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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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in 2023, there were a lot of publications in the world press that putin wants a transition, putin is looking for opportunities to hold such talks, of course, on his own terms, the world media write that kyiv is not yet ready, or kyiv has its own conditions, although we understand that russia also has its own conditions to recognize the so-called new territorial reality, and this is in the 22nd year. it was announced about this new territorial reality , the new york times just a few days ago also wrote about the fact that putin is ready to of the negotiation process, its representatives of the ukrainian authorities and analytical institutions say that these are commissioned texts from the russian federation, which appear in the international press in order to remind that putin is not against negotiations, or is it possible... in general the negotiation process
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as such, even if it will take place in different countries and with the participation of different countries, representatives of different countries, it is not just volodymyr zelenskyy sitting across from volodymyr putin, but, let's say, the ukrainian delegation in geneva is sitting with by the delegations of certain european countries, and putin is sitting there with the delegations of other asian or middle eastern countries, and they are mediators. before ending the war in ukraine, is it possible to imagine such a structure and such a negotiating group that would work in two different places, but the result would be some agreements there? well, mr. serhiy, i can’t imagine such a situation even hypothetically, because what does it mean that we are negotiating with russia, it means that we are setting, so to speak... about an ultimatum
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the demand that you get out of ukrainian land, pay compensation, extradite war criminals led by putin himself, and then we will talk about something, or putin says, complete demilitarization of ukraine, complete neutral status without any talks, return of the russian language , the return of the opzajists or something like that. to the fifth column, the russian church and all these things that he constantly talks about, and then the question is in the problem, and what are we talking about in general, is there even a hint that it would be possible to agree on something, positions the parties are so opposite and mutually exclusive that to think about, well, any chance for negotiations, well, i'm honest. saying, i don’t know, but
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the fact that moscow uses its agents of influence in the west, well , you don’t have to go to goroshka here, these are obvious things, and you see, these are whole special operations, these are waves, but suddenly in several leading american and articles about the negotiations appear in european publications, well, it does not happen that for some reason the same at the same time, at the same moment... different authors come up with opinion, the same idea, well, it doesn’t happen like that , it means that it’s all being prepared, it’s all being prepared carefully, again, a special topic is chosen, which putin needs now for one reason or another, and he launches it, to a great extent unfortunately, he uses the same democracy in the west, which is a sacred cow there and to... allows the appearance,
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including such paid, i think, without any doubt, materials in order to create a certain atmosphere around the war, so this should be treated calmly, but at the same time, understand that the ideological war is no less acute than any other, and putin uses it quite well, it must be ... noted, because, unfortunately, the canned goods that he left in the west are actually very, very many , well, not only in the west , but also in the east, if we take the statement of the self-proclaimed president of belarus lukashenko, that zelensky began to understand that the political way to resolve the conflict in ukraine, as he said, is the only one, lukashenko said under during a visit to moscow, where it happened.
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economic union or cooperation, the summit was held, and what lukashenko said, let's listen , i think that the very chance... we will work with them somehow more closely so that they understand that this is the only chance, if they do not take advantage of it, it will be military or political decisions, now they have reached the political level, the military is oppressing, as i always said , the military sees what is happening, the pressure is very strong, you probably already noticed from zelensky's press conference, he is beginning to understand , well, sorry about... him the political string is simply putin's, and this political string, he has been making statements for the past two years, and he is a fellow student of putin's aggression against ukraine, his country was the site from which
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russian troops entered on february 24, 2022, and now it passes 23rd year, i still have the same question, why are we still in diplomatic relations with. well , i don't have an answer to these questions, maybe you, mr. volodymyr, can clearly outline the role of lukashenka during this war and some kind of warm attitude of ukraine towards official minsk, because in the conditions of the war, it seems to me that we should put an end to all the questions, and in particular the question, who is this and what is belarus in this? no, you see, mr. serhiy , why is lukashenko behaving like this, because, well, he perfectly understands how important it is for him to cling to putin, because the end
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of putin, whether political or physical, is equal to the end of lukashenko, politically or physically, this is a direct dependence, that is, this... something that , i think, he already understood for a very, very long time, and because of this he will lick putin and to repeat his delusions, as much as necessary, he simply has no other way out, this is the connection that is saving for lukashenka, as long as there is putin, as long as there is as long as there is lukashenka, relative to... belarusians, you know, i think that we should not cross out the future of belarusians, due to the fact that they, unfortunately, have been under the yoke of their collective-farm, so-called president for so many years. belarusians
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are europeans, belarusians are a european people with traditions and culture of european origin. they will definitely return to... to europe after the collapse of muscovy in its current form, therefore, to break relations with the belarusians, with the belarusian people, well, it would be completely unfair and wrong, we are probably the closest people to the belarusians who are on this earth, ethnically, geographically, historically, therefore that we, both slavic peoples, are close peoples, friendly peoples, peaceful peoples, so there is an understanding here that we should still think about the future of this country and our closest neighbor, regarding diplomatic relations, here i am with you completely i agree, it's not about
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people, it's about power, and i've been talking about it for a long, long time, and to be honest, i still can't understand what we're losing by severing these relations, because they really don't exist. well, the very concept of diplomatic relations implies that countries agree to develop friendly relations in various spheres, political, economic, humanitarian, cultural, sports, whatever. but we do not have any friendly relations with belarus. in no field, so your question is perfectly valid, to be honest, i don't know and i can't give myself an explanation of why we should formally keep these relations, which do not really exist. thank you, mr.
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volodymyr, i will remind our tv viewers that we work on several platforms at the same time on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms. and on facebook, the nato secretary general stated that russia will no longer achieve the goals of its invasion of ukraine. the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance noted that the russian... president putin has lost ukraine forever and even despite great military efforts, russia will not be able to achieve its goals in ukraine, and after two years of war, ukraine is closer to nato and the eu than ever. the year 2023 was quite difficult for ukraine, because we sought to receive an invitation to join the north atlantic alliance. in july , the summit of the north atlantic alliance was held in vilnius. we were told that they see us in the future in nato, but we did not receive an invitation, in december we received approval from
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the leaders of the european union that we can start negotiations with the member countries of the european union, how do you assess the foreign policy successes this year 2023, could we get much more? than we have, i'm mr. serhiy, i'll start with this quote that you have on your screen right now, and it's true, russia will no longer achieve the goals it dreamed of, it will never defeat ukraine, and this is an obvious fact. the only thing that i would like much more is that mr. stoltenberg or other european, american... people formulated this opinion in a slightly different way, that ukraine should achieve the goals that it
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has set for itself, and these are the goals that we are talking about i was just talking to you when the russian troops will be thrown out, knocked out of the ukrainian land, when they compensate us for the damage caused to us, when russia will be punished, punished and... specifically with regard to those who committed crimes, and in general, when it will be really demilitarized, demilitarized, god forbid , and transformed into completely different structures that are being formed on its territory, i think that a change, so to speak, of such rhetoric, it would help our western partners to come to the conclusion more quickly that... that it is necessary to change both the forms of aid and the forms of protection of ukraine, and
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here i approach your question about nato, yes, unfortunately, in vilnius we did not get what we wanted, maybe our expectations were somewhat exaggerated, but our desire to have a stable and guaranteed is not exaggerated. security, so we cannot join nato during the war, it is obvious, but we can get the tools that we will use so that the russian enemy understands that one more step against ukraine, or rather, that every next step against ukraine will be it costs more and more expensive, but with this i think it is necessary to go to washington summit. and to ensure that we start at least the same procedure
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that we have now along the lines of the european union, the beginning of negotiations, it is not guaranteed that these negotiations will end tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it is a very difficult process, it is something that has to go through and it will not be easy to go through , considering many factors and... on the battlefield and off the battlefield, see how much hungary is blocking sweden's entry into nato, without regard to the fact that they have no common points of contact, neither positive nor negative and so further, therefore this one the topic will remain, it seems to me, very relevant and main on the agenda of our foreign policy, if we talk about... the results of the 23rd year, it seems to me that they are more than positive in the
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sense that the decision to start the negotiation process with the european union , it's not about technical details, it's not about the fact that we need to adapt several thousand documents there to european standards, it's not about the fact that we need to close 30 or more relevant ones there. for an introduction, it's about a political decision, it's about a decision about what in the west, they finally included ukraine in their political space. that this means that there will be no more talks about ukraine, in russia, between russia and ukraine, in the entire zone, or in some other zone, no, ukraine, and this is a political decision that is fundamental, it is already in the minds of our western partners is part of their space, and i think
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the significance of this decision is really hard to overstate, is to guarantee... us one hundred percent and at the same time in the near future joining both alliances, yes, of course, it will not be a gift, yes of course, we have to pay for it, we will pay again and pay dearly, because these are not easy processes, but this is a guaranteed ticket to the european union and, and, and i think, in the near future also to nato, and these are fundamental things that happened right now in in the 23rd year, therefore... if we talk about such strategic results, then in my opinion they are more than positive. and this, mr. volodymyr, is the answer to the question that was articulated, or to the problems that putin himself articulated during the munich security conference in 2007, his famous munich
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speech, when he spoke about the fact that russia will never put up with the fact that it is not one of the poles of the world. politicians and reproached the west for the expansion of the east and reproached his european partner for the fact that they somehow do not treat russia that way, one way or another, but the 23rd year was the year when putin received this answer, that is, after 16 years, why the west reacted for so long to what putin tried to say and do later, because in the seventh year, well, that's how they treated this speech. our european partners are pretty much shrugging their shoulders, in the 23rd year, the european union and nato made it clear to putin that europe and the space surrounding russia will not be as putin imagines. this is absolutely, you see, and
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here the examples of two northern countries, finland and sweden, are simply illustrative. i... i talked a lot with finnish colleagues earlier, and when asked if they were thinking about joining nato, i heard the same thing: no, the idea of ​​neutrality is so deeply rooted in our society, we have become so accustomed to it, it suits us, we don't need anything else it is necessary that there was actually a topic of joining nato at all, well, really. so irrelevant, if not so, one might even say, speculative , and here we see what happened, and by the way , look at how interestingly moscow reacted to it, that is, there was not, well, something that would suddenly overturn the political system russia, well, let's not forget from the finnish
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border to st. petersburg, there... something like 60 or 70 km, that is, it's not even minutes of approach, it's seconds of approach, and at the same time, no tragedy happened, so putin said that he will form some leningrad military district there, well, that’s it, it’s in order to tell his wards that he is powerful, he still has the strength for some district there, although he does not have the reserves to replenish the thousands killed in one day on war against of ukraine , so this is a fake, and look how different the topic of ukraine's potential membership in nato is so far, no, under no circumstances, nothing, we will not allow it, because it is a threat to the security of russia, well, absolute delusion, it really isn't
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a threat to the security of russia, it is a threat to the ideological. the existence of russia, a russia that takes upon itself what does not belong to it, our history, our culture, our traditions and so on and so forth, is its own trimming, or rather, cutting off its historical roots, which they encroach upon, and which they want to prove to the whole world that they are theirs, and here is the main problem, in fact, for putin, he is afraid of losing what they have already stolen, and ... what they are plotting and plotting for many centuries of the west about its exclusivity, about its majesty, about its cultural traditions, about its slavicness. and so on, that's why there is such a terrible and frantic opposition to the very idea of ​​ukraine joining nato, because it means that it will be finished, but i agree with you,
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mr. serhiy, no matter what he does there, and no matter what tantrums he has there did not torture, it's all just a matter of time, we will defeat putin, we will defeat his fascist regime, and believe me, it won't even be a few months before the situation... will change, we will also be in the european union, we will and in nato, without regard to what is being shouted now or will be shouted in the future in this nedo- empire. mr. volodymyr, let's go back to what is happening in the united states of america, it is clear that there are two main candidates, probably two, maybe a little more, will have the opportunity to run for the presidency of the united states of america, elections will be held there. on november 5, 2014, in the state of colorado, the supreme court of the state disqualified donald trump as a candidate for the presidency of the united states of america and
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prohibited him from participating in the primaries state, because the primaries should be held on march 5, and this may affect trump's status in the state in the general presidential election, what is this disqualification, does it mean for... the course of the presidential campaign, how much precedent should this case be, and in general this decision, because we are talking about trump's involvement in the events of january 6, 21, when a crowd of his supporters broke into the building of congress, and in fact, whether or not this can be the reason why trump will not be allowed to the primaries in other states, and in as a result, he simply will not be able to run in the presidential elections. well, mr. sergey , here the answer lies in the competence of the supreme court of the united states, if he agrees with the logic
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of what the court in colorado adopted, then, in fact, then you don't even have to wait for march, then i think that in many states such decisions will be made , which would mean that trump would, realistically... lose his chances of winning, so he could be the republican nominee, but if, say, a few key states say no to him, well that's will mean that he will get rid of very serious support, because we remember, we have the last election, it was an election, as they say, well, yes, nostril to nostril, that is, everything was so close that... here we have to talk about each state be very, very careful and understand that each of them can be decisive, so let
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's wait for the decision of the supreme court of the united states, but this will not really be the end of the story, because there are a lot of cases against him, cases even in many cases. not at the review stage, they will be somewhere on the way out in the spring on the 24th, then we will see what will actually happen if these verdicts are negative for him, well, i don’t know how the americans will elect a president who has been convicted, even to such administrative fines or something similar, mr. volodymyr, you said that it is important for ukraine to maintain equal relations with a representative of one party, with a candidate
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from one party and from another, but can trump's victory in the presidential elections of the united states of america change the policy of the united states of america towards ukraine, because we hear trump's rhetoric, but to what extent... these safeguards do the americans have, to what extent do they work and prevent, relatively speaking, any candidate who wins, to radically turn around his foreign policy, well, we are interested in this first of all in the context of aid to ukraine and in the context of our war against russia? well, mr. sergey , no one has canceled the role of the individual in history, it is obvious that every political leader... brings his accents, his logic, his vision of what is good, what is bad, trump is not an exception in this regard, in him
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specific views on... many problems of an international nature, but you are very right when you say that there is everything there in order for any, well, let's say it as one of our ukrainian filocs from the sebenka of this or that candidate , they would have been restrained and it would not have harmed the democratic system, well , the last example is... the fact that congress made a decision about the impossibility of the us withdrawing from, let's say, nato, if even the president speaks for it without the permission of congress, that's great, it seems to me an example of how the legislative power controls the executive power, you can dream about leaving the nto, well, dream about your health, but for now the representatives
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of the people are the same as you. they won't vote for it, there won't be such a decision , that's why i think that despite the fact that many people are afraid of trump, as a person who very often takes, well, let's say, unexpected, let's say, delicate decisions, one way or another, if we are talking about the american system, it will balance at the expense of this congress at the expense of the same bipartisan position, because there is no need to paint the republicans as some exclusively by trumpists of some kind of, you know , already too radical type, there are already adequate and at the same time the vast majority of politicians, politicians who understand very well that it is necessary to help ukraine, that it is necessary to defeat russia, because otherwise russia
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will win. the united states of america, so i wouldn't take the, you know, alarmist type of position that even if trump comes to power, that's the end of everything, we're without help and so on, i think not, i think that what, by the way, is still up to up to elections in the usa will be held in ukraine on the battlefield, it will have a very serious impact. to the position of any president without regard to what his surname will be. well, what is happening now in the congress of the united states of america with a vote or not to vote for aid to ukraine will also affect the battlefield in 2024. 61 billion dollars. the us congress must still vote next year and the european union must
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also give its approval. for 50 billion euros of aid to ukraine, the lack of these decisions, in your opinion, mr. volodymyr, both the united states of america and the european union will, after all, do everything to get this money, because i think that both in washington and in brussels they absolutely understand that these money means exactly at this stage of the war, especially in 2024. that year for ukraine? well , mr. serhiy, i think that the middle of january will be very positive for ukraine in this regard, i hope that the congress will allocate this money, and the european union will find tools to quickly help ukraine, that's all perfectly understand why and why. in addition, let's not forget that now,
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thank god, they have become more active. talks about the confiscation of russian sovereign assets in the west, and this is not 60 billion, it is 50 billion for four years, and this is more than 300 billion. and if this decision is finally made, a political decision will be made, first at the level of seven, and then it will definitely go , so to speak, and will cover all civilized countries, then this is the reservoir of money that will help us very, very seriously, you know, to hit the russian army with russian money, in my opinion, this higher diplomatic aerobatics, i really hope that with the joint efforts of ukraine and the west, we will demonstrate that we can do such outstanding diplomatic things. well , this arrest is 300 billion or more than 300 billion.


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