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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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by the way, i wanted to ask you, mr. serhiy, yesterday information became available about the 22nd year, about the serious operation carried out by the defenders of ukraine, and when in fact elon musk turned off the internet already when our strike forces were approaching the russian ships, surely you have read all this reprinted by the western press. information, i'm just curious about your conclusions, this situation that happened in the 22nd year may repeat itself, elon musk can cut down communications for the armed forces? all communications used by the armed forces of ukraine are protected in any case there are, let's say, opportunities to use other opportunities in the event of a connection failure, i... know many
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direct participants, including this operation, it can be repeated and will be repeated, for which i am very grateful for this , the head of the security service of ukraine, general malyuk, constantly declares and emphasizes that there are no such locations in crimea today that would not be affected by military objects, therefore everything that should remain behind the scenes of military operations, it should remain exactly there. and what the westerners write there , let's say, our partners, well, journalists, you know, our colleagues sometimes like to add something, actually under the guise, well, he better look now, as far as i know, somewhere in kyiv, a tesla car showroom was affected, no i know how important it is for the mask himself, but nevertheless, this is the answer, including to your question, who should he be with, on which side, good or evil, mr. serhiy, i would also
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like to ask about the left bank about this ukrainian bridgehead, we know that the russians are constantly trying to attack, we would like to to dislodge our soldiers from the left bank, but despite this, under this terrible fire, they are crossing the dnieper, crossing to the left bank, they need equipment, fighters, personnel, everything that is needed, what is the situation there now and how much has the presence of russians on the left increased. by the way, how many do you know there now? well, if we take the group of dnipro troops commanded by general teplinske, this is exactly the group that is trying to destroy the ukrainian bridgeheads on the left bank. at the beginning of october there were more than 60 00, if so this is a famous video, 64, if plus or minus a thousand, then increased by 10,000, and as far as i have information, now there are also requests from the commander of this group of general.
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teplinsky, by the way, his mother lives , as far as i understand, in the temporarily occupied territory, it's so easy to say, promenti, so now he's trying to increase this group of dnipro, because he doesn't even have this amount of cannon muscle to attack our guys, they are really titans out there, they deserve the most respect and awards of the highest quality, that is why bridgeheads live, bridgeheads operate. bridgeheads fulfill their combat mission, restrain these enemy troops and, as they say, they hurt them a lot there, it hurts both in terms of equipment and in terms of personnel, but the situation is really difficult, extremely, we believe that everyone will be alive, we pray for those , who is now in battle, before the new year there was even statistical information on how much agricultural products and grains were exported through our grain corridor without any turkish language. and russia, but there is
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information that remotely mines it, the russian occupier, kabami, they say, how does it look now in real life? they tried to do this until the beginning of december 5 , an enemy bomber, su-24m, was destroyed , a warning, they say, this yolk did not work, a yellow card for russian aviation, they tried to continue working in this direction... and you know, then there was such a a good shot, four such planes at once in our direction, and in particular on the left bank, they were su-34s, and then the su-30s were destroyed on the same day, the enemy has such plans, i even saw them today that and a possible landing to odesa, they still have a naval one, as for the latter, well, i don’t know, it’s even hard to call it some kind of wet dream, it’s about nothing at all, but the fact that...
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they will try to mine the navigation routes, that’s understandable, that their goal remains, because look, the route is working, of course not the same volumes as they were, but on the other hand, the most important thing is accomplished. laid, the route fulfills its task, civilian vessels go, get policies from the best, i emphasize, from the best insurance companies that work in the maritime industry, and actually the most important thing is that all this is done without russia, well, it is important that we can somehow solve these issues ourselves as partners, and the figure of 400 ships has already been announced, it seems like yesterday, that 400 ships have been shipped over the past few months, since russia stopped. to give the go-ahead for any movement of ships with food and grain through the black sea. 400 ships passed through the black sea or so, the number is increasing because there was something like that at first slowly slowly slowly and literally in the last few weeks more than 100 ships passed from the black sea from
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ukrainian ports to west to the south and to the west, is the number of these ships increasing, or is the queue increasing in december , the rates are record high. december really may have become a record in this regard and in terms of the volume of this export, well, in fact, in terms of the participation of those civilian ships that are directed to our ports, the ports of greater odessa and actually in the reverse direction, now we love it, this is completely justified by a certain information silence around this question, but as they say, the theme works and will work in odessa. i'm watching here. after this new year's attack somewhere our colleagues spoke with the residents of the damaged buildings, and there it was just surprising, well, who expected that putin would do such a thing, how many such dreamers of a good
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putin live in odessa, because here it is just surprising that people are still surprised after so many crimes committed by russia on ukrainian territory? i think this is just the case where the exception proves the rule. ugh. i have already been asked about whether the russians will ever meet. i can repeat, never from odessa, 100%. well, there are some different ones quarters are like that in odesa, because in one quarter one wonders how putin did such a thing, in another quarter the anthem is sung, shaheds fly from above and move to the red viburnum, and it's the same one. odesa, i tell you yes, i will tell you more, it is not sung in the neighborhoods, it was sung by almost the whole city and not only, at first it was the national anthem of ukraine. thank you, mr. sergey. serhii brodchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was in touch with us from kharkiv. even more worryingly, 41
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people were injured. this is the latest information, and the mayor reports that they initially believe that there was a stabbing. we ask ours about it. the next guest is bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. glory to ukraine, mr. bohdan. glory to the heroes, you hear. yes, mr. bohdan, we want to hear from you the latest information regarding the night and morning attack on kharkiv. there was a figure of four attacks, but that was a little earlier. how many, how many blows in total, and what now with the injured victims? there were more than four blows to the wounded. i am the victim i can’t say, now there is a figure of 40 injured people, about a dead woman, and what else can be added, at 7:30 a rocket flew literally from my house, here it smashed the service station, well, my house was damaged, so
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i can’t give much information, i’m doing what i do the head of the condominium, the boards of directors are sorting out the debris, removing the broken glass, the frames there and everything else, that is... they hit, well, such a non-working service station, well, now you see, here it is on fire, they put up footage there, well, these are photos of my house, knocked out parking lots , gates, offices, apartments, suffered, well, that is, we already have it this is the second such event, the first was an air bomb that fell next to us on march 5, 2022, so we are already used to it, we are used to working, cleaning, restoring all city services. there are also some companies working there that maintain elevators , companies that repair or replace windows, that is, all this works, there were firefighters, the police, we are restoring everything, no one can panic here, as for the russians, the previous
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one said everything, that is, death to them we have unpleasant conversations here, we can't even speak, they are all in one voice here, we all hate them, let's go further. they are standing, mr. bohdan, but is it already known, is it known, can you say, what they were hitting with, because there is an assumption, there is information that there may have been a blow... generally daggers , lubinets says, were fired by russia in ukraine that night about 11 kh47 m2 kenjal aeroballistic missiles, but before that there was ballistics, so before that there was ballistics, what happened to khata, what exactly hit, well, not s300, because well, more accurate hits, if we are talking about sto, well, it well, not very big, for s300, it, you know, fell somewhere on the squares, here they hit him clearly. well, probably tomorrow they will say that it was the nato center there, or the right sector was sitting there, as usual,
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with them, this is the main topic, because what exactly hit, well, it is difficult to say, our customs are already writing, giving information that after all, these were more accurate missiles on the s300, what kind of class there is, i can't say, the information is not provided in more detail, well, that's the situation, and the ministry of defense. says that they hit decision-making centers and military facilities in kharkiv with high precision, in the first in turn, this is the kharkiv-palace hotel complex, that is why they destroyed the main intelligence office there, and other saboteurs who were planning an attack on belgorod, i quoted the ministry of defense of the enemy to you, that's all. that oh, you are not with us, it is not the best now, maybe the connection will be restored now, because i also wanted
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to know that yes, mr. bohdan, the connection has been restored, what else, apart from the nato headquarters and the pentagon , did you have in this kharkiv hotel, well you know, they got into this part of the hotel, well , it's empty inside, two sides are like that the facades are beautiful, there are fragments on which the balconies go, and the other part is already rooms, there are halls there. room, they fell into that part of this big hall, where no one lives, what kind of meetings could be there , well, you can see for yourself, then they covered the grand piano up to the top, there were no rooms there, let’s say meetings could not be held, nor could there be formal meetings, so what they are saying, well, we should pay less attention to it, i have the impression that they are tongues without bones, we will... say something and continue bombing ukraine, because we simply hate you, this is one conclusion, there
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can be no other options, but in general, maybe you know something from kharkiv in the kharkiv region in this region, in particular the kupyan direction, what is happening there now, or something do you know fresh? no, i don't have any more known information, because in the morning i could n't monitor anything, i couldn't contact anyone, because the flight had already arrived at 7:30, as they say from... the bed was blown away, the windows were opened, so i can't provide you more clear information about the region, that now in fact i am here for you told, showed, let's hold on, glory to ukraine, mr. bohdan, here i have one more short question, whether we have heard anything from outside the eastern border, because our colleagues, in particular tsaplienko, are writing and providing information that one rocket did not reach... of ukraine and successfully landed in petropavlovsk, these are your neighbors, the voronet region, not far away, can
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you tell us, in kilometers, how many kilometers it can be from the state border of ukraine, can you hear this noise from there? i can't say how many kilometers there are to him i can only say that our mood is such that when there is an answer in belgorod, and you know, it is correct, in belgad, in boryansk, in voronezh, as soon as it arrives in kharkiv or in kyiv, we definitely have to give it. the answer is, if we don’t have ballistics , let’s go, then there is death or hurricanes, but every step must be answered immediately, because they don’t understand anything else, we are like that, you know, like those rabbits sat for almost 2 years, they beat us, and we can't go there, except for the drones there, which don't carry a big one there load, let's say 30 or 20 kg of that troyol, compared to how a rocket that has 300 circles or half a ton flies here and there, you see, that's why the situation is like this. yes, of course, mr. bohdan, thank you
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, it is necessary to make glass there, to cover all the consequences of the blast wave, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council about this night and morning attack, and the logic is absolutely clear, which we heard from mr. bohdan, those territories, which the russian bolsheviks took from the ukrainian people's republic should become a buffer territories, kursk, bilhorod, whatever we want and do, we will make it a buffer zone. we want , let's move in, well, that's right, yes, well, i liked this logic from mr. bohdan, so they are reporting that there is a shutdown in some areas, but until a complete shutdown, please stay. on the ground, also from the podilsky district of kyiv , the kyiv city state administration reported heavy smoke due to fires caused by the rocket attack. we will ask our colleague kateryna about what is happening in kyiv now, how kyiv is preparing galko she is in touch with us. katya, congratulations. i congratulate you. i hope you can hear me. in the capital
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, the air alert has been going on since almost 5 am. and at first it was a bit calm there, but later explosions started, which were repeated and repeated and repeated, i am in the ugolisiv district, so no smoke can be seen near me, however, i heard explosions, i know that we have debris falling in an open area, thank god , it seems that there are no victims in our area, however, in general , the situation in kyiv is absolutely not optimistic, there is no water supply, including mine, however, there is light for now, and in general we expect blackouts. how loud it was, kateryna, it was quite loud, i tried to be in shelter and even there i could hear the explosions, they were repeated one after the other, daggers, daggers flew and flew. ugh, i'm looking now, but
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they laid out a tear in the darnytsky district of kyi. between the houses, looking at its size, it is quite serious, there was a charge, a weapon, and in the holosiivskyi it was debris, were there, did you hear such powerful explosions on the ground, because their you can even distinguish it from the work by ear, yes, there were several louder explosions, however, it was quite difficult to distinguish whether it was anti-aircraft fire, you could hear, in particular, in addition to the explosions and exits. air defense missiles, however, it is actually quite difficult to distinguish what is flying in the shelter, ugh, the western media are just now showing, well , they posted on their websites what a high-rise building in kyiv looks like as a result of this missile attack, we are verifying the video, how can we confirm it, then we will show our
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viewers, and in general from other districts, that to hear, because you said that... somewhere a gas line was cut off, somewhere the light went out, you have already managed to collect information from different districts of kyiv, and i know that there are many victims in the solomyanskyi district, there were recorded fires in several, it seems, two residential buildings, in the same way , there are residential buildings on fire in pochersk, there are many civilian victims, there are also fires in desnyansky district and darnytskyi district. as we already said that there is a fire there, i also know that there is a fire in a residential building in the obolonskyi district, that is, this massive the missile attack covered almost all the districts of the capital, and an explosion was heard everywhere and almost everywhere, unfortunately, there are consequences, and as far as we understand, all services are now
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working on the ground, is it possible to get there in time, we understand that despite all this there is of course... it's a working day, and many people, often ignoring the danger, still go out on the street. well, yes, even while i was in shelter, there were people who rushed to work, and, even with the rocket, they unfortunately put themselves in danger and went out, tried to find some public transport that will still take them to work, even though there is a subway in the holosivskyi district. in the format of shuttle traffic, the trolleybus and other public ground transport do not run during the alarm. ugh, there were some arguments, i don't know why, why did people ignore the danger and leave the shelter? in fact , i didn't really ask them why they were willing to put themselves in danger, but this is a job, and
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i understand, probably in some sense, that people... lose their jobs now and are therefore ready to go there even in such dangerous conditions . katya, thank you for the information, thank you for your position, for being in hiding and setting an example for others. katya galko from kyiv, our colleague, about the situation in the capital, meanwhile the air force is reporting a repulse, in fact all of ukraine already, except for the south and to the east along... sirila, mykolaiv region, kherson region , zaporizhzhia, dnipropetrovsk region, luhansk region, donetsk region and crimea, of course, are still red, be careful there and, of course, do not ignore the alarm signals if they repeat. this, i understand that we will now be able to move to our other real studio and gather more information and show
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more video footage about how the night and morning ended in a more massive, i understand, in terms of the number of missiles fired, this is the most massive attack since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, it is even more than on the first day, and it is very likely, because over the last few days we've seen 90 rockets, 110 ugh. a huge number of shaheds, and we remember that over the past six months , russia has been stockpiling all these missiles, they almost did not use them for strikes, for shelling, mostly used , used by shaheds, and now we see why they did it for the last week, it's really such massive daily attacks and alarms several times, i see the numbers will grow, because already in kharkiv the regional military says 41 people have also increased. the number of victims, injured in kyiv, because where, our glorious emergency services unblocked a part of the building that was attacked,
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117 people were taken out, and 17 people are now also pulled out from under the blocked parts, so far these are all figures for the wounded, injured will grow, we will duck them this morning. later on our airwaves , we will have the opportunity to ask representatives of the capital about the consequences of what happened, what was flying, what the consequences are, how the situation looks now, what with the victims, we also hope that the air force will tell us about the fact that flew, what was the combination that time, and maybe they will also say where they tried to hit, because those hits on residential buildings... we are the ones who tell what is being done in, as they say, the rear territory of ukraine, meanwhile, after the repulse, we have to
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to talk about, there is now a very high activity of enemy tactical aviation, this is the water area of ​​the sea of ​​azov, this means that the southern regions, as well as the front line , will also be subject to air strikes, yes, well, we are going on a pause, yes, we are going on a pause, i just have to say this before the pause. 810 good russians have become, this is a short pause, then our colleagues from the news department will continue the broadcast, stay with espresso.
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the village of borodyanka is a living testimony of the crimes of the russian federation, like this monument
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to taras shevchenko, she is covered with scars. this is the main street of the village, the central one. in 2022, at the beginning of march, the russians continuously dropped aerial bombs on it for two days in a row. what about your apartment now? completely burned down, completely to... none, nothing, at all, when we went up with the firemen and the police, there was not a single thing there, not a single thing that we could save, not a single one. lyudmila ivanivna lived in one of the high-rise buildings on the central street, this is how her apartment looks today. for example, i have a father, what he regrets most is what he has the photo is already 80 years old, the photos were burned, where the deceased was in her youth. mother, where he was in his youth. nearly fifty civilians died under the rubble of buildings. the russians did not allow to dismantle the rubble and put out fires. and when to rush.
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have already been here, and we asked, the man said, it is possible, there may be some people there after all, to save, gather the boys, they said 50 m from your house, we will shoot and that’s all, and these are the remains of mrs. lily’s house, while the authorities together with donors is looking for opportunities to rebuild it, a woman lives in a modular town. the rooms themselves were fully equipped, now i have everything done in my own way, i love mine. come in, and each room was equipped with similar wardrobes, there were bunk beds. about three hundred people live in this town, they arranged temporary housing as best they could, ms. lilya shares. it was our girl's birthday, we celebrated. well, here the children are playing, you see, a little. on conditions in
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a modular town. the woman doesn't complain and can't wait to live like before, you can live, i can’t say that it’s bad here, but it’s not home, i understand you, but what do they tell you, what are they promising, what about the housing, oh , i know that the tender was passed, i know what’s written, what about in the month of february, our house will begin to, well, the reconstruction of our house will begin, mrs. lily. as well as thousands of other residents of borodyanka will have to suffer, new housing is promised and not soon, today design works are being carried out to replace the destroyed houses, in the first days of the invasion, more than 900 houses were damaged, 400 two, 402 buildings were completely under demolition, that is, they will be dismantled, 306 will
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undergo major repairs, and this building will be called the arch of friendship of peoples, so that everyone remembers what the brotherly love of russians looks like, today it is being demolished , the russians dropped an aerial bomb on it, killing three people, already completely demolished... six apartment buildings, one apartment building is still under demolition, and two more apartment buildings will be partially dismantled. a significant part of the infrastructure facilities is being rebuilt with the efforts of european donors, others - on funds of the central government. 97 objects in the kyiv region are being rebuilt with funds from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression. this is
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vokzalna street in the city of bucha, it is one of the most famous, and here's why: this photo went around the world, it was taken on this very street, one of the first completely destroyed columns of the russian army. for resistance to the occupation , the invaders terrorized civilians and destroyed their homes, such as this building. this is a five-story building that was hit by a shell. between the second and third floors, and led to significant destruction, therefore, we had to do a complete dismantling and now we are engaged in restoration. now in buch, along nivyshtyna, two years ago, the buildings look like new, many local residents restored housing by themselves, others waited for help from the state, restored everything, installed windows, everything,
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glazed balconies, everything. so good, only that, of course, look at all this, we remember the worse situation with the reconstruction in irpen. the occupiers destroyed 3/4 of all infrastructure facilities in the city, the damage was estimated at 750 million dollars. this district in the city was probably the most affected by russian aggression, residential complexes here were shot with hail and aerial bombs. estimates for reconstruction have been approved. only in 2023. two years ago there were high-rise buildings here, now it is a continuous field. banksy's graffiti is all that remains of the phosphorus-burned high-rise. meanwhile, the country's authorities made buchansky district alive.


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