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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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well, that is, it creates crazy problems for the company, because the people who have been working for many years, who are actually the basis of our engineering company, from time to time it turns out that, for example, someone has the wrong truck, and even with an existing reservation for some reason, tsc allow themselves to violate the law in... recognizing the order of the ministry of economy as invalid, taking people away, we constantly come across such stories and constantly release our employees from tsc, and as reserved boys and girls, well girls, i mean, they are not called up, but i mean you , who also work at the enterprise, they also face certain problems... and we have some
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specialists who, who simply left in the tcc for a specified specialty, being booked, and they actually found themselves in a situation where they tried to take them to the army, took away their military tickets, there are, for example, specialists who turned 27 years old, that is, they came to the tcc in order to ... to get a military card, and they were told: come after 27, and when they came after 27, they were handed summonses and said: okay, now you will serve in the army, and any letters from the company that we give that confirming that a person is working, that he has been working for more than a year, that he is a specialist , we really need him, they are not accepted at all, so i hope that changes will be made and definitely ... without
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any wasps, all the specialists of the companies that work for the defense will be booked without any questions . mr. artem, thank you very much for the inclusion, for these explanations, i hope that your company will have more orders next year than this year. and i will remind our viewers that it was artem v'yunnyk, the director of nvplon aviaa, which manufactures unmanned reconnaissance and fire control systems for our artillery and mechanized brigades. and then we will talk about the development of strike drones using the example of another well-known company, but after the advertising and information section. a special performance of the legendary group mertvyi piven with an orchestra at the lviv opera with the christmas and selected program. early lyrical songs.
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new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. tickets for the stage of the lviv opera on january 8 are available on the website of the big show ua organizer. information partners are espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. there are 15% discounts on tosmay in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar has an urgent need for a fivi drone to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes.
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the war is going on, and not only for territories, it is also war for minds we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine has become. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel.
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continuing our program on war and weapons, where we talk about the drone. complexes and their production. today, the armed forces operate 70 different modifications of unmanned systems and more than 20 types of ammunition for strike drones. but what is needed? to do to make more of them, and what problems our main private companies have to solve and are solving for this, because out of five manufacturing companies, four are private companies that manufacture weapons of any purpose. and now we are joined by the chairman of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, valery valery borovyk. mr. valery, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. congratulations, happy holidays to each other. happy holidays to you too. so i'll start with what the words say
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oleksandr kamyshin, minister of strategic industries, ukraine has or will produce more than a million fpv drones somewhere. thousands of medium-range strike drones, 1,000 long-range free complexes per year, starting next year. where exactly are your unmanned complexes in this list, in what directions is your company currently moving in the creation of unmanned models? well , look, we are actually blocking such and such directions, so these are strike drones that exist. kamikaze from 10 km to there 40 and 800, means, and that is why they can be called relative to fpv, because at the final stage of bringing them to the target, they can be controlled both by the pilot and
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follow the coordinates depending on the situation, which is with suppression from the enemy's side, that's why there are a million fpv drones. uh, here they are shown, for example, of this type, yes, these are the drones that, uh, are cheaper, kamikaze, which are quite easy to suppress by the enemy, by means of radio, radio reconnaissance, detection and including suppression, as for those drones that we are releasing now and which ones we already make deliveries for special forces , this... these are drones, bombers, these are drones, actually of the copter type, you can't say that they are in half, because they fly on a mission, they hover over the object, they work with lte networks, they work with other means
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of communication, both video and communication, so it is impossible to say that these are directly fpv. you can't, because that's not the case, but they can be used as fpi, who is your base customer now, the ministry of defense, the ministry of digital transformation, with the state special forces or volunteers, how do you have these customers broken down by priorities, opportunities and readiness to cooperate with your company, now we have closed closed now there are other deliveries going separately, because... deliveries of complexes are going separately, deliveries of combat units are going separately parts, so this is the national guard, in fact we are currently working with special services to perform special tasks, i cannot reveal by agreement these services that will carry out
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missions, both from this side, from this side, and on the territory of the enemy, therefore.. .that's basically it direct, direct arrangements and contracts plus voluntary volunteers. we are working on getting a state order from the state special communications. the ministry of statistics does not contract directly, it is through the state intelligence service, and we go through the procedures for the ministry of defense, because there they are a little bigger and more complicated with the involvement of military officers for that. to deliver for the ministry of defense, that is , we work in all directions, the most, this is the result, this is the national guard and special services. and i still can't help but ask about the state intelligence service, because we talked about several programs with you
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about the fact that, on the one hand, the state intelligence service accumulates significant funds from the ministry of finance for the purchase of drones, de facto, not all companies that wanted to... order to secure contracts through the state intelligence service were able to do so, then there were changes in management state special communications and has a new, more productive one started now? reality for interaction with companies that are ready to produce drones for the needs of the security and defense sector, do you have any new experience in communicating with the new leadership of the special communications agency? well , look, i'll point out the problems that were, the most important problem is that under the previous leadership, and most importantly, not even under the leadership of the state intelligence service itself, but under the leadership of the department headed by mr. mokrenko, which actually dealt with admission to... the commission and contracting, under this leadership they took over a role
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, which is not theirs, of an additional assessment of the combat capability and an additional assessment of the price of the complexes, that is, after the independent experts give their assessment, they once again try to say with their own vision that it is true or not, that is not enough, mr. mokrenko yeh also did it in such a way that they stopped the assessment from experts with calls, and this is an excess of authority, and this should probably be investigated by the sbi and so on, in parallel with the fact that there may still be some proceedings there, and there were also cases when representatives of the state special forces came to those combat units that placed orders for some drones, they said for... what are these for you, take them here, not to mention the fact that there is such
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information going around all units that the purchase of maviks , for example, were twice as large, there are 6-12, different numbers are used, that is all of this should be investigated by law enforcement agencies so that, in fact, this does not happen , we have such a... let's say, hope and vision that the new leadership will be able to change this trend, this is this, sorry for the taftology of the trend approach, approach, which did not allow many companies to enter into contracts and did not allow, let's say so, to enter into a serious state contract, let's say, with the implementation of all the procedures prescribed in government regulations, i had a conversation with ... i am familiar with the boys and
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was there on some tasks, and we have a perspective and a vision that this must change, although everything happens differently, because people are the same, well, before the appointment, one, after the appointment , we have others, we will to have hope that this is not the case, but here it is not even a matter of... personalities, here the question is basically that there are prescribed procedures, do you have an application from a combat unit, do you have an application from, well, not an application, but there was a permit for operation before, now there are simplified procedures, you have an assessment, that's all you you go out to contracting and you have to do these million drones and more, because without helping the companies without... without seeing how the scaled companies are actually going to do their jobs and how
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it's going to work on the front lines, we're not going to identify the best examples, we, we, we, we, we will simply see a few dozen companies there that will be able to do something, while others will not develop, so the main thing is to carry out what vice prime minister fedorov and other officials said, that all , who is ready to contract, all who can do, and able to make good drones, fulfill state orders, and is able to do it on its own, on its capacities and its human capabilities, they must be contracted for delivery to the front, and now there is a catastrophic lack of drones on the front, when we talk about state assistance, to such companies to private companies like yours, which is trying to do everything possible to ensure that the fighters at the front are provided with various
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drones, in previous appeals to our officials you said two things: to help with the capacities where you can place certain components of the manufacture and assembly of drones, and the second is credit resources for the purchase, possibly of the necessary equipment, which is lacking in certain directions, during this time, what has changed? are these problems still important to solve? look , things have changed radically, we are not waiting for the state , we have collected investment funds, we are launching what i... had already voiced, that is, the full scaling of the production of motors, controllers, propellers, frames, we already held a meeting a few days ago, we we will go out on the market with the offer of such a kit, that is, what is it, it is actually a frame, er, propellers , controllers, motors, from which you can already assemble
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a new type of osa drones, they will be very ... literal, very powerful and better than chinese, these are fpv drones from carbon, which means that we will already go to the offer to supply this type, preparatory materials, preparatory components of ukrainian production, so that they can already assemble ukrainian drones without depending on chinese suppliers, therefore the issue with production... capacities for the kit, i think we decided, the question is about helping the production capacities to scale for the production of the drones themselves, and not assembling for them, this remains, if the state really wants to get a million or more drones, it must, including through the komyshin department, that means
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help in procurement, in leasing of production equipment. to scale uh more drones, so far we, well , we can handle it, i will mention another issue, more important, probably, this is the booking issue, because this rate is 50% of that, of the total number of those ee workers, which are there, it does not allow us to carry out large orders normally and efficiently, because everyone must understand that in addition to the engineer , the designer and the it specialist, there must be administrative staff who deal with logistics, procurement, the supply of materials, the supply of components, there must be an accountant, and so on , and therefore you need a completely one hundred percent reservation, let it be with the control of the general staff, that these people are really involved in this topic, but a 100 percent reservation
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is not enough, it must be from the start of the decision. upon purchase, it must be east it is automatically given to the company, not that the settlement is a contract, you go to the ministry of economy, through the general staff, you agree and it takes two months for these, and if not more, now this is the procedure, and then in these two months, people are called to the military commissariats, take away, people are motivated , they go or by... they start somehow looking for an opportunity not to go, because he is a specialist specifically in this field, he will bring more by releasing drones, so it should not be, it should be done automatically, it should be on done on a permanent basis, and this is fundamentally important, this is the importance, and the second issue is
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long-term contracting, because if you contract for two or three months, what to do next with people, where are their prospects, they can go and look at others, on other sources of income, they need to feed their families, that is, there should be at least annual contracting with the transition from one year to another of this budget process, and this is serious , these two things will help the scaling of drone production, well, you absolutely repeat, well, these are the most painful elements of our life, because literally in front of you i had a conversation with artem vyunnik of the company. and he also said: booking and long-term planning, without this, it is impossible, well, the director of the company should clearly determine how he should act in the future, in order to create new samples there, to have certain conditions for this, but i will still ask about the fact that you had a certain problem when you started making domestic components for fpi drones, and one way
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or another they turned out to be more expensive than chinese ones, and then, relatively speaking, there the procurement body says: no, no, we will not buy a lot of its components from borovyka there, because they are more expensive than chinese ones, the prosecutor's office will come to me later, it is better not to buy at all. this is now yours, your bet on the creation of national components, national drones, the situation has already changed a little, won't there be problems again, that it is more expensive than the chinese one, then we will not buy it? look, it was easier for us, there was no painful decision, we are not the problem, we can produce from chinese components. it is not a problem to release 700 there, but it is just an assembly, these are not ukrainian drones, this is all that we show, what you show, even in our previous videos, what you show, or somewhere... fedorov, this everything is a chinese assembly, it is not ukrainian , it is not ukrainian drones, we have to move away from this , when we were told that we will not, your
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drones are expensive, we will not take them, because when comparing with chinese ones, they did not compare this one mokrenko, he did not understand, although we explained to him several times, and this is more than enough it was just a trend position that this drone has completely different characteristics, it is also in the ministry of defense, approved for operation, it is approved as a copter-type drone, and it is actually not comparable to what is currently being brought from china, from china these drones do not work under the trenches, their losses are quite high, they are smaller , the ammunition is smaller, the ammunition is carried at a shorter distance, that is, there... aspects that do not allow us to compare them, but we made a decision that we will stand our ground, we will fulfill special orders and we
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we already do them, and those special services that went through the market and looked at what drones are, came to us, and now we do specific things that no one does, i can't reveal them, but for specific tasks. they will work out and they will show , let's say, for the mass market, how much more effective it is to use a drone that flies 30 times and uses special means to attack the enemy, yes, how to launch one drone or 10 drones to launch fpv, yes, they have the right to exist, they are doing their fpv mission. and will be for some time and may continue to carry out this mission, but what will happen when, in fact, what will happen when china stops the supply, what
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will happen when we cannot meet the needs of the front in such volumes, we need to think about it and decide now these issues are due to drones like ours, due to other drones of ours, but 70-80 components are made from ukraine, from ukrainian , from ukrainian production, so i think that with the new leadership, this issue will be clearly resolved and with a correct estimate because the order for these drones is with the contracting next, we will see, in the next program we will see how this situation is already developing and what changes have taken place. in the state intelligence service in relation to the ukrainian manufacturer. well, now the minister of defense umirov says that next year, probably, about 50 billion,
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which the ministry of statistics and state special communications planned to dispose of from the point of view of the purchase of drones, it should still go to the ministry of defense, then, probably, it is no less important will have an impact on the situation of imerov, we hope that there will be approaches, well absolutely so effective that according to... your company was used as much as possible, but as i understood from a technical point of view you had fpu drone osa, then repulse, then kyivska rus, and another sample appears, which is an improved version of the wasp , or something different than the wasp, but with greater combat capabilities, we are talking about this, look, we showed our videos with the wasp several times in parallel with that. er, we er made it ten inches from the start, so it performed its functions, but er, of this type drones, they work, well, they don’t work under
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the influence of rap, they don’t carry the required amount of load for the required range, i won’t repeat the numbers there, yes , so that’s why we created our unique osa drone, it’s called that, it the remaining name is osa, in fact we call it... 2.0, which is completely from our ukrainian equipment, so this, our frames, are special there, the solutions that are inside, and so on, i will not voice them, only for units voiced, so that it is not on the air and the orcs here do not listen, therefore, and therefore - he, he was already prepared from the beginning in parallel with the fact that we, that we made this supply. these are the first type of drones, so we continue, we will position a few more boards now, but the concentration
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is now really on... the osa drone and the interceptor drone, which have been tested, received their permits for operation and are being contracted. and i would like to ask about personnel training. all of your drones are unique in some way. does this mean that you are simultaneously forced to engage in military training at your facilities, do your operators already operate in military units when performing combat missions. how is it going with you today? well, we did not stop the actions of our operators during the execution of combat missions, we have a combat unit, this is firstly, secondly, during the transfer, we actually train depending on the qualifications of those pilots who receive drones, that is, we or we train them there for a shorter period, if they have flown a similar type of drone or more, but in principle we have
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our own... our own training method pilots, and it works successfully, and it is clear that with e-orders of more than a thousand per month, it will be a challenge to prepare the necessary number of pilots, but it is a challenge not only for us, it is a challenge for everyone, that is, they are engaged in this in parallel schools, training pilots, if people already know how to fly on a similar type of aircraft. podsich, for example, you show, well, with wings, yes, that is, if pilots of this type of drone have already flown, it is easier for them, there is a week of successful preparation for such serious work, and he can already to work, basically it takes two weeks, if it is a pilot who is really not ready, then you have to do it more, but we mainly work with trained pilots who...
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have their combat experience, and the last question, i would like to ask if there is advances in terms of increasing, well, conditionally speaking, the technological capabilities of the same fpv drones or other models due to artificial intelligence, in order, that is, to guide the strike drone on the final part of the flight without the participation of the operator, are there any advances in this direction, if if there is, then tell me in general terms, if not, then tell me that we are working, i don't know. sorry , i have to finish, the commander of the axis is calling me tro, look, this is the point , so right now, as we speak, we are undergoing a test, not a test, already the final such tests with the targeting system, we yesterday the day before yesterday, yes, the guys finalized with one combat unit what they need with artificial intelligence and not
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only artificial intelligence, but specifically... the communication system, we are very active in this we are working and entering the final stages , i will not be there yet, you know, so as not to make a fool of yourself, everything should be successful, i think that even in january we can already say something, something, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for now, we are very serious about this working, the last mile of bringing to the goal, tracking the goal, choosing the goal, artificial. lectom is a challenge that not only our company is engaged in, but we are very actively engaged in it and are already showing results on training grounds, i hope that we will soon show it on the front line. sorry, i have to finish already, thank you very much for the inclusion , for your explanations, let me remind you that it was valery borovyk, the chairman of the board of new energy of ukraine, as well as the head of the white orel unit, which operates on the front line and destroys
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the enemy based on the possible. own combat drones, these were the main participants of this program, and we can say that the potential of our companies for the production of drones exists, the question is for the state to find optimal forms of interaction with our enterprises in order to increase the number of drones of various purposes on the front lines for to get closer to victory and destroy as many enemies as possible, stay tuned to the espresso channel. 2 p.m. in ukraine, in the studio of iryna koval, for your attention, a news release on the spresso tv channel, greetings to all viewers of the tv channel. happy
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new year 2024.


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