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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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comprehensive analysis of the counteroffensive that took place in the summer of 23rd year, we had the opportunity to go and follow the tracks of this counteroffensive to see what was happening there, so there in zaporizhzhia and in the south of the donetsk region, i realized that i had to delete the phrase from my dictionary when we win and after the victory, because there is... i realized how catastrophic and serious the problem is at the front. such counterattacks as we had in 22nd year, when we managed to break the front in the kharkiv region and advance 100 km to kupyansk in a couple of days, are no longer like this it will be, because the enemy learns very well, unfortunately, including us, and... during the counteroffensive
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, our military, they faced the fact that the russians paid off as cool on our territory, and we had the opportunity to see it too, we drove from the great novosilka to the south to the village of neskuchne, which was deoccupied in june, and we saw simply continuous, mined fields, houses, everything. not by the corpses of soldiers, burnt equipment, we realized how difficult this counteroffensive is and how very, very bad everything is, but as an example for our viewers, for understanding, in in the village of novodarivka, zaporizhzhia region , more precisely in what remains of the village, there is only one house standing there now, and this village was also deoccupied during the counteroffensive, in this two-powder house...
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a russian sniper was sitting from a brick, and he made dugout in the floor, lined it with concrete, and it was simply impossible to knock it out, and so now the russians are fighting, and i, to be honest, i have no idea how we will win back these lands by military means, you told me now about the counteroffensive, about this, about these positions, which our troops passed somewhere... and about what is still ahead, where the enemy continues its encroachments, and i know that you have been to others, to other areas of the front, and we were just talking about your impressions of this silver forestry, which , well, for many people, you understand that there is hell, but how real is this hell, i want you to tell about this story and in general, supplementing this daily life of soldiers in such and such a regime, i will say so, well certain hell is hell in this mode. how to describe it, how to give it
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the opportunity for our viewers to experience and feel this through your words, because it is very important, if the viewers, all ukrainians, do not feel this, well, there will be no help from the front , which we count on, which we want to shout about, you know, vasyl, this very interesting moment, we talk a lot about what the government does not do or does for our military, we very often criticize and... but we do certain actions of our state, but the military has a completely different vision of the situation, for example, the scandal with eggs for uah 17 each. in january 23, zareklo conducted an excellent investigation, finding out that the ministry of defense purchases food for the military for three years, then in june... of the same year
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, the state government confirmed this purchase and this scandal flared up again, at that moment we were on the front line with our military, and the military ask me: artem, is it true? i say what they say it's true that men in odesa are now sunbathing on the beaches and swimming while we are at war here, i understood that in this... there is an essence of how they see what is happening in the rear now, when in recent weeks we are actively discussing the behavior of the president during the press conference, the military is not dissatisfied with what he said to maryan and valera, they are dissatisfied with why the journalists did not ask the president about fpiv drones, and them, he is sorry, he promised a million, yes promised, but...
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the military is outraged why society is moving away from war, why a very large part of people do not identify with war anymore, so they believe that war is a problem of the state, and they are much more traumatized by the video from queues from cars to bokovel, than stories about the fact that the ministry of defense did not fulfill a certain number of contracts there, and this is a problem, i thank you, unfortunately, there is not much time to discuss, although we talked with you and here the conversation can be carried on for hours, but i know and believe that the next year you will continue to be there and lead. this bridge is very necessary between the war and the rear, between the front and the rear, because without it, well, without it , you can't talk about victory, victory is the logic and lever of certain necessary actions. and dmytro didora, he is literally in the same class the day when the kakhovka hydroelectric power station was blown up, he left, he left,
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the next day he left for the scene of the incident, and thanks to him, ukrainians were also able to see and understand what was happening there, he also... was there, but now let's look at the material , and then we will discuss this and other important topics. footage of the kakhovskaya hessian railway, destroyed by the russians, went viral all over the world. 18 billion cubic meters of water flowed out of the reservoir, exposing huge spaces that were previously under water. according to the ministry of defense of ukraine, she died. 32 people, 39 more went missing. how many people died in the territories occupied by the russians is still unknown. on the day of the disaster
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, volunteers, doctors, rescuers, and journalists went to kherson. the place of gathering of evacuated people and animals in kherson became the shipping area, flooded houses. streets and entire blocks, cars, tons of oil products, garbage dumps, cattle burial grounds were in the water. the entire south, from dnipropetrovsk to odesa regions, felt the consequences of the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant. 60,000 homes were flooded, almost in total 6 million square meters of territory. in a matter of days. as well as a number of smaller settlements remained without water supply. in kherson region and mykolaiv region, people still cannot restore their homes in some places. literally a day.
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after a day, it all settled down. the ecological consequences of undermining a hydroelectric plant are terrifying. in water samples collected by volunteers at 12 points in the south of the pass. amount of zinc and cobalt, arsenic was also found. the danger is that these substances, after entering the living body, are not removed from the body it, accumulate and over time can lead to fatal consequences. and when the water quality will be restored, scientists cannot predict. the kokhov gesture is a terrible crime by the russians and the most ecological disaster that happened this year in ukraine at the hands of the russian military, but first of all it is... a disaster for the people who were there, and it is about the people and the consequences of this terrible crime, dmytro , will tell you, because dmytro was there, please, in fact, vasyl, what struck me the most at that time in kherson, i had never been there, this is the first time i have been in this city, i have not been, i have not seen the central square where
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the liberation of the city was held, i have not seen other areas, perhaps more beautiful than the ship district in which we were, and when we arrived at the square there ... where people were rescued from the kurabel district, i saw one inscription, it was supposedly some kind of information board there, and it was completely in the water, and there was only one inscription: kherson, the city of korabeliv, this is the phrase, it stuck in my mind head, probably for the rest of his life, but the people in kherson, they were impressive then really with their resilience, they took out all the animals, domestic animals, people took even the boguns from the state emergency service, they could even take cows in order to evacuate and save them, but there were people who did not want to leave, who believed that the water would go away, and
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the story was like this, two men in sabboards, went to the area, collected information about those who needed to be rescued and evacuated, and... gave it to the rescuers, and they told a very interesting story, when people specifically came out on the upper floors of the building, they got it generator, fed themselves, baked bread. they said: bring us only food , we will survive here, we will not leave, no, we will not leave our home, but seeing kherson in such a state, at first it was difficult, and men do not cry, there is a stereotype, but i could not resist some emotions, i wanted to shout even more, speak even more , write more, show people exactly what russia has done, i want... you know what i talked about, i know that you were in kherson and orichov, and, in those territories where the war is already breathing
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with your hot straight in the face, and so now all of us ukrainians live in ukraine, both de-occupied and occupied, under the control of the ukrainian government, but still it is a little different life in different regions of our country, we perfectly understand, i would like you told about those people who now stay where the war is, again, very close, where such a thing can happen when you wake up in the morning and the water is already flowing, or tomorrow... cabs and something else arrive, these people who live despite everything, yes, really, and when you start asking them why, why will you go, won't you go, more precisely, there is one phrase that is also very memorable, if we leave our city, if the last resident, resident of this city leaves, the city will cease to exist, not because they say, not because that the russians can raze it to the ground, not because we have destroyed everyone. because we won't be in this place, and people don't want to leave it all, not because they have
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any material condition, most likely everything has already been destroyed, like in the walnut tree of mrs. elena, which we were, she doesn't have a house, she lives in the basement and in a small old house the kitchen, the basement remained , but the entrance there was cleared a little, the entrance was cleared, she lives there, but she can hear it, because it’s scary, there’s nothing to heat up, in the basement you have to... cover yourself with several blankets, if it’s a larger basement, like, for example, in in schools of former institutions, then there are already small pots, and people are warming up, right? sometimes the locals have to live in their own houses where they keep canning, something else, and people cover themselves there, and they live like that, during the day the lights go out, they cook something, do something, in the evening they go to the basement, in orichov there was... not a single minute when there were no explosions, not a single minute, somewhere, but exploding, yes, somewhere, but exploding,
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airplanes fly constantly, for the first time in orichov i heard how to drop a cap, eh, this sound, its you can't compare with anything else, at that moment you start thinking about life, yourself, everything, it's as if everything flashed through you, and you gather and understand, you even feel this... shock wave, yes, the shock wave is very big from kabiv, and at that moment, we were on the central square of orichova, when she dropped it, we were standing, writing down a comment, and it was at the moment when i turned off the camera, this explosion was very massive, and the trees were already without leaves, but swayed, and - i can't imagine how people live all the time, but they say, we get used to it, we get used to it and to such a life , they, i understand... fired somewhere where they throw the front, most likely, if i am not mistaken, well, there are more than 100 kg of
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explosives, in my opinion, if i am not mistaken, there are half tons, one and a half , there are half tons, but there are, in my opinion, up to 1.5 tons, as far as i know, nuts are shelled 3-4 times every day, which we civilians at least they said, that’s how they say that we suffer the most from the cabs, not from the artillery because, they always say, they drop the cabs, i will ask you very briefly at the end, friends and colleagues, now not even about the military, about civilian people, what is happening in these territories, there are many cases, this is not no, again, without criticizing anyone, this is simply a fact, many people will sing songs abroad, and ukraine will win, everything will be fine, these holidays will pass, i want to ask , so that this message is possible from those people who are now near the front line or in the occupation, well, near the front line, how are they, what is victory for them , how do they see it, how do they think we will win? and in this situation, staying there, where can you really go? for them
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it's a clear and quiet sky above their heads, that's all they want, for the shelling to stop , well, and i think they really believe that, which is important, staying there, they understand that tomorrow the enemies may come, or rather they are afraid and refuse to believe what they do not want, your impressions, not so many people i ask about the victory, because i understand that this topic is not relevant for them now, eh, but there was one question, i asked this in kharkiv, when we were filming again... one story about the restoration of houses, and for people this is their home, they say victory is for me my whole house, intact. i thank you very much, i want to say, friends, guys, my colleagues , that you bring these voices to our audience, you give these shots, and you give emotions and experiences, because having experienced it, you put it in the plot, people still feel it , this
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it is important, and i thank you for your work and i know and believe that next year you will continue to do it, because... it is necessary for those people who are there, it is necessary for us, and this bridge must be between the military and civilians, between people, 3 km from the front, and those people who are further, because only together we will be able to get there, this is maturity and understanding of the situation in which we are, i thank you for giving this understanding, there are discounts on , 10% at travel pharmacies... you and savings. a special performance by a legendary band. a dead rooster with an orchestra lviv opera with the christmas and selected program. early lyrical songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. on january 8 , the stage of the lviv opera. tickets on the website
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of the organizer big espresso and radio are information partners. fm galicia - live sound. there are 20% discounts on fkalor in podorozhnyk pam and oschad pharmacies. well, it is also very important to understand that war is money, and when there is no money, unfortunately, there will be no war, there will be no resources to
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enter it, and although social issues are certain, payments. confident in ukraine, we can now cover, our government can cover at the expense of foreign finances, foreign money, euros, dollars, but our army lives on taxes paid by ukrainian taxpayers, all of us and you are citizens of ukraine who work, and this is what happened in the year 23 and oleksandr morchivka will tell us what we are going into the 24th year, whether it will be fuel for the war, what is most important, what state the economy, the ukrainian national currency may be in. ukraine will be able to live no more than two months without money from international partners. such forecasts made by imf analysts. despite record gold and currency reserves during the war, our country continues to live mainly on foreign loans, grants and other non-refundable aid. according to the latest calculations, from the beginning
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of the great war until october 25, the main partners provided us with almost 64.4 billion financial aid, the most being the usa and the eu. these funds provided almost half of the state budget expenditures. defense costs are financed by ukraine with its own funds. only in the first 10 months of the current year, they amounted to 1.390 billion uah these are taxes, duties, excises. but the rest of the expenses, in particular the salaries of state employees and reconstruction, are covered by the allies. in addition to them, the financial back of security. and leading global financial institutions: world bank, ebrd, european investment bank. this year, the funds from them went to support critical infrastructure and the performance of administrative functions in the country. and on march 21 , the international monetary fund announced that it agreed with the government on an unprecedented cooperation program. it is designed for four years and provides for
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a soft loan for a record amount - 15 billion 600 million dollars. they have already received more than 4.5 billion dollars in state coffers. this year, ukraine also thanks other states for strategic infusions into ukraine's economy. for example, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, germany has directed more than 1 billion 300 million dollars into our treasury. italy received more than 117 million dollars. they received 91 million dollars from britain, and denmark provided almost 23.5 million dollars. norway poured into our economy 21 million dollars, latvia - 16 million dollars. 11 million 700 thousand dollars came from lithuania, and austria supported us on one . in the coming year we will also have to live and rebuild mostly with foreign money. almost half of the expenses in the country's main budget are
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funds from our friends. ukraine is counting on this support. well, you know, before giving the floor to oleksandr morchivka, my colleague from the economic audience, i will say just one phrase: half way through my desk, i said that war is money, money and money again, so money is actually a lot depends if not all in a successful war campaign. alexander, please. vasyl, here i agree with you, because the war is not only for spirituality, for the nation, for our values, for the european values ​​that ukraine professes now. this is a war for resources, and resources , of course, are money. well, the plot was that without money from international partners, ukraine would have lost a long time ago, and that is true. friends, let 's be honest that now the lion's share of all state budget expenditures is international aid. from the united states and the european union and many other countries that support our state in the war with the russian aggressor. and i can say that it is probably logical here that financial assistance
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steps alongside military aid, although military aid, and we often hear serhiy zugurets about it on the air, military aid is a little behind the financial aid, which they are really trying to promptly transfer to our accounts. partners it must be understood that now, despite all the respect for the united states, the european union takes the lead, and in the future we hope that in the coming years, and this is already provided for in the project, in the budget of the european union, our state will receive international funding from there. the only thing i want to say that it is difficult for ukraine to raise its own finances now, because many enterprises are destroyed, many are under. enterprises do not receive such profits, accordingly they do not pay less taxes. currently, the european union is especially betting on small and medium-sized businesses , which are a kind of donor that replenishes the treasury,
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and accordingly, from the income from small and medium-sized enterprises, our soldiers will receive material support, financing, bonuses, as they say, but it is necessary to understand that in at the same time, i want the authorities to understand what you are doing fiscally, especially as it happened this year, to revise certain tax rates, to try to return despite even the recommendations of the international monetary fund, to return business inspections, i think the government should have acted more carefully here, just to let people work and let people replenish the coffers , yes, these words, in my opinion, it was about one of the people's deputies from the servant of the people, about how to shear sheep, and then shear them. geese, well, you definitely can't treat vasyl like that, i think, not yet there will be no one to cut a bit of such a policy , well, these are people, and even business, these are not geese and not sheep, it is obvious from some criminal criminal slang,
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you can probably treat it that way, but definitely not from the state or from officials, please yuri, oleksandr, you know, i had a question after the story, look, we receive a lot of help from our western partners, it comes both in the form of loans and, as far as i understand, also in the form of non-returnable funds. some aid, but there are also international loans currency fund, and considering the fact that we received these loans even before the war, there are a lot of them, we need to constantly give them back, during the 23rd year we give them back, is this some kind of credit holiday, or thank you yur, yuro for the question, really it is necessary to understand that in addition to grants and these non-returnable funds, just such support of our budget, the lion's share is still loans, and it is necessary to understand what to give. we will have to, the only plus is loans at a preferential rate, it is insignificant, as from the international monetary fund, as from european credit organizations
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, the european bank for reconstruction and development , the european investment bank, they are coming to meet us, but these rates are piling up, and we will need to understand that we will have to give funds, i will not say that this is a hassle, it is a burden that hangs on the shoulders of ukraine and i am sure again that... next year these rates on loans to us will be restructured, that is, they will be spread over a certain period, they will soften the calculation, they promise us this, and our ministry of finance hopes for it, but still, you will understand later victory, we will give this money from our economy, from our incomes, but here we must also thank international partners, in particular the european union for grants, we are talking about small and medium-sized businesses, that's right. supports with non-refundable funds the development of veteran business, women's business, these are currently popular directions for development, these are popular directions to find yourself
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now in... ukraine, and this is a prospect for filling not only state, but also local budgets, community development. mrs. natalya, please please, i wanted to ask, well, as far as financial support for the military is concerned, it is clear there, and aid, and of course, rear life is very important, and people are interested in what to buy, how to feed, how much it costs. such simple questions that we all live with, well, every day actually, and are there any forecasts regarding the behavior of our hryvnia, well, in relation to the euro, to the dollar, well, how will it behave? thank you, natalka , for the question, which is important for all of us. this year , the national bank has softened its stance a little regulation of the exchange rate, well, he partially let the hryvnia float in relation to
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the euro, relative to the dollar, and... to understand that our national currency reacted quite positively to the collapse of such forecasts given by skeptics that the dollar would rise wildly on the second day, the hryvnia would depreciate , did not happen. well, of course, we had a certain financial rear, again, this is the rear of ukraine's gold and currency reserves, which were built up thanks to our international partners. it is clear that part of the loans goes to the reconstruction of ukraine, to the renewal of the energy sector infrastructure. but the lion's share settles precisely in the coffers of the state, the gold and currency... reserves are now at a record high level despite the war , this is such a rear for the stability of the hryvnia, and i am sure that next year it will also hold firm against the dollar, natalko yevhen, please also had a question? yes, but my question will not refer to this year, which is coming to an end, ended in 2023, but rather to the next year, if you recall the final press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi, he answered there on the issue of mobilization, long and
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messy enough. he gave this answer, and the president said that the general staff proposes or demands , i don't know which word is better, to call up an additional 450-500 thousand men next year, i already understand that, and the president also said that in order to provide for these troops, it is necessary an additional 500 billion uah. i have a question, will ukraine be able to find this money and how? well, if the provision of the military, then all... i will emphasize once again that the provision of the military is income of the ukrainian budget, revenues are mainly provided by taxpayers, entrepreneurs, you and i, because we are also employees, we pay taxes to the state budget, and this is usually the financial support of the military, if you exclude us, or entrepreneurs, or other taxpayers taxes...
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from life, from the economy, and to make, for example, replenishment with this figure announced by the president of ukraine, then of course the tax payment will also decrease. for several months , vasyl and i asked economic experts in ours issues about whether it is possible to bleed off the economy and essentially conscript everyone into the army, well, the expert answer is that it cannot be done, because there will not be again... after all, the budget will not be able to provide specific money for the military, well, here it is such a closed circle and this is complicated mathematics, how it will actually be possible to implement these predictions of volodymyr zelenskyi, i can’t say yet, expert economists can’t say it, well, but actually there are people whom we elected, who according to their qualifications should answer such questions questions, consult, it is possible that a government of national unity will be created, specialists, professionals, politically distant ones will be involved.
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from each other, who may find certain solutions or be able to get in touch with colleagues from abroad, again to find these joint solutions, in any case, solutions must be found, we are in such a situation that we are actually in the middle of the ocean, we must swim out, well then we have the right to drown, it is a closed circle, really, vasyl, because the economy does not stand on military rails, so to speak, we have a market economy, we have a democratic one economy, but what is expected from the president's office in the future, these are already challenges for the economy, which should work entirely on military rails, thank you. to another topic, yesterday i read a woman's post, and here i will not even blame, because someone says: people want to live with some joys of life, this person is a friend of mine on facebook, she volunteers, well , she lives quite actively through war he says, this year i decided to remember that there are holidays, to make a christmas tree, somehow to distract myself at least for a short time from what i am leading to, two years of war, we do not even understand, probably until the end, what happened to us, what is happening to us, where we are...


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