraine, believed that ukraine would be... an independent, cathedral state, that we would become a full-fledged european country, believed
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that this land would be the best for our children and for our future. stepan barna has been in the war for 21 months, he dreams most of all to return home, he says, his relatives are waiting for him here, and at the same time there is a lot of work on the consequences of the war, which must be eliminated. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. renewal investigation of the attack on the espresso journalist in ternopil. he fought with me over my phone. such an unworthy judge has already been weeded out by the supreme court of appeals. i don't know if anyone present in this hall is completely sinless. someone from us. congratulations. judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova, are on the air. reorganization and reformatting of judicial bodies is underway in ukraine. systems. after receiving the status of a candidate for joining the european union, judicial reform is one of the main requirements for continuing our path to the eu.
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the higher qualification commission evaluates the current ones of judges to match positions. the servants of themis continue to be surprised, from wealth that cannot be explained by income to professional incompetence. today we will tell you about those who have already been weeded out by vkks. but first to the news. developments in the criminal investigation of the attack on our colleague in ternopil. the court satisfied the complaint of journalist maria ivanovska, who was attacked in may this year by the lodger of the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, lyudmila kropyvna. the complaint of ivanovska maria stepaniv written investigative department of st of the ternopil police group of the police station in the ternopil oblast of nazarkevych dated may 26, 2023 on the closure of criminal proceedings number 120 232 164. 0557 dated may 8, 2023 on the grounds of criminal offenses provided for by the first part of article 171, the fourth part of article 186 of the criminal code of ukraine.
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thus, the judge canceled the decision of the investigator, who closed the case regarding the attack on the journalist. that is, the investigation of the criminal proceedings will be continued. resolution of the investigative investigative department of st of the ternopil police group of the gnp, ternopil oblast, nazarkevych dated may 26, 2023 on the closure of criminal proceedings number 120 232 164 4 557 dated may 8, 2023 for violation of provisions of the first part of article 171 and the fourth part of article 136 of the criminal code of ukraine . it will be recalled that the attack on a journalist who was filming a story about the fortunes of judge pachs took place in may this year. then the lodger of the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, lyudmila kropyvna, forcibly grabbed the phone from the journalist and hid with it in his at home and threatened with violence. please pick up the phone. yes, yes, what are you doing, everything , give me, give me the phone, i'm sorry, give me the phone, i came in, get out of here, because i'm going to kick you now, at that time, the investigative department
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of the national police in the ternopil region opened two criminal proceedings for obstruction the legitimate professional activity of a journalist and robbery in wartime, they were allegedly investigated, the journalist was summoned for questioning, and the espresso tv channel took out video discs, but in the end in november, it became known that investigator nazar... in the summer, he closed the case allegedly due to the lack of evidence of criminal violations and did not even inform our editorial office or the injured journalist about it. the investigator sent the decision to close the case only after a week of calls and requests. he sent me this decision in a telegram as early as december 4. she was not at my address, nor at the location of our tv channel, also in lviv. once the journalist received the full text of the resolution of the national police investigator on closing the case. saw in him a great number false data, in particular, it was said that the attacker did not try to drag maria ivanovska into the apartment, but invited her so that the cat would not run out. the assailant also
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indicated that... he allegedly did not know that the girl was a journalist, but on the video taken during the attack, it can be seen and heard that the threats of massacre came from him after maria ivanovska introduced herself as a journalist. there it is clearly clear that after i said that i was a journalist, after that he said: if you come here again, i will kick you, and he fought with me for my phone. so maria ivanovska filed a complaint against the decision to close the case, and the ternopil court upheld it. and therefore criminal. the proceedings have been resumed, we will follow this case and in the next programs we will talk about the progress of the investigation of the attack on our colleague, the lodger of the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, lyudmila kropyvna. the high qualification commission of judges continues to weed out unworthy ministers of themis, and recently this process has gained momentum. many unscrupulous representatives were one step away from dismissal. unworthy
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positions... the supreme court recognized oksana myroshnychenko as the judge of the holosiiv district court of kyiv. she revoked the driving rights of five participants of the auto-maidan for six months, who allegedly did not stop at the request of traffic police inspectors on the day of their trip to mezhihirya in december 2013. chevchenko issued a low resolution, with which in the 14th year she brought the participants of the automaidan to justice. the only evidence in these cases were the protocols drawn up by the inspectors. the judge allowed the delay she had foreseen. in her declaration of integrity , the judge hid this fact, and i did not indicated that i did not make a decision, however, well, it would be strange not to admit that this decision falls under it. during the interview, the members of the highest quality commission of judges drew attention to many more violations and errors on the part of judge myroshnychenko. in particular, she often violated
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the deadlines for submitting a decision. to the register, some have not been entered for more than three months, some for more than six months. it is also known that the judge did not prosecute at least 21 drivers for driving under the influence of alcohol, closing the cases due to the expiration of the time limits. quite large the delays there are 174 days, there somewhere you had 101, 156, 223, what explains this? i don't know if anyone is sinless in this hall? those of us who haven't made a mistake, and almost made a mistake, need to have, ah, maybe the courage, maybe the wisdom to admit it and draw conclusions for the future. despite the recognition of mistakes by oksana moroshnychenko, the higher commission of quails, based on the results of the interview , recognized the judge as unfit for the position held. i also sent it to the vkk.
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on the dismissal of iryna yedamenko, judge of the pokrovsky district court of dnipropetrovsk region her judicial career contains fewer procedural errors, but the amount of property is impressive. of course, everything is not hers. at the age of two, the son of judge yedamenko became the owner of more than 15 acres of land and a house of 230 m2, which his father gave him. later, the property was sold to denta group, but this did not prevent the judge from continuing to live in this house. this whole deed was done only. with one goal, so that the child does not have additional stress, we, well, stayed in the good, so that there would be no stress, there should be clarified, a preliminary agreement should appear, which would be, should be notarized, then the amount, if we did not want stress, in which the amount would be fully reflected by establishing the order of calculations, a separate contract for the use of the property, when the path is non-standard, difficult, due to
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the fact that we have it at the very time when my ex-husband and i did not have enough, well, understanding, as a decent mother, i ensured, i agreed to arrange such an arrangement so that my child could stay there for some time after the divorce from her husband, i think , that's how it all is organized, it has some indication that no transfer of funds may actually have occurred, that it is simple. the agreement was simply fictitious in order to, i don't know, somehow rewrite it. in 2021, the judge's son owned an apartment with an area of ​​more than 100 m2 in the center of the dnipro. the apartment allegedly cost a little more than 60 thousand dollars. now the price is similar to more than 200,000. it is unlikely that such growth can be explained by inflation. the judge's mother already became the owner of an apartment in an elite residential complex during the full-scale war.


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