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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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were waiting to see if there would be launches from the black sea, so there were three and three, they were shot down, aimed at critical infrastructure, industrial and military facilities and at civilians, as we have all already observed, let's go for a short cut, just titans of our anti-aircraft forces, that's why that 10 out of 10 daggers are hypersonic missiles, when analog said today.
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is in dire need of fivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade
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of cold yar is in dire need of self-propelled guns to effectively hit the enemy and increase the loss of manpower and non-manpower to the occupiers in order to bring the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory. three. chronicles of the information war with olga len. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. thanks for watching
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espresso. we will remind you that the mass , night and morning attack on ukraine is now continuing along the front line, in the south and the eastern front, and the enemy's artillery and strategic aviation are working . in particular, most of the missiles were directed at the capital, there is smog in some areas, kyiv city state. the administration warns about the high content of harmful substances in the air, so it asks to close the windows, in particular in the podilsky district of kyiv. we are now joining natalya kravtsova, the mother of a prisoner of war defender of mariupol from the azov brigade, to our conversation. glory to ukraine, mrs. natalya. glory to heroes. congratulations. mrs. natalya, one of the first to join the community of women of steel, which unites.
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families of prisoners of war, those who are missing, those who died, those women who waiting from captivity, waiting from the unknown for their sons, men. and ms. natalya and i will actually talk about how life has been for almost two years for many families without sons, without husbands, and whether there is an opportunity to get more information to achieve the liberation of these men. and is there any contact at all with the son who is in captivity? well, i represent, i represent families. the community of the families of the fighters of the zzsp of azov, the defenders of mariupol, who have been held captive by the enemy for the 20th month, unfortunately, there is no information about our we don't have relatives, we don't know where
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they are, we don't know about their whereabouts, we don't know what their condition is, we don't have any information at all, whether these people are alive at all, after... after that, after the end of the defense mariupol in may of the 22nd year, all the defenders of azovstal, this is more, well , about 2,500 people, they were captured, a fifth of them were released during this time, but currently 200, well, almost 200 people of these people are in captivity, there are representatives of various units, including... almost 700 azov residents who are still in prison camps the enemy mrs. natalya, on the eve of our conversation with you, ombudsman lubinets said that the russian occupiers are trying to use the relatives of prisoners of war against ukraine, were there any such attempts
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to get out of their, i don’t know, agents or something else, the russians came out on you, put pressure on you, personally, no, and there are... there are such facts among the relatives of the azov people, i don't know either, but i know that they are trying to reach out to the relatives of other units, well, there they call, make video calls, video calls with, well, precisely for the purpose so that relatives who are in captivity, well they somehow pressured their relatives who are in the controlled part of the territory, huh, but if you compare in... is it a large number or relatively small and according to what criteria, perhaps you have already analyzed in some way they choose who to contact, who to allow to see their sons, husbands ,
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and who doesn't? well, as far as i know, officially the russian side does not give any opportunity to communicate with... to communicate with their families, that is, i can say about which statistics, well, it is generally difficult here, because there are no such statistics, there are some isolated cases, but it is difficult for her against the background of the entire number of people who are in captivity, both civilians and military, and it is difficult to draw any analogy, because these are, well, one by one isolated cases, mrs. natalya, and there is such a one... yes , there is such an international, expensive, meaningless organization called the red cross. how they directly helped you and other relatives of prisoners, what they found out for you, whether they answer your
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requests, in a word, you and the red cross. oh, you know, to hang out with these structures, such as the un and the red cross, which are supposed to... be the guarantors of the preservation of the lives of prisoners, prisoners of war , civilians, must really have nerves of steel, because even the information provided by these organizations is very limited, very lame, we understand that they work in such a mode when they can provide information purely to relatives, that is, they do not make it public, for example, where they were, how many people. they visited, they provide this information directly to their relatives, but this is from our community, which, well, contributes several hundred people, i know only single people there, three three three or four cases, when the red cross just called and said that
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we have visited your family, well, these are hundreds of people who live in the unknown, to me. personally, the red cross called back in march of last year and reported that the russian side confirmed that my son was in captivity, until... may 18, 2022, when he and his unit left azovstal, and so until march 22 there was no information in the 19th year, and there is no such information at the moment either his whereabouts, state of health, and in general nothing is known, and if some relatives do not come across the red christ, for example, with their calls, with their letters, they are very active, who constantly send letters that natal, well, they are encouraged to give them
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an answer on some issues, but no card of the prisoner, which the relatives should have, according to the geneva convention, no more or less some kind of information, which could be more, how to say more recent, yes, that the person was really there for a month - two saw and in which... on condition, this information is simple there is no madam, we are very hopeful , after all, we have heard from the authorities that, well, government agencies that are in contact with prisoners of war, that the red cross at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and now it is two two two big differences, then he is a hundred red cross became more actively involved in all these processes, tries. as if to do something, but in fact we would like to see the results.
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mrs. natalya, i want to ask one short question, cooperation with which structures, with which people, i don't know, the pope, etc. who was effective in reality, which gave some result, well, they applied, they applied, who was the most effective, who was the most effective, and actually, through whom would you advise other women to look for their captives, missing persons? unknown, well, look, in ukraine we communicate, we cooperate with the coordination headquarters for the treatment of military prisoners of war, this is such an auxiliary body, power structures, which, how to say, is such a chain for us, where we can, where we can get consultations, where we can get some information, what concerns... as i understand foreign institutions, people apply to both the un and
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the icrc, and i went to the pope in february of last year and personally handed him a letter on behalf of the soldiers of the mariupol garrison, which was signed in 2, 2.5 days more than 500 people , that is, for him to pay attention to this and somehow as such ... a religious institution, maybe influenced somehow, and i know that the relatives of the gods do a lot of work, they go to various events, raise the issue of prisoners of war, and in the un, in the osce, and in geneva, in the icrc office, that is, all relatives they are trying as much as possible, they are traveling both with the help of the coordination headquarters and on their own initiative, that is, we are trying to do something... and to make it move, so that , first, our relatives return sooner, and
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those who are still are in captivity, there are a lot of them, so that they have normal, i am not talking about any decent conditions, but that they are at least humane, that people are not beaten, not starved, that torture is not applied to them, because when i talk to those who come out of captivity, we see that the situation with ukrainian prisoners of war, it... after, well, it's really blatant. ms. natalya, we thank you, and we thank you for your son, thank you for what you are doing, we wish that your child and children, husbands, and everyone who is waiting will be freed as soon as possible. natalya kravtsova, the mother of a prisoner of war defender of mariupol from the azov brigade, was in touch with us. now a separate regiment, we have to remind you that the azov regiment, in part, the russian one, was destroyed by the fascists with a baric charge in olenivka, where they keep their regime. mykonstaboboru, part of them, we we know from the captives who were managed
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to get out through the turkish border, how they are mocked, starved and tortured. in a word, the gestapo had little to learn from even in the second world war, and its descendants, let's say, in the form of russian chekists, are even scarier, almost, almost reminiscent of an anecdote, you know what is written in the anamnesis of someone who was expelled from the gestapo for being incredibly rude. in front of our eyes, because today in the voronezh region, 150 km from the ukrainian border, the russian fascist invaders bombed the voronezh region, in a word visualized an anecdote about the time to bomb voronezh, this is what remained of one of the streets. well, if you compare it with what
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is happening in our country, it is very, very little. in fact, in kyiv there are already 33 wounded, 32 people. were hospitalized in kharkiv, the number of victims increased to 45, 38 people, including four children, are in hospitals. we are moving on, and our next guest tetyana nikolayenko, a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine, journalist "cenzurnet" is already in contact with us. ms. tatyana, congratulations. good day. if you can say so? unfortunately, unfortunately, it is so difficult to say, but... the topics we will talk about do not contribute to a good mood either, but we must talk about it so that it is possible to reduce the amount of corruption that exists. so, corruption in the procurement of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine is probably the most terrible thing that can be talked about during the war, that is, where they said that this was a painful issue in 22-23 years, but in 24 years, all corruption
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was overcome, so on unfortunately, not yet... not overcome, because there are not yet all the fuses that we would like to have, for sure so that there is no corruption in the purchase of weapons, and from what i know, as a member of the anti-corruption council, as a journalist of censornet, there are constantly such cases when the so-called center is identified with the purchase of certain ammunition, and there are such situations , when ammunition is taken, for example, at the lowest... price of those offers that are available, and even more is taken nearby, but with a slightly higher price, or it is taken in such a way as to cover up corruption, that even the supplier who is ready to supply at the lowest price at a price, for some reason ammunition is bought somewhere at an average price, so that this gap does not look so big. ms. tetyana, we have an urgent
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inclusion of the spokesman of the air force, mr. ignat, if possible, stay with us, we will continue immediately, we will clarify now. information from around kyiv, and we will get back to you right away, yes, with us on yuriya, do you hear us yet, or are you with us? yes i hear you ok good day the results we want to hear from you this night this morning we have already seen the number from the air force but it was surprising three three calibers that we have not heard that they they were fired, that is, it was some kind of last batch of missiles, no, well, about calibers. on the morning broadcast, i participated in the marathon there, and we had information, so he said that the probable launches, because it had already been spotted by radio location, and that’s basically what happened, three or three rockets still flew and were destroyed, they were ready for this defense forces, actually from the southern direction to meet the exact caliber, well, this attack, as we have already published in ourselves, as the commander-in-chief, the commander
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of the air forces, let us know that in fact it is such mirror, as it was on december 29, we saw then... approximately the same, well, not approximately, less today than then, then there were as many as 158, but this is taking into account chess, if here where 99 is added 35 more chessed, then approximately the same and it turns out, we just published the shaheda separately from the very morning, that is, in fact, the attack is the same as it was on december 29 , on the eve of the new year, the only thing is that there are no x22 missiles, but there are caliber missiles, which we started talking about with you. 72 missiles were destroyed, from the 99th, because in addition to cruise missiles, there were also daggers, there were ballistics, these are missiles that fly along the s300 and s400 ballistic trajectories from the north , too, well, actually they were launched
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by the enemy, not everything can be shot down by ballistics and not everywhere, as they say, but 10 daggers is... this is a fantastic result , and tell me, please, this new tactic that they are using now, these maneuvers, when they fly somewhere either to the north or to the west, and then sharply turn to the target, that time it was kyiv, or does it somehow complicate the work of air defense, because we already seem to know that they use such tactics, if only it were for the first time, it may have been somehow unexpected, yes for the defense forces, for those who defend the airspace, well, but in the end today all... the defense forces, and mobile fire groups, and anti-aircraft missile units, and aviation before such turns of events, and to in the end, they are ready for such turns of rockets and... that is why they ensure such a result today, about which the commander said that it is true that everyone does it in his place, shows great stability, courage 24x, without
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rest they do, they shoot down air targets, each is programmed rocket and on each the drone is programmed on the eve of the strike task, there is a certain point of coordinates where it flies there so many degrees to the left, so many to the right, and so by points it can make maneuvers, how many... we still have literally half a minute of time, but tell me please, we we see that patriot shows miracles in the hands of our defenders both in terms of daggers and ballistics, we understand that not all cities of ukraine have patriot batteries that can cover them, how many more such batteries would we need and are they available in our allies, to be brief, well, there are allies a lot of things, but will someone weaken their ... defenses in the bud, well, you understand, you can take from warehouses, you can manufacture storage somewhere, and so on, but believe me, they have been doing this for a very, very
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long time, very large resources are involved, and diplomacy, and our politicians , state leadership, military leadership, well, but not everything is so simple, we have many cities, the question is how many batteries, but if there are two, let’s say, in one direction or another, and how many regions do we have, and about objects for cover are very necessary, so this is necessary... and not only that the patriots are the only ones, the patriots also need to be covered from the same shaheeds, if 100 shaheeds fly to the patriot system, then you understand correctly, we can’t, mr. yuriy, listen, thank you, your person, thank you to all the air forces for this fantastic work , thank you very much for the impressive results, yuriy ignat, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine was with us, and we return to the conversation with tetyana nikolayenko, mrs. tetyana, you are with us.
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fuses? and now we will try with smaller portions, but a lot, or still there is agree on additional fuses with the ministry of defense. i hope that next week , as members of the public anti-corruption council, we will hold a meeting on this matter, and we will talk about the risks that we see and what mechanisms we can apply, because, unfortunately, the head of the specialized agency, who is the ministry of defense, and special importers, they are not very willing to make contacts, realizing that their statutes generally prescribe profit making and, in my opinion , some representatives of such state-owned enterprises do not care a bit about the fact that from what they earn for themselves. we can't buy some other set of ammunition, and the story that happened the week before last, when one of the officials of the ministry of defense was detained, is just about this kind
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of corruption, quite a perverted version of it, because we already tortured the ministry of defense so much by poking their noses contracts with the companies progress and alpha and that there was an obvious margin, and that some sections went for the complicated option. schemes and they did not go directly through the usual buyers of the ministry of defense, they came through the ammunition management, and precisely that's how they paid for the contract , which is a third more expensive than that of the same arms procurement agency, fortunately the security service reacted promptly, detained the official, but did not detain, for example, the representatives of the subsidiary company, because if we see that ah... someone is causing damage of the ministry of defense, someone receives undeserved profits, and it is not even some private manufacturer, but this is a state enterprise, but
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what kind of contracts does tetyana nikolayenko, a member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense of ukraine and the censornet journalist was with us, we have to say goodbye to you on this, have a peaceful, safe day, take care and stay with espresso. attention - an incredible novelty from rozpakuy tv: super warm and very comfortable boots alaska stayle. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will fit like a man. also for women, sizes 36 to 46, so buy two pairs for you and your husband, oven zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. insulating tro. retains heat
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