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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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16th, will it be a turning point, yes, there will be a turning point, if there are a hundred of them, if there are a dozen of them, one squadron or two, it is not bad, but it will not give a turning point, we will have long-range missiles, yes, if there are 700 missiles on 100 km, but not 20, but 200, but then yes, it will give a break, that is, yes, these missiles and planes, they are of higher quality than the planes of the russian federation, but quality in itself is not quantity, after all. and does not give a significant advantage. thank you, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was with us on communication and we can now proceed to the discussion of the following topics with our speaker ivan shevtsov, head of the press service of the steel border assault brigade lieutenant colonel. mr. ivan, we congratulate you from veteri espresso, glory to ukraine and a happy new year, i congratulate you with the hero of glory and a happy new year, well, a new year, problems. and ourselves, in particular, we are talking about
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russian aggression and a full-scale invasion, but at the same time we understand that the lemano-kupinsky direction remains strategic, in particular , taking into account the amount of manpower that the enemy sent there. well, first of all i would like to i would like to ask you how the new year's eve passed, whether the enemy has now reduced his offensive, so to speak, activity in the lyman-kupinsky sky, i understand that the concept is extremely broad, but... the current situation in your direction? new year's eve, in particular, was no different from the usual everyday days of the defense forces, which are located in the lymano-kuplinsk direction. our brigade continues to conduct defense together with other units of the armed forces of ukraine. the situation there remained quite tense, the enemy carried out assault operations on lymano-kupinsky.
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we repelled as many as 15 such assaults, and the number of shelling and artillery shelling of both border settlements and advanced positions of the armed forces of ukraine has also increased significantly, so in principle there are no changes in the situation in the lemano-kupin direction now , we are on the defensive , we do not give a single piece of land. mr. ivan. by the way, before the new year, putin and his cronies talked about taking avdiyivka, going to the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions. fortunately, we understand that thanks to they failed to do this due to the titanic efforts of our defense forces, however , we understand that they will set certain deadlines for themselves, especially the closer to the elections, the more likely these deadlines will be demanded of them. how can you assess the situation in general, do you notice any changes. in terms of the fact that they
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are rethinking their plans somewhere, or are they still purposefully trying to advance there and still have plans to take kupyansk, because we know that right now it is a little further north from kupyansk, they are very actively trying to advance near senkivka, but i am interested, what can you say in the context of this? well, yes, indeed, we have been on the air with you for six months already... we are talking about the fact that the enemy sets certain deadlines, it was also the autumn period, it was also the new year period, they were supposed to occupy kupyansk by the new year, they don't have that it turned out, the enemy does not have any advances in the kupyan direction, but their next deadline is march-april, the month when the elections in the russian federation will really take place, and they need some results, on... they understand, this is
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kupyansk, it will be easiest for them to get to kupyansk through senkivka, that is why they are now concentrating their main forces, as before, on senkivka, but the defense forces and the state border service are holding good positions there and we are holding the defense , and accordingly, mr. lieutenant colonel, we would like to ask you about the preparation for new mobilization activities in our state. accordingly, which specialists are currently lacking the most, in particular in your divisions, well, in neighboring divisions, what kind of non-classified one is possible, give information, well, if we talk only about our brigade, then in principle we have enough personnel, but we need specialists, they are doctors, and specialists are good doctors, because their work is very important and... professionalism in this
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work is tortured, we also need operators uavs, it is desirable that people already have certain skills. in civilian life , the control of drones, and there is also a need for drivers, mechanics, drivers, for armored vehicles, in principle, the same situation in neighboring military units, this is such and such a category military personnel who are constantly needed. mr. ivan, if we talk in more detail about mobilization, i think that the military at the front could also, if they have the opportunity to go to social networks. to observe a certain hysteria around the new draft law on mobilization, we understand that the military just want to do their duty, and they don't care, probably mostly, how the state will organize it, but we saw a certain one, well, i don't know if you can
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call it a dog, or it was just someone thoughtless act, when the ukrainians were shown a completely unworked law, but he has already suffered certain such hysterical moods, i would... it would be interesting to know what your personal opinion is about, probably some stricter restrictions, and about those people who did not appear in military leaders, and what your comrades are talking about , including how much you have studied this law in general, this is the first and second thing, what do you generally think about these restrictions, about which a lot of ukrainians actually do not respond very positively, so indeed i saw that information , which is now in on social networks, regarding this... law, but i will personally express my own opinion, in my opinion, we are now in a situation where every healthy military man should take up arms and defend our country, this is the demand of our time,
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this is the demand of the situation we find ourselves in, if everyone goes abroad, if everyone is a refugee, then they simply have nowhere to return, it should be... such a motivated choice of every normal person, but on the other hand, here on the front lines in in the army we don't need people who don't want to fight, they will just sit with such a heavy load, it is not unnecessary, it is better that people go, those who really want to do it, and the concept of the offensive guard in general, it was built on... that in the offensive guard they recruited motivated people, they recruited precisely those who wanted to fight, they took those who wanted to win back, liberate the occupied territories of ukraine, and what we see now in our brigade, what we see at the front, that is, we have those fighters, these
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military men, who are really doing their job and they they know why they do it, that's why it is not necessary to catch everyone in a row in bars, in gyms, you just need to implement such a policy to explain to people that it is their duty, that they really need to take up arms and go to the front, go to fight. mr. lieutenant colonel, see, in your opinion, whether the introduction of so-called construction brigades or construction battalions would be justified, we understand that powerful fortifications have to be made, and equipment must be involved, well, usually. this responsibility falls on the engineering department of the armed forces of ukraine, and at the same time on military-civilian administration. perhaps, somehow, it would be possible to adjust this direction. well, it would be a good help, indeed, we carry out engineering work by our own forces, we have engineering
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units, and in principle, every fighter should be able to hold a shovel in his hands and be able to buy shelter for himself. if some special units are recruited from... that will deal with this away from the front line, it will also be good, it will save time, it will save forces, and those who will help in this, well, for us it will only positively, well, it's just that my comrade who fought in kharkiv oblast, at one time, he told me, says that the russian interventionists buried themselves like moles, it was from the beginning, that is, they poured concrete. reinforced and so on, well, we were very active , we understand that this requires additional resources, in particular some or the other, i don’t know, mini-excavators, some other equipment, i don’t know what we have with it now, well, but in in any case, the supreme commander-in-chief, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, so to speak,
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gave a clear instruction: to increase fortifications and strengthen and yes, it is very correct, we , in our... unit in our assault brigade, we are constantly engaged in improving our fortifications, the units are buried in the ground, and on other tv broadcasts and also in the marathon, we have already shown how equipped our units, people live underground, and the deeper, the better, it is more likely to save the lives of our military, the more such shelters, the more such fortifications, the better we will be able to defend ourselves. thank you, ivan shevtsov, head of the press service of the steel border assault brigade. the lieutenant colonel was in touch with us, they talked about the current situation in the lemano-kupinsky direction, now. we will have a few minutes break and after that antin and i will return to this studio, we will
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discuss the following topics, we would like to wish everyone a happy new year once again, stay with us, a few minutes and we will be back, turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, then switch on the good, oh, what is needed, we turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are 15% discounts on tos mai in pharmacies , plantain, bam taschat, wow, i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo. i'm saving myself, reo. you are ready, dear, ready, took reo. water for special medical purposes. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia
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is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. on monday, tuesday, thursday, at 17:15 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the war
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created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community and neybal mecrain. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we we are growing join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with
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the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. the new year broadcast of the tv channel continues, we are working in live mode, and now we are engaging ihor burakovsky, doctor of economic sciences, professor of the department of economic theory of naukma, head of the management of the institute of economic research and political consultations. glory to ukraine, mr. igor, we welcome you to the espresso tv channel, well, we congratulate you on the new year, congratulations, glory to the heroes. yes, and at the same time i would like to ask you to give a short description of our economic situation, so we are waiting for help from washington, so shall we wait for washington? well, in the amount of something over 50 billion dollars for the current 24th year, right? well, how do we get out of the situation, if, for example, a financing program. ukrainian economy will be changed by the united states? the situation is as follows:
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today it seems to me that we need to talk about two main directions of aid, this is the aid of the united states of america and the european union. aid from the united states america's are the funds we need above all to provide our security and defense forces and actually successfully enter combat operations. this is a key package, if we receive this package, it is clear that ours will be strengthened. combat positions, well, maybe the allies will somehow pay attention to it, and in principle, it will be a good, powerful signal for everyone, which is directly related to the survival of the economy as such, yes, let's call it, so to speak, so-and-so semi-civilian sector, yes, because our partial economy also works on military needs, we are waiting for a decision from the european union, we should have received it earlier last year about receiving 50 billion euros for financial assistance, this is help for the budget, which means that a large part of this money was supposed to go to the so-called
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current reconstruction, what we lost, it must be somehow rebuilt, maybe not all of it, but in any case, to ensure what is called economic sustainability. i really hope that we get this money, but it is clear that so far our situation is a little like the situation in 2022, in the sense that when the war started, we began to negotiate with our partners, we received help from them, but nevertheless this help was very irregular, and we did not receive, let's say, on the scale that we wanted to do. in 2023, the situation... has improved, we have received approximately 40 billion in aid from our partners, so i hope, i am sure that we will receive aid, preferably faster and in large quantities, i would like it as you say, but we understand , that the situation is a little uncertain now, for us now viktor orban can put sticks in the wheels if we are talking about support from the eu, and
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we also see that the congressmen do not reach a consensus, they cannot agree on the plan. migration policy, and actually this has become a problem for us, but if we talk in general about the next year, its , let's say, risks, if even we receive this help either from the united states, or from the european union, or from both countries, then we understand , that we are still facing a certain threatening situation, given that military support, it is also falling, some countries are reducing it, and in fact we will have to invest a lot... in our development of our defense complex, and i would also like to understand in this context what we should expect from foreign currency, because we saw on the eve of the new year that the dollar rose in price rapidly, the nbu decided to make the official exchange rate higher, and after that it also increased on the cash market. what will happen to foreign currency? er, i think we will
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see foreign exchange fluctuations, but a lot depends. the situation on the foreign exchange market depends on two factors: the first the factor is to what extent we will be able to restore ukrainian exports, because in 2023 our exports have significantly decreased, less exports means less foreign currency, and the second question is the question of what we will do and in what volumes we will buy directly from imports, in principle , our key problem today is a very large deficit of the trade, trade... balance from here, so to speak, ours is not okay, this is on the one hand, but on the other hand, indeed, the exchange rate will largely depend on what aid, under what conditions and according to what schedule we will receive, that is, our exchange rate is, on the one hand, dependent on exports and imports, and on the other hand, on aid from our foreign partners, and indeed the situation is not very
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simple, and as far as i understand, today both the government and our partners who sincerely want to help... in ukraine are looking for a way out of this situation, well, let's say, the european union is currently considering an option when we will receive funds, conditionally speaking , bypassing the traditional, traditional, traditional financing systems in the european union, that is, in fact, the countries that help ukraine will ask the european union commissions, the european union to go to the borrowing market, get these funds, they in turn guarantee that these funds will be returned, and thus, in fact , the european union will be a borrower of money on the international market, and this money will go directly to support ukraine. as for the money of the united states of america, we really see it here a very difficult situation, the situation is that there are many internal political issues here, issues are also related to the elections in the united states of america, and thus
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, to a certain extent, aid to ukraine is a hostage to the solution of some internal political issues. is a problem mr. igor, look, we would also like to ask you about the so-called tax reform in ukraine. we understand that big changes are coming now. the tax office receives unprecedented access to a wide range of information, in particular, what concerns bank secrecy and so on. and at the same time we understand that now individual entrepreneurs will have to exert extra effort. pros, cons and risks. you have a word. well. i would like to say right away that for now we have a national income strategy, and in this national income strategy we see certain directions along which, so to speak, this situation will develop, so obviously it is necessary to... just, as it seems to me, speak in the wrong as a whole, and to consider this document in a package that is specifically proposed in one direction or another, because revenues and budget
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revenues are, in principle, you know, the result of such a certain package. now, if we talk directly about the specific issues that concern, let's say, the same e-fops, yes, the same simplistic people, well, in principle, in principle, by and large, we are talking about the fact that to a certain extent... limit the use simplified taxation system has been going on for a long time, and at one time, so to speak, governments gradually , in principle, limited this system, so it seems to me that here we have, here we have such a situation, when we, so to speak, move according to certain agreements , which existed before, and on the other hand, we understand very well that the fups were such a powerful layer of people who actually developed the sector of small and medium-sized businesses, which is a lot... moreover, it is a static static static system of our economy, that's why it's really so here so to speak, the situation is very difficult, i'm honestly not ready
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to say whether it's good or bad, but the only thing to say is that we should proceed from the general goal, in 11 of 11 months of 2023, approximately 59 percent of the revenues of the ukrainian budget went to security and defense, that is, in this case, we must. it is obvious to say that all our economic policy should be aimed at achieving two goals: the first goal is to strengthen our defense power, and for this we need money and the corresponding expenses, and on the other hand, it is usually to ensure what is called economic stability , so i think the main discussions about how and what will change and the decisions are yet to come, and we'll obviously come back to them very quickly. mr. igor, i would like to ask you one more question what can happen to us? what can save our economy. i am now talking about investments, i understand that the country is currently unattractive for investors, because we have ongoing hostilities, because there are attacks on civilian infrastructure. nevertheless, we have
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an it industry, one that can make quite a good amount of revenue, that can attract foreign money, and actually, here i am interested, in your opinion, which sectors of our economy can become for us the ones that will to attract investments in the 24th year, despite the fact that we are at war. well, i want to say right away, i'm not i expect high volumes of attraction of private investments, why? because it is clear that , in principle, all investors and businesses operating in ukraine today face several very important problems. the first problem is, of course, the problem of physical security, and a couple of days ago we saw how much, so to speak, the economy and in general our life depends on ensuring a peaceful sky above us, and in this case i am talking about effectively. the operation of our ppu system and so on. the second point, about which also it is obvious that if there are high military risks, our foreign partners and, in principle, ukrainian
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partners would not be against insuring these military risks. to date, we still do not have such a full-fledged military risk insurance system, although something is being done in this direction, but we understand very well that the situation here is very, very difficult. well, and the third problem, uh, to be honest, to which there is no unequivocal answer today, this is a problem related to working hands, some ukrainians are abroad, some are in the army, and it is clear that today the provision of military security is the best investment, the best investment, and in principle, on the other hand, all our large, small and medium-sized businesses today very actively complain about the fact that they feel a severe shortage, a severe shortage of workers, that's why we have a very difficult situation. where from my point of view, you know, there is no such rule as to how to get out of it, that is, you have to accept some of on the one hand, point solutions, and on the other hand, so to speak, it means to lead some,
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to introduce some certain, including long-term changes. look, if we 're looking at this strategy of national income, how many, what number of fops, individual entrepreneurs, do you think can close their activities, taking into account certain, so to speak, tax ... i'm not ready, frankly, to answer that question, because in principle, there were different, so to speak numbers, there were different circumstances, let's say, at one time, for example, during covid, and even at the beginning of the war, the number of fops, so to speak, if they were decreasing, then anyway they just froze, they did not work, so to speak, yes, then the number of fops began to recover, so to speak, so i think that here it is necessary to make some kind of calculations. and in general to look at the reaction of the fops themselves, because, as i already said,
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there are a large number and variety of people. those economic factors that together can, so to speak, affect our behavior semi-citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities. we understand that this year is still, as they say, somehow yes, we will still be over, and if we are talking about the next year, because you know, as they say, you have to prepare the sana in the summer, and we understand that this is how we started the 24th year , but nevertheless, the 25th year will make itself known in a year, and accordingly we understand that, well, at least in our geters. some of your colleagues have said that now the 25th year is a solid question mark, we would like to hear your assessment of the 25th year, is the government preparing or not our state before, how will we survive this next year? i think that the state is preparing for this, and we have seen and heard a large number of speeches by our leaders and the minister of finance, who, first of all, so
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to speak, keeps... er, means keeps his hands on ensuring the country, our budget system with money and the speeches of the representatives of the national bank and the speeches of the head of our ukrainian government, so i think that there is an understanding here, and then the question arises, what can we do today for now to look at certain scenarios to make some such certain decisions, sorry for saying so, so say not specifically why, because in... many, many moments have to be decided today and for tomorrow, yes, that is, we hoped , let's say that in december we will receive money from the european union, there is no money yet, the scheme of how it will work is not yet fully understood, we hoped to receive money from, say, the united states of america, and the money is military aid, actually, yes, for now we didn't get it and it also somewhat adjusts all of our, adjusts all of our all, all of our, all of our plans, but i think under
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these conditions, well... put it that way, again, i'm sorry, maybe not very specific, we must clearly understand what money is currently in the country, yes, and what to do in order to raise the money that is in some shady facilities and so on to the maximum extent, raise it to the mountain, this is the first point , the second moment, obviously, obviously, if the situation will escalate or go, let's say, the wrong way in the scenario we want, we will have to review the system of our state budget expenditures and perhaps go for, let's say , such... not very popular measures, let's say, redistribute revenues to a certain extent between the local budget, between local budgets and the central budget. mr. yehor, forgive us, we have to put a full stop here, because we now have an air alert throughout ukraine, we will say goodbye to you, unfortunately, for today ihor borakovskii, doctor of economic sciences, professor of the department of economic theory of sciences, ma, the chairman of the board of the institute of economic research and political consultations was in touch with us, now our viewers in ukraine
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are mass air. alarm throughout the territory of our state due to the flight of the mig 31 dagger bearer, according to the monitoring chats, three units of these migs have now taken off, so please follow the messages from the air force to know if there will be dagger launches and be sure to be in safe places, at least follow the two-wall rule, it is best to go to the shelter. kobzar, such a plaintiff. received by tatiana shevchenko on the front line, even before february 24, the woman signed up for the lviv teroborona, and on the first day of the full-scale invasion , they went to the location of the brigade to defend ukraine. i remembered that one of my professions is a medic, so i decided that i could be useful, i would learn all military things while in the reserve, leaving for training. in the past, mrs. tatiana worked
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as a nurse. lviv hospital, so she was hired as a sanitary instructor in the 103rd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. well, but the rank of instructor means the rank of instructor. my task is to save, er, help, treat, er, not only, let's say this, er, not only physically, but also morally, and simply to be a spiritual support for the team, for... personnel. in june 2023, a medical company was created at the base of the 103rd brigade. the command decided to appoint tatyana, the head nurse. near the front line , a medical reception room, a 25-bed inpatient unit and an evacuation department were set up in the basement. and the evacuation department is engaged in evacuation, interception


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