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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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but in order for ukraine's combat potential to be so strong that either it played a role, or it played a role as a demotivator for putin, i.e. deterrence, the factor of deterrence was, or it was the factor of directly repelling armed aggression , which will end with the defeat of the troops of the russian federation, which can be a factor of deterrence for a state that has nuclear weapons, and well, first of all, it can be a factor of deterrence, because if you... they have not used it yet and they have not used it not because they feel very sorry for you and me, they did not use it, because the consequences of using these weapons either will not lead to the military results they expect, or they will lead to some catastrophic consequences for the russian federation itself, we clearly understand that there is enough de facto, de facto consensus among the major countries of the world that have sent a message to the russians and said no to...
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use, don't even think about using nuclear weapons, now the use of nuclear weapons is not beneficial to anyone except russia, in that including china, india and all the other countries, no one wants to open this box, and these messages were very much about, let's say, communicated to the russian federation, because if you, well, now they don't play with this with this topic, but in russia has a great potential in any case, and it , let's say this, and it can develop further very seriously, they have... the number of people, they have a large number of resources, production resources, human resources, military resources, infrastructure the resource, the monetary resource has not gone anywhere yet, that is, they are his can convert and they will try to make it into military capabilities, into a combat potential that can then be used against us, and these security guarantees that are currently being discussed are how to make a deterrent, let's say, build such a potential that would be a deterrent factor.
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for russia, this is potentially possible, there are various options on how to implement it, that is, so that we have access to capabilities, but it is possible to build such an architecture, but it is not easy, and it is not one year, but nevertheless, if the processes are already underway, and they are going one way or another, then i think that they have a good chance of ending with some kind of success, but nato, and by the way... nato can play a very decisive role in this, because nato is an international structure, it is not tied to the politics of each country. if the countries undertake before nato to do something as their contribution, as their investment in this security architecture, which we are talking about now, then let's put it this way, they as countries have this obligation, regardless of what they have there will be with domestic political situation and so on, that is, it is bigger for us.
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to preserve the stability of this architecture, rather than if we negotiate with each country separately, well, excuse me, i'm just giving an example, they tell us, we will support you as long as it takes, yes, then the president changes, and then something went wrong, or even the congress did not vote, if america as a country undertakes to nato to do some things, well, for ukraine, then it does not matter what the congress there will think on this issue, in nato, if we talk about... well, this year, several times we have heard statements from current and former secretaries, nato officials, about what, they say, we are talking about, or let's consider the possibility of taking ukraine into nato without those territories that occupied, well , you must have seen these statements, it was firstly spoken by a former nato official, first of all, the former secretary general, then the advisor of the current secretary general spoke, if you remember, they, well, first of all, in nato, no official does anything does not decide even gentsek, but the very fact of appearance
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such conversations, does this indicate that they are considering such options among themselves, they may be considering such options among themselves , but let's be open and honest, in the nato membership decision, well, first of all, i do not believe that it is practical maybe i don't think that they will agree to this, but it is, you know, this is a personal opinion, but with regard to the general consensus on nato membership, at the moment, in the political environment in which we live, with those... our authorities countries, especially the main sponsors of nato, primarily the united states states, we do not see prospects for ukraine, but membership is in the near future, the next year or two, while we have an active war on our territory, and this was the situation before the summit and before vilnius, and now it will be the same as washington, so well let's put it this way, to expect some breakthroughs from the point of view of specific membership already in the shortest period, i wouldn't just do it so that... then we
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don't sit and say: but we hoped, but something didn't go wrong. and we have excellent relations with nato regarding the transition to standards, i.e., i.e., in fact, on obtaining what called interoperability. that is, when our troops can be built there and operate in the same way as nato countries, well , in fact, this is what sweden and finland did before joining, they joined and they operate in the same way as nato countries, that is, they did not have to to rebuild, we can do all this rebuilding now, we have no obstacles for this, well , except, of course, except for the fact that we have a war, the second largest in scale after the second world war, but it is meant with relations with nato in we have no obstacles on this. implement it, including pursuing these decisions, but directly political, political introduction, we can write some very interesting
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wording in the memorandum, it is not my question, i will comment on it, i am not working just yet, at least on this, that is why there are people, there are analytical centers and right now, who are thinking about this issue, and how are you. washington, as well as there in other countries and in ukraine, which are just specifically working on the washington summit, specifically on how the memorandum will be written there and so on, well, i know for sure that there is very talented, yes, and it works now, and there are very talented, very serious experts on this, and so on, that’s why, but to say that it is realistic to expect membership in washington, but no, no, it’s unrealistic, understandable, mobilization , what do you think? about the new draft law on mobilization, does it limit too much citizens who will try to avoid mobilization, because constitutional lawyers say that this is too much restriction, and the second question is whether this draft law was not created too late, but
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you know, it is not a good thing to discuss a draft law, because we all went through a large number of draft laws, which then changed so much that from the first document, well, there is not much left. or they changed there in a fundamental way, while it is still in the stage of a draft law, i would, to be honest, now give the opportunity to the committee and the verkhovna rada, and the working specialists, to do their work and there to review each item and so on, too late, that’s all , you know, there is no such thing as late, we had to do it all the day before yesterday, a year ago, but it doesn't happen like that, we live in reality. which, well, in which, which is, it is created when it is created, when, when, when, when, you know , that is, every time you can say that some actions, which are carried out either by the armed forces, or by the authorities there, or something else, it could theoretically be done earlier, but the reality is as
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it is, it is out now, we are looking at it, we, it is there, maybe there is somewhere where, you know, it can be improved and so on, there are a large number of people who he's doing it now, let's go look i know you don't like political issues, i'll try somehow between the drops, well , look, from the press conference of volodymyr zelenskyy, one could make an assumption that he is not completely satisfied with the way valery zaluzhny manages the army, well, he said, i expect results from him , i am waiting for the results, what what, what could be assumed that there are no results, apparently, which volodymyr oleksandrovich is waiting for, what will happen if volodymyr. really plans to replace the industrious one, well, come on, we have a legislative field, and he has the right to it, that firstly, yes, secondly, we have such a concept as civilian control over the armed forces, that is, it means that the military is under complete control from the political power
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that is in the country at the moment, this corresponds to all nato standards that are , in general, nato , civilian control is the main principle, but we see that... no careless steps are taken, that is, work is underway, which is very difficult, we understand that everyone, the entire government exists in extremely stressful conditions already two years, actually more, er, say that someone will, you know, someone would build something in a different way, anyone can, because these are absolutely hypothetical assumptions, but i definitely would not like to answer the question of what will happen if, because... this will be speculation in its purest form, here, but , for now, we see a considered position, and both the general staff, and the ministry of defense, and uh, so and so and so and in general the authorities as such, and therefore i would to be honest, not now i would not promote the topic
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of internal contradictions, or fictional ones, or real ones, or some others, because in fact the unity of ukrainians is our biggest asset now, it is. and that's all, you know , a kind of pre-political history that has already started, you know, many politicians, someone sneaked in and started to say everything, i'm already starting to criticize, i'm already starting to run somewhere somewhere. to shout something, something there , well, that is, to become active in this field, this is actually quite a dangerous story, because for us it is necessary to preserve unity, and we understand that, well, let's put it this way, ukraine will never become a dictatorship, we have, well, you yourself you know, we have a people, we have a demand for democracy and so on, but at the same time we know for sure that as part of the political process, many of the politicians, they criticize not for not what they see but they want to fix the problems, and because they want to raise their rating,
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ugh, and for us somehow we have to invent, and not a single post country, let's say this, after the second world war, not a single western democracy of such an experience as we are now, that is, we are going through that, that road that no one has walked, but because we in fact, we have to re-invent the formula for civilian control, we have to re-invent formulas for how to preserve... democracy during a war on its territory, when a huge number of people either live in the occupied territories or serve in the army, or, for example, in the army, in nato has a principle of not allowing the military into politics, for a second, but how can we deal with this principle when most of our servicemen are former civilians, and even recently, and in nato everything, for example, in america, no military can brothers participation in any political processes, and a very... long time passes before he is a military man there, then he does not stop, well, that is, he is released and he can participate
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in the political process already as a candidate, for example, ugh, yes, because the military should be out of politics, this is a basic principle, including nato, but what should we do when half of the country serves in our country, and the other half of the country is their family members and so on, and in general, that is, the army has a huge trust rating, we actually have to reinvent all these principles, that is, we have to... enter formula, the actual survival of the country under these conditions, no western example can be 100% relevant for us now. it is clear, and then there is one more political question: did she leave, did the army leave, or the ministry of defense or ukraine, in general, in favor of changes, the minister of defense reznikov was replaced by umierov. well , you are doing the same thing again, that how can i, i am the former minister of defense, criticize and criticize. because the explanation of this, it will actually be, as you know, either there
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or here, what kind of criticism or it should have been changed look, this is a subjective assessment of the decision of the president of ukraine, and believe me, that's all i'm going to say, what i'm going to stand on is not that every former minister of defense should maintain these ethics based on the assessment of his or his predecessors or colleagues, i can think of former ministers of the entire period anything but never. on camera, i will not give an assessment to the ministers of defense. well, then at the press conference volodymyr zelenskyi said that next year ukraine intends to produce 1 million drones, are these ambitious plans and is this a sufficient number? and look well, we have no other way out, we have to build it. i don't know whether it's a million or not, because there is such an understanding, cooperative planning, and including forces and means, and somehow there must be some numbers, that is, a million can be an exact figure, it can be an approximate figure. but what we are talking about, if we take small fpv drones, there are small drones like these, well, hand-held, let's say this,
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that is, the smallest sizes and everything else, then rather, well, we are definitely talking about hundreds of thousands, and what needs for a year, and because it consumables, we will understand how many of them live there, and a large number of them are kamikaze drones, that is, they are actually barge ammunition, and we need hundreds of thousands of them, that's for sure. and in this case we, we simply have no chance not to build them, we have to build it, it is critical for the country, that is, the country must build a technological advantage over the opponent, we must build such a number of drones that will completely overwhelm them and not give them ability to move forward, and will destroy their forces, but russia has significantly increased these possibilities for the production of drones, of course, but we see what is happening in them, in general, the transition of the country to military rails, it 's time. reasons, including the fact that they replace problems in the economy by actually
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sponsoring the military industry, but for us this is an existentially dangerous, dangerous direction of development, because russia is increasing the production of everything, all means, and drones, and armored vehicles, and ammunition, she finds opportunities to complete, some things, i think that they can't there, they have limitations, let's say so, in any case , we see that this is not an unlimited process, they have limitations, in any production, i tell you this, as a former production worker, there is such a thing as the theory of limitations. i.e. this, i.e. production is always limited by something, either by one resource, or human , or infrastructure, or technical, or equipment and so on, this is also where we see the limitations of russia, i.e. they would like to produce five times more there , but they can't, but the amount that they will go out to already this year by in different directions, it is dangerous for us, we need to destroy it, including with drones, at the very
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end i will also refer to the publication in the german edition of bild. julian ryobke, a journalist, shared the data of western intelligence, he does not say which country in particular, he published a map where it is said that russia plans to capture the entire donetsk-luhansk region by the 24th year, in fact there is not much left there, but to capture kharkiv, zaporizhzhia and dnipro by the 26th year. we talked, we talked with yulian, and he says that in kyiv, kyiv definitely has this data because the intelligence that provided him. this data, it also shares data with kyiv, although in fact we heard, for example, from kirill budanov that russia allegedly does not plan to go to war in the 25th year, i do not know why budanov says this, but how realistic are these plans for russia and under what circumstances they can, they can succeed, they can succeed only under the circumstances, if ukraine does not have the opportunity
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to have or does not have the desire to defend itself, of course, we will have the desire, it will go nowhere it won't happen and... we will definitely have some resource, the question is that we need to work on it, you know, make forecasts, i already told you, it's very wrong now, we need to create them, that is, we should not try to predict the reality sitting there, you know, to think, whether they will succeed or not , reality depends on scenarios, reality depends on critical factors, one of the critical factors in the implementation of these plans is the presence or absence of fire superiority in ukraine, this fire superiority must create. we need to create drones, we need to knock out munitions , we need, you know, to build this coalition, to incite our americans so that they don't waste time there with their own eyes, all the entertainment is domestic political and so on, and i'll be honest, i just don't think about whether it is possible or impossible, because the possibility depends on the reality that we will build, and we have to build that
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reality that will ensure the failure of the plans of the russian federation and their disintegration... at least in the main operational directions, where we we will determine this, and our progress will continue so that the whole world will see that russia will still lose, it is possible, absolutely possible, we have already seen it, this is how the technological map of the war changes, that is, the technological content changes, more drones appear, there more rebs and so on, but still this, and of course they are gaining some experience there and everything else, but still we have every chance to win absolutely, under the fulfillment of... what conditions, here is our task to fulfill, to do so, that these conditions be fulfilled, but to the very end i ask, do you have no hopes that the war will end in the 24th year, but realistically, even in the best cases , it will end completely, it is that we will go to the borders of the 91st year, for this it should rain in russia, such scenarios are possible , but only in the event
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that it will have some kind of internal disaster, well, for example, there will be a new mutiny against someone, or... we will still receive, build, for example, we will receive a large number of forces and means, there will be missiles and so on then, let's just fill them, that is, our fire there will be some kind of advantage there, well extremely high, and they will simply pour into their front , they will run, we saw it in some operational areas, this is possible, and crimea, by the way, will not hold for very long, if we close the issue with the bridge, with the fleet, with airfields and so on, that is, is it possible for the front to crumble? russians, it is possible to say that it will be right in the 24th year, well, how is it possible, now we definitely do not have such potential, if we create it, well, anything can be, i thank you very much, thank you, a special performance
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of the legendary group dead rooster with an orchestra at the lviv opera from... january 8, the stage of the lviv opera, tickets on the website of the organizer bigshowua, information partners, tv channel espresso and radio fm halychyna live sound is free to come true and will be tender in every touch. filfrey, the real you. we are looking for 11-year-old
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georgy tarasyev from donetsk region. the boy disappeared in june 2023 in the volnovatsky district in the village of velika novosilka. this area is very close to the front line, but under occupation... there was no village where the boy lived. so where george could go, it is even difficult to guess. there has been no news about the boy for more than six months, and i really hope that with your help the child will be found. attention to the photo: george looks about 11 years old, he is thin and has light blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be, call us immediately on the hotline of the child tracing service. magnolia by the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service at
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telegram any information is important. i also want to tell about the disappearance of 15-year-old valeria polizhai. the girl is also from donetsk region and also from the vuznesen district. valeriya lived in the village of urozhayne, which was liberated from the invaders. the time of the summer counteroffensive, it was in the summer of 2023 that it became known about the girl's disappearance, but there is still no news about her, so i am asking for your help, try to remember valeria's face, and if suddenly you see a similar girl somewhere, call us immediately at the hotline of the child tracing service for short number 1163, calls from ukrainian mobile operators are free, i... told you only two stories of missing children. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 200 appeals for assistance in dispersal. fortunately, the vast majority of boys and girls have already been
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found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. sometimes people who cannot find their own. children, they don't even know what to do and where to turn, if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 11630 or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who sees me now can already help in the search for missing children. take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service. and magnolia. here you can see all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and help in the end to find and now regarding
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the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here. as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often just run away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and gathered a lot. for parents who can certainly prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is about the importance of talking with children not only about everyday topics and matters, but also about their own feelings, experiences and fears. frankness, according to experts, will not help just open up to the child, and sometimes even get support and help. show a sincere interest in the child's personality, because often all our conversations with children, and especially with teenagers, are reduced to several topics. cleaning, evaluations, maybe some other material moments, but something completely different is important to them, it is important for them to talk about feelings, about experiences, about the world, about how everything
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is arranged, on the other hand, they may not be ready to do it first, and it's your turn, you should be the first to talk about your fears, your doubts, about your hesitations and feelings, and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, but also allow the child to open up in the future. you, but also help you get support, get help, feel needed and loved in your own family. ah... good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen and today we will have such a new year's conversation with such a significant cultural, significant
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cultural figure. now you will see him, his name is oles podrevyanskyi, and he is known to everyone, and there is no need to introduce him, he is an artist, i underline it with two bold red lines, because everyone says he is a playwright, he is a playwright, but first he was an artist. lesyk, hello, i'm hello, i'll take the courage to briefly tell you how long it took us to get to this meeting, in general , mr. podrevyansky does not like to give interviews, and always does. said that i might give it to you, but i wouldn’t give it to you, but in short, then i gave it to yanina sokolova, and i got jealous, and called lesik, saying that you are a bitch, i changed my friends for a woman, damn it, he told me, you know what, he said , if in you had tits, and i could have teased you in some way, in some way , and given some compliments, that's why i gave you some, but you don't have it, because you're not a woman, but a man, that's all , yesterday, when we...
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were developing this idea of ​​interviewing lesyka, i called and you know, i was overwhelmed by greatness, not only poderevyan's, but also my own, because i asked lesyka, do you want to be barbara brilskaya or some other friend there was one, iliya khidzhakova, he said, i don't want to be a woman, i'm absolutely fine in a man's body, i said, that's not the question, i'm talking to you, the audience, usually. watched a movie with light couples, and finally we got rid of the ussr, and instead of light couples, you see podreviansky and september, or september and podreviansky, this means that this is a vip program, september and podreviansky, so that you knew who you see, you don't see anymore, the remnants of the soviet union in the form that i remember seeing for the first time at school in
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1975 or 1974. fourth year, therefore, the first question, well, all the questions will be, of course, philosophical, so mr. podrevyansky defined russian philosophy and ideology as cyclical nazism, now i have a question for you les, it is because russians are afraid to say that they are nazis, are they cyclical simply as a fact, or are they simply ashamed. to say: well, yes, well, we are nazis , well, we are, well, we are nazis, well, we are not nazis, no, we, these are nazis, and we are not nazis, or are they all at all, as such, as the nation is, well, cowardly, let's say what you think, well, i think it 's normal for katsap to lie all the time, katsap is dishonest, he can't exist in any kind of world.
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honestly admit to himself, even to himself, that he is a nazi, he, i don't know, is ashamed of him or not, he can lie, he must lie, that he is freeing someone there and that's all, the rest is such a henna, but he can't say how honest, for example, there is a member of the ss that you are all inhumans, and we are a superior race, and we will ... kill you, but for some reason he is ashamed of this, although he does the same thing, yes, i will just add to yours, there are thoughts , i don't even remember, i think jerome kay jerome, or someone, or samer swetmoy, he has a reflection on lying and he then said that there are two nations of liars, one of them, well, normal liars, and the other mysterious liars, but since they are all englishmen, he said that the germans lie, but the germans ...
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they lie for a purpose, they, they lie, lied, lied and got some result, and muscovites lie just like that, and this is a phenomenon, a person simply cannot help but lie, people cannot, and if you lie from the front, you have a profit, you get some kind of high from katsab won't say that, he can't say it, he lies because he lies, a why he lies no one knows, including kotsap, your... the famous phrase, it is not entirely yours, i remember that we stood during the revolution from tiberias, silvashi, you, me, my daughter, wife, and then here, the collective subconscious got out of the phrase "out of us". well, since you're the author anyway , we'll leave it to you. do you think there will come a time when this phrase


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