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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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so to speak, that the support from the european union and the united states, i will not say, will be delayed, but somewhat late, so we understand that our society is not going through the most optimistic days, and accordingly, will the enemy not be able to use his own for them, it is equal to shake up the internal ukrainian situation taking into account various facaps, often only informational plans, well, but those that affect our population , they use it... and they use it more and more actively, more and more strongly, but i have already made it a habit for myself personally to do certain tik-tok sessions, about an hour a day, i just look through the feed and see what this social network gives me, what clips, what exactly it uses, well, what is the logic here, that the material goes to consumers and develops clips. thinking dulls reason and works
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exclusively on emotion and forces you to act emotionally, and right now because of tiktok itself, in second place is telegram, then facebook, russians are actively now establishing such horizontal contact directly with ukrainian society, which is completely on 100% uses the internal ukrainian subpoena, and all those scandals that can even come out naturally, they hyperbolize them, they show them in a properly propagandistic way, and it really works, so it is a huge challenge today, in general, for ukrainians , for primarily a civil active society, how to resist it, regardless of the different party colors there, it is a huge problem today, someone says, maybe there should be a ban on social networks, maybe something else, i think... that the question here is quality
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content that we all generate in order to resist this russian invasion, very often, by the way, elements of artificial intelligence are used, when the videos are directly generated, and including your broadcasts , a completely different sound with a different context is substituted, and this is because of that it is tiktok that is very, very popular among the ukrainian audience, and this actually... once again proves that you need to consume information exclusively from verified sources, official sources, and ukrainians must observe information hygiene. igor ochelenko, head of the center for analysis and strategies, was in touch with us. we thank him for such a thorough analysis and we are already adding askad ashurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, to our conversation, we will actually ask about the situation in the zaporizhia region, what is happening there, mr. askad, congratulations on espresso, glory to ukraine and a happy new year. you: congratulations, glory, glory to the heroes
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, happy new year, mr. askade, please share the current information, in particular , it is about the shelling of zaporizhzhia with the use of certain missiles and drones, that is, the dynamics of recent days? probably, as in the whole country, the situation is tense enough, and zaporozhye was no exception, in fact, on the eve of the new year, the enemy quite actively shelled the oblasts. centers, front-line communities, and in that large-scale shelling, in fact, zaporizhzhia also suffered great losses, unfortunately, nine people died, more than a dozen were injured, infrastructure objects were destroyed. it should be noted that even now, conditionally on new year's eve, during the past day the enemy did not reduce the intensity of shelling, but only during the past during the day, there were 159 shellings, so it was no longer in the regional center, but it was in the front-line community of gulyapole, stepnohir skorihiv, and four civilians were wounded, just residents of gulyapole. the enemy
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actually used, for sure , all possible types of weapons, from barrel artillery to uavs, and at night the air defense forces also worked in the territory under the control of the zaporizhia region, because some shaheds, they were going through that territory of the zaporizhia region, i would like more clarify about compliance, let's say rules of stay on new year's eve, mostly ukrainians throughout the territory of our country. tried to be polite, yes, but we know, for example, about at least one case of launching fireworks, about the fact that they were launched in kyiv, this was denied, later, there was just such information in telegram channels, but we know that there were such cases, at least one there was such a case in cherkasy oblast, i would like to clarify with you how the night passed for you in general from the point of view that ukrainians, residents of zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region still consciously understood that the new the year is a new year, but you need to be at home, not at... on the street, yes, and actually
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observe the rules that currently exist in wartime, well, in general, everything went smoothly, in fact, and until the new year, on the eve of the holidays holidays are a recommendation, in fact. the request of the zaporizhia regional military administration that it is not necessary to avoid mass gatherings, i mean even church services, and also to avoid fireworks and/or other things that are prohibited there, that is why the celebration of holidays, and for the new year, well, in fact, such cases was not recorded, plus it should be noted that a few months ago the long-term mendan hours in zaporizhzhia and the controlled part were increased, now it starts not from the 12th, but from the 11th, that is, everyone understands that in zaporizhzhia there is enough... a difficult situation, residents understand that the front line is 30 km away, the situation is extremely difficult, the enemy only increases the number of shelling , so, let's say, by their actions , the local residents do not help the enemy, on the contrary, understanding the importance of security measures in the whole situation, maximally, let's say, all
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they celebrated in their homes, realizing how impossible it is to concentrate today, well, in principle, as surely as every day, because at one time we also had rocket attacks near shopping centers in zaporizhzhia, so... local residents understand how important it is to be safe during the new year holidays. mr. askade, look, i wanted to ask you about the situation on the battlefield, in particular, it is about novoprokopivka, robotyn and so on, the enemy has become extremely active there, maybe there is some additional information, it is about that performance that our fighters in the defense in the surovykin line knocked out, well, we can comment only as far as we understand from the point of view of the representative. of local self-government, and based on the public data of the general staff of the institute of world war studies, the situation is really quite difficult, especially in the robotino region, because the russian military, well , for the last few weeks, has probably been throwing massive, let’s say, the strength to knock out our military precisely on this direction, it seems to me that it should be stated that this
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was not possible, if there are any losses there territory, they are measured there by hundreds of meters, or there, well, no more than kilometers there , or there are some parts of populated areas there, namely... along this line, that is, it is not about the fact that they are approaching orichov or there to other populated areas that are holding fast, but again, statistically speaking, we even record that these days, the number of shelling increases, the number of attacks by the russians increases, because, well, they are pursuing their goals, in that including, for sure, political ones, just in case to show that they will be able to win back these territories that were liberated during our counteroffensive, but any significant shifts in the direction of orichov, in the direction of... well, it should be stated that it did not happen. thank you askata shurbekov, the deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was in touch with us, we thank him for taking part in such a festive day, today, yes, because today is the new year, and by the way, you and i are witnesses to the fact that russians these days
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completely disregard holidays, non-holidays , they purposefully try to destroy civilian infrastructure and kill ukrainians, and therefore there is a special need now. in the blood for both civilians and military. blood transfusions help save millions of lives, but donor blood is often in short supply, especially during holiday periods when people are celebrating, obviously, full-scale war has critically exacerbated the need, by donating blood, donors give other people a chance at life. when processing one blood sample , retrocytes, platelets and plasma can be made. these three components can potentially save three patients at once. how are we with... you we can help with our blood, let's see further in the plot. yuliana interenko, and she regularly donates blood. for the first time, the girl sat down in the donor chair at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, when she realized that she could save someone's life with this. then, while in
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uzhhorod, yuliana waited three days to replenish the blood bank. today, she came for a planned donation in kyiv. i donated blood regularly. studentship and now during the internship, i am an intern doctor, i understand the need to donate blood in general, both for the recipient and, in principle, for the donor, and if so, then well ukrainians are a nation of the strong, so why not share your strength for those in need. the blood donated by yuliana was processed and platelets were separated, this package will be immediately transferred to the needs of the hospital, it... in the name of amosov , there are currently about 200 patients who are waiting for whether they have already undergone heart surgery. for one surgical intervention, the recipient can be transfused with an average of four bags of blood or its components. in the case of platelets, they only last 5 days, so it's important
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to donate blood regularly to ensure the hospital with such necessary material. the need is always more common in those groups that are most common in the population. first and second blood group. usually , we try to keep donors of rare blood groups in reserve and call them, if necessary, specifically for the patient, since blood is stored for a short, long time. and it is desirable to always collect fresh blood and give it out on the day when we collected it for the patient, the military, including children, and other migrants, people who need emergency care, i.e. different categories of patients that we have to operate on even today, or now, or in a few days, and all the blood given to us by our donors, volunteer donors. this blood goes to such operations, in ukraine there is always a need
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for blood for transfusion, even if the hospital has all the groups and even their surplus, an unplanned operation may happen, and the blood bank will no longer have enough resources, especially the need for donors increases in periods holidays and vacations, when volunteers go on vacation, even though we live in a war, there is still even... well, such and such a traditional seasonality in blood donation, that is, for some reason, people donate blood less and less willingly and join the donor movement less often during this period, some are on a business trip, some are resting, some can go to other regions to visit their relatives, even on vacation, without being in their hometown, it is possible become a donor, for this you need to go to the donor platform on the internet and see: the need for blood is exactly where you are, on the site you can find a donation point convenient for you and sign up for
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a donation, before donating blood you will be tested to check the group and rhesus factor, tea and cookies will be served afterwards, so if you have no health restrictions, set aside a convenient day and sign up for a donation, your blood can save someone's life. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a versatile design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once, for yourself and your husband. side zippers. will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and
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, the milankas also celebrated melania, the melankas, celebrated their name days, so we also congratulate all the melanias, and to... to our conversations of anton semenov, psychotherapist, social psychologist, author of the volunteer project, how are you brothers, mr. anton, welcome to eterispressa, happy new year, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes and happy new year to everyone, mr. anton, we know what you are currently developing certain manuals that should help civilians, military personnel, and civilians who have become military personnel due to certain circumstances to communicate correctly with each other. yes, no, it was scary to talk about certain things, so that it was correct to talk about certain things, and i would like to ask you when you were developing these manuals, what problems did you actually face, maybe during the development process, and what things did you consider to be the most problematic in our
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society, given the long war and rather difficult conditions in which they live now. the very first problem we faced when we started to communicate with people who were having a hard time, who needed help, who wanted to help others, was that we had almost no answers to their questions, to their questions, that is, all our previous the examination turned out to be almost worthless, that is, such situations that have now arisen in... each other, they, well, we have not encountered such before, no one has studied them, we did not have ready-made recipes, and even old situations that people used to know how to deal with to cope, it turned out that due to the new conditions it was not possible again, that's where new algorithms are needed, new expertise is needed,
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that's why we are buckets in the project, well, it became clear almost immediately, and we began to collect from... the modern ukrainian experience , that is , people talk to us and tell us what is the problem and need help, and they themselves share with us their experience of how they cope, we generalize this experience and turn it into specific algorithms, into manuals, which we then distribute. mr. anton, look, we would like to ask you about some of the most characteristic moments, i.e. you very rightly noted about the rethinking of a certain collective experience. of individual experience, yes, but if we talk about certain guidelines along which our society moves, that is, the moment of adaptation of people to certain other realities, on the one hand, well, accordingly. what reactions do you have to face in order to overcome or correct them in principle? well, the main problem is that when people don't know what
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to say, how to approach, how to offer help, or just not there is a lack of a certain social protocol , how to interact, people are awkward because of this and do not communicate, this is a key problem, to overcome which, in principle, we and... and founded our project, because there are global studies both in america and in israel that socialization, i.e. the presence of interaction, relationships, is the main, the main factor that affects the moral and psychological state of both soldiers and their fighting spirit, and civilians on their stress resistance, resilience, so the main thing is that people do not lose heart, well, make efforts to to communicate with each other and for them to succeed, and in order for them to succeed, they need specific algorithms so that they know how to do it, for example, there is a situation where fighters want to go to
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the family of a fallen comrade, how to do it, what to say, how to prepare , what to tell the wife, what to tell the parents, what to tell the children, how to treat them, and they began to share that they want to do it, they believe that it is ... well, that it is necessary, directly, but because, who are afraid to hurt, said something inappropriate, wrong, they, well, someone there makes a decision to avoid such communication, this is the main problem, we need to understand that the main thing we have is our unity, our social contact, there will be no such thing, there will be nothing, by the way, you know, mr. anton, we during this past 23rd year , we observed a huge and... number of fights, excuse my words, among ukrainians, and we gnawed at each other on almost every topic, some scandalous, yes, is it right
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to celebrate, for example, the new year, there, no i don't know if it's wrong to throw some parties because there's a brutal one going on right now war, at every turn we see military funerals, and this is considered absolutely immoral by someone, and you know, society lives in some such certain double standard. constantly, i do not know how to do it correctly , whether it will be right this way, whether it will be right this way, and what, if i do it this way, how will it be perceived by my friends there, acquaintances and so on, but i would like to understand how do you as a person, as a psychotherapist, as a social psychologist advise to approach these things? and first of all, i will remind you that as a psycho, as a psychotherapist and social psychologist, i don't advise anything now, because i recognize that ... for the circumstances that we have here and now, preliminary examination is almost worthless, you have to see how people cope, what helps them, and that doesn't help them, here
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are just key if things, we understand that contact between people is definitely good, and alienation is definitely bad, of course everyone needs time alone, it's separate, but we need to maintain relationships , that's the main thing. and how to do it, how to do it correctly, you need to see how it works with people, that is, we live now in such times when a new social etiquette is being formed, and our task in the project is not to invent things from our expert position, to observe how things turn out well in units, in public organizations, in communities, how people cope , and where these cases are handled well. to notice, to emphasize, to generalize and to convey to everyone else so that they know, this is how it works, look, on the other hand, we also realize that our society now, i
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think, has changed so much that sociologists or social psychologists , i think, could just, i don't know, be horrified, yes, on the other hand, there is a big plus, society has stood up, that is, the key story of the russian interventionists was to make a so-called... shock in order to bring ukrainians to this shock , thank god, and thanks in principle to the wise efforts of many people who reassured the ukrainians at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the collapse did not happen, but if we talk about some of your individual observations, what our society is like now, because you are very right noted the need for delicate communication in society, which really often goes through shocking situations. we can already observe a clear change, such a trend towards an increase in collective values,
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i.e. it is not so important how much personal money you have, as there, how great your own well-being is, how important it is, how other people treat you, this has become key there, here, and another very important change, which can already be clearly noticed, everyone the ukrainian has become a person who is ready to help, that is, if you turn to anyone for help ukrainian, you... are almost guaranteed to get a person who is ready to help. our problem now is that we have an abnormal request for help, which is basically a standard, normal everyday thing, just ask for help, maybe a little help, maybe a lot of help, but what is it, so far this has not happened with us the norm
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of asking for help, but... readiness to help has already become the norm, we can already clearly notice this, mr. anton, but we also see that young people, they are still not ashamed anymore, after all, in their the majority do not hesitate to go to psychotherapists, psychologists , psychiatrists, nevertheless, we see that the older generation still has some, you know , i would say, a slightly soviet opinion about this, because once upon a time psychiatry was regarded as some kind of punishment, you know such a method. and it is very difficult in the human mind to change this approach, because we understand that one way or another now each of us needs some kind of conversation, even a conversation with a psychologist, at a minimum, and what would your arguments be, for example, to those people who still believe , what to go to only those people who, as the people say, have headaches, have a psychotherapist or a psychologist, although i absolutely do not agree with this statement, but i would like you, as a specialist,
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to explain to people. and i will say more, we are observing a trend that the attitude towards psychology and even psychological help, here is not only about specialists in general, in general not only about their work, about psychological help in general, about science, about the industry, but it has become more seriously, almost every military man says that psychology is well, it’s serious, it’s useful, but there’s a pro... problem in asking for help, because so far there’s a lot of mistrust of psychologists as specialists, specific people, organizations, etc., and here we in the project are solving the problem a little bit - to another, we are trying to spread basic knowledge that can be used by all people, regardless of experience and the presence of psychological education, that is, how is it possible...
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just to support each other psychologically in two words, how to do it, here is such, this is the information we collect and spread among of all ukrainians, and because of this, the level of trust in psychological help in general increases, and people then we already have certain, but not yet proof and scientific statistics, but we are collecting little by little, about how it has a good effect on the fact that later on people it is easier to apply for psychological help. that is, they can get such pre-medical help from their friends, who will put a tourniquet on them, and then surgeons can work, here too, that is, people , those who are close, relatives, friends, they can tell a person something right, support in other words, to listen properly, and then it is easier for a person to seek psychological help if he needs it. thank you,
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anton semenov, psychotherapist of social... psychologist, author of the volunteer project how did you get in touch with us, brother, you can also read the manuals that mr. anton is currently developing to help military and civilians on his facebook page find an understanding, but now it's 4:00 p.m. on the clock, which means that it's news time on the espresso tv channel, so antin and i will pass the floor to our colleague, the beautiful irina koval, who has already prepared the freshest and most operative information for this moment with the news editor. therefore, iro, we give you the floor, and tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country, and i want to call on all kyivans and residents of kyiv region to be careful, because enemy drones are moving, and ukrainian air defense is already working, so please be careful, stay in safe places, and literally behind...


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