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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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lie, but the germans, they lie for a purpose, here they are, here they lie, lied, lied and got some result, and muscovites lie just like that, and this is a phenomenon, a person simply cannot help but lie, people cannot, and if from the front you lie , you have a profit, you get a kick out of it, katsap won't say it, he can't say it, he lies because he lies, and why he lies no one knows, including... fell. your famous phrase, it is not entirely yours, i remember that we stood during the revolution from tiberias, silvashi, you, me, my daughter, wife, and then this, the collective subconscious got out of the phrase, you are here with us. well, since you're the author anyway, we'll leave it to you. do you think there will come a time when this phrase will no longer be relevant, they
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will someday, whether or not, will be , will be later, well, next estonians will say so, and then kazakhs will say so, and then someone else will say so, that is, it is already such a constant on the globe there will always be such a russia, which will, well, do something in such a way that everyone around will say, here we are, well, obviously obviously it will never stop. until they receive it, i think that they can only be refused something somehow, besides that , they, they do not understand anything, i know this from intimate communication with katsaps, well, i know the story, you had a romantic contact, like now it's fashionable to talk to a katsapka, and i remember it struck me when she drank the first 150
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g of vodka at nine... in the morning, and then again, and then again, and at 6:00 in the evening, when she already had half a liter, she said: finally, finally you can have a drink, this story of your relationship is still stuck in my head, that you must first drink a pint before 60 in the evening, and then finally you can drink, woman, tell me, do you... really think, because i i run a program of katsap studies here, and long, long ago, 100 years ago in 2006, i was in israel, you were in ukraine, and we corresponded via sms, and then this story arose that katsaps are not people, that is , you think that it is necessary to do some institute for the study of biology, anthropology, i don't know, what kind of compatibility there is for all of them of all sciences in order to prove that
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they either have an extra gene or not enough, because there are really many examples in the last year and a half that really cannot be called that, but in my programs i sometimes say, that it is a homoerectus, that is , before homo sapiens, an intelligent person was just a person who walked upright, she walked straight, and that is why she was called a homoerectus, and as for the head, no one knows whether she was intelligent or not, so i have the impression that russia... didn't make it, listen, that's what they say themselves, they, they didn't on the contrary, they say that all people are different, and we are different, we are different, we have our own path, i will not argue with them, but they better know about themselves, they themselves will say that all people are different, and we katsaps, here separately, we, we are different, we are like that, and like that, we have personal values. so why should we
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argue with them if they say so about themselves? well, tell me, i think they know better. well, tell us about your theory of the emergence of kotsaps through the denisova cave? i want these people, i want the broad sections of the population to know where the russians came from, i i remember you called me many years ago , you are a famous anthropologist, you made a discovery, yes, yes, yes. and i want all people to know the origin of the katsaps, well, there in persia, in the perb forests, in the perb forests, there it is , the remains of this forest were found there, well, you know all this history, and they are from africa, they all later settled all over the globe, but didisov's pishchera is a separate story, they were not from africa. "tell
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me, you've always been famous for what you predicted, you predicted, you've always been such a predictor, but i'm a bitch cassandra, that's all one thing on cassandra, because it's just interesting, on the one hand i'm an optimist, on the other hand a pessimist, i'm an optimist in the sense that i think it will end in some such a serious enough collapse of russia, but a pessimist in the fact that it it won't be tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow and even..." in a year, what will you say, when it might happen and what kind of ruins you see, these ruins, you see them or you don't see them, well, you know, in this country there are so many people, except me, but i am not a professional, there are many
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professional people here who earn their honest bread, and that i will leave there with my grill in this row of kalash, that is to disturb the harmony. i don't know, i only know that sometimes i have the feeling that you can't do it all the time, because the critical mass of the war must then work against you, well, i'm such an idealist, that is, i'm wrong, no, just listen, there's a critical a mass of z z z... i don't know, they have had a critical mass since ivan the terrible, it started, you know, when from the 15th century, it all accumulated, dig and you know, i 'm like, well, i'm trying so hard not to argue , to express other opinions, simply and what about spirituality, what about gerasim bubu, and
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what about dostoyevsky, that's all, no, well, i just think that some katsaps thought the same way, well, we didn't think so, because we were a colony, us... always, but they thought so in the 33rd year, in the 29th year, well, this cannot be, well, it cannot go like this, and then some even thought in the 37th year, these are the ones who were not shot, and it was still the same, and it goes on and on and on, and you and i are not young people, we remember how long the dissidents doubted, when gorbachev came, and they said yes, no, well, well... communism, well, well, no, well, but then life, if gorbachev was there, then yeltsin and all, no, no, we are already europeans now, that's it, in we already have a little less spirituality, and a little more brains, nihera, putin came again, and again, well, we see what we see, that is, i am
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always like this, well, they are really unique, they are really unique in that, well any other country would have died 10 times already, and they live, and there's no way, no way, well, tell me what you do, in short o yourself, as they say in soviet documentaries, what are you doing now, what do you have, what kind of amiga do you have, everything is as usual, i write a little like this on paper, there is a workshop, there is a smear, and now we are composers for you you know it very well, we messed up the rock opera gablit, and now we are working on it , we already have such a period that we have already started, we are already sewing costumes, there are sketches of costumes
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, we are sewing costumes, we are making scenery, we already have music everything is written and 70% somewhere... work with actors, well, that is, yes, there are already two of us somewhere thirds of the way through it , so at the best of times, i think if the stars align, maybe sometime in the spring we 'll see it all, and tell me if there's a role out there where you don't have to sing, don't forget about me, no , you have to sing, sing everywhere, abigo. oh damn, i would so like to sing, who, who, who, who are the actors , who are the actors, what are you for, i know them, these are the ones that the actors are partly the ones that you know them, they,
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hamlet will play dmytro vivcharuk, that 's who played the hare in beasts, you know him, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's the guy, er, klavdiy, ophelia, by the way, ophelia is almost there, the most important thing is that i got out of the case, but, well , i exchanged my friends for a woman, i always said that, yes. claudiophelia and the ghost are new , you don’t know them, and the set is gorgeous, well, now i ’ll tell you about the plot in three words, the point is that the scenography, we see the north sea in front of us and a beach like this the northern one with stones, and there are skeletons of sea creatures and a skeleton of a mermaid. the skeleton of a mermaid, which scares everyone who
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comes there, that is, to the beach, the first line, they say that what is crazy on the beach, but no one cleans anything, so it begins, it begins, it begins with the fact that ophelia comes, and she has aria, she sings about the fact that this mermaid was her girlfriend, they are wives, they and she together washed the men's bones, danced. .. is it a plan, but the government’s irresponsible policy, which means that it poured poisoned waste into the sea, lost her girlfriend, and she is burning with a thirst for revenge, but she does not want to restrain herself because he is weak-willed, she despises him and they despise him, she he is not allowed, but the whole plot revolves around this collisions, aphelia is so a little greta...
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that is, it is not a copy of the hamlet that you wrote there once, once, once 150 years ago, but the entire canonical part entered there, nevertheless, the entire canonical part of hamlet, the classic entered there , but many new details. tell me, you once told, i have already forgotten, maybe it will be interesting for the audience, but is this story good for swimming? to bathe, it is somewhere, well, i know that you have seen 80% of what you write, it is not brought from somewhere, but it is the real life of ukraine and ukrainian people and so on and so on. and to bathe or not to bathe, is there any basis, as if from life? this is the story of the composer nazarov and two georgian artists, er, hogi miskishvili and mirian shvilidze. we woke up in the morning in the country. in the lower gardens, and it was such a gray day, and we went to swim, and gogi went
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to swim, and immediately dived decisively, and mirian in an italian jacket looked so disgusted at the sea and sat down, he blamed a handkerchief and sat on it with an expression of disgust on on the face, and nazarovsyl on one and ran to bathe, then looked at the second one and ran back, and we immediately ... thought that nazarov is hamlet, and that's how it all appeared, yes, nazarov himself knows that he is hamlet, and of course, he is proud, by the way, by the way, glory confused all this, because he started writing, and he had already written hamlet in the middle, and i had no choice but to join in, he didn't even ask me, and what about paintings, are you painting something, are you do you put something on these? is it okay, yes, i, i'm smearing a whole series now, i have health, it works as always, here they are
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devoted to my communication with such an artist, there was a french artist from the time of the revolution and napoleon, theodore jericho, this is such a renaissance of his works, i met him in chicago. when i wandered into a museum there, which has more impressionists than in paris, then i went to see edouard manet and got lost, so i got into the hall of french romantics, just in time, and then i saw a picture that depicted such a stale man's head on a plate cut off with gelatin, it was precisely the author theodore géricault, and i mean... the reason i had a hangover just because i needed this picture in the morning, and next to this
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picture stood a completely frightened yegar, and he was as happy for me as for my own brother, and he looked at me and said: sir, the fact that he is not so lonely next to this one, he and i looked at it together, that's how i became interested in this artist, that's how... the idea arose to make this series, and he liked to have fun with what he wrote cut off by a guillotine of people, do you hear? lesika, tell me something, we once talked about this with you, but then there was no war, and now during the war, you can just philosophize , even irresponsibly, just think. you think, maybe, now all patriots and definitely everyone should write about the war, everyone writes, very often it is such graphomania, i don't
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know if there is graphomania in the visual arts, but in literary art, i see it. is it possible to write something right now, or do you still have to wait 10, 15, 20, 30 years to understand, i am precisely because of this artist géricault, who was a witness, if, or i correctly understood what was happening before napoleon, during napoleon and after napoleon, and he was a witness and depicted it, it is possible today in ukraine to wait for something that you should pay attention to, or is it just a law , the law is universal, during the war, during the revolution , it is impossible to write about one way or another about the war or the revolution, nothing will work, so, well, secondly, i think, because now it is unlikely that
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rebart or himengway or aldington will appear there, i think that some time should pass, so what... it is to it’s better to rethink all of this, because now only some, well, filiton things are possible , such as for bad luck, such that exist today, and tomorrow will no longer exist, or someone can shoot some talent, here you understand what the matter in ukraine is not written only lazy, it is possible that this quantity will one day grow into quality , well, these are my thoughts, and... and about russia with its great culture, and this is the end, the end of great culture, well, because i very often listen to liberal katsaps, they figure out relationships among themselves there, and there are many of them they say that it's just that those who could communicate with at least a couple of words left for them, and those in
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russia, they can't communicate with a couple of words, unless it's zakhar prilepin, by the way, i read zakhar. prilepin and then argued with russian writers on the topic, they believed that it was literature after all, and i said that it was not literature, well, but i did, well, but i sat down, you know, i strained so hard and finished reading , i get stressed when i read dostoevsky usually, it’s hard, it’s like that, well , it’s work, it’s not, it’s not entertainment, oh, but you just don’t have to read it, no, no, i’m you i want to say that i did something completely different, maybe because i literally read something before the war, a month or two or three later, and concluded that if you read dostoevsky, only then you will understand, you will understand these inner eyes the springs of katsapism, because it precisely describes the absurdity and lack of cause-and-effect relationships in any
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katsap from nobles to some cleaners, it's just solid. absurdity, but this absurdity can only be understood by reading dostoyevsky, who himself was an absurdity, directly let's say, let's not lie, but this great russian culture, it will die at the same time , because it is simply not capable , there is no more spirituality, because before, at least the spirituality of the church lay on the church, and now the church says that we must fight to the last khela, so what's up here, where's the fucking spirituality. listen, well, it didn’t start now, i think that they haven’t produced any words for a long time, but as for the great russian culture, it seems to me that it is very, very exaggerated, absolutely exaggerated, i think that they say about the 19th century , how, and i
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i always thought that i thought that radyas... for example, literature is much stronger than classical russian, but all this died, died a long time ago, it was strong somewhere in the 30s, and that was the end of it, everything is great, here they are, starting there from the 50s, from the 40s they produce absolutely nothing, well... then, that means the end of the history of russian, because before they could at least say that we have great literature, and if there is not, there is no great literature, then maybe it is in... great for scientists, you know, like me, like quasi a pseudo-scientist, i study the russian character by reading besov or a teenager
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, and that’s okay, you can do that, there are no questions, study, but it’s not for the general public, and no one in their right mind will simply read this multi-volume tolstoy horror, well, that’s why that is not because it will not be the end of everything. it will be, why, i don’t know, it won’t be, that’s all, it won’t be, well , for example, i always thought that soviet literature was much better than the classic 19th century, that people like that are plato’s babes, not to them no one will reach, but all this, all this is in the past, and why, well, yes, babely platonists, of course, well... stylistically completely different, this, well, this is something, this is something in general, well, so exceptional, or or if yes, well, it's brilliant, yes, it is absolutely brilliant, but
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it is no longer there and will never be again, and for them, for example, the guru is pilevin, personally i will not read him, well, i also read pilevin, but did not find it, well, yes, i understand that i am after the first pages, i know what it is all built on, what is the structure, these are all moscow antlers, i just more or less know where the structure comes from, and this written for the sake of this construction, there is nothing else, this text, however good, well, well, yes, well, that is. it is this moment of perestroika and classism, it is as if the last breath of russia as such in all guises, and also in
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fiction, in the fine arts, in politics, philosophy, it is as if, well, this is exactly what they breathed, they say that before death very many people, they somehow come to life for 15-20-30 minutes, the day before yesterday i was reading chekhov, how he... asked for champagne, said that he had not drunk champagne for a long time, drank champagne and said, well, now i’m dying, well, with pleasure , because i haven’t drunk champagne in a long time, here i suddenly drank it, and well, it’s possible to die, but these last 5 minutes he was so very lively, even the doctor described the german, well, this everything was in germany in the black forest, he says that he was like that, as if he had manifested himself as a person, already some kind of blush, some appeared, well, he died immediately, that is, it is so... we see such and such before death, well or not we want to see it, we, maybe we don't see it, but we talk ourselves into it, but damn, it's all not serious,
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i understand, ok, streamer, so i want to tell you all that you saw a conversation between two irresponsible people, instead of what you usually watch good soviet films, now you saw two guys, one more, the other less in general, they behaved absolutely no, well , on the other hand, how to look at it, you know, i think that we are cheerful, carefree, normal people, and such people should be even during the war, because putin's main goal is that we should all be caring and cried when we are laughing and carefree, it's just not like it very much putin, but they say who will meet the new year. with that, with that, the new year will be like that, so i think that, after all, since i hope that at least once there was such a smile, well, i 'm not saying that a smile, but such a one for us, well, such
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a thought about a possible smile, maybe that year will bring us not only a smile, but also laughter happy new year everyone from september, from poderevyanskyi, these are wonderful people, i hope to see you next year, my friend, and finally drink some water liquor. good luck, good luck, you mentioned this soviet cinema, i'm like taras i wrote, i’m so scared, as i recall, a tv, a christmas tree, an olive tree and a sweetie, no, come on, i’ll explain to everyone here, i’m the absolute antipodes, i adore them, just like that, not even the last ones, but 50. lies,
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as we once said that sometimes kitsch seems to be art, that is, at first it is kitsch, kitsch, kitsch, kitsch, but there comes a certain moment when you see, the same way in soviet cinema, when, when there is, when there is not, you know, well, artists know this, how to show light, you have to make darkness around it, then light, well, radiates, it, it is like that bright, caravaggio, yes, caravaggio , the same, yes, ah... what is, what is music, what, as they say, music is a picture, and then a frame, what, and a frame is silence, because music arises then against the background of silence, then you see, you hear , and that's when, and when i understood that this is art, when there is no falsehood at all, clothes, food, furniture, music, architecture, words, sentences, you
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look at all this and you understand some film from 1953 or 1955, but they started filming under stalin, so you just understand that it is already art, it has to be done somehow to have special, special exercises to achieve the fact that there is no truth anywhere, you see, women's shoes, you know for sure, there were no such things anywhere, you see everything that cannot be. chekhov. he said this without offense. well, that's all, we messed up something again. thanks for your attention, all the best, i hope everyone liked it, and whoever didn't like it, well, well, there's nothing we can do about it. bye-bye, event, bye-bye, audience. bye bye, happy new year.
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there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings, there are discounts on citric 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war to talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have a word, two hours to be aware of economic news, time in order to
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talk about money during natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people.


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